List of roads in Madagascar

Last updated

Dirt portion of RN5 in Madagascar RN5a-Daraina-Vohemar.jpg
Dirt portion of RN5 in Madagascar

This is a list of both the National roads and the provincial roads in Madagascar. Many are unpaved dirt roads, or insufficiently maintained. Only 6 000 km out off a total of 32 000 km are paved and mostly in a bad state of conversation. [1]


National roads

Numberlength :0Runs throughCondition
RN1 234145 Antananarivo - Miarinarivo - Tsiroanomandidy - Belobaka Antananarivo-Tsiroanomandidy is paved
RN1a 481299 Analavory - Ihazomay - Tsiroanomandidy - BeravinaBemahatazana - Maintirano unpaved, very bad state of conservation
RN1b 9458 Analavory - Babetville - Tsiroanomandidy unpaved
RN2 352219 Antananarivo - Manjakandriana - MoramangaAmpasimanolotra - Toamasina paved
RN3 9157 Antananarivo - Talata Volonondry - Anjozorobe - Lake Alaotra paved
RN3a 180110 Lake Alaotra - Andilamena paved, good condition
RN3b 10666 Sambava - Andapa paved, good condition
RN4 570350 Antananarivo - AnkazobeMaevatananaAmbondromamy - Mahajanga paved
RN5 402250 Toamasina - Fenoarivo Atsinanana - Soanierana Ivongo - Mananara Avaratra - Maroantsetra first 160 km (99 mi) paved, remaining: unpaved in bad condition
RN5a 406252 Ambilobe - Antalaha paved between Ambilobe - Iharana in 2021.

remaining paved, in good condition

RN6 713443 Antsiranana - Ambilobe - Ambanja - Antsohihy - Boriziny Vaovao - Mampikony - Ambondromamy paved
RN7 925575 Antananarivo - Ambatolampy - AntsirabeAmbositraAmbohimahasoa - FianarantsoaAmbalavao - Ihosy - Sakaraha - Toliara paved, good condition
RN8 198123 Morondava - Belo Amoron'i Tsiribihina - Bekopaka unpaved
RN8a 11974 Maintirano - Antsalova -
RN8b 14590 RN4 - Marovoay - Ambolomoty - Maroala - Bekipay - Mitsinjo -
RN8c 318198 Antabilao ( junction RN 4)- Kandreho - Ambatomainty - Morafenobe - Bemahatazana -
RN9 382237 Toliara (Tulear) - Befandriana Atsimo - Manja - Mandabe first 107 km (66 mi) paved, remaining unpaved
RN10 512318 Andranovory ( junction RN 7)- Beloha - Tsiombe - Ambovombe (junction RN 13)unpaved
RN11 10364 Mananjary - Nosy Varika unpaved, bad condition
RN11a 12578junction RN2Vatomandry

