Banach bundle

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In mathematics, a Banach bundle is a vector bundle each of whose fibres is a Banach space, i.e. a complete normed vector space, possibly of infinite dimension.


Definition of a Banach bundle

Let M be a Banach manifold of class Cp with p ≥ 0, called the base space; let E be a topological space, called the total space; let π : EM be a surjective continuous map. Suppose that for each point xM, the fibre Ex = π1(x) has been given the structure of a Banach space. Let

be an open cover of M. Suppose also that for each iI, there is a Banach space Xi and a map τi

such that

CommDiag Local Triv Banach Bundle.png
and for each xUi the induced map τix on the fibre Ex
is an invertible continuous linear map, i.e. an isomorphism in the category of topological vector spaces;
is a morphism (a differentiable map of class Cp), where Lin(X; Y) denotes the space of all continuous linear maps from a topological vector space X to another topological vector space Y.

The collection {(Ui, τi)|iI} is called a trivialising covering for π : EM, and the maps τi are called trivialising maps. Two trivialising coverings are said to be equivalent if their union again satisfies the two conditions above. An equivalence class of such trivialising coverings is said to determine the structure of a Banach bundle on π : EM.

If all the spaces Xi are isomorphic as topological vector spaces, then they can be assumed all to be equal to the same space X. In this case, π : EM is said to be a Banach bundle with fibreX. If M is a connected space then this is necessarily the case, since the set of points xM for which there is a trivialising map

for a given space X is both open and closed.

In the finite-dimensional case, the second condition above is implied by the first.

Examples of Banach bundles

This bundle is "trivial" in the sense that TV admits a globally defined trivialising map: the identity function
also forms a Banach bundle with respect to the usual projection onto M.

Morphisms of Banach bundles

The collection of all Banach bundles can be made into a category by defining appropriate morphisms.

Let π : EM and π : EM be two Banach bundles. A Banach bundle morphism from the first bundle to the second consists of a pair of morphisms

For f to be a morphism means simply that f is a continuous map of topological spaces. If the manifolds M and M are both of class Cp, then the requirement that f0 be a morphism is the requirement that it be a p-times continuously differentiable function. These two morphisms are required to satisfy two conditions (again, the second one is redundant in the finite-dimensional case):

CommDiag Banach Bundle Morphism.png
commutes, and, for each xM, the induced map
is a continuous linear map;
such that x0U, f0(x0) U,
and the map
is a morphism (a differentiable map of class Cp).

Pull-back of a Banach bundle

One can take a Banach bundle over one manifold and use the pull-back construction to define a new Banach bundle on a second manifold.

Specifically, let π : EN be a Banach bundle and f : MN a differentiable map (as usual, everything is Cp). Then the pull-back of π : EN is the Banach bundle f*π : f*EM satisfying the following properties:

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with the top horizontal map being the identity on each fibre;
is the projection onto the first coordinate;
and there is a commutative diagram
CommDiag Pullback Banach Bundle 2.png
where the maps at the "front" and "back" are the same as those in the previous diagram, and the maps from "back" to "front" are (induced by) the inclusions.

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