List of national birds

Last updated

This is a list of national birds, including official birds of overseas territories and other states described as nations. Most species in the list are officially designated. Some species hold only an "unofficial" status. The Official status column is marked as Yes only if the bird currently holds the position of the official national bird. Additionally, the list includes birds that were once official but are no longer, as well as birds recognized as national symbols or for other symbolic roles.


National birds

CountryName of birdScientific nameOfficial statusPicture Ref.
Flag of the Taliban.svg  Afghanistan Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetosYes Aquila chrysaetos La Canada 2012-01-14.jpg [1] [2]
Flag of Albania.svg  Albania Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetosYes Aquila chrysaetos La Canada 2012-01-14.jpg [3] [4]
Flag of Angola.svg  Angola Red-crested turaco Tauraco erythrolophusYes RedcrestedTuraco.jpg [5]
Flag of Anguilla.svg  Anguilla Zenaida dove Zenaida auritaYes Zenida aurita1 1 barbados.jpg [6]
Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg  Antigua and Barbuda Magnificent frigatebird Fregata magnificensYes Male Frigate bird.jpg [7]
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina Rufous hornero Furnarius rufusYes Flickr - Dario Sanches - JOAO-DE-BARRO (Furnarius rufus) (5).jpg [8]
Flag of Aruba.svg  Aruba "Prikichi" Brown-throated Parakeet (2017–)Eupsittula pertinax arubensisYes Aratinga pertinax -national park -Aruba-8.jpg [9]
"Shoco" Burrowing Owl (National symbol 2012–)Athene cunicularia arubensisNo Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) (2261438123).jpg [10]
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Emu Dromaius novaehollandiaeNo Emoe.jpg [11]
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Eagle unspecifiedNo White-tailed-eagle.jpg [12]
Great egret Ardea albaNo Ardea alba -San Francisco Bay, California, USA -flying-8.jpg [12]
Flag of the Bahamas.svg  Bahamas American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruberYes Caribbean flamingo.jpg [13]
Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain White-eared bulbul Pycnonotus leucotisYes White-eared bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis mesopotamia) Jordan.jpg [14]
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Oriental magpie-robin (Doyel Pakhi) Copsychus saularisYes Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis)- Male at Kolkata I IMG 3003.jpg [15]
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus White stork Ciconia ciconiaNo WhiteStorkGaulsh02.jpg [16]
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Common kestrel Falco tinnunculusYes Common Kestrel 1.jpg [17]
Flag of Belize.svg  Belize Keel-billed toucan Ramphastos sulfuratusYes Ramphastos sulfuratus -Belize Zoo-6a-2c.jpg [18]
Flag of Bermuda.svg  Bermuda Bermuda petrel Pterodroma cahowNo Bermuda Petrel From The Crossley ID Guide Eastern Birds, crop.jpg [19]
Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan Common raven Corvus coraxYes Corvus corax (NPS).jpg [20]
Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia Andean condor Vultur gryphusYes Colca-condor-c03.jpg [21]
Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana Kori bustard Ardeotis koriYes Ardeotis kori Etosha.JPG [22]
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Rufous-bellied thrush Turdus rufiventrisYes Sabia laranjeira, crop.JPG [23]
Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg  British Virgin Islands Mourning dove Zenaida macrouraYes Mourning Dove 2006.jpg [24]
Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia Giant ibis Thaumatibis giganteaYes ThaumantibisGiganteaGronvold.jpg [25]
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Canada jay. Selected as national bird by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society through an expert panel and Canadian Geographic magazine reader poll. The Canadian government does not recognize the designation.Perisoreus canadensisNo Perisoreus canadensis mercier2.jpg [26]
Flag of the Cayman Islands.svg  Cayman Islands Grand Cayman parrot Amazona leucocephala caymanensisYes Amazona leucocephala -in tree-4cp.jpg [27]
Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Andean condor Vultur gryphusYes Condor flying over the Colca canyon in Peru.jpg [28]
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Red-crowned crane. Proposed as national bird by State Forestry Administration in 2007 (awaiting State Council approval).Grus japonensisNo Crane japan2.JPG [29] [30] [31]
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Andean condor Vultur gryphusYes Colca-condor-c03.jpg [32]
Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica Clay-colored thrush Turdus grayiYes Turdus-grayi-001.jpg [33]
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia Common nightingale Luscinia megarhynchosNo Nachtigall (Luscinia megarhynchos)-2.jpg [34]
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba Cuban trogon Priotelus temnurusYes Cubaanse Trogon.jpg [35]
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Common kingfisher Alcedo atthisNo Common kingfisher.jpg [36]
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Mute swan (1984–)Cygnus olorYes Swan.spreads.wings.arp.jpg [37]
Eurasian skylark (1960–1984)Alauda arvensisNo Skylark (Alauda arvensis) by Neil Smith.jpg [37]
Flag of Dominica.svg  Dominica Imperial amazon Amazona imperialisYes Amazona imperialis -Roseau -Dominica -aviary-6a-3c.jpg [38]
