List of European Council meetings

Last updated

This is a list of meetings of the European Council (informally referred to as EU summits); the meetings of the European Council, an institution of the European Union (EU) comprising heads of state or government of EU member states. They started in 1975 as tri-annual meetings. The number of meetings grew to minimum four per year between 1996 and 2007, and minimum six per year since 2008. From 2008 to 2019, an average of seven council meetings per year took place. A record number of meetings (13) were held during 2020 - although mostly as informal video conferences; as the meeting frequency and format was changed this specific year by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2021, an average of eight council meetings per year took place (see list below).


Since 2008, an annual average of two special Euro summits were also organized in addition – and often in parallel – to the EU summits. As the agenda of Euro summits is restricted solely to discuss issues for the eurozone and only invite political leaders of the eurozone member states, such meetings are not counted as European Councils. Neither are any of the Tripartite Social Summits, that were held bi-annually since May 2021 between the EU Council presidency, Council President, Commission President and the European social partners at top management level (BusinessEurope, European Trade Union Confederation, SGI Europe, SMEunited and CEC European Managers).

The current practice is that meetings are always called and organized to the extent found needed by the European Council president. The upcoming ordinary meetings are scheduled by the end of each semester, by the issuance of a call letter. In 2011-2020 meetings were scheduled and called for the third following semester (minimum one year in advance), [1] but this changed to minimum 6 months in advance for 2021-2023, [2] while meetings in 2024 were only called shortly before the first meeting of the specific semester in concern; [3] although they have again been called minimum one year in advance since 2025. [4]

The ordinary mettings can take form either as "scheduled ordinary meetings" (always resulting in a published document entitled "conclusions") or "informal ordinary meetings" (never resulting in a published document entitled "conclusions" - but instead often with a published document entitled "statement" or "declaration"). A called scheduled/informal ordinary upcoming meeting might occasionally be moved or cancelled within a short notice, with such change then being notified by the Council president through the issue of a revised calendar plan for the ordinary meetings within the semester in concern. If extra meetings are called outside the procedure of notification by an issued call letter for the upcoming semester in concern, meaning when they are called at short notice to be held within an ongoing semester, then they are referred to as "extraordinary meetings". The phrase "special meeting" is synonymously used for an "extraordinary meeting".

Extraordinary meetings can - just like the ordinary meetings - be held either in a formal or informal format. The list does not specify whether or not an extraordinary meeting was formal or informal, but this can be indirectly observed when checking the title of the published document summarizing the outcome of the meeting, as "conclusions" can only be published if the extraordinary meeting had a formal format.


The first seven summit meetings were held between 1961 and 1974, but this was before the formal establishment of the European Council. Some sources however consider them to be the informal seven first meetings of the European Council. [5]


#YearDateType EU Council presidency President-in-Office Commission President Host cityNotes
1197510–11 MarchFlag of Ireland.svg Ireland Liam Cosgrave François-Xavier Ortoli Dublin Inaugural formal Council
216–17 JulyFlag of Italy.svg Italy Aldo Moro Brussels
31–2 DecemberRome Established TREVI
419761–2 AprilFlag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg Gaston Thorn Luxembourg

512–13 JulyFlag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Joop den Uyl Brussels
629–30 November The Hague
7197725–27 MarchFlag of the United Kingdom.svg UK James Callaghan Roy Jenkins Rome
829–30 JuneLondon
95–6 DecemberFlag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium Leo Tindemans Brussels
1019787–8 AprilFlag of Denmark.svg Denmark Anker Jørgensen Copenhagen
116–7 JulyFlag of Germany.svg West Germany Helmut Schmidt Bremen
124–5 DecemberBrussels
13197912–13 MarchFlag of France.svg France Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Paris
1421–22 June Strasbourg
1529–30 NovemberFlag of Ireland.svg Ireland Jack Lynch Dublin


#YearDateType EU Council presidency President-in-Office Commission President Host cityNotes
16198017–18 AprilFlag of Italy.svg Italy Francesco Cossiga Roy Jenkins Luxembourg
1712–13 June Venice
181–2 DecemberFlag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg Pierre Werner Luxembourg
19198123–24 MarchFlag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Dries van Agt Gaston Thorn Maastricht
2029–30 JuneLuxembourg
2126–27 NovemberFlag of the United Kingdom.svg UK Margaret Thatcher London
22198229–30 MarchFlag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium Wilfried Martens Brussels
2328–29 JuneBrussels
243–4 DecemberFlag of Denmark.svg Denmark Poul Schlüter Copenhagen
25198321–22 MarchFlag of Germany.svg West Germany Helmut Kohl Brussels
2617–19 June Stuttgart
274–6 DecemberFlag of Greece.svg Greece Andreas Papandreou Athens
28198419–20 MarchFlag of France.svg France François Mitterrand Brussels
2925–26 June Fontainebleau British rebate agreed
303–4 DecemberFlag of Ireland.svg Ireland Garret FitzGerald Dublin
31198529–30 MarchFlag of Italy.svg Italy Bettino Craxi Jacques Delors Brussels Initiated the IGC leading to the Single European Act
3228–29 June Milan
332–3 DecemberFlag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg Jacques Santer Luxembourg
34198626–27 JuneFlag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Ruud Lubbers The Hague
355–6 DecemberFlag of the United Kingdom.svg UKMargaret ThatcherLondon
36198729–30 JuneFlag of Belgium (civil).svg BelgiumWilfried MartensBrussels
374–5 DecemberFlag of Denmark.svg DenmarkPoul SchlüterCopenhagen
38198811–13 FebruaryFlag of Germany.svg West GermanyHelmut KohlBrussels
3927–28 June Hanover
402–3 DecemberFlag of Greece.svg GreeceAndreas Papandreou Rhodes
41198926–27 JuneFlag of Spain.svg Spain Felipe González Madrid
4218 NovemberInformalFlag of France.svg FranceFrançois MitterrandParis
438–9 DecemberStrasbourg European Council endorses German reunification
despite some Anglo-French opposition.


