History of rail transport in Indonesia

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Most railway lines in Indonesia were constructed during the Dutch colonial rule. After independence in 1945, many lines were abandoned. The current national rail operator, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), was founded on 28 September 1945.


Pre-independence era

First railway line

The platform of the first station of Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (Dutch-Indies Railway Company) in Semarang COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Het perron van het eerste station van de Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij te Semarang TMnr 10013983.jpg
The platform of the first station of Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (Dutch-Indies Railway Company) in Semarang

Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) was the second country in Asia to establish a rail transport, after India; China and Japan were next to follow. [1] On 7 June 1864, Governor General Baron Sloet van den Beele initiated the first railway line in Indonesia on Kemijen village, Semarang, Central Java. [1] It began operations on 10 August 1867 in Central Java and connected the first built Semarang station to Tanggung for 25 kilometers. [1] [2] By 21 May 1873, the line had connected to Solo, both in Central Java and was later extended to Yogyakarta. This line was operated by a private company, Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NIS or NISM) and used the 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in) standard gauge gauge. Later construction by both private and state railway companies used the 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) gauge.

The liberal Dutch government of the era was then reluctant to build its own railway, preferring to give a free rein to private enterprise. But private railways could not provide the expected return of investment (even NIS required some financial assistance from the government), and the Dutch Ministry of Colonies finally approved a state railway system, the Staatsspoorwegen (SS), extending from Buitenzorg (now Bogor) in the west, to Surabaya in the east. Construction began from both ends, the first line (from Surabaya) being opened on 16 May 1878, and both cities were connected by 1894.

NIS standard gauge train in Java, c. 1900s COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Locomotief en trein van de Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij TMnr 10014036.jpg
NIS standard gauge train in Java, c.1900s

By the 1920s the system in Java had reached its greatest extent, with most towns and cities connected by rail, with branches and tramways connecting sugar plantations to factories.

The Great Depression of the 1930s put laid to plans of constructing railway lines in Borneo, Celebes, connecting the lines in Sumatra and electrification of the lines in Java.

After the Dutch state started railway construction, private enterprises did not completely get out of the picture, and at least 15 light railway companies operated in Java. These companies operated as "steam tram companies", but despite the name, were better described as regional secondary lines.


B25 02 at the Ambarawa Railway Museum B2502 Locomotive - Amabarawa - Indonesia.jpg
B25 02 at the Ambarawa Railway Museum

As befits a colonial enterprise, most railway lines in Indonesia had a dual purpose: economic and strategic. In fact, a condition for the financial assistance for the NIS was that the company build a railway line to Ambarawa, which connected to the one of an important military base named Fort Willem I for the Dutch king. The first state railway line was built through the mountains on the southern part of Java, instead of the flat regions on the north, for a similar strategic reason. The state railway in Java connected Anyer on the western coast of the island, to Banyuwangi on the eastern coast.


Rail yard in Medan, June 1950 MedanSumatraJune1950.jpg
Rail yard in Medan, June 1950

In Sumatra, railways were first used for military purposes, with a railway line connecting Banda Aceh and its port of Uleelhee in 1876. This railway, the Atjeh Staats Spoorwegen (ASS), first built to a 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) gauge which was later regauged to 750 mm (2 ft 5+12 in) and extended south. This line was only transferred to the Ministry of Colonies from the Ministry of War on 1 January 1916, following the relative pacification of Aceh.

The Western Sumatra's state railway in the Minangkabau area, the Staatsspoorwegen ter Sumatra's Westkust (SSS) transported coal from inland mines to the port at Padang and was built between 1891 and 1894

The Southern Sumatra's state railway, the Staatsspoorwegen op Zuid-Sumatra (ZSS), was completed in the 1930s. It served a fertile plantation area and an important coal mine.

Another important private railway line was the Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij (DSM). This line served regions producing rubber and tobacco in Deli.


Between July 1922 and 1930, a 47 kilometres (29 mi)-long railway line operated in South Sulawesi. This line was to be extended to North Sulawesi, as part of a massive project of railway construction in Borneo and Sulawesi, connection of separate railway systems in Sumatra and electrification of the main lines in Java. The Great Depression of 1929 put paid to these plans.

Japanese occupation

During the Japanese occupation between 1942 and 1945, the different railway lines in Java were managed as one entity. The Sumatra systems, being under the administration of a different branch of the Japanese armed forces, remained separate.

The occupiers also converted the (1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in) standard gauge lines in Java into 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in), thereby resolving the dual gauge issue. This was not an actual "problem" as there was not much transfer of materials between the systems, and much of the 1,435 mm system had been fitted with a third rail by 1940, creating a mixed-gauge railway. Many locomotives were seized and transported to Malaya, Burma and elsewhere.[ citation needed ] The railway network was reduced from 6,811 km (4,232 mi) in 1939 to 5,910 km (3,670 mi) in 1950 to provide material for railway construction in Burma. [3]

Independence era

During the war for independence between 1945 and 1949, freedom fighters took over the railways, creating the first direct predecessor to today's PT Kereta Api, the Djawatan Kereta Api Repoeblik Indonesia (Railway Bureau of the Republic of Indonesia), on 28 September 1945. This date, not the 1867 one, is regarded as the birth date of Indonesian railways and commemorated as Railway Day every year, on political grounds.

On the other hand, the Dutch by Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA) formed their own combined railway system to manage the railway lines located on their occupied territory, the Staatsspoorwegen/Verenigd Spoorwegbedrijf (SS/VS or Combined Railways). This company consisted of a combined state-owned and many private-owned railway companies, except Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij (Deli Railway). By the time of Dutch recognition of Indonesian independence, the SS/VS had most railway lines under their management, though not all were in operation.

With Indonesia's full independence in 1949, the separate systems (except the Deli Railway) were combined into the Djawatan Kereta Api. Non-state railway systems in Java retained their paper existence until 1958, when all railway lines in Indonesia were nationalized, including the Deli Railway, thereby creating the Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api (PNKA: State Railway Corporation) in 1963. [4] On 15 September 1971 the name of PNKA was changed to Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api (PJKA, the Indonesian Railway Systems). [5] Later then, on 2 January 1991, PJKA was changed its name and status as Perusahaan Umum Kereta Api (Perumka, the Indonesian Railways Public Company), [6] and since 1 June 1999, this company was changed to a limited company, PT Kereta Api (Persero) (PT KA). [7] In May 2010, the name of "PT KA" was changed to PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (PT KAI, The Indonesian Railways Company) till present. [8]

The headquarters of the state railway system, since Dutch colonial days, had been located in Bandung, West Java. Private railway companies were headquartered elsewhere, in Semarang, Tegal, Surabaya and Medan.

