Traditional colors of Japan

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The traditional colors of Japan are a collection of colors traditionally used in Japanese art, literature, textiles such as kimono, and other Japanese arts and crafts.



The traditional colors of Japan trace their historical origins to the Twelve Level Cap and Rank System which was established in 603 by Prince Shōtoku and based on the five Chinese elements. In this system, rank and social hierarchy were displayed and determined by certain colors. Colors known as kinjiki (禁色, "forbidden colors") were strictly reserved for the robes of the Imperial family and highest ranking court officials; for example, the color ōtan (orange) was used as the color for the robes of the Crown Prince and use by anyone else was prohibited. Colors known as yurushiiro (許し色, "permissible colors") were permitted for use by the common people.

Most names of colors originate from the names of plants, flowers, and animals that bore or resembled them. Certain colors and dyeing techniques have been used since the Asuka period, while others had been developed as late as the Meiji period when synthetic dyes became common. Due to the long history of use of this color system, some variations in color and names exist.


Red/violet series

NameRomanizedEnglish translation RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish translation RGB Hex triplet
一斤染IkkonzomeOne kin (0.6 kg (1.3 lb)) dye240,143,144#F08F90桃色Momo-iroPeach-colored244,121,131#F47983
紅梅色Kōbai-iroRed plum colored219,90,107#DB5A6B中紅NakabeniMedium crimson (dye)201,55,86#C93756
桜色Sakura-iro Cherry blossom color252,201,185#FCC9B9退紅ArazomeWashed-out crimson (dye)255,179,167#FFB3A7
薄紅UsubeniPale crimson (dye)242,102,108#F2666C

Red series

NameRomanizedEnglish translation RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish translation RGB Hex triplet
鴇羽色Tokiha-iro Ibis wing color245,143,132#F58F84桜鼠SakuranezumiCherry blossom mouse grey172,129,118#AC8181
長春色Chōshun-iroLong spring (season) color185,87,84#B95754唐紅/韓紅KarakurenaiForeign crimson [a] 201,31,55#C91F37
臙脂色Enji-iro Cochineal red/rouge157,41,51#9D2933深緋KokiakeDeep scarlet123,59,58#7B3B3A
甚三紅JinzamomiThrice-dyed crimson247,102,90#F7665A水がきMizugakiWater persimmon 181,108,96#B56C60
梅鼠UmenezumiPlum-blossom mouse grey151,100,90#97645A蘇芳香Su'ōkōSappanwood incense162,79,70#A24F46
赤紅AkabeniPure crimson (dye)195,39,43#C3272B真朱ShinshuTrue red143,29,33#8F1D21
小豆色Azuki-iro Azuki bean color103,36,34#672422銀朱GinshuGreyed red (lit. silvered red)188,45,41#BC2D29
海老茶EbichaMaroon (shrimp brown)94,40,36#5E2824栗梅KiriumeRed-brown (lit. chestnut-plum)139,53,45#8B352D
曙色Akebono-iroDawn-color250,123,98#FA7B62珊瑚色Sango-iroCoral color248,103,79#F8674F
猩々緋ShōjōhiRed-orange (lit. orangutan-colored)220,48,35#DC3023芝翫茶ShikanchaWilted brown (lit. wilted lawn-clippings)171,76,61#AB4C3D
柿渋色Kakishibu-iroPersimmon-juice color147,67,55#934337紅樺BenikabaRed birch157,43,34#9D2B22
紅鳶Benitobi Red kite (bird species)145,50,40#913228紅檜皮Benihibata Cypress bark red111,48,40#6F3028
黒鳶Kurotobi Black kite (bird species)53,30,28#351E1C紅緋BenihiBlood red243,83,54#F35336
照柿TerigakiGlazed persimmon211,78,54#D34E36AkeScarlet (blood)207,58,36#CF3A24
江戸茶EdochaRed-brown (Edo brown)161,61,45#A13D2D紅柄色Bengara-iroDyestalk red (lit. the color from dying with the stalk of the beni (safflower) plant)145,50,37#913225
檜皮色Hihada-iroCypress bark color117,46,35#752E23宍色Shishi-iroMeat-color249,144,111#F9906F
洗朱AraishuRinsed-out red255,121,82#FF7952赤香色Akakō-iroRed incense-colored240,127,94#F07F5E
ときがら茶TokigarachaBrewed mustard-brown230,131,100#E68364黄丹Ōtan Ochre (earthen yellow-red-brown)255,78,32#FF4E20
蘇比SohiOverdyed/refreshed red-brown227,92,56#E35C38遠州茶EnshūchaMuddy brown (lit. the brown of a distant river)203,102,73#CB6649
唐茶KarachaSpicy red-brown (Chinese tea brown)179,92,68#B35C44樺茶KabachaBirch brown177,74,48#B14A30
宗傳唐茶SōdenkarachaFaded spicy red-brown155,83,63#9B533F雀茶Suzumecha Sparrow-brown140,71,54#8C4736
栗皮茶KurikawachaChestnut-leather brown96,40,30#60281E百塩茶MomoshiochaBoiled red bean brown84,45,36#542D24
鳶色Tobi-iro Ibis-color76,34,27#4C221B朱色Shu-iro Cinnabar-color255,53,0#FF3500

