List of diplomatic missions in Germany

Last updated

Map of diplomatic missions in Germany Diplomatic missions in Germany.png
Map of diplomatic missions in Germany

This article lists diplomatic missions resident in Germany. At present, Germany hosts 159 embassies.


Since the reunification of Germany in 1990, and the decision of the federal parliament to move the capital from Bonn to Berlin in 1991, all countries that maintain resident embassies in Germany have moved to Berlin. Nonetheless, a few countries still maintain resident missions in Bonn, which serve as extension offices of their embassies. Several countries have consulates/consulates general in major cities, namely Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, and Stuttgart.

This listing excludes honorary consulates.

Diplomatic missions in Berlin

CountryMission typePhoto
Flag of Afghanistan (2004-2021).svg  Afghanistan Embassy Taunusstrasse 3 Berlin-Grunewald.jpg
Flag of Albania.svg  Albania Embassy-
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria Embassy Be Embassy of Algeria 02.jpg
Flag of Angola.svg  Angola Embassy Be Angolan Embassy 02.jpg
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Argentinien 20191025.jpg
Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia Embassy Armenische Botschaft, Berlin.JPG
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Wallstrasse, Australische Botschaft.jpg
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Embassy Be Austrian Embassy 01.JPG
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan Embassy Das Gebaude der Botschaft .jpg
Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain Embassy Tiergarten Klingelhoferstrasse 7 Botschaftsgebaude-001.jpg
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Embassy Bangledeshische Botschaft in Burohaus K.-Augusta-Allee (Fahne, Schild) ama fec 2020-11.JPG
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus Embassy Be Embassy of Belarus 01.jpg
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Embassy Be Belgian Embassy 01.JPG
Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Bolivien und Panama 20191028-01.jpg
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina Embassy Botschaft von Bosnien und Herzegowina in Berlin im Dezember 2019.jpeg
Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana Embassy Ebertstrasse Lennestrasse.JPG
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Embassy Image-Be Brazilian Embassy 04.jpg
Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Brunei 20191028-01.jpg
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Embassy Be Bulgarian Embassy 05.jpg
Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso Embassy WestendUbierstrasse.jpg
Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi Embassy-
Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia Embassy Be Cambodian Embassy 01.jpg
Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon Embassy Embassy of Cameroon in Germany (Berlin).jpg
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Embassy Berlin canadische botschaft 21.06.2015 13-46-29.jpg
Flag of Cape Verde.svg  Cape Verde Embassy Be Cape Verdan Embassy 02.jpg
Flag of Chad.svg  Chad Embassy 130420-Steglitz-Lepsiusstrasse-114 (Tschad).JPG
Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Embassy Be Chilean Embassy 04.jpg
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Embassy Chinese consulate in Berlin.jpg
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Taubenstrasse 23, Bankhaus Merck, Fink & Co. 01.jpg
Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Congo-Brazzaville Embassy Mitte Wallstrasse Botschaft Republik Kongo.jpg
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  Congo-Kinshasa Embassy-
Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Reinhardtstrasse 47-47A, Mietshaus.jpg
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia Embassy Kroatische Botschaft in Berlin, frontal.jpg
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba Embassy Cubanische Botschaft in Berlin im Dezember 2019.jpeg
Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus Embassy Charlottenburg Kurfurstendamm 182 Philips-Haus.jpg
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Embassy Tschechische Botschaft - panoramio.jpg
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Embassy Ambassade des pays nordiques (Berlin) (6298294868).jpg
Flag of Djibouti.svg  Djibouti Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Mauritius, Lesotho, Dschibuti und Liberia 20191025-02.jpg
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic Embassy Wilmersdorf Cicerostrasse 21.jpg
Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Ecuador 20191027-01.jpg
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt Embassy Bild-Be Egyptian Embassy 04 neu.JPG
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador Embassy Salvadorian Embassy, Berlin.jpg
Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg  Equatorial Guinea Embassy Dahlem Rohlfsstrasse 2020.jpg
Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea Embassy Be Eritrean Embassy 02.jpg
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia Embassy Tiergarten Hildebrandstrasse Estnische Botschaft.JPG
Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia Embassy Wikipedia for Peace 2017 Photo Tour, 2017 (DSC06504).jpg
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Embassy Ambassade des pays nordiques (Berlin) (6298294868).jpg
