"}},"i":0}}]}" id="mwAvk"> Kosmos 1669 [ 10]
126 [ 11] 19 July 1985 13:05:08 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Salyut 7 21 July 15:05:00 28 August 21:50:00 30 August 01:20:00 Only Progress flight to have been given a Kosmos designation. Last Progress flight to Salyut 7. 26 Progress 25 [ 10] 127 [ 11] 19 March 1986 10:08:25 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 21 March 11:16:02 20 April 19:24:08 21 April 00:48:30 First Progress flight to Mir. 27 Progress 26 [ 10] 128 [ 11] 23 April 1986 19:40:05 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 26 April 21:26:06 22 June 18:25:00 23 June 15:41:01 28 Progress 27 [ 10] 134 [ 11] 16 January 1987 06:06:23 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 18 January 07:26:50 23 February 11:29:01 25 February 16:05:00 Docked with an uncrewed Mir. 29 Progress 28 [ 10] 135 [ 11] 3 March 1987 11:14:05 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir Core aft 5 March 12:42:36 26 March 05:06:48 28 March 03:49:00 Backed away and deployed a large (60 m) antenna for geophysical experiments. 30 Progress 29 [ 10] 136 [ 11] 21 April 1987 15:14:17 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 23 April 17:04:51 11 May 03:10:01 11 May 08:28:00 31 Progress 30 [ 10] 137 [ 11] 19 May 1987 04:02:10 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 21 May 05:50:38 19 July 00:19:51 19 July 05:42:00 32 Progress 31 [ 10] 138 [ 11] 3 August 1987 20:44:11 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 5 August 22:27:35 21 September 23:57:41 23 September 01:02:00 33 Progress 32 [ 10] 139 [ 11] 23 September 1987 23:43:54 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 26 September 01:08:15 10 November 04:09:10 19 November 00:58:00 Mir 10 November 05:47 17 November 19:25 34 Progress 33 [ 10] 140 [ 11] 20 November 1987 23:47:12 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 23 November 01:39:13 19 December 08:15:46 19 December 13:37:00 35 Progress 34 [ 10] 142 [ 11] 20 January 1988 22:51:54 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 23 January 00:09:09 4 March 03:40:09 4 March 07:29:30 36 Progress 35 [ 10] 143 [ 11] 23 March 1988 21:05:12 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 25 March 22:21:35 5 May 01:36:03 5 May 06:56:19 37 Progress 36 [ 10] 144 [ 11] 13 May 1988 00:30:25 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 15 May 02:13:26 5 June 11:11:55 5 June 21:18:40 38 Progress 37 [ 10] 145 [ 11] 18 July 1988 21:13:09 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 20 July 22:33:40 12 August 08:31:54 12 August 13:45:40 39 Progress 38 [ 10] 146 [ 11] 9 September 1988 23:33:40 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 12 September 01:22:28 23 November 12:12:46 23 November 19:06:58 40 Progress 39 [ 10] 147 [ 11] 25 December 1988 04:11:37 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 27 December 05:35:10 7 February 1989 06:45:34 7 February 13:49:00 Greater than average solar activity hastened the decay of the Mir complex from orbit. The engine and fuel supply of this Progress were used to change Mir's orbital parameters to 340 km by 376 km, from 325 km by 353 km. 41 Progress 40 [ 10] 148 [ 11] 10 February 1989 08:53:52 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 12 February 10:29:38 3 March 01:45:52 5 March 01:59:00 42 Progress 41 [ 10] 149 [ 11] 16 March 1989 18:54:15 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 18 March 20:50:46 21 April 01:46:15 25 April 12:12:00 Carried postcards commemorating the 30th anniversary of Luna 1. A possible main engine failure prevented Progress 41 from making the usual controlled destructive reentry. It underwent uncontrolled reentry . 