List of law clerks of the Supreme Court of the United States (Seat 6)

Last updated

Margo Schlanger, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, clerked for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during the 1993-95 terms. Margo Schlanger.jpg
Margo Schlanger, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, clerked for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during the 1993–95 terms.

Law clerks have assisted the justices of the United States Supreme Court in various capacities since the first one was hired by Justice Horace Gray in 1882. [1] Each justice is permitted to have between three and four law clerks per court term. Most persons serving in this capacity are recent law school graduates (and typically graduated at the top of their class). [2] Among their many functions, clerks do legal research that assists justices in deciding what cases to accept and what questions to ask during oral arguments, prepare memoranda, and draft orders and opinions. [3] After retiring from the court, a justice may continue to employ a law clerk, who may be assigned to provide additional assistance to an active justice or may assist the retired justice when sitting by designation with a lower court.


Table of law clerks

The following is a table of law clerks serving the associate justice holding Supreme Court seat 6 (the Court's sixth associate justice seat by order of creation), which was established on February 24, 1807, by the 9th Congress through the Seventh Circuit Act of 1807 (2  Stat.   420). [4] This seat is currently occupied by Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

Seat 6 associate justices and law clerks

Stanley Matthews

May 17, 1881
March 22, 1889 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
Everett Riley York 18861889 National (1885)

David Josiah Brewer

January 6, 1890
March 28, 1910 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
Frederick J. Haig 18931910 National (1896)

Charles Evans Hughes

October 10, 1910
June 10, 1916 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
Maurice M. Moore 19131914 GW (1913)

John Hessin Clarke

October 9, 1916
September 18, 1922 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
S. Edward Widdifield 19191922 Detroit (c. 1898) J. Lamar / R. W. Peckham

George Sutherland

October 2, 1922
January 17, 1938 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
S. Edward Widdifield 19221923 Detroit (c. 1898) J. H. Clarke / J. Lamar / R. W. Peckham
Alan E. Gray 19241929 GW (1924)
Francis Robison Kirkham 19301934 GW (1931)
John Wiley Cragun 19341938 GW (1934)

Stanley Forman Reed

January 31, 1938
February 25, 1957 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
Harold Leventhal 19381938 Columbia (1936) H. F. Stone
John Thomas Sapienza 19381939 Harvard (1937) A. Hand (2d Cir.)
Philip L. Graham 19391940 Harvard (1939)none
Bennett Boskey 19401941 Harvard (1939) L. Hand (2d Cir.)
John H. Maclay, Jr. 19411942 Harvard (1940) A. Hand (2d Cir.)
David Schwartz 19421943 Harvard (1939)
Luther Earle Birdzell, Jr. 19431944 Harvard (1942) A. Hand (2d Cir.)
Byron Edward Kabot 19441945 Chicago (1941)
Emanuel G. Weiss 19451946 Harvard (1944) C. Magruder (1st Cir.)
Frederick Aley Allan 19461947 Yale (1945) L. Hand (2d Cir.)
Robert von Mehren 19471948 Harvard (1946) L. Hand (2d Cir.)
John Brumback Spitzer 19471948 Yale (1947)
Mac Asbill, Jr. 19481949 Harvard (1948)
William W. Koontz 19481949 Virginia (1947)
Joseph Barbash 19491950 Harvard (1948) L. Hand (2d Cir.)
Bayless Manning 19491950 Yale (1949)
Adam Yarmolinsky 19501951 Yale (1948) C. E. Clark (2d Cir.)
Edwin M. Zimmerman 19501951 Columbia (1949) Rifkind (S.D.N.Y.)
Lewis C. Green 19511952 Harvard (1950) W. Orr (9th Cir.) / G. Moore (E.D. Mo.)
John D. Calhoun 19511952 Yale (1949)
William D. Rogers 19521953 Yale (1951) C. E. Clark (2d Cir.)
Robert L. Randall 19521954 Chicago (1951)
John David Fassett [6] 19531954 Yale (1953)
George Brent Mickum, III 19531954 Georgetown (1952) Fahy (D.C. Cir.)
Gordon B. Davidson 19541955 Louisville (LLB 1951) / Yale (LLM 1952)
Joel A. Kozol 19541955 Harvard (1954)
Julian Burke 19551956 Georgetown (1954) Prettyman (D.C. Cir.)
Roderick M. Hills 19551957 Stanford (1955)
Manley O. Hudson, Jr. 19561957 Harvard (1956)
R. Markham Ball (shared with Burton and Warren)19601961 Harvard (1960)none
Timothy B. Dyk (shared with Burton)19611962 Harvard (1961)none
Theodore R. Boehm (shared with Burton and Warren)19631964 Harvard (1963)
George C. Cochran (shared with Warren)19641965 North Carolina (1964)none
Carl D. Lawson (shared with Warren)19651966 Stanford (1963)none
Harold Bolton Finn, III (shared with Warren)19661967 Columbia (1966)
Earl C. Dudley, Jr. (shared with Warren)19681969 Virginia (1967)none
Richard J. Urowsky (shared with Burger, Stewart, White)19721973 Yale (1972)none
David M. Becker 19741975 Columbia (1973) Leventhal (D.C. Cir)
Christopher R. Lipsett 19751976 Penn (1974) I. Goldberg (5th Cir.)

