List of members of the Frankfurt Parliament

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On 18 May 1848, elected deputies of the Frankfurt National Assembly gathered in the Kaisersaal and walked solemnly to the Paulskirche to hold the first session of the new Parliament, under its chairman (by seniority) Friedrich Lang. Then, Heinrich Gagern of Wiesbaden was elected president of the parliament.


The total number of sitting deputies at any given time would vary considerably during the life of the National Assembly. Sittings were regular, yet many deputies failed to appear, protested various sittings, were replaced by proxies, or removed from the sittings. In total, there were 809 deputies between 18 May 1848 and the forcible closure of the Rump Parliament on 18 June 1849.

The following 379 deputies were recorded in attendance in the first sitting of the National Assembly on 18 May 1848:


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Achleitner, Georg Ried Austria
Adams, Franz Coblenz (Rhineland) Prussia
Ahrens, Heinrich Salzgitter Hannover
Anders, Friedrich Jauer (Goldberg in Silesia)Prussia
Anderson, Ferdinand Frankfurt a.d. Oder Prussia
Philipp Ludwig Adam Ulm Württemberg
Andrian-Werburg, Victor Franz v. Vienna (Wiener Neustadt)Austria
Arnim-Boytzenburg, Adolf Heinrich v. Berlin Prussia
Auersperg, Anton Alexander v. Vienna Austria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Barth, Marquard Adolf Kaufbeuren Bavaria
Bassermann, Friedrich Daniel Mannheim Baden
Becker, Friedrich Gottlieb Gotha Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Becker, ChristophDaan (Schönecken) (Rhineland)Prussia
Beckerath, Hermann v. Crefeld (Westphalia)Prussia
Behr, Wilhelm Josef Bamberg Bavaria
Beinhauer, Wilhelm Waidhofen Austria
Bernhardi, Karl Cassel (Eschwege) Electoral Hesse
Biedermann, Karl Dresden Saxony
Blum, Robert Leipzig Saxony
Blumenstetter, Josef Burladingen Hohenzollern-Hechingen
Blumröder, August v. Sondershausen Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
Blumröder, Gustav v. Kirchenlamitz Bavaria
Böcler, Heinrich Schwerin Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Bogen, Ludwig Michelstadt Grand Ducal Hesse
Bonardy, Ludwig Greiz Reuss ältere Linie
Bouvier, Cajetan Gonobitz (Styria)Austria
Bothmer, Karl v.Carow (Blumenau)Hannover
Bresgen, Franz Ahrweiler (Rhineland)Prussia
Briegleb, Moritz Adolf Coburg Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Britlev (likely Brieglieb, Moritz Adolf, due to stenographer error)(unknown)
Brons, Ysaak Emden Hannover
Brunck, Josef Fürfeld Grand Ducal Hesse
Bürgers, Ignaz Köln (Rhineland)Prussia
Burkart, Friedrich Carl Bamberg Bavaria
Buttel, Diedrich Christian Oldenburg Oldenburg
Buzzi, Andreas v. Klagenfurt (Carinthia)Austria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Carl, Heinrich Conrad Berlin Prussia
Cetto, Karl Philipp St. Wendel (Rhineland)Prussia
Claussen, Hans Reimer Heide Schleswig-Holstein
Clemens, Franz Jacob Bonn (Rhineland)Prussia
Cnyrim, Adolf Frankfurt am Main (Ziegenhain)), RhinelandPrussia
Compes, Gerhard Cöln (Rhineland)Prussia
Cramer, AndreasCörben Anhalt-Köthen
Cucumus, Konrad München Bavaria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph Bonn (Rhineland)Prussia
Dallwitz, Sigmund v. Lauban (Silesia)Prussia
Dammers, Carl Otto Nienburg Hannover
Deetz, Albert August Wilhelm Wittenberg (Province of Saxony)Prussia
Degenkolb, CarlEulenburg (Delitzsch)Saxony
Deiters, Peter Franz Ignz Bonn (Rhineland)Prussia
Detmold, Johann Hermann Hannover Hannover
Dewes, Peter Losheim (Merzig) (Rhineland)Prussia
Deymann, Matthias Meppen Hannover
Dham, Carl Johann Ludwig Schmallenberg (Meschede) (Westphalia)Prussia
Ditsch (Dietzsch), Ferdinand Saarbrücken (Rhineland)Prussia
Dietzsch, Carl Theodor Annaberg (Schwarzenberg)Saxony
Dobblhof-Diers, Joseph v. Baden Austria
Döllinger, Ignaz Munich (Landau)Bavaria
Drinkwelder, Franz Krems Austria
Dröge, Johann Albert Bremen
Droysen, Johann Gustav Kiel (Oldenburg in Holstein)Schleswig-Holstein
Dunker (Duncker), Maximilian Halle (Province of Saxony)Prussia


