This is a list of the suttas in the Khuddaka Nikaya collection of minor suttas, part of the Tipitaka Buddhist Canon.
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Khp 1 | Saranagamana | Going for Refuge |
Khp 2 | Dasa Sikkhapada | The Ten Training Rules |
Khp 3 | Dvattimsakara | The 32 Parts |
Khp 4 | Samanera Pañha | The Novice's Questions |
Khp 5 | Mangala Sutta | Protection |
Khp 6 | Ratana Sutta | Treasures |
Khp 7 | Tirokudda Kanda | Hungry Shades Outside the Walls |
Khp 8 | Nidhi Kanda | The Reserve Fund |
Khp 9 | Karaniya Metta Sutta | Good Will |
The Dhammapada does not contain Suttas. It contains only 423 verses in 26 chapters.
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Dhp 1 | Cakkhupalatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Cakkhupala |
Dhp 2 | Matthakundali Vatthu | The Story of Matthakundali |
Dhp 3 & 4 | Tissatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Tissa |
Dhp 5 | Kalayakkhini Vatthu | The Story of Kalayakkhini |
Dhp 6 | Kosambaka Vatthu | The Story of Kosambi Bhikkhus |
Dhp 7 & 8 | Mahakalatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Mahakala |
Dhp 9 & 10 | Devadatta Vatthu | The Story of Devadatta |
Dhp 11 & 12 | Sariputtatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Sariputta |
Dhp 13 & 14 | Nandatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Nanda |
Dhp 15 | Cundasukarika Vatthu | The Story of Cundasukarika |
Dhp 16 | Dhammika-upasaka Vatthu | The Story of Dhammika Upasaka |
Dhp 17 | Devadatta Vatthu | The Story of Devadatta |
Dhp 18 | Cundasukarika Vatthu | The Story of Cundasukarika |
Dhp 19 & 20 | Dvesahayakabhikkhu Vatthu | The Story of Two Friends |
Dhp 21, 22 & 23 | Samavati Vatthu | The Story of Samavati |
Dhp 24 | Kumbhaghosakasetthi Vatthu | The Story of Kumbhaghosaka, the Banker |
Dhp 25 | Culapanthaka Vatthu | The Story of Culapanthaka |
Dhp 26 & 27 | Balanakkhattasanghuttha Vatthu | The Story of Balanakkhatta Festival |
Dhp 28 | Mahakassapatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Mahakassapa |
Dhp 29 | Dvesahayakabhikkhu Vatthu | The Story of the Two Companion Bhikkhus |
Dhp 30 | Magha Vatthu | The Story of Magha |
Dhp 31 | Annatarabhikkhu Vatthu | The Story of A Certain Bhikkhu |
Dhp 32 | Nigamavasitissatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Nigamavasitissa |
Dhp 33 & 34 | Meghiyatthera Vatthu | The Story of Thera Meghiya |
Dhp 35 | [[]] |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud I.1 | Pathamabodhi Sutta | Awakening First |
Ud I.2 | Dutiyabodhi Sutta | Awakening Second |
Ud I.3 | Tatiyabodhi Sutta | Awakening Third |
Ud I.4 | Nigrodha Sutta | |
Ud I.5 | Thera Sutta | |
Ud I.6 | Kassapa Sutta | Mahakassapa |
Ud I.7 | Pava Sutta | |
Ud I.8 | Sangamaji Sutta | |
Ud I.9 | Jatila Sutta | |
Ud I.10 | Bahiya Sutta | Bahiya |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud II.1 | Muccalinda Sutta | Muccalinda the Naga King |
Ud II.2 | Raja Sutta | Kings |
Ud II.3 | Danda Sutta | The Stick |