Charles Evans Whittaker

March 25, 1957
March 31, 1962 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
Kenneth W. Dam 19571958 Chicago (1957)none
Alan Charles Kohn 19571958 WashU (1955)none
William C. Canby, Jr. 19581959 Minnesota (1956)none
Heywood H. Davis 19581959 Kansas (1958)none
Jerome B. Libin 19591960 Michigan (1959)none
Patrick F. McCartan 19591960 Notre Dame (1959)none
James Malone Edwards 19601961 Yale (1960)none
D. Lawrence Gunnels 19601962 WashU (1960)none
James N. Adler (shared with Warren)19611962 Michigan (1961)

Byron White

April 16, 1962
June 28, 1993 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
D. Lawrence Gunnels (hired by Whittaker)19621962 Wash U (1960)none
Richard H. Stern 19621963 Yale (1959)none
Ronald L. Blanc 19621963 NYU (1962)none
Rex E. Lee 19631964 Chicago (1963)none
Lee A. Albert 19631965 Yale (1963)none
Dale S. Collinson 19641966 Columbia (1963) Hays (2d Cir.)
David M. Ebel 19651966 Michigan (1965)none
James B. Loken 19661967 Harvard (1965) Lumbard (2d Cir.)
Raymond C. Clevenger III 19661967 Yale (1966)none
Leon E. Irish 19671968 Michigan (1964)none
Lance M. Liebman 19671968 Harvard (1967)none
R. George Crawford 19681969 Harvard (1968)none
David Victor19681969 Virginia (1968)none
W. John Glancy 19691970 Yale (1969)none
E. Philip Soper 19691970 Harvard (1969)none
George Marshall Moriarty (shared with Black, Stewart, Burger)19691970 Harvard (1968) Aldrich (1st Cir.)
Richard H. Sayler 19701971 Michigan (1969) Lumbard (2d Cir.)
William E. Nelson19701971 NYU (1965) Weinfeld (S.D.N.Y.)
Allan A. Ryan, Jr. 19701971 Minnesota (1970)none
David E. Kendall 19711972 Yale (1971)none
Richard J. Danzig 19711972 Yale (1971)none
James E. Scarboro 19711972 Colorado (1970) Arraj (D. Colo.)
Rhesa Barksdale 19721973 Mississippi (1972)none
Robert B. Barnett 19721973 Chicago (1971) Wisdom (5th Cir.)
Richard L. Hoffman19721973 Columbia (1971)none
Richard J. Urowsky (hired by Reed, shared with Burger, Stewart)19721973 Yale (1972)none
Pierce H. O'Donnell 19731974 Georgetown (1972) Hufstedler (9th Cir.)
Hal S. Scott 19731974 Chicago (1972) Leventhal (D.C. Cir.)
Jonathan D. Varat 19731974 Penn (1972) Mansfield (2d Cir.)
James T. Malysiak 19741975 Yale (1973) Renfrew (N.D. Cal.)
John W. Nields Jr. 19741977 Penn (1967)none
Larry L. Simms 19741975 Boston University (1973) Oakes (2d Cir.)
Dennis J. Hutchinson 19751976 Texas (1974) Tuttle (1st Cir.)
Robert L. Deitz (hired by Douglas / shared with Stewart)19751976 Harvard (1975)none
Randall C. Nelson 19751976 Colorado (1974) R. Robb (D.C. Cir.)
Gilbert L. Kujovich (shared with Stewart)19761977 Harvard (1975) Hufstedler (9th Cir.)
John W. Spiegel 19761977 Yale (1976)none
Robert W. Loewen 19761977 USC (1975) Ely (9th Cir.)
S. Elizabeth Gibson 19771978 North Carolina (1976) Craven (4th Cir.)
Thomas J. Campbell 19771978 Harvard (1976) MacKinnon (D.C. Cir.)
Charles G. Cole 19771978 Harvard (1976) Leventhal (D.C. Cir.)
Jeffrey Glekel 19771978 Yale (1972) Weinfeld (S.D.N.Y.)
Kate Stith 19781979 Harvard (1977) McGowan (D.C. Cir.)
David J. Burman 19781979 Georgetown (1977) S. Robinson (D.C. Cir.)
Gary L. Sasso 19781979 Penn (1977) S. Robinson (D.C. Cir.)
Nicholas J. Spaeth 19781979 Stanford (1977) Bright (8th Cir.)
Benna R. Solomon 19791980 Georgia (1978) Oakes (2d Cir.)
