Visual flight rules

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In aviation, visual flight rules (VFR) is a set of regulations under which a pilot operates an aircraft in weather conditions generally clear enough to allow the pilot to see where the aircraft is going. Specifically, the weather must be better than basic VFR weather minima, i.e., in visual meteorological conditions (VMC), as specified in the rules of the relevant aviation authority. The pilot must be able to operate the aircraft with visual reference to the ground, and by visually avoiding obstructions and other aircraft. [1]


If the weather is less than VMC, pilots are required to use instrument flight rules, and operation of the aircraft will be primarily through referencing the instruments rather than visual reference. In a control zone, a VFR flight may obtain a clearance from air traffic control to operate as Special VFR. [2]


VFR requires a pilot to be able to see outside the cockpit to control the aircraft's altitude, navigate, and avoid obstacles and other aircraft. [3] Governing agencies establish specific requirements for VFR flight, including minimum visibility, and distance from clouds, to ensure that aircraft operating under VFR are visible from enough distance to ensure safety.

Under visual meteorological conditions, the minimum visual range, distance from clouds, or cloud clearance requirements to be maintained above ground vary by jurisdiction, and may also vary according to the airspace in which the aircraft is operating. [4]

In some countries, VFR flight is permitted at night, and is known as night VFR. This is generally permitted only under more restrictive conditions, such as maintaining minimum safe altitudes, and may require additional training as a pilot at night may not be able to see and avoid obstacles.[ citation needed ]

The VFR pilot is required to "see and avoid" obstacles and other aircraft. Pilots flying under VFR assume responsibility for their separation from all other aircraft and are generally not assigned routes or altitudes by air traffic control (ATC). Depending on the category of airspace in which the flight is being conducted, VFR aircraft may be required to have a transponder to help Air Traffic Control identify the aircraft on radar in order that ATC can provide separation to IFR aircraft.[ citation needed ]

Meteorological conditions that meet the minimum requirements for VFR flight are termed visual meteorological conditions (VMC). If they are not met, the conditions are considered instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), and a flight may only operate under IFR. IFR operations have specific training requirements and certification required of the pilot, and increased equipment requirements for the aircraft. Additionally, an IFR flight plan must usually be filed in advance. [ citation needed ]

For efficiency of operations, some ATC operations will routinely provide "pop-up" IFR clearances for aircraft operating VFR, but that are arriving at an airport that does not meet VMC requirements. For example, in the United States, California's Oakland (KOAK), Monterey (KMRY) and Santa Ana (KSNA) airports routinely grant temporary IFR clearance when a low coastal overcast forces instrument approaches, while the rest of the state is still under visual flight rules. [ citation needed ]

For pilots without an instrument rating who cannot legally fly by instrument flight rules, the restrictions of VMC minima can be troublesome in locations where weather conditions can change suddenly and unexpectedly or when weather events are highly localized. For instance, a small cloud forming over the airport at less than 1000 feet technically requires the airport to allow only IFR flights using instrument approaches/departures. A VFR flight intending to land there would normally be denied clearance, and would either have to divert to another field with VMC, or declare an emergency and override the denial of clearance, which can prompt an inquiry and possibly result in adverse consequences for the pilot.[ citation needed ]

To avoid these scenarios, VFR flights intending to land at or take off from an airport experiencing localized conditions marginally below VMC minima may request Special VFR clearance from the tower. SVFR flight is only allowed while within the portion of an airport's controlled airspace (class B, C, or D) that extends to the surface, and it must be explicitly requested by the pilot and granted by the tower (some airports, primarily large Class B facilities, do not allow SVFR operation in their airspace at all). Visibility on the ground must still be greater than one statute mile, but most other VMC minima such as ceiling are waived. The pilot is required to maintain VFR separation distances from other aircraft and, by requesting SVFR, asserts that they can do so despite the marginal conditions. For departing flights, the pilot must be flying in VMC by the time they leave the surface footprint of the controlled airspace (otherwise they would be flying VFR in IMC which is illegal).[ citation needed ]

