International reactions to the Euromaidan

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Below are the foreign reactions to the Euromaidan . [nb 1] Euromaidan was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine that began on the night of 21 November 2013 after the Ukrainian government suspended preparations for signing an Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. [4]


Toronto Euromaidan rally on December 15, 2013 Euromaidan Toronto Dec 15, 2013 2.JPG
Toronto Euromaidan rally on December 15, 2013
Vitali Klitschko, Leonid Slutsky and Irakli Garibashvili at the 50th Munich Security Conference 2014. MSC 2014 Klychko-Slutsky-Garibashvili Kleinschmidt MSC2014.jpg
Vitali Klitschko, Leonid Slutsky and Irakli Garibashvili at the 50th Munich Security Conference 2014.

Official reactions

Supranational organisations

On 30 November, Štefan Füle and EU High Representative Catherine Ashton released a joint statement condemning "the excessive use of force last night by the police in Kyiv to disperse peaceful protesters, who over the last days in a strong and unprecedented manner have expressed their support for Ukraine's political association and economic integration with the EU." [7]
Interfax-Ukraine reported on 9 December that staff of the European Union delegation were present at the rallies on Maidan Nezalezhnosti "monitoring developments there". [8]
President of the European Parliament published a tweet on 9 December that stated "I hope Yanukovych ends his own version of the winter games and starts listening to the legitimate voices coming from Maidan". [9]
Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group in the European Parliament, claimed mid January 2014 that Euromaidan "is the largest pro-European demonstration in the history of the European Union". [10]

International organisations

On 3 December, a meeting of the foreign ministers of NATO member states issued a statement condemning "the use of excessive force against peaceful demonstrators in Ukraine" and requested that "all parties [...] refrain from provocations and violence." The assembled ministers "urge Ukraine, as the holder of the Chairmanship in Office of the OSCE, to fully abide by its international commitments and to uphold the freedom of expression and assembly. We urge the government and the opposition to engage in dialogue and launch a reform process." Furthermore, "Our [NATO–Ukraine] partnership will continue on the basis of the values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law." [14]