Ilaka Atsinanana - Mahanoro

partly paved
RN12 300190 IrondroManakara - Farafangana - Vangaindrano paved, partly in bad condition
RN12a 256159 Tolganaro (Fort Dauphin) - Manantenina - Vangaindrano unpaved, bad condition
RN13 493306 Ihosy - Ambovombe - Tolagnaro (Fort Dauphin) unpaved between Ihosy - Ambovombe, paved but bad condition from Ambovombe - Tolagnaro (Fort Dauphin)
RN T14 9458 Ifanadiana (RN25)- Ikongo - Vohitrindry (RN12) [2] unpaved
RN T15 232144 Beroroha - Ankazoabo - Sakaraha (N7)- Beroroha [3] unpaved
RN T16 8150 Ranotsara Avaratra (RN27)- Iakora [4] unpaved
RN T17 4125 Manankoliva (RN13)- Bekily [5] unpaved
RN T17 A 114crossing with RN 10 - Benenitra - Bezaha [6] unpaved
RN T18 13081 Vangaindrano - 42 km (26 mi) - Ranomena - Nosifeno (Midongy Atsimo) - 94 km (58 mi) [7] - Midongy Atsimo National Park - Befotaka unpaved
RN T19 523325 KatsepyMitsinjo - Namakia - 68 km (42 mi) - Soalala - Besalampy - Maintirano unpaved
RN T20 4930 Ilaka Atsinanana (intersection RN11a) - Antanambao Manampontsy [8]
RN T21 6138 Ambodiatafa - Ifotatra- Loukintsy - Ambodifotatra - Aniribe [9] (Ile Sainte Marie)
RN22 5534 Fenoarivo Atsinanana - Vavatenina -mostly paved - Anjahambe
RN23 13282 Mahanoro - Betsizaraina - Beanana - Ambinanindrano - Marolambo
RN23a [10] 7144 Moramanga (intersection with RN2) - Anosibe An'ala unpaved
RN24 4226 Mananjary - Vohilava, Mananjary (intersection with RN11)unpaved
RN25 176109 AmbohimahasoaIrondro - Mananjary partly paved, partly unpaved in bad condition
RN26 31.9intersection RN7 (Ilempona) - Antanifotsy paved
RN27 275171 Ihosy - Ivohibe - Farafangana largely unpaved
RN30 2314intersection RN 6 - Ambalavelona - Ankify (Diana)
RN30a 3019intersection RN 57 (Hellville) - Andilana
RN31 260160 Antsohihy - Bealanana - Ambatoria - Ambalapaiso - Andapa mostly paved up to Bealanana
RN31a 7949 Ankerika (intersection with RN6)- Analalava
RN32 186116 Antsohihy - Befandriana Avaratra -Mandritsara most part unpaved
RN33 340210 Ambatondrazaka - Ambondromamy unpaved
RNT 33A 8251 National Road 4 - Bekapaina - Tsaratanana unpaved
RNT 33B 2314 National Road 4 - Andranofasika - Ambato-Boeni unpaved
RN34 368229 AntsirabeMiandrivazo - Malaimbandy AntsirabeMiandrivazo: paved; Miandrivazo - Malaimbandy: paved, good condition
RN35 286178 AmbositraMalaimbandy - Morondava paved, refurnished in 2012 [11]
RN36 209130intersection RN 4 - Miantso - Maritampona- Fenoarivo Afovoany - Manakambahiny
RN41 4125 Ambositra - Fandriana
RN42 9458 Fianarantsoa - Ikalamavony
RN43 13383 AnalavoryAmpefySoavinandrianaAmbohibary - Sambaina paved
RN44 228142 Moramanga - Ambatondrazaka - Imerimandroso - Amboavory partly paved, [12] renovation is previewed for 2022. Between Marovoay and Amboasary Gara has been refurbished. [13]
RN45 2516 Alakamisy Ambohimaha (intersection N7) – AnjambaVorondolo - (intersection with RN 25)paved
RN46 1711 Soamandroso (intersection N7) - Ambovombe Afovoany (Ambovombe Centre)
RN53 138.1 AntalahaAntsirabato Airport, Ambohitralanana (Sava region)
RN54 85.0(ex-Bonnet & Fils, Mahajunga) - Mahajunga airport paved (refurbished in 2022 [14] =
RN55 7848intersection RN 9 - Morombe unpaved
RN56 2.71.7intersection Antananarivo paved
RN57 116.8 Nosy Be - Fascene Airport paved
RN58a 169.9 Antananarivo paved
RN59a 42.5 Androrona - port of Vohemar (Sava region)paved
RN59b 1912 Antsiranana - Ramena paved
RN 60 15junction between RN 2 and RN 7 in the south of Antananarivo
RN63 (secondaire) 2.61.6 Antananarivo (Ankadievo) - RN7 at Antananarivo, Ankadimbahoaka [15] paved
RN 65 9.4junction between RN 2, RN 3 and the industriel zone of Ankorondrano

Route Provinciale (Provincial roads)

NumberLengthRuns throughCondition
RIP3A Route d'interet Provinciale 3A - Andondabe-Foulpointe, intersection with RN 5 (Atsinanana) [16] unpaved
RIP3F 60Route d'interet Provinciale 3F - Ambositra, intersection with RN 7 - Ambinanindrano (Amoron'i Mania) [17] unpaved, bad state of conversation
RIP5 RIP5 - route d'interet provincial 5, in Analamanga to Masindray paved
RIP7 RIP7 - route d'interet provincial 7

in Toamasina suburbaine to West, Nosibe to Ivoloina [18]

paved, but in bad state of conservation [19]
RIP12A Route d'interet Provinciale 12A - Ampasimbe-Foulpointe, intersection with RN 5 (Atsinanana) [20] unpaved
RIP13 24 kmRIP13 - route d'interet provincial 13

AmbanjaBemanevikaMarotolana - Ankify (Diana Region)

paved up to Marotolana
RIP19 7043RIP19 - route d'interet provincial 19

Talata Volonondry - Ambatomanoina (Analamanga)

RIP20D RIP20D - route d'interet provincial 20D

Antsohimbondrona to Ambilobe (Diana)

