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12CA5 Fv-clasp fragment (green, cyan) with its antigen peptide, YPYDVPDYA (magenta), which is used as HA tag. Image created with PyMOL from PDB: 5XCS . HA tag.png
12CA5 Fv-clasp fragment (green, cyan) with its antigen peptide, YPYDVPDYA (magenta), which is used as HA tag. Image created with PyMOL from PDB: 5XCS .

The HA-tag is a protein tag derived from the human influenza hemagglutinin (HA) protein, which allows the virus to target and enter host cells. An HA-tag is composed of a peptide derived from the HA-molecule corresponding to amino acids 98-106, which can be recognized and selectively bound by commercially available antibodies. This makes HA a powerful tool in molecular biology, commonly included in expression vectors and in the production of recombinant proteins. [1] Like other epitope tags, HA-tag is small and generally does not alter the traits of proteins it is attached to. [2] As a result HA-tags are often used to identify protein-protein interactions or to detect protein expression, using Co-Immunoprecipitation or Western blot respectively. [3] [4]


The HA-tag is not suitable for detection or purification of proteins from apoptotic cells since it is cleaved by Caspase-3 and / or Caspase-7 after its sequence DVPD, causing it to lose its immunoreactivity. [5] Labeling of endogenous proteins with HA-tag using CRISPR was recently accomplished in-vivo in differentiated neurons. [6]


The DNA sequences for the HA-tag include: 5'-TAC-CCA-TAC-GAT-GTT-CCA-GAT-TAC-GCT-3' or 5'-TAT-CCA-TAT-GAT-GTT-CCA-GAT-TAT-GCT-3'. The resulting amino acid sequence is YPYDVPDYA (Tyr-Pro-Tyr-Asp-Val-Pro-Asp-Tyr-Ala). [7]

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  1. Field J, Nikawa J, Broek D, MacDonald B, Rodgers L, Wilson IA, Lerner RA, Wigler M (1988). "Purification of a RAS-responsive adenylyl cyclase complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by use of an epitope addition method". Mol Cell Biol. 8 (5): 2159–65. doi:10.1128/mcb.8.5.2159-2165.1988. PMC   363397 . PMID   2455217.
  2. Kimple, Michelle E.; Brill, Allison L.; Pasker, Renee L. (2013-09-24). "Overview of Affinity Tags for Protein Purification". Current Protocols in Protein Science. 73: Unit–9.9. doi:10.1002/0471140864.ps0909s73. ISSN   1934-3655. PMC   4527311 . PMID   24510596.
  3. "Anti-HA Tag Antibody Updated 28/10/2021". Merck Millipore.
  4. "Overview of Epitope Tagging - US". www.thermofisher.com. Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  5. Schembri L, Dalibart R, Tomasello F, Legembre P, Ichas F, De Giorgi F (February 2007). "The HA tag is cleaved and loses immunoreactivity during apoptosis". Nature Methods. 4 (2): 107–8. doi:10.1038/nmeth0207-107. PMID   17264856. S2CID   32173039.
  6. Mikuni T, Nishiyama J, Sun Y, Kamasawa N, Yasuda R (2016). "High Throughput, High Resolution Mapping of Protein Localization in Mammalian Brain by In Vivo Genome Editing". Cell. 165 (7): 1803–1817. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2016.04.044. PMC   4912470 . PMID   27180908.
  7. "Addgene: HA-tag". www.addgene.org. Retrieved 2024-07-25.

Further reading