On 4 December, Foreign Minister Baird met with "opposition officials and civil society representatives" while in Kyiv for the OSCE security group summit and stated the Canadian government is "engaged here because Ukraine matters, because Canada believes in the values of the Ukrainian people and we want to do all we can to support them in their aspirations. [...] We believe the decision represents a significant lost opportunity in Ukraine's path towards strengthened democratic development and economic prosperity", concluding that Canada is "committed to work with the people of Ukraine in its democratic development and that's a long-term commitment." [20] Baird also reaffirmed that the Canadian government would send "two dozen" election observers to the 15 December repeat elections to the Verkhovna Rada. [20] On 5 December, before leaving Kyiv, John Baird visited the Euromaidan protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti. [21]
While in Pretoria to view the lying in state of Nelson Mandela on 11 December, Prime Minister Stephen Harper released a statement condemning the actions of the Berkut against the Euromaidan protesters early that morning as "undemocratic and excessive" [22] [23] and "particularly troubling". [22] [23] In the statement, Harper said "Canada and the international community expect Ukrainian authorities to respect and protect the rights of its citizens, including the right to express their opinions freely", [22] adding "Canada stands with the Ukrainian people during this difficult time and we will continue to forcefully oppose all efforts to repress their rights and freedoms", [23] concluding that the Canadian government "and like minded allies will be monitoring developments closely and considering all options at our disposal." [23]
Ukrainian opposition leader Vitali Klitschko meeting German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the Munich Security Conference 2014. MSC 2014 Klychko-Steinmeier3 Mueller MSC2014.jpg
Ukrainian opposition leader Vitali Klitschko meeting German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the Munich Security Conference 2014.
On 18 December, the day after a financial agreement between Ukraine and Russia was signed, Merkel stated "The offer remains on the table" and the new Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated "It is utterly scandalous how Russia used Ukraine's economic problems for its own ends, as well as to prevent the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU... Of course, violent actions of the Ukrainian security forces against peaceful demonstrators were also scandalous". [29]
On 4 February 2014, Steinmeier said in an interview with ARD that if the Ukrainian authorities do not find a political solution to the crisis "I think we must now show sanctions as a threat [against Ukraine]". [30]
In March 2014 Žygimantas Pavilionis, the Lithuanian ambassador to the United States, said in an interview for the LRT TV programme "Savaitė", that "After all, what happened in Ukraine's Maidan and generally in the whole country, I personally call the second demolition of the Berlin Wall. For the first time the Slavic state defended the right to freedom entirely voluntarily. This is a serious transformation and serious hope that living in the East and in the West will be the same. I strongly believe that Russia, which is a European country, the Russians as a part of the European civilization, sooner or later will follow this path." [35]
On 4 February 2014, Sikorski said in an interview with Die Presse that "While the dialogue continues in Ukraine, we should not apply sanctions under any circumstances"; but added that existing EU anti-corruption laws could be used to "verify the origin of funds of politically exposed persons". [36]
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on 5 December "other nations should not interfere in Ukraine's political turmoil". [42]
The State Duma adopted a resolution on 12 December, saying "Unauthorized meetings, the siege of agencies of state power, seizures of administrative buildings, rampages, and destruction of the monuments of history lead up to a destabilization in the country and are fraught with ominous economic and political consequences for the people of Ukraine. Overt interference of foreign officials in the affairs of the sovereign Ukraine that stands at variance with any international norms causes particular concern. Some Western politicians who address oppositionist meetings make explicit calls for revolting against the decisions passed by the legitimately elected authorities of the country. They thus make a destructive contribution to the deterioration of the political situation". [43]
During his (12 December) 2013 annual address to the Federal Assembly of Russia, President Putin stated he hoped Ukraine would find a political solution to the current crisis and when speaking about Ukraine's joining the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia he stated "We do not push anything on anyone but if our friends have a wish to work together, then we are prepared to continue this work at the level of experts". [44] [nb 2]
On 12 December, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned of a "tectonic split" threatening the existence of Ukraine as a state. [46]
On 14 December, Foreign Minister Lavrov stated in an interview with Russia-24 that Euromaidan "doesn't fit into the framework of normal human analysis. I have no doubt that provocateurs are behind it. The fact that our Western partners seem to have lost their sense of reality makes me very sad". [47] He also alluded that the western world reactions to the protest had been ideological: "Those who... set severing our neighbours from us – even if it was artificial and by using blackmail – as the main goal of the eastern partnership project saw that it's not that easy". [47]
On 21 December 2013, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that "Members of several European governments rushed to the Maidan without any invitation and took part in anti-government demonstrations" and that it "is simply indecent." In reference to the recent violence, Lavrov said the "situation is getting out of control". [48]
On 3 February 2014, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated "We expect the opposition in Ukraine to avoid threats and ultimatums and step up dialogue with the authorities in order to finding a constitutional way out of the country's deep crisis". [49]
Ukrainian opposition leaders Petro Poroshenko, Vitali Klitschko and Arseniy Yatsenyuk meeting United States Secretary of State John Kerry at the Munich Security Conference 2014. MSC 2014 Klychko-Kerry-Yatsenyuk Mueller MSC2014.jpg
Ukrainian opposition leaders Petro Poroshenko, Vitali Klitschko and Arseniy Yatsenyuk meeting United States Secretary of State John Kerry at the Munich Security Conference 2014.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry places roses atop the Shrine of the Fallen in Kyiv Secretary Kerry Places Roses Atop the Shrine of the Fallen in Kyiv (12929488355).jpg
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry places roses atop the Shrine of the Fallen in Kyiv
United States Secretary of State John Kerry issued a statement on the morning of 11 December during the clashes between police and protesters, saying "For weeks, we have called on President Yanukovych and his government to listen to the voices of his people who want peace, justice and a European future," Kerry said. "Instead, Ukraine's leaders appear tonight to have made a very different choice. We call for utmost restraint. Human life must be protected. Ukrainian authorities bear full responsibility for the security of the Ukrainian people. As church bells ring tonight amidst the smoke in the streets of Kyiv, the United States stands with the people of Ukraine. They deserve better." [58]
U.S. President Barack Obama said that America hopes that negotiations with Ukraine's officials and political opposition will lead to "some sort of democratic process that creates a government with greater legitimacy and unity." [59] Following the success of the uprising, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated that the United States had "invested" $5 billion to bring about a "secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine." [60]