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic Palmchat Dulus dominicusYes Dulus dominicus.JPG [39]
Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador Andean condor Vultur gryphusYes Colca-condor-c03.jpg [40]
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt Steppe eagle Aquila nipalensisYes Steppe Eagle Portrait.jpg [41]
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador Turquoise-browed motmot Eumomota superciliosaYes Guardabarranco.JPG [42]
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia Barn swallow Hirundo rusticaYes Landsvale.jpg [43]
Flag of Eswatini.svg  Eswatini Purple-crested turaco Tauraco porphyreolophusYes Purple-crested Turaco (Gallirex porphyreolophus) (32424422866).jpg [44]
Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg  Faroe Islands Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegusYes Austernfischer01.jpg [45]
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Whooper swan Cygnus cygnusNo Singschwan.jpg [46]
Flag of France.svg  France Gallic rooster Gallus gallusNo Coq-gaulois-dore (cropped).JPG [47]
Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia Common pheasant Phasianus colchicusNo Common pheasant.jpg [48]
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetosNo Aquila chrysaetos Flickr.jpg [49]
Flag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar Barbary partridge Alectoris barbaraYes Alectoris barbara Tenerife.jpg [50]
Flag of Grenada.svg  Grenada Grenada dove Leptotila wellsiYes Grenadadove1.jpg [51]
Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala Resplendent quetzal Pharomachrus mocinnoYes Quetzal01.jpg [52]
Flag of Guyana.svg  Guyana Hoatzin Opisthocomus hoazinYes Opisthocomus hoazin.jpg [53]
Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti Hispaniolan trogon Priotelus roseigasterYes Hispaniolan Trogon (Priotelus roseigaster) (8082799519).jpg [54]
Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras Scarlet macaw Ara macaoYes Ara macao -Yucatan, Mexico-8a.jpg [55]
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Saker falcon Falco cherrugYes Falco cherrug (Marek Szczepanek).jpg [56]
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolusYes Falco rusticolus white cropped.jpg [57]
Flag of India.svg  India Indian peacock Pavo cristatusYes Pfau imponierend.jpg [58]
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Javan hawk-eagle Nisaetus bartelsiYes Javan Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) (464508083).jpg [59]
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Common nightingale Luscinia megarhynchosYes Nachtigall (Luscinia megarhynchos)-2.jpg [60]
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Northern lapwing Vanellus vanellusNo Northern-Lapwing-Vanellus-vanellus.jpg [61]
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epopsYes Upupa epops (Ramat Gan)002.jpg [62]
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italian sparrow Passer italiaeNo Passer italiae in Crete.jpg [63]
Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica Doctor bird Trochilus polytmusYes Trochilus polytmus.jpg [64]
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Green pheasant Phasianus versicolorNo Phasianus versicolor in field.JPG [65]
Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan Sinai rosefinch Carpodacus synoicusYes Carpodacus synoicus male(01).jpg [66]
Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya Lilac-breasted roller Coracias caudatusNo Lilac Roller.jpg [67]
Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia White wagtail Motacilla albaYes White-Wagtail.jpg [68]
Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia Garden bulbul Pycnonotus barbatusYes Pycnonotus tricolor Bwindi NP, Uganda.jpg [66]
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania White stork Ciconia ciconiaYes Ciconia ciconia 1.jpg [69]
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Goldcrest Regulus regulusYes Regulus regulus0.jpg [70]
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia Rhinoceros hornbill Buceros rhinocerosYes Rhinoceros Hornbill.tif [71]
Flag of Malta.svg  Malta Blue rock thrush Monticola solitariusYes Monticola solitarius philippensis.JPG [72]
Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatusYes Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus).jpg [73]
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetosYes GoldenEagle-Nova.jpg [74]
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia Saker falcon Falco cherrugYes Falco cherrug (Marek Szczepanek).jpg [75]
Flag of Montserrat.svg  Montserrat Montserrat oriole Icterus oberiYes Icterus oberi.jpg [76]
Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar Grey peacock-pheasant Polyplectron bicalcaratumNo Polyplectron bicalcaratum -Birmingham Nature Centre, England-8a.jpg [77]
Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia African fish eagle Haliaeetus vociferYes African fish eagle just caught fish.jpg [78] [79]
Flag of Nepal.svg    Nepal Himalayan monal Lophophorus impejanusYes Monal I IMG 4002.jpg [80]
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Black-tailed godwit Limosa limosaNo Limosa limosa (Uitkerke).jpg [81]
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand North Island brown kiwi Apteryx mantelliNo TeTuatahianui.jpg [82]
Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua Turquoise-browed motmot Eumomota superciliosaYes Motmot1.jpg [83]
Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria Black crowned crane Balearica pavoninaYes Black crowned crane.jpg [84]
  Northern Ireland Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegusNo Haematopus ostralegus -Scotland -nesting-8.jpg < [85] [86]
Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea Northern goshawk Accipiter gentilisYes Accipiter gentilis -owned by a falconer in Scotland -upper body-8a.jpg [87]
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway White-throated dipper Cinclus cinclusYes Cinclus cinclus R(ThKraft).jpg [88]
Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Chukar partridge Alectoris chukarYes Chukarhuhn Weltvogelpark Walsrode 2010.jpg [89]
Shaheen falcon (Heritage bird)Falco peregrinus peregrinatorNo FalcoAtricepsKeulemans.jpg [90]
Flag of Palau.svg  Palau Palau fruit dove Ptilinopus pelewensisYes Palau Fruit Dove Ptilinopus pelewensis photographed on Babeldaob Palau in 2013 by Devon Pike (cropped).jpg [91]
Flag of Palestine.svg  Palestine Palestine sunbird Cinnyris oseusNo Nectarinia osea2.jpg [92]
Flag of Panama.svg  Panama Harpy eagle Harpia harpyjaYes DirkvdM big bird.jpg [93]
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea Raggiana bird-of-paradise Paradisaea raggianaYes Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise wild 5.jpg [94]
Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay Bare-throated bellbird Procnias nudicollisYes Procnias nudicollis.jpg [95]
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Philippine eagle Pithecophaga jefferyiYes Sir Arny(Philippine Eagle).jpg [96]
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland White-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicillaYes White-tailed Eagle Head detail.jpg [97] [98]
White stork Ciconia ciconiaNo Ciconia ciconia - 01.jpg [99]
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico Puerto Rican spindalis Spindalis portoricensisNo Puerto Rican Stripe-headed Tanager (male) (5403225223).jpg [100] [101]
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetosYes Aquila chrysaetos La Canada 2012-01-14.jpg [102] [103]
Great white pelican Pelecanus onocrotalusNo White pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus) Danube delta.jpg [104]
Flag of Saint Helena.svg  Saint Helena Saint Helena plover Charadrius sanctaehelenaeYes Charadrius sanctaehelenae (1).jpg [105]
Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg  Saint Kitts and Nevis Brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalisYes Pelecanus Occidentalis KW 1.JPG [106]
Flag of Saint Lucia.svg  Saint Lucia Saint Lucia amazon Amazona versicolorYes Amazona versicolor -St Lucia-5a.jpg [107]
Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St Vincent parrot Amazona guildingiiYes Amazona guildingii -Botanical Gardens -Kingstown -Saint Vincent-8a-4c.jpg [108]
Flag of Scotland.svg  Scotland Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetosNo GoldenEagle-Nova.jpg [109]
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia Eastern imperial eagle Aquila heliacaYes Eastern Imperial Eagle cr.jpg [110] [111]
Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore Crimson sunbird Aethopyga siparajaNo Crimson sunbird.jpg [112]
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Blue crane Anthropoides paradiseaYes Paradieskranich Anthropoides paradisea Tiergarten-Nuernberg-1.jpg [44] [113]
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea Korean magpie Pica (pica) seriecaNo Korean magpie in Daejeon (side profile).jpg [114]
Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka Sri Lanka junglefowl Gallus lafayetiiYes Thimindu 2009 09 04 Yala Sri Lanka Junglefowl 1.JPG [115]
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Common blackbird Turdus merulaNo Turdus merula -garden wall-8.jpg [116]
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand Siamese fireback Lophura diardiYes Lophura diardi -Florida, USA -captive-8a.jpg [117]
Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan Taiwan blue magpie Urocissa caeruleaNo Tolstokliuvaia lazorevaia soroka.jpg [118]
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Scarlet ibis (Trinidad)Eudocimus ruberYes Eudocimus ruber (portrait).jpg [119]
Cocrico (Tobago)Ortalis ruficaudaYes Rufous-vented Chachalaca (Ortalis ruficauda) (4090120788).jpg [119]
Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda East African crowned crane Balearica regulorum gibbericepsYes Crested Crane, Bunyonyi, Uganda.jpg [120]
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine White stork Ciconia ciconiaNo Ringed white stork.jpg [121]
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates Saker falcon Falco cherrugYes Falco cherrug (Marek Szczepanek).jpg [122]
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom European robin Erithacus rubeculaNo Erithacus rubecula with cocked head.jpg [123] [124]
Flag of the United States.svg  United States Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalusYes Bald eagle closeup 16x9.jpg [125] [126]
Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay Southern lapwing Vanellus chilensisNo Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) (9610083658).jpg [127]
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Venezuelan troupial Icterus icterusYes Common Troupial - Nashville Zoo.jpg [128]
Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg  Wales Red kite Milvus milvusNo Red Kite, Spain.jpg [129]
Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia African fish eagle Haliaeetus vociferYes African fish eagle just caught fish.jpg [44] [130]
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe African fish eagle Haliaeetus vociferYes Hvidhovedet afrikansk orn2.png [44]

See also


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