Administrative division codes of the People's Republic of China |
North China (Division 1) |
Northeast China (Division 2) |
East China (Division 3) |
South Central China (Division 4) |
Southwest China (Division 5) |
Northwest China (Division 6) |
Taiwan (Division 7) |
Hong Kong and Macau (Division 8) |
List of administrative division codes of the PRC in Division 4 or South Central China .
410000 | Henan Province 河南省 | ||||||||
410100 | Zhengzhou city 郑州市 | ||||||||
410101 | District 市辖区 | 410102 | Zhongyuan 中原区 | 410103 | Erqi 二七区 | 410104 | Guancheng 管城区 | 410105 | Jinshui 金水区 |
410106 | Shangjie 上街区 | 410107 | 新密区 | 410108 | Huiji 惠济区 | ||||
410111 | 金海区 | 410112 | 郊区 | ||||||
410120 | 市区 | ||||||||
410121 | 荥阳县 | 410122 | Zhongmu Co. 中牟县 | 410123 | 新郑县 | 410124 | 巩县 | 410125 | 登封县 |
410126 | 密县 | ||||||||
410181 | Gongyi city 巩义市 | 410182 | Xingyang city 荥阳市 | 410183 | Xinmi city 新密市 | 410184 | Xinzheng city 新郑市 | 410185 | Dengfeng city 登封市 |
410200 | Kaifeng city 开封市 | ||||||||
410201 | District 市辖区 | 410202 | Longting 龙亭区 | 410203 | Shunhe 顺河区 | 410204 | Gulou 鼓楼区 | 410205 | Yuwangtai 禹王台区 |
410211 | 金明区 | 410212 | Xiangfu 祥符区 | ||||||
410221 | Qi Co. 杞县 | 410222 | Tongxu Co. 通许县 | 410223 | Weishi Co. 尉氏县 | 410224 | 开封县 | 410225 | Lankao Co. 兰考县 |
410300 | Luoyang city 洛阳市 | ||||||||
410301 | District 市辖区 | 410302 | Laocheng 老城区 | 410303 | Xigong 西工区 | 410304 | Chanhe 瀍河区 | 410305 | Jianxi 涧西区 |
410306 | Jili 吉利区 | 410307 | 洛龙区 | ||||||
410311 | Luolong 洛龙区 | ||||||||
410321 | 偃师县 | 410322 | Mengjin Co. 孟津县 | 410323 | Xin'an Co. 新安县 | 410324 | Luanchuan Co. 栾川县 | 410325 | Song Co. 嵩县 |
410326 | Ruyang Co. 汝阳县 | 410327 | Yiyang Co. 宜阳县 | 410328 | Luoning Co. 洛宁县 | 410329 | Yichuan Co. 伊川县 | ||
410381 | Yanshi city 偃师市 | ||||||||
410400 | Pingdingshan city 平顶山市 | ||||||||
410401 | District 市辖区 | 410402 | Xinhua 新华区 | 410403 | Weidong 卫东区 | 410404 | Shilong 石龙区 | ||
410411 | Zhanhe 湛河区 | 410412 | 舞钢区 | ||||||
410421 | Baofeng Co. 宝丰县 | 410422 | Ye Co. 叶县 | 410423 | Lushan Co. 鲁山县 | 410424 | 临汝县 | 410425 | Jia Co. 郏县 |
410426 | 襄城县 | ||||||||
410481 | Wugang city 舞钢市 | 410482 | Ruzhou city 汝州市 | ||||||
410500 | Anyang city 安阳市 | ||||||||
410501 | District 市辖区 | 410502 | Wenfeng 文峰区 | 410503 | Beiguan 北关区 | 410504 | 铁西区 | 410505 | Yindu 殷都区 |
410506 | Long'an 龙安区 | ||||||||
410511 | 郊区 | ||||||||
410521 | 林县 | 410522 | Anyang Co. 安阳县 | 410523 | Tangyin Co. 汤阴县 | 410524 | 淇县 | 410525 | 浚县 |
410526 | Hua Co. 滑县 | 410527 | Neihuang Co. 内黄县 | ||||||
410581 | Linzhou city 林州市 | ||||||||
410600 | Hebi city 鹤壁市 | ||||||||
410601 | District 市辖区 | 410602 | Heshan 鹤山区 | 410603 | Shancheng 山城区 | ||||
410611 | Qibin 淇滨区 | ||||||||
410621 | Xun Co. 浚县 | 410622 | Qi Co. 淇县 | ||||||
410700 | Xinxiang city 新乡市 | ||||||||
410701 | District 市辖区 | 410702 | Hongqi 红旗区 | 410703 | Weibin 卫滨区 | 410704 | Fengquan 凤泉区 | ||
410711 | Muye 牧野区 | ||||||||
410721 | Xinxiang Co. 新乡县 | 410722 | 汲县 | 410723 | 辉县 | 410724 | Huojia Co. 获嘉县 | 410725 | Yuanyang Co. 原阳县 |
410726 | Yanjin Co. 延津县 | 410727 | Fengqiu Co. 封丘县 | 410728 | Changyuan Co. 长垣县 | ||||
410781 | Weihui city 卫辉市 | 410782 | Huixian city 辉县市 | ||||||
410800 | Jiaozuo city 焦作市 | ||||||||
410801 | District 市辖区 | 410802 | Jiefang 解放区 | 410803 | Zhongzhan 中站区 | 410804 | Macun 马村区 | ||
410811 | Shanyang 山阳区 | ||||||||
410821 | Xiuwu Co. 修武县 | 410822 | Bo'ai Co. 博爱县 | 410823 | Wuzhi Co. 武陟县 | 410824 | 沁阳县 | 410825 | Wen Co. 温县 |
410826 | 孟县 | 410827 | 济源县 | ||||||
410881 | 济源市 | 410882 | Qinyang city 沁阳市 | 410883 | Mengzhou city 孟州市 | ||||
410900 | Puyang city 濮阳市 | ||||||||
410901 | District 市辖区 | 410902 | Hualong 华龙区 | ||||||
410911 | 郊区 | ||||||||
410921 | 滑县 | 410922 | Qingfeng Co. 清丰县 | 410923 | Nanle Co. 南乐县 | 410924 | 内黄县 | 410925 | 长垣县 |
410926 | Fan Co. 范县 | 410927 | Taiqian Co. 台前县 | 410928 | Puyang Co. 濮阳县 | ||||
411000 | Xuchang city 许昌市 | ||||||||
411001 | District 市辖区 | 411002 | Weidu 魏都区 | 411003 | Jian'an 建安区 | ||||
411021 | 禹县 | 411022 | 长葛县 | 411023 | 许昌县 | 411024 | Yanling Co. 鄢陵县 | 411025 | Xiangcheng Co. 襄城县 |
411081 | Yuzhou city 禹州市 | 411082 | Changge city 长葛市 | ||||||
411100 | Luohe city 漯河市 | ||||||||
411101 | District 市辖区 | 411102 | Yuanhui 源汇区 | 411103 | Yancheng 郾城区 | 411104 | Shaoling 召陵区 | ||
411121 | Wuyang Co. 舞阳县 | 411122 | Linying Co. 临颍县 | 411123 | 郾城县 | ||||
411200 | Sanmenxia city 三门峡市 | ||||||||
411201 | District 市辖区 | 411202 | Hubin 湖滨区 | 411203 | Shanzhou 陕州区 | ||||
411219 | 义马市 | ||||||||
411221 | Mianchi Co. 渑池县 | 411222 | 陕县 | 411223 | 灵宝县 | 411224 | Lushi Co. 卢氏县 | ||
411281 | Yima city 义马市 | 411282 | Lingbao city 灵宝市 | ||||||
