March 25, 1975: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia assassinated by nephewMarch 2, 1975: Shah of Iran abolishes all political parties except oneMarch 16, 1975: Mariner 10 photographs planet MercuryMarch 2, 1975: Bokassa makes himself C.A.R. President-for-life
March 1, 1975 (Saturday)
Color television broadcasting was officially introduced in Australia, where black and white TV had started in 1956. ATV (Australia) used the slogan "First in Color" while the Nine Network described its new programming as "Living Color".[1]
The factory of the Sponge Rubber Products Company, located in Shelton, Connecticut, was destroyed by a bomb planted by the Weather Underground terrorist group. The three security guards at the plant were overpowered and kidnapped by three masked men, who detonated the bombs, and freed the men later.[5] Although nobody was hurt, the destruction caused the loss of 1,100 jobs.[6]
An Iraqi Airways airliner was hijacked by three Kurdish gunmen, shortly after taking off from Mosul to Baghdad with 93 people on board. The hijackers (Ahmad Hasan, Taha Naimi and Faud al-Qeitan) demanded that 85 Kurdish political prisoners be released, that they receive five million dollars, and that they be flown to Iran. After the plane made a forced landing in Tehran on a blocked runway, a gunbattle ensued between Iraqi security guards onboard and the gunmen. One passenger was killed and ten others wounded, including Hasan, who later died of his wounds. Taimi and al-Qeitan were executed a month later by a firing squad in Iran.[7]
A bomb planted at a bus terminal in Nairobi, Kenya, killed 27 people and injured almost 100.[10]
Died:J. M. Kariuki, Kenyan politician, was kidnapped from the Nairobi Hilton Hotel by bodyguards of Kariuki's political opponent, Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta and murdered. His body was found three days later in a valley of the Ngong Hills.[11]
Died: General Oscar Bonilla Bradanovic, 56, Chilean Minister of National Defense, in a helicopter crash, while returning from vacation at Curicó. Two French technicians of the Aérospatiale helicopter company were killed on March 22, in another helicopter accident, after investigating the crash.[14]
Iran signed a trade deal pledging to spend 22 billion dollars in the United States over a ten-year period.[16]
Peter Lorenz, the Christian Democratic Union's candidate for Mayor of West Berlin, was released, unharmed, after the West German government freed five guerillas, gave each of them cash, and flew them to Aden in South Yemen.[17]
Ethiopia's ruling military council, the Dergue, issued Proclamation 31, nationalizing all rural land, giving households 10 hectares apiece of land, and assigning 800 hectares apiece to local "Peasant Associations".[18]
March 5, 1975 (Wednesday)
The Homebrew Computer Club, originally a gathering of computer hobbyists, held its very first meeting, at the garage of Gordon French in Menlo Park, California. One of the people in attendance, 24-year-old Steve Wozniak, couldn't afford the Intel 8080, and began searching for a cheaper 8-bit substitute. After finding the MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor, Wozniak worked at trying to modify it to hook to a standard keyboard and to connect to an ordinary television. Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne would join to form Apple, Inc.[19]
David Owen Brooks, who assisted Dean Arnold Corll and Elmer Wayne Henley in the serial killings of 28 young men and boys in Texas, was sentenced to life in prison for strangling of 15-year-old Billy Ray Lawrence, one of 27 murders committed in the summer of 1973 of which he had been accused.[20]
In Tel Aviv, the Savoy Hotel was seized by eight Al-Fatah commandos after they rowed ashore to Israel from the Mediterranean Sea. Thirteen people were taken hostage in the early morning. The Israeli counter-terrorism unit Sayeret Matkal stormed the hotel later in the day, killing seven of the eight guerillas. Eight hostages and three of the Israeli soldiers died in the operation.[21]
The key 26.6 second section of the "Zapruder film", the home movie which had inadvertently filmed the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, was shown for the first time on television, broadcast by ABC News on "Good Night America" featuring Dick Gregory and Robert J. Groden, hosted by Geraldo Rivera.[25]
Technical Sergeant Leonard Matlovich of the United States Air Force presented letter to his commander at Langley Air Force Base, Captain Dennis Collins, announcing, "After some years of uncertainty, I have arrived at the conclusion that my sexual preferences are homosexual as opposed to heterosexual." In doing so, Matlovich became the first U.S. military serviceman to challenge a ban against service by gay men and lesbians.[26]
March 7, 1975 (Friday)
The United States Senate voted 56–27 to change the rules on ending a filibuster. Previously, the vote of 67 the 100 Senators (at least 2/3rds) was needed to end an overly long speech, and the rule was changed to 60 percent.[27]
The 114th and final episode of the television series The Odd Couple was broadcast on the U.S. ABC television network. Nearly five years after meticulous Felix Unger (played by Tony Randall) was divorced by his wife and moved into the apartment of his slob friend Oscar Madison (Jack Klugman), the story concluded with Felix being taken by his wife and moving out.