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Ebmeier, Carl Heinrich Paderborn (Westphalia)Prussia
Eckert, Eduard Bromberg (Posen)Prussia
Eckert, Nicolaus Joseph Lohr (Gemünden)Bavaria
Edlauer, Franz Liezen (Styria)Austria
Egger, Franz Vienna Austria
Eisenmann, Gottfried Würzburg Bavaria
Englmayr, GeorgLeonbach (Enns)Austria
Esmarch, Heinrich Carl Husum Schleswig-Holstein
Evertsbusch, Friedrich Altenau Hannover
Eymuth, Franz Murau (Styria)Austria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Falk, Friedrich Wilhelm AlexanderOberlangendorf (Militsch) (Silesia)Prussia
Fallmerayer, Jakob Phillip Munich Bavaria
Fetzer, Carl August Friedrich Stuttgart Württemberg
Flir, Alois Landeck (Tyrol)Austria
Flottwell, Eduard v. Münster (Westphalia)Prussia
Fischer, Gustav Jena Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Frank, Mortiz v. Graz (Styria)Austria
Francke, Karl Flensburg Schleswig-Holstein
Freudentheil, Gottlieb Wilhelm Frankfurt
Friedrich, Leonhard Bamberg Bavaria
Frisch, Christian Stuttgart Württemberg
Fritsch, Johann Ried Austria
Fuchs, Carl Breslau (Silesia)Prussia
Förster, Johann Adam Gelnhausen (Hessen) Hesse-Kassel
Fügerl, Karl Korneuburg Austria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Gagern, Maximilian v. Wiesbaden Nassau
Gagern, Heinrich v. Darmstadt Grand Ducal Hesse
Gans, Carl Theodor Edler Herr zu Putlitz Putlitz (Brandenburg)Prussia
Gangkofner, Carl Josef Pottenstein Bavaria
Gasser, Vincenz Brixen (Tyrol)Austria
Gebhardt, Conrad Fürth Bavaria
Gebhardt, Heinrich Hof Bavaria
Geigel, Phillip Munich Bavaria
Genzken, Friedrich Neu-Strelitz Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Gervinus, Georg Gottfried Heidelberg Baden
Gevekoht, Carl Theodor Bremen
Giesebrecht, LudwigMirow in PommernPrussia
Glaß, Maximilian Landau Bavaria
Glück, Christian Carl Munich Bavaria
Gold, Carl Ritter v. Adelsberg (Carniola)Austria
Goltz, Robert v. d. (mayor of Brieg) Brieg (Silesia)Prussia
Goltz, Gustav Graf v. d. Czarnikau (Posen)Prussia
Gombart, Ludwig Lucas Munich Bavaria
Graf, Johann Baptist Eduard Munich Bavaria
Grävell, Maximilian Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Muskau (Lusatia)Prussia
Groß, Carl Leer Hannover
Gritzner, Maximilian Josef Vienna Austria
Grimmert, Carl Friedrich Mehringen Anhalt-Dessau
Grindlinger (Gründlinger), Michael Wolfpassing Austria
Groß, Carl Leer Hannover
Grumbrecht, August Lüneburg Hannover
Grundner, Georg v. Ingolstadt Bavaria
Günther, Georg Leipzig Saxony
Gulden, Gustav Adolf Zweibrücken (Rhineland)Prussia