411300 | Nanyang city 南阳市 | ||||||||
411301 | District 市辖区 | 411302 | Wancheng 宛城区 | 411303 | Wolong 卧龙区 | ||||
411321 | Nanzhao Co. 南召县 | 411322 | Fangcheng Co. 方城县 | 411323 | Xixia Co. 西峡县 | 411324 | Zhenping Co. 镇平县 | 411325 | Neixiang Co. 内乡县 |
411326 | Xichuan Co. 淅川县 | 411327 | Sheqi Co. 社旗县 | 411328 | Tanghe Co. 唐河县 | 411329 | Xinye Co. 新野县 | 411330 | Tongbai Co. 桐柏县 |
411381 | Dengzhou city 邓州市 | ||||||||
411400 | Shangqiu city 商丘市 | ||||||||
411401 | District 市辖区 | 411402 | Liangyuan 梁园区 | 411403 | Suiyang 睢阳区 | ||||
41140021 | Minquan Co. 民权县 | 41140022 | Sui Co. 睢县 | 41140023 | Ningling Co. 宁陵县 | 41140024 | Zhecheng Co. 柘城县 | 41140025 | Yucheng Co. 虞城县 |
41140026 | Xiayi Co. 夏邑县 | ||||||||
41140081 | Yongcheng city 永城市 | ||||||||
411500 | Xinyang city 信阳市 | ||||||||
411501 | District 市辖区 | 411502 | Shihe 浉河区 | 411503 | Pingqiao 平桥区 | ||||
411521 | Luoshan Co. 罗山县 | 411522 | Guangshan Co. 光山县 | 411523 | Xin Co. 新县 | 411524 | Shangcheng Co. 商城县 | 411525 | Gushi Co. 固始县 |
411526 | Huangchuan Co. 潢川县 | 411527 | Huaibin Co. 淮滨县 | 411528 | Xi Co. 息县 | ||||
411600 | Zhoukou city 周口市 | ||||||||
411601 | District 市辖区 | 411602 | Chuanhui 川汇区 | ||||||
411621 | Fugou Co. 扶沟县 | 411622 | Xihua Co. 西华县 | 411623 | Shangshui Co. 商水县 | 411624 | Shenqiu Co. 沈丘县 | 411625 | Dancheng Co. 郸城县 |
411626 | Huaiyang Co. 淮阳县 | 411627 | Taikang Co. 太康县 | 411628 | Luyi Co. 鹿邑县 | ||||
411681 | Xiangcheng city 项城市 | ||||||||
411700 | Zhumadian city 驻马店市 | ||||||||
411701 | District 市辖区 | 411702 | Yicheng 驿城区 | ||||||
411721 | Xiping Co. 西平县 | 411722 | Shangcai Co. 上蔡县 | 411723 | Pingyu Co. 平舆县 | 411724 | Zhengyang Co. 正阳县 | 411725 | Queshan Co. 确山县 |
411726 | Biyang Co. 泌阳县 | 411727 | Runan Co. 汝南县 | 411728 | Suiping Co. 遂平县 | 411729 | Xincai Co. 新蔡县 | ||
412100 | 安阳地区 | ||||||||
412200 | 新乡地区 | ||||||||
412300 | 商丘地区 | ||||||||
412400 | 开封地区 | ||||||||
412500 | 洛阳地区 | ||||||||
412600 | 许昌地区 | ||||||||
412700 | 周口地区 | ||||||||
412800 | 驻马店地区 | ||||||||
412900 | 南阳地区 | ||||||||
413000 | 信阳地区 | ||||||||
419000 | Direct administration 省直辖 | ||||||||
419001 | Jiyuan city 济源市 | 419002 | 汝州市 | 419003 | 济源市 | 419004 | 禹州市 | 419005 | 卫辉市 |
419006 | 辉县市 |
420000 | Hubei Province 湖北省 | ||||||||
420100 | Wuhan city 武汉市 | ||||||||
420101 | District 市辖区 | 420102 | Jiang'an 江岸区 | 420103 | Jianghan 江汉区 | 420104 | Qiaokou 硚口区 | 420105 | Hanyang 汉阳区 |
420106 | Wuchang 武昌区 | 420107 | Qingshan 青山区 | ||||||
420111 | Hongshan 洪山区 | 420112 | Dongxihu 东西湖区 | 420113 | Hannan 汉南区 | ||||
420114 | Caidian 蔡甸区 | 420115 | Jiangxia 江夏区 | 420116 | Huangpi 黄陂区 | 420117 | Xinzhou 新洲区 | ||
420120 | 市区 | ||||||||
420121 | 汉阳县 | 420122 | 武昌县 | 420123 | 黄陂县 | 420124 | 新洲县 | ||
420200 | Huangshi city 黄石市 | ||||||||
420201 | District 市辖区 | 420202 | Huangshigang 黄石港区 | 420203 | Xisaishan 西塞山区 | 420204 | Xialu 下陆区 | 420205 | Tieshan 铁山区 |
420211 | 郊区 | ||||||||
420220 | 市区 | ||||||||
420221 | 大冶县 | 420222 | Yangxin Co. 阳新县 | ||||||
420281 | Daye city 大冶市 | ||||||||
420300 | Shiyan city 十堰市 | ||||||||
420301 | District 市辖区 | 420302 | Maojian 茅箭区 | 420303 | Zhangwan 张湾区 | 420304 | Yunyang 郧阳区 | ||
420321 | 郧县 | 420322 | Yunxi Co. 郧西县 | 420323 | Zhushan Co. 竹山县 | 420324 | Zhuxi Co. 竹溪县 | 420325 | Fang Co. 房县 |
420381 | Danjiangkou city 丹江口市 | ||||||||
420400 | 沙市市 | ||||||||
420401 | 市辖区 | ||||||||
420500 | Yichang city 宜昌市 | ||||||||
420501 | District 市辖区 | 420502 | Xiling 西陵区 | 420503 | Wujiagang 伍家岗区 | 420504 | Dianjun 点军区 | 420505 | Xiaoting 猇亭区 |
420506 | Yiling 夷陵区 | ||||||||
420521 | 宜昌县 | 420523 | 枝江县 | 420525 | Yuan'an Co. 远安县 | ||||
420526 | Xingshan Co. 兴山县 | 420527 | Zigui Co. 秭归县 | 420528 | Changyang Co. 长阳县 | 420529 | Wufeng Co. 五峰县 | ||
420581 | Yidu city 宜都市 | 420582 | Dangyang city 当阳市 | 420583 | Zhijiang city 枝江市 | ||||
420600 | Xiangyang city 襄阳市 | ||||||||
420601 | District 市辖区 | 420602 | Xiangcheng 襄城区 | 420603 | 樊东区 | 420604 | 樊西区 | 420605 | 郊区 |
420606 | Fancheng 樊城区 | 420607 | Xiangzhou 襄州区 | ||||||
420619 | 随州市 | 420620 | 老河口市 | ||||||
420621 | 襄阳县 | 420622 | 枣阳县 | 420623 | 宜城县 | 420624 | Nanzhang Co. 南漳县 | 420625 | Gucheng Co. 谷城县 |
420626 | Baokang Co. 保康县 | ||||||||
420681 | 随州市 | 420682 | Laohekou city 老河口市 | 420683 | Zaoyang city 枣阳市 | 420684 | Yicheng city 宜城市 | ||
420700 | Ezhou city 鄂州市 | ||||||||
420701 | District 市辖区 | 420702 | Liangzihu 梁子湖区 | 420703 | Huarong 华容区 | 420704 | Echeng 鄂城区 | ||
420709 | 黄州区 | ||||||||
420800 | Jingmen city 荆门市 | ||||||||
420801 | District 市辖区 | 420802 | Dongbao 东宝区 | 420803 | 沙洋区 | 420804 | Duodao 掇刀区 | ||
420821 | 京山县 | 420822 | Shayang Co. 沙洋县 | ||||||
