A rough breakdown of GURPS books. Bottom tier are core books necessary to play, moving up to least necessary. Using resources from further up the stack requires less preparation work on the part of the game master.
A 32-page introduction to the rules of GURPS based on the core rules in the GURPS 4e Basic Set (mainly Characters). It includes basic character creation with advantages, disadvantages, skills and equipment, as well as some rules for playing. It is freely available, as a PDF from the Steve Jackson Games website Warehouse 23.[5] It is a supplement to some GURPS books.
Unlike the 3E version of GURPS Lite, this did not include Magery or any spells, but does include the new "Jumper" Advantage.
The official conversion guide from 3rd to 4th edition, released as a free PDF file. It is also included in the purchaseable GM's screen.
Rules supplements
These books detail general rules not used in all possible campaign, such as rules for magic spells, for superpowers and for martial arts, and also state-based treatments of cities, military units and other organizations.
GURPS Boardroom and Curia (PDF) by Matt Rigsby
GURPS City Stats (PDF) by William H. Stoddard
GURPS Gun Fu (PDF) by S. A. Fisher, Sean Punch, and Hans-Christian Vortisch
Magic rules from the Basic set are expanded, detailing a large number of spells, and rules for alternative magic systems, magic item creation, alchemy etc.[11]
Includes new perks, skills, techniques, styles, weapons, and extended combat and injury rules, as well as history on the martial arts, pregenerated NPCs, and ideas for martial-arts campaigns.
Extends the basic character creation rules to better handle high powered characters, and allow highly detailed customization of powers in which each power consists of a range of abilities (ie, advantages) and a talent, with a "source" and a "focus", adding color and helping to tie together the abilities, and an additional "power modifier" that acts like an enhancement (rare) or limitation to the power as a whole.[16]
GURPS Realm Management (PDF) by Christopher R. Rice
GURPS Social Engineering (PDF) by William H. Stoddard
GURPS Social Engineering: Back to School (PDF) by William H. Stoddard
GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank (PDF) by Sean Punch
GURPS Social Engineering: Keeping in Contact (PDF) by Kelly Pedersen
GURPS Tactical Shooting by Hans-Christian Vortisch
Extends further the rules about magic, adding ceremonial, spirit, runic, freeform, material (alchemy, herbalism), and real-world-inspired magic.
GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers (PDF) by William H. Stoddard
GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles (PDF) by Sean Punch
GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic (PDF) by Sean Punch
GURPS Magical Styles: Horror Magic (PDF) by Sean Punch
GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic (PDF) by Jason "PK" Levine
GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery (PDF) by Jason "PK" Levine
GURPS Sorcery: Sound Spells (PDF)
GURPS Thaumatology: Urban Magics (PDF) by William H. Stoddard
These supplements add a small set of new abilities for characters.
GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 6: Quirks (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 7: Wildcards (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations (PDF)
GURPS Power-Ups 9: Alternate Attributes (PDF)
GURPS Aliens: Sparrials (PDF)
Creatures of the Night
These handbooks describe monsters and creatures. All volumes are written by Jason "PK" Levine and Scott Paul Maykrantz; volumes 1-4 illustrated by Scott Paul Maykrantz.
GURPS Creatures of the Night, Volume 5 (PDF), illustrated by Dan Smith (artist)
GURPS Dragons (3rd Edition with 4th Edition appendix) by Phil Masters, illustrated by Alex Fernandez
Fantasy Folk
GURPS Fantasy Folk: Elves (PDF)
Technology and equipment
These handbooks describe the data, in terms of GURPS, of specific objects, gadgets and vehicles, and how to construct new ones.
GURPS Bio-Tech, second edition, by David Pulver and David Morgan-Mar describes medical techniques and enhancements, and modified life forms.
GURPS High-Tech, second edition, by Hans-Christian Vortisch, S.A. Fisher and Michael Hurst,[18] describes technologies from the invention of gunpowder to the present day.
