Administrative division codes of the People's Republic of China |
North China (Division 1) |
Northeast China (Division 2) |
East China (Division 3) |
South Central China (Division 4) |
Southwest China (Division 5) |
Northwest China (Division 6) |
Taiwan (Division 7) |
Hong Kong and Macau (Division 8) |
List of administrative division codes of the PRC in Division 1 or North China.
110000 | Beijing municipality 北京市 | ||||||||
110100 | District 市辖区 | 110101 | Dongcheng 东城区 | 110102 | Xicheng 西城区 | 110103 | 崇文区 | 110104 | 宣武区 |
110105 | Chaoyang 朝阳区 | 110106 | Fengtai 丰台区 | 110107 | Shijingshan 石景山区 | 110108 | Haidian 海淀区 | ||
110109 | Mentougou 门头沟区 | 110110 | 燕山区 | 110111 | Fangshan 房山区 | 110112 | Tongzhou 通州区 | ||
110113 | Shunyi 顺义区 | 110114 | Changping 昌平区 | 110115 | Daxing 大兴区 | 110116 | Huairou 怀柔区 | ||
110117 | Pinggu 平谷区 | 110118 | Miyun 密云区 | 110119 | Yanqing 延庆区 | ||||
110200 | 县 | 110221 | 昌平县 | 110222 | 顺义县 | 110223 | 通县 | 110224 | 大兴县 |
110225 | 房山县 | 110226 | 平谷县 | 110227 | 怀柔县 | 110228 | 密云县 | ||
110229 | 延庆县 |
120000 | Tianjin municipality 天津市 | ||||||||
120100 | District 市辖区 | 120101 | Heping 和平区 | 120102 | Hedong 河东区 | 120103 | Hexi 河西区 | 120104 | Nankai 南开区 |
120105 | Hebei 河北区 | 120106 | Hongqiao 红桥区 | 120107 | 塘沽区 | 120108 | 汉沽区 | ||
120109 | 大港区 | 120110 | Dongli 东丽区 | 120111 | Xiqing 西青区 | 120112 | Jinnan 津南区 | ||
120113 | Beichen 北辰区 | 120114 | Wuqing 武清区 | 120115 | Baodi 宝坻区 | 120116 | Binhai 滨海新区 | ||
120117 | Ninghe 宁河区 | 120118 | Jinghai 静海区 | 120119 | Jizhou 蓟州区 | ||||
120200 | 县 | 120221 | 宁河县 | 120222 | 武清县 | 120223 | 静海县 | 120224 | 宝坻县 |
120225 | 蓟县 |
130000 | Hebei Province 河北省 | ||||||||
130100 | Shijiazhuang city 石家庄市 | ||||||||
130101 | District 市辖区 | 130102 | Chang'an 长安区 | 130103 | 桥东区 | 130104 | Qiaoxi 桥西区 | 130105 | Xinhua 新华区 |
130106 | 郊区 | 130107 | Jingxing 井陉矿区 | 130108 | Yuhua 裕华区 | 130109 | Gaocheng 藁城区 | ||
130110 | Luquan 鹿泉区 | 130111 | Luancheng 栾城区 | ||||||
130121 | Jingxing Co. 井陉县 | 130122 | 获鹿县 | 130123 | Zhengding Co. 正定县 | 130124 | 栾城县 | 130125 | Xingtang Co. 行唐县 |
130126 | Lingshou Co. 灵寿县 | 130127 | Gaoyi Co. 高邑县 | 130128 | Shenze Co. 深泽县 | 130129 | Zanhuang Co. 赞皇县 | 130130 | Wuji Co. 无极县 |
130131 | Pingshan Co. 平山县 | 130132 | Yuanshi Co. 元氏县 | 130133 | Zhao Co. 赵县 | ||||
130181 | Xinji city 辛集市 | 130182 | 藁城市 | 130183 | Jinzhou city 晋州市 | 130184 | Xinle city 新乐市 | 130185 | 鹿泉市 |
130200 | Tangshan city 唐山市 | ||||||||
