List of recipients of the Silver Buffalo Award

Last updated

Silver Buffalo award and citation presented to the Unknown Scout Unknown Scout Silver Buffalo.jpg
Silver Buffalo award and citation presented to the Unknown Scout

This list of recipients of the Silver Buffalo Award includes people who have been awarded the highest commendation of Scouting America. Since the Silver Buffalo Award was first awarded in 1926, 881 have been presented as of 2025.


1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1938 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1978 1980 1981 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


During the first presentation in 1926, twenty-two awards were presented in a particular order determined by Chief Scout Executive James E. West.

Robert Baden-Powell Lieutenant-general in the British Army, writer and founder of the Scout Movement [a]
Unknown Scout Unknown member of the British Boy Scout Association who inspired W. D. Boyce to form the BSA [a]
William D. Boyce Publisher and entrepreneur, founder of the BSA and the Lone Scouts of America [a]
Colin H. Livingstone Financier, first president of the BSA [a]
James J. Storrow Investment banker instrumental in forming General Motors, third president of GM and second president of the BSA (posthumous award) [a]
Daniel Carter Beard Illustrator, author, social reformer, founding pioneer of the BSA and the first National Commissioner [a]
Ernest Thompson Seton Noted author, wildlife artist, founder of the Woodcraft Indians, founding pioneer of the BSA and first Chief Scout; heavily influenced Baden-Powell in his formation of Scouting [a]
Edgar M. Robinson Senior secretary in the YMCA, co-founder of the BSA [a]
Lee F. Hanmer Member of the Russell Sage Foundation, secretary of the BSA Committee of Organization [a] [1]
George Wood Wingate U.S. Army General, lawyer, and 25-year president of the National Rifle Association [a]
Joseph Lee Volunteer social worker, author, and president of the Playground and Recreation Association; father of the playground idea [a] [2] [3]
Howard S. BraucherSocial worker, chair of the first committee on organization for the BSA, and Secretary of the Playground and Recreation Association [a] [2]
Mortimer L. Schiff Banker, philanthropist, vice-president of the BSA, member of the World Scout Committee, recipient of the Bronze Wolf, later president of the BSA [a]
Milton A. McRae Publisher, co-founder of the Scripps-McRae League of newspapers, later the third president of the BSA [a]
Frank Presbrey Author, editor, and dean of advertising; charter member of BSA executive board and chair of committee on Boys' Life [a] [2]
George Dupont Pratt Advocate of forest conservation and wildlife protection; charter member of BSA executive board, chair of camping committee, and vice-chair of national court of honor [a] [2]
John Sherman HoytManufacturer, vice chair of war work council YMCA; charter member of BSA executive board and chair of finance committee [a] [2]
Jeremiah Jenks Political economist, educator, and author; charter member of BSA executive board and chair of educational committee; formulated the Scout oath and law [a] [2]
William D. MurrayLawyer, author and member of the YMCA boys' work committee; charter member of BSA executive board and chair of editorial board [a] [2]
G. Barrett Rich Charter member of BSA executive board and chair of the national committee on badges, awards, and Scout requirements [a] [2]
James E. West Lawyer, advocate of children's rights, first professional Chief Scout Executive of the BSA [a]
George J. Fisher Physician, leader in the fields of youth development and physical fitness with the YMCA, early proponent of volleyball, deputy Chief Scout Executive and national Scout commissioner [a]


William Howard Taft United States Solicitor General, United States federal judge, Governor-General of the Philippines, Secretary of War, twenty-seventh President of the United States, the tenth Chief Justice of the United States and first honorary president of the BSA [a]
Hubert S. Martin Director of the International Bureau [a]
William Adams Welch Engineer and environmentalist [a]
Stuart W. FrenchBusiness executive, organizer of Region 12 [a]
Bolton Smith Banker, director of the Interracial Bureau of the BSA [a]
Walter W. Head Banker and insurance executive who founded the General American Life Insurance Company (MetLife), served as president of the BSA for nearly twenty years [a]
Brother Barnabas McDonald F.S.C Founder of the Columbian Squires of the Knights of Columbus education director of the Catholic Bureau of the BSA and director of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting [a]


The Unknown Soldier American soldiers who have died without their remains being identified [a]
Charles Lindbergh Pioneering aviator and recipient of the Medal of Honor [a]
Walter von Bonstetten President of the Swiss Federation of Boy Scouts, served on the World Scout Committee, recipient of the Bronze Wolf [a]
Arthur N. CottonProponent of the YMCA High-Y Clubs [a]
Clarence H. HowardIndustrialist, philanthropist and early benefactor of the Junior Chamber of Commerce [a]
Charles D. VelieProponent of Scouting for rural youth [a]
William H. Cowles President and publisher of The Spokesman-Review and The Spokane Chronicle; BSA regional chairman [a]


Calvin Coolidge Lawyer, governor of Massachusetts, twenty-ninth Vice President and thirtieth President of the United States, honorary president of the BSA [a]
Richard Evelyn Byrd Pioneering polar explorer, aviator, rear admiral in the United States Navy, recipient of the Medal of Honor and the Congressional Life Saving Medal [a]
Wilbert E. Longfellow Commodore of the U. S. Volunteer Life Saving Corps, early proponent of swimming instruction and of the Schafer method of artificial respiration [a] [4]
John H. Finley Educator and founder of the Junior American Red Cross [a]
Howard F. GilletteBanker [a]
Charles D. HartPhysician [a]
Edward, Prince of Wales Scouting enthusiast; later King Edward VIII of Great Britain [a]


Herbert Hoover Mining engineer, humanitarian administrator, United States Secretary of Commerce, thirty-first President of the United States, honorary president of the BSA [b]
James Earl RussellEducator [b]
Franklin D. Roosevelt Senator and governor of State of New York, assistant Secretary of the Navy, member of the BSA National Committee, co-founder of Ten Mile River Scout Camp; later thirty-second President of the United States and honorary president of the BSA [b] [5]
James Austin Wilder Sailor and artist who expanded the Sea Scouting program, first Chief Sea Scout [b]
Charles L. SommersBusiness executive, chairman of Region 10 of the BSA; the Charles L Sommers Canoe Base was later named in his honor [b]
Charles C. MooreEngineer [b]
Lewis Warrington BaldwinRailroad president, regional chairman of the BSA [b]


Herbert Stuart Pakington, 4th Baron Hampton Chief Commissioner of the Boy Scout Association [b]
Griffith Ogden Ellis Publisher of American Boy Magazine [b]
Lewis GawtryBanker [b]
George Welch Olmsted Founder of the Long Island Lighting Company, chairman of the BSA National Camping Committee [b]
Victor F. Ridder Newspaper publisher, leader in Catholic Scouting, co-founder of National Catholic Committee on Scouting [b]
Robert P. SniffenMerchandising consultant, chairman of the BSA Committee on Supply Service [b]
Mell R. WilkinsonManufacturer, member of the BSA National Executive Board [b]


Dwight F. Davis Tennis player who founded the Davis Cup, served as Secretary of War and as Governor General of the Philippines [b]
William Edwin HallLawyer, president of the Boys Clubs of America [b]
Alfred W. DaterUtilities executive; first chairman of the Sea Scout Committee, namesake of the Alfred W. Dater Council (merged into the Connecticut Yankee Council) [b]
Barron Collier Advertising entrepreneur who became the largest landowner and developer in Florida [b]
Frank A. BeanBusiness executive and advocate of rural Scouting [b]
Hermann W. MerkelLandscape architect, forester at the Bronx Zoo, chief forester of the Bronx River Parkway [b]


Vincent Massey Canadian envoy to the U.S., philanthropist; later Governor General of Canada [b]
Martin H. Carmody Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus [b]
John P. WallacePublisher and advocate of rural Scouting [b]
Cyrus Adler Educator, Jewish religious leader and scholar, chairman of the Jewish Committee on Scouting [b]
Reginald H. Parsons BSA council president in Seattle, member of the Executive Board of the BSA and philanthropist [b] [6]
John A. McGregorRegion 11 Scouter [b]


Newton D. Baker Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, Secretary of War [b]
Paul P. Harris Lawyer and founder of Rotary International [b]
John M. PhillipsConservationist, recipient of the Silver Wolf [b]
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, governor of Puerto Rico, Governor-General of the Philippines, chairman of the board of American Express Company, and vice-president at Doubleday, later brigadier general in the United States Army and recipient of the Medal of Honor [b]
Charles E. CottingPhilanthropist [b]
Frederic Kernochan Judge [b]
George Albert Smith Apostle, later Eighth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [b]


Booth Tarkington Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist and dramatist [b]
Amos Alonzo Stagg Collegiate football coach, later inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as both a player and a coach [b]
Daniel A. TobinBanker and co-founder of the Columbian Squires [b]
Fielding H. Yost Lawyer, author, businessman, football coach, Scout commissioner [b]
Calvin DerrickPenologist and founder of Institutional Scouting [b] [7]
R. Tait McKenzie Sculptor, Scouter, scholar-athlete, surgeon, soldier, and physical educator, created the sculpture known as the "Ideal Scout" [b]


Frederick Russell Burnham American adventurer and Boer War chief of scouts from whom Baden-Powell based some of the activities of the Boy Scouting program; taught scoutcraft to Baden-Powell [b] [2]
Hugh S. Cumming Surgeon General of the United States [b]
Lawrence Locke DoggettFirst president of Springfield College, member of the YMCA group that first met with Boyce [b] [1]
Charles Horace Mayo Medical practitioner and co-founder of the Mayo Clinic [b]
George Edgar Vincent President of the University of Minnesota and the Religious Education Association, adviser to Scouting for health and safety [b]
John Skinner Wilson Chief of Gilwell Park, director of the Boy Scouts International Bureau, later honorary president of the Boy Scouts International Committee and recipient of the Bronze Wolf [b]


