Web colors

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Web colors are colors used in displaying web pages on the World Wide Web; they can be described by way of three methods: a color may be specified as an RGB triplet, in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet) or according to its common English name in some cases. A color tool or other graphics software is often used to generate color values. In some uses, hexadecimal color codes are specified with notation using a leading number sign (#). [1] [2] A color is specified according to the intensity of its red, green and blue components, each represented by eight bits. Thus, there are 24 bits used to specify a web color within the sRGB gamut, and 16,777,216 colors that may be so specified.


Colors outside the sRGB gamut can be specified in Cascading Style Sheets by making one or more of the red, green and blue components negative or greater than 100%, so the color space is theoretically an unbounded extrapolation of sRGB similar to scRGB. [3] Specifying a non-sRGB color this way requires the RGB() function call. It is impossible with the hexadecimal syntax (and thus impossible in legacy HTML documents that do not use CSS).

The first versions of Mosaic and Netscape Navigator used the X11 color names as the basis for their color lists, as both started as X Window System applications. Web colors have an unambiguous colorimetric definition, sRGB, which relates the chromaticities of a particular phosphor set, a given transfer curve, adaptive whitepoint, and viewing conditions. [4] These have been chosen to be similar to many real-world monitors and viewing conditions, to allow rendering to be fairly close to the specified values even without color management. User agents vary in the fidelity with which they represent the specified colors. More advanced user agents use color management to provide better color fidelity; this is particularly important for Web-to-print applications.

Hex triplet

A hex triplet is a six-digit (or eight-digit), three-byte (or four-byte) hexadecimal number used in HTML, CSS, SVG, and other computing applications to represent colors. The bytes represent the red, green, and blue components of the color. The optional fourth byte refers to alpha channel. One byte represents a number in the range 00 to FF (in hexadecimal notation), or 0 to 255 in decimal notation. This represents the least (0) to the most (255) intensity of each of the color components. Thus web colors specify colors in the 24-bit RGB color scheme. The hex triplet is formed by concatenating three bytes in hexadecimal notation, in the following order:

For example, consider the color where the red/green/blue values are decimal numbers: red=123, green=58, blue=30 (a hardwood brown color). The decimal numbers 123, 58, and 30 are equivalent to the hexadecimal numbers 7B, 3A, and 1E, respectively. The hex triplet is obtained by concatenating the six hexadecimal digits together, 7B3A1E in this example.

If any one of the three color values is less than 10 hex (16 decimal), it must be represented with a leading zero so that the triplet always has exactly six digits. For example, the decimal triplet 4, 8, 16 would be represented by the hex digits 04, 08, 10, forming the hex triplet 040810.

The number of colors that can be represented by this system is 2563, 166, or 224 = 16,777,216.

Shorthand hexadecimal form

An abbreviated, three (hexadecimal)-digit or four-digit form can be used, [5] but can cause errors if software or maintenance scripts are only expecting the long form. Expanding this form to the six-digit form is as simple as repeating each digit: 09C becomes 0099CC as presented on the following CSS example:

.threedigit{color:#09C;}.sixdigit{color:#0099CC;}/* same color as above */

This shorthand form reduces the palette to 4,096 colors, equivalent of 12-bit color as opposed to 24-bit color using the whole six-digit form (16,777,216 colors). This limitation is sufficient for many text-based documents.

Converting RGB to hexadecimal

RGB values are usually given in the 0–255 range; if they are in the 0–1 range, the values are multiplied by 255 before conversion. This number divided by sixteen (integer division; ignoring any remainder) gives the first hexadecimal digit (between 0 and F, where the letters A to F represent the numbers 10 to 15. See hexadecimal for more details). The remainder gives the second hexadecimal digit. For instance, the RGB value 58 (as shown in the previous example of hex triplets) divides into 3 groups of 16, thus the first digit is 3. A remainder of ten gives the hexadecimal number 3A. Likewise, the RGB value 201 divides into 12 groups of 16, thus the first digit is C. A remainder of nine gives the hexadecimal number C9. This process is repeated for each of the three color values.

