First session of the 11th National People's Congress

Last updated
  • 2008 National People's Congress
  • 第十一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议
  • Dì-shíyī Jiè Quánguó Rénmín Dàibiǎo Dàhuì Dì-yīcì Huìyì
  • 1st plenary session of the
  • 11th National People's Congress

  • 5 March 18 March

President Premier Congress Chairman
Hu Jintao Cannes2011.jpg Wen Jiabao (Cropped).jpg Wu Bangguo Beijing2011.jpg
Hu Jintao Wen Jiabao Wu Bangguo
15 March 2003
16 March 2003
15 March 2003

President-elect Premier-elect Congress Chairman-elect
Hu Jintao Cannes2011.jpg Wen Jiabao (Cropped).jpg Wu Bangguo Beijing2011.jpg
Hu Jintao Wen Jiabao Wu Bangguo

2008 NPC official website

The first session of the 11th National People's Congress held its annual meeting from March 5 to March 18, 2008 in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, in conjunction with the 2008 Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.


The 10-day plenum elected China's new government leaders. Up for confirmation for a second term were President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao. The State Council went through important personnel and structural changes following the 17th Party Congress. Zeng Qinghong's Vice-Presidency came to an end and the position was taken by Xi Jinping. Three new Vice-Premiers were confirmed and took office, with rising star Li Keqiang ranking first in this group.

The session

Government Report

Premier Wen Jiabao delivered the government report on March 5, 2008, reviewing the work from the past five years. The main points that come out of the report were

State Council reform

A massive reform took place in China's cabinet, the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Several ministries were consolidated to form super ministries. The several "superministries" [3]

New MinistryLegacy deptsAreas of ResponsibilityNew sub agencies reporting
Ministry of Industry and InformationNational Development and Research Commission (NDRC)
the Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense
Ministry of Information Industry
State Council Information Office
State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
Mobile Telecom
Landline Telecom
Postal Services
Internet Security
State Postal Bureau
Ministry of Human Resources and Social SecurityMinistry of Personnel
Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Social Services
State Bureau of Civil Servants
Ministry of Environmental ProtectionState Environmental Protection AdministrationEnvironmental Protection
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural ConstructionMinistry of ConstructionHousing
Ministry of TransportMinistry of Communications
Civil Aviation Administration of China
Road Transport
Air Transport
Water safety and Shipping
State Civil Aviation Bureau

The State Council also created the National Energy Commission which oversaw national energy strategy, security and development. While the National Development and Reform Commission continued to control the administration and regulation of the energy sector. [3] The State Food and Drug Administration was incorporated and came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, the Health ministry took over the responsibility for food and drug safety. [3] [4] The People's Bank of China increased its coordination role between all the financial executive agencies, namely the National Development and Reform Commission and the Finance ministry. [3]

Premier's Press Conference

Premier Wen Jiabao held a press conference on March 18, 2008. He introduced the new Vice-Premiers, Li Keqiang, Hui Liangyu, Zhang Dejiang and Wang Qishan. Wen addressed the direction of the government in the next five years. He also addressed the ongoing Tibetan protests. Wen asserted that the Dalai Lama was "masterminding" the protests in Tibet. Wen said that 2008 could be a very difficult year for the Chinese economy because of both international and domestic reasons.

Voting results

State positions

NPCSC Chairman ElectionNPCSC Secretary-general Election
Wu Bangguo Check mark.svg 2,94899 Li Jianguo Check mark.svg 2,932258
Presidential ElectionVice-Presidential Election
Hu Jintao Check mark.svg 2,95635 Xi Jinping Check mark.svg 2,9192817
CMC Chairmanship ElectionPremiership Nomination
Hu Jintao Check mark.svg 2,95944 Wen Jiabao Check mark.svg 2,9262112
Supreme Court President ElectionProcurator-general Election
Wang Shengjun Check mark.svg 2,8853644 Cao Jianming Check mark.svg 2,9331617


Premier Wen Jiabao's Government Work Report2,885321298.50%
State Council Institutional Reform Plan2,7441179992.70%
Report on the Implementation of the 2007 National Economic and Social Development Plan and the 2008 Draft Plan2,7471255593.85%
Report on the Execution of the Central and Local Budgets for 2007 and on the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 20082,46236210284.14%
Chairman Wu Bangguo's NPCSC Work Report2,846572397.27%
Chief Justice Wang Shengjun's Supreme People's Court Work Report2,28752112078.11%
Procurator-General Jia Chunwang's Supreme People's Procuratorate Work Report2,27051414277.58%


  1. 1 2 3 4 China's Cabinet sets tasks for new term_English_Xinhua
  2. Beijing Unveils Plans for Telecom Super-Ministry
  3. 1 2 3 4 "Beijing opens green super-ministry | The Australian". Archived from the original on 2008-03-19. Retrieved 2008-03-22.
  4. [ dead link ]
  5. "Hu Jintao Re-Elected As China President", Associated Press, March 15, 2008. Archived March 19, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
Preceded by Annual National People's Congress Sessions of the
People's Republic of China

March 5—18, 2008
Succeeded by