List of Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition monsters

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Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition (see editions of Dungeons & Dragons) was released in 2008. The first book containing monsters to be published was the Heroic Tier adventure Keep on the Shadowfell , followed closely with the release of the first set of "core" rulebooks.

<i>Dungeons & Dragons</i> Fantasy role-playing game

Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game (RPG) originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. It was first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. (TSR). The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997. It was derived from miniature wargames, with a variation of the 1971 game Chainmail serving as the initial rule system. D&D's publication is commonly recognized as the beginning of modern role-playing games and the role-playing game industry.

Several different editions of the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game have been produced since 1974. The current publisher of D&D, Wizards of the Coast, produces new materials only for the most current edition of the game. Many D&D fans, however, continue to play older versions of the game and some third-party companies continue to publish materials compatible with these older editions.

<i>Keep on the Shadowfell</i>

Keep on the Shadowfell is the first official product from the 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons ("D&D") line. It is part one of a three-part series of adventures. It introduces a series of 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons settings called the Points of Light, a loosely connected and open-ended series of settings designed to allow other modules and fan-created content to be integrated seamlessly into the settings' largely unmapped fantasy world or the Dungeon Master's own custom-made setting. The adventure, written by Mike Mearls and Bruce R. Cordell, was published in 2008 by Wizards of the Coast. It is followed by the sequels Thunderspire Labyrinth and Pyramid of Shadows. The adventure is designed for characters from levels 1 to 3. Its module code, "H", stands for Heroic Tier. This module is set in a region of the world called the Nentir Vale, which is described in greater detail in the 4th edition Dungeon Master's Guide.


WTC 21718 – Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)

Keep on the Shadowfell is the first official product from the 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons line. [1] It is part one of a three part series of adventures. The monsters appear in the 80-page adventure book booklet and are organized as they appear in the adventure encounters.

An adventure is either a published or otherwise written collection of plot, character, and location details used by a gamemaster to manage the plot or story in a role-playing game. Each adventure is based upon a particular gaming genre and is normally designed for use with a specific game or gaming system. However, skilled gamemasters can often convert an adventure to different game systems, and many adventures are designed with such conversions in mind.

ISBN   978-0-7869-4850-5

International Standard Book Number Unique numeric book identifier

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a numeric commercial book identifier which is intended to be unique. Publishers purchase ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency.

CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Kobold 16–17,25–28Monster Manual (2008)Kobold slinger, kobold minions, kobold dragonshields, kobold skirmisher, kobold wyrmpriestSmall reptilian humanoids 
Drake 30,42Monster Manual (2008)Guard drakeSmall carnivorous reptiles similar in form to the theropod dinosaurs  
Human 30Monster Manual (2008)Human rabble 
Gnome 31Monster Manual (2008)Gnome skulkSmall and slender humanoids 
Halfling 31Monster Manual (2008)Halfling slingerSmall humanoids 
Rat 38,54Monster Manual (2008)Rat swarm, giant rats 
Goblin 38–40,42,44Monster Manual (2008)Goblin sharpshooters, goblin warriors, goblin cuttersSmall green humanoids 
Hobgoblin 40,64,66–68,69Monster Manual (2008)Hobgoblin torturer, hobgoblin soldiers, hobgoblin grunts, hobgoblin archer, hobgoblin warcaster, hobgoblin warchiefNormal size humanoids covered in coarse fur. 
Zombies 46,48,60,71,74Monster Manual (2008)Zombies, zombie rotters, gravehound zombies, corruption corpsesUndead decomposed corpses 
Skeleton 50,60,79Monster Manual (2008)Skeleton warriors, decrepit skeletonsUndead decomposed corpses to the bone 
Ochre Jelly 54Monster Manual (2008)Resembles a giant amoeba 
Kruthik 56–57Monster Manual (2008)Kruthik hatchlings, kruthik young, kruthik adultFour-legged reptilians with natural plate armor covering most of their body 
Blue Slime 59 
Spider 65Monster Manual (2008)Deathjump spider 
Gelatinous Cube 70Monster Manual (2008) 
Ghoul 74Monster Manual (2008)Undead decomposed corpses 
Homunculus 75Monster Manual (2008)Clay scoutClay scouts are small flying gargoyle-like creatures made from clay 
Vampire Spawn 76Monster Manual (2008)Pale undead humanoids with fangs 
Dark One 77Monster Manual (2008)Dark creeperSmall humanoids from the Shadowfell plane 
Deathlock Wight 79Monster Manual (2008)Varies but generally an undead corrupted corpse resembling his living form 

WTC 21720 – Monster Manual (2008)

This is the first monster book for the Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition, published in 2008. This book features an alphabetical listing of monsters on page 3, an introduction on pages 4–7, the monster descriptions on pages 8–275, instructions for converting some monsters into NPCs and PCs on pages 276–279, a glossary on pages 280–283, and a list of the monsters in the book ranked by level on pages 284–287.

