List of massacres in Yugoslavia

Last updated

This is a list of massacres in Yugoslavia during the 20th century.


Inter-war period (1919–41)

Photo of Sahovici massacre Sahovici crime photo by Montenegro state archive.jpg
Photo of Šahovići massacre

World War II

Cold War (1946–1991)

Folbe massacres exhumation Foibe massacres - Discovery of a mass grave in postwar.jpg
Folbe massacres exhumation

Croatian War (1991–1995)

The Zagreb rocket attacks were one of the many massacres in Croatia. [1]

Memorial for The Zagreb rocket attacks Spomen ploca Trg svibanjskih zrtava 1995.jpg
Memorial for The Zagreb rocket attacks

Bosnian War (1992–1995)

Kosovo War (1998–1999)

Kosovo War aftermath