Kualanamu Airport Rail Link, the first airport rail link in Indonesia Kualanamu AirportRail.JPG
Kualanamu Airport Rail Link, the first airport rail link in Indonesia

Construction of new railway lines has been scarce. In 1997, a line was inaugurated from Citayam to Nambo in West Java. At the beginning, this line was planned to be incorporated into a larger circular line network, ranging from Cikarang to Parung Panjang. [9] This plan had to be postponed due to the 1997 economic crisis. [10] The first airport rail link in Indonesia, the Kualanamu Airport Rail Link, connects Medan with Kualanamu International Airport, which was inaugurated on 4 September 2013. [11] [12] The Soekarno–Hatta Airport Rail Link was opened between Soekarno–Hatta International Airport and BNI City on 26 December 2017. [13] Minangkabau Ekspres, connecting Minangkabau International Airport and Padang, was inaugurated on 21 May 2018. [14] The Adisumarmo Airport Rail Link, connecting Adisoemarmo International Airport station and Solo Balapan, opened on 29 December 2019. [15] Yogyakarta International Airport Rail Link, connecting Yogyakarta International Airport with Yogyakarta was completed in September 2021. [16] The Trans-Sulawesi Railway are built with 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in) standard gauge which is wider than the 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) cape gauge used in Java and Sumatra to accommodate more weight and speed, [17] [18] the first phase includes 146 kilometers route from Makassar to Parepare, which was completed in November 2022 and has been operating ever since, [19] the total plan for the railway would be around 2,000 kilometres spanning from Makassar to Manado, [20] most of other sections are still under construction. [19] [20]

Most new construction is concentrated on double- and quad-tracking of existing railway lines. In 2011, double-tracking of the line from Semarang to Surabaya Pasar Turi was begun. [21] The project was finished with the double-tracking of the final segment between Bojonegoro and Surabaya Pasar Turi on 8 May 2014. [22] The line between Manggarai and Cikarang on Rajawali-Cikampek line is being quadrupled, with the first section between Jatinegara and Cakung opened on 14 April 2019. [23]

Trams formerly existed in Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and Semarang before their service was closed after independence. In Jakarta the tram lines use track gauge 1,188 mm (3 ft 10+2532 in) operated by Bataviasche Verkeers Maatschappij and Pengangkutan Penumpang Djakarta, while in other areas track gauge 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) were used. In Greater Jakarta, KRL Commuterline and Jabodebek LRT is operational urban rail network, serving commuter routes which comprises cities of DKI Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Bekasi, Tangerang, and South Tangerang as well as regencies of Bogor, Bekasi, and Lebak. The other operational urban rail networks are Jakarta provincially-owned Jakarta MRT, Jakarta LRT, and Soekarno-Hatta Airport Rail Link to support the public transport network in the area.

Indonesia operates a high-speed rail line connecting its two largest cities, the Jakarta–Bandung high-speed rail line, which will allow trains to reach up to 420 km/h, with operational speed of 350 km/h. Commenced operations on 2 October 2023, this High Speed Rail line is the first in Southeast Asia [24] [25] [26]

Rail network

The development of the railway network from 1875 to 1925 in 4 stages:

Network after 1875–1888

Phase I development took place in 1876–1888. The beginning of the construction of the railway was in 1876, in the form of the first network in the Dutch East Indies, between Tanggung and Gudang in Semarang in 1876, along 26 km. After that, the Semarang – Gudang line began to be built. In 1880, the Batavia (Jakarta) – Buitenzorg (Bogor) line was built along 59 km, then continued to Cicalengka via Cicurug – Sukabumi – Cibeber – Cianjur – Bandung. In 1877 the Kediri - Blitar line was built, and combined with the Surabaya - Cilacap line via Kertosono – Madiun – Solo, and also the Jogya – Magelang line.

Until 1888 the railway network built was:

Network after 1889–1899

Until 1899, the railway network built was:

Network after 1899–1913

Until 1913 the rail network built was:

Network after 1913–1925

Until 1925 the rail network built was:

For Kalimantan and Sulawesi, it was not implemented because construction was only going to start in 1941 and World War II broke out.

Station Construction Period

Here is a list of major stations:

  1. Karanganyar Station – inaugurated 1887
  2. Jakarta Kota Station – inaugurated 1929
  3. Tanjung Priok Station – 1914
  4. Gambir Station (formerly Weltevreden) – 1914
  5. Jatinegara Station (formerly Meester Cornelis)
  6. Manggarai Station – 1969
  7. Pasar Senen Station – 1916
  8. Cikampek Station – 1894
  9. Bogor Station – 1881
  10. Depok Station – 1881
  11. Bandung Station – 1887
  12. Yogyakarta Station – 1887
  13. Solo Balapan Station – 1876
  14. Semarang Tawang Station – 1873
  15. Cirebon Station – 1920
  16. Madiun Station – 1897
  17. Purwokerto Station – 1922
  18. Malang Station – 1941
  19. Surabaya Kota Station – 1878 and renovation 1911
  20. Surabaya Gubeng Station – 1913
  21. Pasar Turi Station – 1938
  22. Kertosono Station

Batavia – Buitenzorg electric train network 1918

Bogor Station (Buitenzorg) was built in 1880 when making the Buitenzorg - Soekaboemi - Tjiandjoer - Tjitjalengka line. However, the electric train network only existed in Batavia (Jakarta) to Buitenzorg (Bogor) which was built in 1918, then in 1925 the electric network was also made to Meester Cornelis (Jatinegara) to Tandjoeng Priok.

Setback era

In this era, PJKA continues to experience decline due to the increasing number of private car users, public transportation and the emergence of Ojek. Therefore, the government issued an annual subsidy. This subsidy is formatted for employee expenses and reducing PJKA's loss burden. [27] and the gradual closure of all of the total branch lines at that time.