GURPS Low-Tech, second edition, by William H. Stoddard, Matt Riggsby, Peter V. Dell'Orto and Dan Howard
William H. Stoddard (2006). GURPS Fantasy. ISBN1-55634-519-4. - This toolkit covers creation of different types of fantasy settings include "High" and "Low", "Dark" and "Light", Swords and Sorcery, and Myth; it also covers typical fantasy races and non-standard settings, such as "Roma Arcana", based on a fantastical Rome that never completely fell. It was a nominee at the 2005 Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game.[19]
Kenneth Hite (2011). GURPS Horror. ISBN978-1-55634-803-7. Provides time-tested advice on running horror campaigns including current trends and tropes, showing how to run everything from old-fashioned Gothic and supernatural horror to the latest J-horror, survival horror, and torture horror.
These supplements details how to design and play campaigns set in particular fictional settings, either specific to GURPS (such as "Banestorm", a fantasy setting, or "Infinite Worlds", about exploration of parallel universes) or independent of it (such as the Star Trek universe).
Changing Times (PDF) updates the rules for compatibility with GURPS 4th edition. The following supplements are 4th edition-compatible:
Transhuman Space: Bioroid Bazaar (PDF)
Transhuman Space: Cities on the Edge (PDF)
Transhuman Space: Martial Arts 2100 (PDF)
Transhuman Space: Personnel Files 2-5 (PDF)
Transhuman Space: Shell-Tech (PDF)
GURPS Spaceships 8: Transhuman Spacecraft (PDF)
Transhuman Space: Transhuman Mysteries (PDF)
Transhuman Space: Wings of the Rising Sun (PDF)
Other original settings
Phil Masters and Jonathan Woodward (2005). GURPS Banestorm. ISBN1-55634-744-8.,: Details a fantasy setting called Yrth in which standard fantasy tropes such as Wizards, Orcs, Elves, Dwarves are present, along with more unusual fantastic races like the Reptile Men. A basic premise of the setting is that magical banestorms pick up people, whole villages, etc. from other worlds (including Earth) and deposit them on Yrth.[28]
Describes a period of the history of the science fictionTraveller setting, early in its history; includes rules for generating characters for the setting, starship design, interstellar trade, exploration, and ship-to-ship combat.
These supplements describe how to reduce GURPS to the essential abilities and rules you need to play in games inspired by action movies of the 1980s and beyond.
GURPS Action 1: Heroes (PDF)
GURPS Action 2: Exploits (PDF)
GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists (PDF)
GURPS Action 4: Specialists (PDF)
GURPS Action 5: Dictionary of Danger (PDF)
GURPS Action 6: Tricked-Out Rides (PDF)
GURPS Action 7: Mercenaries (PDF)
GURPS Action 8: Twists (PDF)
GURPS Action 9: The City (PDF)
Monster Hunters
These handbooks describe how to reduce GURPS Fourth Edition to the essential abilities and rules needed to play in a typical modern "Monster Hunting" type of game. Example settings include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Charles Stross's The Laundry series.
GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions (PDF)
GURPS Monster Hunters 2: The Mission (PDF)
GURPS Monster Hunters 3: The Enemy (PDF)
GURPS Monster Hunters 4: Sidekicks (PDF)
GURPS Monster Hunters 5: Applied Xenology (PDF)
GURPS Monster Hunters 6: Holy Hunters (PDF)
GURPS Monster Hunters Power Ups 1 (PDF)
GURPS Monster Hunters Encounters 1 (PDF)
GURPS Loadouts: Monster Hunters (PDF
Dungeon Fantasy
Steve Jackson Games produces two Dungeon Fantasy lines: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy uses the full GURPS system while the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Powered by GURPS uses a modified subset of GURPS rules.[35]
Dungeon Fantasy series
These handbooks describe how to reduce the system to the essential abilities and rules needed to play a typical Medieval Fantasy "dungeon crawl" style game.
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 4: Sages
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 5: Allies (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 6: 40 Artifacts (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 9: Summoners (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 10: Taverns (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 11: Power-Ups (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 12: Ninjas (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 13: Loadouts (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 15: Henchmen (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 18: Power Items (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 20: Slayers (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 22: Gates (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 23: Twists (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Career Guide (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 1: Mirror of the Fire Demon (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 2: Tomb of the Dragon King (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 3: Deep Night and the Star (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Barbarians (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Swashbucklers (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Encounters 1: The Pagoda of Worlds (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Encounters 2: The Room (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Encounters 3: The Carnival of Madness (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Settings 1: Caverntown (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Settings 2: Cold Shard Mountains (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1 (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 3: Born of Myth & Magic (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 4: Dragons (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 5: Demons (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 1: Glittering Prizes (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 2: Epic Treasures (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 3: Artifacts of Felltower (PDF)
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 4: Mixed Blessings (PDF)
GURPS Fantasy-Tech 2: Weapons of Fantasy (PDF)
GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic (PDF)
Pyramid Dungeon Collection[36] (Articles from Pyramid volume 1 and Pyramid volume 2, updated for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy and GURPS Fourth Edition)
Pyramid: Dungeon Fantasy Collected[37] (Articles from Pyramid volume 3 for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy)
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Set Powered by GURPS. A boxed set with five books, two maps, cardboard figures, and dice.
