South American cuisine

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Peruvian cuisine--tarateno sausages and other foods sold by a street vendor in Tarata, Peru Chorizos, Tarata.jpg
Peruvian cuisinetarateño sausages and other foods sold by a street vendor in Tarata, Peru
Shredded beef Shredded beef.jpg
Shredded beef

South American cuisine has many influences, due to the ethnic fusion of South America. The most characteristic are Native American, African, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Indian-South Asian. However, there is a mix of European, North American, and indigenous cuisines. [1] The customs and food products greatly vary [2] according to the physically distinct regions.



The Amazon basin of South America provides a plethora of fresh fish and tropical fruits. [3] The Pacific Ocean provides a large amount of seafood, such as king crab (typically caught at the southern end of the continent), lobster (found in great quantities from the Juan Fernández Islands), and Antarctic krill, which was recently discovered. Tuna and tropical fish are caught all around the continent but are notably found in abundance near Easter Island.

The many plains on this continent make it rich for growing foods like cereals, potatoes and quinoa. In the Patagonia region in the south of Argentina, many people raise sheep and cattle. In Brazil, a traditional dish is feijoada , a stew consisting of beans with beef and pork.[ citation needed ] Rice and beans is also very common in Brazil. [4]

Peruvian cuisine is largely influenced by traditional Incan culture (see Incan cuisine). The consumption of carne asada is widespread throughout much of the continent.[ citation needed ] [lower-alpha 1] It is popular to grill in the open air as in asado or churrasco .

Shredded beef is common throughout South America and Latin America and is served with a variety of foods. [5]

By region


Pachamanca Pachamanca Peru.JPG

The food of the Andes is highly influenced by the indigenous peoples. The principal foods continue to be corn, potatoes [6] and other tubers. The meats most characteristic of this zone are the llama (Peru) and the guinea pig (Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and the Argentine northwest). In areas where there is fresh water, trout is consumed.

Chupe andino refers to various stews [7] and soups that are prepared in the Andes mountains region. One of the most important drinks is chicha . [8] Important dishes include humitas , locro, chanfaina , arepas , quimbolitos (dessert tamales), and peppers. A famous dish from the Peruvian Andes is pachamanca . [9] From the mixture of German, native cuisine, and the Chiloé Archipelago in the southern Andes comes valdiviano and curanto .

The wetter areas of Peru produce sugar cane, lemon, bananas, and oranges. Chancaca is popular as well as carbonara , sancocho , huevos quimbos , potato pie, and ch'arki .


The pampas have the most Italian and Spanish influences. In Argentina, they are the center of the three typical Argentine dishes dulce de leche , asado (churrasco in Brazil), and milanesa .

Argentine pizza is different from Italian pizza, being closer to calzones. Pasta and polenta are common in Argentina and on the Pampas generally. Empanadas and choripán are very popular fast food in Argentina and Uruguay. Churros, ensaïmada , alfajor , Spanish tortillas with potato, meatballs, sopa de mondongo , and puchero are Spanish-derived Pampas cuisine. Mate is popular on the Pampas. [10]


The tropical region of the continent is divided into two distinct areas, the coastal areas of the Atlantic and the Pacific and the Amazon area, each with its distinct cuisines. Much of the fruits that are considered to be exotic are common in the tropical forests and fields, such as guava, pineapple, papaya, mango, banana, and elderberry.

The climate and geography also favour a great variety of crops: potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, complemented with meat and fish; grains, principally rice, corn, and wheat and beans.

In the coastal area ceviche , tostones or patacón, arepa , chipa , sancocho , pabellón criollo , bandeja paisa , guatita , and sopa paraguaya are common dishes.

In Brazil, foods such as feijoada , [11] arroz carreteiro (cart riders rice), coxinha , [12] and farofa are common throughout the country. The Brazilian state of Bahia has its own cuisine which has heavy African influences.[ citation needed ]

The Amazon area is known for its utilization of native meats such as the capybara, turtles, peccary, and paca. Common dishes are juane , tacacho , tacacá . There are a wide variety of fruits native to the Amazon with which a great variety of drinks are prepared.