130201 | District 市辖区 | 130202 | Lunan 路南区 | 130203 | Lubei 路北区 | 130204 | Guye 古冶区 | 130205 | Kaiping 开平区 |
130206 | 新区 | 130207 | Fengnan 丰南区 | 130208 | Fengrun 丰润区 | 130209 | Caofeidian 曹妃甸区 | ||
130221 | 丰润县 | 130222 | 丰南县 | 130223 | Luan Co. 滦县 | 130224 | Luannan Co. 滦南县 | 130225 | Laoting Co. 乐亭县 |
130226 | 迁安县 | 130227 | Qianxi Co. 迁西县 | 130228 | 遵化县 | 130229 | Yutian Co. 玉田县 | 130230 | 唐海县 |
130281 | Zunhua city 遵化市 | 130282 | 丰南市 | 130283 | Qian'an city 迁安市 | ||||
130300 | Qinhuangdao city 秦皇岛市 | ||||||||
130301 | District 市辖区 | 130302 | Haigang 海港区 | 130303 | Shanhaiguan 山海关区 | 130304 | Beidaihe 北戴河区 | 130305 | 郊区 |
130306 | Funing 抚宁区 | ||||||||
130321 | Qinglong Co. 青龙县 | 130322 | Changli Co. 昌黎县 | 130323 | 抚宁县 | 130324 | Lulong Co. 卢龙县 | ||
130400 | Handan city 邯郸市 | ||||||||
130401 | District 市辖区 | 130402 | Hanshan 邯山区 | 130403 | Congtai 丛台区 | 130404 | Fuxing 复兴区 | 130405 | 郊区 |
130406 | Fengfeng 峰峰矿区 | 130407 | Feixiang 肥乡区 | 130408 | Yongnian 永年区 | ||||
130421 | 邯郸县 | 130422 | 武安县 | 130423 | Linzhang Co. 临漳县 | 130424 | Cheng'an Co. 成安县 | 130425 | Daming Co. 大名县 |
130426 | She Co. 涉县 | 130427 | Ci Co. 磁县 | 130428 | 肥乡县 | 130429 | 永年县 | 130430 | Qiu Co. 邱县 |
130431 | Jize Co. 鸡泽县 | 130432 | Guangping Co. 广平县 | 130433 | Guantao Co. 馆陶县 | 130434 | Wei Co. 魏县 | 130435 | Quzhou Co. 曲周县 |
130481 | Wu'an city 武安市 | ||||||||
130500 | Xingtai city 邢台市 | ||||||||
130501 | District 市辖区 | 130502 | Qiaodong 桥东区 | 130503 | Qiaoxi 桥西区 | 130504 | 郊区 | ||
130521 | Xingtai Co. 邢台县 | 130522 | Lincheng Co. 临城县 | 130523 | Neiqiu Co. 内丘县 | 130524 | Baixiang Co. 柏乡县 | 130525 | Longyao Co. 隆尧县 |
130526 | Ren Co. 任县 | 130527 | Nanhe Co. 南和县 | 130528 | Ningjin Co. 宁晋县 | 130529 | Julu Co. 巨鹿县 | 130530 | Xinhe Co. 新河县 |
130531 | Guangzong Co. 广宗县 | 130532 | Pingxiang Co. 平乡县 | 130533 | Wei Co. 威县 | 130534 | Qinghe Co. 清河县 | 130535 | Linxi Co. 临西县 |
130581 | Nangong city 南宫市 | 130582 | Shahe city 沙河市 | ||||||
130600 | Baoding city 保定市 | ||||||||
130601 | District 市辖区 | 130602 | Jingxiu 竞秀区 | 130603 | 北市区 | 130604 | 南市区 | 130605 | 郊区 |
130606 | Lianchi 莲池区 | 130607 | Mancheng 满城区 | 130608 | Qingyuan 清苑区 | 130609 | Xushui 徐水区 | ||
130621 | 满城县 | 130622 | 清苑县 | 130623 | Laishui Co. 涞水县 | 130624 | Fuping Co. 阜平县 | 130625 | 徐水县 |
130626 | Dingxing Co. 定兴县 | 130627 | Tang Co. 唐县 | 130628 | Gaoyang Co. 高阳县 | 130629 | Rongcheng Co. 容城县 | 130630 | Laiyuan Co. 涞源县 |
130631 | Wangdu Co. 望都县 | 130632 | Anxin Co. 安新县 | 130633 | Yi Co. 易县 | 130634 | Quyang Co. 曲阳县 | 130635 | Li Co. 蠡县 |