Ud II.4 | Sakkara Sutta | Veneration |
Ud II.5 | Upasaka Sutta | The Lay Follower |
Ud II.6 | Gabhini Sutta | The Pregnant Woman |
Ud II.7 | Ekaputta Sutta | The Only Son |
Ud II.8 | Suppavasa Sutta | Suppavasa |
Ud II.9 | Visakha Sutta | Visakha |
Ud II.10 | Bhadiya Kaligodha Sutta | Bhadiya Kaligodha |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud III.1 | Kamma Sutta | Action |
Ud III.2 | Nanda Sutta | Nanda |
Ud III.3 | Yasoja Sutta | Yasoja |
Ud III.4 | Sariputta Sutta | Sariputta |
Ud III.5 | Kolita Sutta | Mahamoggallana |
Ud III.6 | Pilindivaccha Sutta | Pilinda |
Ud III.7 | Kassapa Sutta | Mahakassapa |
Ud III.8 | Pindapatika Sutta | Alms |
Ud III.9 | Sippa Sutta | Crafts |
Ud III.10 | Lokavolokana Sutta | Surveying the World |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud IV.1 | Meghiya Sutta | Meghiya |
Ud IV.2 | Uddhata Sutta | High Strung |
Ud IV.3 | Gopala Sutta | The Cowherd |
Ud IV.4 | Junha Sutta | Moonlit |
Ud IV.5 | Naga Sutta | The Bull Elephant |
Ud IV.6 | Pindola Sutta | Pindola |
Ud IV.7 | Sariputta Sutta | Sariputta |
Ud IV.8 | Sundari Sutta | Sundari |
Ud IV.9 | Upasena Vangantaputta Sutta | Upasena Vangantaputta |
Ud IV.10 | Sariputta Sutta | Sariputta |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud V.1 | Raja Sutta | The King |
Ud V.2 | Appayuka Sutta | Short-lived |
Ud V.3 | Suppabuddhakutthi Sutta | The Leper |
Ud V.4 | Kumaraka Sutta | Boys |
Ud V.5 | Uposatha Sutta | The Observance Day |
Ud V.6 | Sona Sutta | Sona |
Ud V.7 | Revata Sutta | Revata |
Ud V.8 | Ananda Sutta | Ananda |
Ud V.9 | Saddhayamana Sutta | Jeering |
Ud V.10 | Panthaka Sutta | Cula Panthaka |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud VI.1 | Ayusankharavossajana Sutta | Relinquishment of the Life Force |
Ud VI.2 | Jatila Sutta | |
Ud VI.3 | Paccavekkhana Sutta | |
Ud VI.4 | Pathamananatitthiya Sutta | |
Ud VI.5 | Dutiyananatitthiya Sutta | |
Ud VI.6 | Tatiyananatitthiya Sutta | |
Ud VI.7 | Subhuti Sutta | |
Ud VI.8 | Ganika Sutta | |
Ud VI.9 | Upati Sutta | |
Ud VI.10 | Tathagatuppada Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud VII.1 | Pathamabhaddiya Sutta | Bhaddiya First |
Ud VII.2 | Dutiyabhaddiya Sutta | Bhaddiya Second |
Ud VII.3 | Satta Sutta | Attached to Sensual Pleasures |
Ud VII.4 | Dutiyasatta Sutta | Attached to Sensual Pleasures the Second |
Ud VII.5 | Lakuntakabhaddiya Sutta | Another Discourse about Bhaddiya the Dwarf |
Ud VII.6 | Tanhakkhaya Sutta | The Ending of Craving |
Ud VII.7 | Papañcakkhaya Sutta | The Ending of Objectification |
Ud VII.8 | Kaccana Sutta | Kaccayana |
Ud VII.9 | Udapana Sutta | The Well |
Ud VII.10 | Udena Sutta | King Udena |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Ud VIII.1 | Pathamanibbana Sutta | Nibbana First |
Ud VIII.2 | Dutiyanibbana Sutta | Nibbana Second |
Ud VIII.3 | Tatiyanibbana Sutta | Nibbana Third |
Ud VIII.4 | Catutthanibbana Sutta | Nibbana Fourth |
Ud VIII.5 | Cunda Sutta | Cunda |