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Hagenmüller, Johann Baptiste Kempten Bavaria
Hagenow, Gustav v.Langenfelde (Grimmen) (Pomerania)Prussia
Hahn, Johann Friedrich Ringleben Saxony
Hartmann, Moritz Leitmeritz (Bohemia)Austria
Haßler, Konrad Dietrich Ulm Württemberg
Haßlwenter, Johann Innsbruck (Tyrol)Austria
Haubenschmidt, Ferdinand Passau Bavaria
Haupt, Eduard Wismar Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Haym, Rudolf Halle, Province of SaxonyPrussia
Hayden, Eduard Ritter v. und z. DorffSchlierstadt (Kirchdorf)Austria
Heckscher, Johann Gustav Wilhelm Moritz Hamburg
Hehner, Carl Wiesbaden Nassau
Heilsmann (unknown)
Heisterbergk, Franz Rochlitz Saxony
Henning, Eduard Thorn (West Prussia)Prussia
Henkel, Heinrich Cassel Electoral Hesse
Henßel (Hensel), Adolf Ernst Zittau Saxony
Hentges, Louis Heilbronn Württemberg
Hergenhahn, August Wiesbaden Nassau
Hermann, Friedrich v. Munich Bavaria
Hermann, Paul Weidlitz (Bautzen) (Lusatia)Prussia
Heubner, Otto Leonhard Frauenstein Saxony
Hildebrandt, Bruno Marburg Electoral Hesse
Hlubert (Hlubeck), Franz Xaver Graz (Styria)Austria
Hönninger (Hönniger), Friedrich Carl Rudolstadt Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
Hoffbauer, Wilhelm Nordhausen, Province of SaxonyPrussia
Hoffmann, Christoph Ludwigsburg Württemberg
Hoffmann, Julius Eisfeld (Meiningen)Saxe-Meiningen
Hugo, Aemil Göttingen Hannover


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Jacobi, Carl Wilhelm Hersfeld Electoral Hesse
Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig Freiburg an der Unstrut, Province of SaxonyPrussia
Jaup, Heinrich Carl Darmstadt Grand Ducal Hesse
Jordan, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Freienwalde (Brandenburg)Prussia
Jordan, Sylvester Fritzlar Electoral Hesse
Jucho, Friedrich Siegmund Frankfurt


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Kagerbauer, Peter Linz Austria
Kahlert, Anton Leobschütz (Silesia)Prussia
Kaiser, Peter Mauern (Vaduz)Liechtenstein
Kaiser, Ignatz Retz Austria
Kalchberg, Franz Ritter Kalchegger v. Graz (Styria)Austria
Kauzer, Georg Lauchheim Württemberg
Keim, Gottlieb Friedrich Ferdinand Bayreuth Bavaria
Kerer, Johann Silz (Tyrol)Austria
Kerst, Samuel Gottfried Birnbaum (Posen)Prussia
Ketteler, Wilhelm Emmanuel Freiherr v. Hopsten (Lengerich) (Westphalia)Prussia
Kierulf, Johann Friedrich Martin Rostock Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Knapitsch, Franz Edler v. Klagenfurt Austria
Knarr, Josef Hartberg (Styria)Austria
Knoodt, Franz Peter Bonn (Rhineland)Prussia
Knuth (unknown) Bunzlau Prussia
Koch, Carl Wilhelm Otto Leipzig Saxony
Kolb, Georg Friedrich SpeyerBavaria
Kohlparzer, Franz XaverNeuhaus (Neufelden)Austria
Kompes, Gerhard Siegburg (Rhineland)Prussia
Kosmann, Wilhelm Albert Stettin Prussia
Kraft, Wilhelm Friedrich Christian Gustav Nürnberg Bavaria
Kramer (unknown)
Künsberg, Heinrich v. Ansbach Bavaria
Kürsinger, Carl v.Damsweg (Werfen)Austria
Kürsinger, Ignatz v. Salzburg Austria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Lang, Friedrich Werden Hannover
Lassaulx, Peter Ernst v. Munich Bavaria
Lavergne-Peguilhen, Alexander v. Neidenburg (East Prussia)Prussia
Lette, Wilhelm Adolf Berlin Prussia
Leue, Friedrich Gottfried Cöln (Rhineland)Prussia
Lieber, Eduard Züllichau, BrandenburgPrussia
Liebmann, Richard Meiningen Saxe-Meiningen
Lindenau, Bernhard v. Pohlhof (Altenburg)Saxe-Altenburg
Loew, Friedrich Magdeburg, Province of SaxonyPrussia
Lowe (Loewe), Wilhelm Calbe Anhalt