130636 | Shunping Co. 顺平县 | 130637 | Boye Co. 博野县 | 130638 | Xiong Co. 雄县 | ||||
130681 | Zhuozhou city 涿州市 | 130682 | Dingzhou city 定州市 | 130683 | Anguo city 安国市 | 130684 | Gaobeidian city 高碑店市 | ||
130700 | Zhangjiakou city 张家口市 | ||||||||
130701 | District 市辖区 | 130702 | Qiaodong 桥东区 | 130703 | Qiaoxi 桥西区 | 130704 | 茶坊区 | 130705 | Xuanhua 宣化区 |
130706 | Xiahuayuan 下花园区 | 130707 | 庞家堡区 | 130708 | Wanquan 万全区 | 130709 | Chongli 崇礼区 | ||
130721 | 宣化县 | 130722 | Zhangbei Co. 张北县 | 130723 | Kangbao Co. 康保县 | 130724 | Guyuan Co. 沽源县 | 130725 | Shangyi Co. 尚义县 |
130726 | Yu Co. 蔚县 | 130727 | Yangyuan Co. 阳原县 | 130728 | Huai'an Co. 怀安县 | 130729 | 万全县 | 130730 | Huailai Co. 怀来县 |
130731 | Zhuolu Co. 涿鹿县 | 130732 | Chicheng Co. 赤城县 | 130733 | 崇礼县 | ||||
130800 | Chengde city 承德市 | ||||||||
130801 | District 市辖区 | 130802 | Shuangqiao 双桥区 | 130803 | Shuangluan 双滦区 | 130804 | Yingshouyingzi 鹰手营子矿区 | ||
130821 | Chengde Co. 承德县 | 130822 | Xinglong Co. 兴隆县 | 130823 | 平泉县 | 130824 | Luanping Co. 滦平县 | 130825 | Longhua Co. 隆化县 |
130826 | Fengning Co. 丰宁县 | 130827 | Kuancheng Co. 宽城县 | 130828 | Weichang Co. 围场县 | ||||
130881 | Pingquan city 平泉市 | ||||||||
130900 | Cangzhou city 沧州市 | ||||||||
130901 | District 市辖区 | 130902 | Xinhua 新华区 | 130903 | Yunhe 运河区 | 130904 | 郊区 | ||
130921 | Cang Co. 沧县 | 130922 | Qing Co. 青县 | 130923 | Dongguang Co. 东光县 | 130924 | Haixing Co. 海兴县 | 130925 | Yanshan Co. 盐山县 |
130926 | Suning Co. 肃宁县 | 130927 | Nanpi Co. 南皮县 | 130928 | Wuqiao Co. 吴桥县 | 130929 | Xian Co. 献县 | 130930 | Mengcun Co. 孟村县 |
130981 | Botou city 泊头市 | 130982 | Renqiu city 任丘市 | 130983 | Huanghua city 黄骅市 | 130984 | Hejian city 河间市 | ||
131000 | Langfang city 廊坊市 | ||||||||
131001 | District 市辖区 | 131002 | Anci 安次区 | 131003 | Guangyang 广阳区 | ||||
131021 | 三河县 | 131022 | Gu'an Co. 固安县 | 131023 | Yongqing Co. 永清县 | 131024 | Xianghe Co. 香河县 | 131025 | Dacheng Co. 大城县 |
131026 | Wen'an Co. 文安县 | 131027 | 霸县 | 131028 | Dachang Co. 大厂县 | ||||
131081 | Bazhou city 霸州市 | 131082 | Sanhe city 三河市 | ||||||
131100 | Hengshui city 衡水市 | ||||||||
131101 | District 市辖区 | 131102 | Taocheng 桃城区 | 131103 | Jizhou 冀州区 | ||||
131121 | Zaoqiang Co. 枣强县 | 131122 | Wuyi Co. 武邑县 | 131123 | Wuqiang Co. 武强县 | 131124 | Raoyang Co. 饶阳县 | 131125 | Anping Co. 安平县 |
131126 | Gucheng Co. 故城县 | 131127 | Jing Co. 景县 | 131128 | Fucheng Co. 阜城县 | ||||
131181 | 冀州市 | 131182 | Shenzhou city 深州市 | ||||||
