A4 polytope

Last updated
Orthographic projections
A4 Coxeter plane
4-simplex t0.svg
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png

In 4-dimensional geometry, there are 9 uniform polytopes with A4 symmetry. There is one self-dual regular form, the 5-cell with 5 vertices.



A4 symmetry, or [3,3,3] is order 120, with Conway quaternion notation +1/60[I×I].21. Its abstract structure is the symmetric group S5. Three forms with symmetric Coxeter diagrams have extended symmetry, [[3,3,3]] of order 240, and Conway notation ±1/60[I×I].2, and abstract structure S5×C2.


Each can be visualized as symmetric orthographic projections in Coxeter planes of the A4 Coxeter group, and other subgroups. Three Coxeter plane 2D projections are given, for the A4, A3, A2 Coxeter groups, showing symmetry order 5,4,3, and doubled on even Ak orders to 10,4,6 for symmetric Coxeter diagrams.

The 3D picture are drawn as Schlegel diagram projections, centered on the cell at pos. 3, with a consistent orientation, and the 5 cells at position 0 are shown solid.

Uniform polytopes with A4 symmetry
#Name Coxeter diagram
and Schläfli
Coxeter plane graphs Schlegel diagram Net
Dual tetrahedron
1 5-cell
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
4-simplex t0.svg 4-simplex t0 A3.svg 4-simplex t0 A2.svg Schlegel wireframe 5-cell.png 5-cell net.png
2 rectified 5-cell CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
4-simplex t1.svg 4-simplex t1 A3.svg 4-simplex t1 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid rectified 5-cell.png Rectified pentachoron net.png
3 truncated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
4-simplex t01.svg 4-simplex t01 A3.svg 4-simplex t01 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid truncated pentachoron.png Truncated pentachoral net.png
4 cantellated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
4-simplex t02.svg 4-simplex t02 A3.svg 4-simplex t02 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid cantellated 5-cell.png Small rhombated pentachoron net.png
7 cantitruncated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
4-simplex t012.svg 4-simplex t012 A3.svg 4-simplex t012 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid cantitruncated 5-cell.png Great rhombated pentachoron net.png
8 runcitruncated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
4-simplex t013.svg 4-simplex t013 A3.svg 4-simplex t013 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid runcitruncated 5-cell.png Prismatorhombated pentachoron net.png
Uniform polytopes with extended A4 symmetry
#Name Coxeter diagram
and Schläfli
Coxeter plane graphs Schlegel diagram Net
[[5]] = [10]
[[3]] = [6]
5*runcinated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
4-simplex t03.svg 4-simplex t03 A3.svg 4-simplex t03 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid runcinated 5-cell.png Small prismatodecachoron net.png
6*bitruncated 5-cell
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
4-simplex t12.svg 4-simplex t12 A3.svg 4-simplex t12 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid bitruncated 5-cell.png Decachoron net.png
9*omnitruncated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
4-simplex t0123.svg 4-simplex t0123 A3.svg 4-simplex t0123 A2.svg Schlegel half-solid omnitruncated 5-cell.png Great prismatodecachoron net.png


The coordinates of uniform 4-polytopes with pentachoric symmetry can be generated as permutations of simple integers in 5-space, all in hyperplanes with normal vector (1,1,1,1,1). The A4 Coxeter group is palindromic, so repeated polytopes exist in pairs of dual configurations. There are 3 symmetric positions, and 6 pairs making the total 15 permutations of one or more rings. All 15 are listed here in order of binary arithmetic for clarity of the coordinate generation from the rings in each corresponding Coxeter diagram.

The number of vertices can be deduced here from the permutations of the number of coordinates, peaking at 5 factorial for the omnitruncated form with 5 unique coordinate values.

5-cell truncations in 5-space:
#Base pointName
(symmetric name)
Coxeter diagram Vertices
1(0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
(1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
Trirectified 5-cell
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
2(0, 0, 0, 1, 1)
(1, 1, 1, 0, 0)
Rectified 5-cell
Birectified 5-cell
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
3(0, 0, 0, 1, 2)
(2, 2, 2, 1, 0)
Truncated 5-cell
Tritruncated 5-cell
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
5(0, 1, 1, 1, 2) Runcinated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png205!/(3!)
4(0, 0, 1, 1, 2)
(2, 2, 1, 1, 0)
Cantellated 5-cell
Bicantellated 5-cell
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
6(0, 0, 1, 2, 2) Bitruncated 5-cell CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png305!/(2!2!)
7(0, 0, 1, 2, 3)
(3, 3, 2, 1, 0)
Cantitruncated 5-cell
Bicantitruncated 5-cell
CDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.png
8(0, 1, 1, 2, 3)
(3, 2, 2, 1, 0)
Runcitruncated 5-cell
Runcicantellated 5-cell
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png
9(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) Omnitruncated 5-cell CDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.pngCDel 3.pngCDel node 1.png1205!

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