Yellow/red series

NameRomanizedEnglish translation RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish translation RGB Hex triplet
胡桃染KurumizomeWalnut-dyed159,116,98#9F7462蒲色Kaba-iro Cattail color182,73,37#B64925
黄櫨染Kōrozen Sumac-dyed89,43,31#592B1F焦茶KogechaScorched brown53,31,25#351F19
深支子KokikuchinashiRich gardenia 245,127,79#F57F4F洗柿AraigakiWashed-out persimmon236,130,84#EC8254
代赭色Taisha-iroRed ochre color159,82,51#9F5233赤白橡AkashirotsurubamiSawtooth oak236,149,108#EC956C
礪茶TonochaPolished brown152,85,56#985538煎茶色Sencha-iroGreen tea-colored130,75,53#824B35
洒落柿SharegakiStylish persimmon255,162,107#FFA26B薄柿UsugakiPale persimmon252,164,116#FCA474
萱草色Kanzō-iro Daylily-colored255,137,54#FF8936梅染UmezomePlum-dyed250,146,88#FA9258
紅鬱金Beni'ukonRed-bronze (lit. red dye and turmeric)251,129,54#FB8136丁子茶ChōjichaClove-brown143,88,60#8F583C
憲法染KenpōzomeLegal dye (from when color use was regulated by class)46,33,27#2E211B枇杷茶Biwacha Loquat tree-brown171,97,52#AB6134
琥珀色Kohaku-iro Amber color202,105,36#CA6924淡香UsukōPale incense255,165,101#FFA565
朽葉色Kuchiba-iroDecaying leaves color213,120,53#D57835金茶KinchaGolden brown198,107,39#C66B27
丁子染Chōjizome Clove-dyed169,98,50#A96232狐色Kitsune-iroFox-color152,86,41#985629
煤竹色Susutake-iroWeathered bamboo (lit. "sooty")89,58,39#593A27白茶ShirachaWhite tea-colored196,142,105#C48E69
黄土色Ōdo-iroOchre (lit. earthen yellow)190,127,81#BE7F51銀煤竹KinsusutakeGolden-grey bamboo (dried and weathered)125,78,45#7D4E2D
黄唐茶KigarachaChinese yellow tea-colored183,112,45#B7702D媚茶KobichaKobi tea107,68,35#6B4423
赤朽葉AkakuchibaRed fallen leaves219,132,73#DB8449

Yellow series

NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet
浅黄AsagiLight yellow247,187,125#F7BB7D山吹色Yamabuki-iroGolden yellow (Kerria japonica)255,164,0#FFA400
山吹茶YamabukichaGold-brown203,126,31#CB7E1F桑染Kuwazome Mulberry-dyed197,127,46#C57F2E
生壁色Namakabe-iroThe color of undried plaster 120,94,73#785E49梔子Kuchinashi Cape jasmine or gardenia255,185,90#FFB95A
玉蜀黍色Tōmorokoshi-iroCorn-colored250,169,69#FAA945白橡ShirotsurubamiWhite oak206,159,111#CE9F6F
黄橡KitsurubamiGolden oak187,129,65#BB8141藤黄Tō'ō Gamboge 255,182,30#FFB61E
花葉色Hanaba-iro or kayou-iroFloral leaf-colored255,185,78#FFB94E鳥の子色Torinoko-iroEggshell paper-colored226,190,159#E2BE9F
鬱金色Ukon-iro Turmeric-colored230,155,58#E69B3A黄朽葉KikuchibaGolden fallen leaves226,156,69#E29C45
利休白茶RikyūshirachaFaded Sen no Rikyū's tea176,146,122#B0927A利休茶RikyūchaSen no Rikyū's tea130,107,88#826B58
灰汁色Aku-iro Lye-colored127,107,93#7F6B5D肥後煤竹Higosusutake Japanese iris and sooty bamboo127,93,59#7F5D3B
路考茶RokōchaContemplation in a tea garden102,83,67#665343海松茶MiruchaSimmered seaweed76,61,48#4C3D30
菜種油色Nataneyu-iroRapeseed oil-colored161,121,23#A17917黄海松茶Kimirucha Yellow Sea pine-brown137,108,57#896C39
鶯茶Uguisucha Japanese bush warbler-brown (greenish brown)92,72,39#5C4827菜の花色NanohanachaRape-blossom brown227,177,48#E3B130
苅萱KariyasuJapanese triandra grass ( Themeda japonica )226,177,60#E2B13C黄蘗KihadaAmur cork tree ( Phellodendron amurense )243,193,58#F3C13A
蒸栗色Mushikuri-iroSteamed chestnut color211,177,125#D3B17D青朽葉AokuchibaPale fallen leaves170,135,54#AA8736
鶸茶HiwachaFinch-brown (Cardueline finch)149,123,56#957B38女郎花Ominaeshi Patrinia flowers (Patrinia scabiosaefolia)217,182,17#D9B611
鶯色Uguisu-iroJapanese bush warbler-colored100,85,48#645530