132100 | 邯郸地区 | ||||||||
132200 | 邢台地区 | ||||||||
132300 | 石家庄地区 | ||||||||
132400 | 保定地区 | ||||||||
132500 | 张家口地区 | ||||||||
132600 | 承德地区 | ||||||||
132700 | 唐山地区 | ||||||||
132800 | 廊坊地区 | ||||||||
132900 | 沧州地区 | ||||||||
133000 | 衡水地区 | ||||||||
139000 | 省直辖 | ||||||||
139001 | 武安市 | 139002 | 霸州市 | 139003 | 遵化市 | 139004 | 辛集市 | 139005 | 藁城市 |
139006 | 晋州市 | 139007 | 新乐市 | 139008 | 泊头市 | 139009 | 任丘市 | 139010 | 黄骅市 |
139011 | 河间市 | 139012 | 三河市 | 139013 | 南宫市 | 139014 | 沙河市 | 139015 | 定州市 |
139016 | 涿州市 | 139017 | 安国市 | 139018 | 高碑店市 | 139019 | 鹿泉市 | 139020 | 丰南市 |
140000 | Shanxi Province 山西省 | ||||||||
140100 | Taiyuan city 太原市 | ||||||||
140101 | District 市辖区 | 140102 | 南城区 | 140103 | 北城区 | 140104 | 河西区 | 140105 | Xiaodian 小店区 |
140106 | Yingze 迎泽区 | 140107 | Xinghualing 杏花岭区 | 140108 | Jiancaoping 尖草坪区 | 140109 | Wanbailin 万柏林区 | ||
140110 | Jinyuan 晋源区 | 140111 | 古交工矿区 | 140112 | 南郊区 | 140113 | 北郊区 | ||
140120 | 市区 | ||||||||
140121 | Qingxu Co. 清徐县 | 140122 | Yangqu Co. 阳曲县 | 140123 | Loufan Co. 娄烦县 | ||||
140181 | Gujiao city 古交市 | ||||||||
140200 | Datong city 大同市 | ||||||||
140201 | District 市辖区 | 140202 | Pingcheng 平城区 | 140203 | 矿区 | ||||
140211 | Yungang 云冈区 | 140212 | Xinrong 新荣区 | 140213 | Yunzhou 云州区 | ||||
140221 | Yanggao Co. 阳高县 | 140222 | Tianzhen Co. 天镇县 | 140223 | Guangling Co. 广灵县 | 140224 | Lingqiu Co. 灵丘县 | 140225 | Hunyuan Co. 浑源县 |
140226 | Zuoyun Co. 左云县 | 140227 | 大同县 | ||||||
140300 | Yangquan city 阳泉市 | ||||||||
140301 | District 市辖区 | 140302 | Cheng 城区 | 140303 | Kuang 矿区 | ||||
140311 | Jiao 郊区 | ||||||||
140321 | Pingding Co. 平定县 | 140322 | Yu Co. 盂县 | ||||||
140400 | Changzhi city 长治市 | ||||||||
140401 | District 市辖区 | 140402 | 城区 | ||||||
140411 | Luzhou 潞州区 | 140412 | Lucheng 潞城区 | 140413 | Shangdang 上党区 | ||||
140414 | Tunliu 屯留区 | ||||||||
140421 | 长治县 | 140422 | 潞城县 | 140423 | Xiangyuan Co. 襄垣县 | 140424 | 屯留县 | 140425 | Pingshun Co. 平顺县 |
140426 | Licheng Co. 黎城县 | 140427 | Huguan Co. 壶关县 | 140428 | Zhangzi Co. 长子县 | 140429 | Wuxiang Co. 武乡县 | 140430 | Qin Co. 沁县 |
140431 | Qinyuan Co. 沁源县 | ||||||||
140481 | 潞城市 | ||||||||
140500 | Jincheng city 晋城市 | ||||||||
140501 | District 市辖区 | 140502 | Cheng 城区 | ||||||
140511 | 郊区 | ||||||||
140521 | Qinshui Co. 沁水县 | 140522 | Yangcheng Co. 阳城县 | 140523 | 高平县 | 140524 | Lingchuan Co. 陵川县 | 140525 | Zezhou Co. 泽州县 |
140581 | Gaoping city 高平市 | ||||||||
140600 | Shuozhou city 朔州市 | ||||||||