Thomas E. Wilson President of Wilson & Company (Wilson Sporting Goods), promoter and supporter of 4-H [b] [8]
William Temple Hornaday Zoologist and conservationist [b]
George E. Allen Presidential representative for the 1937 National Scout Jamboree [b]
Frank Cody Superintendent of the Detroit public schools [b]
Frank G. HooverIndustrialist [b]
Connie Mack Professional baseball player, manager, and team owner [b]
C. B. SmithPhysician and proponent of rural Scouting [b]
John A. Stiles]Canadian Scouter, recipient of the Silver Wolf [b]
William Chalmers CovertPresbyterian minister [b]
Marshall Field Founder of Marshall Field's [b]
Elbert K. Fretwell Academic and early leader in the field of youth development through recreation and extracurricular activity, later the second Chief Scout Executive of the BSA and then Chief Scout [b]
Heber J. Grant Seventh President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [b]
Francis C. Kelley Bishop of Oklahoma [b]
John Mott Leader of the YMCA and the World Student Christian Federation, founder of the World Council of Churches, later a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize [b]
Norman Rockwell Iconic artist, art editor for Boys' Life [b]


Edward Roberts Moore Roman Catholic priest, professor, social worker and author; national director of the Catholic Committee on Scouting [c]
George Washington Truett Minister and international youth leader [c]
Eugene D. NimsPresident of Southwestern Bell, director of the First National Bank of St. Louis, member of the Executive Board of the BSA, later president of the St. Louis Council [c]


C. Ward Crampton Scientist, author and physical fitness advocate [c]
Homer Folks Statesman [c]
Edgar Rickard Mining engineer [c]
J. E. H. Stevenot Last president of the BSA Philippine Council, one of the founders and first president of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines [c]
Daniel A. Poling Minister, editor of the Christian Herald, president of Christian Endeavor, father of Clark V. Poling, who later died on the troop transport Dorchester as one of the Four Chaplains [c] [9]


Frank Orren Lowden Lawyer and Governor of Illinois [c]
Ragnvald A. Nestos Lawyer, Governor of North Dakota, pioneer in Rural Scouting [c]
Frank Phillips Founder of Phillips Petroleum Company [c]
Bernard J. Sheil Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, founder of Catholic Youth Organization [c]
William Clay SmootBanker [c]


J. Edgar Hoover Lawyer and Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation [c]
Harry C. KnightBusiness executive and philanthropist [c]
John M. Schiff Banker; later national president of the Boy Scouts of America [c]
William L. SmithSurgeon and author [c]
Frank W. Wozencraft Businessman, lawyer and former mayor of Dallas, Texas [c]


Oscar H. BensonIowa educator and co-founder of 4-H [c]
Charles Evans Hughes Governor of New York, United States Secretary of State, Associate Justice and Chief Justice of the United States [c]
Elbridge W. PalmerPublisher, advocate for youth with special needs [c]
William C. Menninger Neuropsychiatrist, co-founder of the Menninger Foundation and member of the BSA National Sea Scout Committee [c]
Philip L. ReedBusiness executive and member of the BSA Advisory Council [c]
Eddie Rickenbacker World War I fighter ace and Medal of Honor recipient, race car driver and automotive designer, a government consultant in military matters and a pioneer in air transportation [c]
Arthur Somers-Cocks, 6th Baron Somers Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth and Empire [c]
Thomas J. Watson President of IBM [c]


Francis W. Hatch Publicist, chairman of the BSA Boys' Life Committee [c]
Amory Houghton United States Ambassador to France, manufacturer and vice president of the BSA,; later president of the BSA [c]
Paul W. Litchfield American industrialist,president and chairman of the board Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, developed first Air Scout squadron [c]
Earl C. SamsPresident of JCPenney, chairman of the BSA Business Division Committee; later founded the Gladys Porter Zoo [c]


John M. BiererBusiness executive, chairman of the BSA National Cubbing Committee [c]
William Joseph Campbell Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, promoter of Scouting for Catholic boys [c]
Walt Disney Film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist [c]
Dwight D. Eisenhower General of the Army and Supreme Commander of Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe during World War II; later President of the United States and honorary president of the BSA [c]
Raymond F. LowBusiness executive, Sea Scouting commodore of Region Eight [c]
Wheeler McMillenJournalist; editor; advocate for rural Scouting [c]
Chester W. Nimitz Chief of the Navy's Bureau of Navigation, Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for the United States and Allied forces during World War II, Chief of Naval Operations [c]
Vilhjalmur Stefansson Canadian Arctic explorer, ethnologist and author [c]
Frank L. Weil Lawyer, co-founder of the USO, founder and chairman of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting, president of the National Jewish Welfare Board [c]


Bernard Baruch Financier, statesman, and presidential adviser [c]
Manuel Camus Lawyer, senator in the Philippine Senate, Jurist, president of the Y.M.C.A. of the Philippine Islands, chairman in the Philippine Red Cross, Scout commissioner in the BSA Philippine Council, president of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines [c]
Cleveland E. DodgePresident of the Near East Foundation, chairman of the board of trustees of Teachers College of Columbia University, chairman of the International Board of the YMCA [c]
Perrin C. Galpineducator and child-health advocate, Secretary of the American Relief Administration and of the Commission for Relief in Belgium relief missions after World War I, director of the Commission for Polish Relief during World War II [c]
William H. PouchIndustrialist and civic leader [c]
Paul Allman Siple Antarctic explorer and geographer, author, Eagle Scout [c] [10]
Francis Spellman Archbishop of New York [c]
R. Douglas Stuart Manufacturer; later United States Ambassador to Canada [c]


Irving Berlin Composer and lyricist, composer of God Bless America [c]
Belmore BrowneArtist, writer, explorer, hunter, and mountain climber [c] [11]
Cherry Logan Emerson Chemical and materials engineer and educator [c]
Reuhen Brooks HaleMerchant and civic leader [c]
Robert F. PayneEducator and author [c]
Thomas Corbett, 2nd Baron Rowallan Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth and Empire [c]
Wade Warren ThayerAttorney and author, Scout commissioner in Hawaii [c]


David W. ArmstrongExecutive Director of the Boys Clubs of America [c]
Sheldon Clark Business executive; National Sea Scout Commodore [c]
Richard J. Cushing Archbishop of Boston; lecturer; author; civic leader; head of all youth work of the Catholic Church in the US [c]
W. V. M. FawcettBusiness executive; civic leader; Scouter [c]
Charles R. Hook Industrialist; advocate of Junior Achievement; Scouter [c]
Luther A. Weigle Educator; dean; Bible scholar; pioneer Scouter [c]


Harry Messiter AddinsellFinancier; churchman; Treasurer of the Boy Scouts of America [d]
Kenneth K. Bechtel Business executive; Vice President of the Boy Scouts of America [d]
Charles Kettering Engineer; manufacturer; philanthropist; innovator [d]
Irving Langmuir Nobel Prize-winning scientist; pioneer Scouter [d]
Byrnes MacDonaldBusiness executive; worker for underprivileged youth [d]
Owen Josephus Roberts Jurist; public servant; longtime Scouter [d]
Arthur A. Schuck Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America [d]
Lowell Thomas Explorer; author; news commentator; Scouter [d]
Harry S. Truman Thirty-third President of the United States of America [d]
Milburn Lincoln Wilson National Director of 4-H Clubs; Scouter [d]


Ralph Bunche Educator; Nobel Peace Prize winner; Scouter [d]
James Lippitt Clark Explorer; author; sculptor; conservationist; Scouter [d]
Edgar Guest Writer; poet; Boys' Club official; friend to youth [d]
Raymond W. MillerPublicist; Scouter; advocate of rural Scouting [d]
D. C. SpryChief Executive Commissioner, Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association [d]
James H. Douglas Jr. Attorney; public servant; longtime Scouter [d]
Henry Smith RichardsonManufacturing chemist; longtime Scouter [d]
Jack P. WhitakerManufacturer; Scouter; President of the American Humanics Foundation [d]


Julius Ochs Adler Journalist; patriot; veteran Scouter [d]
Roy Chapman Andrews Explorer; zoologist; museum director; author [d]
Frank Boyden Acclaimed headmaster of Deerfield Academy [d] [12]
Harmar D. Denny Jr. Attorney; Congressman; longtime Scouter [d]
Gale F. JohnstonBanker; civic leader; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Carlos P. Romulo Author; soldier; diplomat; co-founder of Boy Scouts of the Philippines [d]
Louis John TaberFarmer; granger; exponent of rural Scouting; Scouter [d]


Alton Fletcher BakerJournalist; publisher; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Henry B. GrandinBusiness executive; Scouter; host to Third National Jamboree [d]
Ross L. LefflerBusiness executive; civic leader; veteran Scouter [d]
Charles Francis McCahillNewspaper executive; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
David O. McKay Ninth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [d]


William H. AlbersBusiness executive; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Ellsworth H. Augustus Banker; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Ezra Taft Benson U.S. Secretary of Agriculture; thirteenth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [d]
Philip David BookstaberRabbi; scholar; exponent of Scouting for Jewish boys [d]
Norton Clapp Business executive; civic leader; donated Mount Baldy to Philmont [d]
J. M. T. Finney Jr.Surgeon; churchman; civic leader; veteran Scouter [d]
Richard Oliver Gerow Bishop of Natchez, Mississippi; longtime Scouter [d]
E. Urner Goodman Church executive; pioneer Scouter; founder of Order of the Arrow [d]
George Lloyd Murphy Producer; actor; publicist; Scouter [d]
Nathan Marvin OhrbachBusiness executive; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Dewitt Wallace Magazine founder; editor; publisher; philanthropist [d]


Charles Dana BennettAuthor; rural consultant; publicist; Scouter [d]
Rex Ivan BrownUtility executive; civic leader; veteran Scouter [d]
William Durant Campbell Naturalist; world traveler; Eagle Scout; Scouter [d]
Francis John ChestermanUtilities executive; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Leonard Kimball Firestone Industrialist; churchman; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Charles William Froessel Jurist; churchman; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Robert Tyre Jones Jr. Attorney; business executive; sportsman; champion athlete [d]
Lewis Edward PhillipsManufacturer; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Frank Chambless Rand Jr.Business executive; publisher; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Thomas J. Watson Jr. Business executive; civic leader; philanthropist; Scouter [d]