Robert V. Percival 19791980 Stanford (1978) Hufstedler (9th Cir.)
Peter J. Kalis 19791980 Yale (1978) J. S. Wright (D.C. Cir.)
Geoffrey P. Miller 19791980 Columbia (1978) McGowan (D.C. Cir.)
Allan Ides 19801981 Loyola (Los Angeles) (1979) Haynsworth (4th Cir.)
Paul W. Kahn 19801982 Yale (1980)none
Thomas B. Metzloff 19801981 Harvard (1979) Ainsworth (5th Cir.)
Andrea L. Peterson 19801981 Berkeley (1978) Renfrew (N.D. Cal.)
Stuart H. Singer 19811983 Harvard (1981)none
Ellen P. Aprill 19811982 Georgetown (1980) Butzner (4th Cir.)
Bernard W. Bell 19821983 Stanford (1981) Kearse (2d Cir.)
William T. Dzurilla 19821983 Tulane (1981) Tate (5th Cir.)
Patricia A. Dean 19821983 Georgetown (1981) Tamm (D.C. Cir.)
Kingsley R. Browne 19831984 Denver (1982) Rovira (Colo.)
Richard I. Werder Jr. 19831984 Michigan (1982) H. Edwards (D.C. Cir.)
Kevin J. Worthen 19831984 BYU (1982) Wilkey (D.C. Cir.)
Michael E. Herz 19831985 Chicago (1982) L. Campbell (1st Cir.)
Dean M. Gloster 19841985 UCLA (1983) A. Kennedy (9th Cir.)
Scott L. Nelson 19841986 Harvard (1984)none
Natalie Wexler 19841985 Penn (1983) Rubin (5th Cir.)
Palma Joy Strand 19851986 Stanford (1984) J. S. Wright (D.C. Cir.)
Andrew G. Schultz 19851986 New Mexico (1984) Rubin (5th Cir.)
Samuel J. Dimon 19851987 Michigan (1985)none
David W. Burcham 19861987 Loyola (Los Angeles) (1984) Aldisert (3d Cir.)
Richard A. Westfall 19861987 Denver (1985) McWilliams (10th Cir.)
Barbara Bea McDowell (Hartman) 19861988 Yale (1985) R. Winter (2d Cir.)
Albert J. Boro, Jr. 19871988 Berkeley (1986) W. Cummings (7th Cir.)
Richard A. Cordray 19871988 Chicago (1986) Bork (D.C. Cir.)
Ronald A. Klain 19871988 Harvard (1987)none
Paul R.Q. Wolfson 19871988 Yale (1987)none
Stephen A. Higginson 19881989 Yale (1987) Wald (D.C. Cir.)
Christopher R. Drahozal 19881989 Iowa (1986) C. Clark (5th Cir.)
Laura Ariane ("Laurie") Miller 19881989 Yale (1988)
Jonathan C. Bunge 19891990 Chicago (1988) Buckley (D.C. Cir.)
Stephen R. McAllister 19891991 Kansas (1988) Posner (7th Cir.)
Curtis A. Bradley 19901991 Harvard (1988) Ebel (10th Cir.)
Kathryn Webb Bradley 19901991 Maryland (1988) Smalkin (D. Md.)
Martin S. Flaherty 19901991 Columbia (1988) J. J. Gibbons (3d Cir.)
Charles R. Eskridge, III 19911992 Pepperdine (1990) C. Clark (5th Cir.)
David C. Frederick 19911992 Texas (1989) Sneed (9th Cir.)
Stephen R. McAllister (shared with Thomas)19911992 Kansas (1988) B. White (twice) / Posner (7th Cir.)
Susan A. Weber 19911992 SUNY Buffalo (1989) Sprouse (4th Cir.)
Robert Malley 19911992 Harvard (1990)none
Jeffrey F. Pryce 19911993 Yale (1991)none
John C.P. Goldberg 19921993 NYU (1991) Weinstein (E.D.N.Y.)
David D. Meyer 19921993 Michigan (1990) H. Edwards (D.C. Cir.)
Neil M. Gorsuch (shared with Kennedy)19931994 Harvard (1991) Sentelle (D.C. Cir.)
Stuart F. Delery (shared with O'Connor)19941995 Yale (1993) Tjoflat (11th Cir.)
Phil Weiser (shared with Ginsburg)19951996 NYU (1994) Ebel (10th Cir.)
John L. Flynn (shared with Stevens)19961997 Georgetown (1995) Becker (3d Cir.)
Benjamin A. Powell (shared with Stevens)19971998 Columbia (1996) J. M. Walker (2d Cir.)
J. Brett Busby (shared with Stevens)19992000 Columbia (1998) Tjoflat (11th Cir.)
Joseph T. Thai (shared with Stevens)20002001 Harvard (1998) Ebel (10th Cir.)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

