List of Banach spaces

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In the mathematical field of functional analysis, Banach spaces are among the most important objects of study. In other areas of mathematical analysis, most spaces which arise in practice turn out to be Banach spaces as well.


Classical Banach spaces

According to Diestel (1984 , Chapter VII), the classical Banach spaces are those defined by Dunford & Schwartz (1958), which is the source for the following table.

Glossary of symbols for the table below:

Classical Banach spaces
Dual space Reflexive weakly sequentially complete Norm Notes
YesYesEuclidean space
NoNo Isomorphic but not isometric to
NoYesIsometrically isomorphic to
NoYesIsometrically isomorphic to
NoNoIsometrically isomorphic to
NoNoIsometrically isomorphic to
 ?NoYesA closed subspace of
 ?NoYesA closed subspace of
NoYesThe dual is if is -finite.
 ?NoYes is the total variation of
 ?NoYes consists of functions such that
NoYesIsomorphic to the Sobolev space
NoNoIsomorphic to essentially by Taylor's theorem.

Banach spaces in other areas of analysis

Banach spaces serving as counterexamples

See also


    1. W.T. Gowers, "A solution to the Schroeder–Bernstein problem for Banach spaces", Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 28 (1996) pp. 297–304.

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