Unofficial reactions

Leaked US State Department phone call

On 4 February 2014, [61] a YouTube post [62] revealed a phone conversation between Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Geoffrey R. Pyatt, United States Ambassador to Ukraine, in which Nuland, referring to Vitali Klitschko as 'Klitsch' and Arseniy Yatsenyuk as 'Yats', stated "I don't think Klitsch should go into the government. I don't think it's necessary. I don't think it's a good idea... I think Yats is the guy... ." Nuland went on to state that Robert Serry and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will be used to put pressure on Ukrainian leaders, including the opposition, to circumvent the EU, specifically Nuland exclaimed "and, you know, fuck the E.U." [63]

Fight in Georgian parliament

In December 2013, a proposal of opposition deputy Giorgi Baramidze in the Parliament of Georgia "to encourage supporters of Ukraine's European integration with a special resolution and to condemn the violence on participants of peaceful rallies in Kiev" was met by counter demands by representatives of the parliamentary majority "that deputies of the former ruling party United National Movement should give a political assessment of forceful dispersals of the Georgian opposition rallies in Tbilisi in 2007 and 2011". [64] The dispute between deputies escalated into a brawl, in which no one sustained serious injuries. [64] On 21 February 2014, during President Giorgi Margvelashvili's annual address, the Georgian lawmakers observed a minute of silence to honor the victims of violence in Kyiv, with the Ukrainian flags on display on the desks of many members of the parliament. [65]

Non-governmental organisations

Non-Ukrainian political parties and politicians

Religious leaders

Solidarity demonstrations and protests

Euromaidans worldwide

Smaller protests or Euromaidans were also organized starting on 24 November by Ukrainians and local citizens of Ukrainian descent in countries such as Poland, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Austria, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, the United States and Canada. [91] More than one hundred Ukrainians had gathered in Prague to support Euromaidan in Ukraine. [92] Conspicuously absent were non Ukrainian radical leftist organized demonstrations supporting Euromaidan. [93]

Similar events were reported on 26 November in Warsaw, [94] Kraków, [95] Łódź, [96] Poznań, [97] Wrocław, [98] Katowice, [99] Lublin, [100] Rzeszów, [100] Olsztyn, [101] Elbląg, [102] Zamość, [103] Biały Bór, [104] London, Paris, Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Budapest, Oslo, Bergen, Stockholm, Malmö, Lund, Vienna, Bratislava, Vilnius, [105] Tbilisi, Toronto (150), [106] Winnipeg (100+), [107] Saskatoon, [108] Edmonton (150), [109] Cleveland (Parma), [110] Sofia, [111] and The Hague. [112] Simultaneous support events were organized by Baltic nationalist youth movements on 3 December in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. [113] And one in Amsterdam on 7 December. [114]

In Vienna, hundreds came with banners to support the rapprochement between Ukraine and the EU. In London, the gathered Ukrainian community chanted the slogan "Ukraine to Europe". [91]

In Sofia, Ukrainians in Bulgaria and Bulgarian citizens have called a rally for 27 November in support of pro-EU protesters in Ukraine. Bulgarian organizers have suggested a bond between Ukrainian protesters and anti-government protesters in Bulgaria, who have been calling for the resignation of left-wing PM Plamen Oresharski since mid-June. According to them, both nations must unite against "ever-hungry oligarchs who forcibly push us towards Russia." [111]

In Armenia, on 2 December, hundreds of people marched through the capital Yerevan to denounce a visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin and to express their solidarity with the pro-European rallies in Ukraine. [115] [nb 4] Local media reported that 100 participants were arrested by police. [115]

On 1 and 2 December, rallies were held in several Canadian cities, including Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton (250 protesters), [116] Saskatoon (100+), [117] Regina, [118] Winnipeg, [119] Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. [72] Protests were also held in the American cities of New York City (200+) [120] Chicago (200+), [121] Philadelphia (40), [122] Miami (50), [123] [124] and Warren, Michigan [125] (bordering Detroit).