Conversion between number bases is a common feature of calculators, including both hand-held models and the software calculators bundled with most modern operating systems. Web-based tools specifically for converting color values are also available.

HTML color names

Recent W3C specifications of color names distinguishes between basic and extended colors. [6] In HTML and XHTML, colors can be used for text, background color, frame borders, tables, and individual table cells. [7]

Basic colors

The basic colors are 16 colors defined in the HTML 4.01 specification, ratified in 1999, [8] as follows (names are defined in this context to be case-insensitive):

CSS 1–2.0, HTML 3.2–4, and VGA color names
Name Hex
CGA number (name); alias
White #FFFFFF100%100%100%0°0%100%0%100%15 (white)
Silver #C0C0C075%75%75%0°0%75%0%75%07 (light gray)
Gray #80808050%50%50%0°0%50%0%50%08 (dark gray)
Black #0000000%0%0%0°0%0%0%0%00 (black)
Red #FF0000100%0%0%0°100%50%100%100%12 (high red)
Maroon #80000050%0%0%0°100%25%100%50%04 (low red)
Yellow #FFFF00100%100%0%60°100%50%100%100%14 (yellow)
Olive #80800050%50%0%60°100%25%100%50%06 (brown)
Lime #00FF000%100%0%120°100%50%100%100%10 (high green); green
Green #0080000%50%0%120°100%25%100%50%02 (low green)
Aqua #00FFFF0%100%100%180°100%50%100%100%11 (high cyan); cyan
Teal #0080800%50%50%180°100%25%100%50%03 (low cyan)
Blue #0000FF0%0%100%240°100%50%100%100%09 (high blue)
Navy #0000800%0%50%240°100%25%100%50%01 (low blue)
Fuchsia #FF00FF100%0%100%300°100%50%100%100%13 (high magenta); magenta
Purple #80008050%0%50%300°100%25%100%50%05 (low magenta)

These 16 were labelled as sRGB and included in the HTML 3.0 specification, which noted they were "the standard 16 colors supported with the Windows VGA palette." [9]

Extended colors

SVG Version of X11 color names SVG Recognized color keyword names.svg
SVG Version of X11 color names
SVG1.1 named colors with sRGB hex/dec and HSL codes, at UHD (4K) resolution SVG1.1 Color Swatch.svg
SVG1.1 named colors with sRGB hex/dec and HSL codes, at UHD (4K) resolution

Extended colors are the result of merging specifications from HTML 4.01, CSS 2.0, SVG 1.0 and CSS3 User Interfaces (CSS3 UI). [6]

Several colors are defined by web browsers. A particular browser may not recognize all of these colors, but as of 2005, all modern, general-use, graphical browsers support the full list of colors. Many of these colors are from the list of X11 color names distributed with the X Window System. These colors were standardized by SVG 1.0, and are accepted by SVG Full user agents. They are not part of SVG Tiny.

The list of colors shipped with the X11 product varies between implementations and clashes with certain of the HTML names such as green. X11 colors are defined as simple RGB (hence, no particular color space), rather than sRGB. This means that the list of colors found in X11 (e.g., in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt) should not directly be used to choose colors for the web. [10]

The list of web "X11 colors" from the CSS3 specification, along with their hexadecimal and decimal equivalents, is shown below. Compare the alphabetical lists in the W3C standards. This includes the common synonyms: aqua (HTML4/CSS 1.0 standard name) and cyan (common sRGB name), fuchsia (HTML4/CSS 1.0 standard name) and magenta (common sRGB name), gray (HTML4/CSS 1.0 standard name) and grey. [11] [12]

