This is a list of electricity-generating power stations in the U.S. state of Massachusetts , sortable by type and name. In 2022, Massachusetts had a total summer capacity of 12,767 MW through all of its power plants, and a net generation of 21,026 GWh. [2] In 2023, the electrical energy generation mix was 76.1% natural gas, 10.2% solar, 4.8% biomass, 2.7% hydroelectric, 1% wind, 0.5% petroleum, and 4.8% other. The state's last remaining nuclear power plant was retired in May 2019. [1]
Massachusetts consumes about twice as much electricity as it generates, but is among the lowest electricity consumption states on a per capita basis, as well as on a per dollar of GDP basis. [3] Distributed small-scale solar, including customer-owned photovoltaic panels, delivered an additional net 3,668 GWh to the state's electricity grid in 2023. This compares as about 84 percent more than the amount generated by Massachusetts' utility-scale solar facilities that year. [1]
Plant | Capacity (MW) | Type |
651 Chase Solar NG | 1 | Solar |
Acushnet AD Makepeace | 4.7 | Solar |
Acushnet Hawes Reed Road | 2 | Solar |
Acushnet- High Hill | 3.2 | Solar |
Acushnet-Braley Road 1 | 1.9 | Solar |
Agawam Solar | 1.5 | Solar |
AMERESCO Chicopee Energy | 7.7 | Biomass |
Amherst College Co Gen | 1.7 | Natural gas |
Anderson Power Products Division | 1 | Petroleum |
ANP Bellingham Energy Project | 471.7 | Natural gas |
ANP Blackstone Energy Project | 454.8 | Natural gas |
Applied Materials Wind Turbine | 2.5 | Wind |
Axio Green LLC | 2 | Solar |
Bartlett's Ocean View Wind Farm | 0.25 | Wind |
Bear Swamp | 600 | Pumped storage |
Bellingham Cogeneration Facility | 264 | Natural gas |
Bellingham PV | 3 | Solar |
Berkshire 1 | 1.8 | Solar |
Berkshire Power | 229.3 | Natural gas |
Berkshire Wind Power Project | 15 | Wind |
Boatlock | 3.1 | Hydropower |
Bolton PV | 4.9 | Solar |
Boott Hydropower | 21.7 | Hydropower |
Boston Scientific Solar | 1.1 | Solar |
Brockelman | 3 | Solar |
Cabot | 61.8 | Hydropower |
Cabot Holyoke | 2 | Hydropower |
Camelot Wind LLC | 1.5 | Wind |
Canal | 1113 | Petroleum |
Cape Cod Air Force Station - 6 SWS | 3.4 | Wind |
Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority | 0.1 | Wind |
Charlestown Wind Turbine | 1.5 | Wind |
Chemical | 1.6 | Hydropower |
Cherry Street | 15.3 | Petroleum |
Chicopee Hydroelectric Station | 2.4 | Hydropower |
Clark University | 2 | Natural gas |
Cleary Flood | 133.5 | Natural gas, petroleum |
Cobble Mountain | 32.6 | Hydropower |
Collins Facility | 1.6 | Hydropower |
Cottage Street Solar Facility | 3.2 | Solar |
Covanta Haverhill | 42.8 | Biomass |
Dartmouth | 6.3 | Solar |
Dartmouth II Solar | 2 | Solar |
Dartmouth Landfill | 1.3 | Solar |
Dartmouth Power Associates LP | 82.6 | Natural gas |
Dartmouth Solar | 1.6 | Solar |
Deer Island Treatment Plant | 56.3 | Petroleum, biomass, solar, hydropower, wind |
Deer Island Wind | 1.2 | Wind |
Deerfield 2 | 6.3 | Hydropower |
Deerfield 3 | 6.3 | Hydropower |
Deerfield 4 | 6.3 | Hydropower |
Deerfield 5 | 13.9 | Hydropower |
