Norse mythology in popular culture

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The Norse mythology, preserved ancient Icelandic texts such as the Poetic Edda, the Prose Edda, and other lays and sagas, was little known outside Scandinavia until the 19th century. With the widespread publication of Norse myths and legends at this time, references to the Norse gods and heroes spread into European literary culture, especially in Scandinavia, Germany, and Britain. In the later 20th century, references to Norse mythology became common in science fiction and fantasy literature, role-playing games, and eventually other cultural products such as Japanese animation. Storytelling was an important aspect of Norse mythology and centuries later, with the rediscovery of the myth, Norse mythology once again relies on the impacts of storytelling to spread its agenda. [1]


Antiquaries of the 19th century such as George Webbe Dasent brought the mythology of Scandinavia back to the popular notice of many people in Germany and England; in both cases, Norse mythology was recognized as the latest surviving form of Germanic paganism. Germany and England were Christianized far earlier than the Scandinavian countries and much of their own traditions were lost. [2]

In Britain, William Morris composed poetry such as Sigurd the Volsung on Norse legendary subjects as well as translating Icelandic sagas into English. In Germany, Richard Wagner borrowed characters and themes from Norse mythology to compose the four operas that make up Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung), though he also utilized medieval German sources and Germanized the names of the Norse gods. In Germany, the rediscovery of Norse mythology became popularized by transforming its art-religion context to an alternative spiritual practice. [2] The Lord of the Rings written by J. R. R. Tolkien was said to have been heavily influenced by Norse mythology which brought on many debates about structural and theoretical approaches to mythology. [3]


American comics

[4] [5]

European comics

Manga, anime and manhwa

  • The Norse Pantheon heroes are the main characters of the Japanese manga and anime Matantei Loki Ragnarok (loosely translated, The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok).
  • The manhwa series Ragnarok , by Myung-Jin Lee, is based on Norse mythology and the events of Ragnarok, the prophesied fall of the gods.
  • Vinland Saga takes place in Iceland and 11th-century Europe, which makes many references to Norse mythology
  • In History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi , the protagonists fight against a gang organization known as Ragnarok. Each of the Eight Fists were nicknamed after a figure in Norse mythology, including Berserker, Freya, Loki, Thor, Siegfried, Hermit, Valkyrie, and their leader Odin.
  • Oh! My Goddess! has aspects of Norse mythology. Heaven's main computer is called Yggdrasil, the goddesses and demons' names are based on Norse gods and goddesses, and the Underworld's computer is called Nidhogg.
  • Attack on Titan , also has prominent themes of Norse mythology, including (but not limited to): Ymir, Castle Utgard, the walls, the Titans, parallels between Norse gods/goddesses and characters, as well as plot lines that seem to mimic events in Norse mythology. The conflict between the Titan shifters and normal humans may be compared to the wars between the Aesir and Vanir. There are other references that are minor as well, such as the can of herring found by Ymir (which contains Norse runes on the label) and the giant boar killed in the second OVA of the anime.
  • Sword Art Online has characters and story based on Norse mythology.
  • In High School DxD Norse mythology is one of the supernatural factions that exist in the light novel and anime.
    • Odin, the Chief of the Norse Gods is a major supporting character who aided the Occult Research Club in fending off Khaos Bridge terrorism in Volume 6.
    • Loki the Norse God of Evil is the antagonist of Volume 7 who tried to start Ragnarok by killing Odin with his son Fenrir but was defeated instead.
    • Loki's first son the Norse Divine Wolf Fenrir is one of the most powerful monsters in the supernatural world being capable of killing gods with his fangs. After his father was defeated, Fenrir was captured by the Vali Team and became Le Fay Pendragon's familiar
    • Loki's second son the World Serpent Jormundgandr is one of the Five Great Dragon Kings alongside its fellow Norse Dragon Fafnir.
    • Fafnir another famous Norse Dragon who was killed by Sigurd and revived by the Norse God's, became the familiar of Asia Argento.
    • Rossweisse, a genius Valkyrie who once served Odin as his bodyguard, was later reincarnated into a devil by Rias. She also became the lover of the protagonist Issei Hyodou.
    • Gondul, a legendary Valkyrie and Rossweisse's grandmother debut in Volume 17 to teach magic to Devil children in Auros Academy.
    • Nidhoggr the Norse Dragon who resides in Niflheimr feeding on dead corpses and gnaws on Yggdrasil's roots is one of the legendary Evil Dragons revived by Qlippoth who was sent to kidnapped Issei's parents.
    • Vidar, Odin's third son became his father successor as Chief God of the Norse Mythological faction due to Odin sealed himself in an alternative dimension prison to fight the Beast of Revelation 666.
  • Saint Seiya: Poseidon and the Asgardians has characters and story based on Norse mythology such as Odin, Freyja, Jörmungandr, Fenrir, Sleipnir, Sigurd etc.
  • In Record of Ragnarok , the Norse gods Odin, Loki, and Thor are among the 13 gods fighting against 13 historical humans in a tournament. In addition, the Valkyries are major characters, the manga using the ones listed in the poems Völuspá and Grímnismál .


  • Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki is a webcomic featuring Yuuki, a boy turned into a Valkyrie by Hermod to stand against Surt and the Giants. It features many representations of Norse mythological figures in a modern-day setting.
  • Brat-halla is a mythology webcomic about the Norse gods during their elementary school days. All-Father Odin and his wife Frigg constantly have their hands full with youngsters Thor (the super strong runt of the litter), Loki (the god of mischief who likes to play with dolls), Balder (the invulnerable pretty boy), Hod (the blind god of darkness and winter), Hermod (the hyper super speedster) and the rest of the Norse pantheon.
  • The Order of the Stick features the Norse pantheon deities, including Thor, Sif, Loki, and Odin, as the gods of the Northern lands and participants in the creation of the universe. Durkon Thundershield, one of the main characters, is a cleric of Thor.
  • Stand Still. Stay Silent., by Finnish Swede illustrator and cartoonist Minna Sundberg, is a post apocalyptic webcomic with elements from Nordic mythology, set 90 years in the future. [6] In this story, Iceland and Norway have returned to the embrace of their ancient Gods. [7]
  • Off-White is a fantasy webcomic by Polish artists Anna Podedworna and Katarzyna Redesiuk that borrows many elements from Norse mythology, particularly the characters of the wolves Sköll and Hati, chasers of Sól and Máni. [8]
  • The God of High School features the Norse pantheon deities, including Thor, Odin.



Illustration to a Wagner's Opera Schott's 1899 Walkure title.jpg
Illustration to a Wagner's Opera

Nordic folk

Modern Nordic folk genre numbers several bands, soloists, and music projects focused mostly or entirely on themes revolving around Norse mythology.


Live action TV

  • The Norwegian-language Netflix drama Ragnarok features a boy who discovers he is Thor battling a family of frost giants in human form in the modern-day town of Edda.
  • Several of the Norse gods feature prominently in the Danish miniseries, Jul i Valhal , and many of the Norse myths are referenced as well. Loki, in particular, is a major character.
  • Miniseries Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King , aka Niebelungen, is based on Nibelungenlied .
  • The TV series Stargate SG-1 regularly features the Asgard race, which is a powerful, yet friendly alien species broadly depicted as somewhat resembling grey aliens who, according to the series, are the original source of the Norse gods having portrayed them to help humanity. Thor, a member of the Asgard High Council, is a regularly returning character on the show. Their spaceships, as seen from below, are shaped like Mjolnir, Thor's hammer. In Stargate Atlantis , it is revealed that there is a sub-group of Asgard called the Vanir, opposed to the agenda of the other Asgard, and analogous to the Vanir of Norse mythology.
  • In the 5th Season of TV series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys , the episodes Norse by Norsevest and Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge depict Hercules traveling to Asgard and being thrust into a major conflict among the Viking Norse Gods.
  • In Metalocalypse , Skwisgaar Skwigelf and Toki Wartooth both seem to show some belief in Norse mythology.
  • In the Robin of Sherwood story "The Time of the Wolf" (1986), the villain Gulnar leads a murderous cult which worships the Norse monster Fenris, called "The Sons of Fenris". [9]
  • The television series Doctor Who has referenced the Norse twilight of the gods in the story, The Curse of Fenric .
  • The television series Supernatural has referenced the Norse Vanir in a Season One episode, as gods that locals of Scandinavian descent brought with them. Supernatural also has four episodes that involves a being believed to be Loki the Trickster. In season 5 episode Hammer of the Gods, members of several godly pantheons (including those of Hindu, Voodoo, etc.) meet in order to deal with the matter of the Christian apocalypse. Lucifer kills all the gods (except for Kali), including Norse gods Odin, Baldur and Loki (revealed earlier to actually be archangel Gabriel). Thor's hammer Mjolnir later appears in a Season 8 episode as an object at a supernatural auction house, bought by Norse god Vili. In the season 13 episode "Unfinished Business", Gabriel is revealed to have made a deal with the real Loki (played by Richard Speight Jr. like Gabriel) to take on his identity and persona millennia earlier to hide from Heaven and to have sought the aid of Loki and his sons Fenrir, Narfi and Sleipnir in hiding after faking his death once more. Instead, the gods had sold him to the Prince of Hell Asmodeus and Gabriel seeks revenge with the help of Sam and Dean Winchester. Gabriel kills Fenris, Narfi and Sleipnir before learning that Loki blames Gabriel for the death of Odin who he still loved despite their differences. Loki's betrayal was his way of getting revenge. After a fight, Gabriel kills Loki with a specially-crafted wooden sword and gets his own revenge upon him.
  • Thor was the main subject of episode 10 of Clash of the Gods .
  • New Zealand television series The Almighty Johnsons is centered on a family who are all reincarnations of Norse Gods.
  • Vikings is a Canadian TV series loosely based on the legendary Viking Ragnarr Loðbrók. The characters in the show have visions of Odin and/or pray to several Germanic deities, such as Thor, Freya, Freyr, and Loki, among others.
  • True Blood features a vampire character named Eric Northman who was once a Viking prince and now the owner of a Shreveport, Louisiana-based nightclub Fangtasia
  • The television series Witches of East End , based on the book of the same name, is about witches from Asgard.
  • Kamen Rider Gaim , a Japanese Tokusatsu television series, makes many references to Norse mythology, especially with the organization Yggdrasill Corporation, the forest-based other-world Helheim, and armor designs for a number of the Riders who turn up in the series.
  • The American Gods TV series features Norse mythological figures, being an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods . In the first season, Odin is the most prominent.
  • Victor Magtanggol is a Filipino television series set in the modern world after the events of Ragnarok where most of the Norse gods are already dead including Thor. The main antagonist in the series is Loki who was revived to take over the world. The story revolves around the main character Victor Magtanggol (played by Alden Richards) who was chosen by lady Sif to be the new wielder of Thor's hammer Mjolnir. [10]
  • Alternative versions of Loki also appear in the 2021 Disney+ series Loki , which is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and shares continuity with the other films and television shows of the franchise.


  • Rintaro Okabe, protagonist in the Japanese anime series, Steins;Gate , uses Norse mythology to name several operations within the series. Each operation has to do with preventing the dystopia in 2036, but the names of the operations have no real connection to the actual myths.
  • Japanese anime series High School DxD light novels and the third season in the anime feature Odin, Loki, Rossweisse (a Valkyrie), Thor's Hammer, and Fenrir.
  • The Japanese series Bladedance of Elementalers , Rinslet Laurenfrost's Contracted Spirit is an ice spirit Dire Wolf named Fenrir.
  • In the anime series Sword Art Online , the game ALfheim Online is based on Norse mythology. [11]
  • In the Japanese anime series Blue Dragon , a character named Logi comes with many references to the mythology; including his name sounding of Loki's, his shadows called "Valkyrie" and "Odin" (who wields the Gungnir), and his fleet of robots named Sleipnir.
  • Attack on Titan has elements of Norse mythology such as the first Titan being called Ymir.
  • Vinland Saga mentions Norse gods such as Thor and Odin.


  • The 1990s Disney animated series Gargoyles featured "Eye of the Storm," set in modern Norway as the thirteenth episode of the so-called "Avalon World Tour" story arc, where Goliath is involved in what culminates in the return of Odin's missing right eye to him, with Odin (voiced by W. Morgan Sheppard) depicted as one of the series' magical "Oberon's children," a race of powerful beings led by Oberon and Titania.
  • The original DuckTales series features an episode titled "Maid of the Myth" in which Ms. Beakley is mistaken for Brunnhilde. The episode also features a cameo from Thor.
  • The 2017 reboot of Disney's DuckTales featured "The Rumble for Ragnarok", where a wrestling tournament is held in Valhalla every decade to determine the destruction of the Earth, with the Asgardians not really caring what happens as a glorious death for Earth means everybody will be joining them in Valhalla. Valhalla's champion, Jormungandr takes the form of a humanoid snake wrestler to give his opponents, in this case Scrooge McDuck and his family, a fair fight. Fenrir and Hel, under the name "Hecka", are also members of Jormungandr's wrestling team.


Video games

Norse mythology in other media

See also


  1. Evans, Jerome (2004). "From Sheryl Crow to Homer Simpson: Literature and Composition through Pop Culture". The English Journal. 93 (3): 32–38. doi:10.2307/4128806. ISSN   0013-8274. JSTOR   4128806.
  2. 1 2 von Schnurbein, Stefanie (2016), "Germanic Neopaganism – A Nordic Art-Religion?", Norse Revival, Transformations of Germanic Neopaganism, Brill, pp. 298–350, JSTOR   10.1163/j.ctt1w76v8x.17 , retrieved 2021-12-22
  3. 1 2 3 Hiley, Margaret (2004). "Stolen Language, Cosmic Models: Myth and Mythology in Tolkien". Modern Fiction Studies. 50 (4): 838–860. ISSN   0026-7724. JSTOR   26286381.
  4. "Norse Mythology in Popular Culture". 27 June 2018.
  5. "Oeming nails Norse myth in 'Hammer of the Gods'". 20 February 2001.
  6. "Stand Still. Stay Silent - webcomic".
  7. "Stand Still. Stay Silent - webcomic, page 67".
  8. "off-white cover by vesner on DeviantArt". 15 November 2013. Retrieved 2022-07-04.
  9. Richard Carpenter,Robin of Sherwood : The Time of the Wolf.Puffin Books, 1989. ISBN   014032660X (pp. 92, 100)
  10. "'Victor Magtanggol' based on Norse mythology, not Marvel's Thor, says creator". 10 July 2018.
  11. Eisenbeis, Richard (June 17, 2015). "Sword Art Online Is A Lot Of Fun, Even Without Its Main Character". Kotaku. Archived from the original on June 17, 2015. Retrieved October 2, 2015. The first volume of Girls' Ops follows the sub-heroines of Sword Art Online: Leafa, Silica, and Lisbeth as they explore the fairy-filled world of the Norse-themed ALfheim Online.
  12. Di Filippo, Laurent (2018). "La mythologie nordique dans Donjons & Dragons - Entre réception et stéréotypes" [Norse mythology in Dungeons & Dragons - Between reception and stereotypes]. Les clichés dans l'histoire. Fest'Ain d'Histoire (in French). Chazey-sur-Ain: Didaskalie. pp. 75–90.
  13. Di Laurent, Filippo (2019). "Fantasy et panthéon nordique dans Donjons et Dragons" [Fantasy and the Norse pantheon in Dungeons & Dragons]. Fantasy Art and Studies (in French). 6: 67–76. Retrieved 22 September 2023.