RIP23 7245RIP23 - route d'interet provincial 23

Anosibe An'ala - Moramanga (Alaotra-Mangoro)

unpaved (This will be the future RN 23. In 100 years or two)
RIP26 Route d'interet Provinciale 26 - intersection with RN 3 - Ambohitseheno (Analamanga)unpaved
RIP29 Route d'interet Provinciale 29 - intersection with RN 4, forking at the Ikopa River bridge (Analamanga) to Antsahalava, Ampangabe (29 km).unpaved
RIP51 Route d'interet Provinciale 51 - intersection with RN 3 - Ambohimanga Rova (Analamanga) [21]  ??
RIP71 44 Imerintsiatosika (RN 1)- Miantsoarivo, Miandrandra, Ambohimandry and Ambohipandrano - Behenjy (RN 7) (Itasy)Mostly unpaved, partly paved [22]
RIP73 12 Ambatolampy - Tsiafajavona Ankaratra unpaved, in good state [23]
RIP74 Befotaka - Vangaindrano unpaved
RIP83 18 Ambatofolaka - Mandiavato [24] (Itasy)unpaved
RIP84 45 Arivonimamo - Manalalondo (Itasy)unpaved
RIP85 65 Ambohimasina - Ambohitrambo - Arivonimamo (Itasy)unpaved, bad state of conservation
RIP88 10 Ambatomiravavy - Fenomanana (Itasy)unpaved
RIP92 19 Miarinarivo - Manazary (Itasy)unpaved
RIP93 19 Analavory - Anosibe-Ifanja (Itasy)unpaved
RIP94 55 Miarinarivo - Ambatomanjaka to Fiavahana (Itasy)unpaved
RIP95 31 Tranovy (RN1) Zoma Bealoka - Soavimbazaha (Itasy)unpaved
RIP103 RIP103 - route d'interet provincial 103

Soavinandriana- 13 km - Mananasy - Mahavelona, Soavinandriana (Itasy)

RIP107 RIP107 - route d'interet provincial 107

Tsivory (Sofia) - Ambatoriha (Sofia region)

RIP111 61 [25] RIP111 - route d'interet provincial 111

Antanifotsy - Soanindrariny - Tsarahonenana Sahanivotry (Vakinankaratra)

RIP112 76RIP112 - route d'interet provincial 112

Maintirano - Besalampy -Mahatsinjo, Maevatanana

RIP112M 34-RIP112M - route d'interet provincial 112M

Maintirano - Antsalanjy

RIP114 RIP114 - route d'interet provincial 114

Tambohorano - to the RIP112

RIP116 RIP116 - route d'interet provincial 116

Maroala - Mandritsara (Sofia region)

RIP117M 32RIP117M - route d'interet provincial 117M

Bealanana - Amboasary (Sofia region)

RIP117 RIP117 - route d'interet provincial 117

Tsivory - Marotsiraka (Anosy)

RIP118 80.15RIP118 - route d'interet provincial 118

Soanierana - Enakara-Haut - Bevoay [26] (Anosy)

RIP122 RIP122 - route d'interet provincial 122 [27]

Antsirabe- Soanindrariny

(route de la pomme)
RIP123 27 [28] RIP123 - route d'interet provincial 123

Tsarahonenana Sahanivotry - Antanambao, Antsirabe II (Vakinankaratra)

RIP202D 31.4RIP202D - route d'interet provincial 202D [29]

Nosiarina, Bemanevika, Tanambao Daoud (Sava region)


Toll roads

See also

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  1. Région Atsinanana - Trois ponts en reconstruction
  3. Travaux sur la RNT15
  6. Radier submersible construit sur RNT 17A
  7. Travaux RNT18
  8. RN T20
  9. "Home".
  11. (in French) Inauguration de la RN 35 dans la Capitale de la Région Menabe
  12. (in French)
  13. midi-madagasikara/mg: RN 44 reception de travaux
  14. L'Express de Madagascar
  15. Midi-Madagasikar
  16. ONG Lalana
  18. Région Atsinanana - Trois ponts en reconstruction
  20. ONG Lalana
  24. Route Provinciales Madagascar
  25. Aménagement de la chaussée du CIP 702 et de la RIP 111
  27. [ RIP 122 - Route de la Pomme ]
  28. Aménagement de la chaussée du CIP 702 et de la RIP 111
  29. Allafrica com
  30. "Madagascar starts works on first motorway". Africanews . 5 December 2022. Retrieved 19 February 2023.