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Lutheranism |
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In the Lutheran Church, Matins is a morning-time liturgical order combining features that were found in the Medieval orders of Matins, Lauds, and Prime. Lutherans generally retained the Order of Matins for use in schools and in larger city parishes throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. In some places, Matins continued to be sung in Latin still longer. For example, at the close of the eighteenth century in Leipzig, one historian records that "every Sunday and festival day the canonical hours taken over from the Roman Catholic Church are still being chanted before [the chief service] at 6:30 am." [1] The orders experienced a revival in the Confessional Renewal that took place in the 19th century, and now have a stable place in modern Lutheran liturgical books.
A few examples of Matins in the Lutheran Church can be found below. The first column contains the Offices of Matins, Lauds, and Prime as found in the pre-Reformation breviary from the Archdiocese of Magdeburg. The second column provides the Office of Matins from the Lutheran Cathedral of Havelberg, a suffragan of Magdeburg, as found in the 1589 Vesperale of Matthäus Ludecus, dean of the Havelberg Cathedral. The third column provides Matins as it was sung in the Lutheran Cathedral of Magdeburg in 1613, precisely one century after the pre-Reformation breviary in the first column. The final column contains the Order of Matins as found in the 1941 Lutheran Hymnal of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. Along with the outline of the office itself, the various propers for Matins of the First Sunday in Advent are also included.
Magdeburg Breviary (1513) | Vesperale (Havelberg, 1589) | Cantica Sacra (Magdeburg, 1613) | The Lutheran Hymnal (LCMS, 1941) |
Matins | Matins | Matins | Matins |
Domine labia mea aperies | Domine labia mea aperies | Domine labia mea aperies | "O Lord, open Thou my lips" |
Deus in adiutorium meum intende | Deus in adiutorium meum intende | Deus in adiutorium meum intende | "Make haste, O God, to deliver me" |
Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri | Glory be to the Father... |
Alleluia | Alleluia | Alleluia | Alleluia |
Invitatory Advent I:
| Invitatory | Invitatory Advent I:
| Invitatory Advent I:
Venite | Venite | Venite | Venite |
First Nocturne | |||
Hymn | |||
| Psalmody
| Psalmody
| Psalmody - "One or more psalms shall be said or chanted" Advent I: Unspecified |
Versicle Advent I:
| |||
First Lection Advent I:
| Lections | Three Lections on Feasts and Sundays, one on Ferias Advent I:
| Lections - one or more |
Responsory (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast) Advent I:
| Responsory (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast) Advent I:
| Three Responsories on Sundays and Feasts, one on Ferias (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast) Advent I:
| Responsory (common, seasonal, or proper to a certain Sunday or feast) Advent I:
Second Lection Advent I:
| Second Lection Advent I:
| ||
Responsory Advent I:
| Responsory Advent I:
| ||
Third Lection Advent I:
| Third Lection Advent I:
| ||
Responsory Advent I:
| Responsory Advent I:
| ||
Second Nocturne | |||
| Psalmody
| ||
Versicle Advent I:
| |||
Fourth Lection Advent I:
| |||
Responsory Advent I:
| |||
Fifth Lection Advent I:
| |||
Responsory Advent I:
| |||
Sixth Lection Advent I:
| |||
Responsory Advent I:
| |||
Third Nocturne | |||
| Psalmody
| ||
Versicle Advent I:
| |||
Seventh Lection Advent I:
| See Third Lection | ||
Homily Advent I:
| |||
Responsory Advent I:
| |||
Eighth Lection Advent I:
| |||
Responsory Advent I:
| |||
Ninth Lection Advent I:
| |||
Responsory Advent I:
| |||
Sermon (optional) | |||
Te Deum
| Te Deum | Te Deum | Te Deum or Benedictus |
Dominus vobiscum and Oremus Advent I:
| |||
Lauds | Lauds | Lauds | |
| Psalmody
| Psalmody
| |
Hymn (seasonal, common, or proper) Advent I: | Hymn (seasonal, common, or proper) Advent I: | Hymn | |
Chapter Advent I:
| Chapter (German version of what was read in Matins) Advent I:
| ||
Versicle and response (seasonal, common, or proper) Advent I:
| |||
Benedictus with antiphon (usually proper, frequently taken from Gospel at Mass)