43 Progress M-1 [ 12] 201 [ 11] 23 August 1989 03:09:32 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 25 August 05:19:02 1 December 09:02:23 1 December 11:21:00 Docked with an uncrewed Mir. 44 Progress M-2 [ 12] 202 [ 11] 20 December 1989 03:30:50 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 22 December 05:41:21 9 February 1990 02:33:07 9 February 07:56:00 45 Progress M-3 [ 12] 203 [ 11] 28 February 1990 23:10:57 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 3 March 01:04:32 27 April 20:24:43 28 April 00:52:00 46 Progress 42 [ 10] 150 [ 11] 5 May 1990 20:44:01 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 7 May 22:45:03 27 May 07:08:58 27 May 12:27:30 47 Progress M-4 [ 12] 204 [ 11] 15 August 1990 04:00:41 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 17 August 05:26:13 17 September 12:42:43 20 September 11:42:49 48 Progress M-5 [ 12] 206 [ 11] 27 September 1990 10:37:42 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 29 September 12:26:50 28 November 06:15:46 28 November 11:04:05 49 Progress M-6 [ 12] 205 [ 11] 14 January 1991 14:50:27 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 16 January 16:35:25 15 March 12:46:41 15 March 18:07:26 50 Progress M-7 [ 12] 208 [ 11] 19 March 1991 13:05:15 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 28 March 12:02:28 6 May 22:59:36 7 May 17:20:05 Two docking attempts aborted on 21 and 23 March 51 Progress M-8 [ 12] 207 [ 11] 30 May 1991 08:04:03 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 1 June 09:44:37 15 August 22:16:59 16 August 06:56:32 52 Progress M-9 [ 12] 210 [ 11] 20 August 1991 22:54:10 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 23 August 00:54:17 30 September 01:53:00 30 September 53 Progress M-10 [ 12] 211 [ 11] 17 October 1991 00:05:25 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 21 October 03:40:50 20 January 1992 07:13:44 20 January 12:03:30 Docking attempt on 19 October aborted 54 Progress M-11 [ 12] 212 [ 11] 25 January 1992 07:50:17 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 27 January 09:30:43 13 March 08:43:40 13 March 15:47:00 55 Progress M-12 [ 12] 213 [ 11] 19 April 1992 21:29:25 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 21 April 23:21:59 27 June 21:34:44 28 June 00:02:51 56 Progress M-13 [ 12] 214 [ 11] 30 June 1992 16:43:13 Soyuz-U2 Site 31/6 Mir 4 July 16:55:13 24 July 04:14:00 24 July 08:03:35 Docking attempt on 2 July failed 57 Progress M-14 [ 12] 209 [ 11] 15 August 1992 22:18:32 Soyuz-U2 Site 31/6 Mir Kvant-1 aft 18 August 00:20:48 21 October 16:46:01 21 October 23:12:00 Delivered the VDU propulsion unit to Mir 58 Progress M-15 [ 12] 215 [ 11] 27 October 1992 17:19:41 Soyuz-U2 Site 31/6 Mir 29 October 19:05:51 4 February 1993 00:44:53 7 February 06:43:20 59 Progress M-16 [ 12] 216 [ 11] 21 February 1993 18:32:33 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir 23 February 20:17:57 26 March 06:50:00 27 March 10:25:00 Mir 26 March 07:06:03 27 March 04:21:00 60 Progress M-17 [ 12] 217 [ 11] 31 March 1993 03:34:13 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 1 April 05:16:18 11 August 15:36:42 3 March 1994 03:28:00 Conducted docked and undocked spacecraft longevity tests 61 Progress M-18 [ 12] 218 [ 11] 22 May 1993 06:41:47 Soyuz-U2 Site 1/5 Mir Core forward 24 May 08:24:44 3 July 15:58:16 4 July 17:13:00 62 Progress M-19 [ 12] 219 [ 11] 10 August 1993 22:23:45 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 13 August 00:00:06 13 October 17:59:06 19 October 00:22:14 63 Progress M-20 [ 12] 220 [ 11] 11 October 1993 21:33:19 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 13 October 23:24:46 21 November 02:38:43 21 November 64 Progress M-21 [ 12] 221 [ 11] 28 January 1994 02:12:10 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 30 January 03:56:13 23 March 01:20:29 23 March 05:13:00 65 Progress M-22 [ 12] 222 [ 11] 22 March 1994 04:54:12 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 24 March 06:39:37 23 May 00:58:38 23 May 04:40:00 66 Progress M-23 [ 12] 223 [ 11] 22 May 1994 04:30:04 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 24 May 06:18:35 2 July 08:46:39 2 July 14:57 67 Progress M-24 [ 12] 224 [ 11] 25 August 1994 14:25:12 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Core forward 2 September 13:30:28 4 October 18:55:52 4 October 22:43:00 Failed to dock on 27 and 30 August, second attempt resulted in collision with station 68 Progress M-25 [ 12] 225 [ 11] 11 November 1994 07:21:58 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 13 November 09:04:29 