420881 | Zhongxiang city 钟祥市 | 420882 | Jingshan city 京山市 | ||||||
420900 | Xiaogan city 孝感市 | ||||||||
420901 | District 市辖区 | 420902 | Xiaonan 孝南区 | ||||||
420921 | Xiaochang Co. 孝昌县 | 420922 | Dawu Co. 大悟县 | 420923 | Yunmeng Co. 云梦县 | 420924 | 汉川县 | ||
420981 | Yingcheng city 应城市 | 420982 | Anlu city 安陆市 | 420983 | 广水市 | 420984 | Hanchuan city 汉川市 | ||
421000 | Jingzhou city 荆州市 | ||||||||
421001 | District 市辖区 | 421002 | Shashi 沙市区 | 421003 | Jingzhou 荆州区 | 421004 | 江陵区 | ||
421021 | 松滋县 | 421022 | Gong'an Co. 公安县 | 421023 | Jianli Co. 监利县 | 421024 | Jiangling Co. 江陵县 | ||
421081 | Shishou city 石首市 | 421082 | 石首市 | 421083 | Honghu city 洪湖市 | 421084 | 天门市 | 421085 | 潜江市 |
421086 | 钟祥市 | 421087 | Songzi city 松滋市 | ||||||
421100 | Huanggang city 黄冈市 | ||||||||
421101 | District 市辖区 | 421102 | Huangzhou 黄州区 | ||||||
421121 | Tuanfeng Co. 团风县 | 421122 | Hong'an Co. 红安县 | 421123 | Luotian Co. 罗田县 | 421124 | Yingshan Co. 英山县 | 421125 | Xishui Co. 浠水县 |
421126 | Qichun Co. 蕲春县 | 421127 | Huangmei Co. 黄梅县 | ||||||
421181 | Macheng city 麻城市 | 421182 | Wuxue city 武穴市 | ||||||
421200 | Xianning city 咸宁市 | ||||||||
421201 | District 市辖区 | 421202 | Xian'an 咸安区 | ||||||
421221 | Jiayu Co. 嘉鱼县 | 421222 | Tongcheng Co. 通城县 | 421223 | Chongyang Co. 崇阳县 | 421224 | Tongshan Co. 通山县 | ||
421281 | Chibi city 赤壁市 | ||||||||
421300 | Suizhou city 随州市 | ||||||||
421301 | District 市辖区 | 421302 | 曾都区 | 421303 | Zengdu 曾都区 | ||||
421321 | Sui Co. 随县 | ||||||||
421381 | Guangshui city 广水市 | ||||||||
422100 | 黄冈地区 | ||||||||
422200 | 孝感地区 | ||||||||
422300 | 咸宁地区 | ||||||||
422400 | 荆州地区 | ||||||||
422500 | 襄阳地区 | ||||||||
422600 | 郧阳地区 | ||||||||
422700 | 宜昌地区 | ||||||||
422800 | Enshi Prefecture 恩施州 | ||||||||
422801 | Enshi city 恩施市 | 422802 | Lichuan city 利川市 | ||||||
422821 | 恩施县 | 422822 | Jianshi Co. 建始县 | 422823 | Badong Co. 巴东县 | 422824 | 利川县 | 422825 | Xuan'en Co. 宣恩县 |
422826 | Xianfeng Co. 咸丰县 | 422827 | Laifeng Co. 来凤县 | 422828 | Hefeng Co. 鹤峰县 | ||||
422900 | 省直辖 | ||||||||
422901 | 神农架林区 | ||||||||
429000 | Direct administration 省直辖 | ||||||||
429001 | 随州市 | 429002 | 老河口市 | 429003 | 枣阳市 | 429004 | Xiantao city 仙桃市 | 429005 | Qianjiang city 潜江市 |
429006 | Tianmen city 天门市 | ||||||||
429021 | Shennongjia FD 神农架林区 |
430000 | Hunan Province 湖南省 | ||||||||
430100 | Changsha city 长沙市 | ||||||||
430101 | District 市辖区 | 430102 | Furong 芙蓉区 | 430103 | Tianxin 天心区 | 430104 | Yuelu 岳麓区 | 430105 | Kaifu 开福区 |
430111 | Yuhua 雨花区 | 430112 | Wangcheng 望城区 | ||||||
430120 | 市区 | ||||||||
430121 | Changsha Co. 长沙县 | 430122 | 望城县 | 430123 | 浏阳县 | 430124 | 宁乡县 | ||
430181 | Liuyang city 浏阳市 | 430182 | Ningxiang city 宁乡市 | ||||||
430200 | Zhuzhou city 株洲市 | ||||||||
430201 | District 市辖区 | 430202 | Hetang 荷塘区 | 430203 | Lusong 芦淞区 | 430204 | Shifeng 石峰区 | ||
430211 | Tianyuan 天元区 | ||||||||
430219 | 醴陵市 | 430220 | 市区 | ||||||
430221 | Zhuzhou Co. 株洲县 | 430222 | 醴陵县 | 430223 | You Co. 攸县 | 430224 | Chaling Co. 茶陵县 | 430225 | Yanling Co. 炎陵县 |
430281 | Liling city 醴陵市 | ||||||||
430300 | Xiangtan city 湘潭市 | ||||||||
430301 | District 市辖区 | 430302 | Yuhu 雨湖区 | 430303 | 湘江区 | 430304 | Yuetang 岳塘区 | 430305 | 板塘区 |
430306 | 韶山区 | ||||||||
430311 | 郊区 | 430312 | 韶山区 | ||||||
430321 | Xiangtan Co. 湘潭县 | 430322 | 湘乡县 | ||||||
430381 | Xiangxiang city 湘乡市 | 430382 | Shaoshan city 韶山市 | ||||||
430400 | Hengyang city 衡阳市 | ||||||||
430401 | District 市辖区 | 430402 | 江东区 | 430403 | 城南区 | 430404 | 城北区 | 430405 | Zhuhui 珠晖区 |
430406 | Yanfeng 雁峰区 | 430407 | Shigu 石鼓区 | 430408 | Zhengxiang 蒸湘区 | ||||
430411 | 郊区 | 430412 | Nanyue 南岳区 | ||||||
430421 | Hengyang Co. 衡阳县 | 430422 | Hengnan Co. 衡南县 | 430423 | Hengshan Co. 衡山县 | 430424 | Hengdong Co. 衡东县 | 430425 | Changning Co. 常宁县 |
430426 | Qidong Co. 祁东县 | 430427 | 耒阳县 | ||||||
430481 | Leiyang city 耒阳市 | 430482 | Changning city 常宁市 | ||||||
430500 | Shaoyang city 邵阳市 | ||||||||
430501 | District 市辖区 | 430502 | Shuangqing 双清区 | 430503 | Daxiang 大祥区 | 430504 | 桥头区 | ||
430511 | Beita 北塔区 | ||||||||
430521 | Shaodong Co. 邵东县 | 430522 | Xinshao Co. 新邵县 | 430523 | Shaoyang Co. 邵阳县 | 430524 | Longhui Co. 隆回县 | 430525 | Dongkou Co. 洞口县 |
430526 | 武冈县 | 430527 | Suining Co. 绥宁县 | 430528 | Xinning Co. 新宁县 | 430529 | Chengbu Co. 城步县 | ||
430581 | Wugang city 武冈市 | ||||||||
430600 | Yueyang city 岳阳市 | ||||||||
430601 | District 市辖区 | 430602 | Yueyanglou 岳阳楼区 | 430603 | Yunxi 云溪区 | ||||
430611 | Junshan 君山区 | ||||||||
430621 | Yueyang Co. 岳阳县 | 430622 | 临湘县 | 430623 | Huarong Co. 华容县 | 430624 | Xiangyin Co. 湘阴县 | 430625 | 汨罗县 |
430626 | Pingjiang Co. 平江县 | ||||||||
430681 | Miluo city 汨罗市 | 430682 | Linxiang city 临湘市 | ||||||