HTML name R G B
Hex Decimal
Pink colors
MediumVioletRedC71585199, 21, 133
DeepPinkFF1493255, 20, 147
PaleVioletRedDB7093219, 112, 147
HotPinkFF69B4255, 105, 180
LightPinkFFB6C1255, 182, 193
PinkFFC0CB255, 192, 203
Red colors
DarkRed8B0000139, 0, 0
RedFF0000255, 0, 0
FirebrickB22222178, 34, 34
CrimsonDC143C220, 20, 60
IndianRedCD5C5C205, 92, 92
LightCoralF08080240, 128, 128
SalmonFA8072250, 128, 114
DarkSalmonE9967A233, 150, 122
LightSalmonFFA07A255, 160, 122
Orange colors
OrangeRedFF4500255, 69, 0
TomatoFF6347255, 99, 71
DarkOrangeFF8C00255, 140, 0
CoralFF7F50255, 127, 80
OrangeFFA500255, 165, 0
Yellow colors
DarkKhakiBDB76B189, 183, 107
GoldFFD700255, 215, 0
KhakiF0E68C240, 230, 140
PeachPuffFFDAB9255, 218, 185
YellowFFFF00255, 255, 0
PaleGoldenrodEEE8AA238, 232, 170
MoccasinFFE4B5255, 228, 181
PapayaWhipFFEFD5255, 239, 213
LightGoldenrodYellowFAFAD2250, 250, 210
LemonChiffonFFFACD255, 250, 205
LightYellowFFFFE0255, 255, 224
Brown colors
Maroon800000128, 0, 0
BrownA52A2A165, 42, 42
SaddleBrown8B4513139, 69, 19
SiennaA0522D160, 82, 45
ChocolateD2691E210, 105, 30
DarkGoldenrodB8860B184, 134, 11
PeruCD853F205, 133, 63
RosyBrownBC8F8F188, 143, 143
GoldenrodDAA520218, 165, 32
SandyBrownF4A460244, 164, 96
TanD2B48C210, 180, 140
BurlywoodDEB887222, 184, 135
WheatF5DEB3245, 222, 179
NavajoWhiteFFDEAD255, 222, 173
BisqueFFE4C4255, 228, 196
BlanchedAlmondFFEBCD255, 235, 205
CornsilkFFF8DC255, 248, 220
HTML name R G B
Hex Decimal
Purple, violet, and magenta colors
Indigo4B008275, 0, 130
Purple800080128, 0, 128
DarkMagenta8B008B139, 0, 139
DarkViolet9400D3148, 0, 211
DarkSlateBlue483D8B72, 61, 139
BlueViolet8A2BE2138, 43, 226
DarkOrchid9932CC153, 50, 204
FuchsiaFF00FF255, 0, 255
MagentaFF00FF255, 0, 255
SlateBlue6A5ACD106, 90, 205
MediumSlateBlue7B68EE123, 104, 238
MediumOrchidBA55D3186, 85, 211
MediumPurple9370DB147, 112, 219
OrchidDA70D6218, 112, 214
VioletEE82EE238, 130, 238
PlumDDA0DD221, 160, 221
ThistleD8BFD8216, 191, 216
LavenderE6E6FA230, 230, 250
Blue colors
MidnightBlue19197025, 25, 112
Navy0000800, 0, 128
DarkBlue00008B0, 0, 139
MediumBlue0000CD0, 0, 205
