List of central government agencies in Indonesia

Last updated

This is a list of central government agencies in Indonesia.


State institutions

According to the current Constitution, state institutions (Indonesian : Lembaga Negara) of Indonesia are as follow:

Division of PowersInstitutions

(in English)


(in Indonesian)

Executive President and Vice President Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Heads of government
Legislative People's Consultative Assembly Majelis Permusyawaratan RakyatBicameral national legislature
House of Representatives Dewan Perwakilan RakyatLower house of the legislature
Regional Representative Council Dewan Perwakilan DaerahUpper house of the legislature
Judicial Supreme Court Mahkamah AgungHighest court of the land
Constitutional Court Mahkamah KonstitusiConstitutional review of a law, among others
Judicial Commission Komisi YudisialMaintaining the independence and welfare of the judges
Examinative Audit Board Badan Pemeriksa KeuanganExamine the state finance accountability

Central government institutions


The current Cabinet, formed on 21 October 2024, comprises the following 48 ministers: [1]

Coordinating Ministries

Coordinating ministries are tasked mainly to coordinate the various government ministries and other government institutions.


Non-ministerial government institutions

The following outlines non-ministerial government institutions:

Law and security



Science and culture


Public broadcasting

Non-structural government institutions

The following lists unstructured institutions: [2]

Cabinet-level agencies

Cabinet-level agencies are state and government institutions formed by the Constitutions and its subordinating laws whose roles and responsibilities are to support all government priorities and strategies set by the President. Each agency is headed by a ministerial-rank official who is not a member of the Cabinet but attends Cabinet meetings regularly. Cabinet-level agencies are:


  1. "Kabinet Merah Putih - Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2024-11-30.
  2. "Klasifikasi Lembaga Non Struktural". Kementerian Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2020-04-17.