430700 | Changde city 常德市 | ||||||||
430701 | District 市辖区 | 430702 | Wuling 武陵区 | 430703 | Dingcheng 鼎城区 | ||||
430721 | Anxiang Co. 安乡县 | 430722 | Hanshou Co. 汉寿县 | 430723 | Li Co. 澧县 | 430724 | Linli Co. 临澧县 | 430725 | Taoyuan Co. 桃源县 |
430726 | Shimen Co. 石门县 | 430727 | 慈利县 | ||||||
430786 | Jinshi city 津市市 | ||||||||
430800 | Zhangjiajie city 张家界市 | ||||||||
430801 | District 市辖区 | 430802 | Yongding 永定区 | ||||||
430811 | Wulingyuan 武陵源区 | ||||||||
430821 | Cili Co. 慈利县 | 430982 | Sangzhi Co. 桑植县 | ||||||
430900 | Yiyang city 益阳市 | ||||||||
430901 | District 市辖区 | 430902 | Ziyang 资阳区 | 430903 | Heshan 赫山区 | ||||
430921 | Nan Co. 南县 | 430922 | Taojiang Co. 桃江县 | 430923 | Anhua Co. 安化县 | ||||
430981 | Yuanjiang city 沅江市 | ||||||||
431000 | Chenzhou city 郴州市 | ||||||||
431001 | District 市辖区 | 431002 | Beihu 北湖区 | 431003 | Suxian 苏仙区 | ||||
431021 | Guiyang Co. 桂阳县 | 431022 | Yizhang Co. 宜章县 | 431023 | Yongxing Co. 永兴县 | 431024 | Jiahe Co. 嘉禾县 | 431025 | Linwu Co. 临武县 |
431026 | Rucheng Co. 汝城县 | 431027 | Guidong Co. 桂东县 | 431028 | Anren Co. 安仁县 | ||||
431081 | Zixing city 资兴市 | ||||||||
431100 | Yongzhou city 永州市 | ||||||||
431101 | District 市辖区 | 431102 | Lingling 零陵区 | 431103 | Lengshuitan 冷水滩区 | ||||
431121 | Qiyang Co. 祁阳县 | 431122 | Dong'an Co. 东安县 | 431123 | Shuangpai Co. 双牌县 | 431124 | Dao Co. 道县 | 431125 | Jiangyong Co. 江永县 |
431126 | Ningyuan Co. 宁远县 | 431127 | Lanshan Co. 蓝山县 | 431128 | Xintian Co. 新田县 | 431129 | Jianghua Co. 江华县 | ||
431200 | Huaihua city 怀化市 | ||||||||
431201 | District 市辖区 | 431202 | Hecheng 鹤城区 | ||||||
431221 | Zhongfang Co. 中方县 | 431222 | Yuanling Co. 沅陵县 | 431223 | Chenxi Co. 辰溪县 | 431224 | Xupu Co. 溆浦县 | 431225 | Huitong Co. 会同县 |
431226 | Mayang Co. 麻阳县 | 431227 | Xinhuang Co. 新晃县 | 431228 | Zhijiang Co. 芷江县 | 431229 | Jingzhou Co. 靖州县 | 431230 | Tongdao Co. 通道县 |
431281 | Hongjiang city 洪江市 | ||||||||
431300 | Loudi city 娄底市 | ||||||||
431301 | District 市辖区 | 431302 | Louxing 娄星区 | ||||||
431321 | Shuangfeng Co. 双峰县 | 431322 | Xinhua Co. 新化县 | ||||||
431381 | Lengshuijiang city 冷水江市 | 431382 | Lianyuan city 涟源市 | ||||||
432100 | 湘潭地区 | ||||||||
432200 | 岳阳地区 | ||||||||
432300 | 益阳地区 | ||||||||
432400 | 常德地区 | ||||||||
432500 | 娄底地区 | ||||||||
432600 | 邵阳地区 | ||||||||
432700 | 衡阳地区 | ||||||||
432800 | 郴州地区 | ||||||||
432900 | 零陵地区 | ||||||||
433000 | 怀化地区 | ||||||||
433100 | Xiangxi Prefecture 湘西州 | ||||||||
433101 | Jishou city 吉首市 | 433102 | 大庸市 | ||||||
433121 | 吉首县 | 433122 | Luxi Co. 泸溪县 | 433123 | Fenghuang Co. 凤凰县 | 433124 | Huayuan Co. 花垣县 | 433125 | Baojing Co. 保靖县 |
433126 | Guzhang Co. 古丈县 | 433127 | Yongshun Co. 永顺县 | 433128 | 大庸县 | 433129 | 桑植县 | 433130 | Longshan Co. 龙山县 |
439000 | 省直辖 | ||||||||
439001 | 醴陵市 | 439002 | 湘乡市 | 439003 | 耒阳市 | 439004 | 汨罗市 | 439005 | 津市市 |
440000 | Guangdong Province 广东省 | ||||||||
440100 | Guangzhou city 广州市 | ||||||||
440101 | District 市辖区 | 440102 | 东山区 | 440103 | Liwan 荔湾区 | 440104 | Yuexiu 越秀区 | 440105 | Haizhu 海珠区 |
440106 | Tianhe 天河区 | 440107 | 芳村区 | ||||||
440111 | Baiyun 白云区 | 440112 | Huangpu 黄埔区 | 440113 | Panyu 番禺区 | ||||
440114 | Huadu 花都区 | 440115 | Nansha 南沙区 | 440116 | 萝岗区 | 440117 | Conghua 从化区 | ||
440118 | Zengcheng 增城区 | 440120 | 市区 | ||||||
440121 | 花县 | 440122 | 从化县 | 440123 | 新丰县 | 440124 | 龙门县 | 440125 | 增城县 |
440126 | 番禺县 | 440127 | 清远县 | 440128 | 佛冈县 | ||||
440181 | 番禺市 | 440182 | 花都市 | 440183 | 增城市 | 440184 | 从化市 | ||
440200 | Shaoguan city 韶关市 | ||||||||
440201 | District 市辖区 | 440202 | 北江区 | 440203 | Wujiang 武江区 | 440204 | Zhenjiang 浈江区 | 440205 | Qujiang 曲江区 |
440220 | 市区 | ||||||||
440221 | 曲江县 | 440222 | Shixing Co. 始兴县 | 440223 | 南雄县 | 440224 | Renhua Co. 仁化县 | 440225 | 乐昌县 |
440226 | 连县 | 440227 | 阳山县 | 440228 | 英德县 | 440229 | Wengyuan Co. 翁源县 | 440230 | 连山县 |
440231 | 连南县 | 440232 | Ruyuan Co. 乳源县 | 440233 | Xinfeng Co. 新丰县 | ||||
440281 | Lechang city 乐昌市 | 440282 | Nanxiong city 南雄市 | ||||||
440300 | Shenzhen city 深圳市 | ||||||||
440301 | District 市辖区 | 440302 | 盐田区 | 440303 | Luohu 罗湖区 | 440304 | Futian 福田区 | 440305 | Nanshan 南山区 |
440306 | Bao'an 宝安区 | 440307 | Longgang 龙岗区 | 440308 | Yantian 盐田区 | 440309 | Longhua 龙华区 | ||
440310 | Pingshan 坪山区 | 440311 | Guangming 光明区 | Dapeng 大鹏新区 | |||||
440320 | 市区 | ||||||||
440321 | 宝安县 | ||||||||
440400 | Zhuhai city 珠海市 | ||||||||
440401 | District 市辖区 | 440402 | Xiangzhou 香洲区 | 440403 | Doumen 斗门区 | 440404 | Jinwan 金湾区 | Hengqin 横琴新区 | |
440421 | 斗门县 | ||||||||
440500 | Shantou city 汕头市 | ||||||||
440501 | District 市辖区 | 440502 | 同平区 | 440503 | 安平区 | 440504 | 公园区 | 440505 | 金沙区 |
440506 | 达濠区 | 440507 | Longhu 龙湖区 | 440508 | 金园区 | 440509 | 升平区 | ||