August 10, 1993
September 18, 2020 [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
Hugh W. Baxter19931994 Stanford (1990) Brennan / Blackmun / R. B. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
David G. Post 19931994 Georgetown (1986) R. B. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
Margo Schlanger (Bagenstos) 19931995 Yale (1993)none
Alexandra Anastasia Ekaterina Shapiro (Bach) 19931994 Columbia (1991) S. Williams (D.C. Cir.)
Alisa Beth Klein (Goldblatt) 19941995 Harvard (1993) L. Pollak (E.D. Pa.)
David M. Schizer 19941995 Yale (1993) Kozinski (9th Cir.)
David B. Toscano19941995 Columbia (1992) Mukasey (S.D.N.Y.) / Conboy (S.D.N.Y.)
Lisa C. Beattie (Frelinghuysen) 19951996 Stanford (1994) H. Edwards (D.C. Cir.)
Maria Simon 19951996 Columbia (1994) Tatel (D.C. Cir.) / Mikva (D.C. Cir.)
Michael Li-Ming Wong19951996 Harvard (1994) Cabranes (2d Cir.)
Paul J. Watford 19951996 UCLA (1994) Kozinski (9th Cir.)
Phil Weiser (shared with White)19951996 NYU (1994) Ebel (10th Cir.)
Laura W. Brill 19961997 Columbia (1994) Feinberg (2d Cir.)
David C. Codell19961997 Harvard (1995) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
W. William Hodes19961997 Rutgers (1969)N/A
M. Elizabeth Magill 19961997 Virginia (1995) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
Samuel Bagenstos 19971998 Harvard (1993) Reinhardt (9th Cir.)
Paul Schiff Berman 19971998 NYU (1995) H. Edwards (D.C. Cir.)
Gillian E. Metzger 19971998 Columbia (1995) Wald (D.C. Cir.)
John B. Owens 19971998 Stanford (1996) J. C. Wallace (9th Cir.)
Alexandra Harding Tileston ("Lexa") Edsall (Victor) 19981999 Harvard (1994) Wald (D.C. Cir.)
Rochelle Lee Shoretz 19981999 Columbia (1994) Kearse (2d Cir.)
William D. Savitt19981999 Columbia (1997) Leval (2d Cir.)
Jay D. Wexler 19981999 Stanford (1997) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
David L. Franklin19992000 Chicago (1997) S. Williams (D.C. Cir.)
Richard A. Primus 19992000 Yale (1998) Calabresi (2d Cir.)
Amanda L. Tyler19992000 Harvard (1998) Calabresi (2d Cir.)
Deirdre Dionysia von Dornum 19992000 Columbia (1997) Brody (E.D. Pa.) / Reinhardt (9th Cir.)
Nick Bravin 20002001 Columbia (1998) Ebel (10th Cir.)
Robert M. Gordon20002001 Yale (1998) Leval (2d Cir.)
Goodwin Liu 20002001 Yale (1998) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Linda C. Lye 20002001 Berkeley (1999) Calabresi (2d Cir.)
Heather Elliott (Rachels)20012002 Berkeley (2000) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
David A. O'Neil 20012002 Harvard (2000) Sack (2d Cir.)
Joseph R. Palmore 20012002 Virginia (1998) Jacobs (2d Cir.) / Gleeson (E.D.N.Y.)
Aaron J. Saiger20012002 Columbia (2000) D. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
Toby J. Heytens 20022003 Virginia (2000) Becker (3d Cir.)
Trevor Morrison 20022003 Columbia (1998) B. Fletcher (9th Cir.)
Elizabeth G. Porter20022003 Columbia (2000) S. Thomas (9th Cir.)
Karl R. Thompson 20022003 Chicago (2000) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Abbe Rubin Gluck (Feder) 20032004 Yale (2000) R. Winter (2d Cir.)
Aziz Huq 20032004 Columbia (2001) Sack (2d Cir.)
Anne Joseph O'Connell20032004 Yale (2000) S. Williams (D.C. Cir.)