Dungeon: I Smell a Rat
Dungeon Fantasy Companion 1 (compiles three stretch goals from the DFRPG Kickstarter)
Dungeon Fantasy Dungeon: Against the Rat-Men
Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items
Dungeon Fantasy Traps
Dungeon Fantasy Companion 2
Dungeon Fantasy Dungeon Planner
Dungeon Fantasy Fantastic Dungeon Grappling (produced by Gaming Ballistic LLC)
Dungeon Fantasy GM Screen
Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2
Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2
Dungeon Fantasy Shields Up (produced by Gaming Ballistic LLC)
Dungeon Fantasy Delvers to Grow (produced by Gaming Ballistic LLC)
Delvers to Grow core book
Fast Delvers
Smart Delvers
Strong Delvers
Norðlond Sagas
A Viking-inspired setting produced by Gaming Ballistic LLC for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game.
Hall of Judgement
The Citadel at Norðvörn
The Dragons of Rosgarth
Forest's End
Norðlondr Fólk
Hand of Asgard
The Crypt of Krysuvik
Norðlondr Óvinabókin: Bestiary and Enemies Book
The Bugstiary: A Norðlondr Bestiary Expansion
Garden of Evil: A Norðlondr Bestiary Expansion
Serpents of Legend: A Norðlondr Bestiary Expansion
Other free books for 4th Edition
There is a total of 28 free GURPS products given out as no-cost PDFs,[38] in addition to the three above and one below, this includes:
GURPS Who's Who 2, a collection of 56 more historical characters
GURPS Wizards, a book of templates
GURPS Blood Types, containing biographies and gaming statistics for 23 vampires and vampire-like beings, and guidelines on creating more for various campaign settings.
Maykrantz, Scott Paul (1994). GURPS Creatures of the Night. ISBN1-55634-273-X., describing original "modern horrors" (such as "Grue Beetles", "Netherpunks" and "Slitherwens").
GURPS Space Bestiary, describing many fictional extraterrestrial creatures, including silicon-based, crystalline, energy and liquid beings.
GURPS Spirits, published 2001, a guide to fictional spirits from several cultures (angels, demons, djinn, dryads, ghosts etc.), with a possible system of spirit-based magic. This expands upon the Spirit rules from Undead and the Ritual Magic rules from Voodoo.
GURPS Undead, published 1998,[69] a portion on the site[70] describing several kinds of undead creatures (vampires, zombies etc.), with rules to create more and related topics.
Christopher J. Burke and Rob Garitta (1997). GURPS Autoduel. ISBN1-55634-240-3. - Describes a post-apocalyptic setting also shared by the Car Wars boardgame and the Autoduel computer game in which characters are involved in autoduelling, combat in armed and armored motor vehicles. The sourcebook contains rules for designing vehicles, additional skills used by autoduellist characters, and new technology and social conditions of the world. The setting is extended in an additional set of sourcebooks for the Autoduel world (see below).[18]
GURPS Time Travel, winner of the 1991 Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Supplement.[75]
History and culture
Nicholas Caldwell; William H Stoddard (2003). GURPS Age of Napoleon. ISBN1-55634-451-1., background for adventuring set in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, with character write-ups for such celebrities of the era as Catherine the Great (of Russia) and George Washington as well as Napoleon's crowd.
Ken Walton; Jo Walton (1995). GURPS Celtic Myth., Once Celts raided, looted, conquered and settled over thousands of miles, leaving red-haired descendants from Ireland to Spain to Poland to Turkey, coming within a sword's width of extinguishing the Roman empire before it was born. They left behind rich and terrible mythos, of head-hunting and of poetry, and, of course, of the Fair Folk, a euphemism in the same vein as the Greeks used when they referred to the Furies as "the kindly ones."