Ivan Allen Jr. Executive; banker; engineer; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Gerald F. BealBanker; financier; cultural and civic leader; Scouter [d]
Daniel W. Bell Banker; public servant; community leader; Scouter [d]
Hugh Moss ComerTextile manufacturer; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Walter F. Dillingham Executive; builder; philanthropist; statesman; Scouter [d]
Whitney Haskins EastmanBusiness executive; engineer; scientist; Scouter [d]
William Harrison Fetridge Editor; publisher; executive; community leader; Scouter [d]
William JansenEducator; author; churchman; administrator; Scouter [d]
Guy Lee NobleNational 4-H Club executive; humanitarian [d]
Harry Lloyd SchaefferRailroad executive; Scouter [d]
Henry F. Schricker Statesman; banker; editor; pioneer Scouter [d]
Harold Stassen Educator; humanitarian; statesman; author; Scouter [d]
Edwin Joel ThomasIndustrialist; civic leader; humanitarian; Scouter [d]


Harold Roe Bartle Attorney; civic leader; humanitarian; Scouter [d]
Brooks Hays Congressman; lawyer; humanitarian; Scouter [d]
Walter David HellerBusiness executive; civic leader; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Henry Cabot Lodge Journalist; national and international statesman [d]
Abram L. Sachar Educator; author; historian; university president [d]
Herman Lee TurnerClergyman; humanitarian; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Kenneth Dale WellsEconomist; educator; president of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge [d]


Robert Bernard Anderson Secretary of the Treasury; lawyer; educator; Scouter [d]
John Hopkinson BakerConservation executive; governmental adviser [d]
Hubert Hardison CoffieldIndustrialist; rancher; churchman; humanitarian; Scouter [d]
Nathan DaubyBusiness executive; civic leader; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Jackson Dodds Banker; Scouter; recipient of Silver Wolf and Bronze Wolf [d]
John Randolph Donnell Business executive; civic leader; Scouter [d]
Robert Newcomb GibsonBusiness executive; lumberman; Scouter [d]
Frank Brittain KennedyInvestment dealer; churchman; executive; Scouter [d]
Edward Leroy KohnleBusiness executive; churchman; cultural leader Scouter [d]
Sol George LevyImport-export business executive; community leader; Scouter [d]
John Norton LordBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [d]
James Stewart Actor; combat aviator; Scouter [d]


Milo William BekinsBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [d]
George Michael DowdClergyman; domestic prelate; youth leader; Scout chaplain [d]
Irving J. FeistBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [d]
Roger Stanley FirestoneManufacturing executive; humanitarian; Scouter [d]
Bob Hope Cinema, radio, and television comedian; humanitarian [d]
Jeffrey Louis LazarusBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [d]
Walter Lee Lingle Jr.Business executive; community leader; Scouter [d]
George Magar Mardikian Restaurateur; author; philanthropist; Scouter [d]
Pliny Hunnicut PowersEducator; Deputy Chief Scout Executive of Boy Scouts of America [d]
Charles Dudley PrattAttorney; civic leader; pioneer Scouter [d]
Joseph Frederic WieseIndustrial executive; community leader; veteran Scouter [d]


Joe C. CarringtonInsurance executive; rancher; churchman; youth worker; Scouter [e]
Thomas C. Clark Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court; humanitarian; veteran Scouter [e]
James Thomas GriffinBusiness executive; humanitarian; churchman; Scouter [e]
Alfred Gruenther President of the American National Red Cross; Supreme Allied Commander in Europe 195356; Scouter [e]
Roy E. Larsen Publishing executive; civic leader; humanitarian [e]
Robert John LloydBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [e]
Alexander White MoffatBusiness executive; yachtsman; author; Scouter [e]
Clifford A. RandallLawyer executive; humanitarian; past President of Rotary International [e]
Norman Salit Rabbi; attorney; humanitarian; veteran Scouter [e]


Wyeth AllenEducator; community leader; longtime Scouter [e]
Carl Otto JanusBusiness executive; civic leader; veteran Scouter [e]
Richard E. McArdle Educator; public servant; conservationist; Scouter [e]
Charles B. McCabe Jr.Publisher; broadcasting executive; veteran Scouter [e]
Lauris Norstad Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SHAPE); promulgator of Scouting [e]
William T. SpantonCo-founder of Future Farmers of America; Scouter [e]
Delbert L. Stapley Business executive; church Leader; veteran Scouter [e]
Charles M. White Industrialist; civic leader; Youth Worker; Scouter [e]
Robert E. Wood Retired Army General; Business executive; Philanthropist; Veteran Scouter [e]


Bruce C. Clarke Commander-in-Chief of United States Army, Europe; veteran Scouter [e]
Zenon Clayton Raymond Hansen Business executive; civic leader; Eagle Scout; Scouter [e]
Carl Hayden Member of United States Senate; veteran Scouter [e]
Wayne Andrew Johnston Railroad executive; humanitarian; longtime Scouter [e]
Thomas J. KeaneNaval Officer in Two World Wars; Veteran Scouter [e]
John Cook Parish Business executive; civic leader; Scouter [e]
John Thurman Camp Chief of Gilwell Park; recipient of Silver Wolf and Bronze Wolf [e]
Carl Vinson Member, United States House of Representatives; friend of Scouting [e]
Clarence E. WilliamsPhysician; Surgeon; Jamboree Medical Officer; Scouter [e]


Erwin D. Canham Editor; Author; Broadcasting Commentator; Humanitarian [e]
L. Osmond CrosbyIndustrialist; Community Leader; Scouter [e]
Herold C. Hunt Educator; Author; Consultant; Scouter [e]
Walter H. Judd Statesman; Missionary; civic leader; Veteran Scouter [e]
John T. KimballUtilities executive; civic leader; Scouter [e]
Harold B. Lee Eleventh president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; business executive; educator; Scouter [e]
Douglas MacArthur Corporation chairman; General of the Army; recipient of the Medal of Honor [e]
Jack C. Vowell Business executive; engineer; civic leader; veteran Scouter [e]
Frederick M. Warburg Banker; Philanthropist; Worker for Youth; Scouter [e]


A. Frank BrayJurist; civic leader; Friend to Youth; Scouter [e]
Albert L. ColePublisher; President, Boys' Clubs of America; Philanthropist [e]
Lyndon B. Johnson Thirty-sixth President, United States of America [e]
Ralph W. McCrearyIndustrialist; civic leader; Veteran Scouter [e]
Robert Moses Public Servant; Builder; Friend to Youth; Scouter [e]
Ephraim Laurence Palmer Educator; Author; Conservationist; Veteran Scouter [e]
Thomas F. Patton International Industrialist; Ccivic leader; Scouter [e]
Gilbert R. PirrungAgriculturist; Churchman; World Scouter [e]
Howard TellepsenBusiness Leader; Churchman; Scouter [e]


Irving Ben Cooper Jurist; Humanitarian; Friend to Youth [e]
Austin T. CushmanMerchandising executive; Community Leader; Scouter [e]
Harry J. DelaneyBusiness Leader; Churchman; Scouter [e]
Royal Firman Jr.Business, Cultural, Community, and Church Leader; Scouter [e]
John Glenn Colonel, United States Marine Corps (Ret.); astronaut; Scouter [e]
Harry J. JohnsonPhysician; educator; administrator; Scouter [e]
Harry G. McGavranSurgeon; community leader; humanitarian; Scouter [e]
David Sarnoff Industrialist; communications expert; veteran Scouter [e]
Jo. S. StongCommunity Leader; Scouting Enthusiast [e]
Gustavo J. Vollmer Engineer; Venezuelan and World Scouter [e]


Richard W. DarrowPublicist; civic leader; Eagle Scout; Scouter [e]
John Henry Fischer Educator; civic leader; Eagle Scout; Scouter [e]
Charles Zachary HardwickBusiness executive; humanitarian; Scouter [e]
Lewis Blaine Hershey Lieutenant General, United States Army; Director, Selective Service; Scouter [e]
Basil O'Connor Lawyer; public servant; humanitarian; friend to youth [e]
Philip Henry PowersEngineer; educator; pioneer Scouter [e]


Paul G. BenedumBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [e]
Sterling B. DoughtyFinancial and management consultant; world Scouter [e]
Harold Keith Johnson Chief of Staff, United States Army; educator; Scouter [e]
Otto Kerner Jr. Governor of the State of Illinois; Scouter [e]
Biggie Munn Athletic director; coach; friend of youth; Scouter [e]
Crawford RainwaterBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [e]
Vittz-James RamsdellBusiness executive; community leader; Scouter [e]
Howard A. Rusk Physician; educator; innovator; humanitarian [e]
Dwight J. ThomsonBusiness leader; veteran Scouter; world Scouter [e]
William Westmoreland Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam; CG, U.S. Army, Vietnam; Eagle Scout; Scouter [e]


John Cody Archbishop of Chicago; recipient of the Silver Beaver; energetic Scouter [e]
John G. DetwilerIndustrialist; churchman; recipient of the Silver Beaver and Silver Antelope; BSA National Executive Board member [e]
Physician; Eagle Scout; medical officer at many national and world Jamborees [e]
Arthur Z. HirschVeteran Scouter; recipient of the Silver Beaver and Silver Antelope [e]
John F. LottRancher; world Scouter; recipient of the Silver Beaver and Silver Antelope [e]
William L. SchlossBanker; community leader; recipient of the Silver Beaver [e]
James E. Webb Lawyer; businessman; diplomat; educator; administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration [e]