16 February 1995 13:03:00 16 February 16:45:00 69 Progress M-26 [ 12] 226 [ 11] 15 February 1995 16:42:28 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 17 February 18:21:34 15 March 02:26:38 15 March 06:15:00 70 Progress M-27 [ 12] 227 [ 11] 9 April 1995 19:34:12 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Core forward 11 April 21:00:44 22 May 23:42:37 23 May 03:27:52 71 Progress M-28 [ 12] 228 [ 11] 20 July 1995 03:04:41 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Core forward 22 July 04:39:37 4 September 05:09:53 4 September 08:58:55 72 Progress M-29 [ 12] 229 [ 11] 8 October 1995 18:50:40 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 10 October 20:32:40 19 December 09:15:05 19 December 16:15:00 73 Progress M-30 [ 12] 230 [ 11] 18 December 1995 14:31:35 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir 20 December 16:10:15 22 February 1996 07:30:02 22 February 11:02:36 74 Progress M-31 [ 12] 231 [ 11] 5 May 1996 07:04:18 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Core forward 7 May 08:54:19 1 August 16:44:54 1 August 20:33:03 75 Progress M-32 [ 12] 232 [ 11] 31 July 1996 20:00:06 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Core forward 2 August 22:03:40 18 August 09:33:45 20 November 22:42:25 Mir Kvant-1 aft 3 September 09:35:00 20 November 19:51:20 76 Progress M-33 [ 12] 233 [ 11] 19 November 1996 23:20:38 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 22 November 01:01:30 6 February 1997 12:13:53 12 March 03:23:37 Failed to re-dock on 4 March 1997 77 Progress M-34 [ 12] 234 6 April 1997 16:04:05 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 8 April 17:30:03 24 June 10:22:50 2 July 06:31:50 Collided with the station during a re-docking attempt on 25 June Spektr permanently depressurised 78 Progress M-35 [ 12] 235 5 July 1997 04:11:54 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir 7 July 05:59:24 6 August 11:46:45 7 October 17:23:00 Mir 18 August 12:52:48 7 October 12:03:49 79 Progress M-36 [ 12] 236 5 October 1997 15:08:57 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 8 October 17:07:09 17 December 06:01:53 19 December 13:20:01 80 Progress M-37 [ 12] 237 20 December 1997 08:45:02 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 22 December 10:22:20 30 January 1998 12:00:00 15 March 23:04:00 Mir 23 February 09:42:28 15 March 19:16:01 81 Progress M-38 [ 12] 238 14 March 1998 22:45:55 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 16 March 22:45 15 May 18:44 15 May 21:39:00 Carried the VDU 2 propulsion unit to Mir 82 Progress M-39 [ 12] 239 14 May 1998 22:12:59 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 16 May 23:51 12 August 09:28 29 October 04:14:52 Mir Kvant-1 aft 1 September 05:34:40 25 October 23:03:24 83 Progress M-40 [ 12] 240 25 October 1998 04:14:57 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 27 October 05:34:41 4 February 1999 09:59 5 February 11:10 Carried the Znamya-2.5 experiment 84 Progress M-41 [ 12] 241 2 April 1999 11:28:43 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Core forward 4 April 12:46:49 17 July 11:20 17 July 19:51 85 Progress M-42 [ 12] 242 16 July 1999 16:37:33 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 18 July 17:53 2 February 2000 03:11:52 2 February 06:10:40 86 Progress M1-1 [ 13] 250 1 February 2000 06:47:23 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 3 February 08:02:20 26 April 16:33 26 April 19:27 87 Progress M1-2 [ 13] 252 25 April 2000 20:08:02 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 27 April 21:28 15 October 18:06 15 October 23:29 88 Progress M1-3 [ 13] 251 6 August 2000 18:26:42 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 [ 14] ISS Zvezda aft 8 August 20:13 1 November 04:05 1 November 07:05 ISS-1P Docked with an uncrewed ISS.
89 Progress M-43 [ 12] 243 16 October 2000 21:27:06 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 18 October 21:16 25 January 2001 05:19 29 January 01:04 Docked with an uncrewed Mir. 90 Progress M1-4 [ 13] 253 16 November 2000 01:32:36 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISS Zarya nadir 18 November 03:48 1 December 16:23 8 February 13:50 ISS-2P. The automatic Kurs docking system failed, and the manual backup, TORU , was used for the docking. Following undocking, Progress M1-4 spent 25 days in free flight, prior to redocking with the same port. [ 15]