440510 | 河浦区 | 440511 | Jinping 金平区 | 440512 | Haojiang 濠江区 | 440513 | Chaoyang 潮阳区 | ||
440514 | Chaonan 潮南区 | 440515 | Chenghai 澄海区 | ||||||
440520 | 潮州市 | ||||||||
440521 | 澄海县 | 440522 | 饶平县 | 440523 | Nan'ao Co. 南澳县 | 440524 | 潮阳县 | 440525 | 揭阳县 |
440526 | 揭西县 | 440527 | 普宁县 | 440528 | 惠来县 | ||||
440581 | 潮州市 | 440582 | 潮阳市 | 440583 | 澄海市 | ||||
440600 | Foshan city 佛山市 | ||||||||
440601 | District 市辖区 | 440602 | 城区 | 440603 | 石湾区 | 440604 | Chancheng 禅城区 | 440605 | Nanhai 南海区 |
440606 | Shunde 顺德区 | 440607 | Sanshui 三水区 | 440608 | Gaoming 高明区 | ||||
440620 | 中山市 | ||||||||
440621 | 三水县 | 440622 | 南海县 | 440623 | 顺德县 | 440624 | 高明县 | ||
440681 | 顺德市 | 440682 | 南海市 | 440683 | 三水市 | 440684 | 高明市 | ||
440700 | Jiangmen city 江门市 | ||||||||
440701 | District 市辖区 | 440702 | 城区 | 440703 | Pengjiang 蓬江区 | 440704 | Jianghai 江海区 | 440705 | Xinhui 新会区 |
440711 | 郊区 | ||||||||
440721 | 新会县 | 440722 | 台山县 | 440723 | 恩平县 | 440724 | 开平县 | 440725 | 鹤山县 |
440726 | 阳江县 | 440727 | 阳春县 | ||||||
440781 | Taishan city 台山市 | 440782 | 新会市 | 440783 | Kaiping city 开平市 | 440784 | Heshan city 鹤山市 | 440785 | Enping city 恩平市 |
440800 | Zhanjiang city 湛江市 | ||||||||
440801 | District 市辖区 | 440802 | Chikan 赤坎区 | 440803 | Xiashan 霞山区 | 440804 | Potou 坡头区 | ||
440811 | Mazhang 麻章区 | ||||||||
440821 | 吴川县 | 440822 | 廉江县 | 440823 | Suixi Co. 遂溪县 | 440824 | 海康县 | 440825 | Xuwen Co. 徐闻县 |
440881 | Lianjiang city 廉江市 | 440882 | Leizhou city 雷州市 | 440883 | Wuchuan city 吴川市 | ||||
440900 | Maoming city 茂名市 | ||||||||
440901 | District 市辖区 | 440902 | Maonan 茂南区 | 440903 | 茂港区 | 440904 | Dianbai 电白区 | ||
440921 | 信宜县 | 440922 | 高州县 | 440923 | 电白县 | 440924 | 化州县 | ||
440981 | Gaozhou city 高州市 | 440982 | Huazhou city 化州市 | 440983 | Xinyi city 信宜市 | ||||
441000 | 海口市 | ||||||||
441001 | 市辖区 | ||||||||
441100 | 三亚市 | ||||||||
441101 | 市辖区 | ||||||||
441200 | Zhaoqing city 肇庆市 | ||||||||
441201 | District 市辖区 | 441202 | Duanzhou 端州区 | 441203 | Dinghu 鼎湖区 | 441204 | Gaoyao 高要区 | ||
441221 | 高要县 | 441222 | 四会县 | 441223 | Guangning Co. 广宁县 | 441224 | Huaiji Co. 怀集县 | 441225 | Fengkai Co. 封开县 |
441226 | Deqing Co. 德庆县 | 441227 | 云浮县 | 441228 | 新兴县 | 441229 | 郁南县 | 441230 | 罗定县 |
441281 | 云浮市 | 441282 | 罗定市 | 441283 | 高要市 | 441284 | Sihui city 四会市 | ||
441300 | Huizhou city 惠州市 | ||||||||
441301 | District 市辖区 | 441302 | Huicheng 惠城区 | 441303 | Huiyang 惠阳区 | ||||
441321 | 惠阳县 | 441322 | Boluo Co. 博罗县 | 441323 | Huidong Co. 惠东县 | 441324 | Longmen Co. 龙门县 | ||
441381 | 惠阳市 | ||||||||
441400 | Meizhou city 梅州市 | ||||||||
441401 | District 市辖区 | 441402 | Meijiang 梅江区 | 441403 | Meixian 梅县区 | ||||
441421 | 梅县 | 441422 | Dabu Co. 大埔县 | 441423 | Fengshun Co. 丰顺县 | 441424 | Wuhua Co. 五华县 | 441425 | 兴宁县 |
441426 | Pingyuan Co. 平远县 | 441427 | Jiaoling Co. 蕉岭县 | ||||||
441481 | Xingning city 兴宁市 | ||||||||
441500 | Shanwei city 汕尾市 | ||||||||
441501 | District 市辖区 | 441502 | Cheng 城区 | ||||||
441521 | Haifeng Co. 海丰县 | 441522 | 陆丰县 | 441523 | Luhe Co. 陆河县 | ||||
441581 | Lufeng city 陆丰市 | ||||||||
441600 | Heyuan city 河源市 | ||||||||
441601 | District 市辖区 | 441602 | Yuancheng 源城区 | ||||||
441611 | 郊区 | ||||||||
441621 | Zijin Co. 紫金县 | 441622 | Longchuan Co. 龙川县 | 441623 | Lianping Co. 连平县 | 441624 | Heping Co. 和平县 | 441625 | Dongyuan Co. 东源县 |
441700 | Yangjiang city 阳江市 | ||||||||
441701 | District 市辖区 | 441702 | Jiangcheng 江城区 | 441703 | 阳东区 | 441704 | Yangdong 阳东区 | ||
441721 | Yangxi Co. 阳西县 | 441722 | 阳春县 | 441723 | 阳东县 | ||||
441781 | Yangchun city 阳春市 | ||||||||
441800 | Qingyuan city 清远市 | ||||||||
441801 | District 市辖区 | 441802 | Qingcheng 清城区 | 441803 | Qingxin 清新区 | ||||
441811 | 清郊区 | ||||||||
441821 | Fogang Co. 佛冈县 | 441822 | 英德县 | 441823 | Yangshan Co. 阳山县 | 441824 | 连县 | 441825 | Lianshan Co. 连山县 |
441826 | Liannan Co. 连南县 | 441827 | 清新县 | ||||||
441881 | Yingde city 英德市 | 441882 | Lianzhou city 连州市 | ||||||
441900 | Dongguan city 东莞市 | ||||||||
441901 | District 市辖区 | ||||||||
442000 | Zhongshan city 中山市 | ||||||||
442001 | District 市辖区 | ||||||||
442100 | 海南行政区 | ||||||||
442200 | 海南州 | ||||||||
442300 | 汕头地区 | ||||||||
442400 | 梅县地区 | ||||||||
442500 | 惠阳地区 | ||||||||
442600 | 韶关地区 | ||||||||
442700 | 佛山地区 | ||||||||
442701 | 佛山市 | 442702 | 江门市 | 442703 | 石岐市 | ||||
442721 | 三水县 | 442722 | 南海县 | 442723 | 顺德县 | 442724 | 中山县 | 442725 | 斗门县 |
442726 | 新会县 | 442727 | 台山县 | 442728 | 恩平县 | 442729 | 开平县 | 442730 | 高鹤县 |
442731 | 鹤山县 | 442732 | 高明县 | ||||||
442800 | 肇庆地区 | ||||||||
442801 | 肇庆市 | ||||||||
442821 | 高要县 | 442822 | 四会县 | 442823 | 广宁县 | 442824 | 怀集县 | 442825 | 封开县 |
442826 | 德庆县 | 442827 | 云浮县 | 442828 | 新兴县 | 442829 | 郁南县 | 442830 | 罗定县 |