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Maier of Ottobauer (unknown)
Mally, Georg Marburg, StyriaAustria
Maltzahn, Gustav Robert v. Küstrin, BrandenburgPrussia
Mammen, Franz August Plauen Saxony
Marcks, Eduard Duisburg (Westphalia)Prussia
Mareck, Titus Graz, StyriaAustria
Martens, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Danzig, West PrussiaPrussia
Martiny, FriedrichFriedland (Schlochau), West PrussiaPrussia
Massow, Hermann v.Carlsberg (Glatz), SilesiaPrussia
Mathis (Matthies), Konrad Wolgast, PomeraniaPrussia
Mathy, Karl Karlsruhe (Calw)Württemberg
Matzke (Metzke), Hermann Sagan, SilesiaPrussia
Mayer, Thomas Memmingen Bavaria
Mayer, Franz Ferdinand v. Vienna Austria
Melchers, Paulus Münster (Westphalia)Prussia
Megerle, Eugen Edler v. Mühlfeld Vienna Austria
Melly, Eduard Horn Austria
Merck, Ernst Hamburg
Mevissen, Gustav Dulden (Hilchenbach), RhinelandPrussia
Meyer, Georg Theodor Lüneburg Brunswick
Meyer, Johann Carl Christian Liegnitz, SilesiaPrussia
Michelsen, Andreas Ludwig Jacob Jena Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Mittermaier, Carl Joseph Anton Heidelberg Baden
Möllingen (Mölling), Georg Friedrich Jever Oldenburg
Möring, Karl Vienna Austria
Mohl, Robert v. Heidelberg Baden
Mohl, Moritz Stuttgart Württemberg
Muck, Johann v. Schwadorf Austria
Müller, Johann Georg Münster (Westphalia)Prussia
Münch, Johannes Wetzlar (Westphalia)Prussia
Murschel, Wilhelm Heinrich Stuttgart Württemberg
Mylius, Eberhard v. Kleve (Rhineland)Prussia


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Nagel zu Aichberg, Anton v.Oberwiechdach (Neunburg) (Palatinate)Bavaria
Nägele, FerdinandMurhardt (Backnang)Württemberg
Nauwerk, Carl Berlin Prussia
Nerreter, Ernst Louis Otto Fraustadt (Posen)Prussia
Nicol, Carl Hannover (Hameln)Hannover


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Obermüller, Matthias Passau Bavaria
Ostendorf, Julius Soest Prussia
Ostermünchner, CarlGriesbach (Pfarrkirchen)Bavaria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Pagenstecher, Heinrich Carl Alexander Elberfeld Prussia
Panner (Pammer), SebastianSchalgen (Schalchen)Austria
Pattai, Guido Gleinstätten Austria
Paur, Theodor Grottkau (Silesia)Prussia
Paur, Adolf Xaver Augsburg Bavaria
Peitler, Franz Taxenbach (Zell am See)Austria
Pfahler, Georg Tettnang Württemberg
Pfeiffer, August EmanuelAdamsdorf (Soldin)Prussia
Pfitzer, Paul Stuttgart Württemberg
Philipps, Georg Munich Bavaria
Piexinger, P. Beda (unknown)Efferdingen (unknown, likely Eferding, Upper Austria)Austria
Pinchert, Friedrich Zeitz Prussia
Plaß, Christian Heinrich Stade Hannover
Plathner, Otto Halberstadt Prussia
Pözel, Josef Munich Bavaria
Pogge, Johann of Roggow (Pomerania)Prussia