Plaque commemorating the 1999 European Council meeting in Tampere Muistomerkki Tampereen EU-huippukokouksesta vuonna 1999.jpg
Plaque commemorating the 1999 European Council meeting in Tampere
#YearDateType EU Council presidency President-in-Office Commission President Host cityNotes
44199028 AprilExtraordinaryFlag of Ireland.svg Ireland Charles Haughey Jacques DelorsDublin
4525–26 JuneDublin
4627–28 OctoberFlag of Italy.svg Italy Giulio Andreotti Rome
4714–15 DecemberRome
4819918 AprilInformalFlag of Luxembourg.svg LuxembourgJacques SanterLuxembourg
4928–29 JuneLuxembourg
509–10 DecemberFlag of the Netherlands.svg NetherlandsRuud Lubbers Maastricht Signing of the Treaty of Maastricht
51199227 JuneFlag of Portugal.svg Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva Lisbon
5216 OctoberFlag of the United Kingdom.svg UK John Major Birmingham
5311–12 December Edinburgh
54199321–22 JuneFlag of Denmark.svg Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen Copenhagen Copenhagen criteria agreed
5529 OctoberFlag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium Jean-Luc Dehaene Brussels
5610–11 DecemberBrussels
57199424–25 JuneFlag of Greece.svg GreeceAndreas Papandreou Corfu Signing of the Accession Treaty of Austria, Finland,
Sweden and Norway (Norway did not ratify)
5815 JulyExtraordinaryFlag of Germany.svg GermanyHelmut KohlBrussels
599–10 December Essen
60199526–27 JuneFlag of France.svg France Jacques Chirac Jacques Santer Cannes
6122–23 OctoberExtraordinaryFlag of Spain.svg SpainFelipe González Majorca
6215–16 DecemberMadrid
63199629 MarchFlag of Italy.svg Italy Lamberto Dini Turin
6421–22 June Romano Prodi Florence
655 OctoberExtraordinaryFlag of Ireland.svg Ireland John Bruton Dublin
6613–14 DecemberDublin
67199723 MayInformalFlag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Wim Kok Noordwijk
6816–17 June Amsterdam Signed Treaty of Amsterdam
6920–21 NovemberExtraordinaryFlag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker Luxembourg Extraordinary European Council on Employment
7012–13 DecemberLuxembourg
7119983 MayExtraordinaryFlag of the United Kingdom.svg UK Tony Blair BrusselsSpecial Council on the Euro decides the 11 states
which would enter the third stage of EMU
7215–16 June Cardiff
7324–25 OctoberInformalFlag of Austria.svg Austria Viktor Klima Pörtschach
7411–12 December Vienna
75199926 FebruaryInformalFlag of Germany.svg Germany Gerhard Schröder Königswinter
7624–25 March Manuel Marin (Interim)Berlin
7714 AprilInformalBrussels
783–4 June Cologne Details below table
7915–16 OctoberExtraordinaryFlag of Finland.svg Finland Paavo Lipponen Romano Prodi Tampere Special meeting on justice and home affairs
8010–11 December Helsinki