442900 | 湛江地区 | ||||||||
445100 | Chaozhou city 潮州市 | ||||||||
445101 | District 市辖区 | 445102 | Xiangqiao 湘桥区 | 445103 | Chao'an 潮安区 | ||||
445121 | 潮安县 | 445122 | Raoping Co. 饶平县 | ||||||
445200 | Jieyang city 揭阳市 | ||||||||
445201 | District 市辖区 | 445202 | Rongcheng 榕城区 | 445203 | Jiedong 揭东区 | ||||
445221 | 揭东县 | 445222 | Jiexi Co. 揭西县 | 445223 | 普宁县 | 445224 | Huilai Co. 惠来县 | ||
445281 | Puning city 普宁市 | ||||||||
445300 | Yunfu city 云浮市 | ||||||||
445301 | District 市辖区 | 445302 | Yuncheng 云城区 | 445303 | Yun'an 云安区 | ||||
445321 | Xinxing Co. 新兴县 | 445322 | Yunan Co. 郁南县 | 445323 | 云安县 | ||||
445381 | Luoding city 罗定市 | ||||||||
449000 | 省直辖 | ||||||||
449001 | 潮州市 |
450000 | Guangxi AR 广西壮族自治区 | ||||||||
450100 | Nanning city 南宁市 | ||||||||
450101 | District 市辖区 | 450102 | Xingning 兴宁区 | 450103 | Qingxiu 青秀区 | 450104 | 城北区 | 450105 | Jiangnan 江南区 |
450106 | 永新区 | 450107 | Xixiangtang 西乡塘区 | 450108 | Liangqing 良庆区 | 450109 | Yongning 邕宁区 | ||
450110 | Wuming 武鸣区 | 450111 | 市郊区 | ||||||
450121 | 邕宁县 | 450122 | 武鸣县 | 450123 | Long'an Co. 隆安县 | 450124 | Mashan Co. 马山县 | 450125 | Shanglin Co. 上林县 |
450126 | Binyang Co. 宾阳县 | 450127 | Heng Co. 横县 | ||||||
450200 | Liuzhou city 柳州市 | ||||||||
450201 | District 市辖区 | 450202 | Chengzhong 城中区 | 450203 | Yufeng 鱼峰区 | 450204 | Liunan 柳南区 | 450205 | Liubei 柳北区 |
450206 | Liujiang 柳江区 | ||||||||
450211 | 市郊区 | ||||||||
450221 | 柳江县 | 450222 | Liucheng Co. 柳城县 | 450223 | Luzhai Co. 鹿寨县 | 450224 | Rong'an Co. 融安县 | 450225 | Rongshui Co. 融水县 |
450226 | Sanjiang Co. 三江县 | ||||||||
450300 | Guilin city 桂林市 | ||||||||
450301 | District 市辖区 | 450302 | Xiufeng 秀峰区 | 450303 | Diecai 叠彩区 | 450304 | Xiangshan 象山区 | 450305 | Qixing 七星区 |
450311 | Yanshan 雁山区 | 450312 | Lingui 临桂区 | ||||||
450320 | 市区 | ||||||||
450321 | Yangshuo Co. 阳朔县 | 450322 | 临桂县 | 450323 | Lingchuan Co. 灵川县 | 450324 | Quanzhou Co. 全州县 | 450325 | Xing'an Co. 兴安县 |
450326 | Yongfu Co. 永福县 | 450327 | Guanyang Co. 灌阳县 | 450328 | Longsheng Co. 龙胜县 | 450329 | Ziyuan Co. 资源县 | 450330 | Pingle Co. 平乐县 |
450331 | Lipu Co. 荔浦县 | 450332 | Gongcheng Co. 恭城县 | ||||||
450400 | Wuzhou city 梧州市 | ||||||||
450401 | District 市辖区 | 450402 | 白云区 | 450403 | Wanxiu 万秀区 | 450404 | 蝶山区 | 450405 | Changzhou 长洲区 |
450406 | Longxu 龙圩区 | ||||||||
450411 | 市郊区 | ||||||||
450421 | Cangwu Co. 苍梧县 | 450422 | Teng Co. 藤县 | 450423 | Mengshan Co. 蒙山县 | ||||
450481 | Cenxi city 岑溪市 | ||||||||
450500 | Beihai city 北海市 | ||||||||
450501 | District 市辖区 | 450502 | Haicheng 海城区 | 450503 | Yinhai 银海区 | 450504 | 铁山港区 | ||
450511 | 市郊区 | 450512 | Tieshangang 铁山港区 | ||||||
450521 | Hepu Co. 合浦县 | ||||||||
450600 | Fangchenggang city 防城港市 | ||||||||
450601 | District 市辖区 | 450602 | Gangkou 港口区 | 450603 | Fangcheng 防城区 | ||||
450631 | Shangsi Co. 上思县 | 450632 | 浦北县 | ||||||
450681 | Dongxing city 东兴市 | ||||||||
450700 | Qinzhou city 钦州市 | ||||||||
450701 | District 市辖区 | 450702 | Qinnan 钦南区 | 450703 | Qinbei 钦北区 | ||||
450721 | Lingshan Co. 灵山县 | 450722 | Pubei Co. 浦北县 | ||||||
450800 | Guigang city 贵港市 | ||||||||
450801 | District 市辖区 | 450802 | Gangbei 港北区 | 450803 | Gangnan 港南区 | 450804 | Qintang 覃塘区 | ||
450821 | Pingnan Co. 平南县 | ||||||||
450881 | Guiping city 桂平市 | ||||||||
450900 | Yulin city 玉林市 | ||||||||
450901 | District 市辖区 | 450902 | Yuzhou 玉州区 | 450903 | Fumian 福绵区 | ||||
450921 | Rong Co. 容县 | 450922 | Luchuan Co. 陆川县 | 450923 | Bobai Co. 博白县 | 450924 | Xingye Co. 兴业县 | ||
450981 | Beiliu city 北流市 | ||||||||
451000 | Baise city 百色市 | ||||||||
451001 | District 市辖区 | 451002 | Youjiang 右江区 | ||||||
451021 | Tianyang Co. 田阳县 | 451022 | Tiandong Co. 田东县 | 451023 | Pingguo Co. 平果县 | 451024 | Debao Co. 德保县 | 451025 | 靖西县 |
451026 | Napo Co. 那坡县 | 451027 | Lingyun Co. 凌云县 | 451028 | Leye Co. 乐业县 | 451029 | Tianlin Co. 田林县 | 451030 | Xilin Co. 西林县 |
451031 | Longlin Co. 隆林县 | ||||||||
451081 | Jingxi city 靖西市 | ||||||||
451100 | Hezhou city 贺州市 | ||||||||
451101 | District 市辖区 | 451102 | Babu 八步区 | 451103 | Pinggui 平桂区 | ||||
451119 | 平桂区 | ||||||||
451121 | Zhaoping Co. 昭平县 | 451122 | Zhongshan Co. 钟山县 | 451123 | Fuchuan Co. 富川县 | ||||
451200 | Hechi city 河池市 | ||||||||
451201 | District 市辖区 | 451202 | Jinchengjiang 金城江区 | 451203 | Yizhou 宜州区 | ||||
451221 | Nandan Co. 南丹县 | 451222 | Tian'e Co. 天峨县 | 451223 | Fengshan Co. 凤山县 | 451224 | Donglan Co. 东兰县 | 451225 | Luocheng Co. 罗城县 |
451226 | Huanjiang Co. 环江县 | 451227 | Bama Co. 巴马县 | 451228 | Du'an Co. 都安县 | 451229 | Dahua 大化县 | ||
451281 | 宜州市 | ||||||||
451300 | Laibin city 来宾市 | ||||||||
451301 | District 市辖区 | 451302 | Xingbin 兴宾区 | ||||||