VFR flight is not allowed in airspace known as class A, regardless of the meteorological conditions except after failure of two way radio communications [5] or during declared emergencies such as VFR traffic attempting to avoid severe weather formations. In the United States, class A airspace is measured using flight levels, and begins at FL180 up to FL600, which is about 18,000 to 60,000 feet as measured using an altimeter at standard pressure (29.92 inHg, 1013 mbar). An exception to IFR-only flying in this airspace is the occasional allowance of sailplanes within designated wave windows which may be opened by air traffic control when high altitude flights are to be conducted into mountain lee waves. [ citation needed ] [6]

Traffic advisories

In the United States, Canada, and Australia, a pilot operating under VFR outside Class B, C, D airspace can request "flight following" from ATC, to receive continuous verbal updates on air traffic. This service is provided by ATC if workload permits, but it is an advisory service only. The responsibility for maintaining separation with other aircraft and proper navigation still remains with the pilot in command (PIC). In the United Kingdom, this is known as a "Traffic Service". In other countries, it is known as "Flight Information Service".

Pilot certifications

In the United States and Canada, any certified pilot who meets specific recency of experience criteria may operate an airworthy aircraft under VFR. [7] [8]

VFR cruising altitude rules in the US and Canada

In the US, there are specific VFR cruising altitudes, based on the aircraft's course, to assist pilots in separating their aircraft while operating under visual flight above 3,000 ft above the surface (AGL) but below 18,000 ft Mean Sea Level (MSL). Unofficially, most pilots use these rules at all levels of cruise flight. FAR 91.159 [9] states that any aircraft:

Low flying rules in the US

In the US, FAR Part 91 (specifically 91.119 [10] ) of the Federal Aviation Regulations controls the minimum safe altitudes by which aircraft can be operated in the National Airspace System.

"Notwithstanding" rule
Though specific altitudes are called as noted below - there is an overreaching general requirement to maintain sufficient altitude that if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface can be made. This may be significantly higher than 500 feet or 1,000 feet.
500 ft rule
An aircraft must maintain an altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
1000 ft rule
An aircraft must maintain an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons.

Other aircraft, such as helicopters, powered parachutes, and weight-shift-control aircraft, are not required to meet the FAR 91 minimums, so long as their operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface.

Low flying rules in the EU

In all EU member states, the Standardised European Rules of the Air apply: these set out a minimum altitude of 150 m (500 ft) above any obstacle within a radius of 150 m (500 ft), except with permission, or when taking off or landing. If an aircraft is flying over a congested area (town, settlement, etc.) it must fly high enough so that in the case of an engine failure, it is able to land clear safely AND it must not fly less than 300 m (1000 ft) above the highest fixed object within 600 m of the aircraft. [11]

Member states are allowed to modify the low flying rule to suit their jurisdiction, for instance in the UK, the "500 ft Rule" allows pilots to fly below 500 ft as long as they are no closer than 500 ft to any person, vessel, vehicle, building or structure. The rules for flying near congested areas are the same in the UK as the rest of the EU [12]

Controlled visual flight rules

Section of CVFR flight routes map of Tel Aviv (Israel) area. Flight altitude in each direction is notated in yellow arrow-box. Compulsory reporting points are marked with triangles and airports are marked by yellow circles. IsraelCVFRchart-center.jpg
Section of CVFR flight routes map of Tel Aviv (Israel) area. Flight altitude in each direction is notated in yellow arrow-box. Compulsory reporting points are marked with triangles and airports are marked by yellow circles.

CVFR flight is used in locations where aviation authorities have determined that VFR flight should be allowed, but that ATC separation and minimal guidance are necessary. In this respect, CVFR is similar to instrument flight rules (IFR) in that ATC will give pilots headings and altitudes at which to fly, and will provide separation and conflict resolution. However, pilots and aircraft do not need to be IFR rated to fly in CVFR areas, which is highly advantageous. An example of airspace where CVFR is common would be Canadian Class B airspace. [13]

The CVFR concept is used in Canada and certain European countries, but not in the U.S., where the Private Pilot certificate itself authorizes the pilot to accept clearances under VFR.