#YearDateType EU Council presidency President-in-Office Commission President Host cityNotes
81200023–24 MarchFlag of Portugal.svg Portugal António Guterres Romano Prodi Lisbon Agreed Lisbon Strategy
8219–20 June Santa Maria da Feira Agreement to allow entry of Greece to the Eurozone
8313–14 OctoberInformalFlag of France.svg FranceJacques Chirac Biarritz
847–10 December Nice Signed Treaty of Nice
85200123–24 MarchFlag of Sweden.svg Sweden Göran Persson Stockholm
8615–16 June Gothenburg Enlargement, sustainable development, economic growth
and structural reform, in addition to an EU-US summit
8721 SeptemberExtraordinaryFlag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium Guy Verhofstadt Brussels Emergency council – Terrorism
8819 OctoberInformal Ghent
8914–15 December Laeken Details below table
90200215–16 MarchFlag of Spain.svg Spain José María Aznar López Barcelona
9121–22 June Seville Decided to reorganise the Council formations
to achieve greater focus and efficiency
9224–25 OctoberFlag of Denmark.svg Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen Brussels
9312–13 DecemberCopenhagen
94200317 FebruaryExtraordinaryFlag of Greece.svg Greece Costas Simitis BrusselsIraq crisis – Presidency conclusions
9520–21 MarchBrussels Presidency conclusions
9616 AprilInformalAthensSigning of the Treaty of Accession 2003, [6]
Declaration on Iraq European Convention
9719–20 June Thessaloniki Presidency conclusions of the June 2003 meeting
984 OctoberExtraordinaryFlag of Italy.svg Italy Silvio Berlusconi RomeBeginning of IGC on EU Constitution
9916–17 OctoberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the October 2003 meeting
10012–13 DecemberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the December 2003 meeting
101200425–26 MarchFlag of Ireland.svg Ireland Bertie Ahern Brussels Declaration on combating terrorism
Presidency conclusions of the March 2004 meeting
10217–18 JuneBrussels Presidency conclusions of the June 2004 meeting
1034–5 NovemberFlag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Jan Peter Balkenende Brussels Presidency conclusions of the November 2004 meeting
10416–17 December José Manuel Barroso Brussels Presidency conclusions of the December 2004 meeting
105200522–23 MarchFlag of Luxembourg.svg LuxembourgJean-Claude JunckerBrussels Presidency conclusions of the March 2005 meeting
10616–17 JuneBrussels Declaration on the ratification of
the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe

Presidency conclusions of the June 2005 meeting
10727 OctoberInformalFlag of the United Kingdom.svg UKTony Blair London Globalisation
10815–16 DecemberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the December 2005 meeting
109200623–24 MarchFlag of Austria.svg Austria Wolfgang Schüssel Brussels Presidency conclusions of the March 2006 meeting
11015–16 JuneBrusselsAgreement to allow entry of Slovenia to the Eurozone
Presidency conclusions of the June 2006 meeting
11120 OctoberInformalFlag of Finland.svg Finland Matti Vanhanen Lahti Meeting with Vladimir Putin held in Sibelius Hall
11214–15 DecemberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the December 2006 meeting
11320078–9 MarchFlag of Germany.svg Germany Angela Merkel Brussels Presidency conclusions of the March 2007 meeting
11421–22 JuneBrusselsAgreement on basis for the Treaty of Lisbon
Agreement to allow entry of Malta and Cyprus to the Eurozone
Presidency conclusions of the June 2007 meeting
11518–19 OctoberInformalFlag of Portugal.svg Portugal José Sócrates LisbonAgreement reached on the Reform Treaty
Discussed climate change and the US economic crisis. [7]
11614 DecemberBrusselsSignature of Reform Treaty in Lisbon on 13/12
European Council in Brussels the next day
Presidency conclusions of the December 2007 meeting
117200813–14 MarchFlag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia Janez Janša BrusselsAgreed timeframe and principles of energy/climate change policy
Presidency conclusions of the March 2008 meeting
11819–20 JuneBrussels Presidency conclusions of the June 2008 meeting
11913–14 JulyExtraordinaryFlag of France.svg France Nicolas Sarkozy Paris Barcelona process for the Mediterranean
1201 SeptemberExtraordinaryBrusselsExtraordinary summit on EU-Russia relations (Georgia crisis) [8]
Presidency conclusions of the September 2008 meeting
12 October Euro summit Paris Eurozone summit conclusions of October 2008 meeting
12115–16 OctoberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the October 2008 meeting
1227 NovemberInformalBrusselsInformal summit on the financial crisis of 2007–2008
Conclusions from meeting on the Global Financial Crisis
12311–12 DecemberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the December 2008 meeting
12420091 MarchInformalFlag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Republic Mirek Topolánek BrusselsInformal summit on the financial crisis of 2007–2008
Conclusions of the Global Financial Crisis meeting on 1 March 2009
12519–20 MarchBrussels Presidency conclusions of the March 2009 meeting
1265 AprilInformal
(EU-USA summit)
Jan Fischer Prague US President Barack Obama in Prague
Conclusions of the EU-USA relations meeting in April 2009
12718–19 JuneBrussels Icelandic application accepted
Presidency conclusions of the June 2009 meeting
Press conference video: 1 and 2
12817 SeptemberInformalFlag of Sweden.svg Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldt BrusselsPreparation for the 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit
[9] Presidency conclusions of the September 2009 meeting
Press conference video
12929–30 OctoberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the October 2009 meeting
Press conference video
13019 NovemberInformalBrusselsChose the first President of the European Council (Herman Van Rompuy) and the first
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (Catherine Ashton)
Presidency conclusions of the November 2009 meeting
Press conference video
13110–11 DecemberBrussels Presidency conclusions of the December 2009 meeting, Minutes
Press conference video: 1 and 2


Since 2010, all formal (scheduled or extraordinary) European Council meetings have taken place in Brussels and been chaired by a permanent President, as introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon. In February 2010 the exact location was the Solvay Library, subsequent meetings took place at the Justus Lipsius building and since March 2017 at the Europa Building.