451321 | Xincheng Co. 忻城县 | 451322 | Xiangzhou Co. 象州县 | 451323 | Wuxuan Co. 武宣县 | 451324 | Jinxiu Co. 金秀县 | ||
451381 | Heshan city 合山市 | ||||||||
451400 | Chongzuo city 崇左市 | ||||||||
451401 | District 市辖区 | 451402 | Jiangzhou 江州区 | ||||||
451421 | Fusui Co. 扶绥县 | 451422 | Ningming Co. 宁明县 | 451423 | Longzhou Co. 龙州县 | 451424 | Daxin Co. 大新县 | 451425 | Tiandeng Co. 天等县 |
451481 | Pingxiang city 凭祥市 | ||||||||
452100 | 南宁地区 | ||||||||
452200 | 柳州地区 | ||||||||
452300 | 桂林地区 | ||||||||
452400 | 贺州地区 | ||||||||
452500 | 玉林地区 | ||||||||
452600 | 百色地区 | ||||||||
452700 | 河池地区 | ||||||||
452800 | 钦州地区 |
460000 | Hainan Province 海南省 | ||||||||
460100 | Haikou city 海口市 | ||||||||
460101 | District 市辖区 | 460102 | 振东区 | 460103 | 新华区 | 460104 | 秀英区 | 460105 | Xiuying 秀英区 |
460106 | Longhua 龙华区 | 460107 | Qiongshan 琼山区 | 460108 | Meilan 美兰区 | ||||
460200 | Sanya city 三亚市 | ||||||||
460201 | District 市辖区 | 460202 | Haitang 海棠区 | 460203 | Jiyang 吉阳区 | 460204 | Tianya 天涯区 | 460205 | Yazhou 崖州区 |
460300 | Sansha city 三沙市 | ||||||||
460301 | District 市辖区 | Xisha 西沙区 | Nansha 南沙区 | Zhongsha 中沙区 | |||||
460321 | 西沙群岛 | 460322 | 南沙群岛 | 460323 | 中沙群岛 | ||||
460400 | Danzhou city 儋州市 | ||||||||
460401 | District 市辖区 | ||||||||
469000 | Direct administration 省直辖 | ||||||||
469001 | Wuzhishan city 五指山市 | 469002 | Qionghai city 琼海市 | 469003 | 儋州市 | 469004 | 琼山市 | 469005 | Wenchang city 文昌市 |
469006 | Wanning city 万宁市 | 469007 | Dongfang city 东方市 | ||||||
469021 | Ding'an Co. 定安县 | 469022 | Tunchang Co. 屯昌县 | 469023 | Chengmai Co. 澄迈县 | 469024 | Lingao Co. 临高县 | 469025 | Baisha Co. 白沙县 |
469026 | Changjiang Co. 昌江县 | 469027 | Ledong Co. 乐东县 | 469028 | Lingshui Co. 陵水县 | 469029 | Baoting Co. 保亭县 | 469030 | Qiongzhong Co. 琼中县 |
469031 | 西沙群岛 | 469032 | 南沙群岛 | 469033 | 中沙群岛 | ||||
460000 | 省直辖 | ||||||||
460001 | 通什市 | 460002 | 琼海市 | 460003 | 儋州市 | 460004 | 琼山市 | 460005 | 文昌市 |
460006 | 万宁市 | 460007 | 东方市 | ||||||
460021 | 琼山县 | 460022 | 文昌县 | 460023 | 琼海县 | 460024 | 万宁县 | 460025 | 定安县 |
460026 | 屯昌县 | 460027 | 澄迈县 | 460028 | 临高县 | 460029 | 儋县 | 460030 | 白沙县 |
460031 | 昌江县 | 460032 | 东方县 | 460033 | 乐东县 | 460034 | 陵水县 | 460035 | 保亭县 |
460036 | 琼中县 | 460037 | 西沙群岛 | 460038 | 南沙群岛 | 460039 | 中沙群岛 |
The Campeonato Nacional de Liga de Primera División, commonly known as the Primera División, or LaLiga, and officially LALIGA EA SPORTS since 2023 for sponsorship reasons, is the top men's professional football division of the Spanish football league system. Administered by Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional, it is contested by 20 teams.
The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Offensive, was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II. The battle lasted for five weeks from 16 December 1944 to 28 January 1945, towards the end of the war in Europe. It was launched through the densely forested Ardennes region between Belgium and Luxembourg. It overlapped with the Alsace Offensive, subsequently the Colmar Pocket, another series of battles launched by the Germans in support of the Ardennes thrust.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a nonprofit organization that regulates student athletics among about 1,100 schools in the United States, and Canada. It also organizes the athletic programs of colleges and helps over 500,000 college student athletes who compete annually in college sports. The organization is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club, commonly referred to simply as Brighton, is an English professional football club based in the city of Brighton and Hove. They compete in the Premier League, the top tier of the English football league system. The club's home ground is the 31,800-capacity Falmer Stadium in Falmer, in the north east of Brighton.
A division is a large military unit or formation, usually consisting of between 6,000 and 25,000 soldiers. In most armies, a division is composed of several regiments or brigades; in turn, several divisions typically make up a corps.
The Gulf War was an armed conflict between Iraq and a 42-country coalition led by the United States. The coalition's efforts against Iraq were carried out in two key phases: Operation Desert Shield, which marked the military buildup from August 1990 to January 1991; and Operation Desert Storm, which began with the aerial bombing campaign against Iraq on 17 January 1991 and came to a close with the American-led Liberation of Kuwait on 28 February 1991.