The Bintaro Tragedy on 19 October 1987 was a tragic event that worsened the bad image of PJKA as the only railway operator in Indonesia. In this tragedy, hundreds of people died while the rest were injured. Since that tragedy, the safety and comfort of trains have been questioned.

90s era until now

CC201 05 (CC201 77 04) when it had the Perumka logo and before being transferred ID diesel loco CC 201-05 060327 4217 kta.jpg
CC201 05 (CC201 77 04) when it had the Perumka logo and before being transferred

On 1 August 1990, PJKA changed to Perusahaan Umum Kereta Api (Perumka). During this period, losses such as those experienced by PJKA several years ago could be reduced. All employees still have the status of civil servants who are regulated separately and are allowed to seek profit.

KA SwU 050505 8460 bmy.jpg
KA Bisnis Sawunggalih crosses the Sakalibel Bridge with white-yellow paint.

The Perumka era is often called the "red and blue era" because all the paint on commercially operated locomotives was changed to red and blue with a white Perumka logo on the front and back, and under the driver's cabin glass right above the license plate. In addition, the livery paint of all train classes was also changed, namely for executives it was painted light blue-dark blue, business was painted dark green-dark blue, economy was painted dark red-dark blue, and the power train and baggage train were painted plain dark blue. All trains have white lines with a red Perumka logo.

Limited company era

In 1998, Perumka officially changed to PT Kereta Api (Persero (PT KA), although the notaryation of its establishment was carried out the following year. In the early 1990s and 2000s, PT KA maintained the red-blue paint on its locomotives, except for CC 203.

In 1995, the Argo executive train was born, made by PT Inka Madiun, which was named Argo Bromo and Argo Gede. All of the latest Argo executive trains were painted white-gray with dark blue stripes with the PT KAI logo on the left and the Ministry of Transportation on the right. In addition, the CC 203 locomotive was also imported directly from its factory, GE Transportation. This locomotive has an aerodynamic design.

As a result of the presence of this Argo train, there was a change in the color scheme, with the executive and business class trains painted with the same pattern as the Argo class but with a cream-white color. In 1997 the Argo Bromo Anggrek train appeared which was painted pink-white. Meanwhile, the economy trains were actually painted white-turquoise green, but in the end only the Rheostatic KRL economy class and some KRDs were painted with this color scheme, while other economy trains were still comfortable with the red-blue color scheme from before 1995. The previously mentioned livery was also added with two stripes, one of which was light blue and the other was dark blue.

In 2006 and above, CC 201 and most other locomotives then changed their paint like CC 203, namely white with light blue-dark blue stripes. Meanwhile, there were changes to the entire series of passenger trains ranging from executive, business, and economy, to what can be seen today. For heritage locomotives using PJKA's livery.

During this period, PT KA introduced the PSO (public service obligation) system, especially for economy trains. [27] This PSO replaced the previously implemented subsidy system. In 2007, Law No. 23 of 2007 was passed, which eliminated the monopoly carried out by PT KA.

In this era, the number of diesel hydraulic locomotives began to decrease along with PT KA's policy at that time to better maintain existing diesel electric locomotives and import, develop a number of new generation diesel electric and hydraulic locomotives that already use sophisticated technology in their maintenance.

Transformation and digitalization

The era of digitalization of Indonesian railways has emerged since the 1980s. Digitalization began when the BB204 locomotive was launched in the 1980s in West Sumatra. Furthermore, CC 204 was modified from CC201 by adding a BrightStar Sirius computer so that it could mitigate damage 45 minutes before the damage occurred. In addition, in 2006 to 2011, a locomotive was made based on the CC203 design by adding a BrightStar Sirius computer at PT Inka so that the CC204 batch II was created.

In the 2010s decade, there have been many transformations at PT KA, especially when led by Ignasius Jonan. In 2010 the name of PT KA changed to PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (PT KAI). Complaints from the public about the lack of AC in economy class trains, so in 2010 non-PSO AC economy class trains appeared with the presence of Bogowonto train as its pioneer.

On 28 September 2011, the PT KAI logo changed. Another transformation lies in the ticketing system. Tickets that were originally only available at the departure station, can now be ordered at minimarkets and ticket agents. Even more amazingly, a boarding pass system has emerged that requires passengers to bring proof of identity. In addition, station management is now very good. All medium and long-distance trains have been equipped with AC. Locomotive digitalization in Indonesia has continued to advance since CC205 and CC206 were imported to strengthen PT KAI's current fleet and also the development of the CC300 locomotive as part of this transformation and digitalization

Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the company's formation

In commemorating its 75th anniversary on 28 September 2020, PT KAI inaugurated a new logo in the form of three letters "K", "A", and "I" made in italics (depicting the company's progressive, open, and trusted character). The accent of the train track shape on the letter "A" symbolizes "hope to advance the company as the best and synergistic transportation ecosystem" and the use of two colors that have different meanings from the previous logo, namely the combination of these two colors reflects "a harmonious relationship between KAI and all stakeholders in the railway sector", with the blue color (on the letters "K" and "I") symbolizing "stability, professionalism, trustworthiness, and confidence of the company", and the orange color (on the letter "A") symbolizing "enthusiasm, creativity, and determination of the company". [28]

As one of the mass transportation models used by millions of people, the development of railways in Indonesia is inseparable from the spotlight and weaknesses. Factors that are often of concern today are the accident rate is still relatively high both derailed carriages, collisions between trains, collisions between trains and other vehicles, floods/landslides and other problems often faced by train users. The main cause of this problem can be seen in the uneven rail facilities and maintenance, resulting in various problems. In 2009, it was recorded that 255 people were victims of train accidents, either injured or killed. [29] Around 60% of train accidents occur at railroad crossings, which generally do not have gates or even guarded. [30] Of the 2,923 railway crossing gates spread across the island of Java, it was recorded that around 1,192 were not guarded by officers. [31] This means that 40% of crossings escape the supervision of PT KAI which is fully responsible for ensuring traffic safety and security as stated in Law Number 23 of 2007, articles 31, 32, 33, 34 and 124 which have been ratified by the legislature.

