List of mountains of Vermont

Last updated

This is a list of mountains in the U.S. state of Vermont.



MountainImageHeight (ft.)Height (m)TownCounty
Mount Mansfield
Mt Mansfield 20060727 2.JPG
4,3931,339 Underhill Chittenden
Killington Peak
Killington Pk seen from Pico Pk.jpg
4,2351,291 Killington Rutland
Mount Ellen
American stallion register - including all stallions prominent in the breeding of the American roadster, trotter and pacer, from the earliest records to 1902. And this includes nearly all imported (17973580218).jpg
4,0831,244 Warren Washington
Camel's Hump
CamelsHumpMt fromCharlotteVT 20140824.jpg
4,0831,244 Duxbury Washington
Mount Abraham
Mt Abe.jpg
4,0061,221 Lincoln Addison
Lincoln Peak 3,9751,212 Warren Washington
Pico Peak
View from Killington Peak looking at Pico Peak.jpg
3,9571,206 Killington Rutland
Bear Head 3,9401,201 Stowe Lamoille
Stratton Mountain 3,9401,201 Stratton Windham
Little Killington 3,9391,201 Mendon Rutland
North Stratton 3,8751,181StrattonWindham
Jay Peak
Jay Peak mountain complex seen from Lowell.jpg
3,8581,176 Westfield Orleans
Equinox Mountain
Equinox Mountain, Manchester, Vt (NYPL b12647398-74405).tiff
3,8401,170 Manchester Bennington
Mendon Peak 3,8401,170MendonRutland
Bread Loaf Mountain
Bread-Loaf-Mountain from Otter-Creek.jpg
3,8351,169 Ripton Addison
Nancy Hanks Peak 3,8121,162WarrenWashington
Skye Peak 3,8001,158KillingtonRutland
Big Jay
Big Jay Mt Vt seen from Jay Peak.jpg
3,7861,154 Montgomery Franklin
Mount Wilson 3,7801,152RiptonAddison
Dorset Mountain
Dorset Mountain (2008-01-03).JPG
3,7601,146 Danby Rutland
Glastenbury Mountain 3,7481,142 Glastenbury Bennington
Shrewsbury Peak 3,7201,134 Shrewsbury Rutland
Whiteface Mountain 3,7151,132 Jeffersonville Lamoille
Ethan Allen Mountain
CamelsHumpSummit Southward1 20170902.jpg
Bolton Mountain 3,6801,122 Bolton Chittenden
Stark Mountain 3,6621,116 Fayston Washington
Mount Putnam 3,6421,110 Worcester Washington
Madonna Peak
MadonnaMountainVT 2 20151008.jpg
Mount Grant 3,6231,104LincolnAddison
Rams Head 3,6001,097KillingtonRutland
Snowden Peak 3,5921,095KillingtonRutland
Mount Snow
3,5861,093 West Dover
Hunger Mountain 3,5391,079 Worcester
Mount Roosevelt 3,5281,075 Ripton
Farr Peak 3,5221,074 Chittenden
Bloodroot Mountain 3,4851,062 Chittenden
Mount Cleveland 3,4821,061 Lincoln
Mount Ira Allen 3,4601,055 Duxbury
Haystack Mountain
3,4451,050 Wilmington
East Mountain 3,4391,048 East Haven
North Jay Peak 3,4381,048 Jay
Peru Peak 3,4291,045 Peru
Battell Mountain 3,4281,045 Ripton
Ricker Mountain 3,4101,039 Waterbury
Styles Peak 3,3941,034 Peru
Spruce Peak 3,3901,033 Stowe
Morse Mountain 3,3801,030 Jeffersonville
Signal Mountain 3,3701,027 Groton
Mount Carmel 3,3651,026 Chittenden
Dewey Mountain 3,3601,024 Underhill
Belvidere Mountain 3,3601,024 Lowell
Ludlow Mountain 3,3441,019 Ludlow
Okemo Mountain
3,3441,019 Ludlow
Cape Lookoff Mountain 3,3401,018 Goshen
Gore Mountain 3,3321,016 Norton
Cold Hollow Mountain 3,3301,015 Belvidere
Boyce Mountain 3,3231,013 Ripton
Bald Mountain 3,3151,010 Westmore
Bromley Mountain
Bromley Mountain aerial.jpg
3,2841,001 Peru
Worcester Mountain 3,274998 Worcester
Burke Mountain
Burke from the West.jpg
3,267996 Burke
Bear Mountain 3,2951,004 Killington
Burnt Rock Mountain 3,168966 Moretown
Vista Peak 3,150960 Waterbury
Monadnock Mountain 3,148960 Lemington