John M. Budd Executive; champion of Youth; dedicated Scouter [e]
Arleigh Burke Military leader; patriot; distinguished Scouter [e]
James F. Burshears Imaginative Scouter [e]
Scott Carpenter Aquanaut; astronaut; friend of Scouting [e]
Vince Lombardi Professional football coach; friend of youth [e]
John W. H. MinerManufacturer; community leader; world Scouter [e]
James E. PatrickBanker; community leader; devoted Scouter [e]
Robert W. RenekerExecutive; humanitarian; devoted Scouter [e]
John W. StarrExecutive; faithful Scouter [e]
Nathan Eldon Tanner Churchman; executive; veteran Scouter [e]


Neil Armstrong Astronaut; first man to walk on the Moon [f]
Francisco BuesoPuerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Director; champion of Scouting [f]
Antonio C. Delgado Philippines business executive; world Scouter [f]
Laurence C. Jones Educator; author; servant of youth [f]
Aryeh LevRabbi; chaplain; dedicated Scouter [f]
Leo PerlisOrganized labor official; humanitarian; friend of Scouting [f]
Bryan S. Reid Jr.Investment banker; community leader; devoted Scouter [f]
William H. Spurgeon III Children's hospital executive; father of special-interest exploring [f]


William G. Connare Bishop; Scouter; champion of Scouting [f]
Elbert R. Curtis Executive; community and church leader; veteran Scouter [f]
Thomas Stephens HaggaiGifted public speaker; ordained minister; patriot; Scouter [f]
August F. HookBusiness executive; community leader; dedicated Scouter [f]
William R. JacksonExecutive; devoted Scouter; friend of youth [f]
Fred C. MillsOutstanding Scouter; retired director of Health and Safety Service, Boy Scouts of America [f]
Arch Monson Jr.Patron of the arts; humanitarian; executive [f]
Richard Nixon Thirty-seventh President of the United States of America [f]
Leon Sullivan Humanitarian; peoples' champion [f]


Louis R. Bruce Jr.U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs; champion of Scouting [f]
Harvey C. ChristenAircraft company executive; civic leader; devoted Scouter [f]
Louis G. FeilConsulting engineer; promoter of Camping and Order of the Arrow [f]
Edwin H. GottCorporate executive; community leader; vigorous promoter of exploring [f]
Donald P. HammondBusiness executive; civic leader; Scouting enthusiast [f]
Albert M. JongeneelRetired rancher; dedicated Scouter [f]
Arthur L. Jung Jr.Business executive; servant of youth; international Scouter [f]
Prime F. Osborn III Company president; friend of youth; advocate of Scouting [f]
George W. PirtleConsulting geologist; independent oil producer; philanthropist; benefactor of Scouting [f]
Penn W. ZeiglerBusiness executive; humanitarian; veteran Scouter [f]


Ernie Banks Baseball great; inspiration for boys; faithful Scouter [f]
Joseph A. Brunton Jr. Servant of youth; former Chief Scout executive [f]
Victor T. EhreCompany president; community leader; dedicated Scouter [f]
Donald H. FlandersCompany founder and president; distinguished Scouter [f]
E. K. JamisonCompany president; devoted Scouter [f]
Max I. Silber Company president; loyal Scouter; benefactor of students [f]
Osborne K. TaylorRetired corporate executive; veteran Scoutmaster; champion of Scouting [f]
J. Kimball WhitneyCompany president; friend of youth; veteran Scouter [f]


Stephen A. DerbyRetired banker; civic leader; faithful Scouter [f]
James E. Johnson Corporate board chairman; former Assistant Secretary of the Navy; distinguished Scouter [f]
Allen W. Mathis Jr.Company board chairman; civic leader; dedicated Scouter [f]
James R. Neidhoefer Company president; distinguished Scouter; veteran Scoutmaster [f]
Melvin B. NeisnerCompany President; Community Leader; Devoted Scouter [f]
William H. Quasha Attorney; International Scouter; Scoutmaster [f]
John K. SloanAttorney; Advocate of Youth; Loyal Scouter [f]
Herman Stern Merchant; Humanitarian; Veteran Scouter [f]
Leif J. Sverdrup Industrialist; Engineer; Zealous Scouter [f]
Wallace E. WilsonCorporate Vice-President; Friend of Youth; Dedicated Scouter [f]


Gerald Ford Thirty-eighth President, United States of America; Symbol of Integrity; Example for Youth; Eagle Scout [f]


John T. Acree Jr.Company Board Chairman; civic leader; Dedicated Scouter [f]
Perry Richardson Bass Corporate Chairman and President; Community Benefactor; Distinguished Scouter [f]
Milton Caniff Cartoonist; Humanitarian; Friend of Scouting [f]
Arthur H. CrombCompany President; Inspirational Scouter; University Alumni Leader [f]
Thomas F. HawkinsUniversity Vice-President; Scouter Extraordinaire [f]
Elizabeth G. KnightPhilanthropist; Benefactor of Scouting [f]
Joseph W. MarshallRetired Physician and Surgeon; Churchman; Faithful Scouter [f]
Louis W. Menk Company Board Chairman; Transportation Industry Leader; Loyal Scouter [f]
Max S. NorrisPhysician; Businessman; Devoted Scouter [f]
LaVern Watts Parmley 5th general president of the Primary of the LDS Church; benefactor of children; Cub Scouting advocate [f]
Simon RositzkyCompany President; conservationist; American Humanics Chairman [f]
Lester R. SteigEducator; author; proponent of Scouting [f]


L. Jadwin AsfeldCompany President; Red Cross Leader; Distinguished Scouter [f]
Jimmy Carter Thirty-ninth President, United States of America; Defender of Human Rights; Friend of Youth [f]
Alec ChesserCorporate Leader; Man of Stature; Devoted Scouter [f]
Dorothy FeistHumanitarian; Philanthropist; Scouting 'First Lady' [f]
Roy W. JordanCivil Leader; Good Citizen; Scouting Stalwart [f]
Richard W. KieferAttorney; Versatile Scouter; Churchman [f]
Katsumi KometaniDentist; Dedicated Scouter; Advocate of Youth [f]
Thomas S. Monson Apostle, later sixteenth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [f]
John D. MurchisonPartner, Murchison Brothers; civic leader; Scouting proponent [f]
John D. SchapiroInternational sportsman; businessman; faithful Scouter [f]
Forrest N. ShumwayCorporate executive; friend of youth; veteran Scouter [f]
Bland W. WorleyCorporate Executive; Civic Servant; Great Scouter [f]


Charles T. ClaytonExecutive; civic leader; dedicated Scouter [g]
William P. Clements Jr. Governor of Texas; executive; distinguished Scouter [g]
Frank William Gay Business executive; churchman; devoted Scouter [g]
Thomas F. GilbaneBuilder; business leader; dedicated Scouter [g]
Milton H. GrayLawyer; civic leader; veteran Scouter [g]
William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt Green Bar Bill, the Voice of Scouting [g]
Downing B. JenksCorporate executive; railroader; BSA President [g]
Reuben R. JensenCorporate executive; distinguished Scouter [g]
Sonia S. MaguireHumanitarian; Benefactor of Scouting [g]
J. Willard Marriott Corporation Founder; Churchman; Benefactor of Scouting [g]
Archibald McClureExecutive; Community Servant; Loyal Scouter [g]
Henry J. NaveCorporate executive; sportsman; faithful Scouter [g]
Gene H. Sternberg Sr.Executive; civic leader; loyal Scouter [g]
Harry D. Thorsen Jr.Scouts on Stamps Society International; executive [g]


Arthur G. Linkletter TV and radio personality [g]


Rodney H. Brady Educator; Business Executive; Devoted Scouter [g]
Robert W. Briggs Physician; community leader; dedicated Scouter [g]
Hugh C. ClaytonArchitect; engineer; civic leader; veteran Scouter [g]
Francis A. CoyBusiness executive; community leader; distinguished Scouter [g]
Robert H. GaynorBusinessman; civic leader; devoted Scouter [g]
Albert V. HartlBusiness Executive; Distinguished and Veteran Scouter [g]
Peter W. Hummel Geologist; Supporter of Higher Education; Loyal Scouter [g]
Robert J. LaFortune Independent Oil Operator; civic leader; Dedicated Scouter [g]
Thomas C. MacAvoy Business Executive; Community Servant; Devoted Scouter [g]
Ann W. Nally Community Servant; Parent; Dedicated Scouter [g]
George M. Pardee Jr.Builder; Humanitarian; Veteran Scouter [g]
Ronald Reagan Fortieth President, United States of America; Former Governor; Friend to Youth [g]
V. J. Skutt Corporate Executive; Lawyer; Distinguished Scouter [g]
John B. Young Bank General Manager; civic leader; International Scouter [g]


Hank Aaron Baseball Star; Humanitarian; Friend of Scouting [g]
Monsignor Louis P. BarceloClergyman; Educator; Dedicated Scouter [g]
John M. Belk Businessman; civic leader; Veteran Scouter [g]
Robert W. DievendorfFriend of Youth With Special Needs; Devoted Scouter [g]
Edward C. Joullian III Engineer; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [g]
Spencer W. Kimball Twelfth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [g]
D. Loring MarlettPublic Servant; Mining, Real Estate, and Oil Executive; Humanitarian [g]
Sanford N. McDonnell Aerospace Leader; Community Servant; Devoted Scouter [g]
Charles A. RahmbergInsurance Executive; Dedicated and Distinguished Scouter [g]
Ben Reifel American Indian Leader; Public Servant; Devoted Scouter [g]
Thomas L. Tatham Attorney; civic leader; Outstanding Scouter [g]
Rolland M. WilkeningEngineer; Community Servant; Dedicated Scouter [g]