Addition of new lines

Since 2015, the government has planned to improve railway infrastructure in Indonesia by adding new lines, reactivating inactive lines and also making double tracks, not only in the Java corridor, but also in other corridors such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. [32] [33]

The following is the development of railway networks outside Java from the 2015–2019 Railway Strategic Program:

Sumatra Island Corridor

Construction of Inter-City Railways/Trans Sumatra:

  • New Bireun-Lhokseumawe-Langsa-Besitang railway line
  • New Rantauprapat-Duri-Dumai railway line
  • New Duri-Pekanbaru railway line
  • New Pekanbaru-Muaro railway line
  • New Pekabaru-Jambi-Palembang railway line
  • New Simpang-Tanjung Api-Api railway line
  • Double track Prabumulih-Kertapati railway
  • Double track Baturaja-Martapura
  • Muara Enim-Lahat double track railway
  • Cempaka-Tanjung Karang double track railway
  • Sukamenanti-Tarahan double track railway
  • Rejosari/KM3-Bakauheni new railway line

Reactivation of Railway Lines:

Upgrading of Urban Railway Lines/Double Track/Electrification:

  • Medan Urban (Medan-Araskabu-Kualanamu Double Track Railway)
  • Padang Urban (Padang-BIM and Padang-Pariaman)
  • Batam Urban (Batam Center-Hang Nadim Airport)
  • Palembang Urban (Monorail)

Airport Access Railway Construction:

  • Kualanamu Airport, Medan (capacity increase)
  • Minangkabau International Airport, Padang
  • Hang Nadim Airport, Batam
  • Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport

Construction of Port Access Railway:

  • Lhokseumawe Port
  • Belawan Port
  • Kualatanjung Port
  • Dumai Port
  • Tanjung Api-Api Port
  • Panjang Port
  • Bakauheni Port

Kalimantan Island Corridor

Construction of Special/Coal/Port Access Railway (PPP Scheme):

  • Muara Wahau-Muara Bengalon
  • Murung Raya-West Kutai-Paser-Panajam Paser Utara-Balikpapan
  • Puruk Cahu-Mangkatib

Construction of Intercity/Trans Kalimantan Railway:

  • New railway line Tanjung-Paringin-Barabai-Rantau-Martapura-Banjarmasin
  • New railway line Balikpapan-Samarinda
  • New railway line Tanjung-Balikpapan
  • New railway line Banjarmasin-Palangkaraya
  • New railway line Palangkaraya – Sangau-Pontianak-State Border
  • New railway line Samarinda-Sangata-Tanjung Redep-State Border

Construction of Airport Access Railway:

  • Syamsuddin Noor Airport

Sulawesi Island Corridor

Construction of Inter-City Railway/Trans Sulawesi:

  • New railway line Manado-Bitung
  • New railway line Bitung-Gorontalo-Isimu
  • New railway line Pare Pare-Mamuju
  • New railway line Makassar-Pare Pare (Currently Segment: Mandai – Barru which will operate on 28 December 2023 including the Garongkong branch)
  • New railway line Makassar-Sangatminasa-Takalar-Bulukumba-Watampone
  • New railway line Mamuju-Palu-Isimu

Urban Railway Development:

  • Makassar City and Surrounding Areas
  • Manado City

Airport/Port Access Railway Development:

  • Sultan Hasanuddin Airport
  • Garonggong Port, New Makassar Port
  • Bitung Port

Papua Island Corridor

  • The development of a new railway line in Papua is only planned for one, namely for the Sorong-Manokwari line.

Active railways

List of active railway in Indonesia

Train lines at Cikampek Station. Jalur kereta api di Stasiun Cikampek..jpg
Train lines at Cikampek Station.

The following is a list of railway lines that are still active in Indonesia. This line does not include all railway lines in Indonesia; for inactive railway lines in Indonesia please see inactive railway lines in Indonesia. The list of active railway lines below is arranged according to the railway line number.


Active railway lines in Java
Line numberRailway lineSegmentDate of inaugurationCompany that inauguratedOperatorType
1 Anyer Kidul–Kampung Bandan Tanah AbangRangkasbitung 1 October 1899 Staatsspoorwegen Western lines KAI Commuter Double
Rangkasbitung–Serang 1 July 1900Single
Serang–Krenceng with a branch towards Anyer Kidul 20 December 1900 KAI Logistics
CilegonMerak 1 December 1914KAI Commuter
Jakarta–Kota IntenAngke–Duri2 January 1899Double
2 Tangerang–Duri Tangerang–Duri2 January 1899
Segment Batu CeperSoekarno-Hatta Airport 26 December 2017 KAI Commuter
Jakarta-Cross Tanjung Priuk–Ancol–Jakarta2 November 1885Western State Lines
Tanah Abang–Manggarai1 August 1922Western State Lines
3 Jakarta Kota–Cikampek Jakarta–Pasar Senen–Jatinegara–Bekasi– Karawang 1887Bataviasche Oosterspoorweg MaatschappijJakarta Operational Area IDouble (Jakarta Kota–Jatinegara)
Double (Jatinegara–Bekasi)
Double (Bekasi–Karawang)
Karawang–Cikampek 27 December 1902Western Railway LinesDouble
Cikampek–Padalarang Cikampek–PurwakartaPadalarang 27 December 1902Bandung Operational Area IIPartial double
Padalarang–Kasugihan Padalarang–Bandung (with line 4)17 May 1884Double
4 Jakarta Kota–Bogor–Padalarang Jakarta–Bogor 31 January 1873 [34] Netherlands-Indies Railway Operation Area I Jakarta (Jakarta KotaManggarai)
KAI Commuter (Manggarai–Bogor)
Bogor–Cicurug 5 October 1881Western RailwaysOperation Area I Jakarta
Cicurug–Sukabumi 21 March 1882Single
Sukabumi–Cianjur 20 May 1883Operational Area II Bandung
Cianjur–Padalarang17 May 1884
5 Cikampek–Cirebon Prujakan Cikampek–Cirebon Prujakan 3 June 1912Operational Area III CirebonDouble
6, 12 Cirebon Prujakan–Prupuk–Tegal triangle Cirebon Prujakan–Tegal 1897 Semarang-Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij Operation Area III Cirebon (Cirebon–Brebes)
Operation Area IV Semarang (Brebes–Tegal)
Tegal–Prupuk (together with line 7)1885, extended