Neil S. Siegel20032004 Berkeley (2001) Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
Ginger D. Anders 20042005 Columbia (2002) Sotomayor (2d Cir.) / G. Lynch (S.D.N.Y.)
Katherine H. Ku20042005 UCLA (2003) Kozinski (9th Cir.)
Daniel B. Levin20042005 Yale (2002) W. Fletcher (9th Cir.)
Dorothy H. Tran 20042005 Harvard (2003) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Lori Alvino (McGill)20052006 Columbia (2003) D. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
Joshua Ian Civin 20052006 Yale (2003) Reinhardt (9th Cir.)
Rebecca G. Deutsch 20052006 Yale (2002) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.)
Anna-Rose Mathieson20052006 Michigan (2003) Boudin (1st Cir.)
Kate Andrias 20062007 Yale (2004) Reinhardt (9th Cir.)
Scott Hershovitz20062007 Yale (2004) W. Fletcher (9th Cir.)
Daphna Renan20062007 Yale (2004) H. Edwards (D.C. Cir.)
Arun Subramanian 20062007 Columbia (2004) Jacobs (2d Cir.) / G. Lynch (S.D.N.Y.)
Ruthanne M. Deutsch 20072008 Georgetown (2004) Dyk (Fed. Cir.)
Brian Fletcher 20072008 Harvard (2006) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Thomas G. Saunders 20072008 Yale (2004) Leval (2d Cir.)
Zachary D. Tripp 20072008 Columbia (2005) Kearse (2d Cir.)
Sue-Yun Ahn (Kitcher) 20082009 Columbia (2006) Tatel (D.C. Cir.) / Cote (S.D.N.Y.)
Miriam L. Seifter (Yablon) 20082009 Harvard (2007) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Kevin S. Schwartz 20082009 Yale (2006) Calabresi (2d Cir.)
Robert M. Yablon 20082009 Yale (2006) W. Fletcher (9th Cir.)
Isaac J. Lidsky (shared with O'Connor)20082009 Harvard (2004) Ambro (3d Cir.)
Elizabeth Prelogar 20092010 Harvard (2008) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Pamela Karten Bookman (Perlman) 20092010 Virginia (2006) Sack (2d Cir.)
Vincent G. Levy 20092010 Columbia (2007) D. Ginsburg (D.C. Cir.)
John Rappaport 20092010 Harvard (2006) Reinhardt (9th Cir.)
Amy L. Bergquist 20102011 Minnesota (2007) W. Fletcher (9th Cir.) / Tunheim (D. Minn)
David A. Newman 20102011 Yale (2006) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.)
Elisabeth S. Theodore 20102011 Harvard (2009) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Keith Bradley 20102011 Columbia (2007) J.R. Brown (D.C. Cir.)
Rachel Wainer Apter 20112012 Harvard (2007) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.)
Benjamin Beaton 20112012 Columbia (2009) Randolph (D.C. Cir.)
Jennifer J. Clark 20112012 Georgetown (2008) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Gerard J. ("Gerry") Sinzdak 20112012 Berkeley (2008) Berzon (9th Cir.) / C. Breyer (N.D. Cal.)
Matthew J. Tokson (shared with Souter)20112012 Chicago (2008) Randolph (D.C. Cir.)
Martine E. Cicconi 20122013 Stanford (2010) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Joshua S. Johnson 20122013 Yale (2009) Tatel (D.C. Cir.) / Gertner (D. Mass.)
Julia Kobick 20122013 Harvard (2010) Chagares (3d Cir.) / Saylor (D. Mass.)
Nathan M. ("Thane") Rehn 20122013 Columbia (2009) Posner (7th Cir.)
Kelsi Brown Corkran 20132014 Chicago (2005) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Devi M. Rao 20132014 Columbia (2010) McKeown (9th Cir.)