ISBN   978-0-7869-4852-9

CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Aboleth 8–9Aboleth lasher, aboleth slime mage, aboleth overseerLarge eel-like aberrations with potent psionic abilities 
Aboleth Servitor9Human aberrations with translucent and slimy skin 
Astral Stalker10Humanoid abomination with large claws and skull-like face 
Atropal10–11Floating humanoid abomination resembling a Ghoul  
Blood Fiend11–12Four-arm humanoid abomination with large claws 
Phane12–13Half-cat half-humanoid abomination with a misty consistence 
Tarrasque 12–13Huge tyrannosaurus-like abomination with horns 
Angel 14–17Angel of battle, angel of protection, angel of valor, angel of valor cohort,angel of valor veteran, angel of valor legionnaire, angel of vengeanceVaries but generally humanoid forms with wings 
Archon 18–21Fire archon emberguard, fire archon blazesteel, fire archon ash disciple, ice archon hailscourge, ice archon rimehammer, ice archon frostshaperVaries but generally humanoid forms made up from an element 
Azer 22–23Azer warrior, azer foot soldier, azer rager, azer taskmaster, azer beastlordResembles a dwarf with brass-colored skin, and hair and beard of flames 
Balhannoth 24Large worm-like aberration with tentacles 
Banshrae 25Banshrae dartswarmer, banshrae warriorHumanoids with insect-like features 
Basilisk 26Venom-eye basilisk, stone-eye basiliskLarge six (sometimes eight)-legged lizard 
Bat 27Shadowhunter bat, fire batLarge bat-like creatures 
Battlebriar 28Warthorn battlebriar, earthrage battlebriarPlant creatures resembling large frogs with claws and large teeth 
Bear 29Cave bear, dire bear 
Beetle 30Fire beetle, tangler beetle, rot scarab swarm 
Behemoth 31Macetail behemoth, bloodspike behemothBloodspike behemoth resembles a large reptile similar in form to the Stegosaurus stenops and macetail behemoth resembles a large reptile similar in form to the Euoplocephalus tutus  
Beholder 32–33Beholder eye of flame, beholder eye tyrantResembles a floating orb of flesh with a large mouth, single central eye, and lots of smaller eyestalks on top with deadly magical powers 
Berbalang 34Medium-sized blue demon-like humanoid with bat wings 
Boar 35Dire boar, thunderfury boar 
Bodak 36Bodak skulk, bodak reaverHumanoids with smooth grayish-black skin and a featureless face 
Boneclaw 37Resembles humanoids who are half skeletal and half without skin with three-fingered huge claws 
Bulette 38Bulette, dire buletteLarge armored mole-like creature 
Cambion 39Cambion hellsword, cambion hellfire magusArchetype devil appearance 
Carrion Crawler 40Carrion crawler, enormous carrion crawlerLarge yellow and green worm-like aberration 
Chimera 41Appears to be an amalgam of a goat, lion and a dragon with three heads. 
Choker 42Cavern choker, feygrove chokerResembles small greyish-black humanoids 
Chuul 43Chuul juggernautLarge pale yellow lobster-like aberrations 
Colossus 44Godforged colossusLarge animated statues 
Crocodile 45Visejaw crocodile, feymire crocodile 
Cyclops 46–48Cyclops guard, cyclops warrior, cyclops impaler, cyclops rambler, cyclops hewer, cyclops battleweaver, cyclops storm shamanSingle eyed giants 
Dark One 49Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Dark creeper, dark stalkerSmall humanoids from the Shadowfell plane 
Death Knight 50–51Death knight (human fighter),death knight (dragonborn paladin) 
Demon 52–58 Balor, barlgura, evistro (carnage demon), glabrezu, goristro, hezrou, immolith, marilith, mezzodemon, vrock Varies 
Destrachan59Destrachan, destrachan far voiceLarge reptiles similar in form to the theropod dinosaurs  
Devil 60–67Bearded devil (barbazu), bone devil (osyluth), chain devil (kyton),ice devil (gelugon), imp, legion devil grunt, legion devil hellguard, legion devil veteran, legion devil legionnaire,pit fiend, spined devil (spinagon),succubus, war devil (malebranche)Varies 
Devourer 68–69Spirit devourer, viscera devourer, soulspike devourerUndead humanoids of varied forms but generally with exposed ribcage 
Displacer Beast 70Displacer beast, displacer beast packlordResembles six-legged black puma with a pair of black tentacles sprouting from its shoulders 
Doppelganger 71Doppelganger sneak, doppelganger assassinHumanoids able to change shape 
Dracolich 72–73Dracolich, blackfire dracolich, runescribed dracolichResembles undead dragon skeleton 
Dragon 74–85Young black dragon, adult black dragon, elder black dragon, ancient black dragon, young blue dragon, adult blue dragon, elder blue dragon, ancient blue dragon, young green dragon, adult green dragon, elder green dragon, ancient green dragon, young red dragon, adult red dragon, elder red dragon, ancient red dragon, young white dragon, adult white dragon, elder white dragon, ancient white dragonResembles a reptile-like winged creature with magical or unusual abilities 
Dragonborn 86–87Dragonborn soldier, dragonborn gladiator, dragonborn raider, dragonborn championNormal size humanoids with dragon features 
Dragonspawn 88–89Redspawn firebelcher, blackspawn gloomweb, bluespawn godslayerVaries but spawned from corrupted dragon eggs 
Drake 90–92Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Spiretop drake, guard drake, needlefang drake swarm, pseudodragon, spitting drake, rage drakeVaries 
Drider 93Drider fanglord, drider shadowspinnerDrows which have been transformed from the waist down so they have the lower body of a spider 
Drow 94–95Drow warrior, drow arachnomancer, drow blademaster, drow priestDark elves 
Dryad 96Dryad, briar witch dryadResembles humanoids with tree-like features 
Dwarf 97Dwarf bolter, dwarf hammererSmall size humanoids 
Efreet 98–100Efreet fireblade, efreet cinderlord, efreet flamestrider, efreet pyresinger, efreet karadjinGiants with reddish skin and horns and body part flesh and flame 
Eidolon 101EidolonResembles a large human-like creature of stone covered in runes 