1 July 1916

Javasche Spoorweg Maatschappij, taken over by SCSOperation Area V PurwokertoSingle
Tegal–Brumbung Tegal–Semarang Tawang 1897Semarang-Cheribon Stoomtram MaatschappijOperation Area IV SemarangDouble
7Cirebon Prujakan–Prupuk–Tegal triangleCirebon Prujakan–Prupuk1 July 1916Western State RailwaysCirebon Operations Area III (Cirebon–Ketanggungan)
Purwokerto Operations Area V (Ketanggungan–Prupuk
Prupuk–Kroya Prupuk–Patuguran 1 January 1917Purwokerto Operations Area V
Patuguran–Kroya 1 July 1916
Kroya–Cilacap Kroya–Maos–Cilacap (together with lines 8 and 9)20 July 1887Single
8 Kroya–Kutoarjo Kroya–Kutoarjo Double
Kutoarjo–Solo Balapan Kutoarjo–Yogyakarta Operational Area V Purwokerto (Kutoarjo–Jenar)
Operational Area VI Yogyakarta (Jenar–Yogyakarta)
Branch to Yogyakarta International Airport Kedundang-Yogyakarta International Airport 27 August 2021 Directorate General of Railways KAI Airport
Branching to Karangtalun GumilirKarangtalun 20 July 1887Western Railway StationsKAI LogisticsSingle
9 Padalarang–Kasugihan Bandung–Cicalengka 10 September 1884Operation Area II BandungDouble (Bandung–Haurpugur)
Single (Haurpugur–Cicalengka)
Cicalengka–Cibatu 14 August 1889Single
Cibatu–Tasikmalaya 16 September 1893
Tasikmalaya–Banjar 1 November 1894
Banjar–KasugihanOperational Area V Purwokerto
11 Cibatu-Cikajang Cibatu-Garut 14 August 1889Operational Area II Bandung
13Tegal–BrumbungSemarang–Brumbung 1867–1873 Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij Operational Area IV SemarangDouble
Brumbung–Gundih–Gambringan triangle Brumbung–Gambringan 1912
Gambringan–Surabaya Pasarturi Gambringan–Surabaya Pasarturi Operation Area IV Semarang (Gambringan–Cepu)
Operation Area VIII Surabaya (Cepu–Surabaya Pasarturi)
14Brumbung–Gundih–Gambringan triangleBrumbung–Gundih 1867–1870 [35] Operating Area IV SemarangSingle
Gundih–Solo Balapan Gundih–Solo Balapan 10 February 1870 [35] Yogyakarta Operations Area VI
Branching to Adi Soemarmo International Airport Kadipiro-Adi Soemarmo 29 December 2019Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia
Kutoarjo–Solo BalapanYogyakarta–Solo Balapan1871–1872 [35] Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg MaatschappijDouble
16 Solo Balapan–Kertosono (together with line 21) Solo JebresSragen 24 May 1884Staatsspoorwegen OosterlijnenDouble
Sragen–Ngawi 1 March 1884Yogyakarta Operations Area VI (Sragen–Kedungbanteng)
Operation Area VII Madiun (Ngawi–Jombang)
Ngawi–Madiun 2 July 1883
Madiun–Nganjuk 1 July 1882
Nganjuk–Kertosono 1 October 1881
Kertosono–Wonokromo (together with lines 21 and 22)Kertosono–Sembung 25 June 1881
Sembung–Mojokerto 27 February 1881Operation Area VIII Surabaya
Mojokerto–Pull 16 October 1880
Pull–Along 1 July 1897
Along–Wonokromo Single
Branch to Sidoarjo 16 October 1880
Purwosari–Wonogiri Segment to Solo City1892–1899 Solosche Tramweg Maatschappij Yogyakarta Operations Area VI
Continuation towards Wonogiri 1 April 1922Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij
20 Kandangan–Sumari Kandangan– Indro 1914–1916Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg MaatschappijKAI Commuter
21 Surabaya Line Wonokromo–Surabaya City (together with lines 22, 23, 24)16 May 1878Staatsspoorwegen OosterlijnenOperations Area VIII SurabayaDouble
Branch line to Benteng (Prins Hendrik) via Sidotopo 1905KAI LogistikSingle
Surabaya City–Kalimas 1 January 1886
Surabaya Pasarturi–Kalimas1912Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij
Surabaya Pasarturi–Gubeng shortcut19 May 2011Directorate General of RailwaysOperations Region VIII Surabaya
22 Kertosono–Bangil Kertosono–Kediri 13 August 1882Staatsspoorwegen OoterlijnenOperation Area VII Madiun
Kediri–Tulungagung 2 June 1883
23Tulungagung–Blitar (with line 22)10 June 1884
Blitar–Wlingi (with line 22)10 January 1896Operation Area VII Madiun (Blitar–Kesamben)
Operation Area VIII Surabaya (Kesamben–Wlingi)
Wlingi–Kepanjen SS30 January 1897Operation Area VIII Surabaya
Kepanjen–Malang 5 January 1896
Malang–Lawang 20 July 1879
Lawang–Sengon 1 May 1879
Sengon–Bangil 1 November 1879
24 Wonokromo–Bangil WonokromoBangil (with line 23)16 May 1878
Bangil–Kalisat Bangil–Pasuruan Jember IX Operational Area
Pasuruan–Probolinggo 3 May 1884
Probolinggo–Klakah 1 July 1895
Klakah–Jember 1 June 1897
25Jember–Kalisat 1 October 1897
Kalisat–Banyuwangi KalisatMrawan 10 September 1902
Mrawan–Kabat 2 February 1903
Kabat–Ketapang 1985State Railway Company


NameTermination station and main stopsProvinces servedType
Whoosh DKI Jakarta, West JavaMain line (350 km/h)
Northern Java line Jakarta, Cirebon, Semarang, and Surabaya DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, and East Java
  • Main line (120 km/h)
    • Jakarta–Surabaya
  • Branch line
    • Semarang–Surakarta
    • Surabaya–Banyuwangi
Southern Java line Bandung, Yogyakarta, Madiun, and Surabaya with branches to Cirebon and Malang West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, and East Java
  • Main line (120 km/h)
    • Bandung–Surabaya
  • Branch line
    • Cibatu–Garut
    • Maos–Cilacap
    • Cirebon–Purwokerto–Kroya
    • Kertosono–Blitar
    • Cikampek–Bandung