140601 | District 市辖区 | 140602 | Shuocheng 朔城区 | 140603 | Pinglu 平鲁区 | ||||
140621 | Shanyin Co. 山阴县 | 140622 | Ying Co. 应县 | 140623 | Youyu Co. 右玉县 | 140624 | 怀仁县 | ||
140681 | Huairen city 怀仁市 | ||||||||
140700 | Jinzhong city 晋中市 | ||||||||
140701 | District 市辖区 | 140702 | Yuci 榆次区 | ||||||
140721 | Yushe Co. 榆社县 | 140722 | Zuoquan Co. 左权县 | 140723 | Heshun Co. 和顺县 | 140724 | Xiyang Co. 昔阳县 | 140725 | Shouyang Co. 寿阳县 |
140726 | Taigu Co. 太谷县 | 140727 | Qi Co. 祁县 | 140728 | Pingyao Co. 平遥县 | 140729 | Lingshi Co. 灵石县 | ||
140781 | Jiexiu city 介休市 | ||||||||
140800 | Yuncheng city 运城市 | ||||||||
140801 | District 市辖区 | 140802 | Yanhu 盐湖区 | ||||||
140821 | Linyi Co. 临猗县 | 140822 | Wanrong Co. 万荣县 | 140823 | Wenxi Co. 闻喜县 | 140824 | Jishan Co. 稷山县 | 140825 | Xinjiang Co. 新绛县 |
140826 | Jiang Co. 绛县 | 140827 | Yuanqu Co. 垣曲县 | 140828 | Xia Co. 夏县 | 140829 | Pinglu Co. 平陆县 | 140830 | Ruicheng Co. 芮城县 |
140881 | Yongji city 永济市 | 140882 | Hejin city 河津市 | ||||||
140900 | Xinzhou city 忻州市 | ||||||||
140901 | District 市辖区 | 140902 | Xinfu 忻府区 | ||||||
140921 | Dingxiang Co. 定襄县 | 140922 | Wutai Co. 五台县 | 140923 | Dai Co. 代县 | 140924 | Fanshi Co. 繁峙县 | 140925 | Ningwu Co. 宁武县 |
140926 | Jingle Co. 静乐县 | 140927 | Shenchi Co. 神池县 | 140928 | Wuzhai Co. 五寨县 | 140929 | Kelan Co. 岢岚县 | 140930 | Hequ Co. 河曲县 |
140931 | Baode Co. 保德县 | 140932 | Pianguan Co. 偏关县 | ||||||
140981 | Yuanping city 原平市 | ||||||||
141000 | Linfen city 临汾市 | ||||||||
141001 | District 市辖区 | 141002 | Yaodu 尧都区 | ||||||
141021 | Quwo Co. 曲沃县 | 141022 | Yicheng Co. 翼城县 | 141023 | Xiangfen Co. 襄汾县 | 141024 | Hongtong Co. 洪洞县 | 141025 | Gu Co. 古县 |
141026 | Anze Co. 安泽县 | 141027 | Fushan Co. 浮山县 | 141028 | Ji Co. 吉县 | 141029 | Xiangning Co. 乡宁县 | 141030 | Daning Co. 大宁县 |
141031 | Xi Co. 隰县 | 141032 | Yonghe Co. 永和县 | 141033 | Pu Co. 蒲县 | 141034 | Fenxi Co. 汾西县 | ||
141081 | Houma city 侯马市 | 141082 | Huozhou city 霍州市 | ||||||
141100 | Lüliang city 吕梁市 | ||||||||
141101 | District 市辖区 | 141102 | Lishi 离石区 | ||||||
141121 | Wenshui Co. 文水县 | 141122 | Jiaocheng Co. 交城县 | 141123 | Xing Co. 兴县 | 141124 | Lin Co. 临县 | 141125 | Liulin Co. 柳林县 |
141126 | Shilou Co. 石楼县 | 141127 | Lan Co. 岚县 | 141128 | Fangshan Co. 方山县 | 141129 | Zhongyang Co. 中阳县 | 141130 | Jiaokou Co. 交口县 |
141181 | Xiaoyi city 孝义市 | 141182 | Fenyang city 汾阳市 | ||||||
142100 | 雁北地区 | ||||||||
142200 | 忻州地区 | ||||||||
142300 | 吕梁地区 | ||||||||
142400 | 晋中地区 | ||||||||
