Uridine diphosphate galactose

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Uridine diphosphate galactose
IUPAC name
Uridine 5′-(α-D-galactopyranosyl dihydrogen diphosphate)
Systematic IUPAC name
O1-{[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-5-(2,4-Dioxo-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)-3,4-dihydroxyoxolan-2-yl]methyl} O3-[(2R,3R,4S,5R,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl] dihydrogen diphosphate
3D model (JSmol)
MeSH Uridine+diphosphate+galactose
PubChem CID
  • InChI=1S/C9H12N2O6.C6H14O12P2/c12-3-4-6(14)7(15)8(17-4)11-2-1-5(13)10-9(11)16;7-1-3(9)5(10)6(18-20(14,15)16)4(2-8)17-19(11,12)13/h1-2,4,6-8,12,14-15H,3H2,(H,10,13,16);2-7,9-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)(H2,14,15,16)/p-4/t4-,6-,7-,8-;3-,4+,5+,6-/m11/s1 Yes check.svgY
  • InChI=1/C9H12N2O6.C6H14O12P2/c12-3-4-6(14)7(15)8(17-4)11-2-1-5(13)10-9(11)16;7-1-3(9)5(10)6(18-20(14,15)16)4(2-8)17-19(11,12)13/h1-2,4,6-8,12,14-15H,3H2,(H,10,13,16);2-7,9-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)(H2,14,15,16)/p-4/t4-,6-,7-,8-;3-,4+,5+,6-/m11/s1
  • [H]OC([H])([H])[C@]1([H])O[C@]([H])(O[P@@](=O)(O[H])O[P@](=O)(O[H])OC([H])([H])[C@]2([H])O[C@@]([H])(N3C([H])=C([H])C(=O)N([H])C3=O)[C@]([H])(O[H])[C@@]2([H])O[H])[C@]([H])(O[H])[C@]([H])(O[H])[C@@]1([H])O[H]
Molar mass 566.302 g/mol
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).
X mark.svgN  verify  (what is  Yes check.svgYX mark.svgN ?)

Uridine diphosphate galactose ( UDP-galactose ) is an intermediate in the production of polysaccharides. [1] It is important in nucleotide sugars metabolism, and is the substrate for the transferase B4GALT5.


Sugar metabolism

UDP-Galactose is especially relevant in glycolysis. It is derived from galactose an epimer of glucose, and via the Leloir Pathway, it is used be used as a precursor for the metabolism of glucose into pyruvate. [2] When lactose is hydrolyzed, D-Galactose enters the liver via the bloodstream. There, galactokinase phosphorylates it to galactose-1-phosphate using ATP. This compound then engages in a "ping-pong" reaction with UDP-Glucose, catalyzed by uridylyltransferase, yielding glucose-1-phosphate and UDP-Galactose. This glucose-1-phosphate feeds into glycolysis, while UDP-Galactose undergoes epimerization to regenerate UDP-Glucose. [3]

transforming galactose (1) to glucose for the glycolysis. Galactose-1-phosphate (2), UDP-glucose (3), UDP-galactose (4) ; Glucose 1-phosphate (5); Glucose 6-phosphate (6). Galactokinase (GK), Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT), UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (UGE), phosphoglucomutase (PGM) Galactose in glycolysis.svg
transforming galactose (1) to glucose for the glycolysis. Galactose-1-phosphate (2), UDP-glucose (3), UDP-galactose (4) ; Glucose 1-phosphate (5); Glucose 6-phosphate (6). Galactokinase (GK), Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT), UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (UGE), phosphoglucomutase (PGM)

See also

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  1. Los, E.; Ford, G. A. (2022). "Galactose 1 Phosphate Uridyltransferase Deficiency". StatPearls. StatPearls. PMID   28722986.
  2. Garrett, Reginald H.; Grisham, Charles M. (2017). Biochemistry (6th ed.). Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning. ISBN   978-1-305-57720-6.
  3. Nelson, David L.; Cox, Michael M.; Nelson, David L. (2013). Lehninger, Albert L. (ed.). Lehninger principles of biochemistry (6th ed.). Basingstoke: Macmillan Higher Education. ISBN   978-1-4292-3414-6.