#YearDateType EU Council presidency Council President Commission President Agenda, Conclusions and MinutesPress conference
132201011 FebruaryInformalFlag of Spain.svg Spain Herman Van Rompuy
(1st term) [10]
José Manuel Barroso
(2nd term)
Statement. Video
25 March Euro summit Statement.
13325–26 MarchScheduled Conclusions, Minutes Video: 1 and 2
7 May Euro summit Statement. Video
13417 JuneScheduled Conclusions, Minutes Video
13516 SeptemberExtraordinary (special)Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium Conclusions, Minutes, (note: the Ministers of Foreign Affairs were also present in this special European Council) [11] Video
13628–29 OctoberScheduled Conclusions, Minutes Video: 1 and 2
13716–17 DecemberScheduled Conclusions, Minutes Video
13820114 FebruaryScheduledFlag of Hungary.svg Hungary Conclusions, Minutes Video
11 March Euro summit Statement. Video
13911 MarchExtraordinary Declaration on EU policy for actions in Libya and the Southern Neighbourhood region, Minutes Video
14024–25 MarchScheduled [12] Conclusions, Minutes Video: 1 and 2
14123–24 JuneScheduled [12] Website, Conclusions, Minutes and corrigendum Video: 1 and 2
21 July Euro summit Flag of Poland.svg Poland Statement. Video
14223 OctoberScheduled Conclusions, Minutes Video
23–26 October Euro summit Statement. Video: 1 Archived 22 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine and 2 Archived 29 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine
14326 OctoberInformal Website, Statement.
1449 DecemberScheduled [13] Website, Conclusions, Minutes Video: 1 Archived 4 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine and 2 Archived 11 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine
9 December Euro summit Statement
201230 January Euro summit Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark Agreed lines of communication.
14530 JanuaryInformal Website, Statement on growth and jobs, Growth and competitiveness, Foreign policy issues, Fiscal discipline and convergence, Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance. Video Archived 4 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine
1461–2 MarchScheduled [14] Website, Conclusions, Implementation of the European Semester, Fiscal Compact signed, Van Rompuy re-elected president, Minutes and corrigendum Video: 1 Archived 6 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine and 2 Archived 6 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine
2 March Euro summit Statement.
14723 MayInformal [14] Website 1 and 2, Greece: euro area press lines, Tackling youth unemployment. Video [ permanent dead link ]
14828–29 JuneScheduled [14] Herman Van Rompuy
(2nd term) [10]
Website, Conclusions, Towards a genuine EMU (Council edition), European Council programme July 2012 to Dec.2014, Minutes Video: 1 Archived 22 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine and 2 Archived 22 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine
28–29 June Euro summit Statement Video Archived 1 July 2013 at
14918–19 OctoberScheduled [15] Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus Website, Conclusions, Conclusions on completing EMU, Towards a genuine EMU (interim report), Statement on Greece, Minutes Video: 1 [ permanent dead link ] and 2 [ permanent dead link ]
15022‑23 NovemberExtraordinary Website, Statement on EU's Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–20, Minutes Video Archived 22 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine
15113–14 DecemberScheduled [15] Website, Conclusions, Conclusions on completing EMU, Towards a genuine EMU (final report), Agreed position on bank supervision (SSM), Minutes Video 1 and 2 [ permanent dead link ]
15220137–8 FebruaryScheduled [16] Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland Website, Conclusions, Multiannual Financial Framework. Video Archived 22 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine
14 March Euro summit New procedure rules for Euro summits, Presidential Remarks
15314–15 MarchScheduled [16] Website, Conclusions. Video: 1 Archived 22 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine and 2
15422 MayScheduled [16] Website, Conclusions (Taxation and Energy), EC member numbers. Video [ permanent dead link ]
15527–28 JuneScheduled [16] Website, Conclusions, EP in 2014–19, Genuine EMU. Video: 1 and 2
15624–25 OctoberScheduled [17] Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania Website, Conclusions. Video: 1 and 2
15719–20 DecemberScheduled [17] Website, Conclusions, Security & Defense conclusions. Video: 1 [ dead link ] and 2
15820146 MarchExtraordinaryFlag of Greece.svg Greece Website (EU stands by Ukraine), Statement on Ukraine. Video and photo gallery
15920–21 MarchScheduled [18] Website, Conclusions, Conclusions on Ukraine, EU sanctions against Russia, Signing of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Video: 1 and 2
16027 MayInformal [18] Website, Statement on Ukraine. Video [ permanent dead link ]
16126–27 JuneScheduled [18] Website, Conclusions, Conclusions on Ukraine, Strategic agenda for the Union, World War I commemoration, Signing of Association Agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine [ permanent dead link ]. Video [ permanent dead link ]
16216 JulyExtraordinaryFlag of Italy.svg Italy Website, Conclusions, Conclusions on Ukraine and Gaza. Video [ permanent dead link ]
16330 AugustExtraordinary Website, Conclusions, Nomination of next European Council president and Foreign Affairs High Representative, Sanctions against Russia over Ukraine crisis. Video: 1 [ permanent dead link ] and 2 [ permanent dead link ], Ukrainian President 1a and 1b