142500 | 晋东南地区 | ||||||||
142600 | 临汾地区 | ||||||||
142700 | 运城地区 | ||||||||
149000 | 省直辖 | ||||||||
149001 | 古交市 | 149002 | 高平市 | 149003 | 潞城市 |
150000 | Inner Mongolia AR 内蒙古自治区 | ||||||||
150100 | Hohhot city 呼和浩特市 | ||||||||
150101 | District 市辖区 | 150102 | Xincheng 新城区 | 150103 | Huimin 回民区 | 150104 | Yuquan 玉泉区 | 150105 | Saihan 赛罕区 |
150120 | 市区 | ||||||||
150121 | Tumedzuo Ban. 土默特左旗 | 150122 | Togtoh Co. 托克托县 | 150123 | Horinger Co. 和林格尔县 | 150124 | Qingshuihe Co. 清水河县 | 150125 | Wuchuan Co. 武川县 |
150200 | Baotou city 包头市 | ||||||||
150201 | District 市辖区 | 150202 | Donghe 东河区 | 150203 | Hondlon 昆都仑区 | 150204 | Qingshan 青山区 | 150205 | Shiguai 石拐区 |
150206 | Bayanobo 白云鄂博矿区 | 150207 | Jiuyuan 九原区 | ||||||
150220 | 市区 | ||||||||
150221 | Tumedyou Ban. 土默特右旗 | 150222 | Guyang Co. 固阳县 | 150223 | Darhanmumingganlianhe Ban. 达尔罕茂明安联合旗 | ||||
150300 | Wuhai city 乌海市 | ||||||||
150301 | District 市辖区 | 150302 | Haibowan 海勃湾区 | 150303 | Hainan 海南区 | 150304 | Wuda 乌达区 | ||
150400 | Chifeng city 赤峰市 | ||||||||
150401 | District 市辖区 | 150402 | Hongshan 红山区 | 150403 | Yuanbaoshan 元宝山区 | 150404 | Songshan 松山区 | ||
150421 | Arhorqin Ban. 阿鲁科尔沁旗 | 150422 | Bairizuo Ban. 巴林左旗 | 150423 | Bairinyou Ban. 巴林右旗 | 150424 | Linxi Co. 林西县 | 150425 | Hexigten Ban. 克什克腾旗 |
150426 | Ongniud Ban. 翁牛特旗 | 150427 | 赤峰县 | 150428 | Harqin Ban. 喀喇沁旗 | 150429 | Ningcheng Co. 宁城县 | 150430 | Aohan Ban. 敖汉旗 |
150500 | Tongliao city 通辽市 | ||||||||
150501 | District 市辖区 | 150502 | Horqin 科尔沁区 | ||||||
150521 | Horqinzuoyizhong Ban. 科尔沁左翼中旗 | 150522 | Horqizuoyihou Ban. 科尔沁左翼后旗 | 150523 | Kailu Co. 开鲁县 | 150524 | Hure Ban. 库伦旗 | 150525 | Naiman Ban. 奈曼旗 |
150526 | Jarud Ban. 扎鲁特旗 | ||||||||
150581 | Holingol city 霍林郭勒市 | ||||||||
150600 | Ordos city 鄂尔多斯市 | ||||||||
150601 | District 市辖区 | 150602 | Dongsheng 东胜区 | 150603 | Hiabagx 康巴什区 | ||||
150621 | Dalad Ban. 达拉特旗 | 150622 | Jungar Ban. 准格尔旗 | 150623 | Otogqian Ban. 鄂托克前旗 | 150624 | Otog Ban. 鄂托克旗 | 150625 | Hanggin Ban. 杭锦旗 |
150626 | Uxin Ban. 乌审旗 | 150627 | Ejinhoro Ban. 伊金霍洛旗 | ||||||
150700 | Hulunbuir city 呼伦贝尔市 | ||||||||
150701 | District 市辖区 | 150702 | Hailar 海拉尔区 | 150703 | Jalainur 扎赉诺尔区 | ||||
150721 | Arun Ban. 阿荣旗 | 150722 | Morindawa Ban. 莫力达瓦旗 | 150723 | Oroqin Ban. 鄂伦春旗 | 150724 | Evenk Ban. 鄂温克旗 | 150725 | Chenbarag Ban. 陈巴尔虎旗 |
150726 | Xinbaragzuo Ban. 新巴尔虎左旗 | 150727 | Xinbaragyou Ban. 新巴尔虎右旗 | ||||||