Ud VIII.6 | Pataligamiya Sutta | At Pataliga Village |
Ud VIII.7 | Dvidhapatha Sutta | A Fork in the Path |
Ud VIII.8 | Visakha Sutta | Visakha |
Ud VIII.9 | Pathamadabba Sutta | About Dabba Mallaputta First |
Ud VIII.10 | Dutiyadabba Sutta | About Dabba Mallaputta Second |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Iti 1 | Lobha Sutta | |
Iti 2 | Dosa Sutta | |
Iti 3 | Moha Sutta | |
Iti 4 | Kodha Sutta | |
Iti 5 | Makkha Sutta | |
Iti 6 | Mana Sutta | |
Iti 7 | Sabbapariñña Sutta | |
Iti 8 | Manapariñña Sutta | |
Iti 9 | Lobhapariñña Sutta | |
Iti 11 | Mohapariñña Sutta | |
Iti 12 | Kodhapariñña Sutta | |
Iti 13 | Makkhapariñña Sutta | |
Iti 14 | Avijjanivarana Sutta | |
Iti 15 | Tanhasamyojana Sutta | |
Iti 16 | Pathamasekha Sutta | |
Iti 17 | Dutiyasekha Sutta | |
Iti 18 | Sanghabheda Sutta | |
Iti 19 | Sanghasamaggi Sutta | |
Iti 20 | Padutthapuggala Sutta | |
Iti 21 | Pasannacitta Sutta | |
Iti 22 | Mapuññabhayi Sutta | |
Iti 23 | Ubho-attha Sutta | |
Iti 24 | Atthipuñja Sutta | |
Iti 25 | Sampajanamusavada Sutta | |
Iti 26 | Danasamvibhaga Sutta | |
Iti 27 | Mettacetovimutti Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Iti 28 | Pathamabhikkhu Sutta | |
Iti 29 | Dutiyabhikkhu Sutta | |
Iti 30 | Tapaniya Sutta | |
Iti 31 | Atapaniya Sutta | |
Iti 32 | Papakasila Sutta | |
Iti 33 | Bhaddakasila Sutta | |
Iti 34 | Anatapi Sutta | |
Iti 35 | Pathamajanakuhana Sutta | |
Iti 36 | Dutiyajanakuhana Sutta | |
Iti 37 | Somanassa Sutta | |
Iti 38 | Vitakka Sutta | |
Iti 39 | Desana Sutta | |
Iti 40 | Vijja Sutta | |
Iti 41 | Paññaparihani Sutta | |
Iti 42 | Sukkadhamma Sutta | |
Iti 43 | Ajata Sutta | |
Iti 44 | Nibbanadhatu Sutta | |
Iti 45 | Patisallana Sutta | |
Iti 46 | Sikkhanisamsa Sutta | |
Iti 47 | Jagariya Sutta | |
Iti 48 | Apayika Sutta | |
Iti 49 | Ditthigata Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Iti 100 | Brahmana Sutta | |
Iti 101 | Caturanavajja Sutta | |
Iti 102 | Asavakkhaya Sutta | |
Iti 103 | Samanabrahmana Sutta | |
Iti 104 | Silasampanna Sutta | |
Iti 105 | Tanhuppada Sutta | |
Iti 106 | Sabrahmaka Sutta | |
Iti 107 | Bahukara Sutta | |
Iti 108 | Kuha Sutta | |
Iti 109 | Purisapiyarupa Sutta | |
Iti 110 | Cara Sutta | |
Iti 111 | Sampannasila Sutta | |
Iti 112 | Lokavabodha Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Sn I.1 | Uraga Sutta | |
Sn I.2 | Dhaniya Sutta | |
Sn I.3 | Khaggavisana Sutta | "A Rhinoceros Horn" or "The Rhinoceros" |
Sn I.4 | Kasibharadvaja Sutta | |
Sn I.5 | Cunda Sutta | |
Sn I.6 | Parabhava Sutta | |
Sn I.7 | Vasala Sutta | |
Sn I.8 | Metta Sutta | |
Sn I.9 | Hemavata Sutta | |
Sn I.10 | Alavaka Sutta | |
Sn I.11 | Vijaya Sutta | |
Sn I.12 | Muni Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Sn II.1 | Ratana Sutta | |
Sn II.2 | Amagandha Sutta | |
Sn II.3 | Hiri Sutta | |
Sn II.4 | Mangala Sutta | |
Sn II.5 | Suciloma Sutta | |
Sn II.6 | Kapila Sutta | |
Sn II.7 | Brahmanadhammika Sutta | |
Sn II.8 | Dhamma (nava) Sutta | |
Sn II.9 | Kimsila Sutta | |