Kirk Wilson Tate (1989). GURPS Ice Age. ISBN1-55634-134-2., describing rules and setting for role-playing in the time of prehistoric man, including a shamanic magic system.
GURPS Imperial Rome, describing the historical background and adventure ideas for roleplaying in ancient Rome, including a parallel universe where Roman Empire survived till today.[73]
Robert Traynor & Lisa Evans (1992). GURPS Scarlet Pimpernel. ISBN1-55634-212-8., details for playing in the milieu of the Scarlet Pimpernel books set in 18th century Revolutionary France, by Baroness Orczy.
GURPS Timeline, a source book with a timeline for play and many short articles, some of which describe "Lost Continents" and some tales about "Lost Fortunes".
Kenneth Hite; Craig Neumeier; Michael S. Schiffer (1999). GURPS Alternate Earths. ISBN1-55634-318-3.—presents six versions of Earth possessing alternate histories to that of our own world, as well as a number of less-detailed settings scattered throughout the book in sidebars: for instance, "Gernsback" is a parallel, inspired by 1930s science fiction adventure stories (it is named for the editor Hugo Gernsback) has as its point of divergence is the marriage of Nikola Tesla to Anne Morgan, daughter of banker and financier J. P. Morgan. Attention is given to the ways in which agents of the Infinity Patrol presented in GURPS Time Travel and their rivals from the mysterious parallel known as "Centrum" attempt to influence the course of history in each parallel; the concept of the conflict between the Infinity Patrol and Centrum across the many parallel Earths was made central to the Fourth Edition of GURPS as the default setting in the Basic Set and in the supplement GURPS Infinite Worlds.[77]
GURPS Black Ops, describing a setting that Earth under threat from various alien, supernatural, and other monstrous powers, while the player characters are super-skilled agents of the clandestine agency "the Company", known as "Black Operatives" or "Black Ops"; the setting relies heavily on use of various known or less known urban legends and conspiracy theories.[78]
GURPS Cyberworld
GURPS Goblins, describing an original fantasy setting in a society of goblins in London in the 1830s.
GURPS Illuminati University, detailing a fictional college where absurdity and awful puns are the order of the day; its students range from witches and werewolves to secret agents and space aliens.
GURPS Ogre, a roleplaying version of the post-apocalyptic Ogre wargame
David Pulver (1998). GURPS Technomancer. ISBN1-55634-359-0., describing a setting and new rules in an alternative modern Earth where magic co-exists with technology. It was based on the premise that the Trinity atomic test ripped a hole in the fabric of space-time, triggering a tornado of magical energy.
GURPS Y2K, detailing some possible scenarios involving the year 2000 problem and other world-changing events.
Phil Masters, Jonathan Woodward (2002). Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game. ISBN978-1-55634-654-5., detailing the world in which the adventures of Hellboy are set.
GURPS Riverworld, a setting in the fictional world described in the novels of the Riverworld series by Philip José Farmer. This setting is an artificial planet where everyone who lived before a set date in history seems to have been resurrected.[18]
Sasha Miller and Ben W. Miller (1989). GURPS Witch World. ISBN1-55634-143-1.—a setting based on the series of Witch World novels by Andre Norton. Included are a bestiary of Witch World creatures, details on the non-human races, a history and geography of the planet, and a color-based system of magic.[18]
SGG published a set of books designed to allow game play in an alternate timeline of Traveller's Third Imperium science-fiction setting using the GURPS rule system.
GURPS School of Hard Knocks (1989), originally written with support for the Champions 4th edition rules, but these rules were removed from the final printing. They were later published online.
GURPS Fantasy (first edition) introduced the magic system that would be included in the Third Edition Basic Set and expanded in GURPS Magic.
O'Sullivan, Steffan (1988). GURPS Bestiary. ISBN1-55634-087-7. containing information and statistics for animals, including information to play animals as player character.[18]
GURPS Fantasy (first edition) introduces the Yrth setting, which would be the basis for subsequent editions of GURPS Fantasy and later GURPS Banestorm.
GURPS Bili the Axe - Up Harzburk!, a campaign of solo adventures set in Robert Adams's "Horseclans" universe. The book was printed with a serious error making it virtually impossible to play, and so it was recalled.
