Demographics of Guinea

Last updated

Demographics of Guinea
Guinea single age population pyramid 2020.png
Population pyramid of Guinea in 2020
Population13,237,832 (2022 est.)
Growth rate2.76% (2022 est.)
Birth rate35.67 births/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Death rate8.12 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Life expectancy63.9 years
  male62.04 years
  female65.82 years
Fertility rate4.85 children born/woman (2022 est.)
Infant mortality rate49.63 deaths/1,000 live births
Net migration rate0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Age structure
0–14 years41.2%
65 and over3.91%
Sex ratio
Total1 male(s)/female (2022 est.)
At birth1.03 male(s)/female
Under 151.02 male(s)/female
65 and over0.68 male(s)/female

Demographics of Guinea describes the condition and overview of Guinea's peoples. Demographic topics include basic education, health, and population statistics as well as identified racial and religious affiliations.



Guinea's total population, from 1961 to 2003. Guinea's population came close to tripling in forty years. Guinea demography.png
Guinea's total population, from 1961 to 2003. Guinea's population came close to tripling in forty years.
Population, fertility rate and net reproduction rate, United Nations estimates Guinea Population 1950-2021 Forecast 2022-2032 UN World Population Prospects 2022.svg
Population, fertility rate and net reproduction rate, United Nations estimates

According to the 2022 revision of the World Population Prospects [1] [2] the total population was 13,531,906 in 2021, compared to only 3 094 000 in 1950. The proportion of children below the age of 15 in 2010 was 42.9%, 53.8% was between 15 and 65 years of age, while 3.3% was 65 years or older . [3]

Total populationPopulation aged 0–14 (%)Population aged 15–64 (%)Population aged 65+ (%)
19503 094 00037.157.65.3
19553 300 00038.657.04.4
19603 541 00040.056.23.8
19653 823 00041.854.93.4
19704 154 00042.254.63.2
19754 287 00042.654.33.1
19804 407 00043.353.53.2
19854 924 00043.952.83.3
19905 759 00044.452.33.3
19957 565 00044.652.13.3
20008 344 00044.252.43.3
20059 041 00043.653.03.3
20109 982 00042.953.83.3

Population Estimates by Sex and Age Group (01.VII.2020) (Population in households only. Post-censal estimates.): [4]

Age GroupMaleFemaleTotal%
Total6 091 8476 467 77612 559 623100
0–41 037 2801 022 1532 059 43316.40
5–9959 509929 1851 888 69415.04
10–14822 307806 4881 628 79512.97
15–19657 907666 4431 324 35010.54
20–24528 044567 6321 095 6768.72
25–29417 642512 403930 0457.41
30–34339 033443 928782 9626.23
35–39275 317357 350632 6675.04
40–44228 609289 300517 9094.12
45–49192 971228 709421 6803.36
50–54162 513181 040343 5532.74
55–59135 604137 422273 0252.17
60–64110 535105 633216 1681.72
65–6985 96381 143167 1061.33
70–7462 16859 044121 2120.97
75–7939 99339 33879 3310.63
80+36 45340 56577 0180.61
Age groupMaleFemaleTotalPercent
0–142 819 0962 757 8265 576 92244.40
15–643 048 1743 489 8606 538 03452.06
65+224 577220 090444 6673.54

Vital statistics

Registration of vital events is in Guinea not complete. The website Our World in Data prepared the following estimates based on statistics from the Population Department of the United Nations. [5]

Mid-year population (thousands)Live births (thousands)Deaths (thousands)Natural change (thousands)Crude birth rate (per 1000)Crude death rate (per 1000)Natural change (per 1000) Total fertility rate (TFR) Infant mortality (per 1000 live births) Life expectancy (in years)
19502 984  135  85  4945.028.616.45.97202.735.55
1951  3 032  137  88  4945.
1952  3 081  139  90  4945.
1953  3 131  142  92  5045.329.316.06.01202.335.67
1954  3 182  145  93  5145.429.316.16.02201.935.73
1955  3 234  147  94  5345.529.116.36.04201.535.90
1956  3 288  150  96  5445.529.116.56.05200.935.97
1957  3 342  152  97  5645.629.016.66.07200.236.06
1958  3 399  155  98  5745.628.816.96.08199.336.25
1959  3 457  158  99  5945.628.617.06.10198.336.36
1960  3 517  161  100  6145.728.417.36.11197.336.55
1961  3 579  164  101  6345.728.117.56.13196.136.75
1962  3 642  166  102  6545.727.917.76.14194.936.91
1963  3 708  169  102  6745.627.618.06.15193.737.16
1964  3 776  172  103  6845.527.418.16.17192.437.34
1965  3 845  175  104  7145.527.118.46.18191.137.60
1966  3 917  178  105  7345.426.818.66.19189.737.84
1967  3 991  181  106  7545.326.518.86.20188.238.12
1968  4 067  184  106  7845.326.119.36.21186.838.56
1969  4 145  188  107  8145.325.919.46.23185.338.72
1970  4 222  192  108  8445.425.619.86.24183.939.01
1971  4 298  195  109  8645.425.320.16.26182.339.31
1972  4 372  199  110  8945.425.020.46.28180.739.67
1973  4 445  202  111  9245.424.920.66.31179.039.89
1974  4 517  205  112  9445.424.620.76.34177.240.14
1975  4 588  209  112  9745.324.321.16.37175.340.59
1976  4 659  212  112  10045.323.921.46.40173.241.02
1977  4 730  216  112  10445.423.621.86.43170.941.41
1978  4 805  220  112  10845.523.222.36.47168.641.90
1979  4 885  225  112  11345.922.923.06.54166.242.39
1980  4 973  229  112  11645.922.523.36.54163.842.88
1981  5 067  233  113  12045.922.223.76.56161.443.32
1982  5 171  239  113  12646.121.824.36.58159.143.93
1983  5 282  244  114  13146.121.524.76.59156.844.38
1984  5 402  250  114  13646.
1985  5 532  256  114  14246.320.725.66.61152.045.52
1986  5 671  263  116  14846.420.426.06.64149.745.92
1987  5 821  271  117  15446.620.026.56.67147.446.42
1988  5 977  278  119  15946.519.926.76.66145.046.59
1989  6 136  285  121  16446.519.726.86.66142.446.85
1990  6 354  292  123  16946.319.526.86.63139.647.00
1991  6 616  305  126  18046.419.127.36.59136.647.55
1992  6 832  316  126  19046.218.527.86.55133.448.36
1993  7 046  322  126  19645.918.027.96.49129.948.96
1994  7 262  328  129  19945.217.727.46.41126.649.17
1995  7 468  331  128  20444.417.127.36.34123.049.87
1996  7 683  340  127  21344.216.627.76.25119.150.54
1997  7 843  345  126  21943.715.927.86.16115.551.36
1998  7 993  342  123  21942.715.427.36.08111.952.05
1999  8 175  346  123  22342.
2000  8 337  349  124  22541.614.826.85.94104.452.48
2001  8 446  349  124  22641.014.526.55.85100.852.66
2002  8 578  348  121  22740.514.126.55.7997.353.28
2003  8 772  353  121  23240.113.726.45.7494.053.68
2004  8 961  359  120  23939.913.426.55.7291.054.12
2005  9 140  366  120  24739.913.026.95.7088.454.63
2006  9 331  373  119  25439.812.727.15.6686.055.11
2007  9 547  381  119  26239.812.427.45.6284.055.55
2008  9 780  390  119  27139.812.127.65.5682.056.04
2009  10 021  399  120  27939.711.927.85.5180.456.35
2010  10 271  405  120  28539.411.727.75.4078.856.72
2011  10 528  410  121  28938.911.527.55.3077.457.02
2012  10 789  415  121  29438.411.227.25.2076.157.41
2013  11 055  422  121  30138.110.927.25.1274.857.79
2014  11 333  430  123  30737.910.927.05.0573.957.89
2015  11 626  441  125  31637.910.727.25.0272.758.13
2016  11 931  446  124  32337.410.427.04.9371.258.76
2017  12 241  449  124  32536.610.126.54.7970.159.11
2018  12 555  451  125  32635.99.926.04.6768.859.35
2019  12 878  456  125  33135.49.725.74.5867.459.72
2020  13 371  475  13334235.59.925.64.4966.059.4
2021  13 711  480  135  34535.09.825.24.4069.759.4
2022  14 055  483  131  35334.49.325.14.3066.960.4
2023  14 405  488  131  35633.

Demographic and Health Surveys

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) (Wanted Fertility Rate) and Crude Birth Rate (CBR): [6] [7]

YearCBR (Total)TFR (Total)CBR (Urban)TFR (Urban)CBR (Rural)TFR (Rural)
1992415.67 (5.1)375.18 (4.5)425.89 (5.3)
199936.95.5 (5.0)32.94.4 (3.8)38.46.1 (5.6)
200538.45.7 (5.1)31.84.4 (3.9)40.86.3 (5.7)
2012345.1 (4.6)29.43.836.15.8
201833.64.8 (4.3)29.43.8 (3.4)35.85.5 (4.9)

Fertility data as of 2012 and 2018 (DHS Program): [8]

Administrative regionTotal fertility rate (2012)Total fertility rate (2018)Percentage of women age 15-49 currently pregnant (2012)Percentage of women age 15-49 currently pregnant (2018)Mean number of children ever born to women age 40-49 (2012)Mean number of children ever born to women age 40-49 (2018)
Boké 4.74.814.
Faranah 5.85.811.610.56.75.8
Kankan 6.96.514.413.66.96.9
N'Zérékoré 5.14.511.

Life expectancy

PeriodLife expectancy in
Years [9]
1955–1960Increase2.svg 34.33
1960–1965Increase2.svg 35.38
1965–1970Increase2.svg 36.14
1970–1975Increase2.svg 37.43
1975–1980Increase2.svg 39.87
1980–1985Increase2.svg 43.05
1985–1990Increase2.svg 47.92
1990–1995Increase2.svg 51.28
1995–2000Increase2.svg 51.61
2000–2005Decrease2.svg 51.31
2005–2010Increase2.svg 55.45
2010–2015Increase2.svg 57.93

Ethnic groups



French (official), each ethnic group has its own language. [12]

Other languages have established Latin orthographies that are used somewhat, notably for Susu and Maninka. The N'Ko script is increasingly used on a grassroots level for the Maninka language.


Muslim 86.8%, Christian 3.52%, Indigenous beliefs 9.42%, Buddhist 0.5%, no religious beliefs 0.1% (2020). [13]


  1. "World Population Prospects 2022". United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Retrieved July 17, 2022.
  2. "World Population Prospects 2022: Demographic indicators by region, subregion and country, annually for 1950-2100" (XSLX) ("Total Population, as of 1 July (thousands)"). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Retrieved July 17, 2022.
  3. "Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision".
  4. "UNSD — Demographic and Social Statistics".
  5. "Population & Demography Data Explorer". Our World in Data. Retrieved 2022-07-22.
  6. "MEASURE DHS: Demographic and Health Surveys".
  7. Guinea MIS, 2021 - Final Report (French)
  8. "Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à Indicateurs Multiples (EDS-MICS) 2012" (PDF). Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à Indicateurs Multiples. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2014-07-10.
  9. "World Population Prospects - Population Division - United Nations". Retrieved 2018-08-26.
  10. "Guinea". Minority Rights Group .
  11. "The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency". Retrieved 26 December 2020.
  12. "Africa :::GUINEA". CIA The World Factbook. 14 April 2022.
  13. World Religions Database at the ARDA website, retrieved 2023-08-03

PD-icon.svg This article incorporates public domain material from The World Factbook (2025 ed.). CIA.  (Archived 2007 edition.)