The "Whip Inflation Now" (WIN) program, that had been launched on October 8, 1974, by the Citizens Action Committee to Fight Inflation", was brought to an end by the same Committee.[30]
The Cuban Family Code, which decreed equality between husbands and wives, went into effect.[31]
Died:George Stevens, 70, American film director, and winner of two Academy Awards for A Place in the Sun and Giant.
Troops of the Army of North Vietnam began an early morning attack on the city of Ban Me Thuot in South Vietnam with the 316th, 10th and 320th Divisions, easily overrunning a South Vietnam Army regiment of defenders who were outnumbered by 5 1/2 to 1. By 10:30 the next morning, "Campaign 275" was over [35] and had effectively placed half of South Vietnam behind enemy lines.[36][37] Because of Ban Me Thuot's strategic location at the intersection of South Vietnam's two main highways,[38] the defeat created a "domino effect" that would lead to the disintegration and conquest of South Vietnam, as ARVN troops abandoned the Highlands and fled south.[4] NVA General Van Tien Dung would later write, "Was it true that the thunderous blow we had dealt at Ban Me Thuot had produced such a shattering impact on the enemy? It was true that the enemy had been stunned and rendered strategically confused. The enemy had again made another strategic mistake.[35]
The leftist military government in Portugal defeated a rightist coup attempt.[40]
Born:Buvaisar Saitiev, Russian freestyle wrestler, three time Olympic gold-medalist and six time world champion in his weight group; in Khasavyurt
March 12, 1975 (Wednesday)
The seventh and last "draft lottery", for conscription of 18-year-old American men into military service.[41] Men born on December 8, 1956, would have been drafted first, in the event of a national emergency, followed by those born June 19 and March 22, while a February 12 birthday was drawn 366th and last. By 1975, the U.S. armed services were recruiting volunteers only.[42] The draft registration requirement was suspended 20 days later, on April 1, and processing of all registrations would end on January 27, 1976.[41]
The Dubai Islamic Bank was established in the United Arab Emirates, becoming the first private institution to operate under the principles of Islamic banking. With the charging of interest on a loan prohibited by Islamic law, the banks instead make an investment in the item upon which the loan is planned, without a fixed interest rate. Similar Islamic banks were established in 1977 in Kuwait, Egypt and the Sudan.[43] (See also for February 9, 1972, Cairo meeting to fashion the Islamic banking system)
March 13, 1975 (Thursday)
The first Chili's restaurant was opened. The chain now has 1,400 locations.[44]
U.S. Senator Hubert H. Humphrey agreed to pay back taxes owed to the Internal Revenue Service, after his claim of a deduction of $199,153 for the donation of records from service as Vice President of the United States, was disallowed. Nearly a year earlier, then-President Richard M. Nixon had been disallowed a more than $450,000 deduction for his vice-presidential papers. Nixon and Humphrey had run against each other in the 1968 U.S. Presidential election.[45] Humphrey later paid $240,000 in taxes, penalties and interest.