ISS Zarya nadir 26 December 10:54 8 February 2001 11:26 91 Progress M1-5 [ 13] 254 24 January 2001 04:28:42 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 Mir Kvant-1 aft 27 January 05:33 N/A 23 March 05:08 Docked with an uncrewed Mir. Was used to deorbit Mir. 92 Progress M-44 [ 12] 244 26 February 2001 08:09:35 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 28 February 09:47 16 April 08:48 16 April 13:23 ISS-3P 93 Progress M1-6 [ 13] 255 20 May 2001 22:32:40 Soyuz-FG Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 23 May 00:24 22 August 06:01 22 August 09:00 ISS-4P 94 Progress M-45 [ 12] 245 21 August 2001 09:23:54 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 23 August 09:51 22 November 16:12:01 22 November 21:35:23 ISS-5P 95 Progress DC-1 [ 16] 301 14 September 2001 23:34:55 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda nadir ( Pirs ) 17 September 01:05 26 September 15:36 26 September 22:30 Delivered Pirs module ISS-4R 96 Progress M1-7 [ 13] 256 26 November 2001 18:24:12 Soyuz-FG Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 28 November 19:43 19 March 2002 17:43 20 March 01:27 ISS-6P. Hard docking did not occur until 3 December due to debris on the docking port left by the Kolibri-2000 satellite which Progress M-45 deployed on 19 March at 22:28 97 Progress M1-8 257 21 March 2002 20:13:39 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 24 March 20:57 25 June 08:26 25 June 12:26 ISS-7P 98 Progress M-46 246 26 June 2002 05:36:30 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 29 June 06:23 24 September 13:59 14 October 10:22 ISS-8P 99 Progress M1-9 258 25 September 2002 16:58:24 Soyuz-FG Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 29 September 17:00 1 February 2003 16:00 1 February 20:00 ISS-9P 100 Progress M-47 247 2 February 2003 12:59:40 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 4 February 14:49 27 August 22:48 28 August 02:37 ISS-10P, 100th Progress flight 101 Progress M1-10 259 8 June 2003 10:34:19 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 11 June 11:15 4 September 19:41 3 October 12:38 ISS-11P 102 Progress M-48 248 29 August 2003 01:47:59 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 31 August 03:40 28 January 2004 08:35 28 January 13:57 ISS-12P 103 Progress M1-11 260 29 January 2004 11:58:08 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 31 January 13:13 24 May 09:19 3 June 10:36 ISS-13P 104 Progress M-49 249 25 May 2004 12:34:23 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 27 May 13:54 30 July 06:04 30 July 11:23 ISS-14P 105 Progress M-50 350 11 August 2004 05:03:07 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 14 August 05:01 22 December 19:37 22 December 23:23 ISS-15P 106 Progress M-51 351 23 December 2004 22:19:34 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 25 December 23:57 27 February 2005 16:06 9 March 17:03 ISS-16P 107 Progress M-52 352 28 February 2005 19:09:18 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 2 March 20:10 15 June 20:16 16 June 00:02 ISS-17P 108 Progress M-53 353 16 June 2005 23:09:34 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 19 June 00:41 7 September 10:25 7 September 14:12 ISS-18P, TORU docking 109 Progress M-54 354 8 September 2005 13:07:54 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 10 September 14:42 3 March 2006 10:06 3 March 13:52 ISS-19P 110 Progress M-55 355 21 December 2005 18:38:20 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 23 December 19:46 19 June 2006 14:06 19 June 17:53 ISS-20P 111 Progress M-56 356 24 April 2006 16:03:25 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 26 April 17:41 19 September 00:28 19 September 04:14 ISS-21P 112 Progress M-57 357 24 June 2006 15:08:18 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 26 June 16:25 16 January 2007 23:23 17 January 03:15 ISS-22P 113 Progress