GURPS Basic (『ガープス・ベーシック』) - Translation of GURPS Basic Set 3rd edition.
GURPS Magic (『ガープス・マジック』) - Translation of GURPS Magic for 3rd edition.
GURPS Martial Arts (『ガープス・マーシャルアーツ』) - Translation of GURPS Martial Arts for 3rd edition.
GURPS Psionics (『ガープス・サイオニクス』) - Translation of GURPS Psionics.
GURPS Cyberpunk (『ガープス・サイバーパンク』) - Translation of GURPS Cyberpunk.
Translations of GURPS, 3rd (published by Fujimi Shobo)
GURPS Basic kanyaku-ban (『ガープス・ベーシック完訳版』) - The complete translated version of GURPS Basic (『ガープス・ベーシック』) and the translation of GURPS Basic Set Third Edition, Revised
GURPS Magic kanyaku-ban (『ガープス・マジック完訳版』) - The complete translated version of GURPS Magic (『ガープス・マジック』) and the translation of GURPS Magic Second Edition for 3rd edition.
GURPS Grimoire kanyaku-ban (『ガープス・グリモア完訳版』) - The translation of GURPS Grimoire.
GURPS Martial Arts kanyaku-ban (『ガープス・マーシャルアーツ完訳版』) - The complete translated version of GURPS Martial Arts (『ガープス・マーシャルアーツ』) and the translation of GURPS Martial Arts Second Edition for 3rd edition.
GURPS Master Screen (『ガープス・マスタースクリーン』) - The master screen (マスタースクリーン) for GURPS 3rd edition(published by Kadokawa Shoten).
Translations of GURPS, 4th (published by Fujimi Shobo)
GURPS Basic Dai-yon-han Character (『ガープス・ベーシック【第4版】キャラクター』) - The translation of GURPS Basic Set: Characters for Fourth Edition.
GURPS Basic Dai-yon-han Campaign (『ガープス・ベーシック【第4版】キャンペーン』) - The translation of GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns for Fourth Edition.
GURPS Mahou-taizen (『ガープス・魔法大全』) - The translation of GURPS Magic for Fourth Edition.
GURPS Bushin kourin (『ガープス・マーシャルアーツ・アドベンチャー 武神降臨』) - Martial arts. The Supplement of GURPS Martial Arts.
GURPS Cocoon (『ガープス・コクーン』) - Comical fantasy and the parody of Sword World RPG.
GURPS Damned Stalkers (『ガープス・妖魔夜行』, Gurps Youma Yakou) - Modern horror.[85] This supplement refers to GURPS Supers for Third Edition.
GURPS The Damned Stalkers 2nd stage (『ガープス・百鬼夜翔, Gurps Hyakki Yasyou) - The sequel to GURPS Youma Yakou. This supplement refers to GURPS Supers for Third Edition, GURPS Compendium I and GURPS Compendium II.
GURPS Dragon Merc (『ガープス・ドラゴンマーク』) - Crossover of multi-planes
GURPS Power up (『ガープス・パワーアップ』) - Four original world settings
GURPS Ring Dream (『ガープス・リング★ドリーム』) - Modern female wrestling[85]
GURPS Runal/Yuel (『ガープス・ルナル』『ガープス・ユエル』) - Written by Shou Tomono and Group SNE; published by Kadokawa Shoten in 1992; "complete version" and GURPS Yuel published by Fujimi Shobo in 1994.[86] Several novels have been published based upon GURPS Runal,[87] set in a fantasy world strongly influenced from RuneQuest: seven mysterious Moons grant magic power to their worshipers.
Korean products
The Korean publisher Dayspring Games (Korean:도서출판 초여명) published the Korean translation of GURPS and at least an original supplement, GURPS Sylfiena, a fantasy setting.[88]
Translations of GURPS, 3rd edition
GURPS Gibon Set Gukmunpan (Korean:GURPS 기본세트 국문판): Translation of GURPS Basic Set, 3rd edition.
GURPS Mabeop (Korean:GURPS 마법): Translation of GURPS Magic for 3rd edition.
GURPS Muye (Korean:GURPS 무예): Translation of GURPS Martial Arts for 3rd edition.