Eladrin 102–103Eladrin fey knight, eladrin twilight incanter, bralani of autumn winds, ghaele of winterHigh elves 
Elemental 104–105Firelasher, rockfire dreadnought, earthwind ravager, thunderblast cycloneVaries but composed of one of the four classical elementals of air, earth, fire, or water 
Elf 106Elf archer, elf scoutSlender humanoids with pointed ears 
Ettercap 107Ettercap fang guard, ettercap webspinner 
Ettin 108Ettin marauder, ettin spirit-talkerTwo-headed giants 
Flameskull 109Flameskull, great flameskullFloating skull on flames 
Fomorian 110–111Fomorian warrior, fomorian painbringerDeformed giants 
Foulspawn 112–113Foulspawn grue, foulspawn mangler, foulspawn berserker, foulspawn seer, foulspawn hulkCorrupted humanoids 
Galeb Duhr 114Galeb duhr earthbreaker, galeb duhr rockcallerBoulder-like creature 
Gargoyle 115Gargoyle, nabassu gargoyleResembres grotesque stone statues 
Ghost 116–117Phantom warrior, trap haunt, wailing ghost (banshee), tormenting ghostVaries 
Ghoul 118–119Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Ghoul, horde ghoul, abyssal ghoul, abyssal ghoul hungerer, abyssal ghoul myrmidonUndead decomposed corpses 
Giant 120–125Death giant, death titan, hill giant, earth titan, fire giant, fire giant forgecaller, fire titan, storm giant, storm titanLarge to huge humanoids 
Gibbering Beast 126–127Gibbering mouther, gibbering abomination, gibbering orbamorphous aberrations covered with eyes and mouths 
Githyanki 128–129Githyanki warrior, githyanki mindslicer, githyanki gishTall and gaunt humanoids with almost skeletal features 
Githzerai 130–131Githzerai cenobite, githzerai zerth, githzerai mindmageTall and gaunt humanoids with almost skeletal features 
Gnoll 132–133Gnoll huntmaster, gnoll claw fighter, gnoll marauder, gnoll demonic scourgeHyenas-like humanoids 
Gnome 134Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Gnome skulk, gnome arcanistSmall and slender humanoids 
Bugbear 135–141Bugbear warrior, bugbear stranglerStocky hairy humanoids 
Goblin 135–141Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Goblin cutters, goblin blackblade, goblin warriors, goblin sharpshooters, goblin hexer, goblin skullcleaver, goblin underbossSmall green humanoids 
Hobgoblin 135–141Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Hobgoblin grunts, hobgoblin warrior, hobgoblin archer, hobgoblin soldiers, hobgoblin warcaster, hobgoblin commander, hobgoblin hand of baneNormal size humanoids covered in coarse fur 
Golem 142Flesh golem, stone golemVaries 
Gorgon 143Iron gorgon, storm gorgonMagical beasts resembling a bull 
Grell 144Grell, grell philosopherAberration resembling a floating brain with a frontal beak and ten tentacles originating on its underside 
Grick 145Grick, grick alphaLarge snake-like aberrations with beak and four barbed tentacles originating at the base of the beak 
Griffon 146–147Hippogriff, hippogriff dreadmount, griffon, rimefire griffonCreatures with the forequarters, wings and head of an eagle, hindquarters of various forms depending on type of griffon 
Grimlock 148Grimlock minion, grimlock follower, grimlock ambusher, grimlock berserkerGray skinned humanoids without eyes or eye sockets 
Guardian149Shield guardian, battle guardianConstructs of various materials and humanoid form 
Hag 150–151Howling hag, bog hag, night hag, death hagResemble wretched old women 
Halfling 152–153Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Halfling slinger, halfling stout, halfling thief, halfling prowlerSmall humanoids 
Harpy 154Harpy, bloodfire harpyHumanoid creatures with avian wings and talons for feet and hands 
Helmed Horror 155Helmed horror, greater helmed horrorResembles an animated suit of armor 
Homunculus 156–157Clay scout, iron defender, iron cobraVaries 
Hook Horror 158Hook horrorBipedal subterranean monster that looks like a vulture-like humanoid with bony hooks in place of hands 
Horse 159Riding horse, warhorse, celestial charger 
Hound 160–161Hell hound, shadow hound, wild hunt houndVaries 
Human 162–163Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Human rabble, human lackey, human bandit, human guard, human berserker, human mage 
Hydra 164–165Fen hydra, mordant hydra, primordial hydraLarge snake-like creatures with multiple heads 
Hyena 166Hyena, cacklefiend hyena 
Kobold 167–169Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Kobold minions, kobold skirmisher, kobold slinger, kobold dragonshields, kobold wyrmpriest, kobold slybladeSmall reptilian humanoids 
Kruthik 170–171Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Kruthik hatchlings, kruthik young, kruthik adult, kruthik hive lordFour-legged reptilians with natural plate armor covering most of their body 
Kuo-toa 172–173Kuo-toa guard, kuo-toa marauder, kuo-toa harpooner, kuo-toa monitor, kuo-toa whipFish-like humanoids 
Lamia 174LamiaVaries 
Larva Mage 175Larva mageA mass of worms and maggots taking the form of a mage 
Lich 176–177Lich (human wizard), lich (eladrin wizard)Undead spellcasters 
Lich Vestige 176–177Animated remains of a former lich 
Lizardfolk 178–179Greenscale hunter, greenscale darter, greenscale marsh mystic, blackscale bruiserReptilian humanoids 
Lycanthrope 180–181Wererat, werewolfShapechanger humanoids 
Magma Beasts 182–183Magma claw, magma hurler, magma strider, magma bruteVaries 
Manticore 184ManticoreLarge magical beasts with the body of a lion, dragon wings, and a somewhat humanoid head 
Marut 185Marut blademaster, marut concordantAstral humanoids 
Medusa 186–187Medusa archer (female), medusa warrior (male), medusa shroud of zehir (female)Scaly skinned humanoids with powerful gaze 
Mind Flayer 188–189Mind flayer infiltrator, mind flayer mastermindHumanoid aberrations with psionic powers and octopus-like heads 
Minotaur 190–191Minotaur warrior, minotaur cabalist, savage minotaurBull-like Humanoids 
Mummy 192–193Mummy guardian, mummy lord (human cleric), giant mummy 