Seneca Mountain 3,146959 Burke
Mount Ascutney
Mount Ascutney aerial.jpg
3,144958 Windsor / Weathersfield
Mount Mayo 3,143958 Underhill
Mount Aeolus 3,230985 Dorset
Woodward Mountain 3,110948 Waterbury
Grass Mountain 3,109948 Arlington
Burke Mountain (West Peak) 3,097944 Burke
East Haven Mountain 3,070936 East Haven
Little Jay 3,045928 Montgomery
Mount Tabor 3,043928 Peru
Spruce Mountain 3,037926 Plainfield
Gilpin Peak 3,015919 Westfield
Sterling Peak 3,010917 Jeffersonville
Tillotson Peak 2,992912Tillotson
Umpire Mountain 2,967904 Victory
Molly Stark Mountain 2,967904 Fayston
Mount Clark 2,960902 Underhill
Buchanan Mountain 2,940896 Westfield
Bone Mountain 2,910887 Waterbury
Domeys Dome 2,894882 Westfield
Baby Stark Mountain 2,863873 Fayston
Buckball Peak 2,858871 Danby
Bald Mountain 2,857871 Woodford
Glebe Mountain 2,850869 Londonderry
South Buckball Peak 2,841866 Danby
Baker Peak 2,828862 Danby
Consultation Peak 2,810856 Bennington
Laraway Mountain 2,796852 Johnson
Deer Leap Mountain
DeerleapMt BristolVT 2010.jpg
1,825556 Bristol
Deer Leap Mountain 2,787849 Killington
Mount Pisgah
2,752839 Westmore
Kirby Mountain 2,750838 Kirby
The Dome 2,748838 Pownal
Prospect Mountain 2,740835 Woodford
Jackson Gore Peak 2,725831 Ludlow
Brousseau Mountain 2,723830 Norton
Kirby Mountain 2,720829 Burke
Bull Mountain 2,710826 Burke
White Rocks Mountain 2,680817 Wallingford
Mount Hor
2,654809 Sutton
Mount Moosalamoo 2,650808 Brandon
Stannard Mountain 2,618798 Stannard [1]
Elmore Mountain 2,608795 Elmore
Mount Norris 2,493760 Eden Mills
Woodbury Mountain 2,480756 Woodbury
Sunrise Mountain 2,456749 Killington
Mount Olga 2,418737 Wilmington
Hogback Mountain 2,410735 Marlboro
Mount Hunger 2,403732 Barnard
Wheeler Mountain 2,365721 Sutton
Hooker Mountain 2,326709 Peacham
Mount Anthony 2,343714 Bennington
Tiny Mountain 2,320707 Mount Holly
Bowen Mountain 2,303702 Eden
Burnt Mountain 2,257688 Marshfield
Hardwood Mountain 2,244684 Marshfield
Cherry Knoll 2,236682 Killington
Barton Mountain 2,235681 Barton
Fletcher Mountain 2,150655 Fletcher
Bean Mountain 2,136651 Eden
Marshfield Mountain 2,119646 Marshfield
Sugarloaf Mountain 2,115645 Warren
Spruce Peak 2,040622 Manchester
Stimson Mountain 2,000610 Bolton
Central Mountain 1,995608 Marlboro
Deer Mountain 1,988606 Peacham
Owlshead Mountain 1,952595 Peacham
Drew Mountain 1,932589 Marshfield
Haystack Mountain (Pawlet) 1,919585 Pawlet
Split Rock Mountain 1,890576 Granby
Gile Mountain 1,873571 Norwich
Little Deer Mountain 1,759536 Peacham
The Fox Cobble 1,587484 Rutland County
Buffalo Mountain 1,555474 Caledonia County
Mays Mountain 1,522464 Marshfield
Mount Ephraim 1,490454 Springfield
Snake Mountain
SnakeMT Abraham Eastward VT17AddisonVT 20151011 (41412054952).jpg
1,287392 Addison
Mount Tom
View of the big meadow at the Billings Farm and Museum, looking west toward Mount Tom (less distant view). The buildings visible among the trees in this view are, from left- The Mertens HALS VT-1-36.tif
1,250381 Woodstock
Mount Philo 968295 Charlotte
Pease Mountain 820250 Chittenden

Mount Mansfield photos

Killington Peak photos

Camel's Hump Mountain Photos

Woodbury Mountain Photos

See also

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  1. "Stannard Mountain-East Peak -".


  1. USGS Summary Report Buffalo Mountain Feature ID:2830210