Divisions are the first-level administrative divisions in Bangladesh. As of 2023, there are eight divisions of Bangladesh, each named after the major city within its jurisdiction that also serves as the administrative seat of that division. Each division is divided into several districts which are further subdivided into upazilas, then union councils.
The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it is the largest seaborne invasion in history. The operation began the liberation of France, and the rest of Western Europe, and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front.
The Isthmian League is a regional football league covering Greater London, East and South East England, featuring mostly semi-professional clubs.
The Northern Premier League is an English football league that was founded in 1968. Together with the Isthmian League and the Southern League it forms levels seven and eight of the English football league system.
Preston North End Football Club, commonly referred to as Preston, North End or PNE, is a professional football club in Preston, Lancashire, England. They currently play in the EFL Championship, the second tier of the English football league system. Originally a cricket club, Preston has been based at Deepdale since 1875. The club first took up football in 1878 as a winter fitness activity, and decided to focus on it in May 1880, when the football club was officially founded. Deepdale is now football's oldest ground in terms of continuous use by a league club.
Brentford Football Club is a professional football club in Brentford, West London, England which competes in the Premier League, the highest tier of English football. Nicknamed "The Bees", the club was founded in 1889 and played home matches at Griffin Park from 1904 before moving to the Gtech Community Stadium in 2020. Their main rivals are fellow West London-based clubs Fulham and Queens Park Rangers. They are affiliated with the women's club Brentford Women FC.
The English football league system, also known as the football pyramid, is a series of interconnected leagues for men's association football clubs in England, with five teams from Wales, one from Guernsey, one from Jersey and one from the Isle of Man also competing. The system has a hierarchical format with promotion and relegation between leagues at different levels, allowing even the smallest club the theoretical possibility of ultimately rising to the very top of the system, the Premier League. Below that are levels 2–4 organised by the English Football League, then the National League System from levels 5–10 administered by the FA, and thereafter Regional feeder leagues run by relevant county FAs on an ad hoc basis. It also often happens that the Premier Division of a Regional Feeder League has its constitution given to it by the FA. They have to accept it or appeal but can not reject it at an AGM.
New York most commonly refers to:
The English Football League Championship, known simply as the Championship in England and for sponsorship purposes as Sky Bet Championship, is the highest division of the English Football League (EFL) and second-highest overall in the English football league system, after the Premier League, and is currently contested by 24 clubs. The current holders are Burnley, who won the 2022–23 edition.
The English Football League Two, simply known as League Two in England and for sponsorship purposes as Sky Bet League Two, is the third and lowest division of the English Football League (EFL) and fourth-highest tier overall in the English football league system.
The English Football League One, known as Sky Bet League One for sponsorship purposes or simply League One in England, is the second-highest division of the English Football League and the third tier overall in the English football league system.
Cray Valley Paper Mills Football Club is a football club currently based in Eltham, in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, England. They are currently members of the Isthmian League South East Division and play at the Badgers Sports Ground.
Girona Futbol Club, S.A.D. is a Spanish professional football club based in Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Founded on 23 July 1930, the team plays in La Liga, to which they gained promotion in the 2022 Segunda División play-offs.
The English Football League (EFL) is a league of professional football clubs from England and Wales. Founded in 1888 as the Football League, the league is the oldest such competition in the world. It was the top-level football league in England from its foundation until 1992, when the top 22 clubs split from it to form the Premier League.