Robert L. Backman Church Leader; Attorney; Distinguished Scouter [g]
Harry E. Bovay Jr.Retired Chief Executive Officer; Professional Engineer; Faithful Scouter [g]
J. R. DavidsmeyerCorporate Executive; civic leader; Dynamic Advocate of Exploring [g]
Burl Ives Ballad Singer and Collector of Songs; Actor; Friend of Scouting [g]
Ted L. JohnsonCompany President; Community Leader; Loyal Scouter [g]
William P. McCahillRetired Marine Officer and Historian; Advocate for People With Special Needs [g]
Charles J. MerlinFounder of the Elbeetian Legion of Lone Scout Alumni; Editor and Publisher of Elbeetee [g]
Thomas L. ParkerRetired Business Executive; Dedicated Scouter [g]
Roger Tory Peterson Ornithologist; Artist; Naturalist [g]
Charles M. PigottCompany President; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [g]
Betty F. PilsburyNational Girl Scout President; civic leader; Advocate for Youth [g]
Eddie G. Robinson Football Coach; Educator; Inspiration for Youth [g]


William Aramony President of United Way of America; Humanitarian; Human-Service Leader [g]
Warren E. Burger 15th Chief Justice of the United States; Teacher; Distinguished Jurist [g]
Daniel W. DerbesCorporate Executive; Distinguished Eagle Scout; Loyal Scouter [g]
Vaughn J. FeatherstoneChurch Leader; Advocate for Youth; Dedicated Scouter [g]
James F. GaryInternational Energy Adviser; Community Leader; Faithful Scouter [g]
John McCullough GibsonCivic leader; Farmer; Dedicated Scouter [g]
Earl G. Graves Corporate Head; Business Leader; Distinguished Scouter [g]
Marion D. Hanks Church Leader; Advocate for Youth; Loyal Scouter [g]
Robert F. HarbrantLabor Leader; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [g]
Ben M. HausermanRetired Business Executive; Community Leader; Faithful Scouter [g]
Roy W. HawkinsonCompany President; Outdoorsman; Dedicated Scouter [g]
Reuben HitchcockRetired Business Executive; Horseman; Devoted Scouter [g]
Andrew Gerow HodgesRetired Insurance Executive; civic leader; Dedicated Scouter [g]
William Charles McCordCorporate Executive; Community Leader; Loyal Scouter [g]
Henry B. MurphyCompany President; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [g]
Norman Vincent Peale Distinguished Author; Popular Speaker; Inspiration for Youth [g]
Nancy Reagan First Lady; civic leader; Crusader for Youth and Against Drugs [g]
Eugene F. "Bud" Reid Company President; Petroleum Geologist; Loyal Scouter [g]
Jack B. RiffleInsurance Executive; civic leader; Loyal Scouter [g]
Charles M. Schulz Cartoonist; Creative Artist; Friend of Youth [g]
Marshall M. Sloane Bank President; Community Servant; Dedicated Scouter [g]
John W. Thomas Jr.Company President; civic leader; Faithful Scouter [g]


Marian Anderson Contralto; Concert Artist; Friend of Youth [h]
Margot Bogert College Administrator; Community Leader; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Houston A. Brice Jr.Builder; civic leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
George H. W. Bush Forty-first President of the United States; Businessman; Senior Public Official [h]
Albert E. CahillAquatics Safety Instructor; Writer; Devoted Scouter [h]
Murray L. ColeAttorney; Community Servant; Loyal Scouter [h]
Lester E. ColemanCorporate Executive; Chemist; Devoted Scouter [h]
John R. Donnell Jr. Independent Investor; Arts Supporter; Faithful Scouter [h]
William B. ElliottHuman Resources Director; Community Servant; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Hugh Lawson Hembree IIIExecutive; Community Servant; Devoted Scouter [h]
Harold S. HookCorporate Executive; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Glendon E. JohnsonCorporate Executive; Church Leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Isidore J. Lamothe Jr.Physician and Surgeon; Community Leader; Devoted Scouter [h]
Richard H. LeetOil Company Executive; Community Servant; Loyal Scouter [h]
Carl M. MarchettiObstetrician/Gynecologist; Community Servant; Faithful Scouter [h]
William E. SlesnickMathematician; Educator; Distinguished Scouter [h]
C. Travis Traylor Jr.Private Investor; civic leader; Committed Scouter [h]
William H. Webster CIA Director; Lawyer; Distinguished Public Servant [h]
Alfred H. WehrConsultant; Community Leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
John Wooden Former Head Basketball Coach, UCLA; Teacher; Friend of Youth [h]
Dwan Jacobsen Young 6th general president of the Primary of the LDS Church; Benefactor of Children; civic leader; Loyal Scouter [h]


William L. AdamsGeologist; Oil Company Executive; Distinguished Scouter [h]
John L. Clendenin Telecommunications Executive; civic leader; Loyal Scouter [h]
Glenn A. CoxRetired Executive; Education Regent; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Kenneth P. DavisLogistician; Army Reservist; Devoted Scouter [h]
Jacques E. DuboisBusinessman; civic leader; Outstanding Scouter [h]
Marian Wright Edelman Children's Advocate; Civil Rights Leader; Friend of Youth [h]
James A. Hackney IIIProfessional Engineer; Executive; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Paul R. HaferAutomotive Engineer; Inventor; Loyal Scouter [h]
Richard C. HalpernConstruction executive; Civil Engineer; distinguished Scouter [h]
Vivian HarrisAdvocate for people With special needs; civic leader; dynamic Scouter [h]
William A. HillerFarm cooperative executive; Community Servant; Able Scouter [h]
Jim Lovell Astronaut; Communications executive; Distinguished Eagle Scout [h]
William H. NiemannvHorticulturist; Community Servant; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Colin Powell Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Army Officer; Role Model for Youth [h]
Richard N. RossProducer; Showman; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Gerald J. Voros Communicator; Civic Worker; Devoted Scouter [h]


William H. Gray Minister; Legislator; Supporter of Education [h]
George R. Hill III Educator; Researcher; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Lester G. JonesHuman Resources Consultant; executive; Loyal Scouter [h]
R. Dan MatkinBusiness executive; civic leader; Devoted Scouter [h]
R. Richard Rubottom International Consultant; Diplomat; Dynamic Scouter [h]
G. William Swisher Jr.Corporate executive; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [h]


Thomas T. Anderson, D.C.Doctor of Chiropractic; civic leader; Loyal Scouter [h]
Norman Ralph Augustine Aeronautical Engineer; Author; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Richard L. BurdickCivic leader; Devoted Scouter [h]
Clarence Gaines Educator; Coach; Community Leader [h]
Gordon B. Hinckley Fifteenth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [h]
Richard P. LaRocqueClergyman; Community Volunteer; Dedicated Scouter [h]
J.W. Marriott Jr. Corporate executive; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [h]
J. Patrick RossBusiness executive; civic leader; Dynamic Scouter [h]
Herbert J. RoweAssociation executive; Community Leader; Loyal Scouter [h]


Ronald E. Burton Star Athlete; Popular Speaker; Dedicated Scouter; civic leader [h]
August Busch III Corporate executive; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Anderson W. ChandlerBanker; civic leader; Loyal Scouter [h]
Robert A. CunninghamBusiness executive; Devoted Scouter; Community Leader [h]
Jack H. Goaslind Church Leader; Youth Adviser; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Andrew L. Lewis Jr. Former United States Secretary of Transportation; Railroad Industry executive; Public Servant [h]
Jack Zink Mechanical Engineer; Inventor; Dynamic Scouter [h]


Ted CarlsenCompany Founder; Community Leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
John W. Creighton Jr. Corporate executive; civic leader; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Michael D. HarrisAttorney; Church Supporter; Devoted Scouter [h]
Frank H. HeckrodtRetired executive; Community Servant; Loyal Scouter [h]
Gerard O. RocqueChurch Leader; Community Volunteer; Dynamic Scouter [h]
Henry A. Rosenberg Jr.Petroleum Industry executive; civic leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
E. W. "Bud" Wendell Music Industry executive; Community Leader; Loyal Scouter [h]


Thomas D. Allen Attorney; Jamboree Leader; International Scouter [h]
Bill Clinton Forty-second President of the United States of America; Governor of Arkansas; Attorney; Senior Public Official [h]
John M. CoughlinInsurance executive; Church Leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Siegfred S. KagawaBusiness executive; civic leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Francis H. Olmstead Jr.Engineer; Community Leader; Distinguished Scouter, National Commissioner [h]
Robert H. ReynoldsAttorney; Community Volunteer; Dynamic Scouter [h]
Samuel K. Skinner Former United States Secretary of Transportation; Utilities executive; Loyal Scouter [h]
Evelyn T. SmithBusiness executive; Community Leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Marvin L. SmithPetroleum Geologist; civic leader; Devoted Scouter [h]


John C. Cushman III Real Estate executive; civic leader; Devoted Scouter [h]
Allan D. FisherHealth Care executive; Community Leader; Dynamic Scouter [h]
Vertella S. GadsdenSynagogue Leader; Public Speaker; Devoted Scouter [h]
Herbert T. Olson Jr.Retired Association executive; civic leader; Devoted Scouter [h]
Edward Allan Pease U.S. Representative; Youth Advocate; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Elliott Waite PhillipsRancher; Philanthropist; Scouting Benefactor [h]
Ronald J. TempleEducator; Administrator; Loyal Scouter [h]
K. Gregory TuckerRetired Attorney; Water Safety Advocate; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Donald R. WatkinsBusiness executive; Community Volunteer; Distinguished Scouter [h]


A. Dano DavisCorporate executive; civic leader; Devoted Scouter [h]
Steve Fossett Adventurer; Corporate executive; Dynamic Scouter; Philmont Ranger [h]
Edward L. Gaylord Corporate executive; Community Servant; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Carlos R. Hamilton Jr.Physician; Community Servant; Distinguished Scouter [h]
Loren S. Riggins Jr.Business executive; Community Leader; Dedicated Scouter [h]
Roy S. RobertsCorporate executive; civic leader; Loyal Scouter [h]
Janet E. SharpRetired Educator; Community Servant; Dedicated Scouter [h]