Khmer Rouge guerillas, fighting to take over Cambodia, destroyed a 20-ton ammunition dump at the Phnom Penh. Nobody was hurt, but the shrapnel rendered two commercial aircraft inoperable.[46]
After the fall of Ban Me Thuot, South Vietnam's President Thieu made the decision to abandon the northwestern half of the nation to the North Vietnamese invaders, withdrawing troops and ordering an evacuation, in hopes of consolidating a defense of the remaining provinces around Saigon, and possibly regrouping for a counterattack. "The strategy might have had a chance of success had it been made sooner," an observer noted later, but "the plan to retake certain strategic points and commence an orderly withdrawal from the Central Highlands was made too late."[36] South Vietnam's defense would collapse so rapidly that the entire nation would be in North Vietnamese control within six weeks.
Former Oklahoma Governor David Hall, who had been indicted on January 13 while still in office, was convicted of racketeering, extortion and perjury, and sentenced to three years in federal prison. He would be released after 19 months.[47]
Susan Hayward (stage name for Edythe Marrenner), 57, American film actress, died of brain cancer. Hayward had won the 1958 Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the film I Want to Live!.[48]
Keeve M. "Kip" Siegel, 51, co-developer of the first small-scale thermonuclear fusion within a laboratory, died of a stroke suffered while testifying in Congress before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy about his goal in developing a cheap source of energy through use of lasers to achieve fusion. The day before, Siegel was reading a prepared statement when he couldn't say the words aloud, and slumped over after taking a sip from a glass of water.[49]
March 15, 1975 (Saturday)
Helios 1 made the closest approach to the Sun up to that time by a man-made object, coming within 28.7 million miles (46.2 million km) and sending back data to West Germany's space agency, the DFVLR (Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt) at Oberpfaffenhofen as well as to the United States space agency, NASA.[50]
South Vietnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu ordered his army to abandon defense of the nation's second largest city, Huế, and to retreat southward to defend Saigon. The decision led to more than 250,000 civilians refugees fleeing southward over the next six weeks.[38]
In Racine, Wisconsin, hang glider pilot John Moody was able to run and then lift off ("foot-launch") from the frozen surface of a lake to begin a 30-minute flight. Moody had modified a UFM Easy Rider biplane glider by adding a 12.5 horse power engine and a 28in (710mm) propeller, achieving the first foot-launched powered hang glider takeoff and sustained flight.[51][52] He would demonstrate his creation, which he dubbed Icarus II, at a convention of the Experimental Aviation Association on July 27, 1976, effectively introducing ultralight aviation to the United States.[53]
Veselin Topalov, Bulgarian chess grandmaster and world champion (2005-2006); in Ruse
Died:Aristotle Onassis, 69, Greek shipping magnate who rose from a menial job to become a billionaire and the husband of former U.S. first lady Jackie Kennedy.
March 16, 1975 (Sunday)
The Mariner 10 satellite made the closest approach by an Earth launched vehicle, to that time, to the planet Mercury, orbiting at a distance of 203 miles (307km) and returning clear photographs of the first planet's surface.[54]
The South Vietnamese defenders of Pleiku fled only 15 days after the North Vietnamese invasion, with hundreds of thousands of troops and civilians evacuating so suddenly that North Vietnam's General Van Tien Dung was surprised at the result of what had been intended as a limited series of attacks. General Dung would recount later in a report to the Communist Party that his thought at the time was "Why such a retreat? And who had given the orders for it?" and notes that the original plan had been to foment an uprising in South Vietnam in 1976. The fall of Pleiku was followed by the retreat of South Vietnamese troops and civilians in provinces further south, and North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops toppled the government in Saigon within six weeks, on April 30.[56]
Kukrit Pramoj formed a new coalition government in Thailand, becoming Prime Minister, although his Social Action Party had only 18 seats in Parliament.[58]
Television Electronic Disc (TeD), a form of videorecording, was introduced by West German electronic manufacturers Telefunken and Teldec.[59]
March 18, 1975 (Tuesday)
Herbert Chitepo, the 51-year old leader of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), was assassinated by a bomb that had been wired to his car at his home in Lusaka, Zambia. Chitepo, his bodyguard Silas Shamiso, and a child who had been playing in a yard next door were killed by the blast. It was unclear whether the killing was done by forces of the white government in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), by a rival Zimbabwean organization, or by a rival within the ZANU group.[60]Robert Mugabe would succeed Chitepo as the leader of ZANU and would become Zimbabwe's first black African prime minister in 1980.
