Timeline of Solar System exploration

Last updated

Charted timeline of Solar System exploration, as of December 2014 Timeline of Solar System exploration.jpg
Charted timeline of Solar System exploration, as of December 2014

This is a timeline of Solar System exploration ordering events in the exploration of the Solar System by date of spacecraft launch. It includes:


It does not include:

The dates listed are launch dates, but the achievements noted may have occurred some time laterin some cases, a considerable time later (for example, Voyager 2 , launched 20 August 1977, did not reach Neptune until 1989).


Sputnik 1 - First Earth orbiter Sputnik asm.jpg
Sputnik 1 – First Earth orbiter
Mission nameLaunch dateDescriptionRef(s)
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Sputnik 1 4 October 1957First Earth orbiter [1] [2]
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Sputnik 2 3 November 1957Earth orbiter, first animal in orbit, a dog named Laika [2] [3] [4]
Flag of the United States.svg Explorer 1 1 February 1958Earth orbiter; discovered Van Allen radiation belts [5]
Flag of the United States.svg Vanguard 1 17 March 1958Earth orbiter; oldest spacecraft still in Earth orbit [6]
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Luna 1 2 January 1959First lunar flyby (attempted lunar impact?); first artificial satellite in heliocentric orbit. [7] [8] [9] [10]
Flag of the United States.svg Pioneer 4 3 March 1959Lunar flyby [11] [12]
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Luna 2 12 September 1959First extraterrestrial impact and lunar impact, First artificial object on Moon [10] [13]
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Luna 3 4 October 1959Lunar flyby; First images of another celestial body taken from space, most notably, the far side of Moon [10] [14]


Vostok 1 - First crewed Earth orbiter Vostok spacecraft.jpg
Vostok 1 – First crewed Earth orbiter
Mariner 2 - First successful Venus flyby Mariner 2.jpg
Mariner 2 – First successful Venus flyby
Mariner 4 - First successful Mars flyby Mariner 3 and 4.jpg
Mariner 4 – First successful Mars flyby
Luna 9 - First successful lunar lander Luna-9-1.jpg
Luna 9 – First successful lunar lander
Zond 5 - First lunar flyby and return to Earth, first terrestrials to circle the Moon Zond L1 drawing.svg
Zond 5 – First lunar flyby and return to Earth, first terrestrials to circle the Moon
Apollo 8 - First crewed lunar orbiter Ap8-S68-56310.jpg
Apollo 8 – First crewed lunar orbiter
Apollo 11 - First crewed lunar landing Aldrin Looks Back at Tranquility Base - GPN-2000-001102.jpg
Apollo 11 – First crewed lunar landing


Mars 3 - First Mars lander Mars3 lander vsm.jpg
Mars 3 – First Mars lander
Pioneer 10 - First Jupiter flyby Pioneer 10 at Jupiter.jpg
Pioneer 10 – First Jupiter flyby
Mariner 10 - First Mercury flyby Mariner 10.jpg
Mariner 10 – First Mercury flyby
Voyager 2 - First Uranus/first Neptune flyby Voyager spacecraft.jpg
Voyager 2 – First Uranus/first Neptune flyby


Giotto - Comet Halley flyby Giotto spacecraft.jpg
Giotto – Comet Halley flyby
Galileo - Mission to Jupiter Artwork Galileo-Io-Jupiter.JPG
Galileo – Mission to Jupiter


Mars Pathfinder - Mars lander and the first successful Mars rover, Sojourner Pathfinder01.jpg
Mars Pathfinder – Mars lander and the first successful Mars rover, Sojourner
Cassini-Huygens - First Saturn orbiter and first Titan lander Cassini Saturn Orbit Insertion.jpg
Cassini–Huygens – First Saturn orbiter and first Titan lander


Mars Express/Beagle 2 - First planetary mission by the ESA Mars-express-volcanoes-sm.jpg
Mars Express/Beagle 2 – First planetary mission by the ESA
MESSENGER - First Mercury orbiter Messenger.jpg
MESSENGER – First Mercury orbiter
Chandrayaan-1 - Water Around Fresh Moon Crater Water Around Fresh Moon Crater.jpg
Chandrayaan-1 – Water Around Fresh Moon Crater


Mars Science Laboratory - Mars lander and large rover Msl20110519 PIA14156-full.jpg
Mars Science Laboratory – Mars lander and large rover
Mangalyaan - First Indian Mars orbiter Mars Orbiter Mission - India - ArtistsConcept.jpg
Mangalyaan – First Indian Mars orbiter
Trace Gas Orbiter - ESA/Roscosmos Mars orbiter ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.jpg
Trace Gas Orbiter – ESA/Roscosmos Mars orbiter


NASA's Perseverance rover PIA21635-Mars2020Rover-ArtistConcept-20170523.jpg
NASA's Perseverance rover

Planned or scheduled

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Explorers Program</span> Ongoing NASA space exploration program

The Explorers program is a NASA exploration program that provides flight opportunities for physics, geophysics, heliophysics, and astrophysics investigations from space. Launched in 1958, Explorer 1 was the first spacecraft of the United States to achieve orbit. Over 90 space missions have been launched since. Starting with Explorer 6, it has been operated by NASA, with regular collaboration with a variety of other institutions, including many international partners.