Line numberRailway lineSegmentDate of inaugurationInaugurating companyArea of operationSingle/double?
Krueng Mane–Krueng Geukueh Kr. Mane– Kr. Geukueh 1,435 mm with new station1 December 2013Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia

PT Kereta Api Indonesia

(the line uses the results of joint research by the Directorate General of Railways and SNCF, France)

Divre I of North Sumatra and Aceh Single
DSM Belawan–Medan Belawan–Labuan16 February 1888 Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij
Labuan–Medan25 July 1886
Besitang–Medan Kuala Bingei-Binjai–Medan1 May 1887
Medan–Tebing Tinggi Medan–Serdang1 July 1889Single (double only Bandar Khalipah–Araskabu segment)
Serdang–Perbaungan7 February 1890Single
Bamban–Tebing Tinggi3 March 1903
Branch to Kualanamu International Airport25 July 2013Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of IndonesiaDouble
DSM Tebing Tinggi–Kisaran Tebing Tinggi–Kisaran1915Deli Spoorweg MaatschappijSingle
Bandar Tinggi–Kuala Tanjung branchDirectorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia
DSM Tebing Tinggi–Siantar 5 May 1916
Kisaran–Tanjungbalai 1915
Kisaran–Rantau Prapat–KotapinangKisaran–Rantau Prapat1937
SSS 1 Bukit Putus–Lubuk Alung Teluk Bayur–Padang (hanya langsir)1 Oktober 1892 Staatsspoorwegen ter Sumatra's Westkust Divre II Sumatera Barat
Padang–Lubuk Alung1 Juli 1891
Lubuk Alung–Sawahlunto Lubuk Alung–Kayu Tanam
SSS 2 Lubuk Alung–Naras Lubuk Alung–Pariaman9 Desember 1908
Pariaman–Naras1 Januari 1911
Bukit Putus–Indarung 16 November 1979PJKA
Percabangan menuju Bandara Minangkabau21 Mei 2018Ditjen KA, Kemenhub RI
ZSS 2 Lubuklinggau–Prabumulih Lubuklinggau–Muara Enim1920–1933 Zuid-Sumatra Staatsspoorwegen Divre III Palembang Tunggal (Ganda mulai dari Muara Enim)
Muara Enim–Gunung Megang2 April 1917Ganda
Gunung Megang–Prabumulih1 Desember 1916
ZSS 1 Prabumulih–Kertapati 1 November 1915
LRT Lintas Rel Terpadu Palembang 1 Agustus 2018Ditjen KA, Kemenhub RI
ZSS 1 Prabumulih–Panjang Prabumulih–Peninjawan15 September 1922 Zuid-Sumatra Staatsspoorwegen Divre IV Tanjungkarang Tunggal
Peninjawan–Baturaja1 Juli 1923
Baturaja–Martapura16 November 1925Ganda
Martapura–Negararatu21 Maret 1927Tunggal (ganda pada segmen Cempaka–Giham)
Negararatu–Cempaka1 Mei 1926
Cempaka–Kotabumi1 Juni 1923Tunggal
Kotabumi–Blambangan Pagar2 Januari 1921
Blambangan Pagar–Haji Pemanggilan1 Februari 1918
Haji Pemanggilan–Tegineneng1 Februari 1917
Tegineneng–Labuanratu1 November 1915
Labuanratu–Tanjungkarang1 Maret 1915
Tanjungkarang–Pidada3 Agustus 1914
Jalur menuju Tarahan


Makassar-Parepare railway map (in Indonesian) MAKASSAR - PAREPARE RAILWAY.jpg
Makassar-Parepare railway map (in Indonesian)

The Makassar–Parepare railway line is a railway line approximately 145 kilometers long that connects Makassar City and Parepare City in South Sulawesi. This line is the first stage of the construction of the Trans-Sulawesi railway line. The line from Mandai Station to Garongkong Station, as well as the branch from Labakkang Station to Mangilu Station are lines that have been built and are already in operation. The ground breaking of Makassar–Parepare route was conducted on 18 August 2014 in, Siawung Village, Barru District, Barru Regency. On early November 2022, 66 kilometres (41 mi) of railway from Barru to Pangkep was inaugurated and operational. As of 2022, it is the only operational part of the railway. [36] [37] The provision of railway infrastructure and facilities for the Makassar-Parepare line is carried out by different operators. The provision of railway infrastructure, which includes the construction, operation, and maintenance of the railway line, is carried out by PT Celebes Railway Indonesia. Meanwhile, the provision of railway facilities is carried out by the South Sulawesi Railway Consortium, which is a joint venture between PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) and PT Sulsel Citra Indonesia (Perseroda).


List of defunct railways in Indonesia

Span of the former Batavia Noord railroad bridge on the line leading to Batavia NIS Station. Bentang jembatan rel bekas jalur Batavia Noord..jpg
Span of the former Batavia Noord railroad bridge on the line leading to Batavia NIS Station.

Defunct railway in Indonesia are railway lines that once existed and were used as passenger transportation and/or freight transportation in Indonesia, but are now no longer functioning, and in some places, there are even no traces of them anymore.

According to data from the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia as of 2017, there are 2,723 kilometers of inactive railway lines in Indonesia out of a total of 8,157 kilometers that were in operation as of 1939. [38] So that within a period of 78 years (1939-2017), there is a tendency for a decrease in the infrastructure of the operated railway lines.

A view of the span of the Salemba line railway bridge on the Cikini-Salemba line. Tampak bentang jembatan KA jalur Salemba..jpg
A view of the span of the Salemba line railway bridge on the Cikini-Salemba line.

The tabulation of railroad lines is based on their crossing numbers in the Buku Jarak untuk Angkutan Barang Jawa dan Madura (Distance Book for Goods Transportation in Java and Madura) published by PJKA in 1982, unless otherwise stated. [39]

Remains of the bridge under Jayakarta Station (JAKK direction) from the Manggarai-Jakarta Kota lines while still on the ground. Sisa jembatan jalur bawah Stasiun Jayakarta (arah JAKK)..jpg
Remains of the bridge under Jayakarta Station (JAKK direction) from the Manggarai-Jakarta Kota lines while still on the ground.