Blue0000FF0, 0, 255
RoyalBlue4169E165, 105, 225
SteelBlue4682B470, 130, 180
DodgerBlue1E90FF30, 144, 255
DeepSkyBlue00BFFF0, 191, 255
CornflowerBlue6495ED100, 149, 237
SkyBlue87CEEB135, 206, 235
LightSkyBlue87CEFA135, 206, 250
LightSteelBlueB0C4DE176, 196, 222
LightBlueADD8E6173, 216, 230
PowderBlueB0E0E6176, 224, 230
Cyan colors
Teal0080800, 128, 128
DarkCyan008B8B0, 139, 139
LightSeaGreen20B2AA32, 178, 170
CadetBlue5F9EA095, 158, 160
DarkTurquoise00CED10, 206, 209
MediumTurquoise48D1CC72, 209, 204
Turquoise40E0D064, 224, 208
Aqua00FFFF0, 255, 255
Cyan00FFFF0, 255, 255
Aquamarine7FFFD4127, 255, 212
PaleTurquoiseAFEEEE175, 238, 238
LightCyanE0FFFF224, 255, 255
HTML name R G B
Hex Decimal
Green colors
DarkGreen0064000, 100, 0
Green0080000, 128, 0
DarkOliveGreen556B2F85, 107, 47
ForestGreen228B2234, 139, 34
SeaGreen2E8B5746, 139, 87
Olive808000128, 128, 0
OliveDrab6B8E23107, 142, 35
MediumSeaGreen3CB37160, 179, 113
LimeGreen32CD3250, 205, 50
Lime00FF000, 255, 0
SpringGreen00FF7F0, 255, 127
MediumSpringGreen00FA9A0, 250, 154
DarkSeaGreen8FBC8F143, 188, 143
MediumAquamarine66CDAA102, 205, 170
YellowGreen9ACD32154, 205, 50
LawnGreen7CFC00124, 252, 0
Chartreuse7FFF00127, 255, 0
LightGreen90EE90144, 238, 144
GreenYellowADFF2F173, 255, 47
PaleGreen98FB98152, 251, 152
White colors
MistyRoseFFE4E1255, 228, 225
AntiqueWhiteFAEBD7250, 235, 215
LinenFAF0E6250, 240, 230
BeigeF5F5DC245, 245, 220
WhiteSmokeF5F5F5245, 245, 245
LavenderBlushFFF0F5255, 240, 245
OldLaceFDF5E6253, 245, 230
AliceBlueF0F8FF240, 248, 255
SeashellFFF5EE255, 245, 238
GhostWhiteF8F8FF248, 248, 255
HoneydewF0FFF0240, 255, 240
FloralWhiteFFFAF0255, 250, 240
AzureF0FFFF240, 255, 255
MintCreamF5FFFA245, 255, 250
SnowFFFAFA255, 250, 250
IvoryFFFFF0255, 255, 240
WhiteFFFFFF255, 255, 255
Gray and black colors
Black0000000, 0, 0
DarkSlateGray2F4F4F47, 79, 79
DimGray696969105, 105, 105
SlateGray708090112, 128, 144
Gray808080128, 128, 128
LightSlateGray778899119, 136, 153
DarkGrayA9A9A9169, 169, 169
SilverC0C0C0192, 192, 192
LightGrayD3D3D3211, 211, 211
GainsboroDCDCDC220, 220, 220

