Grothendieck trace theorem

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In functional analysis, the Grothendieck trace theorem is an extension of Lidskii's theorem about the trace and the determinant of a certain class of nuclear operators on Banach spaces, the so-called -nuclear operators. [1] The theorem was proven in 1955 by Alexander Grothendieck. [2] Lidskii's theorem does not hold in general for Banach spaces.


The theorem should not be confused with the Grothendieck trace formula from algebraic geometry.

Grothendieck trace theorem

Given a Banach space with the approximation property and denote its dual as .

⅔-nuclear operators

Let be a nuclear operator on , then is a -nuclear operator if it has a decomposition of the form where and and

Grothendieck's trace theorem

Let denote the eigenvalues of a -nuclear operator counted with their algebraic multiplicities. If then the following equalities hold: and for the Fredholm determinant

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  1. Gohberg, Israel; Goldberg, Seymour; Krupnik, Nahum (1991). Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators. Operator Theory Advances and Applications. Basel: Birkhäuser. p. 102. ISBN   978-3-7643-6177-8.
    • Grothendieck, Alexander (1955). Produits tensoriels topologiques et espaces nucléaires (in French). Providence: American Mathematical Society. p. 19. ISBN   0-8218-1216-5. OCLC   1315788.