The National Assembly of Tunisia voted to proclaim Tunisian leader Habib Bourguiba as "President for Life". Borguiba, who had become the North African republic's first President in 1957, had been re-elected a fourth time in 1974 despite a provision in the Tunisian constitution that prohibited a president from being re-elected to more than three consecutive terms.[61] Bourguiba, who would live to the age of 96, would be removed from office at the age of 83 in 1987 after increasing evidence of dementia.[62]
Private schools were outlawed in the African nation of Equatorial Guinea by order of its dictator, President Francisco Macías Nguema. Macías had previously closed all libraries in the nation and prohibited use of the word "intellectual".[63]
The People's Republic of China granted an amnesty for 290 Nationalist Chinese (Taiwan) whom they had convicted of "war crimes" against the Communist Chinese government. Scheduled for release were 219 military officers, 21 government officials and 50 secret agents.[64]
After initially hoping to maintain control of the area around Huế, the second largest city in South Vietnam, President Thieu ordered the area to be evacuated, sending even more refugees toward Saigon.[65]
Vivian Hsu (Xu Ruoxuan) Taiwanese singer, actress and model, in Taichung
Le Jingyi, Chinese swimmer, gold medalist in women's swimming championships and in 1996 Olympics; in Shanghai
March 20, 1975 (Thursday)
Victoria Fyodorova, a Soviet actress who had been born from the affair of U.S. Navy Admiral Jackson Tate and Soviet film actress Zoya Fyodorova, was finally granted an exit visa by the Soviet Union.
March 21, 1975 (Friday)
The Dergue, the Ethiopian military junta that had overthrown the Emperor Haile Selassie I six months earlier, announced that it was abolishing the centuries-old Ethiopian Empire. According to Ethiopian tradition, the monarchy was almost 3,000 years old, dating back to 950 B.C.[66]
All 16 passengers and crew aboard a U.S. Air Force C-141A Starlifter were killed in the U.S. state of Washington when an air traffic controller at McChord Field gave the crew a descent command intended for another aircraft. The C-141A descended to an altitude of less than 7,756 feet (2,364m) as it approached the Cascade Mountains and crashed into the side of Mount Constance.
March 22, 1975 (Saturday)
A worker, testing for leaks, accidentally caused a fire at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Alabama, at the time the largest nuclear power plant in the world. After detecting a persistent leak in a concrete wall and attempting to plug it with polyurethane sheets the worker tested it for signs of airflow with the instrument available to him—a candle. The highly flammable polyurethane was ignited, the fire spread into the other side of the wall where it could not be reached, and after seven hours, caused ten million dollars worth of damage.[68]
The Indian state of Nagaland was placed under President's rule for two years, with the national government assuming control of state affairs. Presidential rulership would also be imposed in 1988, 1992 and 2008.[citation needed]
Norwegian commercial diver A. L. Alvestad died of hypothermia and hypoxia due to overwork while conducting a bell dive from the drillship 'Borgny' Dolphin in the North Sea.[69]
"Ding-a-dong" by Teach-In (music by Dick Bakker, lyrics by Will Luikinga and Eddy Ouwens) won the 20th Eurovision Song Contest 1975 (staged in Stockholm) for the Netherlands.