On 8 December, Euromaidan solidarity rallies occurred in many North American cities, including New York (1000+), San Francisco (500+), [126] Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Miami, San Diego. [127] On 30 December, Niagara Falls was lit blue and yellow while a rally was held. [128]

In Tashkent on 27 January, several activists gathered in front of Ukrainian embassy, supporting Euromaidan, waving flags of Ukraine, Georgia and Ukrainian Insurgent Army. They were detained by police. [129]

Polish and Ukrainian human chain

On 29 November 2013, on the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing in Medyka, Poles and Ukrainians created a human chain as a symbol of a solidarity between the two nations, and as a sign of support for pro-EU protesters in Ukraine. [130]

Demonstrations supporting Euromaidan in Russia

On 2 December, supporters picketed the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow holding a banner reading "Ukraine, we are with you". 11 participants, including Yaroslavl Oblast Legislative Assembly member Boris Nemtsov, were detained by police [81] and later released on grounds of "violating procedure". [131] [132] On 5 December, a rally in support of Euromaidan was also held in St. Petersburg. [133]

Illumination of buildings

In December 2013, Warsaw's Palace of Culture and Science, [134] Buffalo Electric Vehicle Company Tower in Buffalo, [135] Cira Centre in Philadelphia, [136] and the Tbilisi City Assembly in Georgia [137] were illuminated in blue and yellow as a symbol of solidarity with Ukraine.

Political experts

Russian media

When the existence of protests could no longer be denied, they were presented as a foreign plot. On television and on the Internet, two themes dominate: the Europeans want our historic territory, and the Europeans are gay. Fantasies of sex and domination displace description and analysis.

Timothy D. Snyder, The New York Review of Books , Ukraine: Putin's Denial [146]


According to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Russian state television reporting on Euromaidan "has been described as misleading, [and] at times downright odd"; it claimed "Russian television reporters have spared no efforts to portray the protesters as a horde of hooligans funded by the West to topple Yanukovych and sow chaos in Ukraine". [147] A Russia-1 report on 1 December featured an eight-minute long live segment that contained no interviews and almost no additional footage. The reporter said the situation in Kyiv is pure "anarchy," adding that the streets were dangerous, especially for Russians, and said that the protests seem to be orchestrated by Western countries. [148] On the same network, Dmitry Kiselyov (who during the protests was made head of the state news agency) [149] described the Klitschko brothers on 8 December as "gay icons", and demonstrators in Kyiv were accused of surviving off of heated lard and using "ancient African military techniques" against police, and surmised "Under the slogan 'Ukraine is Europe,' life in central Kyiv is becoming more and more archaic." [147] [150] Attempts were made to link alleged "early sex from the age of 9 in Sweden" and pre-pubescent impotence, along with a rise in child abortions, with European integration. [147] [151] Also during a show on Russia-1, it was stated that the protests had been organised by Sweden, Poland and Lithuania "because they were still smarting from Russia's victory at the Battle of Poltava in 1709". [152] "This week the coalition has shown its full strength," Kiselyov said on his weekly talk show, "It looked like a thirst for revenge for Poltava." [153]

During the second week of protests, Russia-24 had made a link between "a sharp deterioration in the political climate in Ukraine" with "the change in the seasons". [147] The station claimed that this was "a bold theory" of scientists at Columbia University (it added "And it appears that their Russian colleagues agree with them") and it advised protesters in Kyiv to go home for the sake of their health, warning of "a sharp rise in acute respiratory viral infections in Kiev". [147] Russian state-owned Perviy Canal (Channel First) reported that only "several hundred people" showed up at the rally on 8 December, and that protests were "dying out", [150] when in reality up to 500,000 attended. [148] It was reported that Russian newscasters in Kyiv have opted to use unbranded microphones, so as to hide their channel's affiliation. [148]