Yellow/green series

NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet
鶸色Hiwa-iro Greenfinch color189,169,40#BDA928青白橡AoshirotsurubamiPale oak155,168,141#9BA88D
柳茶Yanagicha Willow tea156,138,77#9C8A4D璃寛茶RikanchaRikan brown83,74,50#534A32
藍媚茶AikobichaIndigo tea71,63,45#473F2D苔色Koke-iroMoss color139,125,58#8B7D3A
海松色Miru-iro Codium fragile seaweed color82,75,42#524B2A千歳茶SensaichaThousand year old brown59,52,41#3B3429
梅幸茶BaikōchaBaiko brown133,124,85#857C55岩井茶IwaichaIwai brown [2] 94,85,69#5E5545
鶸萌黄Hiwamo'egiSiskin sprout yellow122,148,46#7A942E柳煤竹YanagisusutakeSooty willow bamboo77,75,58#4D4B3A
裏柳UrahayanagiUnderside of willow leaves188,181,140#BCB58C淡萌黄Usumo'egiPale young green onion141,178,85#8DB255
柳染YanagizomeWillow-dyed140,158,94#8C9E5E萌黄Mo'egiFresh onion91,137,48#5B8930
青丹AoniBlue-black clay [3] 82,89,59#52593B松葉色Matsuba-iroPine needle color69,77,50#454D32

Green/blue green series

NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet
薄青Usu'aoPale blue140,156,118#8C9C76若竹色Wakatake-iroYoung bamboo color107,147,98#6B9362
柳鼠YanaginezumiWillow grey129,123,105#817B69老竹色Oitake-iroOld bamboo color94,100,79#5E644F
千歳緑ChitosemidoriThousand year old green55,66,49#374231MidoriGreen42,96,59#2A603B
白緑ByakurokuWhitish green165,186,147#A5BA93錆青磁SabiseijiRusty celadon137,138,116#898A74
緑青Rokushō Patina 64,122,82#407A52木賊色Tokusa-iro Horsetail color61,93,66#3D5D42
御納戸茶OnandochaStoreroom brown61,64,53#3D4035青竹色Aotake-iroGreen bamboo color0,100,66#006442
利休鼠RikyūnezumiGreyish dark green101,98,85#656255びろうどBirōdoVelvet34,70,52#224634
虫襖Mushi'aoInsect screen45,68,54#2D4436藍海松茶AimiruchaIndigo Codium fragile seaweed brown46,55,46#2E372E
沈香茶TonochaAloeswood brown90,100,87#5A6457水浅葱Mizu'asagiPale green onion116,159,141#749F8D
青磁色Seiji-iro Celadon color129,156,139#819C8B青碧SeihekiBlue-green58,105,96#3A6960
錆鉄御納戸SabitetsuonandoRusty storeroom58,64,59#3A403B鉄色Tetsu-iroIron color43,55,51#2B3733
御召茶OmeshichaSilk crepe brown53,78,75#354E4B高麗納戸Kōrainando Goryeo storeroom32,56,56#203838