M-58 358 23 October 2006 13:40:36 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 26 October 14:28 27 March 2007 18:11 27 March 23:30 ISS-23P 114 Progress M-59 359 18 January 2007 02:12:13 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 20 January 01:59 1 August 14:07 1 August 19:26 ISS-24P 115 Progress M-60 360 12 May 2007 03:25:36 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 15 May 05:10 19 September 00:36 25 September 19:47 ISS-25P 116 Progress M-61 361 2 August 2007 17:33:47 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 5 August 18:40 22 December 03:59 22 January 2008 19:51 ISS-26P 117 Progress M-62 362 23 December 2007 07:12:41 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 26 December 08:14 4 February 2008 10:32 15 February 13:29 ISS-27P 118 Progress M-63 363 5 February 2008 13:02:57 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 7 February 14:38 7 April 08:49 7 April 12:36 ISS-28P 119 Progress M-64 364 14 May 2008 20:22:56 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISS Zarya nadir 16 May 21:39 1 September 19:46 8 September 21:33 ISS-29P 120 Progress M-65 365 10 September 2008 19:50:02 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 17 September 18:43 15 November 16:19 8 December 08:49 ISS-30P 121 Progress M-01M 401 26 November 2008 12:38:38 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 30 November 12:28 6 February 2009 04:10 8 February 08:20 ISS-31P 122 Progress M-66 366 10 February 2009 05:49:46 Soyuz-U Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir 13 February 07:18 6 May 15:18 18 May 15:14 ISS-32P 123 Progress M-02M 402 7 May 2009 18:37:09 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 12 May 19:24 30 June 18:29 13 July 16:28 ISS-33P 124 Progress M-67 367 24 July 2009 10:56:56 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 29 July 11:12 21 September 07:25 27 September 10:19 ISS-34P 125 Progress M-03M 403 15 October 2009 01:14:37 Soyuz-U [ 17] Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 18 October 01:40 22 April 2010 18:32 27 April 18:07 ISS-35P 126 Progress M-MIM2 302 10 November 2009 14:22:04 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda zenith ( Poisk ) 12 November 15:41 8 December 00:16 8 December 05:27 Delivered Poisk module ISS-5R 127 Progress M-04M 404 3 February 2010 03:45:29 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 5 February 04:26 10 May 11:16 1 July 13:54 ISS-36P 128 Progress M-05M 405 28 April 2010 17:15:09 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 1 May 18:30 25 October 14:22 15 November 08:50 ISS-37P 129 Progress M-06M 406 30 June 2010 15:35:14 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 4 July 16:17 31 August 11:22 6 September 13:13 ISS-38P. First docking attempt on 2 July 2010 failed. Second attempt on 4 July 2010 was successful. [ 18] 130 Progress M-07M 407 10 September 2010 10:22:57 Soyuz-U Site 31/6 ISSZvezda aft 12 September 11:57 20 February 2011 13:58 20 February 15:46 ISS-39P 131 Progress M-08M 408 27 October 2010 15:11:50 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 30 October 16:36 24 January 2011 00:42 24 January 06:07 ISS-40P 132 Progress M-09M 409 28 January 2011 01:31:39 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 30 January 02:39 22 April 12:38 26 April 13:23 ISS-41P 133 Progress M-10M 410 27 April 2011 13:05:21 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 29 April 14:29 29 October 9:04 29 October 12:54 ISS-42P 134 Progress M-11M 411 21 June 2011 14:38:15 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 23 June 16:37 23 August 09:34 1 September ISS-43P 135 Progress M-12M 412 24 August 2011 13:00:08 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISS Zvezda aft N/A 24 August 13:25 [ 19] ISS-44P. Failed to reach orbit due to rocket third stage premature cutoff, [ 20] impacted in the Choisk Region of Russia's Altai Republic. [ 19] 136 Progress M-13M 413 30 October 2011 10:11:12 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 2 November 11:41 23 January 2012 22:10 25 January ISS-45P 137 Progress M-14M 414 25 January 2012 23:06:40 