Naga 194–195Guardian naga, bone naga, dark naga, primordial nagaVaries but snake-like creatures 
Nightmare 196NightmareResembles black horse with flaming hair 
Nightwalker 197NightwalkerHumanoid being formed of shadow 
Ogre 198–199Ogre thug, ogre bludgeoneer, ogre savaga, ogre skirmisher, ogre warhulkBrutish and dull-witted humanoids 
Oni 200–201Oni night haunt, oni mageOgre-like humanoids with horns 
Ooze 202Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Ochre jelly, gelatinous cubeAmorphous creatures that dwell in dungeons 
Orc 203–205Orc drudge, orc warrior, orc raider, orc berserker, orc eye of Gruumsh, orc bloodrager, orc chieftainSavage humanoids that revel in combat 
Orcus 206–210Orcus, aspect of Orcus, Doresain, the Ghoul King, deathpriest hierophant, deathpriest of Orcus, crimson acolyteOrcus, Demon Prince of the Undead, and the members of his cult 
Otyugh 211OtyughCreature that lives in piles of waste 
Owlbear 212Owlbear, winterclaw owlbearA creature with the front half of an owl and the back half of a bear 
Panther 213Fey panther, spectral panther 
Purple Worm 214Purple worm, elder purple wormEnormous armored "worms" that burrow through the ground 
Quickling 215quickling runner, quickling zephyrFey creatures that can move incredibly fast 
Rakshasa 216–218Rakshasa warrior, rakshasa archer, rakshasa assassin, rakshasa noble, rakshasa dread knightFeline humanoids that can alter their appearance 
Rat 219Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Giant rat, dire rat, rat swarm 
Roc 220–221Roc, phoenix, thunderhawkEnormous birds of prey. Phoenixes and thunderhawks have ties to the Elemental Chaos. 
Roper 222RoperA creature that roughly resembles a stalagmite when at rest. 
Rot Harbinger223Rot harbinger, rot slingerUndead creatures that spread rot with their claws. 
Sahuagin 224–225Sahuagin guard, sahuagin raider, sahuagin priest, sahuagin baronShark-like humanoids that live in the sea. 
Salamander 226–227Salamander lancer, salamander firetail, salamander archer, salamander nobleEvil creatures associated with the element of fire. 
Satyr 228Satyr rake, satyr piperGoat-like humanoids of fey origin 
Scorpion 229Stormclaw scorpion, hellstinger scorpion 
Shadar-Kai 230–231Shadar-kai chainfighter, shadar-kai gloomblade, shadar-kai witch, shadar-kai warriorHumanoids of darkness and shadow. 
Shambling mound 232Shambling mound, stormrage shamblerAnimated mass of vines and foliage. 
Shifter 233Longtooth shifter, razorclaw shifterOffspring of humans and lycanthropes 
Skeleton 234–235Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Decrepit skeleton, skeleton, blazing skeleton, boneshard skeleton, skeletal tomb guardianReanimated bones that serve their creator. 
Skull Lord236Skull lordThree-headed skeletal creature that commands lesser undead. 
Slaad 237–239Slaad tadpole, grey slaad (rift slaad), red slaad (blood slaad), blue slaad (talon slaad), green slaad (curse slaad), black slaad (void slaad)Frog-like beings of pure chaos. 
Snake 240–241Deathrattle viper, crushgrip constrictor, flame snake, shadow snake 
Sorrowsworn242–243Sorrowsworn soulripper, sorrowsworn reaper, sorrowsworn deathlord, shadowraven swarmGaunt humanoids drawn to places of conflict. 
Specter 244Specter, voidsoul specterTwisted undead creatures driven to madness. 
Sphinx 245SphinxWinged lion-like creature tasked with guarding a specific location. 
Spider 246–247Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Deathjump spider, bloodweb spider swarm, blade spider, demonweb terror 
Stirge 248Stirge, dire stirge, stirge swarmBat-like creatures that feed on blood. 
Swordwing249Swordwing, crownwingInsect-like humanoids that collect a specific type of item. 
Tiefling 250Tiefling heretic, tiefling darkbladeHumans that made a pact with infernal creatures. 
Treant 251Treant, blackroot treantAnimated tree with roughly humanoid features. Blackroot treants are undead creatures that appear wilted and dying. 
Troglodyte 252–253Troglodyte warrior, troglodyte mauler, troglodyte impaler, troglodyte curse chanterReptilian humanoids that leave beneath the earth. 
Troll 254–255Troll, war troll, fell trollUgly, brutish humanoids that will eat anything that moves. 
Umber Hulk 256Umber hulk, shadow hulkInsect-like creatures that burrow through the earth. 
Unicorn 257Unicorn, dusk unicornFey creatures that resemble horses, but with a single horn on their head. 
Vampire 258–259Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Vampire lord (human rogue), vampire spawn fleshripper, vampire spawn bloodhunterHumanoid undead that feed on the blood of others. 
Vine Horror260Vine horror, vine horror spellfiendRoughly humanoid plant creatures formed of vines. 
Warforged 261Warforged soldier, warforged captainMagic constructs that possess sentience. 
Wight 262–263Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Deathlock wight, wight, battle wight, battle wight commander, slaughter wightUndead creature that feeds on the life force of others. 
Wolf 264Gray wolf, dire wolf 
Worg 265Worg, guulvorgEvil, intelligent creatures related to wolves. 
Wraith 266–267Wraith, mad wraith, sword wraith, dread wraithUndead creatures that feed on souls and spawn more wraiths from their victims. 
Wyvern 268Wyvern, fell wyvernBipedal, dragon-like creature with a poisonous tail stinger. 
Yuan-Ti 269–273Yuan-ti malison sharp-eye, yuan-ti malison incanter, yuan-ti malison disciple of Zehir, yuan-ti abomination, yuan-ti anathema, snaketongue initiate, snaketongue zealot, snaketongue warrior, snaketongue assassin, snaketongue celebrantEvil, snake-like humanoids that live in jungles. Snaketongues are cultists who believe the yuan-ti are emissaries of the god Zehir. 
Zombie 274–275Keep on the Shadowfell (2008)Zombie rotter, zombie, gravehound, corruption corpse, rotwing zombie, chillborn zombie, zombie hulkUndead creatures animated from the corpses of the deceased. 