150781 | Manzhouli city 满洲里市 | 150782 | Yakeshi city 牙克石市 | 150783 | Zhalantun city 扎兰屯市 | 150784 | Ergun city 额尔古纳市 | 150785 | Genhe city 根河市 |
150800 | Bayannur city 巴彦淖尔市 | ||||||||
150801 | District 市辖区 | 150802 | Linhe 临河区 | ||||||
150821 | Wuyuan Co. 五原县 | 150822 | Dengkou Co. 磴口县 | 150823 | Uratqian Ban. 乌拉特前旗 | 150824 | Uratzhong Ban. 乌拉特中旗 | 150825 | Urathou Ban. 乌拉特后旗 |
150826 | Hangginhou Ban. 杭锦后旗 | ||||||||
150900 | Ulanqab city 乌兰察布市 | ||||||||
150901 | District 市辖区 | 150902 | Jining 集宁区 | ||||||
150921 | Zhuozi Co. 卓资县 | 150922 | Huade Co. 化德县 | 150923 | Shangdu Co. 商都县 | 150924 | Xinghe Co. 兴和县 | 150925 | Liangcheng Co. 凉城县 |
150926 | Chaharyouyiqian Ban. 察哈尔右翼前旗 | 150927 | Chaharyouyizhong Ban. 察哈尔右翼中旗 | 150928 | Chaharyouyihou Ban. 察哈尔右翼后旗 | 150929 | Siziwang Ban. 四子王旗 | ||
150981 | Fengzhen city 丰镇市 | ||||||||
152100 | 呼伦贝尔盟 | ||||||||
152200 | Hinggan League 兴安盟 | ||||||||
152201 | Ulanhot city 乌兰浩特市 | 152202 | Arxan city 阿尔山市 | ||||||
152221 | Horqinyouyiqian Ban. 科尔沁右翼前旗 | 152222 | Horqinyouyizhong Ban. 科尔沁右翼中旗 | 152223 | Jalaid Ban. 扎赉特旗 | 152224 | Tuquan Co. 突泉县 | ||
152300 | 哲里木盟 | ||||||||
152400 | 昭乌达盟 | ||||||||
152500 | Xilingol League 锡林郭勒盟 | ||||||||
152501 | Erenhot city 二连浩特市 | 152502 | Xilinhot city 锡林浩特市 | ||||||
152521 | 阿巴哈纳尔旗 | 152522 | Abag Ban. 阿巴嘎旗 | 152523 | Sonidzuo Ban. 苏尼特左旗 | 152524 | Sonidyou Ban. 苏尼特右旗 | 152525 | Dongujimqin Ban. 东乌珠穆沁旗 |
152526 | Xiujimqin Ban. 西乌珠穆沁旗 | 152527 | Taibus Ban. 太仆寺旗 | 152528 | Xianghuang Ban. 镶黄旗 | 152529 | Zhengxiangbai Ban. 正镶白旗 | 152530 | Zhenglan Ban. 正蓝旗 |
152531 | Duolun Co. 多伦县 | ||||||||
152600 | 乌兰察布盟 | ||||||||
152700 | 伊克昭盟 | ||||||||
152800 | 巴彦淖尔盟 | ||||||||
152900 | Alxa League 阿拉善盟 | ||||||||
152921 | Alxazuo Ban. 阿拉善左旗 | 152922 | Alxayou Ban. 阿拉善右旗 | 152923 | Ejin Ban. 额济纳旗 |
Bristol City Football Club is a professional association football club based in Bristol, England. The team compete in the EFL Championship, the second level of the English football league system.
Joy Division were an English rock band formed in Salford in 1976. The group consisted of vocalist, guitarist and lyricist Ian Curtis, guitarist/keyboardist Bernard Sumner, bassist Peter Hook and drummer Stephen Morris.
The Waffen-SS was the combat branch of the Nazi Party's paramilitary Schutzstaffel (SS) organisation. Its formations included men from Nazi Germany, along with volunteers and conscripts from both German-occupied Europe and unoccupied lands. It was disbanded in May 1945.