Sn II.10 | Utthana Sutta | |
Sn II.11 | Rahula Sutta | |
Sn II.12 | Nigrodhakappa Sutta | |
Sn II.13 | Sammaparibbajaniya Sutta | |
Sn II.14 | Dhammika Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Sn III.1 | Pabbajja Sutta | |
Sn III.2 | Padhana Sutta | |
Sn III.3 | Subhasita Sutta | |
Sn III.4 | Sundarikabharadvaja Sutta | |
Sn III.5 | Mala Sutta | |
Sn III.6 | Sabhiya Sutta | |
Sn III.7 | Sela Sutta | |
Sn III.8 | Salla Sutta | |
Sn III.9 | Vasettha Sutta | |
Sn III.10 | Kokalika Sutta | |
Sn III.11 | Nalaka Sutta | |
Sn III.12 | Dvayatanupassana Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Sn IV.1 | Kama Sutta | |
Sn IV.2 | Guhatthaka Sutta | |
Sn IV.3 | Dutthatheka Sutta | |
Sn IV.4 | Sudadhatathaka Sutta | |
Sn IV.5 | Paramatthaka Sutta | |
Sn IV.6 | Jara Sutta | |
Sn IV.7 | Tissametteyya Sutta | |
Sn IV.8 | Pasura Sutta | |
Sn IV.9 | Magandiya Sutta | |
Sn IV.10 | Suribheda Sutta | |
Sn IV.11 | Kalahavivada Sutta | |
Sn IV.12 | Culaviyuha Sutta | |
Sn IV.13 | Mahaviyuha Sutta | |
Sn IV.14 | Tuvataka Sutta | |
Sn IV.15 | Attadanda Sutta | |
Sn IV.16 | Sariputta Sutta | |
Sutta number | Pali title | English title |
Sn V.1 | Ajita Sutta | |
Sn V.2 | Tissametetayya Sutta | |
Sn V.3 | Punnaka Sutta | |
Sn V.4 | Mettagu Sutta | |
Sn V.5 | Dhotuka Sutta | |
Sn V.6 | Upasiva Sutta | |
Sn V.7 | Nanda Sutta | |
Sn V.8 | Hemaka Sutta | |
Sn V.9 | Todeyya Sutta | |
Sn V.10 | Kappa Sutta | |
Sn V.11 | Jatukanni Sutta | |
Sn V.12 | Bhadravudha Sutta | |
Sn V.13 | Udaya Sutta | |
Sn V.14 | Posala Sutta | |
Sn V.15 | Mogharaja Sutta | |
Sn V.16 | Pingiya Sutta | |
Nikāya (निकाय) is a Pāli word meaning "volume". It is often used like the Sanskrit word āgama (आगम) to mean "collection", "assemblage", "class" or "group" in both Pāḷi and Sanskrit. It is most commonly used in reference to the Pali Buddhist texts of the Tripitaka namely those found in the Sutta Piṭaka. It is also used to refer to monastic lineages, where it is sometimes translated as a 'monastic fraternity'.
The Sutta Pitaka is the second of the three divisions of the Tripitaka or Pali Canon, the Pali collection of Buddhist writings of Theravada Buddhism. The other two parts of the Tripiṭaka are the Vinaya Piṭaka and the Abhidharma Piṭaka. The Sutta Pitaka is also known as 'Buddhavachana' or words of Buddha and contains more than 10,000 suttas (teachings) attributed to the Buddha or his close companions.
The Rhinoceros Sutra also known as The Rhino Sutra is a very early Buddhist text advocating the merit of solitary asceticism for pursuing enlightenment as opposed to practicing as a householder or in a community of monastics. The goal of this was to become a pratyekabuddha, who wandered alone through the forest like a rhinoceros. In fact, it is possible this sutra is one identified in the Chinese translation of the Mahāsāṃghika vinaya and thus was also referred to with a Gāndhārī name similar to Pracegabudha-sutra.
In Buddhism, an āgama is a collection of early Buddhist texts.