| Benedictus with antiphon | Benedictus with antiphon (usually proper, frequently taken from Gospel at Mass)
| |
Versicle Advent I:
| |||
Collect Advent I:
| Collect Advent I:
| ||
Prime | Prime | Prime | |
Hymn - Nocte surgentes | Hymn - Jam lucis orto sydere | ||
| Psalmody
| ||
| |||
| Responsory
| ||
Ninefold Kyrie | Threefold Kyrie | ||
Pater noster | "Our Father..." | ||
Preces | Optional suffrages | ||
Confiteor | |||
Preces | |||
Dominus vobiscum and Oremus | Dominus vobiscum and Oremus | "The Lord be with you" | |
Collect - Domine sancte Pater omnipotens... | Collects Collect for Grace: "O Lord, our heavenly Father..." | ||
Versicles | |||
Collect - Actiones nostras... | |||
Oremus | |||
Collect - Sancta Maria mater Domini... | |||
Deus in adiutorium meum intende (x3) | |||
Gloria Patri | |||
Threefold Kyrie | |||
Pater noster | |||
Versicles (Psalm 90:16-17) | |||
Oremus | |||
Dirigere et sanctificare... | |||
Dominus vobiscum | Dominus vobiscum | ||
Benedicamus Domino | Benedicamus Domino | Benedicamus Domino | "Bless we the Lord." |
Benediction |
The Roman Breviary is a breviary of the Roman Rite in the Catholic Church. A liturgical book, it contains public or canonical prayers, hymns, the Psalms, readings, and notations for everyday use, especially by bishops, priests, and deacons in the Divine Office.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), also known as the Missouri Synod, is a traditional, confessional Lutheran denomination in the United States. With 1.8 million members, it is the second-largest Lutheran body in the United States. The LCMS was organized in 1847 at a meeting in Chicago, Illinois, as the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States, a name which partially reflected the geographic locations of the founding congregations.
In the practice of Christianity, canonical hours mark the divisions of the day in terms of fixed times of prayer at regular intervals. A book of hours, chiefly a breviary, normally contains a version of, or selection from, such prayers.
Matins is a canonical hour in Christian liturgy, originally sung during the darkness of early morning.
Tenebrae is a religious service of Western Christianity held during the three days preceding Easter Day, and characterized by gradual extinguishing of candles, and by a "strepitus" or "loud noise" taking place in total darkness near the end of the service.
Christian liturgy is a pattern for worship used by a Christian congregation or denomination on a regular basis. The term liturgy comes from Greek and means "public work".
Martin Chemnitz was an eminent second-generation German, Evangelical Lutheran, Christian theologian, and a Protestant reformer, churchman, and confessor. In the Evangelical Lutheran tradition he is known as Alter Martinus, the "Second Martin": Si Martinus non fuisset, Martinus vix stetisset goes a common saying concerning him. He is listed and remembered in the Calendar of Saints and Commemorations in the Liturgical Church Year as a pastor and confessor by both the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.
The Liturgy of the Hours or Divine Office or Opus Dei are the canonical hours, often also referred to as the breviary, of the Latin Church. The Liturgy of the Hours forms the official set of prayers "marking the hours of each day and sanctifying the day with prayer." The term "Liturgy of the Hours" has been retroactively applied to the practices of saying the canonical hours in both the Christian East and West –particularly within the Latin liturgical rites – prior to the Second Vatican Council, and is the official term for the canonical hours promulgated for usage by the Latin Church in 1971. Before 1971, the official form for the Latin Church was the Breviarium Romanum, first published in 1568 with major editions through 1962.
The Office of the Dead or Office for the Dead is a prayer cycle of the Canonical Hours in the Catholic Church, Anglican Church and Lutheran Church, said for the repose of the soul of a decedent. It is the proper reading on All Souls' Day for all souls in Purgatory, and can be a votive office on other days when said for a particular decedent. The work is composed of different psalms, scripture, prayers and other parts, divided into The Office of Readings, Lauds, Daytime Prayer, Vespers and Compline.