Daniel A. Rubens 20132014 Harvard (2008) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.)
Burden H. Walker 20132014 Harvard (2010) S. Williams (D.C. Cir.)
Ryan Y. Park (shared with Souter)20132014 Harvard (2010) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.)
Ari Holtzblatt 20142015 Yale (2010) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Mark Paul Musico 20142015 Columbia (2011) Boudin (1st Cir.) / Woodlock (D. Mass.)
Lauren Pardee (Ruben) 20142015 Yale (2010) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.) / Liu (Cal.)
Anitha Reddy 20142015 Stanford (2008) Leval (2d Cir.) / Gleeson (E.D.N.Y.)
Z. Payvand Ahdout 20152016 Columbia (2013) Livingston (2d Cir.)
Joshua Bone 20152016 Yale (2013) Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Samuel T. Harbourt 20152016 Harvard (2013) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Amy L. Marshak 20152016 NYU (2011) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.)
Subash S. Iyer 20162017 NYU (2013) Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.) / Katzmann (2d Cir.)
Hajin Kim 20162017 Stanford (2014) Watford (9th Cir.)
Beth C. Neitzel 20162017 Stanford (2013) D. Motz (4th Cir.) / Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Parker A. Rider-Longmaid 20162017 Penn (2013) Scirica (3d Cir.) / Pratter (E.D. Pa.)
Beatrice C. Franklin (Mead) 20172018 Columbia (2014) Furman (S.D.N.Y.) / Carney (2d Cir.)
Karim J. Kentfield 20172018 Berkeley (2012) W. Fletcher (9th Cir.) / Srinivasan (D.C. Cir.)
Mary H. Schnoor 20172018 Harvard (2016) Posner (7th Cir.)
Emma P. Simson 20172018 Yale (2013) Boasberg (D.D.C.) / Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Adam Liron Goodman (shared with Souter)20172018 Harvard (2013) Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.) / Katzmann (2d Cir.)
Kathryn ("Katie") Barber 20182019 Virginia (2015) Brinkema (E.D. Va.) / Owens (9th Cir.)
Rachel Bayefsky 20182019 Yale (2015) Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.) / Katzmann (2d Cir.)
Rebecca Lee20182019 Yale (2016) Wilkinson (4th Cir.) / Moss (D.D.C.)
Matthew Jacob Rubenstein 20182019 Yale (2014) Gwin (N.D. Oh.) / Tatel (D.C. Cir.)
Samuel Conrad Scott (hired by Kennedy)20182019 Yale (2015) Watford (9th Cir.) / Garaufis (E.D.N.Y.)
Alyssa Marie Barnard 20192020 Columbia (2015) Katzmann (2d Cir.) / Nathan (S.D.N.Y.)
Marco P. Basile 20192020 Harvard (2015) Watford (9th Cir.) / Barron (1st Cir.)
Susan M. Pelletier 20192020 Harvard (2016) Garland (D.C. Cir.) / H. Edwards (D.C. Cir.)
Michael Frank Qian 20192020 Stanford (2016) Garland (D.C. Cir.)
Mark Jia (shared with Souter)20192020 Harvard (2016) W. Fletcher (9th Cir.)
Jack Boeglin 2020September 18, 2020 Yale (2016) Calabresi (2d Cir.) / Srinivasan (D.C. Cir.)
Brittany Jones-Record 2020September 18, 2020 Stanford (2016) Sutton (6th Cir.) / Millett (D.C. Cir.)
Eliza A. Lehner 2020September 18, 2020 Yale (2017) Watford (9th Cir.) / Furman (S.D.N.Y.)
David Scott Louk 2020September 18, 2020 Yale (2015) Boasberg (D.D.C.) / Katzmann (2d Cir.)
Thaddeus C. Eagles (hired by Stevens)2020September 18, 2020 NYU (2015) Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.) / Katzmann (2d Cir.)