Blue/blue violet series

NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet
湊鼠MinatonezumiHarbor rat117,125,117#757D75青鈍AonibiDull blue79,73,68#4F4944
鉄御納戸TetsuonandoIron storage43,55,54#2B3736水色Mizu-iroAqua Blue color134,171,165#86ABA5
錆浅葱SabiasagiRusted light-blue106,127,122#6A7F7A瓶覗KamenozokiInside of a bottle198,194,182#C6C2B6
浅葱色Asagi-iroLight blue color72,146,155#48929B新橋色Shinbashi-iro"New Bridge" color0,108,127#006C7F
錆御納戸SabionandoRusty storage69,88,89#455859藍鼠AinezumiMousy indigo92,84,78#5C544E
藍色Ai-iroIndigo color38,67,72#264348御納戸色Onando-iroOnando color54,65,65#364141
花浅葱HanaasagiLight blue flower29,105,124#1D697C千草色Chigusa-iroThousand herb color49,117,137#317589
舛花色Masuhana-iro Ichikawa family crest blue [4] 77,100,108#4D646CHanadaLight blue silk4,79,103#044F67
熨斗目花色Noshimehana-iroIron head flower color52,77,86#344D56御召御納戸OmeshionandoKimono storage61,76,81#3D4C51
空色Sora-iroSky Blue color77,143,172#4D8FAC黒橡KurotsurubamiBlack chestnut oak37,35,33#252321
群青色Gunjō-iro Ultramarine color93,140,174#5D8CAEKonDark blue25,34,54#192236
褐色Kachi-iroCoarse wool color24,27,38#181B26瑠璃色Ruri-iro Lapis lazuli color31,71,136#1F4788
紺青色Konjō-iroPrussian blue color0,49,113#003171瑠璃紺RurikonDark blue lapis lazuli27,41,75#1B294B
紅碧BenimidoriStained red120,119,155#78779B紺桔梗KonkikyōNavy blue bellflower25,31,69#191F45
藤鼠FujinezumiMousy wisteria 118,105,128#766980紅掛花色Benikakehana-iroSafflower color90,79,116#5A4F74
藤色Fuji-iroWisteria color137,114,158#89729E二藍Futa'aiDark indigo97,78,110#614E6E

Violet series

NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet
藤紫FujimurasakiWisteria purple135,95,154#875F9A桔梗色Kikyō-iroBellflower color93,63,106#5D3F6A
紫苑色Shion-iro Tatarian aster color151,110,154#976E9A滅紫Messhi [5] Poppy purple63,49,58#3F313A
紫紺ShikonBlue-violet43,32,40#2B2028深紫KokimurasakiDeep purple58,36,59#3A243B
薄色Usu-iroThin color168,124,160#A87CA0半色Hashita-iroHalf color141,96,140#8D608C
菫色Sumire-iroViolet color91,50,86#5B3256MurasakiPurple79,40,75#4F284B
黒紅KurobeniDark red35,25,30#23191E菖蒲色Ayame-iro Iris color118,53,104#763568
紅藤BenifujiRed wisteria187,119,150#BB7796杜若Kakitsubata Rabbit-ear iris 73,30,60#491E3C
鳩羽鼠HatobanezumiDove feather grey117,93,91#755D5B葡萄鼠BudōnezumiGrape mouse99,66,75#63424B
蒲萄EbizomeVine grape109,43,80#6D2B50藤煤竹FujisusutakeWisteria and burnt-bamboo77,59,60#4D3B3C
牡丹Bōtan Tree peony 164,52,93#A4345D梅紫UmemurasakiPlum purple143,65,85#8F4155
似せ紫NisemurasakiFake purple67,36,42#43242A紫鳶MurasakitobiPurple kite81,44,49#512C31
蘇芳Su'ōSappanwood126,38,57#7E2639桑染KuwazomeMulberry dye89,41,44#59292C
紅消鼠BenikeshinezumiVanishing red mouse68,49,46#44312E

Achromatic series

NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet NameRomanizedEnglish RGB Hex triplet
白練ShironeriUnbleached silk255,221,202#FFDDCA白鼠ShironezumiWhite mouse185,161,147#B9A193
銀鼠GinnezumiSilver-grey151,134,124#97867C素鼠SunezumiPlain mouse110,95,87#6E5F57
丼鼠Dobunezumi Brown rat grey75,60,57#4B3C39藍墨茶AisumichaIndigo ink brown57,52,50#393432
檳榔子染Binrōjizome Betel nut-dyed53,41,37#352925墨色Sumi-iroInk color39,34,31#27221F
黒色KokushokuBlack23,20,18#171412藍白AijiroIndigo white235, 246, 247#EBF6F7


  1. "Since magenta, an imported artificial color, also resembled Kara-kurenai (here also Kara means Korea; kurenai means red), people started to call the deep red formerly known as kara-ai by the new designation Kara-kurenai (here, however, "Kara" means China)." [1] :37

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  1. Yumioka, Katsumi (2006). 着と日本の色・夏篇・夏着物で綴る日本の文様と伝統色[Summer Kimonos and the Colors of Japan・Kimono Collection of Katsumi Yumioka] (in Japanese and English). Tokyo: PIE Books. ISBN   978-4894445314.
  2. Hibi & Fukuda 2000, p. 44.After the kabuki actor Iwai Hanshiro IV.
  3. Marra, Michael (October 15, 2010). Essays on Japan: Between Aesthetics and Literature. BRILL. ISBN   978-90-04-19594-3.
  4. "舛花色(ますはないろ)とは?:伝統色のいろは".
  5. "滅紫(めっし)とは?:伝統色のいろは".