First Channel likened Ukraine's situation to that of Yugoslavia, of which the channel showed footage accompanied by somber music. [154]

Otar Dovzhenko, a TV analyst and professor at Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, explained that "Russian media can't hide the protests in Ukraine, so they try to bring them down, make them look undesirable. Discrediting the protests in Ukraine is very important for the regime of President Vladimir Putin. The Orange Revolution of 2004 gave strong inspiration to the opposition in Russia." [148] He also says that Russian media omit the genesis of the Euromaidan protests being the Ukrainian government, which is why foreign interests are usually focused on. [148]

Police estimates of a pro-government rally in Kyiv on 14 December reported a maximum of 60,000. [155]

Channel One Russia presenter and vice-president of Rosneft Mikhail Leontyev stated that "Ukraine is not a country at all, it is a part of our country". [156]

On Russian state television, Andrey Illarionov, a former adviser to Russian president Vladimir Putin, political scientist, is frequently heard discussing preparations for a military invasion, and has stated "Ukraine is a failed state, and the historic chance for reunification of all the Russian lands can be lost in the next couple of weeks, so we mustn't put off the solution to the Ukrainian Question." The phrase "the solution to the Ukrainian Question" is considered to echo Adolf Hitler's Final Solution to the Jewish question . [157]


Komsomolskaya Pravda led its front page on 10 December with the headline "Ukraine may split into several parts" above a map showing the country's division into four areas. The following day, it ran a front-page headline declaring: "Western Ukraine is preparing for civil war". [154]

Artists' response

Ban for 36 foreigners to enter Ukraine

The newspaper Kommersant Ukraine reported on 24 December 2013 that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) had satisfied an inquiry of Party of Regions MP Oleh Tsariov to deny entry into Ukraine to 36 people. [171] Tsariov himself had told Kommersant Ukraine that they were suspected of "consulting with the opposition to destabilize the situation in the country", and hinted that they would have attempted to organize a revolution (in Ukraine). [171] Among the 36 people were former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, academic Taras Kuzio, member of the expert council of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on European Integration Andreas Umland, Brian Fink, Myron Wasylyk, Alec Ross and Marko Ivkovic. [171] The list was alleged to contain 29 citizens of Georgia, five US citizens and a citizen of Serbia. [171]

Ukrainian Prime Minister plea for help from EU politicians

On 24 January 2014, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov stated in an interview with RBC Information Systems "European politicians could give Ukraine real help in stabilizing the situation" and hinted they should "addressed the Ukrainian opposition and say that the seizure of state organizations and administrative buildings is illegal and contradicts the standards of democracy. And if you pursue such actions, we will not cooperate with you". [172]


  1. The term "Euromaidan" was initially used as a hashtag on Twitter. [1] A Twitter account named Euromaidan was created on the first day of the protests. [2] It soon became popular in the international media. [3] It is composed of two parts: "Euro" is short for Europe and "maidan" refers to Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), the main square of Kiev, where the protests are centered. [1]
  2. President Putin also said in this speech "Our integration project is based on equal rights and real economic interests, I'm sure achieving Eurasian integration will only increase interest (in it) from our other neighbors, including from our Ukrainian partners ... I hope that all political sides can successfully reach an agreement in the interests of the Ukrainian people". [45]
  3. Ukraine is not a member of the CIS. Although Ukraine was one of the three founding countries and ratified the Creation Agreement in December 1991, Ukraine did not choose to ratify the CIS Charter. [77] [78] In 1993 Ukraine became an "Associate Members" of CIS. [79]
  4. They also protested against Armenia's decision in September 2013 to pull out of an Association Agreement with the EU and instead to join the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia. [115]

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Below are the domestic responses to the Euromaidan. Euromaidan was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine that began on the night of 21 November 2013 after the Ukrainian government suspended preparations for signing an Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">17 December 2013 Russian–Ukrainian action plan</span> 2013 defunct proposed agreement

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In response to a police crackdown on Euromaidan's protesters in the early hours of 30 November, more than half a million Kyivans joined the protests on 1 December in order to defend the students "and to protect society in the face of crippling authoritarianism."