Dept of Corrections NCCI Wind | 3.4 | Wind |
Dighton Power Plant | 164.2 | Natural gas |
Dorchester Solar Site | 1 | Solar |
Doreen | 16.6 | Petroleum |
Douglas Solar | 2 | Solar |
Dwight | 1.3 | Hydropower |
Easton Landfill | 1.9 | Solar |
EBZ Solar | 2.5 | Solar |
EDF Lancaster | 4.5 | Solar |
Equity Industrial Partners | 4 | Wind |
Exelon Framingham LLC | 31.4 | Petroleum |
Exelon L Street | 16 | Petroleum |
Exelon Medway LLC | 123.8 | Petroleum |
Fairview Farms Solar | 0.8 | Solar |
Fife Brook | 11.2 | Hydropower |
Fitchburg Gas Recovery | 4.8 | Biomass |
Fore River Generating Station | 726 | Natural gas |
Front Street | 8.4 | Petroleum |
Gardner Solar 1 | 2 | Solar |
Gardners Falls | 3.8 | Hydropower |
General Electric Aircraft Engines | 47.1 | Natural gas |
Gillette SBMC | 14.2 | Natural gas, petroleum |
Glendale | 1.1 | Hydropower |
Grafton | 1.5 | Solar |
Griffith Wind | 0.1 | Wind |
Groveland Solar | 3.2 | Solar |
Hadley Falls | 30.3 | Hydropower |
Harris Energy Realty | 1.2 | Hydropower |
Harwich Landfill | 4 | Solar |
Haverhill Solar Power Project | 0.8 | Solar |
High Street Station | 12.3 | Natural gas, petroleum |
Holy Name Central Catholic School Wind Turbine | 0.66 | Wind |
Holyoke Canal System | Hydropower | |
Holyoke Solar Cooperative at Mueller | 2.7 | Solar |
Hoosac Wind Power Project | 28.5 | Wind |
Hull Wind 1 | 0.66 | Wind |
Hull Wind II | 1.8 | Wind |
Indian Orchard Hydroelectric [4] | 3.7 | Hydropower |
Indian Orchard Plant 1 | 3.5 | Coal |
Indian Orchard PV Facility | 2.3 | Solar |
Indian Orchard Station | 5.7 | Natural gas, petroleum |
International Paper Woronoco Mill | 1.7 | Hydropower |
Ipswich Wind Independence | 2 | Wind |
Ipswich Wind Turbine | 1.6 | Wind |
Katama Farm | 1 | Solar |
Kendall Cogeneration Station | 225.7 | Natural gas, petroleum |
Kingston Wind Independence | 2 | Wind |
Lawrence Hydroelectric Associates | 14 | Hydropower |
L'Energia Energy Center | 75 | Natural gas |
Lepomis PV Energy LLC | 4.5 | Solar |
Ludlow Landfill | 2.6 | Solar |
M Street Jet | 50 | Petroleum |
MA Military Reserve Wind Project | 4.5 | Wind |
Mark Richey Woodworking Wind Farm | 0.6 | Wind |
Marshfield PV | 3 | Solar |
Mass Midstate Solar 2 | 5 | Solar |
Mass Midstate Solar 3 | 4 | Solar |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cogeneration Plant | 19 | Natural gas |
Masspower | 245 | Natural gas |
Maynard PV | 1 | Solar |
Medical Area Total Energy Plant | 83 | Natural gas, petroleum |
Merrimac Solar | 1.5 | Solar |
Methuen Landfill | 1.3 | Solar |
Milford Power LP | 148 | Natural gas |
Millbury Solar | 3 | Solar |
Millennium Power Plant | 334.9 | Natural gas |
MM Taunton Energy | 3.6 | Biomass |
Mount Wachusett Community College | 3.4 | Wind |
Nantucket | 5.2 | Petroleum |
Nantucket High School Wind Turbine | 0.1 | Wind |
Nature's Classroom Wind Turbine | 0.1 | Wind |
NECCO Co-Generation | 5.6 | Natural gas |
NEDC Solar Site | 0.8 | Solar |
New England Wind LLC | 28.5 | Wind |
Newark America Mill | 3 | Natural gas |