The Digha Nikaya is a Buddhist scripture, the first of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the "three baskets" that compose the Pali Tipitaka of (Theravada) Buddhism. Some of the most commonly referenced suttas from the Digha Nikaya include the Maha-parinibbana Sutta, which described the final days and death of the Buddha, the Sigalovada Sutta in which the Buddha discusses ethics and practices for lay followers, and the Samaññaphala, Brahmajala Sutta which describes and compares the point of view of Buddha and other ascetics in India about the universe and time ; and the Poṭṭhapāda Suttas, which describe the benefits and practice of samatha meditation.
The Majjhima Nikāya is a Buddhist scripture, the second of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the "three baskets" that compose the Pali Tipitaka of Theravada Buddhism. Composed between 3rd century BCE and 2nd century CE. This nikaya consists of 152 discourses attributed to the Buddha and his chief disciples.
The Saṃyukta Nikāya/Samyutta Nikaya is a Buddhist scripture, the third of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the "three baskets" that compose the Pali Tipitaka of Theravada Buddhism. Because of the abbreviated way parts of the text are written, the total number of suttas/sūtras is unclear. The editor of the Pali Text Society edition of the text made it 2889, Bodhi in his translation has 2904, while the commentaries give 7762. A study by Rupert Gethin gives the totals for the Burmese and Sinhalese editions as 2854 and 7656, respectively, and his own calculation as 6696; he also says the total in the Thai edition is unclear. The suttas/sūtras are grouped into five vargas/vaggas, or sections. Each varga/vagga is further divided into samyuttas/saṃyuktas, or chapters, each of which in turn contains a group of suttas/sūtras on a related topic.
The Anguttara Nikaya is a Buddhist scripture, the fourth of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the "three baskets" that comprise the Pali Tipitaka of Theravada Buddhism. This nikaya consists of several thousand discourses ascribed to the Buddha and his chief disciples arranged in eleven "books", according to the number of dhamma items referenced in them.
The Khuddaka Nikāya is the last of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the "three baskets" that compose the Pali Tipitaka, the scriptures of Theravada Buddhism. This nikaya consists of fifteen (Thailand), fifteen, or eighteen books (Burma) in different editions on various topics attributed to the Buddha and his chief disciples.
The Sutta Nipāta is a Buddhist scripture, a sutta collection in the Khuddaka Nikaya, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism.
Aṭṭhakathā refers to Pali-language Theravadin Buddhist commentaries to the canonical Theravadin Tipitaka. These commentaries give the traditional interpretations of the scriptures. The major commentaries were based on earlier ones, now lost, in Prakrit and Sinhala, which were written down at the same time as the Canon, in the last century BCE. Some material in the commentaries is found in canonical texts of other schools of Buddhism, suggesting an early common source.
The Dhammika Sutta is part of the Sutta Nipata(Sn 2.14). In this sutta, the Buddha instructs a lay disciple named Dhammika on rules for monks and on the "layman's rule[s] of conduct" (gahatthavatta).
The Patisambhidamagga is a Buddhist scripture, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. It is included there as the twelfth book of the Sutta Pitaka's Khuddaka Nikaya. Tradition ascribes it to the Buddha's disciple Sariputta. It comprises 30 chapters on different topics, of which the first, on knowledge, makes up about a third of the book.
In Buddhism, the bodhipakkhiyā dhammā are qualities (dhammā) conducive or related to (pakkhiya) awakening/understanding (bodhi), i.e. the factors and wholesome qualities which are developed when the mind is trained (bhavana).
The Anupitaka is the collected non-canonical or extra-canonical Pāli literature of Buddhism.
"Paracanonical texts" is used by Western scholars to refer to various texts on the fringes of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism, usually to refer to the following texts sometimes regarded as included in the Pali Canon's Khuddaka Nikaya:
Bhāṇakas were Buddhist monks who specialized in the memorization and recitation of a specific collection of texts within the Buddhist canon. Lineages of bhāṇakas were responsible for preserving and transmitting the teachings of the Buddha until the canon was committed to writing in the 1st century BC, and declined as the oral transmission of early Buddhism was replaced by writing.
Tittha Sutta, is a sutra In Udāna, the third the book in the fifth part of Sutta-pitaka, Khuddaka Nikāya Udana is one of the oldest texts in the Palikanonen. Tittha Sutta contains a parable that has spread widely in the world, also to other cultures and views, the parable of the blind monks and the elephant.