Amy Coney Barrett

October 27, 2020
Incumbent [5]
ClerkStartedFinishedSchool (year)Previous clerkship
Brendan D. Duffy October 27, 20202021 Northwestern (2017) Barrett (7th Cir.) / Kelly (10th Cir.)
Nicholas ("Nick") Harper October 27, 20202021 Chicago (2015) Kennedy / Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.)
Whitney Downs Hermandorfer October 27, 20202021 GW (2015) Alito / Kavanaugh (D.C. Cir.) / Leon (D.D.C.)
Madeline Ward Lansky (Clark)October 27, 20202021 Chicago (2016) Thomas / W. Pryor (11th Cir.)
Michael Tyler Heckmann 20212022 Chicago (2016) Barrett (7th Cir.) / Marcus (11th Cir.)
Libby Andrea Stropko (Baird) 20212022 Virginia (2019) McFadden (D.D.C.) / Newsom (11th Cir.)
Max E. Schulman 20212022 Harvard (2017) Katsas (D.C. Cir.) / Stein (S.D.N.Y.)
Zachary E. Tyree 20212022 GW (2017) Larsen (6th Cir.) / Sutton (6th Cir.)
Elizabeth Nielson (shared with Kennedy)20212022 Chicago (2019) Lee (Utah) / Sutton (6th Cir.)
Giuliana Carozza Cipollone 20222023 Stanford (2021) Bress (9th Cir.)
Henry J. Dickman 20222023 Virginia (2020) Katsas (D.C. Cir.) / Sykes (7th Cir.)
Daniel P. Johnson 20222023 Harvard (2019) Richardson (4th Cir.) / Silberman (D.C. Cir.)
Tim Bradley20222023 Notre Dame (2020) Colloton (8th Cir.) / Sutton (6th Cir.)
Julia Fine2023 Stanford (2020) Bibas (3d Cir.) / Friedrich (D.D.C.)
Matthew Pociask2023 Chicago (2020) Thapar (6th Cir.) / Katsas (D.C. Cir.)
Nathaniel Sutton2023 Virginia (2021) Bress (9th Cir.) / Pryor (11th Cir.)
Connor Mui2023 Yale (2021) Newsom (11th Cir.) / Wilkinson (4th Cir.)
John Acton2024 Harvard (2022) Grant (11th Cir.) / Katsas (D.C. Cir.)

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Amy Vivian Coney Barrett is an American lawyer and jurist who serves as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The fifth woman to serve on the court, she was nominated by President Donald Trump and has served since October 27, 2020. Barrett was a U.S. circuit judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit from 2017 to 2020.

Clarence Melville York was an American attorney who, in the 1890s, was one of the first law clerks to the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Candace Kovacic-Fleischer is an American legal scholar who is a professor emerita at American University Washington College of Law. She has taught there since 1981.

Celestine Richards McConville is an American attorney who is a law professor at the Dale E. Fowler School of Law of Chapman University in Orange, California. Her research interests include constitutional and death penalty law.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Janet Meik Wright</span> American legal scholar (born 1946)

Janet Leigh Meik Wright is an American legal scholar who has taught community property, estate planning and non-profit institutions at the University of Southern California, University of California, Los Angeles, and University of California, Davis.

Julia Penny Clark is an American attorney who has argued employee benefits law cases before the United States Supreme Court.

Rebecca Latham Brown is an American law professor who is The Rader Family Trustee Chair in Law specializing in Constitutional law at USC Gould School of Law.


  1. Peppers, Todd C. (2006). Courtiers of the Marble Palace: The Rise and Influence of the Supreme Court Law Clerk. Stanford University Press. p. 1. ISBN   978-0-8047-5382-1.
  2. "Supreme Court Procedures". Washington, D.C.: Administrative Office of the United States Courts . Retrieved December 23, 2018.
  3. Ward, Artemus; Weiden, David L. (2006). Sorcerers' Apprentices: 100 Years of Law Clerks at the United States Supreme Court. New York, New York: New York University Press. pp. 1–5. ISBN   978-0-8147-9404-3.
  4. "Landmark Legislation: Seventh Circuit". Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center. Retrieved December 22, 2018.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Justices 1789 to Present". Washington, D.C.: Supreme Court of the United States. Retrieved December 25, 2018.
  6. Kluger, Richard (2004). Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality. Vintage Books. p. 598. ISBN   978-1-4000-3061-3.

Additional sources