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Quante, Andreas Bernhard Würzburg Bavaria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Ranzony (Ranzoni), Johann Melk Austria
Rappard, Conrad v. Angermünde, BrandenburgPrussia
Raumer, Hans v. Dinkelsbühl Bavaria
Raveaux, Franz Cöln (Rhineland)Prussia
Reden, Friedrich Wilhelm v. Berlin, BrandenburgPrussia
Reichard, Josef Martin Speyer (Palatinate)Bavaria
Reichensperger, August Trier (Rhineland)Prussia
Reisinger, Josef Freistadt, BohemiaAustria
Reindl, Franz Ort Austria
Reinwald (Rheinwald), Carl Friedrich v.Bern (Spaichingen)Württemberg
Reinhard, Ludwig Boizenburg Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Reinstein, August Naumburg, Province of SaxonyPrussia
Reitmayr, August Regensburg (Weiden)Bavaria
Rettig (unknown) Potsdam, BrandenburgPrussia
Riehl, Anton Zwettl Austria
Riesser, Gabriel Hamburg (Lauenburg)Schleswig-Holstein
Roben (Röben), Johann Gerhardt Dornum (Esens)Hannover
Rödinger, Friedrich Stuttgart (Öhringen)Württemberg
Römer, Friedrich Stuttgart (Göppingen)Württemberg
Römer, Friedrich v. Göppingen Württemberg
Rönne, Friedrich v. Berlin (Mühlhausen) (Province of Saxony)Prussia
Roß, Edgar Daniel Hamburg
Ruhwandl, Max Josef Munich (Moosburg)Bavaria
Rüder, Maximilian Heinrich Birkenfeld (Rhineland)Oldenburg
Rühl, August Hanau Electoral Hesse
Rümelin, Gustav Mürdingen Württemberg