16423–24 OctoberScheduled [19] Website, Conclusions, New Commission appointed, 2030 climate and energy policy framework, EU response on Ebola. Video: 1 [ permanent dead link ] and 2 [ permanent dead link ]
24 October [20] Euro summit Statement
16518 DecemberScheduled [19] Donald Tusk
(1st term) [21]
Jean-Claude Juncker Website, Conclusions, Crimea and Sevastopol: further EU sanctions. Video [ permanent dead link ]
166201512 FebruaryInformal [22] Flag of Latvia.svg Latvia Website, Results of the informal meeting, Statement on the fight against terrorism, Next Steps on Better Economic Governance in the Euro Area (analytical note), Remarks about Ukrainian ceasefire. Video [ permanent dead link ], Ukrainian ceasefire agreement [ permanent dead link ]
16719–20 MarchScheduled [22] Website, Conclusions, Energy Union, Relations with Russia, European Semester 2015, Statement on Tunisia, Statement on Greece. Video: 1 [ permanent dead link ] and 2 [ permanent dead link ]
16823 AprilExtraordinary Website, Statement, 10 point action plan to combat Mediterranean migratory pressures, Minutes Video [ permanent dead link ]
22 June [23] Euro summit Website, Presidential remarks 1 and 2 Video [ permanent dead link ]
16925–26 JuneScheduled [22] Website, Conclusions, European Fund for Strategic Investments, Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union Archived 11 October 2018 at the Wayback Machine . Video: 1 [ permanent dead link ] and 2 [ permanent dead link ]
7 July [24] Euro summit Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg Website, Preparing Eurogroup meeting, Presidential Remarks Video [ permanent dead link ]
12 July Euro summit Website, Eurogroup meeting, Presidential Remarks, Statement Video [ permanent dead link ]
17023 SeptemberInformal Website, Presidential Remarks, Statement Video Archived 25 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine
17115 OctoberScheduled Website, Conclusions
17212 NovemberInformal Website, Presidential Remarks
17317‑18 DecemberScheduled Website, Conclusions
174201618‑19 FebruaryScheduledFlag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Website, Conclusions
17517–18 MarchScheduled Website, Conclusions, Minutes and corrigendum
17628 JuneScheduled (postponed due to Brexit Referendum) Website, Conclusions, Minutes
29 JuneInformalwithout UK Website, Statement
17716 SeptemberInformalwithout UKFlag of Slovakia.svg Slovakia Website, Declaration and Roadmap
17820–21 OctoberScheduled Website, Conclusions
17915 DecemberScheduled Website, Conclusions
18020173 February, a.m.InformalFlag of Malta.svg Malta Website, Statement and remarks
3 February, p.m.Informalwithout UK Website: "Main results: Preparations for the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties"
1819 MarchScheduled Website, Conclusions by the President, Minutes
10 MarchInformalwithout UK Website: "Informal meeting"
18229 AprilExtraordinarywithout UK Website, European Council (Art. 50) guidelines for Brexit negotiations, Minutes
18322–23 JuneScheduled Donald Tusk
(2nd term) [21]
Website, Annotated agenda, Conclusions
22 June, eveningExtraordinarywithout UK Website, Annotated agenda, Decision by Heads of State and Government: Procedure leading up to a decision on the relocation of the EMA and the EBA in the context of the UK's withdrawal from the Union
18419–20 OctoberScheduledFlag of Estonia.svg Estonia Website, Conclusions
20 OctoberExtraordinarywithout UK Website
18517 NovemberInformal Website
18614–15 DecemberScheduled Website, Conclusions
15 December [25] Euro Summit Website, Presidential Remarks
15 DecemberExtraordinarywithout UK Outcome: guidelines for Brexit negotiations
187201822–23 MarchScheduledFlag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria Website, Conclusions
23 MarchScheduledwithout UK Website
23 March Euro Summit Website
18828–29 JuneScheduled Website, Conclusions
29 JuneExtraordinarywithout UK Conclusions
29 June Euro Summit Website, Statement
18919–20 SeptemberInformalFlag of Austria.svg Austria Website
20 SeptemberInformalwithout UK Website
19017 OctoberExtraordinarywithout UK Website
18 October, a.m.Scheduled Website
18 October, p.m. Euro Summit Website
19113–14 DecemberScheduled Website
13 DecemberExtraordinarywithout UK Website
14 December Euro Summit Website, Statement
192201921 MarchExtraordinarywithout UKFlag of Romania.svg Romania Website, European Council Decision (EU) 2019/476 taken in agreement with the United Kingdom of 22 March 2019 extending the period under Article 50(3) TEU, Conclusions
22 MarchScheduled Website, Conclusions
19310 AprilExtraordinarywithout UK Website, European Council Decision (EU) 2019/584 taken in agreement with the United Kingdom of 11 April 2019 extending the period under Article 50(3) TEU, Conclusions
1949 MayInformal Website
19528 MayInformal Website
19620 JuneScheduled Website, Conclusions
21 June Euro Summit Website, Statement
21 JuneExtraordinarywithout UK Website (see heading "Brexit")
19730 June–2 JulyExtraordinaryFlag of Romania.svg Romania &
Flag of Finland.svg Finland
Website, Conclusions (nominations for President of the European Council, President of the Commission, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and President of the European Central Bank)
19817 OctoberExtraordinarywithout UKFlag of Finland.svg Finland Website, Conclusions
17–18 OctoberScheduled Website, Conclusions
19912–13 DecemberScheduled Charles Michel [26] Ursula von der Leyen
(1st term) [27]
Website, Conclusions
13 December Euro Summit Website, Statement
13 DecemberExtraordinarywithout UK Website, Conclusions