Charles L. BowermanRetired Corporate executive; Former Athlete; Dedicated Scouter [i]
M. Anthony Burns Humanitarian; Corporate executive; Dynamic Scouter [i]
Robert Gates National Servant (later Secretary of Defense); Author; Distinguished Scouter [i]
Roger R. HemminghausCorporate executive; civic leader; Loyal Scouter [i]
Louise Mandrell Entertainer; Author; Devoted Scouter [i]
C. Dudley Pratt Jr.Business executive; Community Servant; Dynamic Scouter [i]
Thomas E. ReddinGovernment executive; civic leader; Devoted Scouter [i]
Frank G. RubinoPhysician; Community Volunteer; Dedicated Scouter [i]
Alfred S. WarrenRetired Corporate executive; Community Leader; Enthusiastic Scouter [i]
Togo D. West Jr. Government executive; Public Servant; Distinguished Eagle Scout [i]
Edward E. Whitacre Jr. Corporate executive; civic leader; Devoted Scouter [i]


William F. "Rick" Cronk Corporate executive; Church Leader; Energetic Scouter [i]
George F. Francis IIICommunity Servant; Corporate executive; Dedicated Scouter [i]
Robert T. Herres National Servant; Retired executive; Distinguished Eagle Scout [i]
W. Walter Menninger Physician; Civic Servant; Distinguished Eagle Scout [i]
The Oak Ridge Boys Musicians; Businessmen; Dynamic Scouters [i]
Elmer E. Rasmuson Philanthropist; Education Enthusiast; Devoted Scouter [i]
Harold L. "Spike" Yoh Jr.Civic Servant; Retired Corporate executive; Loyal Scouter [i]
Zig Ziglar Motivational Speaker; Writer; Community Servant [i]


James H. BeanAttorney; National Servant; Devoted Scouter [i]
Raymond V. BiondoPhysician; Educator; Dutiful Scouter [i]
George W. Bush Forty-third President of the United States of America; Governor of Texas; Advocate of Youth [i]
Fred S. Faber Jr.Engineer; Civic Servant; Energetic Scouter [i]
John Gottschalk Executive; Community Servant; Dedicated Scouter [i]
Lee Greenwood Musician; Humanitarian; Supportive Scouter [i]
Carl E. Stewart U.S. Circuit Judge; Civic Servant; Loyal Scouter [i]
Milton H. WardCorporate executive; Arts Enthusiast; Dedicated Scouter [i]
Sue J. WeiermanCivic Volunteer; Editor; Dynamic Scouter [i]


Yogi Berra Professional Athlete; Community Servant; Supportive Scouter [i] [13]
Donna CunninghamCommunity Servant; Dedicated Leader; Dynamic Scouter [i]
Terrence P. Dunn Chief Executive Officer; Community Servant; Enthusiastic Scouter [i]
F. Melvin Hammond LDS General Authority and Religious Leader; Educator; Dutiful Scouter [i]
Lyle R. KnightExecutive; Business Leader; Dependable Scouter [i]
Jerrold L. LockshinCivic Servant; U.S. Army Veteran; Distinguished Scouter [i]
Francis R. McAllisterCorporate executive; Civic Servant; Loyal Scouter [i]
Glen McLaughlin Venture Capitalist; Philanthropist; Loyal Scouter [i]
Jose F. NiñoBusiness executive; National Servant; Energetic Scouter [i]
H. Ross Perot Philanthropist; Public Servant; Business executive; Distinguished Eagle Scout [i] [5]
George Zambelli Sr.Businessman; Community Volunteer; Faithful Scouter [i]


George Leighton Allen Sr.Distinguished Physician; U.S. Army Veteran; Influential Scouter [i]
John P. DesBarresEnergy executive; Arts Patron; Visionary Scouter [i]
Joseph L. HarrisReligious Leader; Urban Revivalist; Supportive Scouter [i]
Aubrey B. Harwell Jr.Civic Leader; Legal Scholar; Devoted Scouter [i]
J. Dennis Hastert Political Leader, Successful Coach, Youth Advocate [i]
Donald Keith Hummel Religious Leader; Dynamic Volunteer; Inspirational Scouter [i]
R. Lawry HunsakerFoster Parent; Reverent Disciple; International Scouter [i]
Drayton McLane Jr. Business Leader; Sports executive; Dedicated Scouter [i]
Jan T. PerkinsVolunteer; Attorney; Devoted Scouter [i]
Mary Ann PriceCivic Volunteer; Trainer; Tireless Scouter [i]
Robert W. SpanogleWar Veteran; Volunteer; Scouting Advocate [i]


Stephen D. Bechtel Jr. Distinguished Businessman; Community Benefactor; Student Mentor [i]
Robert A. BedingfieldAdventurous Volunteer; Dedicated Scouter; Business Leader [i]
Donald A. BelcherBusiness executive; Dedicated Volunteer; Distinguished Eagle Scout [i]
David Lloyd BriscoeVersatile Volunteer; Tireless Scouter; Dedicated Professor [i]
Harriss A. "Hab" Butler IIILifelong Scouter; Community Activist; Tireless Volunteer [i]
Joseph Csatari Talented Artist; Selfless Volunteer; Inspired Scouter [i]
Gerald A. Gettelfinger Roman Catholic Bishop of Evansville, Indiana [i]
Coleen Kent Menlove Scouting Matriarch; Tireless Volunteer; Enthusiastic Scouter [i]
Richards Miller Knowledgeable Scouter; Youth Coach; Distinguished Dentist [i]
Roger M. SchrimpDistinguished Eagle Scout; Community Leader; Successful Attorney [i]
James W. ShepherdReal Estate Investor; Diverse Volunteer; Energetic Scouter [i]


W. Todd BassettDedicated Church Leader; Tireless Youth Advocate; Devoted Christian [i]
Richard H. Carmona Health Advocate; Distinguished Physician; Decorated Veteran [i]
Douglas H. DittrickDistinguished Businessman; Dedicated Scouter; Community Benefactor [i]
Bradley HaddockDistinguished Corporate Lawyer; Committed Church Leader; Dedicated Scouter [i]
Peter E. HymanTireless Scouting Volunteer; Community Leader; Man of God [i]
Alberto A. Muñoz IIScouting Innovator; Advocate for Youth; Philanthropist [i]
Wayne M. Perry Corporate Leader; Longtime Scouter; Youth Coach [i]
Samuel J. PriskLifelong Scouter; Health Professional; Servant Leader [i]
James M. ReddingerDistinguished Businessman; Scouting Leader; Selfless Volunteer [i]
Donald Rumsfeld National Leader; Naval Aviator; Distinguished Eagle Scout; Philmont Ranger [i] [14]
R. Ray WoodCommitted Scouter; Business Leader; Youth Advocate [i]


Bray Bruce BarnesDevoted Scouter, Man of God, Distinguished Eagle Scout [15]
S. Truett Cathy Business Pioneer, Leading Philanthropist, Man of God [15]
Dennis H. Chookaszian Distinguished Eagle Scout, Corporate Leader, Dedicated Volunteer [15]
Charles W. Dahlquist II Church Leader, Longtime Scouter, Committed Professional [15]
L. B. Eckelkamp Jr.Businessman, Community Leader, Dedicated Scouter [15]
Archie Manning World-Class Athlete, Devoted Father, Humanitarian [15]
Hector A. "Tico" Perez Dedicated Scouter, Community Leader, Distinguished Attorney [15]
Mary Anne RoundsCub Scout Visionary, Prolific Writer, Dedicated Volunteer [15]
Joe W. WalkoviakScouting Visionary, Corporate Leader, Dedicated Volunteer [15]
Gary E. WendlandtScouting Leader, Financial executive, Eagle Scout [15]
Harold A. YocumLifelong Scouter, Eagle Scout, Committed Physician [15]


Walter M. "Buster" Brown IIISpecial-Needs Advocate, Philmont Benefactor, Lifelong Scouter [16]
Diane M. CannonDedicated Volunteer, Trusted Mentor, Inspirational Trainer [16]
Peter P. CaseyCorporate Leader, Lifelong Volunteer, Distinguished Eagle Scout [16]
Harold C. FriendInternational Scouter, Dedicated Rotarian, Advocate for Children, Distinguished Eagle Scout [16]
T. Michael Goodrich Business Leader, Committed Volunteer, Distinguished Eagle Scout [16]
John C. "Jack" JadelCommitted Leader, Education Advocate, Distinguished Eagle Scout [16]
Neal Roger JohnsonExploring Advocate, Key Jamboree Leader, Dedicated Public Servant [16]
G. Edward LewisAdvocate for Youth, Philanthropist, Community Servant [16]
Daniel S. ZaccaraLifelong Scouter, Innovative Trainer, War Veteran [16]


R. Thomas Buffenbarger International President, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers [17]
D. Kent ClayburnDedicated Scouter, Caring Mentor, International Scouting Advocate [17]
Randall K. ClineLifelong Scouter, Visionary Leader, Dedicated Arrowman [17]
Larry CunninghamVenturing Pioneer, Dynamic Trainer, Longtime Scouter [17]
Tommy DortchCommunity Leader, Mentor [17]
Jeff Gordon Race-car Driver; Businessman, Community Leader, Friend of Scouting [17] [18]
Ronald K. MigitaDedicated Scouter, Education Advocate, Business Leader [17]
Nathan O. RosenbergVisionary Leader, Gifted Trainer, Lifelong Scouter [17]
James S. Turley Committed Volunteer, Gifted Leader, Good Scout [17]
Charles T. WalneckInnovative Leader, Veteran Scoutmaster, Patriotic American [17]
Lance B. Wickman Lifelong Scouter, Combat Veteran, Man of God [17]


Keith A. Clarkaccomplished leader, distinguished attorney, dedicated Scouter [19]
Ronald O. Colemangifted communicator, friend of youth, creative collaborator [19]
R. Michael DanielAttorney, retired colonel United States Marine Corps Reserve, Eagle Scout [19] [20]
Jack D. Furstvisionary leader, generous philanthropist, Eagle Scout [19]
William L. GarrisonStrategic thinker, lifelong volunteer, friend of youth [19]
William H. Gates III Business magnate, philanthropist, author, founder and chairman of Microsoft [19]
Albert S. Lineberry Sr.lifelong Scouter, tireless volunteer [19]
Douglas B. Mitchellmaster builder, youth advocate [19]
O. Temple Sloan Jr.entrepreneur, education advocate [19]
Charles H. "Chuck" Smith Businessman, retired president and CEO of AT&T West; Eagle Scout [19]
Rex Tillerson Engineer, chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil; President of the BSA as of May 23, 2010 [19]
Steven E. Weekesstrategic thinker, successful businessman [19]