In Israel, for example, VFR does not exist. All visual flights must be performed under CVFR rules. [14]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Instrument flight rules</span> Civil aviation regulations for flight on instruments

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Flight level</span> Measure in aviation

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Visual meteorological conditions</span> Flight category allowing pilots to fly using vision as well as instruments

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Instrument rating refers to the qualifications that a pilot must have in order to fly under instrument flight rules (IFR). It requires specific training and instruction beyond what is required for a private pilot certificate or commercial pilot certificate, including rules and procedures specific to instrument flying, additional instruction in meteorology, and more intensive training in flight solely by reference to instruments.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Flight plan</span> Document filed by a pilot or flight dispatcher indicating the aircrafts flight path

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The world's navigable airspace is divided into three-dimensional segments, each of which is assigned to a specific class. Most nations adhere to the classification specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and described below, though they might use only some of the classes defined below, and significantly alter the exact rules and requirements. Similarly, individual nations may also designate special use airspace (SUA) with further rules for reasons of national security or safety.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Instrument meteorological conditions</span> Flight category requiring pilots to fly with instruments rather than sight

In aviation, instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) are weather conditions that require pilots to fly primarily by reference to flight instruments, and therefore under instrument flight rules (IFR), as opposed to flying by outside visual references under visual flight rules (VFR). Typically, this means flying in cloud or poor weather, where little or nothing can be seen or recognised when looking out of the window. Simulated IMC can be achieved for training purposes by wearing view-limiting devices, which restrict outside vision and force the trainee to rely on instrument indications only.

An instrument rating is an authorization required for a pilot to fly under instrument flight rules (IFR). In the United States, the rating is issued by the Federal Aviation Administration.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Instrument approach</span> Aircraft landing procedure

In aviation, an instrument approach or instrument approach procedure (IAP) is a series of predetermined maneuvers for the orderly transfer of an aircraft operating under instrument flight rules from the beginning of the initial approach to a landing, or to a point from which a landing may be made visually. These approaches are approved in the European Union by EASA and the respective country authorities and in the United States by the FAA or the United States Department of Defense for the military. The ICAO defines an instrument approach as "a series of predetermined maneuvers by reference to flight instruments with specific protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en route obstacle clearance criteria apply."

Special visual flight rules are a set of aviation regulations under which a pilot may operate an aircraft. It is a special case of operating under visual flight rules (VFR).

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VFR over-the-top (OTT) refers to flying over top of clouds in visual flight, rather than with reference to instruments. This is usually done for brief amount of time to avoid weather or turbulence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Special use airspace</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Airspace class (United States)</span> U.S. airspace system classification scheme

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In United States aviation, VFR-on-top is defined as air traffic control authorization for an aircraft operating under instrument flight rules (IFR) to do so in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) at any appropriate visual flight rules (VFR) altitude.

A contact approach is an approach available to aircraft operating on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan, where the pilot may deviate from the published instrument approach procedure (IAP) and proceed to the destination airport by visual reference to the surface. It is similar to a visual approach, except that the pilot is neither required to have the destination airport nor preceding aircraft in sight at all times during the approach. Also, the visibility requirements are less stringent.


  1. Section 91.155 14 CFR Part 91 - General Operating and Flight Rules - FAA
  2. United States. Federal Aviation Administration (1987). How to Become a Pilot: The Step-by-step Guide to Flying. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN   978-0-8069-8386-8.
  3. Annex 11 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, 1/11/01, chap. 1, p. 6
  4. Federal Aviation Regulation 91.155, discussed by Wally Miller, "Basic VFR [Visual Flight Rules]: How to Know It When You See It", Flight Training Magazine (5 Apr. 2008):
  5. "Section 4. Two-way Radio Communications Failure". Federal Aviation Administration. 22 August 2013. Archived from the original on 29 January 2014. Retrieved 13 January 2023.
  6. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Flight Standards Service (2013). "Glider Flying Handbook, page 10-17" (PDF). FAA website.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. Cook, LeRoy (2020-02-07). "VFR At Night". Plane & Pilot Magazine. Retrieved 2023-11-17.
  8. "What Does VFR and IFR Mean in Flying / ATP Flight School". Retrieved 2023-11-17.
  9. "VFR Cruising Altitudes". Archived from the original on 2012-04-14. Retrieved 2012-04-21.
  10. "91.119 Minimum Safe Altitudes". Archived from the original on 2012-04-14. Retrieved 2012-04-21.
  11. "L_2012281EN.01000101.XML".
  12. "The Rules of the Air Regulations 2015".
  13. "AIM RAC 5.6 - CVFR Procedures". Archived from the original on 2010-10-03. Retrieved 2011-01-06.