#YearDateType EU Council presidency [28] Council President Commission President Agenda, Conclusions, Declarations, Statements
200202020–21 FebruaryExtraordinaryFlag of Croatia.svg Croatia Charles Michel Ursula von der Leyen
(1st term)
20110 MarchExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
20217 MarchExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
20326 MarchInformal
(informal video conference - replacing scheduled meeting)
Website, Statement
20423 AprilExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
20519 JuneInformal
(informal video conference - replacing scheduled meeting)
20617–21 JulyExtraordinaryFlag of Germany.svg Germany Website, Conclusions
20719 AugustExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
2081–2 OctoberExtraordinary Website, Conclusions
20915–16 OctoberScheduled Website, Conclusions
21029 OctoberExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
21119 NovemberExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
21210–11 DecemberScheduled Website, Conclusions
11 December Euro summit Website, Statement
213202121 JanuaryExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal Website
21425–26 FebruaryExtraordinary
(Informal video conference)
Website, Statement
25 March Euro summit
(Informal video conference)
Website, Statement
21525–26 MarchInformal
(Informal video conference - replacing scheduled meeting)
Website, Statement
7 MayTripartite Social Summit Website, Statement
2167–8 MayInformal Website, Declaration
21724–25 MayExtraordinary Website, Conclusions
21824–25 JuneScheduled Website, Conclusions
25 June Euro summit Website, Statement
2195 OctoberInformalFlag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia Website
20 OctoberTripartite Social Summit Website, Main Messages
22021–22 OctoberScheduled Website, Conclusions
22116 DecemberScheduled Website, Conclusions
16 December Euro summit Website, Statement
222202217 FebruaryInformalFlag of France.svg France Website
22324 FebruaryExtraordinary Website, Conclusions
22410–11 MarchInformal Website, Declaration
23 MarchTripartite Social Summit Website, Main messages
22524–25 MarchScheduled Website, Conclusions
22630–31 MayExtraordinary Website, Conclusions
22723–24 JuneScheduled Website, Conclusions
24 June Euro summit Website, Statement
2287 OctoberInformalFlag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Republic Website, Remarks
19 OctoberTripartite Social Summit Website, Main messages
22920–21 OctoberScheduled Website, Conclusions
23015 DecemberScheduled Website, Conclusions
23120239 FebruaryExtraordinaryFlag of Sweden.svg Sweden Website, Conclusions
22 MarchTripartite Social Summit Website, Main Messages
23223 MarchScheduled Website, Conclusions
24 March Euro summit Website, Statement
23329–30 JuneScheduled Website, Conclusions
2346 OctoberInformalFlag of Spain.svg Spain Website, Declaration
23517 OctoberExtraordinary
(video conference)
Website, Statement
25 OctoberTripartite Social Summit Website, Main Messages
23626–27 OctoberScheduled Website, Conclusions
27 October Euro summit Website, Statement
23714–15 DecemberScheduled Website, Conclusions
23820241 FebruaryExtraordinary [29] [30] Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium Website, Conclusions
20 MarchTripartite Social Summit Website, Main Messages
23921–22 MarchScheduled [31] [32] Website, Conclusions
22 March Euro summit Website, Statement
24017–18 AprilExtraordinary [33] [34] Website, Conclusions
24117 JuneInformal Website
24227 JuneScheduled [31] [32] Website, Conclusions
24317 OctoberScheduled [35] Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary Website, Conclusions
2447–8 NovemberInformal Website, Declaration
24519 DecemberScheduled [35] António Costa Ursula von der Leyen
(2nd term)
Website, Conclusions
24620253 FebruaryInformal
(EU-UK defence meeting) [36]
Flag of Poland.svg Poland Website
2476 MarchExtraordinary
(EU defence & Ukraine) [37]
Website, Conclusions, Ukraine text
24820–21 MarchScheduled [38] Website
24926–27 JuneScheduled [38] Website
2501 OctoberInformalFlag of Denmark.svg Denmark Website
25123–24 OctoberScheduled [39] Website
25218–19 DecemberScheduled [39] Website
253202619–20 MarchScheduled [40] Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus
25418–19 JuneScheduled [40]
  Upcoming meetings