WTC 21828 – Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide (2008)

Released in August 2008, this book details the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. It includes unique creatures, such as the zairtail, as well as a number of servants of the various groups and cults across the Realms. The table below is organized by the order the creatures first appear.

Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game. Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories. Several years later, Greenwood brought the setting to the D&D game as a series of magazine articles, and the first Realms game products were released in 1987. Role-playing game products have been produced for the setting ever since, as have various licensed products including novels, role-playing video game adaptations, and comic books. The Forgotten Realms is one of the most popular D&D settings, largely due to the success of novels by authors such as R. A. Salvatore and numerous role-playing video games, including Pool of Radiance (1988), Eye of the Beholder (1991), Baldur's Gate (1998), Icewind Dale (2000), Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000), and Neverwinter Nights (2002).

ISBN   978-0-7869-4924-3

CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Goblin 8–9, 22, 25–26Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Goblin cutter, goblin warrior, goblin hexer, goblin skullcleaver, goblin blackbladeSmall green humanoids 
Starved Dog 23Starved dog 
Zombie 24Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Zombie rotter, zombieUndead creatures animated from the corpses of the deceased 
Hobgoblin 26–27Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Hobgoblin archer, hobgoblin soldierNormal size humanoids covered in coarse fur 
Elf 30Monster Manual (2008)Elf archerSlender humanoids with pointed ears 
Human 31, 34Monster Manual (2008)Human gang member, human bandit, bandit leader 
Lizardfolk 34Monster Manual (2008)Greenscale marsh mysticReptilian humanoids 
Naga 239Banelar naga 
Church of Shar 241Dark moon monk 
Kir-Lanan241Kir-lanan wing 
Tentacled Torment245Tentacled torment 
Dracolich 247Fettered dracolich 
Draegloth 249–250Draegloth, draegloth favored one 
Jordaini Enforcer 256Jordaini enforcer 
Gibberling 257Gibberling bunch, plaguechanged gibberling bunch 
Malaugrym258Aberrant, shapechanging, magical humanoid 
Shade 260Shade 
Order of Blue Fire264–266Knight accordant, loremaster accordant, commander accordant 
Sharn 264Sharn 
Ghoul 267Plaguechanged ghoul 
Lycanthrope 270–271Wereserpent 
Scathebeast272–273Scathebeast calf, scathebeast adult, scathebeast watcher, scathebeast bull, scathebeast giant 
Dread Warrior274Dread warrior 
Warlock Knights of Vaasa 276–278Warlock executor, warlock knight vindicator, warlock knight luminary 
Shardsoul278–279Shardsoul slayer, shardsoul avatar 
Zairtail280–281Zairtail swarm, zairtail firetongue, zairtail gazer, zairtail bonebreaker, zairtail cutter 
Zhent Mercenary 283Zhent soldier, Zhent Black Sun adept, Zhent war mage 

WTC 21783 – Adventurer's Vault (2008)

This book, published in September 2008, details various weapons, armor, vehicles, mounts, and other magical items. All of the monsters found in this book are mounts and/or creatures summoned through the use of magic items. The table below is organized by the order the creatures first appear.

ISBN   978-0-7869-4978-6

CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Camel 11 
Elephant 12, 182Elephant, marble elephant 
Giant Ant 12Larger versions of mundane ants. 
Giant Lizard 12Giant draft lizard, giant riding lizardLarger versions of mundane lizards  
Horse 13, 182Sea horse, skeletal horse, obsidian steed, pearl sea horse 
Rhinoceros 13 
Shark 13Dire shark, riding shark 
Behemoth 13, 182Trihorn behemoth, jade macetail behemothThe trihorn behemoth is probably modeled after the triceratops. The jade macetail behemoth is a gem-like version of an ankylosaurus. 
Bloodstone Spider 181 
Ebony Fly 181 
Golden Lion 181 
Ivory Goat of Travail 181 
Onyx Dog 182 

239667200 – Monster Manual 2 (2009)

ISBN   978-0-7869-5101-7

253840000 – Monster Manual 3 (2010)

ISBN   978-0-7869-5490-2

253840000 – Dark Sun Creature Catalog (2010)

ISBN   978-0-7869-5494-0

244650000 – Monster Vault (2010)

A boxed set that includes a book with a revised and streamlined core listing of monsters for the Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition game, published in 2010 as part of the Essentials line. The book features an introduction on pages 4–11, the monster descriptions on pages 12–295, an appendix of animals on pages 296–304, a glossary on pages 305–312, and a list of the monsters in the book ranked by level on pages 313–319.