GURPS Fantasy (Korean:GURPS 환타지): Translation of GURPS Fantasy for 3rd edition.
GURPS Fantasy Jongjok (Korean:GURPS 환타지 종족): Translation of GURPS Fantasy Folk for 3rd edition.
GURPS Cyberpunk (Korean:GURPS 사이버펑크): Translation of GURPS Cyberpunk for 3rd edition.
Translations of GURPS, 4th edition
GURPS Gukmun 2-pan Gibon Set: Character Book (Korean:GURPS 국문2판 기본세트: 캐릭터북): Translation of GURPS Basic Set: Characters, 4th edition.
GURPS Gukmun 2-pan Gibon Set: Campaign Book (Korean:GURPS 국문2판 기본세트: 캠페인북): Translation of GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns, 4th edition.
GURPS Gukmun 2-pan Sylfiena (Korean:GURPS 국문2판 실피에나): The first original GURPS book in Korea. A low-mana fantasy campaign setting on the Earldom of Sylfiena for GURPS, 4th edition.
Brazilian Portuguese products
One of the first translations of GURPS was published in 1991 by the Brazilian publisher Devir Livraria[pt]. The company produced four editions of GURPS, keeping pace with revisions of the U.S. editions, but errors in the revised fourth edition released in 2015 led to the book being pulled from shelves.[89] In 2017, Devir confirmed it would no longer publish GURPS products in Portuguese.[90]
Beyond the core game, Devir published translations of a number of GURPS sourcebooks and adventures:
GURPS Artes Marciais Translation of GURPS Martial Arts
GURPS Cyberpunk
GURPS Escola de Super-heróis. Translation of GURPS School of Hard Knocks
GURPS Fantasy
GURPS Fantasy Tredroy
GURPS Grimório. Translation of GURPS Grimoire
GURPS Horror
GURPS Illuminati
GURPS Império Romano. Translation of GURPS Imperial Rome
GURPS Magia. Translation of GURPS Magic
GURPS Psiquismo. Translation of GURPS Psionics
GURPS Supers
GURPS Ultra-Tech
GURPS Viagem Espacial. Translation of GURPS Space
GURPS Viagem no Tempo. Translation of GURPS Time Travel.
Devir also produced a series of original adventures and sourcebooks branded as "Mini GURPS".
Mini GURPS Entradas e Bandeirantes. Entries and Flags, an adventure focused on exploring and conquering Brazil.
Mini GURPS No coração dos deuses. In the Heart of the Gods, a solo adventure based on the movie No Coração dos Deuses[pt]
Mini GURPS O descobrimento do Brasil. The Discovery of Brazil
Mini GURPS O resgate de "Retirantes". The Rescue of "Retirantes", an adventure involving the painting Retirantes[pt] by Candido Portinari
Mini GURPS Quilombo dos palmares. The Quilombo of Palmares, an adventure surrounding a 1600s maroon colony in Palmares, Brazil.
German products
In Germany, Pegasus Spiele[de] published a German-language translation of the GURPS core rules, along with translations of several sourcebooks and adventures.
GURPS Cyberpunk
GURPS Horror
GURPS Illuminati
GURPS Magie. Translation of GURPS Magic
GURPS Der Medusa-Virus. Translation of the GURPS Cyberpunk Adventures adventure "The Medusa Sanction"
GURPS Meister der Sphären. Lord of the Spheres, an original multigenre adventure
GURPS Scheibenwelt. Translation of GURPS Discworld
GURPS Vampire: Die Maskerade. Translation of GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade
GURPS Voodoo
GURPS Wiedergeburt. Translation of the GURPS Space Adventures adventure "Rebirth"
1 2 "GURPS Around The World". Runal Saga is a popular fantasy background. Damned Stalkers is a modern horror background, and Ring Dream is about modern female wrestling!
↑ Rodrigues, Daniel "Nerun" (October 1, 2016). "GURPS 4E revisada – o por quê foi recolhido"[GURPS 4E Revised – Why it was recalled]. GURPZine (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved December 27, 2020.
"GURPS Worldbook Index". The directory of all printed GURPS titles at Steve Jackson Games website.
"GURPS BibTeX". Archived from the original on 2009-05-31. Retrieved 2007-08-31. A BibTeX archive in progress to archive the bibliographical data for GURPS books.
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