Died:Cass Daley, 59, American comedian and film actress, after falling on a glass table at her home
March 23, 1975 (Sunday)
After CBS became the first American TV network to openly practice checkbook journalism, former White House Chief of StaffH. R. Haldeman appeared in the first of two interviews by Mike Wallace on the CBS news program 60 Minutes. The appearance, and Haldeman's answers to questions about ex-President Richard M. Nixon and the Watergate scandal, came in return for a payment of at least $25,000 by CBS News.[70] Haldeman admitted in the first interview that he had talked President Nixon out of destroying tape recordings of conversations in Nixon's office, saying that he "stupidly — didn't really think the thing through". Haldeman was serving a federal prison sentence at the time of the interview.[71]
Jean Gueury, France's ambassador to Somalia, was kidnapped as he left worship services at a cathedral in Mogadishu. Somali police quickly located the house where Gueury was held hostage, and the French embassy negotiated with the kidnappers,[72] agreeing to their demands only minutes before the threatened execution of Gueury.[73] France released two Somali terrorists from prison, provided the kidnappers $100,000 in gold, and allowed them to fly to Yemen, where Gueury was freed unharmed.[74]
March 24, 1975 (Monday)
Chuck Wepner, a relatively unknown boxer, went up against world heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali in a bout in Cleveland. Wepner, a "club fighter" who had been selected as an easy opponent for the champ, knocked Ali down to the canvas in the ninth round, then went on to do what few of Ali's opponents had been able to do, "going the distance" for the full 15 rounds. The Ali-Wepner fight was watched on closed circuit TV by an out of work actor, Sylvester Stallone, who turned his own idea about an obscure boxer, getting a title shot, into the film Rocky, with Stallone portraying the Wepner-like Rocky Balboa.[75]
After it had sent back photographs of the planet Mercury, Mariner 10 was switched off at 1221 UTC. Nearly an hour earlier, it had exhausted its supply of fuel to its attitude control system, preventing it from maintaining a steady fix on the planet. Further such exploration of Mercury would not take place again until 2008, after the 2004 launch of the satellite MESSENGER.[76]
The beaver became the official "symbol of the sovereignty of Canada", after Royal Assent was given, by the Governor-General, to legislation passed by both houses of Parliament.
Alexander Mitchell, a 50-year-old bricklayer in the English town of King's Lynn, literally died laughing, while viewing a TV episode of the British comedy The Goodies. Mitchell laughed for 25 minutes before his heart failed. His widow reportedly sent a letter to the comic group, thanking them for making his final moments happy.[77]
Died:Willie Ritchie, 84, former world lightweight boxing champion (1912–14)
March 25, 1975 (Tuesday)
King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was shot and killed by his nephew, Prince Faisal bin Musaid, during a meeting with a visiting delegation from Kuwait. Prince Faisal knew one of the members of the Kuwaiti delegation, and followed the group in to meet the King. When the King recognized the Prince, he approached his nephew to be greeted. Prince Faisal then drew a .38 caliber revolver from his robes and fired three shots at close range, killing one of the most powerful men in the world almost instantly.[78]
March 26, 1975 (Wednesday)
The first license ever issued in the United States for a same-sex marriage was issued by Clela Rorex, the County Clerk for Boulder County, Colorado. Dave McCord and Dave Zamora had consulted with the county's District Attorney, who decided that there was nothing in Colorado law that prohibited same sex marriage, and Rorex gave approval for the two men to marry.[79] On April 24, State Attorney General Joyce Murdoch would invalidate the license, as well as five others issued by Rorex.[80]