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 Hrushevsky Street protests</span> Protests in Kyiv, 2014

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Timeline of the Euromaidan</span>

Euromaidan was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began on the night of 21 November 2013 with large public protests demanding closer European integration. Protesters also stated they joined because of the dispersal of protesters on 30 November and "a will to change life in Ukraine". The scope of the protests evolved over subsequent months, and by 25 January 2014 the protests were fueled by the perception of widespread government corruption, abuse of power, and violation of human rights in Ukraine. By February 2014 the protests had largely escalated into violence, resulting in the Revolution of Dignity and the resignation of Azarov's government and ousting of President Yanukovych. This resulted in the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Revolution of Dignity</span> 2014 revolution in Ukraine

The Revolution of Dignity, also known as the Maidan Revolution or the Ukrainian Revolution, took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests, when deadly clashes between protesters and state forces in the capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych, the return to the 2004 Constitution of Ukraine, and the outbreak of the 2014 Russo-Ukrainian War.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">First Yatsenyuk government</span> Government of Ukraine

The first government headed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk was created in Ukraine on 27 February 2014 in the aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity. The cabinet was formed as a coalition of the Batkivschyna, UDAR and Svoboda political parties, the Economic Development and Sovereign European Ukraine parliamentary factions, and a number of unaffiliated MPs. On 24 July 2014, UDAR, Svoboda and 19 independent MPs exited the coalition to pave the way for the early parliamentary elections of late October 2014. Prime Minister Yatsenyuk announced his resignation the same day, but the Verkhovna Rada declined his resignation on 31 July 2014.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine</span>

From the end of February 2014, in the aftermath of the Euromaidan and the Revolution of Dignity, which resulted in the ousting of Russian-leaning Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, demonstrations by Russian-backed, pro-Russian, and anti-government groups took place in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv and Odesa. The unrest, which was supported by the Russian military and intelligence services, belongs to the early stages of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anti-Maidan</span> Opposition to the Euromaidan movement

The anti-Maidan refers to a number of pro-Russian demonstrations in Ukraine in 2013 and 2014 that were directed against Euromaidan and later the new Ukrainian government. The initial participants were in favor of supporting the cabinet of the second Azarov government, President Viktor Yanukovych, and closer ties with Russia. By the time of the Revolution of Dignity in February 2014, the “anti-Maidan” movement had begun to decline, and after the overthrow of Yanukovych, the anti-Maidan fractured into various other groups, which partially overlapped. These ranged from people protesting against social ills, to supporters of a federalization of Ukraine, to pro-Russian separatists and nationalists.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">11 December 2013 Euromaidan assault</span> Civil conflict incident in Kyiv

The assault of Euromaidan by security forces on 11 December 2013 was an attempt by Viktor Yanukovych's government to break up the Euromaidan protest through a night assault using Berkut special police units and interior ministry troops. Their tactics included the displacement of frontal peaceful protesters from lightly barricaded camps at the Independence Square and part of Khreshchatyk Street which is near Bessarabska Square.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine</span> Ukrainian treaty signed in 2014

The Agreement on the Settlement of the Political Crisis in Ukraine was an agreement signed on 21 February 2014 by then-President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, and the leaders of Ukraine's parliamentary opposition, with mediation from the European Union and Russia. The agreement aimed to reduce bloodshed at the Euromaidan demonstrations in Kyiv, which had become significantly more violent during the Revolution of Dignity and resulted in the deaths of over 100 people. It also sought to end the political crisis caused by Euromaidan, which had begun in November 2013 in response to Ukrainian authorities' decision to suspend the signing of the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement.


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