Edward H. ArnoldBusiness Leader, Generous Philanthropist, Friend of Scouting [21]
Stephen L BowenJamboree Visionary, Creative Thinker, Gifted Leader [21]
Gail and Dale Coyne IndyCar team owners, Friends of Youth, Successful Businesspeople [21]
William FinertyDistinguished Physician, International Scouter, Devoted Leader [21]
Marshall HollisExperienced Outdoorsman, Leader in Safety, Trusted Businessman [21]
Robert RowndSkillful Leader, Successful Financial Advisor, Builder of Scouting [21]
Walter Scott Jr. Distinguished Eagle Scout, Successful Businessman, Generous Philanthropist [21]
Robert F. SinclairSupporter of Education, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Inventive Leader [21]
W. Scott Sorrels Friend of Commissioners, Venturing Pioneer, Youth Advocate [21]
Mary StevensTraining Innovator, Technology Trailblazer, Strategic Thinker [21]


Allen David BrownFinancial Steward, Tireless Volunteer, Gifted Leader [22]
Paul R. ChristenDistinguished Eagle Scout, Generous Philanthropist, Servant Leader [22]
Elaine Smith FrancisCub Scouting Expert, Friend of Youth, Generous Teacher [22]
Robert E. Guglielmone Man of God, Friend of Youth, Innovative Leader [22]
Stephen B. King Sr.Lifelong Scouter, Public Servant, Dedicated Leader [22]
Elmer C. "Neil" Lupton, Ph.D.Distinguished Eagle Scout, Strategic Thinker, Servant Leader [22]
Vice Adm. Justin D. McCarthyGifted Leader, Dedicated Scouter, Patriot [22]
Ray Louis RussellWood Badge Expert, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Servant Leader [22]
Russell Hoke SmartDedicated Scouter, Visionary Leader, Jamboree Expert [22]
Randall L. Stephenson Passionate Leader, Friend of Scouting, Advocate for Youth [22]
Matthew Maynard WalkerDistinguished Arrowman, Eagle Scout, Cheerful Servant [22]


Carlos J. ArboleyaLifelong Scouter, Tireless Leader, Citizen of the World [23]
Jeanne D. ArnoldVisionary Philanthropist, Friend of Children, Healthcare Leader [23]
George N. BoulukosGifted Leader, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Man of God, [23] [24]
Jack S. Butler IIDistinguished Arrowman, Proven Leader, Eagle Scout [23]
Raymond CappTireless Leader, Cheerful Servant, Distinguished Eagle Scout [23]
Ralph de la Vega Gifted Executive, Creative Thinker, Friend of Youth [23]
J. Russell HunsakerGifted Leader, Visionary Planner, Man of God [23]
William H. Cardinal Keeler Distinguished Eagle Scout, Friend of Youth, Man of God [23]
Steve McGowanSummit Pioneer, Visionary Leader, Eagle Scout [23]
Eleanor Smith Morrison Gifted Trainer, Servant Leader, Distinguished Commissioner [23]
Barack H. Obama 44th president of the United States [23]
John F. Pyfer Jr.Benefactor, International Scouter, Distinguished Eagle Scout [23]


David L. Beck Servant Leader, Man of God, Dynamic Trainer [25]
Toby CappsDistinguished Arrowman, Servant Leader, Eagle Scout [25]
Michael G. HoffmanVisionary Leader, Distinguished Arrowman, Tireless Volunteer, [25]
Sen. Joe Manchin Public Servant, Common Sense Leader, Scouting Advocate [25]
Robert J. SmithGifted Leader, Lifelong Volunteer, Executive Mentor [25]
William W. Stark Jr.Visionary Leader, Tireless Volunteer, Distinguished Eagle Scout [25]
Mark L. StolowitzWorld-Class Trainer, Distinguished Arrowman, Eagle Scout [25]
R. "Chip" TurnerMan of God, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Bridge Builder [25]
Rosemary M. Wixom Gifted Trainer, Advocate of Youth, Woman of God [25]


Glenn A. AdamsVisionary Leader, Devoted Scouter, Distinguished Eagle Scout [26]
Glenn Thomas AultGifted Teacher, Dedicated Physician, Distinguished Arrowman [26]
Richard Paul BraggaServant of Youth, Tireless Volunteer, Distinguished Eagle Scout [26]
J.S. "Si" Brown IIIOutstanding Citizen, Youth Mentor, Distinguished Eagle Scout [26]
Larry M. Gibson Religious Leader, Lifelong Scouter, Distinguished Eagle Scout [26]
Jeffery Q. JonasenDistinguished Arrowman, Servant Leader, Eagle Scout [26]
John Willis Lea IVDistinguished Commissioner, Renowned Physician, Dedicated Scouter [26]
Daniel B. MaxfieldLifelong Scouter, Tireless Volunteer, Servant Leader [26]
Arthur F. "Skip" OppenheimerCommunity Leader, Education Supporter, Eagle Scout [26]
Robert J. SirhalDedicated Scouter, Community Servant, Leader of Leaders [26]
Bruce Robert TrefzMedical Missionary, Youth Mentor, Dedicated Scouter [26]
John C. Whitehead Inspiring Leader, Visionary Statesman, Distinguished Eagle Scout [26]
Andrew J. Young Civil Rights Leader, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Human Rights Champion [26]


Timothy A. AcreeTraining Developer, Servant Leader, Eagle Scout [27]
L. Ronald BellYouth Advocate, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Lifelong Arrowman [27]
Steven D. BradleyServant Leader, Distinguished Arrowman, Eagle Scout [27]
Daniel Leo Coberly Visionary Leader, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Scouting Ambassador [27]
Christopher Allen GroveGifted Surgeon, Outstanding Eagle Scout, Friend of Youth [27]
Timothy Michael Dolan Spiritual Leader, Friend of Youth, Man of God [27]
J. Brett HarveyBusiness Icon, Model Philanthropist, Scouting Leader [27]
Mark A. KriebelServant Leader, Friend of Youth, Distinguished Eagle Scout [27]
Joseph P. LandyVisionary Leader, Creative Thinker, Dedicated Scouter [27]
Christine PerryCommitted Volunteer, Teacher of Youth, Woman of God [27]
James D. Rogers Committed Volunteer, Friend of Youth, Distinguished Eagle Scout [27]
John D. TickleBusiness Leader, Philanthropist, Distinguished Eagle Scout [27]
David M. WeekleyVisionary Leader, Friend of Youth, Distinguished Eagle Scout [27]


David BieglerFriend of Youth [28]
Nelson BlockScouting Historian, Advocate of Scouting, Eagle Scout [28]
L. H. (Larry) ChaseTeacher, Distinguished Commissioner [28]
Lucia CroninTransformative Leader [28]
Robert G. DealamanLongtime Scouter [28]
Eric L. HiserEagle Scout, Outdoor Advocate [28]
Kenneth Paul KingEducator, Eagle Scout [28]
Carol McCarthyTrainer, Scouting Advocate, Distinguished Commissioner [28]
Dan OwnbyScouting Ambassador, Eagle Scout [28]
Aubrey B. PattersonServant to Youth, Education Advocate [28]
Mark D. RoseDistinguished Eagle Scout, Youth Mentor [28]
David StewardEntrepreneur, Servant Leader [28]


Linda Baker, Ph.D.Teacher, Educational Researcher [29]
Terry BramlettScouter, Outdoor Enthusiast [29]
John Norman BrownEagle Scout, Educator [29]
Howard BullochEagle Scout, Innovative Leader [29]
Larry W. CoppockReligious Leader [29]
Craig E. FennemanEagle Scout, Entrepreneur [29]
Jack HessEagle Scout, Geologist [29]
Bill LoebleEagle Scout, Longtime Scouter [29]
María MolinelliAttorney, Inspirational Leader [29]
Brian P. WilliamsEagle Scout, Attorney [29]


Dave AlexanderEagle Scout, Benefactor [30]
Jeffrey S. BostwickJudge, Outstanding Eagle Scout [30]
E. Gordon Gee College President, Distinguished Eagle Scout [30]
Dr. Kenneth D. KingDistinguished Eagle Scout, Educator [30]
Robert E. Murray Scouter, Benefactor, National Mining Hall of Fame [30]
William E. “Bill” RosnerFamily Scouting Advocate [30]
James A. RyffelDistinguished Eagle Scout, Entrepreneur [30]
C. Bari SaundersInternational Scouter [30]
Gary M. SchroederDistinguished Eagle Scout, Outdoor Enthusiast [30]
Alison K. SchulerPioneering Leader, Attorney, Rotarian, First woman to led a BSA National Standing Committee [30]
Daniel Thomas SegersinLongtime Scouter, Outdoors Enthusiast [30]
Wesley J. Smith Champion of Inclusivity [30]
Kaylene “Kay” TrickMentor, Pioneering Leader, First woman to serve on National Order of the Arrow Committee and first female recipient of the OA's Distinguished Service Award [30]