Khalid ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Saud, the Crown Prince and the younger half-brother of King Faisal, was crowned as the new King of Saudi Arabia. Faisal was buried, pursuant to Islamic custom, at sundown the day after his death, without a coffin and in an unmarked grave. King Khalid named his half-brother Fahd as the new Crown Prince.[81]
The film Jaws was given its first preview showing before an audience, in advance of its June 20 nationwide release, at the Medallion Theater in Dallas, Texas.[82]
Western Europe's first Communist-dominated cabinet was installed by Portugal's Prime Minister Vasco Gonçalves.[83]
The Biological Weapons Convention, the first multinational treaty banning the production or use of a specific category of weapons, entered into force by its own terms.[84]
A fire in the maternity ward at Kucic Hospital in Rijeka, former Yugoslavia, killed 25 people.[86]
March 29, 1975 (Saturday)
As North Vietnam's army made its way into Da Nang, a World AirwaysBoeing 727 made its fourth and final flight to evacuate refugees to safety in South Vietnam. When the airline's President, Ed Dalye, arrived, there were over 1,000 people at Da Nang. Instead of women and children, 400 South Vietnamese soldiers forced their way onto a plane which normally carried 150 passengers. The jet took off with its back stairway still open, and those who did not make it on board tried to climb on into the wheelwells and the undercarriage of the jet.[87][88]
Born:Jan Bos, Dutch sprint skater and two time world-champion; in Harderwijk
March 30, 1975 (Sunday)
On Easter Sunday, James Ruppert murdered his mother, his brother and sister-in-law, and the couple's eight children, ranging in age from 4 to 17 years old. Ruppert surrendered to police, and was later sentenced to two life terms in prison.[89]
The 635th and final original episode of the long-running TV series Gunsmoke, titled The Sharecroppers, was telecast.[91] After originally being a radio series, the show had started on television on September 10, 1955 and ran for 20 seasons.[92]
Lon Nol, the President of the Khmer Republic (formerly Cambodia) since 1970, bid farewell to his constituents and fled the country.[93]
The New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation made its last broadcasts under that name. The channel frequencies in Dunedin and Wellington become TV1 (now TVNZ 1) the next morning, while those in Auckland and Christchurch were not used until the launch of TV2 (now TVNZ 2) on June 30 later that year.
↑ Albert Moran and Chris Keating, The A to Z of Australian Radio and Television (Scarecrow Press, 2009) pp99-100
↑ Rosemary Radford Ruether, Goddesses and the Divine Feminine: A Western Religious History (University of California Press, 2005) p292
↑ "CB: more channels, easier regulations, new hardware", Popular Mechanics (November 1975) p98
1 2 Mai Elliott, RAND in Southeast Asia: A History of the Vietnam War Era (Rand Corporation, 2010) p525
↑ "Court Allows Rape Victim Naming", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 4, 1975, p2; Merril D. Smith, Encyclopedia of Rape (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004) p52
↑ Heraldo Muñoz, The Dictator's Shadow: Life under Augusto Pinochet (Basic Books, 2008) p64
↑ "He'll Be Sir Charles Today", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 4, 1975, p3
↑ "What Kissinger Was Afraid In the Pike Papers", by Aaron Latham, New York Magazine (October 4, 1976) p64
↑ "BERLIN CANDIDATE FREED- Guerillas Released As Ransom", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 5, 1975, p1
↑ "Ethiopia Moves Toward Socialism", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 5, 1975, p3; Harold G. Marcus, A history of Ethiopia (University of California Press, 1994) p102
↑ Owen W. Linzmayer, Apple Confidential 2.0: the Definitive History of the World's Most Colorful Company (No Starch Press, 2004) p4; "History of microcomputing, part 1: Homebrew club", by Paul Freiberger, InfoWorld Feb 22, 1982
↑ "Gets Life Term in Mass Murder", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 6, 1975, p3
↑ Samuel M. Katz, Ron Volstad, Israeli Defense Forces since 1973 (Osprey Publishing, 1986) p7; "ISRAELIS KILL TERRORISTS- Hostages Freed, Troops Storm Hotel", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 6, 1975, p1; "5 Tourists' Bodies Found in Israeli Hotel", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 8, 1975, p3