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 28 January 00:08:57 19 April 11:04 28 April ISS-46P 138 Progress M-15M 415 20 April 2012 12:50:24 Soyuz-U Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir 22 April 14:39 22 July 20:27 20 August ISS-47P ISSPirs nadir 29 July 01:00 30 July 21:16 139 Progress M-16M 416 1 August 2012 19:35:13 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 2 August 01:18 9 February 2013 13:12 9 February 16:19 ISS-48P 140 Progress M-17M 417 31 October 2012 07:41:18 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 31 October 13:33 15 April 2013 12:02 21 April 14:59 ISS-49P 141 Progress M-18M 418 11 February 2013 14:41:47 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 12 February 20:35 25 July 20:43 26 July 00:42 ISS-50P 142 Progress M-19M 419 24 April 2013 10:12:16 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 26 April 12:25 11 June 13:58 19 June 13:39 ISS-51P 143 Progress M-20M 420 27 July 2013 20:45:08 Soyuz-U Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir 28 July 02:26 3 February 2014 16:21 11 February 15:55 ISS-52P 144 Progress M-21M 421 25 November 2013 20:53:00 Soyuz-U Site 31/6 ISSZvezda aft 29 November 22:30:20 9 June 2014 12:29 9 June 17:26 ISS-53P 145 Progress M-22M 422 5 February 2014 16:23:32 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 5 February 22:22:00 7 April 13:58 18 April 15:46 ISS-54P 146 Progress M-23M 427 9 April 2014 15:26:27 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 9 April 21:14 21 July 21:44 31 July 22:42 ISS-55P 147 Progress M-24M 423 23 July 2014 21:44:44 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 24 July , 03:31 27 October 06:38 19 November 23:46 ISS-56P 148 Progress M-25M 424 29 October 2014 07:09:43 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir 29 October 13:08 25 April 2015 06:41 [ 21] 26 April 13:00 ISS-57P 149 Progress M-26M 425 17 February 2015 11:00:17 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 17 February 16:57 14 August 10:19 14 August 14:17 ISS-58P 150 Progress M-27M 426 28 April 2015 07:09:50 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir Docking attempt cancelled [ 22] 8 May 02:04 ISS-59P. Spacecraft damaged during launch and attitude control and telemetry lost shortly after entering orbit. Mission failure with the spacecraft never attempted to dock with the ISS. 151 Progress M-28M 428 3 July 2015 04:55:48 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 5 July 07:11 19 December 07:35 19 December 11:28 ISS-60P 152 Progress M-29M 429 1 October 2015 16:49 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSZvezda aft 1 October 22:52 30 March 2016 14:15 8 April 13:31 ISS-61P 153 Progress MS-01 431 21 December 2015 08:44:39 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir 23 December 10:27 2 July 2016 23:48 3 July 07:03 ISS-62P 154 Progress MS-02 432 31 March 2016 16:23:57 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISSZvezda aft 2 April 17:58 14 October 09:37 14 October ISS-63P 155 Progress MS-03 [ 23] 433 16 July 2016 21:41:45 [ 24] Soyuz-U Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir 19 July 00:20 31 January 2017 14:25 31 January 17:34 ISS-64P 156 Progress MS-04 434 1 December 2016 14:51:52 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISS Zvezda aft (Planned) N/A 1 December (Failed to reach orbit) ISS-65P. Soyuz third stage anomaly resulting an inconsistent telemetry. Vehicle lost 190 km over Tuva . Failed to reach orbit. Note: This is also the second-to-last flight of Soyuz-U 157 Progress MS-05 435 22 February 2017 05:58:33 Soyuz-U Site 1/5 ISSPirs nadir 24 February 08:30 20 July 12:00 20 July ISS-66P 158 Progress MS-06 436 14 June 2017 09:20:13 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISSZvezda aft 16 June 11:37 28 December 01:03 28 December ISS-67P 159 Progress MS-07 437 14 October 2017 08:47 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISSPirs nadir 16 October 11:37 28 March 2018 13:50 26 April ISS-68P 160 Progress MS-08 438 13 February 2018 08:13:33 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 15 February 10:38 23 August 02:16 30 August