Ronald L. AdolphiLifelong Volunteer, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Religious Leader, Recipient of the Medal for Distinguished Civilian Service [31]
Thomas S. BainDistinguished Eagle Scout, Distinguished Arrowman, Financial Technologist [31]
Scott W. BeckettEagle Scout, Jamboree Leader, Distinguished Arrowman, Past National Chief of the Order of the Arrow [31]
Paul C. Bicket, M.D.Outstanding Eagle Scout, Physician, Jamboree Leader [31]
Ned Cooper Gold Jr.Outstanding Eagle Scout, Visionary Scouter, Founder of the Philmont Staff Association, Attorney [31]
Julia Mae-Shen LeskoNational Wood Badge Coordinator, Long Time Scouter, U.S. Surface Transportation Board [31]
Charles McGee Distinguished Eagle Scout, Tuskegee Airman, Brigadier General (retired) [31]
R. Doyle ParrishEagle Scout, Community Leader, Active Scouter [31]
L. Hugh ReddInvestor, Youth Mentor, National Board Member [31]
Brian D. ThiessenDistinguished Eagle Scout, Rotarian, Air Force Veteran, Attorney [31]
Michael Lawrence ThompsonDistinguished Eagle Scout, Distinguished Arrowman, Public Servant [31]
Frank D. TsuruDistinguished Eagle Scout, Engineer, President of National Eagle Scout Association [31]
Billy W. WalleyOutstanding Eagle Scout, Distinguished Arrowman, Attorney, Man of God [31]
Charles D. Wurster Vice Admiral, USCG (Retired); Distinguished Eagle Scout, Sea Scouting Leader [31]


Scott R. BergerLifelong Volunteer, Distinguished Eagle Scout, Chair of Scouts BSA Committee, Directors Guild of America Board Member [32]
Scott R. ChristensenNortheast Region President, National Executive Board Member, Nationally recognized figure in increasing awareness of glaucoma [32]
Reid A. ChristophersonEagle Scout, Central Region Commissioner, Jamboree Enthusiast, Air Force Veteran, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America National Executive Committee Member [32]
Joe R. Crafton Jr.Summit Supporter, BSA Vice President, Conservation Advocate, Chief Executive Officer [32]
Gary E. CrumWestern Region President, Jamboree Leader, NFL Athlete [32]
Thomas C. EdwardsEagle Scout, BSA Foundation Chair [32]
Jennifer HancockChair, National BSA Program Development Committee, Child Advocacy, Human Rights and Property Law Attorney [32]
Charles D. HolmesJamboree Advocate, Southern Region Commissioner [32]
Dabney KennedyNational Committee Member, Distinguished Order of the Arrow Member [32]
Jeffrey J. KosikSummit advocate, engineer [32]
Brother Kevin Dismas Moshier FSPEagle Scout, Religious leader, Veteran [32]
Norbert Anthony Steinhardt IIIDistinguished Order of the Arrow Member, community leader [32]
Thomas Richard YarboroNational Executive Board Member, youth advocate [32]


Timothy BeatyDistinguished Eagle Scout, Conservationist [33]
Devang DesaiAttorney, Arrowman, Regional Board Member, Eagle Scout [33]
Jeffrey GoldsmithEagle Scout, National Committee Member [33]
Michael LanningEagle Scout, Trainer [33]
Richard MasonChair on Ad-Hoc Committee, Member of Churchill Task Force, Distinguished Eagle Scout [33]
Jin MatsumotoEagle Scout, Jamboree Scouter, International Scouter [33]
Paul MoffatEagle Scout, Duty to God Advocate [33]
James MorrisEagle Scout, Scouting Fundraiser, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program [33]
Stephen NicolaysenDistinguished Eagle Scout, BSA Foundation Trustee, Philmont Ranch Properties Committee, Key Leader in the National Camp Accreditation Program [33]
Rev. Arties Phillips Jr.African Methodist Episcopal Church Leader [33]
David Rumbarger Jr.Distinguished Eagle Scout, National Operations Council Chair [33]
John SeverinoEagle Scout, Sea Scouting Advocate [33]
Darlene SpragueChair of the National Commissioner Service Team, Devoted Scouter [33]
William SugdenKey Member of the Chapter 11 Reorganization Team [33]
Brigitte TherivelBronze Wolf Recipient, Jamboree Scouter, Youth Safety Advocate [33]
Survivors of Abuse in Scouting [33]


Mike BlissEagle Scout, Distinguished Arrowman, Long-Time Scouter [34]
Salvatore P. CiampoDistinguished Eagle Scout, Sea Scout Commodore, National Strategic Analysis and Facilities Management Subcommittee Chair [34]
J. Robert ColemanDistinguished Eagle Scout, National Advisory Council Member and BSA National Foundation Member [34]
Donald J. DareArea President, Duty to God Breakfast Chair, National Camp Accreditation Program committee member, Army Veteran, Broadcast Journalist [34]
Joel A. EackerNavy Veteran, Chair of National Volunteer Training Committee, Chair of Scouting University, Philmont Ranch Committee Member, Area President [34]
Laurence H. GreenOutstanding Eagle Scout, Outdoor Program and Philmont Advocate, Long-Time Scouter [34]
Janet C. GriffinChampion for Underserved Youth, Member of many National Committees, Task Forces, and Project Teams, Subject Matter Expert [34]
Norfleet R. Johnston Sr.Long-Time Scouter, National Scouting Museum Committee Member [34]
Andrew MillerEagle Scout, National Venturing Leadership Award, Chair of the BSA Alumni Association [34]
Patrick A. NoackEagle Scout, Territory Chair, Chair of the National Program Development Committee [34]
William M. PerkinsEagle Scout, Jamboree Leader, Arrowman [34]
The Hon. Randy L. PottsNESA Outstanding Eagle Scout, NESA National Committee Member, 2021 National & 2020 Southern Region Alumnus of the Year, National Organization Sea Scout Alumni - National Chairman, Navy Veteran [34]
Leonard Williams Jr.Distinguished Eagle Scout, Region Board Member and Territory Chair [34]
Lisa WylieLong-Time Scouter, Council and Area Leader, Chair of National Cub Scouting Committee [34]


Laurie ChampionRisk Management Strategist, Council President, Dedicated Scouter [35]
Mark J. ChiluttiDistinguished Arrowman, Outstanding Eagle Scout, Motivational Speaker [35]
Kandra DickersonFirst Female Region Commissioner, CPA, Northern Tier Committee Member, National Program Development Committee, National Operations Council Member [35]
Hon. Frederick "Rick" Hillenbrand, III Navy Veteran, West Virginia House of Delegates, National Commissioner Service Team Member, Regional Board Member, Council Commissioner [35]
Jason P. HoodOutstanding Eagle Scout, Distinguished Arrowman, Attorney, Service Territory Chair, Community Advocate [35]
David J. KehrerLongtime Jamboree Volunteer, Summit Bechtel Reserve Trailblazer [35]
Dr. James D. LibbinUniversity Professor, Agriculture Scholar, Regional Commissioner, Commissioner Coordinator, Council President [35]
Bernard W. Lockard Jr.Outstanding Eagle Scout, National Venturing Committee Chair, Council President, Area President [35]
Fred R. Norton Jr.Eagle Scout, Jamboree Volunteer, Council President [35]
Louis PaulsonDistinguished Eagle Scout, National Executive Board Member, Professional Firefighter, Public Servant [35]
Michael R. RooneyDistinguished Eagle Scout, Attorney, National Cub Scouting Committee Commissioner [35]
Sven J. Rundman IIIIndustrial Hygienist, National Committee Member, Wood Badge and Jamboree Leader [35]
Dr. Arnold F. TraupmanDistinguished Eagle Scout, Ophthalmologist, Council President and Commissioner [35]
Michael F. WeberDistinguished Eagle Scout, Automotive Engineer, National Commissioner Service Team Member [35]


David Thomas Berry [36]
Hon. Gerard J. Boyle [36]
Edward A. “Andy” Chapman [36]
Gary Christiansen [36]
Donna Jean (Holland) Copeland [36]
Julie A. Dalton [36]
David Michael Ehrlich [36]
William Goebel [36]
Linda Goff [36]
James K. Hendren [36]
Timothy I. Malaney [36]
Brad Tilden [36]
William Henry “Bill” Topkis [36]
Dan Walters [36]


  1. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1929–1926". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2011-06-22.
  2. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1939–1930". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2009-09-09.
  3. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1949–1940". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03.
  4. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1959–1950". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2020-10-02.
  5. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1969–1960". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03.
  6. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1979–1970". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03.
  7. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1989–1980". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03.
  8. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 1999–1990". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03.
  9. "Silver Buffalo Award Winners 2008–2000". Boy Scouts of America. Archived from the original on 2016-03-03.


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  3. Baden-Powell, Robert (1908). Scouting for Boys: A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship. London: H. Cox. p. xxiv. ISBN   0-486-45719-2.
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  22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Wendell, Bryan (June 8, 2012). "BSA names its 2012 Silver Buffalo Award recipients". Bryan on Scouting.
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Wendell, Bryan (2013-02-07). "Meet your 2013 Silver Buffalo class". Bryan on Scouting.
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  25. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wendell, Bryan (May 23, 2014). "2014 Silver Buffalo recipients and their service to youth". Bryan on Scouting.
  26. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wendell, Bryan (May 22, 2015). "2015 Silver Buffalo recipients and their service to youth". Bryan on Scouting.
  27. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wendell, Bryan (May 27, 2016). "2016 Silver Buffalo recipients and their service to youth". Bryan on Scouting.
  28. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Wendell, Bryan (May 26, 2017). "Meet your 2017 Silver Buffalo Award class". Bryan on Scouting.
  29. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wendell, Bryan (May 23, 2018). "Meet your 2018 Silver Buffalo Award class". Bryan on Scouting.
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wendell, Bryan (May 31, 2017). "Meet your 2019 Silver Buffalo Award class". Bryan on Scouting.
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Boy Scouts of America (May 31, 2020). "2020 Silver Buffalos".
  32. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Boy Scouts of America (May 31, 2021). "2021 Silver Buffalos".
  33. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Boy Scouts of America (May 3, 2022). "Scouters to Receive 2022 Silver Buffalo."
  34. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Boy Scouts of America (May 15, 2023). "Scouters to Receive 2023 Silver Buffalo."
  35. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Boy Scouts of America (March 14, 2024). "Meet your 2024 Silver Buffalo, Silver Antelope classes".
  36. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Boy Scouts of America (March 20, 2025). "Meet your 2025 Silver Buffalo, Silver Antelope classes".