ISBN   978-0-7869-5631-9

CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Angel 12–15Monster Manual (2008)Angel of protection, angel of battle, angel of valor veteran, angel of vengeanceVaries but generally humanoid forms with wings 
Archon 16–19Monster Manual (2008)Earth archon, fire archon, ice archon, water archonVaries but generally humanoid forms made up from an element 
Basilisk 20–23Monster Manual (2008)Mesmeric-eye basilisk, venom-eye basilisk, wilt-eye basilisk, basilisk, abyssal basiliskLarge six (sometimes eight)-legged lizard 
Beholder 24–27Monster Manual (2008)Beholder gauth, beholder, beholder eye tyrantResembles a floating orb of flesh with a large mouth, single central eye, and lots of smaller eyestalks on top with deadly magical powers 
Bulette 28–31Monster Manual (2008)Young bulette, bulette, dire buletteLarge armored mole-like creature 
Carrion Crawler 32–35Monster Manual (2008)Carrion crawler scuttler, carrion crawler, carrion crawler putrefier, enormous carrion crawlerLarge yellow and green worm-like aberration 
Cyclops 36–39Monster Manual (2008)Cyclops crusher, cyclops guard, cyclops rambler, cyclops hewerSingle eyed giants 
Death Knight 40–43Monster Manual (2008)Death knight, death knight blackguard 
Demon 44–49Monster Manual (2008)Dretch lackey, babau, vrock, abyssal eviscerator, hezrou, marilith, balor Varies 
Devil 50–55Monster Manual (2008)Imp, succubus, chain devil (kyton), legion devil hellguard, legion devil veteran, ice devil (gelugon), pit fiendVaries 
Displacer Beast 56–59Monster Manual (2008)Displacer beast, savage displacer beast, displacer beast pack lordResembles six-legged black puma with a pair of black tentacles sprouting from its shoulders 
Doppelganger 60–63Monster Manual (2008)Doppelganger sneak, doppelganger infiltrator, doppelganger master assassinHumanoids able to change shape 
Dragon 64–79Monster Manual (2008)Fledgling white dragon, young white dragon, young black dragon, young green dragon, young blue dragon, young red dragon, deathbringer dracolich, elder white dragon, elder black dragon, elder green dragon, elder blue dragon, elder red dragon, dracolich doomlordResembles a reptile-like winged creatures with magical or unusual abilities 
Dragonborn 80–81Monster Manual (2008)Dragonborn mercenary, dragonborn soldierNormal size humanoids with dragon features 
Drake 82–85Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Guard drake, spitting drake, pseudodragon, bloodseeker drake, rage drake, ambush drakeVaries 
Drider 86–89Monster Manual (2008)Drider, drider shadowspinner, drider fanglordDrows which have been transformed from the waist down so they have the lower body of a spider 
Dryad 90–93Monster Manual (2008)Dryad recluse, dryad hunter, dryad witch, bough dryadResembles humanoids with tree-like features 
Duergar 94–99Duergar scout, duergar guard, duergar thug, duergar raid leader, duergar infernal consort, devil-bred duergar, duergar underlordDwarves corrupted by devil patrons 
Dwarf 100–101Monster Manual (2008)Dwarf warrior, dwarf clan guardSmall size humanoids 
Efreet 102–105Monster Manual (2008)Efreet fireblade, efreet cinderlord, efreet flamestriderGiants with reddish skin and horns and body part flesh and flame 
Elemental 106–109Lesser air elemental, lesser earth elemental, lesser fire elemental, lesser water elementalVaries but composed of one of the four classical elementals of air, earth, fire, or water 
Elf 110–117Monster Manual (2008)Elf archer, elf scout, elf hunter, elf noble guard, eladrin bow mage, eladrin fey knight, eladrin twilight incanter, eladrin battle dancer, drow stalker, drow venomblade, drow arachnomancerSlender humanoids with pointed ears 
Ettin 118–121Monster Manual (2008)Ettin thug, ettin wrath chanter, ettin hunter, ettin marauderTwo-headed giants 
Gargoyle 122–125Monster Manual (2008)Gargoyle rake, gargoyle, gargoyle rock hunter, nabassu gargoyle, rocktempest gargoyleResemble grotesque stone statues 
Ghoul 126–129Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Ghoul, ravenous ghoul, abyssal ghoul, abyssal ghoul devourer, abyssal ghoul hungererUndead decomposed corpses that hunger for flesh 
Giant 130–137Monster Manual (2008)Hill giant, hill giant hunter, hill giant earth shaman, earth titan, frost giant, frost giant marauder, frost titan, fire giant flamecrusher, fire giant, fire giant forgecaller, fire titanLarge to huge humanoids 
Githyanki 138–141Monster Manual (2008)Githyanki warrior, githyanki mindslicer, githyanki raider, githyanki legionaryTall and gaunt humanoids with almost skeletal features 
Gnoll 142–147Monster Manual (2008)Gnoll huntmaster, deathpledged gnoll, gnoll blood caller, fang of Yeenoghu, gnoll gorger, demon-eye gnoll, gnoll far fang, gnoll pack lord, gnoll demon spawnHyena-like humanoids 
Gnome 148–151Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Gnome spy, gnome illusionist, gnome assassin, gnome entropistSmall and slender humanoids 
Goblin 152–159Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Goblin sniper, goblin beast rider, goblin cutthroat, goblin hex hurler, hobgoblin beast master, hobgoblin battle guard, hobgoblin spear soldier, hobgoblin warmonger, hobgoblin commander, bugbear thug, bugbear backstabberVaries 
Golem 160–163Monster Manual (2008)Flesh golem, stone golem, iron golemVaries 
Hag 164–167Monster Manual (2008)Bog hag, green hag, night hagResemble wretched old women 
Halfling 168–169Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Halfling thief, halfling tricksterSmall humanoids 