Flag of France.svg  France Embassy Ambassade de France (Berlin).jpg
Flag of Gabon.svg  Gabon Embassy-
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia Embassy Berlin Tiergarten, Rauchstrasse 11 entzerrt.JPG
Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana Embassy Be Ghanaan Embassy 01.jpg
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Griechenland 20191027-02.jpg
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala Embassy Salvadorian Embassy, Berlin.jpg
Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Guinea und Rwanda 20191028.jpg
Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Haiti 20191027-01.jpg
Flag of the Vatican City - 2001 version.svg  Holy See Apostolic Nunciature Be Apostolic nunciature 01.jpg
Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras Embassy Hansaviertel Cuxhavener Strasse.jpg
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Unter den Linden 76, Botschaft von Ungarn 01.jpg
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland Embassy Ambassade des pays nordiques (Berlin) (6298294868).jpg
Flag of India.svg  India Embassy Be Indian Embassy 02.jpg
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Embassy Berlin-Moabit, Lehrterstr. 16+17, Indonesische Botschaft, 2019-11-25, ama fec.jpg
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Embassy Iran-Botschaft-Berlin-4.jpg
Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq Embassy Pacelliallee 19 Berlin-Dahlem.jpg
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Jagerstrasse 51, Haus Mendelssohn 04.jpg
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Embassy SchmargendorfAugusteViktoriaStrasseEmbassyIsrael.JPG
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Embassy Be ItalianEmbassy 01.JPG
Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast Embassy Berlin Embassy Elfenbeinkuste 02.jpg
Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica Embassy Embassy Jamaica in Berlin.jpg
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Embassy Tiergarten Hiroshimastrasse Japanische Botschaft.JPG
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan Embassy Pichelsdorf Heerstrasse 201 Jordanische Botschaft.jpg
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan Embassy Be Kazakhstanian Embassy 02.jpg
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya Embassy Berlin-Kreuzberg Kenianische Botschaft.jpg
Flag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo Embassy Koenigsallee 20-20A Berlin-Grunewald.jpg
Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait Embassy Kuwait Embassy Berlin - Mutter Erde fec.jpg
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg  Kyrgyzstan Embassy Charlottenburg Otto-Suhr-Allee Botschaft Kirgisistan.JPG
Flag of Laos.svg  Laos Embassy Embassy of Laos in Berlin.jpg
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia Embassy Schmargendorf Reinerzstrasse Lettische Botschaft.jpg
Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Embassy Be Embassy of Lebanon 01.jpg
Flag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Mauritius, Lesotho, Dschibuti und Liberia 20191025-02.jpg
Flag of Liberia 23px.svg  Liberia Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Mauritius, Lesotho, Dschibuti und Liberia 20191025-02.jpg
Flag of Libya.svg  Libya Embassy Berlin - Botschaft Libyen (Libyan Embassy) - - 31006.jpg
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg  Liechtenstein Embassy Be Chilean Embassy 02.jpg
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania Embassy Berlin - Botschaft Litauens (Lithuanian Embassy) - - 32511.jpg
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Embassy Tiergarten Klingelhoferstrasse 7 Botschaftsgebaude-001.jpg
Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar Embassy Madegassian embassy Falkensee 02.jpg
Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi Embassy Wilmersdorf Westfalische Strasse 85.jpg
Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia Embassy Tiergarten Klingelhoferstrasse 6 Botschaft Malaysia-003.jpg
Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives Embassy Botschaft Malediven Berlin.jpg
Flag of Mali.svg  Mali Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Mali 20191027-02.jpg
Flag of Malta.svg  Malta Embassy Tiergarten Klingelhoferstrasse 7 Botschaftsgebaude-001.jpg
Flag of Mauritania.svg  Mauritania Embassy Be Embassy VuW 03.jpg
Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Mauritius, Lesotho, Dschibuti und Liberia 20191025-02.jpg
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Embassy Tiergarten Klingelhoferstrasse 3 Botschaft Mexico.jpg
Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova Embassy Moldawische Botschaft in Berlin-Prenzlauerberg 2019 23 38 42 108000.jpeg
Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco Embassy Tiergarten Klingelhoferstrasse 7 Botschaftsgebaude-001.jpg
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia Embassy Hausvogteiplatz Mongolian embassy and bear.jpg
Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro Embassy-
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco Embassy Berlin, Niederwallstrasse, Marokkanische Botschaft 12.jpg
Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique Embassy Botschaftssitz von Mosambik, Stromstr. Moabit 2019-04-02 ama fec.jpg
Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar Embassy-
Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia Embassy Platanenallee 36, Reichsstrasse 17 (09096391) 001.jpg