As early as the 1950s, Latin American cuisine have been transported to the Southeast coast, where Sydney is. [13] [ better source needed ] Now there is a slight selection of Latin American restaurants that has spread across the country.[ citation needed ]

United States

Early South American restaurants in the United States included Caso do Brazil in Reseda, California, which opened in 1955, [14] and the Machu Picchu nightclub in Miami, Florida, which opened in 1963, serving Peruvian dishes such as ceviche and anticuchos . [15] South American foods are increasingly imported into the United States, especially Brazilian foods such as guarana , guava paste, and cachaça (an ingredient in the caipirinha cocktail). [16]

South American cuisine at restaurants
Feijoada 2008.JPG
Feijoada , a bean stew that is Brazil's national dish
Pargo rojo Red snapper by thefuturistics.png

See also


  1. There appears to only be circumstantial evidence, for which there are a few references. [footnote 1] [footnote 2]
  1. “The Origins and Traditions of Carne Asada.” The Spruce, 1996,
  2. Martin, Sasha. “Barbecued Meat:Carne Asada.” Global Table Adventure, August 21, 2015, by the way, they source "Life from Scratch" A National Geographic Special Book

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chilean cuisine</span> Culinary traditions of Chile

Chilean cuisine stems mainly from the combination of traditional Spanish cuisine, Chilean Mapuche culture and local ingredients, with later important influences from other European cuisines, particularly from Germany, the United Kingdom and France. The food tradition and recipes in Chile are notable for the variety of flavours and ingredients, with the country's diverse geography and climate hosting a wide range of agricultural produce, fruits and vegetables. The long coastline and the peoples' relationship with the Pacific Ocean add an immense array of seafood to Chilean cuisine, with the country's waters home to unique species of fish, molluscs, crustaceans and algae, thanks to the oxygen-rich water carried in by the Humboldt Current. Chile is also one of the world's largest producers of wine and many Chilean recipes are enhanced and accompanied by local wines. The confection dulce de leche was invented in Chile and is one of the country's most notable contributions to world cuisine.


  1. “An Introduction to South American Food.” The Spruce,
  2. D, J.J.R.P. (2016). Filling Up: The Psychology of Eating. The Psychology of Everyday Life. ABC-CLIO. p. 152. ISBN   978-1-4408-4090-6 . Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  3. "Amazonian Cuisine." Accessed July 2011.
  4. "The Definitive Vegetarian's Travel Guide to Eating in Meat-Loving Countries". HuffPost. September 28, 2017. Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  5. Gutierrez, S.A. (2013). Latin American Street Food: The Best Flavors of Markets, Beaches, and Roadside Stands from Mexico to Argentina. University of North Carolina Press. p. 150. ISBN   978-1-4696-0881-5 . Retrieved January 22, 2018.
  6. Krögel, A. (2010). Food, Power, and Resistance in the Andes: Exploring Quechua Verbal and Visual Narratives. Lexington Books. p. 20. ISBN   978-0-7391-4761-0 . Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  7. Palomino, R.; Gargagliano, A.; Cushner, S. (2002). Viva la Vida: Festive Recipes for Entertaining Latin-Style . Chronicle Books. p.  116. ISBN   978-0-8118-3184-0 . Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  8. Hornsey, I.S. (2012). Alcohol and Its Role in the Evolution of Human Society. Royal Society of Chemistry. p. 493. ISBN   978-1-84973-161-4 . Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  9. Graves, C.; Cabieses, F. (2001). The Potato Treasure of the Andes: From Agriculture to Culture. International Potato Center. p. 51. ISBN   978-92-9060-205-7 . Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  10. Henty, G.A. (2016). On the Pampas: Or, The Young Settlers. Floating Press. p. 113. ISBN   978-1-77667-435-0 . Retrieved February 26, 2018.
  11. Behnke, A.; Duro, K.L. (2004). Cooking the Brazilian Way. Easy Menu Ethnic Cookbooks. Lerner Publications Company. p. 12. ISBN   978-0-8225-4111-0 . Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  12. Caregnato, E. (2016). Churrasco: Grilling the Brazilian Way. Gibbs Smith. p. pt40. ISBN   978-1-4236-4069-1 . Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  13. "The 12 Best Latin Restaurants in Sydney". Concrete Playground. May 31, 2012. Retrieved February 16, 2018.
  14. "Caso do Brazil, Unique New Restaurant, Opens in Reseda" Valley News (July 28, 1955): 62. via Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg
  15. "With Knife and Fork" Miami News (January 5, 1964): 48. via Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg
  16. "Brazilian Foods Go Mainstream" The Journal News (January 29, 2001): 30. via Open Access logo PLoS transparent.svg

Further reading