CSS colors

The Cascading Style Sheets specification defines the same number of named colors as the HTML 4 spec, namely the 16 HTML colors, and 124 colors from the Netscape X11 color list for a total of 140 names that were recognized by Internet Explorer (IE) 3.0 and Netscape Navigator 3.0. [13] Blooberry.com notes that Opera 2.1 and Safari 1 also included Netscape's expanded list of 140 color names, but later discovered 14 names not included with Opera 3.5 on Windows 98. [14]

In CSS 2.1, the color 'orange' (one of the 140) was added to the section with the 16 HTML4 colors as a 17th color. [15] The CSS3.0 specification did not include orange in the "HTML4 color keywords" section, which was renamed as "Basic color keywords". [16] In the same reference, the "SVG color keywords" section, was renamed "Extended color keywords", after starting out as "X11 color keywords" in an earlier working draft. [17] The working draft for the level 4 color module combines the Basic and Extended sections together in a simple "Named Colors" section. [18]

Color added in CSS 2.1
Name Hex
Orange #FFA500100%65%0%39°100%50%100%100%

CSS 2, SVG and CSS 2.1 allow web authors to use system colors, which are color names whose values are taken from the operating system, picking the operating system's highlighted text color, or the background color for tooltip controls. This enables web authors to style their content in line with the operating system of the user agent. [19] The CSS3 color module has deprecated the use of system colors in favor of CSS3 UI System Appearance property, [20] [21] which itself was subsequently dropped from CSS3. [22]

Example system color keywords

The CSS3 specification also introduces HSL color space values to style sheets: [23]

/* RGB model */p{color:#F00}/* #rgb */p{color:#FF0000}/* #rrggbb */p{color:rgb(255,0,0)}/* integer range 0 - 255 */p{color:rgb(100%,0%,0%)}/* float range 0.0% - 100.0% *//* RGB with alpha channel, added to CSS3 */p{color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5)}/* 0.5 opacity, semi-transparent *//* HSL model, added to CSS3 */p{color:hsl(0,100%,50%)}/* red */p{color:hsl(120,100%,50%)}/* green */p{color:hsl(120,100%,25%)}/* dark green */p{color:hsl(120,100%,75%)}/* light green */p{color:hsl(120,50%,50%)}/* pastel green *//* HSL model with alpha channel */p{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,1)}/* green */p{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0.5)}/* semi-transparent green */p{color:hsla(120,100%,50%,0.1)}/* very transparent green */

CSS also supports the special color transparent, which represents an alpha value of zero; by default, transparent is rendered as an invisible nominal black: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0). It was introduced in CSS1 but its scope of use has expanded over the versions. [23]

CSS Color 4

Level 4 of the CSS Color specification introduced several new CSS color formats. [24]

Besides new ways to write colors, it also introduces the concept of mixing colors in a non-sRGB color space, a first step towards fixing a well-known issue in color gradients. Some sections explaining color theory and common operations like gamut mapping are also added to aid implementation. [24]

Device independent color

CSS Color 4 introduces several different formats for device independent color that can display the entirety of visible color (in a capable screen), including: [25]

Predefined color spaces

A number of RGB spaces with gamuts that are wider than sRGB are also introduced through the new color() function: [25]

A linearized variant of sRGB is also defined for color mixing. [24]

Other formats

On 21 June 2014, the CSS WG added the color RebeccaPurple to the Editor's Draft of the Colors module level 4, to commemorate Eric Meyer's daughter Rebecca, who died on 7 June 2014, her sixth birthday. [26]

Color added in CSS4 Colors module
Name Hex

CSS4 also introduces the HWB color model as an alternative to HSL/HSV. [18]

CSS Color 5

The draft CSS Color 5 [27] specification introduces syntax for mixing and manipulating existing colors, including:

Custom color spaces are also supported via ICC profiles. This allows the use of CMYK on web pages. [27]

Web-safe colors

In the mid-1990s, many displays were only capable of displaying 256 colors, [28] dictated by the hardware or changeable by a "color table". When a color was found (e.g., in an image) that was not available, a different one had to be used. This was done by either using the closest color or by using dithering.

There were various attempts to make a "standard" color palette. A set of colors was needed that could be shown without dithering on 256-color displays; the number 216 was chosen partly because computer operating systems customarily reserved sixteen to twenty colors for their own use; it was also selected because it allowed exactly six equally spaced shades of red, green, and blue (6 × 6 × 6 = 216), each from 00 to FF (including both limits).

The list of colors was presented as if it had special properties that render it immune to dithering, but on 256-color displays applications could actually set a palette of any selection of colors that they chose, dithering the rest. These colors were chosen specifically because they matched the palettes selected by various browser applications. There were not very different palettes in use in different browsers.[ citation needed ]

"Web-safe" colors had a flaw in that, on systems such as X11 where the palette is shared between applications, smaller color cubes (5×5×5 or 4×4×4) were allocated by browsers—the "web-safe" colors would dither on such systems. Different results were obtained by providing an image with a larger range of colors and allowing the browser to quantize the color space if needed, rather than suffer the quality loss of a double quantization.