The Mars program was a series of uncrewed spacecraft launched by the Soviet Union between 1960 and 1973. The spacecraft were intended to explore Mars, and included flyby probes, landers and orbiters.

This timeline of artificial satellites and space probes includes uncrewed spacecraft including technology demonstrators, observatories, lunar probes, and interplanetary probes. First satellites from each country are included. Not included are most Earth science satellites, commercial satellites or crewed missions.

<i>Mars Observer</i> Failed NASA orbiter mission to Mars (1992–1993)

The Mars Observer spacecraft, also known as the Mars Geoscience/Climatology Orbiter, was a robotic space probe launched by NASA on September 25, 1992, to study the Martian surface, atmosphere, climate and magnetic field. On August 21, 1993, during the interplanetary cruise phase, communication with the spacecraft was lost, three days prior to the probe's orbital insertion. Attempts to re-establish communications with the spacecraft were unsuccessful.

<i>Luna 16</i> Soviet space probe

Luna 16 was an uncrewed 1970 space mission, part of the Soviet Luna program. It was the first robotic probe to land on the Moon and return a sample of lunar soil to Earth. The 101 grams sample was returned from Mare Fecunditatis. It represented the first successful lunar sample return mission by the Soviet Union and was the third lunar sample return mission overall.

<i>Luna 20</i> 1972 lunar sample retrieval mission as part of the USSRs Luna program

Luna 20 was the second of three successful Soviet lunar sample return missions. It was flown as part of the Luna program as a robotic competitor to the six successful Apollo lunar sample return missions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lunar Orbiter 1</span> NASA orbiter mission to the Moon (1966)

The 1966 Lunar Orbiter 1 robotic spacecraft mission, part of NASA's Lunar Orbiter program, was the first American spacecraft to orbit the Moon. It was designed primarily to photograph smooth areas of the lunar surface for selection and verification of safe landing sites for the Surveyor and Apollo missions. It was also equipped to collect selenodetic, radiation intensity, and micrometeoroid impact data.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Discovery Program</span> Ongoing solar system exploration program by NASA, mission budgets up to $830 M

The Discovery Program is a series of Solar System exploration missions funded by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through its Planetary Missions Program Office. The cost of each mission is capped at a lower level than missions from NASA's New Frontiers or Flagship Programs. As a result, Discovery missions tend to be more focused on a specific scientific goal rather than serving a general purpose.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lunar Orbiter 2</span> NASA orbiter mission to the Moon (1966–1967)

The 1966 Lunar Orbiter 2 robotic spacecraft mission, part of the Lunar Orbiter Program, was designed primarily to photograph smooth areas of the lunar surface for selection and verification of safe landing sites for the Surveyor and Apollo missions. It was also equipped to collect selenodetic, radiation intensity, and micrometeoroid impact data.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lunar Orbiter 3</span> NASA orbiter mission to the Moon (1967)

The Lunar Orbiter 3 was a spacecraft launched by NASA in 1967 as part of the Lunar Orbiter Program. It was designed primarily to photograph areas of the lunar surface for confirmation of safe landing sites for the Surveyor and Apollo missions. It was also equipped to collect selenodetic, radiation intensity, and micrometeoroid impact data.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lunar Orbiter 5</span> NASA orbiter mission to the Moon (1967–1968)

Lunar Orbiter 5, the last of the "Lunar Orbiter series", was designed to take additional Apollo and Surveyor landing site photography and to take broad survey images of unphotographed parts of the Moon's far side. It was also equipped to collect selenodetic, radiation intensity, and micrometeoroid impact data and was used to evaluate the Manned Space Flight Network tracking stations and Apollo Orbit Determination Program.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Moon rock</span> Rocks on or from the Moon

Moon rock or lunar rock is rock originating from Earth's Moon. This includes lunar material collected during the course of human exploration of the Moon, and rock that has been ejected naturally from the Moon's surface and landed on Earth as meteorites.

This is a timeline of space exploration which includes notable achievements, first accomplishments and milestones in humanity's exploration of outer space.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Planetary flyby</span> Sending a space probe past a planet or dwarf planet

A planetary flyby is the act of sending a space probe past a planet or a dwarf planet close enough to record scientific data. This is a subset of the overall concept of a flyby in spaceflight.


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