NFM Solar Power LLC | 1.9 | Solar |
North Brookfield | 3 | Solar |
Northbridge Solar | 1.9 | Solar |
Northfield Mountain | 1146 | Pumped storage |
Notus Wind 1 | 1.7 | Wind |
Nunnepog | 1 | Solar |
Oak Bluffs Diesel Generating Facility | 8.4 | Petroleum |
Orange PV | 2 | Solar |
Padelford Solar | 2.2 | Solar |
Pepperell Hydro Power Plant | 2.2 | Hydropower |
Pinetree Power Fitchburg | 16 | Wood |
Pioneer Valley Resource Recovery | 7.5 | Biomass |
Pittsburgh Waste Water Treatment Plant | 0.3 | Solar |
Pittsfield Generating LP | 154.3 | Natural gas |
Plymouth Site 1 | 5.6 | Solar |
Potter Station 2 | 183.3 | Natural gas, petroleum |
Princeton Wind Farm | 3 | Wind |
Putts Bridge | 3.6 | Hydropower |
Quittacas Pond Solar | 3.5 | Solar |
Red Bridge | 4 | Hydropower |
Rehoboth Solar | 2 | Solar |
Revere Solar Site | 0.6 | Solar |
Riverside | 6.9 | Hydropower |
Rockland Solar | 2.5 | Solar |
Rousselot Inc | 6.3 | Natural gas |
Route 57 Solar | 1.5 | Solar |
Salem Harbor Power Station | 674 | Natural gas |
Scituate PV | 2.5 | Solar |
Scituate Wind Turbine | 1.5 | Wind |
SEMASS Resource Recovery | 80 | Biomass |
Sherman | 6.1 | Hydropower |
Shrewsbury Solar | 2.5 | Solar |
Simonds | 1.8 | Natural gas |
Smith College Central Heating Plant | 2.7 | Natural gas |
Southbridge Energy Center LLC | 6.5 | Natural gas |
Southbridge Landfill Gas-to-Energy | 1.5 | Biomass |
Stony Brook | 439.7 | Natural gas, petroleum |
Stow PV | 2 | Solar |
Sudbury Landfill | 1.3 | Solar |
Tihonet Solar | 1 | Solar |
Town of Barnstable | 0.1 | Wind |
Town of East Bridgewater | 2 | Solar |
Town of Falmouth WWTP | 1.6 | Wind |
Town of Uxbridge MA at Commerce Dr | 1.8 | Solar |
True North | 4.8 | Solar |
Turners Falls | 6.4 | Hydropower |
University of MA Wind Turbine | 0.6 | Wind |
Walpole Solar 2 | 2.4 | Solar |
Waters River | 46.6 | Natural gas |
Wellesley College Central Utility Plant | 6.7 | Natural gas |
West Tisbury Generating Facility | 5.6 | Petroleum |
Westford Solar Park | 4 | Solar |
Whately Solar | 1.5 | Solar |
Wheelabrator Millbury Facility | 40 | Biomass |
Wheelabrator North Andover | 30 | Biomass |
Wheelabrator Saugus | 32 | Biomass |
Wilkins Station | 5 | Petroleum |
Williams College - Campus CHP | 3 | Natural gas |
Wilson Solar | 2 | Solar |
Winter Island Wind | Unknown | Wind |
Woodland Road | 16.7 | Petroleum |
Plant | Capacity (MW) | Type | Year |
Brayton Point Power Station | 1538 | Coal | 2017 |
Edison Power Plant (same site as Exelon New Boston Generating Station / Exelon L Street, 776 Summer Street, Boston) | Petroleum | ||
Mount Tom Station | 136 | Coal | 2014 |
Mystic Generating Station | 2001.9 | Natural gas, petroleum | 2024 |
NAEA Energy Massachusetts LLC (West Springfield Generating Station) | 193.9 | Natural gas, petroleum | 2022 |
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station | 677 | Nuclear | 2019 |
Reading Municipal Light and Power Station | Coal | 1925 | |
Somerset Power Plant | 174 | Coal | 2010 |
Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Station | 185 | Nuclear | 1992 |