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Sänger, Carl v.Grabow (Wirsitz) (Posen)Prussia
Schaffrath, Wilhelm Neustadt (Stolpen)Saxony
Schauß, Anton v. Munich (Traunstein)Bavaria
Scheller, Friedrich Ernst Frankfurt a. d. Oder (Brandenburg)Prussia
Schenk, Carl Dillenburg (Rennerod)Nassau
Schepp, Friedrich Wilhelm Wiesbaden Nassau
Scheuchenstuel, Carl v. Leoben (Styria)Austria
Schiedermayer, Wilhelm Vöcklabruck Austria
Schierenberg, Heinrich Detmold (Lage)Lippe-Detmold
Schilling, Ernst Vienna Austria
Schleussing, Franz v. Lötzen (East Prussia)Prussia
Schlotheim, Jérôme v. Frankfurt a. d. Oder (Wollstein) (Posen)Prussia
Schlüter, Arnold Paderborn (Westphalia)Prussia
Schmerling, Anton v. Vienna Austria
Schmidt, Aloys Brixen (Tyrol)Austria
Schmidt, Ernst (Franz) Salzbrunn (Löwenberg) (Silesia)Prussia
Schmidt, Joseph Linz Austria
Schmidt, Julius Theodor Wurzen (Grimma)Saxony
Schmitt, Nicolaus Kaiserslautern (Palatinate)Bavaria
Schneider, Johann Friedrich Lichtenfels (Kulmbach)Bavaria
Schoder, Adolph Gottlieb Ferdinand Stuttgart (Besigheim)Württemberg
Scholten, Heinrich CorneliusWard (Kleve) (Rhineland)Prussia
Scholz, Franz Neisse (Silesia)Prussia
Schott, Albert Stuttgart (Böblingen)Württemberg
Schreiber, Carl Ludwig Bielefeld (Westphalia)Prussia
Schreiner, Gustav Graz (Weiz) (Styria)Austria
Schrenk v. Notzing, Karl Munich (Cham)Bavaria
Schubert, Friedrich Wilhelm Ortelsburg (East Prussia)Prussia
Schubert, Heinrich Würzburg Bavaria
Schüler, Christian Jena Saxe-Weimar
Schüler, Friedrich Zweibrücken (Lauterecken) (Palatinate)Bavaria
Schüler, Johannes Innsbruck (Tyrol)Austria
Schultze, Wilhelm Potsdam (Ruppin) (Brandenburg)Prussia
Schultze, HeinrichLübbau (Landeshut) (Silesia)Prussia
Schulz-Bodmer, Friedrich Wilhelm Darmstadt Hesse-Darmstadt
Schulz, Friedrich Gottlieb Weilburg Duchy of Nassau
Schuselka, Franz Klosterneuburg Austria
Schwarz, Carl Heinrich Wilhelm Halle (Torgau) (Province of Saxony)Prussia
Schwarzenberg, Ludwig Kassel Electoral Hesse
Schwarzenberg, Philipp Melsungen Electoral Hesse
Schwetschke, Carl Gustav Halle (Sangerhausen) (Province of Saxony)Prussia
Selchow, Werner v. Lauenburg Schleswig-Holstein
Sellmer, Carl Landsberg a.d. Warthe (Brandenburg)Prussia
Senf, Emil Alexander Wilhelm Inowrazlaw (Posen)Prussia
Sepp, Johann Nepomuk Doelz (Rosenheim)Bavaria
Simon, August Heinrich Magdeburg (Province of Saxony)Prussia
Simon, Ludwig Gerhard Gustav Trier (Rhineland)Prussia
Simson, Eduard Königsberg (East Prussia)Prussia
Soiron, Alexander v. Mannheim Baden
Sonnenkalb, Carl VictorRömschützSaxony-Altenburg
Spatz, Carl Alexander Frankenthal (Palatinate)Bavaria
Sprengel, Albert Waren Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Sprißler, Josef Empfingen, Hohenzollern-SigmaringenPrussia
Stahl, Friedrich Wilhelm Erlangen Bavaria
Stedmann, CarlBesselich (Kreuznach Grand Ducal Hesse
Stenzel, Gustav Adolf Harald Breslau (Silesia)Prussia
Stieger, Johann Klagenfurt (Carinthia)Austria
Stolle, Friedrich Holzminden Brunswick-Lüneburg
Stremayr, Karl v. Kindberg (Graz) (Styria)Austria
Sturm, Bruno Adolf Sorau (Lusatia)Prussia


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Tafel, Gottlob Stuttgart (Welzheim)Württemberg
Tafel, Franz Zweibrücken (Palatinate)Bavaria
Tappehorn, Franz Oldenburg Oldenburg
Teichert, Gottlob Berlin Prussia
Thinnes, Friedrich Eichstätt Bavaria
Treskow, Julius v.Grocholin (Schubin) (Posen)Prussia
Trütschler (Trützschler), Wilhelm Adolph v. Dresden (Oelsnitz)Saxony


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Ungerbüler, Otto Preußisch Holland (East Prussia)Prussia
Uhland, Ludwig Tübingen (Rottenburg)Württemberg
Umbscheiden, Phillip Dahn (Palatinate)Bavaria
Unwerth, Albert August v. Glogau (Silesia)Prussia


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Versen, Carl Nieheim (Westphalia)Prussia
Veit, Moritz Berlin Prussia
Venedey, Jacob Cöln (Rhineland)Prussia
Vischer, Friedrich Theodor Tübingen Württemberg
Vömer (unknown)
Vogel, Ernst Eisleben (Guben) (Brandenburg)Prussia
Vonbun, AntonFeldberg (Feldkirch) (Vorarlberg)Austria