Human 170–173Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Human goon, common bandit, town guard, human thug, human transmuter, human duelist 
Hydra 174–177Monster Manual (2008)Hydra, flamekiss hydra, venom-maw hydraLarge snake-like creatures with multiple heads 
Kobold 178–181Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Kobold tunneler, kobold slinger, kobold quickblade, kobold dragonshieldSmall reptilian humanoids 
Lich 182–185Monster Manual (2008)Lich necromancer, lich remnant, lich soulreaverUndead spellcasters 
Lizardfolk 186–191Monster Manual (2008)Poisonscale needler, poisonscale brawler, greenscale raider (level 3 soldier), greenscale trapper, greenscale raider (level 4 skirmisher), greenscale bog mystic, blackscale crusherReptilian humanoids 
Lycanthrope 192–195Monster Manual (2008)Scurrying wererat, frenzied werewolfShapechanger humanoids 
Manticore 196–199Monster Manual (2008)Manticore striker, manticore impaler, manticore spike hurler, manticore sky hunterLarge magical beasts with the body of a lion, dragon wings, and a somewhat humanoid head 
Medusa 200–203Monster Manual (2008)Medusa bodyguard (male), medusa venom arrow (female), medusa spirit charmer (female)Scaly skinned humanoids with powerful gaze 
Mind Flayer 204–207Monster Manual (2008)Mind flayer thrall master, mind flayer unseen, concordant mind flayerHumanoid aberrations with psionic powers and octopus-like heads 
Minotaur 208–211Monster Manual (2008)Minotaur soldier, minotaur charger, minotaur magus, demonic savage minotaurBull-like humanoids 
Mummy 212–215Monster Manual (2008)Shambling mummy, moldering mummy, mummy tomb guardian, royal mummy 
Ogre 216–219Monster Manual (2008)Ogre, ogre hunter, ogre mercenary, ogre juggernaut, arena-trained ogreBrutish and dull-witted humanoids 
Ooze 220–223Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Ochre jelly, green slime, gelatinous cube, black pudding, black pudding spawnAmorphous creatures that dwell in dungeons 
Orc 224–229Monster Manual (2008)Battletested orc, orc savage, orc archer, orc reaver, orc rampager, orc pummeler, orc storm shamanSavage humanoids that revel in combat 
Otyugh 230–233Monster Manual (2008)Otyugh, charnel otyugh, neo-otyughTentacled creatures that live in piles of waste 
Owlbear 234–237Monster Manual (2008)Young owlbear, owlbear, trained owlbear, wind-claw owlbear, winterclaw owlbearA creature with the front half of an owl and the back half of a bear 
Purple Worm 238–241Monster Manual (2008)Adult purple worm, purple worm tunnelerEnormous armored "worms" that burrow through the ground 
Rakshasa 242–245Monster Manual (2008)Rakshasa warrior, rakshasa archer, rakshasa mageFeline humanoids that can alter their appearance 
Roper 246–249Monster Manual (2008)Impaling roper, cave roper, crag roperA creature that roughly resembles a stalagmite when at rest. 
Rust Monster 250–253Rust monster, gluttonous rust monster, young rust monster swarm 
Skeleton 254–257Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Decrepit skeleton, blazing skeleton, skeletal legionary, skeletal tomb guardianReanimated bones that serve their creator. 
Stirge 258–261Monster Manual (2008)Stirge, stirge suckerling, death husk stirge, dire stirge, stirge suckerling swarmBat-like creatures that feed on blood. 
Tiefling 262–263Monster Manual (2008)Tiefling fury, tiefling occultistHumans that made a pact with infernal creatures. 
Treant 264–267Monster Manual (2008)Bramblewood treant, treant, treant grove guardian, blackroot treantAnimated tree with roughly humanoid features. Blackroot treants are undead creatures that appear wilted and dying. 
Troglodyte 268–271Monster Manual (2008)Troglodyte mauler, troglodyte grunt, troglodyte thrasher, troglodyte impalerReptilian humanoids that leave beneath the earth. 
Troll 272–275Monster Manual (2008)Troll, battle troll, bladerager troll, ghost troll renderUgly, brutish humanoids that will eat anything that moves. 
Umber Hulk 276–279Monster Manual (2008)Umber hulk, umber hulk tunneler, umber hulk bewilderer, deep hulkInsect-like creatures that burrow through the earth. 
Vampire 280–283Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Elder vampire spawn, vampire night witch, master vampireHumanoid undead that feed on the blood of others. 
Wraith 284–287Monster Manual (2008)Wraith, mad wraith, wraith figment, sovereign wraithUndead creatures that feed on souls and spawn more wraiths from their victims. 
Yuan-Ti 288–291Monster Manual (2008)Yuan-ti malison stalker, yuan-ti malison sharp-eye, yuan-ti abomination, yuan-ti malison chanterEvil, snake-like humanoids that live in jungles. Snaketongues are cultists who believe the yuan-ti are emissaries of the god Zehir. 
Zombie 292–295Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Grasping zombie, hulking zombie, flesh-crazed zombie, zombie shamblerUndead creatures animated from the corpses of the deceased. 
Bear 296Monster Manual (2008)Bear, dire bear 
Crocodile 297Monster Manual (2008)Crocodile 
Horse 297Monster Manual (2008)Horse 
Hyena 298Monster Manual (2008)War hyena 
Rat 298–299Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Dire rat, scurrying rat swarm 
Shark 299Adventurer's Vault (2008)Shark 
Snake 300–301Monster Manual (2008)Spitting cobra, deathrattle viper, crushgrip constrictor, snake swarm 
Spider 301–303Keep on the Shadowfell (2008), Monster Manual (2008)Spider swarm, deathjump spider, doomspinner spider, cave spider 
Wolf 304Monster Manual (2008)Gray wolf, dire wolf 