Flag of Nepal.svg  Nepal Embassy Botschaft Nepal,, ama fec, 2020-11.JPG
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Embassy Be Dutch Embassy 02.JPG
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand Embassy Berlin Friedrichstrasse 20090711 11.JPG
Flag of Niger.svg  Niger Embassy Berlin - Botschaft Nigers (Niger Embassy) - - 29612.jpg
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria Embassy Be Nigerian Embassy 01.JPG
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea Embassy Botschaft Nordkorea.jpg
Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Embassy-
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Embassy Ambassade des pays nordiques (Berlin) (6298294868).jpg
Flag of Oman.svg  Oman Embassy-
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Embassy Wilmersdorf Schaperstrasse Pakistanische Botschaft-005.jpg
Flag of Panama.svg  Panama Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Bolivien und Panama 20191028-01.jpg
Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay Embassy Embassy Paraguay Berlin-Charlottenburg.jpg
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru Embassy [1] Berlin, Mitte, Mohrenstrasse 42, Botschaftsgebaeude.jpg
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Embassy Philippinische Botschaft, Luisenstrasse, 2019-12-07 ama fec (3).jpg
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Embassy Polnische Botschaft Berlin 01.jpg
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal Embassy Embaixada de Portugal em Berlim.jpg
Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar Embassy QatarEmbassyBerlin-Mutter Erde fec.jpg
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania Embassy Dorotheenstrasse 62-66 Berlin.jpg
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Unter den Linden 55-65, Russische Botschaft 02.jpg
Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda Embassy Berlin - Botschaften von Guinea und Rwanda 20191028.jpg
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia Embassy Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany - panoramio (27).jpg
Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal Embassy Tiergarten Klingelhoferstrasse 5-001.jpg
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia Embassy Serbische Botschaft Berlin 01.jpg
Flag of Sierra Leone.svg  Sierra Leone Embassy Berlin-Lichterfelde Herwarthstr. 4.jpg
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore Embassy Botschaft-singapur-vom-leipziger-platz.JPG
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia Embassy Tiergarten Hildebrandstrasse Slowakische Botschaft entzerrt.JPG
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Hausvogteiplatz 3-4, Geschaftshaus Am Bullenwinkel 02.jpg
Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia Embassy Rheinstrasse 10 (Friedenau).jpg
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Embassy BeSouth Africa Embassy 01.jpg
Flag of South Korea.svg  Republic of Korea Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Sudkorea 20191028.jpg
Flag of South Sudan.svg  South Sudan Embassy Berlin - panoramio (100).jpg
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Embassy Berlin - Spanische Botschaft.jpg
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka Embassy-
Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan Embassy-
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Embassy Ambassade des pays nordiques (Berlin) (6298294868).jpg
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland Embassy Berlin Schweizerische Botschaft.jpg
Flag of Syria.svg  Syria Embassy Berlin, Tiergarten, Rauchstrasse 25, Botschaft Syrien.jpg
Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan Embassy Tadschik. Botschaft, Moabit, 2019-04-02, ama fec (9).JPG
Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania Embassy Embassy Tanzania in Berlin 01.jpg
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand Embassy 120916-Steglitz-Lepsiusstr.64-66 Botschaft Thailand.JPG
Flag of Togo (3-2).svg  Togo Embassy Berlin Niederschonhausen Grabbeallee 43 (09030234).JPG
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia Embassy Embassy Tunisia in Berlin 01.jpg
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Embassy 2012-12-29 AMA fec (6a) turkische botschaft.JPG
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan Embassy Ehem Botschaft Turkmenistan Berlin.jpg
Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda Embassy Be Embassy VuW 03.jpg
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Albrechtstrasse 26, Botschaft Ukraine.jpg
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates Embassy Be Embassy of UAE 03.jpg
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Embassy British Embassy, Berlin 3.jpg
Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Embassy Berlin, Mitte, Ebertstrasse, US-Botschaft.jpg
Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Uruguay 20191027-02.jpg
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan Embassy Berlin Embassy Uzbekistan.jpg
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Embassy Berlin - Botschaft von Venezuela 20191028-01.jpg
Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Embassy Be Embassy of Vietnam 01.jpg
Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen Embassy-
Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia Embassy Be Embassy VuW 03.jpg
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe Embassy