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Wagner, Camillo Steyr Austria
Waitz, Georg Göttingen Hannover
Waldmann, Heinrich Heiligenstadt (Province of Saxony)Prussia
Walter, Robert Neustadt (Silesia)Prussia
Wartensleben-Schwirsen, Alexander v. Greiffenberg (Pomerania)Prussia
Weeber (Weber), JosefNeuburg (Donauwörth)Bavaria
Wedekind, Eduard Bruchhausen Hannover
Wedemeyer, Ludwig Georg v.Schönrade (Friedeberg in der Neumark) (Brandenburg)Prussia
Weiß, Josef Salzburg (Grein)Austria
Weissenborn, Wilhelm Eisenach Saxe-Weimar
Welcker, Carl Theodor Frankfurt
Wernher, Phillip Wilhelm Nierstein (Alsfeld) (Rhineland)Prussia
Werthmüller, Valentin Josef Fulda Electoral Hesse
Wesendonck, Hugo Düsseldorf (Westphalia)Prussia
Wichmann, Wilhelm Stendal (Province Saxony)Prussia
Wiebker, August Ueckermünde (Pomerania)Prussia
Wiedenmann (Widenmann), Christian Düsseldorf (Westphalia)Prussia
Wiederhold, Ludwig Heinrich Lübeck
Wiest, Wilhelm Tübingen (Bad Saulgau)Württemberg
Wiesner, Adolf Feldsberg Austria
Wigard, Franz Jacob Dresden Saxony
Wippermann, Karl Wilhelm Cassel Electoral Hesse
Würth, Josef Edler v. Wiener Neustadt Austria
Wulffen, Friedrich v. Passau Bavaria
Wurm, Christian Friedrich Hamburg
Wydenbrugk, Oskar v. Weimar Saxe-Weimar


Member nameCity or district representedState of origin
Zachariä, Friedrich Wilhelm Conrad Bernburg Anhalt-Bernburg
Zachariä, Heinrich Albert Göttingen Hannover
Zell, Friedrich Josef Trier (Bernkastel-Kues) (Rhineland)Prussia
Zenetti, Johann Baptiste v. Landshut Bavaria
Zerzog, Adolf v. Regensburg Bavaria
Ziegert, August Preuß. Minden (Westphalia)Prussia
Zimmermann, Wilhelm Stuttgart (Schwäbisch Hall)Württemberg
Zimmermann, Eduard Spandau (Brandenburg)Prussia
Zitz, Franz Heinrich Mainz (Rhineland)Prussia
Zöllner, Wilhelm August Chemnitz Saxony
zum Sande, Johannes Lingen (Rhineland)Prussia




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The Duchy of Nassau was an independent state between 1806 and 1866, located in what is now the German states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse. It was a member of the Confederation of the Rhine and later of the German Confederation. Its ruling dynasty, now extinct, was the House of Nassau. The duchy was named for its historical core city, Nassau, although Wiesbaden rather than Nassau was its capital. In 1865, the Duchy of Nassau had 465,636 inhabitants. After being occupied and annexed into the Kingdom of Prussia in 1866 following the Austro-Prussian War, it was incorporated into the Province of Hesse-Nassau. The area today is a geographical and historical region, Nassau, and Nassau is also the name of the Nassau Nature Park within the borders of the former duchy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Casino faction</span> Political faction within the Frankfurt Parliament

The Casino faction was a moderate liberal faction within the Frankfurt Parliament formed on June 25, 1848. Like most of the factions in the parliament, its name was a reference to the usual meeting place of its members in Frankfurt am Main. Casino was the largest and most influential faction at Paulskirche. Its members were for the most part national liberals.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Federal Convention (German Confederation)</span> Central institution of the German Confederation