Pre-independence inactivity

There are railroad lines that were successfully reactivated by Djawatan Kereta Api Republik Indonesia (DKARI) in the early days of independence. This reactivated line is considered important and has high economic potential so it needs to be reactivated. In addition, there are railroad lines that are considered important for military movements. [40] However, among the lines that DKARI successfully reactivated, many of them were deactivated for the second time in the 1970s to 1990s in the PJKA era.

Railroad lineDate inauguratedDate closedInaugurating company
Tasikmalaya-Singaparna 1 June 19111943 [41] [42] Staatsspoorwegen
Rancaekek-Tanjungsari 13 February 1921 [43] 1942 [41]
Dayeuhkolot-Majalaya 3 March 1922 [43] 1942 [41]
Jatibarang–Karangampel 1 May 1926 [44] 1 November 1932 [45]
Tulungagung–Tugu 15 July 1921 (segment Tulungagung–Campurdarat)
1 Juli 1922 (segment Campurdarat–Tugu) [46]
1 November 1932 [47]
Ponorogo–Badegan 1907–19221943 [41] [46]
Bedilan–Waruduwur 18971943 [41] [46] Semarang–Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij
Weleri-Besokor 1 April 1901
Pekalongan–Wonopringgo 7 February 1916 (segment Pekalongan–Kedungwuni)
1 December 1916 (segment Kedungwuni–Wonopringgo)
1943 [41] [46]
Klangenan-Gunung Giwur 1 July 19221933
Maos-Purwokerto Timur 16 July 18961943 [41] Serajoedal Stoomtram Maatschappij
Spiritus Factory Wates-Mojokerto Kota-Gemekan- Ngoro/Dinoyo 1889–19091943 [41] [42] Oost-Java Stoomtram Maatschappij
Warungdowo-Ngempit railroad 1 December 19121932 Pasoeroean Stoomtram Maatschappij
Mayong-Welahan 10 November 1900 [46] 1942 [41] Samarang–Joana Stoomtram Maatschappij
Semarang tram lines 1882–18991940
Kudus–Mayong–Pecangaan (segment Bakalan–Pecangaan) 6 September 1887 (segment Kudus–Mayong)
5 May 1895 (segment Mayong–Pecangaan) [46]
1942 [41]
Jalur-jalur cabang KSM (except Pare–Pelem–Papar, dismantled during the Dutch Military Aggression II) 1897–19001943 [41] [46] Kediri Stoomtram Maatschappij
Kepanjen–Gondanglegi 10 Juni 19001943 [41] [46] Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij
Ngabean–Pundong 1917–19191943 [41] [46] Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij
Kelanjutan jalur kereta api Yogyakarta–Palbapang, menuju Sewugalur 21 May 1895 [48] 1943 [41] [46]
Segmen Sumari–Gresik 1 Juni 19021943
Cabang-cabang Stasiun Samarang 1868–19241924-1942/1943
Post-independence inactivity
Lines numbers in the 1982 distance tableRailroad lineDate inauguratedCompany that inauguratedAsset territoryReactivation status
1 (Banten) Labuan-Pandeglang 18 June 1906 [43] Staatsspoorwegen I Jakarta Dark Red x.svg
Rangkasbitung-Pandeglang Check-green.svg
Cigading–Anyer Kidul 20 December 1900 [43] Dark Red x.svg
2 (Lintas Jakarta) Pegangsaan–Salemba 1904 [43] Dark Red x.svg
5 (Jakarta–Cirebon) Jatibarang–Indramayu 8 June 1912 [49] III Cirebon Dark Red x.svg
6/12 (Semarang–Cirebon) Kalibodri–Kendal–Kaliwungu 2 May–1 November 1897 [50] Semarang–Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij IV Semarang Dark Red x.svg
8 (Cilacap–Yogyakarta) Kutoarjo–Purworejo 20 July 1887 [43] Staatsspoorwegen V Purwokerto Check-green.svg (Activated by the end of 2023)
SS Tram Cikampek Cikampek–Cilamaya 1 July 1909 [43] I Jakarta Dark Red x.svg
Cikampek–Wadas 15 July 1912 [43] Dark Red x.svg
Karawang–Rengasdengklok 15 June 1919 [43] Dark Red x.svg
Lamaran–Wadas 9 February 1920 [43] Dark Red x.svg
10 (SCS dan SDS) Purwokerto–Wonosobo 1896–1917 [51] Serajoedal Stoomtram Maatschappij V Purwokerto Check-green.svg
Cirebon–Kadipaten 29 December 1901 [52] Semarang–Cheribon Stoomtram Maatschappij III Cirebon Check-green.svg
11 (Bandung Inspection cross-branch) Cikudapateuh–Ciwidey 13 February 1921-17 June 1924 [53] Staatsspoorwegen II Bandung Check-green.svg
Banjar–Cijulang 15 Desember 1916-1 Juni 1921 [43] Check-green.svg
Cikajang-Garut 1 August 1930 [54] Check-green.svg
13 (Pantura Jawa Timur) Wirosari–Kradenan (bersama lintas 18)1 November 1898 [55] Samarang–Joana Stoomtram Maatschappij IV Semarang Dark Red x.svg
14 (Vorstenlanden) Yogyakarta–Palbapang 21 May 1895 [48] Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij VI Yogyakarta Dark Red x.svg
15 (Magelang) Kedungjati–Secang 21 May 1873 and 1 February 1905 [48] [56] [57] [58] IV Semarang (only to Gemawang)

VI Yogyakarta (Gemawang dst.)