Other missions or representative offices in Berlin

Embassy branch offices in Bonn

Consular missions





















Accredited non-resident embassies

Resident in Brussels, Belgium

Resident in London, United Kingdom

Other Resident Cities

Closed missions

Host citySending countryMissionYear closedRef.
Berlin Flag of Benin.svg  Benin Embassy2021 [25]
Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau Embassy2020 [26]
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Embassy (East Berlin)1991 [27]
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Consulate-General (West Berlin)1994
Baden-Baden Flag of France.svg  France Consulate1992 [28]
Bonn Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Embassy branch office2006 [29]
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus Embassy branch office2014 [30]
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Embassy branch office2012 [31]
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Consulate-General2002 [32] [33]
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechia Consulate-General2008 [34]
Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany [lower-alpha 1] Permanent Mission 1990
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Embassy branch office2003 [35]
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Embassy branch office2000 [36]
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Embassy branch office2002
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Embassy branch office2002 [37]
Flag of Libya.svg  Libya Embassy branch office2018
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Embassy branch office2008 [38]
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia Embassy branch office2010 [39]
Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia Embassy2000 [40]
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka Consulate-General2007 [41] [42]
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Embassy1999 [43]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Embassy branch office2002 [44]
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Embassy branch office2005 [45]
Bremen Flag of the United States.svg  United States Consular agency 2018 [46]
Cologne Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Consulate-General2015 [47] [48]
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece Consulate-General2011 [49]
Frankfurt Flag of Angola.svg  Angola Consulate-General2018 [50]
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal Vice-consulate2012 [51]
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Consulate-General1993 [52]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Consulate-General2006 [53]
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Consulate-General2024 [54]
Düsseldorf Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Consulate-General2000 [55]
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia Consulate2012 [56] [57]
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia Consulate-General2006 [58]
Freiburg im Breisgau Flag of France.svg  France Consulate1992 [28] [59]
Hamburg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Consulate-General2010
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Consulate-General
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Consulate-General2002 [32]
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Consulate-General2013 [60] [61]
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Consulate-General1982
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Consulate-General2010 [62]
Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia Consulate-General
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Consulate-General2009
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Consulate-General2012 [63]
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Consulate-General2009 [64]
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Consulate-General2009 [65]
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Consulate-General2009 [66]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Consulate-General2006 [67]
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Consulate-General2019 [68]
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Consulate-General2024 [69]
Hanover Flag of Greece.svg  Greece Consulate General2011 [49]
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Consulate-General2011 [70]
Leipzig Flag of France.svg  France Consulate-General1999 [71] [72]
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece Consulate-General2011 [49]
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Consulate-General2008 [73]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Consulate-General2006 [53]
Mainz Flag of France.svg  France Consulate-General1999 [71] [72]
Mannheim Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Consulate2010 [74]
Munich Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Consulate-General2002 [32]
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Consulate-General1993 [52]
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Consulate-General2024 [75]
Nuremberg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Consulate2010 [76]
Osnabrück Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal Vice-consulate2012 [53] [51]
Saarbrücken Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Consulate2010 [76]
Stuttgart Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Consulate-General2006 [53]

See also


  1. The permanent mission of the Democratic Republic of Germany (GDR), also known as East Germany, closed upon the reunification of Germany in 1990, which saw the GDR's dissolution.

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