Grain size

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Sample Net-withGraphic.png
Basic concepts
Particle size, Grain size, Size distribution, Morphology
Methods and techniques
Mesh scale, Optical granulometry, Sieve analysis, Soil gradation

Related concepts
Granulation, Granular material, Mineral dust, Pattern recognition, Dynamic light scattering
Wentworth grain size chart from United States Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1195: Note size typos; 33.1mm is 38.1 & .545mm is .594 Wentworth scale.png
Wentworth grain size chart from United States Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1195: Note size typos; 33.1mm is 38.1 & .545mm is .594
Beach cobbles at Nash Point, South Wales Cobbles Nash Point.jpg
Beach cobbles at Nash Point, South Wales

Grain size (or particle size) is the diameter of individual grains of sediment, or the lithified particles in clastic rocks. The term may also be applied to other granular materials. This is different from the crystallite size, which refers to the size of a single crystal inside a particle or grain. A single grain can be composed of several crystals. Granular material can range from very small colloidal particles, through clay, silt, sand, gravel, and cobbles, to boulders.


Krumbein phi scale

Size ranges define limits of classes that are given names in the Wentworth scale (or Udden–Wentworth scale named after geologists Chester K. Wentworth and Johan A. Udden) used in the United States. The Krumbein phi (φ) scale, a modification of the Wentworth scale created by W. C. Krumbein [1] in 1934, is a logarithmic scale computed by the equation


is the Krumbein phi scale,
is the diameter of the particle or grain in millimeters (Krumbein and Monk's equation) [2] and
is a reference diameter, equal to 1 mm (to make the equation dimensionally consistent).

This equation can be rearranged to find diameter using φ:

φ scaleSize range
Size range
(approx. inches)
Aggregate name
(Wentworth class)
Other names
<−8>256 mm>10.1 in Boulder
−6 to −864–256 mm2.5–10.1 in Cobble
−5 to −632–64 mm1.26–2.5 inVery coarse gravel Pebble
−4 to −516–32 mm0.63–1.26 inCoarse gravelPebble
−3 to −48–16 mm0.31–0.63 inMedium gravelPebble
−2 to −34–8 mm0.157–0.31 inFine gravelPebble
−1 to −22–4 mm0.079–0.157 inVery fine gravel Granule
0 to −11–2 mm0.039–0.079 inVery coarse sand
1 to 00.5–1 mm0.020–0.039 inCoarse sand
2 to 10.25–0.5 mm0.010–0.020 inMedium sand
3 to 2125–250 μm 0.0049–0.010 inFine sand
4 to 362.5–125 μm0.0025–0.0049 inVery fine sand
8 to 43.9–62.5 μm0.00015–0.0025 in Silt Mud
10 to 80.98–3.9 μm3.8×10−5–0.00015 in Clay Mud
20 to 100.95–977  nm 3.8×10−8–3.8×10−5 in Colloid Mud

In some schemes, gravel is anything larger than sand (comprising granule, pebble, cobble, and boulder in the table above).

International scale

ISO 14688-1:2017, establishes the basic principles for identifying and classifying soils based on those material and mass characteristics most commonly used for soils for engineering purposes. ISO 14688-1 applies to natural soils in situ, similar man-made materials in situ and soils redeposited by people. [3]

ISO 14688-1:2017
NameSize range (mm)Size range (approx. in)
Very coarse soilLarge boulderlBo>630>24.8031
Coarse soilGravelCoarse gravelcGr20–630.78740–2.4803
Medium gravelmGr6.3–200.24803–0.78740
Fine gravelfGr2.0–6.30.078740–0.24803
SandCoarse sandcSa0.63–2.00.024803–0.078740
Medium sandmSa0.2–0.630.0078740–0.024803
Fine sandfSa0.063–0.20.0024803–0.0078740
Fine soilSiltCoarse siltcSi0.02–0.0630.00078740–0.0024803
Medium siltmSi0.0063–0.020.00024803–0.00078740
Fine siltfSi0.002–0.00630.000078740–0.00024803


An accumulation of sediment can also be characterized by the grain size distribution. A sediment deposit can undergo sorting when a particle size range is removed by an agency such as a river or the wind. The sorting can be quantified using the Inclusive Graphic Standard Deviation: [4]


is the Inclusive Graphic Standard Deviation in phi units
is the 84th percentile of the grain size distribution in phi units, etc.

The result of this can be described using the following terms:

Diameter (phi units)Description
< 0.35very well sorted
0.35 < < 0.50well sorted
0.50 < < 1.00moderately sorted
1.00 < < 2.00poorly sorted
2.00 < < 4.00very poorly sorted
4.00 < extremely poorly sorted

See also

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  1. Krumbein, W. C. (1934). "Size frequency distributions of sediments". Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 2 (4). doi:10.1306/D4268EB9-2B26-11D7-8648000102C1865D.
  2. PetroWiki: Estimating permeability based on grain size
  3. "ISO 14688-1:2017 – Geotechnical investigation and testing – Identification and classification of soil – Part 1: Identification and description". International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
  4. Folk, Robert L.; Ward, William C. (1957). "Brazos River bar: a study in the significance of grain-size parameters" (PDF). Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 27 (1): 3–26. Bibcode:1957JSedR..27....3F. doi:10.1306/74d70646-2b21-11d7-8648000102c1865d. Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 May 2014. Retrieved 11 May 2014.