Notable details

Cologne 1999

The European Council met in Cologne, Germany, on 3–4 June 1999 to consider issues after the Treaty of Amsterdam came into force. Romano Prodi presented his plan for the future Commission's work and reform program. The Council called for an EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The Council designated Javier Solana for the post of Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union (with Pierre de Boissieu as his deputy) and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). It decided on a common policy on Russia (first use of the CFSP). Adopted the declaration on Kosovo. In relation to the European Security and Defence Policy, a major element of the CFSP, the council declared that the EU "must have the capacity for autonomous action, backed up by credible military forces, the means to decide to use them, and a readiness to do so, in order to respond to international crises without prejudice to actions by NATO".

Gothenburg 2001

The 2001 meeting of the European Council was held in the Swedish city of Gothenburg, from 14 to 16 June.

The EU Summit focused upon EU enlargement, sustainable development, economic growth and structural reform issues. The EU–US summit included a visit by U.S. president George W. Bush on 14 June. It was the first U.S. presidential visit to Sweden, and was intended as an opportunity to discuss differences on climate negotiations, WTO and Middle East issues with the EU leaders. It was marred by extensive demonstrations.

The main protests were organised by three broad coalitions, a local coalition Bush Go home that opposed U.S. foreign policy, a Sweden-based coalition Network Gothenburg 2001 which opposed Swedish membership in the EU and EMU and an international coalition Gothenburg Action 2001, a proponent of "another Europe", opponent of EU militarisation, the Schengen Agreement, and defending the public sector and the environment from becoming trade commodities and EMU. There was also a broad Iranian and a smaller anti-capitalist coalition as well as non-violent networks and Reclaim the Streets organising demonstrations and a street party.

According to the police, more than 50,000 demonstrators gathered in Gothenburg during the three days of the summit, [41] among them a smaller number with foreign nationality. The demonstrating organisations arranged many conferences, the biggest conference (besides, of course, the EU summit itself) being Fritt forum (Free Forum) which hosted 50 lectures and seminars and was funded by the city of Gothenburg, the Swedish justice department and Sweden's foreign ministry department among others. [41] The summit was guarded by approximately 2500 police officers. [42]

Besides a number of encounters and skirmishes there were a number of riots. The first one occurred on 14 June after the police had surrounded and enclosed the Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet where demonstrators had been invited by the city to stay during the summit. The second occurred in the morning of 15 June in conjunction with a demonstration of 2000 participants organised by the anti-capitalist organisation, and it resulted in violent clashes with the police and damage of Gothenburg's main street Kungsportsavenyn. Later in the evening during the Reclaim the City demonstration, a police unit came under attack by demonstrators throwing projectiles. The police subsequently fired shots at the demonstrators. Three persons were injured by gunshots, one of whom was seriously injured. [43] This was the first use of firearms against Swedish demonstrators since the Ådalen shootings in 1931.

The riots were followed by prison sentences for 64 persons convicted of criminal behaviour. In total demonstrators were sent to prison for almost 50 years. As of 2006, no police officer has been convicted of wrongdoing during the summit. One officer was tried and convicted for committing perjury during a trial against a Gothenburg demonstrator.[ citation needed ]

The riots left large areas of central Gothenburg demolished due to the violent protests of the demonstrators, as well as leaving many stores looted. [43] [44]

Goran Persson (in the middle) with George W. Bush and Romano Prodi in Gothenburg, 14 June 2001. Bush Persson Prodi.jpg
Göran Persson (in the middle) with George W. Bush and Romano Prodi in Gothenburg, 14 June 2001.

The summit meeting of the European Union was notable because heads of states from the EU gathered in Gothenburg, and also because the American President George W. Bush visited Sweden for the first time on the day before the summit meeting. As a reaction to this, protesters from all over the world planned to gather in Gothenburg to demonstrate under different banners. The City of Gothenburg assisted the out-of-town protesters by providing living quarters in different schools around Gothenburg and a convergence center, first at Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet and later moved to Schillerska Gymnasiet.

The political background to the protests was a conjuncture of three forces. EU-criticism and opposition to membership in the EU was stronger in Sweden than anywhere else in the union. Secondly a wave of globalisation protests against neoliberalism had gained momentum after the protests during the EU Summit in Amsterdam 1997 and the WTO meeting in Seattle 1999. Anti-war and environmental concerns against the U.S. was a third factor.

The police planned and gathered their forces in anticipation of the meeting. Never before had this many heads of state met in Sweden, and thousands of police were to stand guard in Gothenburg to keep order during these three days of June 2001. The police had long prepared for disturbances and also had many different intelligence services directed at the groups participating in the planning of demonstrations. There were differing opinions amongst the police forces involved. The security police did not want the Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet to be used as they felt it was too close to the EU Summit while the Gothenburg police insisted on having the demonstrators there. American police tactics against protesters were in use such as a psycho-tactic unit that was supposed to have a dialogue with demonstrating organisations.

The police, the local authority and the different demonstration coalitions had arranged a dialogue group where they planned and discussed the demonstrations to ensure they would be as peaceful as possible.

The officers in command of the action stated that they were very pleased with how the police had served during the summit (an opinion which at the time was shared by the government). It was claimed that the police successfully had used advance information about demonstrators and undercover police officers among the demonstrators to among other things find out about the "secret" information central.