The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Offensive, was a major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II which took place from 16 December 1944 to 25 January 1945. It was launched through the densely forested Ardennes region between Belgium and Luxembourg. The offensive was intended to stop Allied use of the Belgian port of Antwerp and to split the Allied lines, allowing the Germans to individually encircle and destroy the four Allied armies and force the western Allies to negotiate a peace treaty in the Axis powers' favor.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a nonprofit organization that regulates student athletics among about 1,100 schools in the United States, and one in Canada. It also organizes the athletic programs of colleges and helps over 500,000 college student athletes who compete annually in college sports. The organization is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Watford Football Club is an English professional football club based in Watford, Hertfordshire. They play in the EFL Championship, the second tier of the English football league system.
The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) ("Screaming Eagles") is a light infantry division of the United States Army that specializes in air assault operations. It can plan, coordinate, and execute multiple battalion-size air assault operations to seize terrain. These operations can be conducted by mobile teams covering large distances, fighting behind enemy lines, and working in austere environments with limited or degraded infrastructure. It was active in, for example, foreign internal defense and counterterrorism operations in Iraq, in Afghanistan in 2015–2016, and in Syria, as part of Operation Inherent Resolve in 2018–2021.
A division is a large military unit or formation, usually consisting of between 10,000 and 25,000 soldiers. In most armies, a division is composed of several regiments or brigades; in turn, several divisions typically make up a corps.
The Gulf War was an armed conflict between Iraq and a 42-country coalition led by the United States. The coalition's efforts against Iraq were carried out in two key phases: Operation Desert Shield, which marked the military buildup from August 1990 to January 1991; and Operation Desert Storm, which began with the aerial bombing campaign against Iraq on 17 January 1991 and came to a close with the American-led liberation of Kuwait on 28 February 1991.
The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it is the largest seaborne invasion in history. The operation began the liberation of France, and the rest of Western Europe, and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.
The Northern Premier League is an English football league that was founded in 1968. Together with the Isthmian League and the Southern League it forms levels seven and eight of the English football league system.
Ipswich Town Football Club is a professional football club in Ipswich, Suffolk, England, that competes in the Championship, the second tier of English football, following promotion from League One in the 2022–23 season.
Brentford Football Club is a professional association football club in Brentford, West London, England. The team compete in the Premier League, the first level of the English football league system.
The English football league system, also known as the football pyramid, is a series of interconnected leagues for men's association football clubs in England, with five teams from Wales, one from Guernsey, one from Jersey and one from the Isle of Man also competing. The system has a hierarchical format with promotion and relegation between leagues at different levels, allowing even the smallest club the theoretical possibility of ultimately rising to the very top of the system, the Premier League. Below that are levels 2–4 organised by the English Football League, then the National League System from levels 5–10 administered by the FA, and thereafter Regional feeder leagues run by relevant county FAs on an ad hoc basis. It also often happens that the Premier Division of a Regional Feeder League has its constitution given to it by the FA. They have to accept it or appeal but cannot reject it at an annual general meeting.
NCAA Division I (D-I) is the highest level of intercollegiate athletics sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in the United States, which accepts players globally. D-I schools include the major collegiate athletic powers, with large budgets, more elaborate facilities and more athletic scholarships than Divisions II and III as well as many smaller schools committed to the highest level of intercollegiate competition.
The English Football League Championship, known simply as the Championship in England and for sponsorship purposes as Sky Bet Championship, is the highest division of the English Football League (EFL) and second-highest overall in the English football league system, after the Premier League, and is currently contested by 24 clubs.
The English Football League Two, simply known as League Two in England and for sponsorship purposes as Sky Bet League Two, is the third and lowest division of the English Football League (EFL) and fourth-highest tier overall in the English football league system.
The English Football League One, known as Sky Bet League One for sponsorship purposes or simply League One in England, is the second-highest division of the English Football League and the third-tier overall in the English football league system.
The Campeonato Nacional de Liga de Segunda División, commonly known as Segunda División, and officially known as LaLiga Hypermotion for sponsorship reasons, is the men's second professional association football division of the Spanish football league system. Administered by Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional, it is contested by 22 teams, with the top two teams plus the winner of a play-off promoted to La Liga and replaced by the three lowest-placed teams in that division.
The English Football League (EFL) is a league of professional football clubs from England and Wales. Founded in 1888 as the Football League, it is the oldest football league in the world, and was the top-level football league in England from its foundation until 1992, when the top 22 clubs split from it to form the Premier League. The Football League was rebranded as the "English Football League" (EFL) from the 2016–17 season.