Demographics of Eswatini

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Demographics of Eswatini
Eswatini single age population pyramid 2020.png
Population pyramid of Eswatini in 2020
Population1,121,761 (2022 est.)
Growth rate0.75% (2022 est.)
Birth rate23.35 births/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Death rate9.71 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Life expectancy59.69 years
  male57.62 years
  female61.81 years
Fertility rate2.44 children born/woman (2022 est.)
Infant mortality rate39.63 deaths/1,000 live births
Net migration rate-6.16 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Age structure
0–14 years33.63%
65 and over3.83%
Sex ratio
Total0.9 male(s)/female (2022 est.)
At birth1.03 male(s)/female
Under 151 male(s)/female
65 and over0.48 male(s)/female
OfficialEnglish, siSwati

Demographic features of the population of Eswatini include population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.


The majority of Eswatini's population is ethnic Swazi, mixed with a small number of Zulus and white Africans, predominantly of British and Afrikaner origin. This population also includes a small segment within it that is mixed with any number of these ancestries.

Traditionally Swazis have been subsistence farmers and herders, but most now work in the growing urban formal economy and in government. Some Swazis work in the mines in South Africa. Eswatini also received Portuguese settlers and black refugees from Mozambique. Christianity in Eswatini is sometimes mixed with traditional beliefs and practices. Most Swazis ascribe a special spiritual role to the Swazi Royal Family.

The country's official languages are Siswati (a language related to Zulu) and English. Government and commercial business is conducted mainly in English. Asians, Afrikaners, Portuguese, and black Mozambicans speak their own languages.


Demographics of Eswatini, Data of UNDESA (Population Division), year 2019; Number of inhabitants in thousands. Eswatini-demography.svg
Demographics of Eswatini, Data of UNDESA (Population Division), year 2019; Number of inhabitants in thousands.

Eswatini's population is 1,113,276 according to the July 2021 estimate from the CIA World Factbook. The 2007 Census put the nation's population at 912,229. This number is lower than the 1997 Census, which gave 929,718 residents. The small difference is believed to be the result of massive emigration of Swazis to South Africa in search of work. [1]

According to the 2010 revision of the World Population Prospects the total population was 1,186,000 in 2010, compared to only 273,000 in 1950. The proportion of children below the age of 15 in 2010 was 38.4%, 58.2% was between 15 and 65 years of age, while 3.4% was 65 years or older . [2]

YearTotal populationPopulation percentage
aged 0–14aged 15–64aged 65+
1950273 000
1955307 000
1960349 000
1965392 000
1970446 000
1975517 000
1980603 000
1985706 000
1990863 000
1995964 000
20001 064 000
20051 105 000
20101 186 000

Population by Sex and Age Group (Census 29.IV.2017): [3]

Age GroupMaleFemaleTotal%
Total531 111562 1271 093 238100
0–465 21864 990130 20811.91
5–965 10964 719129 82811.88
10–1463 78363 654127 43711.66
15–1960 95559 213120 16810.99
20–2452 28054 236106 5169.74
25–2946 55150 18896 7398.85
30–3442 14844 22286 3707.90
35–3933 44333 53866 9816.13
40–4424 42825 26849 6964.55
45–4919 19422 08441 2783.78
50–5414 09418 72432 8183.00
55–5912 06215 75427 8162.54
60–6410 05912 81022 8692.09
65-697 32210 03717 3591.59
70-744 9988 25613 2541.21
75-793 4845 6649 1480.84
80+2 8466 1939 0390.83
Age groupMaleFemaleTotalPercent
0–14194 110193 363387 47335.44
15–64315 214336 037651 25159.57
65+18 65030 15048 8004.46
Unknown3 1372 5775 7140.52

Vital statistics

Registration of vital events in Eswatini is not complete. The Population Department of the United Nations prepared the following estimates. [2]

PeriodLive births per yearDeaths per yearNatural change per yearCBR*CDR*NC*TFR*IMR*
1950-195514 0007 0007 00048.122.625.56.70174
1955-196016 0007 0009 00047.620.826.86.70160
1960-196518 0007 00010 00047.919.628.26.75150
1965-197020 0008 00013 00049.018.530.46.85141
1970-197524 0008 00016 00049.316.432.96.87124
1975-198027 0008 00019 00048.514.234.26.73108
1980-198531 0008 00023 00047.712.035.76.5490
1985-199036 0008 00028 00046.110.335.86.1377
1990-199536 0009 00028 00039.99.430.45.3069
1995-200035 00012 00022 00034.111.922.14.4980
2000-200534 00017 00017 00031.815.716.14.0187
2005-201034 00017 00017 00030.114.915.23.5776
* CBR = crude birth rate (per 1000); CDR = crude death rate (per 1000); NC = natural change (per 1000); IMR = infant mortality rate per 1000 births; TFR = total fertility rate (number of children per woman)

Demographic and Health Surveys

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) (Wanted Fertility Rate) and Crude Birth Rate (CBR): [4]

2006-200731,13,8 (2,1)31,93,0 (1,8)31,04,2 (2,2)

Life expectancy at birth

Life expectancy from 1950 to 2015 (UN World Population Prospects): [5]

PeriodLife expectancy in
1955–1960Increase2.svg 43.47
1960–1965Increase2.svg 45.05
1965–1970Increase2.svg 46.69
1970–1975Increase2.svg 49.61
1975–1980Increase2.svg 52.61
1980–1985Increase2.svg 56.15
1985–1990Increase2.svg 59.66
1990–1995Decrease2.svg 59.44
1995–2000Decrease2.svg 52.50
2000–2005Decrease2.svg 45.93
2005–2010Increase2.svg 48.41
2010–2015Increase2.svg 54.99

Ethnic groups

Swazi people dancing in a cultural village show. Swazis dancing in a cultural village show in Eswatini, 2006.jpg
Swazi people dancing in a cultural village show.



Christian 90% (Zionist - a blend of Christianity and indigenous ancestral worship - 40%, Roman Catholic 20%, other 30% - includes Anglican, Methodist, Church of Jesus Christ, Jehovah's Witness), Muslim 2%, other 8% (includes Baha'i, Buddhist, Hindu, indigenous, Jewish) (2015 est.)

See also


  1. Nolen, Stephanie (2009-04-03). "Where have all the Swazis gone?". The Globe and Mail . Archived from the original on December 26, 2015. Retrieved 2015-12-26.
  2. 1 2 "World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision" (PDF) (Press release). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. 2011-05-03. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-05-06.
  3. "UNSD — Demographic and Social Statistics".
  5. "World Population Prospects – Population Division – United Nations". Archived from the original on 2016-09-19. Retrieved 2017-07-15.
  6. "SWAZILAND: General data". Archived from the original on 2018-05-29. Retrieved 2018-04-23.
  7. "Africa :: ESWATINI". CIA The World Factbook. Retrieved 12 September 2018.

PD-icon.svg This article incorporates public domain material from The World Factbook. CIA.

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