According to the police, they acted completely in accordance with the Police Law.

The Swedish Police Union strongly criticised the way the police actions had been led and managed. [45] In its report "Chaos" – regarding the Command in Gothenburg in June 2001 it is stated that a majority of the police who were on duty during the time felt they did not have enough resources to carry out their duties in a proper manner and that orders were confusing. [45]


The total sum of the sentences following the riots during the EU summit was roughly 50 years in prison, which according to the journalist Erik Wijk is 12 times more than earlier riots. [47] No police were convicted despite a large number of complaints.[ citation needed ]

One of the most noticed cases is the so-called information central, which was stormed by Nationella insatsstyrkan during the first day of the summit. A total of eight persons (five men, three women) were sentenced to long prison sentences after having sent out text messages urging people to go to Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet in connection with the police shutdown of the school.[ citation needed ]

The police officer in charge for the EU summit, Håkan Jaldung  [ sv ], was accused in a trial of preventing about 100 people at the Schillerska from leaving the place for several hours, but was found innocent. [48]

Göteborgsaktionen ("The Gothenburg Action") involved 87 organisations out of whom 33 were Swedish, 22 Danish, 9 Finnish, 5 Norwegian, 4 European and some other mainly from different Eastern European countries. Nätverket Göteborg ("The Gothenburg Network") involved over 20 organisations.

Laeken 2001

The Laeken European Council was held at the royal palace at Laeken, Belgium, on 14–15 December 2001.

The Laeken European Council dealt with:

The Laeken Declaration on the Future of Europe established the European Convention, presided over with former President of France, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, as President of the convention, and former Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato and former Belgian Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene as Vice-Presidents. The convention was tasked with drafting the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, and would have about 60 members, drawn from national governments, national parliamentarians, the European Parliament, and the European Commission, and include representatives from the candidate countries. The declaration reviews the progress of European integration over the last fifty years, tracing it back to its origins in the horrors of World War II, and poses a number of questions to be answered by the convention. [49] [50]

See also


  1. Scheduling of ordinary meetings in 2011-2020:
    I/2011 (archived)
    II/2011 (archived)
    I/2012 (archived, revised)
    II/2012 (archived)
    I/2013 (1st rev, 2nd rev, archived)
    II/2013 (archived)
    I/2014 (1st rev, 2nd rev, 3rd rev, archived)
    II/2014 (archived)
    I/2015 (archived)
    I/2016 (revised, archived)
    II/2016 (archived)
  2. Scheduling of ordinary meetings in 2021-2023:
  3. Scheduling of ordinary meetings in 2024:
  4. Scheduling of ordinary meetings since 2025:

    All call letters for ordinary meetings
  5. "The European Council: 50 years of summit meetings" (PDF). General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union. 17 December 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 April 2014. Retrieved 6 May 2013.
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  41. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Händelserna i samband med Europeiska rådets möte i Göteborg den 14–16 juni 2001" [Gothenburg 2001 – Report from the Gothenburg Committee (SOU_2002:122)](PDF) (in Swedish). Government of Sweden. Archived from the original (PDF) on 26 September 2007.
  42. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 National Police Board's evaluation of the EU command in Gothenburg in 2001 "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 April 2008. Retrieved 9 April 2008.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) (Swedish) Retrieved 20 November 2006.
  43. 1 2 "SOU_2002:122" (PDF) (in Swedish). Government of Sweden. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 September 2007. Retrieved 20 November 2006.
  44. "Många oskyldiga drabbades". Göteborgs-Posten (in Swedish). 10 June 2011.
  45. 1 2 "Chaos" – Regarding the Command in Gothenburg in June 2001 ("Kaos" – om kommenderingen i Göteborg juni 2001) (Retrieved 20 November 2006) is an investigation conducted by The Swedish Police Union (Polisförbundet) which is compiled from a questionnaire sent to 1800 police officers who were on duty during the events of the 2001 EU summit in Gothenburg. Its summary reads: "The picture of the command during the EU summit can be summarized in one word: Chaos. Lack of education, lack of materiel and communication, as well as confusing orders and an inner chaos within the police."
  46. Please note some problems translating Swedish judicial terms such as gripa, omhänderta and anhålla into English. While the terms gripna, omhändertagna and anhållna all translate to arrested or detained, in Swedish judicial language they have different value, anhållna being the gravest form of arrest, in fact the only form where the detainee is under the suspicion of committing (a) criminal act(s). Also note the difference between only being detained (gripen, as under §11 and §13 of the Swedish police law) and being detained while pending trial.
  47. Wijk, Erik (2003). Orätt: rättsrötan efter Göteborgshändelserna (in Swedish). Stockholm: Ordfront. ISBN   91-7037-003-6. Page needed.
  48. "Jaldung friad i hovrätten" (in Swedish). Sveriges Television. 23 November 2004.
  49. "Press Releases". 16 March 2005.
  50. "Press Releases, Council of the European Union" Archived 7 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine