John M. Walker Jr.

Last updated
John M. Walker Jr., Daniel J.T. Schuker, Strengthening Judicial Independence in the New Constitutional Democracies of Central and Eastern Europe, 37 Yale J. Int'l L. Online 43 (2012).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Advancing the Rule of Law Abroad, 43 Int'l Law 61 (2009).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Politics and the Confirmation Process: Thoughts on the Roberts and Alito Hearings, in Bench Press: The Collision of Courts, Politics, and the Media (Keith J. Bybee ed. 2007)
  • John M. Walker Jr., Politics and the Confirmation Process: The Importance of Congressional Restraint in Safeguarding Judicial Independence, 55 Syracuse L. Rev. 1 (2004).
  • John M. Walker Jr., An Outline of American Criminal Procedure, Investigation, Trial and Judicial Review, Lecture delivered at the Chinese University of Politics and Law, Beijing, China (September 2002).
  • John M. Walker Jr., A Liberty of Restraint, Remarks at the Law Day Dinner, May 1, 2002, 76 St. John's L. Rev. 595 (2002).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Judicial Tendencies in Statutory Interpretation, 58 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 203 (2001).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Foreword, Second Circuit Survey, 21 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 1 (Summer 2001).
  • Andreas F. Lowenfeld, Lawrence W. Newman, John M. Walker Jr., Revolutionary Days: The Iran Hostage Crisis and the Hague Claims Tribunal, A Look Back, Juris Publishing, Inc. (1999).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Comments on Professionalism, 2 J. Inst. for Study Legal Ethics 111 (1999).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Harmless Error Review in the Second Circuit, 63 Brook. L. Rev. 395 (1997).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Domestic Adjudication of International Human Rights Violations Under the Alien Tort Statute, 41 St. Louis U. L.J. 539 (1997).
  • Sharon E. Grubin and John M. Walker Jr., Report of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 9 (1997).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Current Threats to Judicial Independence and Appropriate Responses: A Presentation to the American Bar Association, 12 St. John's J. Legal Comment (Fall 1996).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Protectable "Nuggets": Drawing the Line Between Idea and Expression in Computer Program Copyright Protection, 44 J. of the Copyright Soc'y of the USA Vol. 44, No. 2 (Winter 1996).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Is the Commission Fulfilling its Mandate?: A Review of the Sentencing Commission's 1994 Annual Report, 8 Federal Sentencing Reporter, Number 2 (September/October, 1995).
  • John M. Walker Jr., The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974: An Overview of ERISA Preemption, 17 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 529 (Fall 1993).
  • John M. Walker Jr., The Second Circuit Review - 1991-1992 Term Loosening the Administrative Handcuffs: Discretion and Responsibility Under the Sentencing Guidelines, 59 Brook. L. Rev. 551 (1993).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Common Law Rules and Land-Use Regulations: Lucas and Future Takings Jurisprudence, 3 Seton Hall Const. L.J. 3 (Spring 1993).
  • John M. Walker Jr., Jessica D. Litman, Susan G. Braden, Anthony L. Clapes, Henry B. Gutman, Rochelle Coper Dreyfuss, and Marci A. Hamilton Copyright Protection: Has Look & Feel Crashed?, 11 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 721 (1992).
  • John M. Walker Jr., U.S. v. Sells: Engineering a Result to Promote Grand Jury Secrecy, 21 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 99 (1983).
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    1. Daniel Wise, Walker to Assume Senior Status; Law Professor Tapped, N.Y. Law Journal, June 30, 2006 Accessed August 6, 2013.
    2. 1 2 3 4 5 Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, Ronald Reagan: "Nomination of John M. Walker, Jr., To Be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury," The American Presidency Project, May 13, 1981 Accessed August 6, 2013.
    3. 1 2 3 4 "Walker, John Mercer, Jr. - Federal Judicial Center".
    4. "Learned Hand Award Established by the Federal Bar Council in 1962" Federal Bar Council Accessed August 12, 2013.
    5. 565 U.S. ___, ___,132 S. Ct. 694, 705 n.2 (2012).
    6. 1 2 3 4 John M. Walker Jr., "The Unfortunate Politicization of Judicial Confirmation Hearings" The Atlantic, July 9, 2012.
    7. "Experts Conference on the Rule of Law" Federal Foreign Office, Germany, 2007 Accessed August 13, 2013.
    8. Walker & Schuker 2012, p. 43 n.1.
    9. 1 2 CEELI Institute 2011 Annual Report Accessed August 10, 2013.
    10. "'Justice under pressure', Topi: Legal conditions for correct judges verdicts" Albanian Screen, May 14, 2012 Accessed August 10, 2013.
    11. (Chinese) "美国联邦大区法官约翰·沃克一行到我院参观访问 (U.S. Federal Court Judge John Walker visits our court)" Liaoning Shenyang Municipal Intermediate People's Court Jan. 15, 2008 Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine Accessed August 6, 2013.
    12. (Chinese) "美国联邦第二巡回区前首席大法官约翰·沃克访问我院并做主题讲座" (Former Chief Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit lectures at NJC) National Judges College website Jan. 25, 2008 Archived 2013-10-02 at the Wayback Machine Accessed August 6, 2013.
    13. (Chinese) "美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院法官到我院讲学" (U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Addresses NPC)" Jan. 17, 2008 Accessed August 6, 2013.
    14. (Chinese) "与美国联邦法官交流和对话 John Walker" (Dialogue with U.S. Federal Judge) Jan. 7, 2008 Archived 2015-06-08 at the Wayback Machine Accessed August 6, 2013.
    15. (Chinese) Ji Bingheng, "美国联邦法院法官做客名家论坛 从西方和中国的视角探讨法治问题" (U.S. Federal Court Judge Explores Western and Chinese Perspectives on the Rule of Law at Experts' Forum), Nov. 12, 2009 Archived October 2, 2013, at the Wayback Machine Accessed 2013.
    16. (Chinese) "'中美刑罚制度比较研究:刑罚的运用'座谈会召开 (Forum on comparative perspectives on Chinese and American criminal law) Mar. 30, 2009 Accessed August 6, 2013.
    17. Dan Schmeichel, "Thomas Jefferson China Program" July 3, 2012 Accessed August 3, 2013.
    18. (Chinese) Zhou Lingling, "万鄂湘会见美联邦巡回上诉法院法官约翰·沃克" (Wan Exiang meets U.S. Court of Appeals Judge John Walker"), Jan. 21, 2008, Archived 2016-03-03 at the Wayback Machine Accessed August 6, 2008.
    19. (Chinese) Cheng Zhuo and Gu Ye, "首届中美法治与人权研讨会开幕 (Inaugural Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights Opens)" Xinhua Dec. 12, 2009 Accessed August 6, 2013.
    20. (Chinese) Wang Nan, "首届中美法治与人权研讨会举行 (Inaugural Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights Held)" People's Daily Dec. 12, 2009 Archived 2016-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Accessed August 6, 2013.
    21. (Chinese) "中国人权发展基金会举办首届中美法治与人权研讨会 (China Foundation for Human Rights Development Holds Inaugural Sino-American Dialogue on Rule of Law and Human Rights)" CFHRD, Dec. 16, 2009 Accessed August 6, 2013.
    22. Kim Martineau (2006-10-19). "Judge Was Behind The Wheel". Hartford Courant . Retrieved 2006-10-22.[ dead link ]
    23. William Kaempffer (2006-10-25). "Connecticut Officer Hit by Judge Dies". Archived from the original on 2006-11-17. Retrieved 2007-02-07.
    24. William Kaempffer (2006-10-18). "City cop in critical condition after being struck by SUV". New Haven Register. Archived from the original on 2007-09-28. Retrieved 2006-10-25.
    25. 1 2 "Officer struck by Bush's cousin dies". USA Today. 2006-10-22. Retrieved 2006-10-22.
    26. Tina A. Brown (2006-10-22). "Injured Police Officer Dies In Hospital". Hartford Courant . Retrieved 2006-10-22.[ permanent dead link ]
    27. William Kaempffer (2006-12-01). "Job Permit Had Expired at Site of Cop's Death". New Haven Register. Archived from the original on 2007-09-30. Retrieved 2007-02-07.
    28. Mark Zaretsky (March 16, 2007). "Judge cleared in accident that killed popular local cop". New Haven Register. Archived from the original on September 28, 2007. Retrieved 2007-04-10.
    John M. Walker Jr.
    Judge John Walker.jpg
    Senior Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
    Assumed office
    September 30, 2006
    Legal offices
    Preceded byJudge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
    Succeeded by
    Preceded byJudge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
    Succeeded by
    Preceded byChief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
    Succeeded by