↑ "Iran, Iraq Agree to Peace", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 7, 1975, p3
↑ Dilip Hiro, The Longest War: The Iran–Iraq Military Conflict (Routledge, 1989) p. 17
↑ John Keegan, The Iraq War (Random House, 2004); Daniel Pipes, The Long Shadow: Culture and Politics in the Middle East (Transaction Publishers, 1988) p. 84
↑ Arthur Goldwag, Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies (Random House, 2009) p. 174
↑ James T. Sears, Rebels, Rubyfruit, and Rhinestones: Queering Space in the Stonewall South (Rutgers University Press, 2001) p. 198
1 2 "Excerpts From General's Account of the Offensive", The New York Times, April 26, 1976, p. 16
1 2 Michael Lee Lanning and Dan Cragg, Inside the VC and the NVA: The Real Story of North Vietnam's Armed Forces (Texas A&M University Press, 2008) p239
↑ "Tank-Led Reds Overrun S. Viet City", Pittsburgh Press, March 10, 1975, p1
1 2 Sucheng Chan, The Vietnamese American 1.5 Generation: Stories of War, Revolution, Flight, and New Beginnings (Temple University Press, 2006) p57
↑ "Premier Ousted on Island Republic", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 11, 1975, p1
↑ "Mercury Fly-By Excites Jet Lab", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 17, 1975, p3; Patrick Moore, The Data Book of Astronomy (CRC Press, 2000) p77
↑ "52 Killed In Air Crash", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 19, 1975, p1
↑ "Hanoi General Was Surprised At Speed of Saigon's Collapse— Rout at Pleiku Left Him Astounded", by Fox Butterfield, The New York Times, April 26, 1976, p. 1
↑ Yoshifumi Tamada, Myths and Realities: The Democratization of Thai Politics (Trans Pacific Press, 2009) p18
↑ "TeD Video Disc", The Quest for Home Video,; Toru Higuchi and Marvin Troutt, Life Cycle Management in Supply Chains: Identifying Innovations through the Case of the VCR (Idea Group Inc, 2008)
↑ Luise White, The Assassination of Herbert Chitepo: Texts and Politics in Zimbabwe (Indiana University Press, 2003) p1
↑ "Tunisia", in The Statesman's Year-Book 1983-84, John Paxton, ed. (Springer, 1983) p1190
↑ "Macías Nguema, Francisco", in A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good, Paul R. Bartrop, ed. (ABC-CLIO, 2012) pp195-196
↑ "China to Free Last War Criminals", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 20, 1975, p3
"S. Viets Evacuate City of Hue", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 20, 1975, p1
↑ "Ethiopia Ends 3,000 Year Monarchy", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 22, 1975, p3; Henc Van Maarseveen and Ger van der Tang, Written Constitutions: A Computerized Comparative Study (BRILL, 1978) p47
↑ "Haldeman Said to Get $25,000 For CBS Interview by Wallace", New York Times, March 6, 1975, p74; "Haldeman paid", Meriden (CT) Journal, March 6, 1975, p. 1.
↑ "Didn't expect damage from tapes: Haldeman", Montreal Gazette, March 24, 1975, p. 1.
↑ "French ambassador kidnapped", Calgary Herald, March 24, 1975, p. 2.
↑ "France Yields to Kidnapers' Demands", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 26, 1975, p. 4.
↑ "African Rebels Free Ambassador", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 29, 1975, p. 3.
↑ George Foreman and Ken Abraham, Knockout Entrepreneur (Thomas Nelson Inc, Aug 11, 2009) pp81-82
↑ Paolo Ulivi and David M. Harland, Robotic Exploration of the Solar System: The Golden Age 1957-1982 (Springer, 2007) p196
↑ Leland Gregory, S Is for Stupid: An Encyclopedia of Stupidity (Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2011) p188; "Death, where is thy sting?", Montreal Gazette, March 31, 1975
↑ "FAISAL DEATH STUNS WORLD", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 26, 1975, p1; Kai Bird, Crossing Mandelbaum Gate: Coming of Age Between the Arabs and Israelis, 1956-1978 (Simon and Schuster, 2010) p143
↑ "11 FOUND SLAIN IN OHIO", Milwaukee Sentinel, March 31, 1975, p1; Brian Lane and Wilfred Gregg, The Encyclopedia of Mass Murder (Running Press, 2004) pp284-285
↑ "Wooden Ends With a Title Hit", Milwaukee Sentinel, April 1, 1975, p2-1
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