Through the 2000s, use of 256-color displays in personal computers dropped sharply in favour of 24-bit (TrueColor) displays, [29] and the use of "web-safe" colors has fallen into practical disuse.

The "web-safe" colors do not all have standard names, but each can be specified by an RGB triplet: each component (red, green, and blue) takes one of the six values from the following table (out of the 256 possible values available for each component in full 24-bit color).

6 shades of each color
C (12)CC2040.8
F (15)FF2551

The following table shows all of the "web-safe" colors. One shortcoming of the web-safe palette is its small range of light colors for webpage backgrounds, whereas the intensities at the low end of the range, such as the two darkest, are similar to each other, making them hard to distinguish. Values flanked by "*" (asterisk) are part of the "really safe palette;" see Safest web colors, below.

Color table

216 "web-safe" colors

Each color code listed is a shorthand for the RGB value. For example, code 609 is equivalent to RGB code 102-0-153 or HEX code #660099.

Safest web colors

Designers were encouraged[ by whom? ] to stick to these 216 "web-safe" colors in their websites because there were a lot of 8-bit color displays when the 216-color palette was developed. David Lehn and Hadley Stern discovered that only 22 of the 216 colors in the web-safe palette are reliably displayed without inconsistent remapping on 16-bit computer displays. They called these 22 colors "the really safe palette"; it consists largely of shades of green, yellow, and cyan. [30] [31]

Safest web colors


Color selection

Some browsers and devices do not support colors. For these displays or blind and colorblind users, Web content depending on colors can be unusable or difficult to use.

Either no colors should be specified (to invoke the browser's default colors), or both the background and all foreground colors (such as the colors of plain text, unvisited links, hovered links, active links, and visited links) should be specified to avoid black on black or white on white effects. [32]

Color contrast

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines recommend a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 between the relative luminance of text and its background color [33] or at least 3:1 for large text. Enhanced accessibility requires contrast ratios greater than 7:1.

However, addressing accessibility concerns is not simply a matter of increasing the contrast ratio. As a report to the Web Accessibility Initiative indicates, [34] dyslexic readers are better served by contrast ratios below the maximum. The recommendations they refer to of off-black (#0A0A0A) on off-white (#FFFFE5) and black (#000000) on creme (#FAFAC8) have contrast ratios of 11.7:1 and 20.3:1 respectively. Among their other color pairs, brown (#282800) on dark green (#A0A000) has a contrast ratio of 3.24:1, which is less than the WCAG recommendation, dark brown (#1E1E00) on light green (#B9B900) has a contrast ratio of 4.54:1 and blue (#00007D) on yellow (#FFFF00) has a contrast ratio of 11.4:1. The colors named in the report use different color values than the web colors of the same name.

See also

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In computing, on the X Window System, X11 color names are represented in a simple text file, which maps certain strings to RGB color values. It was traditionally shipped with every X11 installation, hence the name, and is usually located in <X11root>/lib/X11/rgb.txt. The web colors list is descended from it but differs for certain color names.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Aqua (color)</span> Variation of cyan

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shades of green</span> Varieties of the color green

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shades of gray</span> Variations of the color gray

Variations of gray or grey include achromatic grayscale shades, which lie exactly between white and black, and nearby colors with low colorfulness. A selection of a number of these various colors is shown below.

This article provides introductory information about the RGB, HSV, and HSL color models from a computer graphics perspective. An introduction to colors is also provided to support the main discussion.


  1. Niederst Robbins, Jennifer (February 2006). "Appendix D: Specifying Color". Web Design in a Nutshell. O'Reilly. p. 830. ISBN   978-0-596-00987-8.
  2. York, Richard. Beginning CSS, pp. 71–72.
  3. Pemberton, Steven; Pettit, Brad (7 June 2011). Çelik, Tantek; Lilley, Chris; Baron, L. David (eds.). "CSS Color Module Level 3". W3C. section 4.2.1. RGB color values.
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