List of fictional actors

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Fictional stories sometimes feature a fictional movie or play. In these cases, occasionally, a fictional actor appears. In movies, it is not infrequent that a real, famous actor plays the role of a fictional person who is also an actor.


Fictional actors in movies and television

The following list features fictional actors including, in (parentheses), the real actor who played the fictional actor in a movie. At the end of the entry appears the name of the movie or the television series where the fictional actor appeared.

A, B, C

D, E, F

G, H, I

J, K, L

M, N, O

P, Q, R

S, T, U, V

W, X, Y, Z

Fictional actors in literature


In the book Moving Pictures , the alchemists of the Discworld have invented moving pictures. Many hopefuls are drawn by the siren call of Holy Wood, home of the fledgling "movie" industry. Some of them begin working in movies, specially under producer Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler. The following list only covers the characters in the book that work in movies, and only if their names are given (failed stars who do not get a single role are not listed). This list is also intended to cover any known theater actor in Discworld, in other books.

Star Wars Expanded Universe

Although not a main part of the Star Wars expanded universe mainstream, theater and "holo-movies" are also featured in this universe, including the following actors, most of whom reached notoriety only after leaving show business.

Fictional actors in comic books

Fictional actors in video games

Other fictional actors

See also


  1. Some monster characters from this game are not confirmed to be actors: FitzRandolph (Antonio Gálvez) and the Poet (Luis Bajo) are said to have been stuntsmen; Professors Mosca (Carlos Del Pino) and Zelssius (Tony Canal) are apparently only scientists; and High Priestess Krom-Ha (Conchi López) is, as far as we know, a mummy illusionist with her own show, not necessarily an actress.
  2. Strange Adventures #180
  4. 聖女傳 #1196 - 庇護所 Vol. 17
  5. Mighty World of Marvel #7
  6. Avengers West Coast (Vol. 2) #100
  7. Fury of Firestorm #24
  8. Jonah Hex #4
  9. 2000 AD #92 - Prog 92
  10. Iron Man Vol 1 #160
  11. Runaways #1
  12. Runaways #1
  13. Doom Patrol #86
  14. ClanDestine #1
  15. Martian Manhunter Vol. 2 #13
  16. ClanDestine #2
  17. Detective Comics #536
  18. My Greatest Adventure #80
  19. Kurt Busiek's Astro City Vol.2 #22
  20. Detective Comics #40
  21. Detective Comics #31
  22. Detective Comics #335
  23. Marvel Team-Up #139
  24. Tangent Comics: Flash #1
  25. Doom Patrol Vol 6 #1
  26. Wonder Woman #6
  27. Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant #1
  28. Justice League of America #203
  29. Miss America Magazine #2
  30. Batman #395
  31. Action Comics #20
  32. Batman Adventures vol 2 #14
  33. Sensation Comics #100