An Antiphonary is one of the liturgical books intended for use in choro, and originally characterized, as its name implies, by the assignment to it principally of the antiphons used in various parts of the Roman liturgy.
The name Agenda is given, particularly in the Lutheran Church, to the official books dealing with the forms and ceremonies of divine service.
Cornelius Jansen, the Elder was a Catholic exegete and the first Bishop of Ghent. According to M.A. Screech, Jansen is considered by many to be the most outstanding Roman Catholic biblical scholar of his age.
Vespers is the evening prayer service in the liturgies of the canonical hours. The word comes from the Greek εσπερινός and its Latin equivalent vesper, meaning "evening." In Lutheranism the traditional form has varied widely with time and place. Martin Luther, in his German Mass and Order of Divine Service (1526') recommended reading the gospel in Latin in schools: "Then let another boy read the same chapter in German for practice, and in case any layman were there to hear...In the same way at Vespers, let them sing the Vesper Psalms as sung hitherto, in Latin, with an antiphon; then a hymn, as there is opportunity." While Latin vespers continued to be said in large churches, many experiments with simplified liturgies were made, including combining the hours of vespers and compline, later taken up in Thomas Cranmer's Anglican evensong. Under the influence of the 20th century Liturgical movement the Alpirsbach circle reintroduced Gregorian chant and spawned the Evangelisch-Lutherische Gebetsbruderschaft, established in 1954, which publishes the Breviarium Lipsiensae or Leipzig Breviary.
A liturgical book, or service book, is a book published by the authority of a church body that contains the text and directions for the liturgy of its official religious services.
Lutheranism is one of the largest branches of Protestantism, identifying with the theology of Martin Luther, a 16th-century German monk and reformer whose efforts to reform the theology and practice of the Catholic Church launched the Protestant Reformation. The reaction of the government and church authorities to the international spread of his writings, beginning with the Ninety-five Theses, divided Western Christianity. During the Reformation, Lutheranism became the state religion of numerous states of northern Europe, especially in northern Germany, Scandinavia and the then Livonian Order. Lutheran clergy became civil servants and the Lutheran churches became part of the state.
Richard Hillert (1923-2010) was a noted Lutheran composer. He was Distinguished Professor of Music Emeritus at Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill. He was best known for his work as a composer and teacher of composition. Among his most frequently performed liturgical works for congregation is Worthy Is Christ, with its antiphon, “This is the Feast of Victory” which was written as an alternate Song of Praise for inclusion in Setting One of the Holy Communion in Lutheran Book of Worship (1978) and Lutheran Worship (1982). "This is the Feast" is now widely published in more than 20 recent worship books of many denominations, most recently in Lutheran Service Book (2006) and Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006). Other major liturgical works include a setting of Evening Prayer (1984) and a Eucharistic Festival Liturgy (1983), which was first performed at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. He wrote liturgical pieces and hymns and served as music editor for Worship Supplement (1969) and Lutheran Book of Worship (1978). His compositions and publications include an array of pieces of liturgical music for congregation, choral motets, hymns and hymn anthems, psalm settings and organ works, concertatos, and cantatas, including settings of The Christmas Story According to Saint Luke and The Passion According to Saint John. He edited eleven volumes of the Concordia Hymn Prelude Series.
Order of Mass is an outline of a Mass celebration, describing how and in what order liturgical texts and rituals are employed to constitute a Mass.
Lutheran Worship (LW) is one of the official hymnals of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS). Published in 1982 by Concordia Publishing House in St. Louis, Missouri, it is the denomination's third English-language hymnal and was intended to replace The Lutheran Hymnal (TLH). Additional hymns and service music are contained in the companion, Hymnal Supplement 98.
Paul Speratus was a Swabian Catholic priest who became a Protestant preacher, reformer and hymn-writer. In 1523, he helped Martin Luther to create the First Lutheran hymnal, published in 1524 and called Achtliederbuch.