Parakan–Secang 1 July 1907 [49] Dark Red x.svg
Yogyakarta–Secang 1 July 1898 [48] and 15 May 1903 [52] Replaced with a new trajectory from DJKA
16 (Solo Raya) Wonogiri–Baturetno 1 October 1923 VI Yogyakarta Dark Red x.svg
Purwosari–Boyolali 1892 [46] [59] Solosche Tramweg Maatschappij Dark Red x.svg
17 (SJS Kudus) Kudus–Mayong–Bakalan 1887-1895 [55] Samarang–Joana Stoomtram Maatschappij IV Semarang Dark Red x.svg
Jurnatan–Demak– Kudus– Juwana– Rembang– Rembang–Lasem 1883–1900 [55] Check-green.svg (Demak-Rembang)
Juwana–Tayu 1899–1900 [55] Dark Red x.svg
18 (SJS Blora) Demak–Purwodadi– Wirosari–Blora 1888–1894 [55] Dark Red x.svg
Rembang–Blora –Cepu 1901–1903 [55] Dark Red x.svg
Purwodadi–Gundih 28 November 1884 [54] Poerwodadie–Goendih Stoomtram Maatschappij Dark Red x.svg
19 (around Bojonegoro) Lasem–Bojonegoro 1914–1919 Samarang–Joana Stoomtram Maatschappij dan Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij IV Semarang dan VIII Surabaya Check-green.svg (Contained in the contents of the Annex to Presidential Regulation No. 80/2019)
Merakurak–Babat 1 Agustus 1920 [52] Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij VIII Surabaya Check-green.svg (Contained in the contents of the Annex to Presidential Regulation No. 80/2019)
Babat–Jombang 1899–1902 Babat–Djombang Stoomtram Maatschappij VII Madiun Check-green.svg
20 (Gresik) Gresik–Indro Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij VIII Surabaya Check-green.svg
21 (Tram OJS Surabaya) Surabaya tram lines 1898

1923 (electric tram)

Oost-Java Stoomtram Maatschappij Dark Red x.svg
23 (Greater Malang) Malang Kotalama–Gondanglegi– Dampit 1897–1899 Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij Dark Red x.svg
Blimbing–Tumpang 1901–1903Dark Red x.svg
Malang Kotalama–Blimbing–Singosari Dark Red x.svg
25 (Banyuwangi) Rogojampi–Benculuk 1921–1922 Staatsspoorwegen IX Jember Dark Red x.svg
Kabat-Banyuwangi 2 February 1903Dark Red x.svg
26 (Jember Inspection cross-line) Klakah–Lumajang–Pasirian 16 May 1896Dark Red x.svg
Lumajang–Balung 1927–1928Dark Red x.svg
Rambipuji–Balung–Puger 3 May 1913Dark Red x.svg
Balung–Ambulu Dark Red x.svg
Kalisat–Panarukan 1 October 1897Check-green.svg (Contained in the contents of the Annex to Presidential Regulation No. 80/2019)
Situbondo-Panji 1 May 1912Dark Red x.svg
Probolinggo–Paiton 1897–1898 Probolinggo Stoomtram Maatschappij Dark Red x.svg
Pasuruan–Warung Dowo –Winongan 1896–1898 Pasoeroean Stoomtram Maatschappij Dark Red x.svg
Warung Dowo–Wonorejo 1901Dark Red x.svg
27 (Mojokerto) Mojokerto–Japanan–Porong/Bangil 1898–1899 Modjokerto Stoomtram Maatschappij VIII Surabaya Dark Red x.svg
Bangsal–Pugeran 18 September 1899Dark Red x.svg
28 Jombang–Kediri 7 January 1897 Kediri Stoomtram Maatschappij VII Madiun Dark Red x.svg
Pelem–Papar 8 May 1897Dark Red x.svg
Madiun–Ponorogo– Slahung 1907–1922 Staatsspoorwegen Check-green.svg
33 Krian–Ploso 1912–1921 VIII Surabaya Dark Red x.svg
Rikuyu Sokyuku 1 Saketi–Bayah 1942–1944Rikuyu Sokyoku I Jakarta
Rajapolah-Pirusa 1 Desember 1983 Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api II Bandung Dark Red x.svg


Lines numbers in the 1982 distance tableRailroad lineDate inauguratedCompany that inauguratedAsset territoryReactivation status
29 Madurese lines 1899–1913 Madoera Stoomtram Maatschappij VIII Surabaya Check-green.svg Contained in the contents of the Perpres Appendix No. 80 of 2019 (specifically the Kamal-Sumenep segment)


Lines numberRailroad lineDate inauguratedCompany that inauguratedAsset territoryReactivation status
AT/ASS Aceh Lines 1886–1917 Atjeh Tram/Atjeh Staatsspoorwegen Divre I Medan Replaced with a new trase from DJKA
DSM Besitang–Medan
(segmen Besitang-Kuala Bingai)
1887–1919 Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij Check-green.svg
Medan–Batu/Pancur Batu dan Delitua 4 September 1887, October 1907, dan 1916 [54] Dark Red x.svg
Lubuk Pakam–Bangun Purba 10 April 1904 [54] Dark Red x.svg
Binjai–Kuala 1890–1902Dark Red x.svg
Tanjungbalai-Teluk Nibung 1915Dark Red x.svg
SSS Padangpanjang–Payakumbuh–Limbanang 1891–1896 Staatsspoorwegen ter Sumatra's Westkust Divre II Padang Check-green.svg
Lubuk Alung–Sawahlunto
(segmen Kayutanam–Muarakalaban)
Muarakalaban–Muaro 1 March 1924 [60] Check-green.svg
Naras–Sungai Limau 1 January 1911Check-green.svg
Percabangan menuju Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur 1 October 1892Dark Red x.svg
ZSS Garuntang-Telukbetung 27 May 1921 Zuid-Sumatra Staatsspoorwegen Divre IV Tanjungkarang Dark Red x.svg
Tanjung Enim Baru-Tanjung Enim 1 September 1910Dark Red x.svg
Pekanbaru–Muaro 15 August 1945Rikuyu Sokyoku Divre II Padang Replaced with a new trase from DJKA


Lines numberRailroad lineDate inauguratedCompany that inauguratedAsset territoryReactivation status
STC 1 Pasarbutung–Takalar (lintas STC) 1 July 1923 [61] Staatstramwegen op Celebes

(Grup Staatsspoorwegen)

-Replaced with a new trase from DJKA

See also

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Cikampek Station (CKP) is a large class type B railway station located in Cikampek Kota, Cikampek, Karawang Regency. The station, which is located at an altitude of +46 meters, is the station that is located in the easternmost part of the Operational Area I Jakarta and Karawang Regency, and is the largest railway station in Karawang Regency.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Purwakarta railway station</span> Railway station in Indonesia

Purwakarta Station (PWK) is a class I railway station located in Nagritengah, Purwakarta, Purwakarta Regency. The station, which is located at an altitude of +84 meters, is included in the Operational Area II Bandung. This station is located very close to the Purwakarta regent's office which can be reached on foot.


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