283640000 – Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale (2011)

A sourcebook for monsters and NPCs from the Nentir Vale setting for the Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition game, published in 2011 as part of the Essentials line. The book features an introduction (including details on the Nentir Vale) on pages 4–13, the monster descriptions on pages 14–121, a glossary on pages 122–125, and a list of the monsters in the book ranked by level on pages 126–127.

ISBN   978-0-7869-5838-2

CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Abyssal Plague Demons 14–16Plague Demon Chaos Hound, Plague Demon Chaos Footsoldier, Plague Demon Chaos Beast, Plague Demon Chaos Bender, Plague Demon Chaos Knight, Plague Demon Chaos VanguardDemons from a dead universe 
Barrowhaunts17–19Uthelyn the Mad, Lingering Warrior Spirit, Lingering Monster Spirit, Adrian "Iceheart" Reginold, Joplin the Sly, Boldos Grimehammer, Cassian d'CherevanFallen undead adventurers 
Bitterstrike 20–23Entry includes Treant Vassal, Satyr Vassal, Tigerclaw Vassal, Frost Witch Vassal, Wild Coldscale DrakeThe White Wyrm of Winterbole 
Blackfang Gnolls 24–26Blackfang Feaster, Maldrick Scarmaker, Blackfang Gravedigger, Blackfang Howler, Blackfang Render; entry includes Blackfang Hyena PackA fearsome band of gnolls 
Bloodfire Ooze27Oozes created from blood and demon ichor 
Boggle 28–29Secret of the Slavers Stockade (1981), Monster Manual II (1983), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Monster Manual II (2002)Boggle Sight Stealer, Boggle Blink Trickster, Boggle Chase Trickster, Boggle Body SnatcherMalicious fey tricksters 
Cadaver Collector 30–31Monster Manual III (2004)Entry includes Gokof, Hobgoblin NecromancerConstructs that collect corpses 
Calastryx 32–33Entry includes Emberdark Kobold Pillager Three-headed red dragon 
Clan Bloodspear 34–37Field Folio (1981; Ogrillon only), Greyhawk Ruins (1990; Ogrillon only), Monstrous Manual (1993; Ogrillon only), Dungeon #83 (2000; Ogrillon only), Fiend Folio (2003; Half-troll only)Bloodspear Grenadier, Queen Msuga, Rohka the Blood Witch, Bloodspear Krull, Bloodspear Ogrillon, Bloodspear Shiv, Bloodspear Half-Troll, Bloodspear Savage ThrongHateful orc clan 
Daggerburg Goblins 38–41Daggerburg Ruffian, Mistmane Bugbear, Warlord Delderosh, Daggerburg Theurge, Daggerburg War Mage, Daggerburg Zealot, Daggerburg Slayer, Daggerburg Captain, Kabo Bomble, Daggerburg Reaper; entry includes Battle Worg Plundering goblins 
Dark Drake of the Moon Hills42–43Dark Drake of the Moon Hills, Hellghost Dark Drake, Adderbrood Dark DrakeMalicious drakes 
Dythan's Legion 44–47Legatus Dythan, Dythan's Legion Vanguard, Dythan's Legion Warrior, Dythan's Legion Archer, Dythan's Legion Dragoon; entry includes Arkhosian Siege Tower, LiondrakeDragonborn legionnaires 
Fell Court 48–51Fell Court Blackheart, Melech Ambrose, Fell Court Ruffian, Fell Court Underboss, Fell Court Creep, Fell Court HellmageTiefling outcasts 
Felldrake52–53Monster Manual II (2002)Leaping Felldrake, Crested Felldrake, Hissing Felldrake, Tri-Horned FelldrakeDrakes altered by tieflings 
Frost Witches54–56Frost Witch, Frost Witch Harpy, Clenderi; entry includes Icicle Swarm, Frozen Cauldron GuardianServants of Cryonax 
Gravelstoke Family57–59Vincent Gravelstoke, Tovin Gravelstoke, Mikus Gravelstoke, Xander Gravelstoke, Alesia GravelstokeFamily of assassins 
Gray Company60–62Halvath Cormarrin, Gray Company Mist Mage, Gray Company Fallen Hero, Gray Company Recruit, Gray Company SoldierGrim soldiers seeking to restore Nerath's greatness 
Harken's Heart63–65Harken's Heart Acolyte, Harken's Heart Druid, Harken's Heart Defender, Harken's Heart HierophantRuthless druids 
Hound of Ill Omen 66–67Fiend Folio (1981), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996)Hound of Ill Omen, Bregga; entry includes Hill Clan ApparitionGhostly hounds 
Hunter Spiders 68–70Ti'irtha, Drow Spider Totemist, Drow Razorscourge, Drow DarklasherDrow exiled to the surface world 
Hurly-Burly Brothers 71Rival troll brothers 
Iron Circle72–75Iron Circle Dark Adept, Iron Circle Commander, Iron Circle Brigand, Iron Circle Spy; entry includes Tar Devil Harrier, Tar Devil Brawler, Tar Devil GuardMysterious mercenaries 
Mages of Saruun76–78Mage of Saruun, Saruun Apprentice, Saruun Underdark Adept, Warped Mage of Saruun; entry includes Bronze Warder, Saruun BatWizards obsessed with the Underdark 
Mooncalf79–81Monster Manual II (2002)Mooncalf Harvester, Mooncalf, Mooncalf Sire, Mooncalf RoguePredators from the Far Realm 
Penanggalan 82–83Fiend Folio (1981), Monstrous Compendium – Fiend Folio Appendix (1992), Oriental Adventures (2001)Penanggalan, Penanggalan Head Swarm, Penanggalan Bodiless HeadFlying undead head with entrails 
Peryton 84–85Monster Manual (1977), Monstrous Compendium – Forgotten Realms Appendix II (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monstrous Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn (2001), Hoard of the Dragon Queen (2014)Peryton, Elder PerytonBirds with the heads of stags 
Phantom Brigade86–88Phantom Brigade Knight-Commander, Phantom Brigade Squire, Phantom Brigade Armiger, Phantom Brigade Justiciar, Phantom Brigade Banneret, Phantom Brigade TemplarGhostly knights of Nerath 
Ragewind89Monstrous Compendium – Planescape Appendix II (1995; as Sword Spirit), Monster Manual II (2002)Undead entities created from the wrath of fallen warriors 
Raven Roost Bandits90–93 Erzoun, Raven Roost Harrier, Samminel, Raven Roost Grenadier, Geriesh, Raven Roost Cutthroat, Raven Roost Outlaw Veteran, Raven Roost Sharpshooter, Raven Roost HighwaymanBandits of Raven Roost Manor 
River Rats94–96 Kelson, Lower Quays Guttersnipe, Razorclaw Jack, Lowtown Urchin, Lowtown Kneebreaker, Market Green GrifterStreet thugs 
Scroll Mummy97Construct created from discarded magic items 
Shadowmire 98–99Master of evil in the Witchlight Fens 
Tigerclaw Barbarians 100–103Scargash, Tigerclaw Hordeling, Tigerclaw Brave, Tigerclaw Scout, Tigerclaw Fang-Wielder, Tigerclaw Shaman; entry includes Sabertooth Tiger, Primal Sabertooth TigerShifter raiders 
Treants of the Nentir Vale 104–107Winterbole Frostbeard, Winterbole Sapling, Winterbole Rimeneedle, Wood Woad Juggernaut, Mysteriphal, Wood Woad DruidTreants of the Winterbole and Harken Forests 
Twig Blight108–109The Sunless Citadel (2000), Monster Manual II (2002), Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (2014)Twig Blight Seedling, Twig Blight Swampvine, Twig Blight, Twig Blight SwarmSmall plants that feed on blood 
Vampiric Mist110–111Monster Manual II (1983; Crimson death only), Monstrous Compendium – Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989; Crimson death only), Monstrous Compendium – Greyhawk Appendix (1990; Vampiric mist only), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual II (2002; Crimson death only)Vampiric Mist, Vampiric Mist Corruptor, Crimson Deathmist, Chillborn Vampiric MistBloodthirsty mist 
Vestapalk 112–113Entry includes Tiktag Green dragon of destiny 
Wandering Tower 114–116Entry includes Mirror Mimic, Blood Raven Swarm, Living WallsHuge mimic 
Witchlight Lizardfolk 117–119Lizardfolk Mire Scout, Lizardfolk Bog Walker, Lizardfolk Fen Spy, Lizardfolk Shocker, Lizardfolk Dreadtail, Lizardfolk Dreadnought, Lizardfolk Chief, Lizardfolk Marsh MysticLizardfolk of the Witchlight Fens 
Wolf Runners120–121Sylish Kreed, Eveni Redblade, Wolf Runner SwiftarrowBandits of the Trade Road 

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  1. "Keep on the Shadowfell Spotlight Interview". Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved 2009-01-16.