The Federal Convention was the only central institution of the German Confederation from 1815 until 1848, and from 1851 until 1866. The Federal Convention had its seat in the Palais Thurn und Taxis in Frankfurt. It was organized as a permanent congress of envoys of the member states.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frankfurt Constitution</span>

The Frankfurt Constitution or Constitution of St. Paul's Church (Paulskirchenverfassung), officially named the Constitution of the German Empire of 28 March 1849, was an unsuccessful attempt to create a unified German nation state in the successor states of the Holy Roman Empire organised in the German Confederation. Adopted and proclaimed by the Frankfurt Parliament after the Revolutions of 1848, the constitution contained a charter of fundamental rights and a democratic government in the form of a constitutional monarchy. King Frederick William IV of Prussia was designated head of state as "Emperor of the Germans", a role he rejected.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Provisorische Zentralgewalt</span> Government of Germany 1848/1849

The Provisorische Zentralgewalt was the provisional government of the Frankfurt Parliament (1848–49). Since this all-German national assembly had not been initiated by the German Confederation, it was lacking not only major constitutional bodies, such as a head of state and a government, but also legal legitimation. A modification of the Bundesakte, the constitution of the German Confederation, could have brought about such legitimation, but as it would have required the unanimous support of all 38 signatory states this was practically impossible. Partially for this reason, influential European powers such as France and Russia declined to recognize the Parliament. The delegates on the left wanted to solve this situation by creating a revolutionary parliamentary government, but, on 24 June 1848, the majority voted for a compromise, the so-called Provisional Central Power.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">German Empire (1848–1849)</span> Failed attempt to create a German national state

The German Empire was a proto-state which attempted, but ultimately failed, to unify the German states within the German Confederation to create a German nation-state. It was created in the spring of 1848 during the German revolutions by the Frankfurt National Assembly. The parliament elected Archduke John of Austria as its provisional head of state with the title 'Imperial Regent'. On 28 March 1849, its constitution was implemented and the parliament elected the king of Prussia, Frederick William IV, to be the constitutional monarch of the empire with the title 'Emperor of the Germans'. However, he turned the position down. The empire came to an end in December 1849 when the Central German Government was replaced by a Federal Central Commission.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Factions in the Frankfurt Assembly</span> Groups or political factions that developed among delegates to the Frankfurt Parliament

The factions in the Frankfurt Assembly were groups that developed among delegates to the Frankfurt Parliament that met from 18 May 1848 to 31 May 1849 in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt am Main. They coalesced as groups of like-minded representatives started meeting, and were named after the various hostelries at which they met.

The Reichstag, also called Kremsier Parliament, was the first elected parliament in the Austrian Empire. It lasted for only a short time between July 1848 and 7 March 1849, but had an important effect on Austrian history. Its main product was the Kremsier Constitution which was preempted by the imposed March Constitution.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Palatine uprising</span>

The Palatine uprising was a rebellion that took place in May and June 1849 in the Rhenish Palatinate, then an exclave territory of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Related to uprisings across the Rhine river in Baden, it was part of the widespread Imperial Constitution Campaign (Reichsverfassungskampagne). Revolutionaries worked to defend the Constitution as well as to secede from the Kingdom of Bavaria.

Federal elections were held in all the 38 states of the German Confederation on 1 May 1848 to elect members of a new National Assembly known as the Frankfurt Parliament. The ballot was not secret, and elected 585 members, mostly from the middle class.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Imperial Sovereign</span>

The question of an Imperial Sovereign or emperor was a central issue in Germany's attempts at unification from 1848 to 1850. Both the draft constitutional act with its provision for centralised power as well as the constitutional plans at that time, laid down how a German head of state would be selected for office and what rights they were to have.

Events from the year 1848 in Germany.

Landsberg was the name of faction that started in September 1848 as part of the National Assembly in Frankfurt. As with most factions of the National Assembly, the name refers to the usual place of assembly of the faction members in Frankfurt am Main.