Global Confessional and Missional Lutheran Forum

Last updated
The Global Confessional & Missional Lutheran Forum
Global Confessional & Missional Lutheran Forum Logo.png
Classification Protestant
Orientation Lutheran
Scripture Protestant Bible
Headquarters Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Official website OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg

The Global Confessional & Missional Lutheran Forum (Global Forum) is a global gathering of national and regional Lutheran churches. The forum was founded in Dallas, Texas by invitation of the North American Lutheran Church in 2015 to bring together Confessional Lutheran bodies who wish to emphasize missional discipleship as the focal point of ministry in the world. The gathering can be seen as an alternative to the more liberal Lutheran World Federation and to the more conservative International Lutheran Council and Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference.


In 2018, the Global Forum was hosted in Bishoftu, Ethiopia by the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. 43 leaders representing Lutheran bodies and organizations in 15 nations participated. [1] [2] [3]

Members & Signatories

Global Confessional & Missional Lutheran Forum Map.svg
Global Forum members and/or Bishoftu Letter signatories by country in 2018

Sorted by country in alphabetical order

Christian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bolivia
Lutheran CORE
North American Lutheran Church
World Mission Prayer League
Evangelical Lutheran Network
Danish Bible Institute
Lutheran Mission
Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus
Church Coalition for the Bible and Confession
International Christian Network
Christu Suda Communications and Ministries
Indonesian Lutheran Christian Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya
Mongolian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Norwegian Lutheran Mission
Inner Mission Federation
NLA University College
Evangelical Lutheran Church - Peru
Lutheran Church of South Sudan
Mission Province
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania
Lutheran CORE
North American Lutheran Church
World Mission Prayer League

See also


  1. "Fulfilling our Ministry and Mission through Ecumenical and Inter-Lutheran Efforts". North American Lutheran Church. 16 October 2018. Archived from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
  2. "Global Confessional and Missional Lutheran Forum issues Bishoftu Letter to the Lutheran Churches". North American Lutheran Church. 31 October 2018. Archived from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
  3. "Bishoftu Letter to the Churches". Global Confessional & Missional Lutheran Forum. 31 October 2018. Archived from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 11 November 2018.