ISS-69P 161 Progress MS-09 439 9 July 2018 21:51:33 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Pirs nadir 10 July 01:31 25 January 2019 12:55 25 January ISS-70P. It took just 3 hours and 40 minutes to dock the spacecraft to the ISS after the rocket's launch. [ 25] 162 Progress MS-10 440 16 November 2018 18:14:08 Soyuz-FG Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 18 November 19:28 4 June 2019 08:40 4 June ISS-71P 163 Progress MS-11 441 4 April 2019 11:01:35 Soyuz-FG Site 31/6 ISS Pirs nadir 4 April 14:25 29 July 10:44 29 July ISS-72P 164 Progress MS-12 442 31 July 2019 12:10:46 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Pirs nadir 31 July 15:29 29 November 10:25 29 November 14:19 ISS-73P 165 Progress MS-13 443 6 December 2019 09:34:11 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Pirs nadir 9 December 10:35:11 8 July 2020 18:22:00 8 July 22:05 ISS-74P 166 Progress MS-14 448 25 April 2020 01:51:41 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 25 April 05:12:00 27 April 2021 23:11:00 29 April 00:42 ISS-75P 167 Progress MS-15 444 23 July 2020 14:26:22 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Pirs nadir 23 July 17:45:00 9 February 2021 05:21:00 9 February 09:13 ISS-76P 168 Progress MS-16 445 15 February 2021 04:45:06 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Pirs nadir/ ISS Zvezda nadir 17 February 06:27:00 26 July 10:55:00 with Pirs 26 July 14:51 with Pirs ISS-77P removed Pirs ISS-4R from ISS 169 Progress MS-17 446 30 June 2021 23:27:20 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Poisk zenith 2 July 00:59:00 20 October 23:42:00 with Nauka nadir port passive docking adapter 25 November 14:34 with Nauka nadir port passive docking adapter ISS-78P removed Nauka Module nadir port passive docking adapter from ISS ISS Nauka nadir 22 October 04:21:00 25 November 11:22:00 with Nauka nadir port passive docking adapter 170 Progress MS-18 447 28 October 2021 00:00:32 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 30 October 01:31:00 1 June 2022 08:03 1 June 11:51 ISS-79P, Delivered LCCS part of MLM Means of Attachment of Large payloads to ISS [ 26] [ 27] 171 Progress M-UM 303 24 November 2021 13:06:35 Soyuz-2.1b Site 31/6 ISS Nauka nadir (Prichal ) 26 November 15:19:00 22 December 23:03:00 23 December 04:30:54 Delivered Prichal module ISS-6R 172 Progress MS-19 449 [ 28] 15 February 2022 04:25:40 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Poisk zenith 17 February 07:03:20 23 October 22:45:34 24 October 01:51 ISS-80P 173 Progress MS-20 450 [ 28] 3 June 2022 09:03 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 3 June 13:02 7 February 2023 05:01 7 February 08:37 ISS-81P 174 Progress MS-21 451 26 October 2022 00:20 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Poisk zenith 28 October 02:49 18 February 2023 02:26 19 February 03:15 ISS-82P 175 Progress MS-22 452 9 February 2023 06:15 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 11 February 08:45 20 August 23:50 21 August 02:58 ISS-83P 176 Progress MS-23 453 24 May 2023 12:56 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Poisk zenith 24 May 16:19 29 November 07:55 29 November 11:02 ISS-84P 177 Progress MS-24 454 23 August 2023 01:08 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 25 August 03:50 13 February 2024 02:09 13 February 05:16 ISS-85P 178 Progress MS-25 455 1 December 2023 09:25 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Poisk zenith 3 December 11:18 28 May 2024 08:39 29 May 11:48 ISS-86P 179 Progress MS-26 456 15 February 2024 03:25 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 17 February 06:06 13 August 02:00 13 August 05:49 ISS-87P 180 Progress MS-27 457 30 May 2024 09:43 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Poisk zenith 1 June 11:43 19 November 12:53 19 November 16:51 ISS-88P 181 Progress MS-28 458 15 August 2024 03:20:17 Soyuz-2.1a Site 31/6 ISS Zvezda aft 17 August 05:53 25 February 20:17:33 25 February 23:23 ISS-89P Current spaceflights This is a list of current spaceflights to the International Space Station.
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