List of presidents of the Congress of Deputies of Spain

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The president of the Congress of Deputies, also known as the president of the Cortes, is the highest authority of the Congress of Deputies of Spain, the lower house of the Cortes Generales . The President is elected by and among the incumbent members of congress (diputados).


The office was established in 1810 when the Supreme Central Junta convened the first Spain's general election to form the Cortes of Cádiz. In the first meeting of the Cortes, on 24 September 1810, the first president was elected, Ramón Lázaro de Dou y de Bassols, although Benito Ramón Hermida Maldonado held the office as acting president during the beginning of that meeting. During this time, the Cortes were a unicameral parliament and the tenure of the president of the house was one month. In 1814, King Ferdinand VII dissolved the parliament and abolished the 1812 Constitution, restoring absolutism. Briefly, from 1820 to 1823, the Constitution was restored against the will of the monarch and in 1823 the King abolished it again until his death in 1833, when Queen Regent Maria Christina, in order to gain the favour of the Liberals to support the reign of her daughter, Isabella II, approved the Royal Statue of 1834, creating a bicameral parliament and restoring the office. The parliament was inactive in three more times in Spanish history: from 1923 to 1927 due to the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (although he created an advisory assembly from 1927 to 1929), from 1929 to 1931 after the dictatorship and from 1939 to 1943, after the Civil War.

After 1834, none of the constitutions or the different internal rules of the Congress established a time limited to held the office, so it is understood that he or she occupies it for the time of the legislature, an idea that continues today in force. Another peculiarity of Spanish parliamentarism is the existence of the position of acting president. After every general election and before the Congress is fully constituted, the Congress' internal rules from 1834 to 1982 established that an acting president had to be elected, and, once the Congress is fully constituted, the House must ratified the appointment or elect a new president. In 1982, this provision disappeared.

The current and 182nd President, Francina Armengol, was elected on August 17, 2023. [1] Armengol, former president of the Government of the Balearic Islands, currently represents the electoral district of the Balearic Islands.

List of presidents

Since its creation in 1810, 138 people have served as president in 182 presidencies. [2] The first president was Ramón Lázaro de Dou y de Bassols who served during the first month. The shortest presidency was that of the Francisco Salmerón y Alonso which was president briefly between March 19 and March 22, 1873, and the longest was that of Esteban de Bilbao Eguía serving 22 years, 6 months and 13 days. Many presidents have served in non-consecutive terms in office; The Marquess of Vega de Armijo served in five non-consecutive terms while Francisco Martínez de la Rosa and Francisco Javier Istúriz y Montero served in four. The first woman who have served as president was Luisa Fernanda Rudi Ubeda, between 2000 and 2004.

No.Name Party Constituency Term of service
- Benito Ramon Hermida Maldonado.jpg Benito Ramón Hermida Maldonado Independent Galicia

(Santiago de Compostela)

September 24, 1810
1st Ramon Llatzer de Dou de Bassols.jpg Ramón Lázaro de Dou y de Bassols Independent Principality of Catalonia September 24, 1810
October 23, 1810
2nd Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Luis Rodríguez del Monte y del Prado Independent Galicia


October 24, 1810 –
November 23, 1810
3rd Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José Luis Morales Gallego Independent Seville

(representing the Junta of Seville)

November 24, 1810 –
December 23, 1810
4th Alonso Canedo Vigil (Cabildo de la catedral de Malaga).jpg Alonso Cañedo y Vigil Independent Asturias

(representing the Junta of Asturias)

December 24, 1810 –
January 23, 1811
5th Antonio Joaquin Perez Martinez Robles.jpg Antonio Joaquín Pérez Martínez Robles Independent New Spain

(Puebla de los Ángeles)

January 24, 1811 –
February 23, 1811
6th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Vicente Joaquín Noguera Climent Independent Valencia

(representing the Junta of Valencia)

February 24, 1811 –
March 23, 1811
7th Diego Munoz-Torrero (1761-1829).jpg Diego Muñoz Torrero y Ramírez Independent Extremadura March 24, 1811 –
April 23, 1811
8th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Vicente Cano Manuel y Ramírez de Arellano Independent Murcia April 24, 1811 –
May 23, 1811
9th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José Pablo Valiente y Bravo Independent Seville May 24, 1811 –
June 23, 1811
10th Jaime Creus Marti, arzobispo de Tarragona (Vicente Lopez).JPG Jaime Creus Martí Independent Principality of Catalonia June 24, 1811 –
July 23, 1811
11th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Juan José Guereña y Garayo Independent New Spain


July 24, 1811 –
August 23, 1811
12th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Ramón Giraldo y Arquellada Independent La Mancha August 24, 1811 –
September 23, 1811
13th Bernardo Nadal y Crespi, obispo de Mallorca.jpg Bernardo Nadal y Crespí Independent Majorca

(Palma de Mallorca)

September 24, 1811 –
October 23, 1811
14th Antoniolarrazabal1812.jpg Antonio Larrazábal y Arrivillaga Independent Guatemala October 24, 1811 –
November 23, 1811
15th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José Casquete de Prado Bootello Independent Extremadura November 24, 1811 –
December 23, 1811
16th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Manuel de Villafañe y Andreu Independent Valencia December 24, 1811 –
January 23, 1812
17th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Antonio Agustín Payán de Tejada y Figueroa Independent Galicia

(La Coruña)

January 24, 1812 –
February 23, 1812
18th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Vicente Pascual y Esteban Independent Aragón


February 24, 1812 –
March 23, 1812
19th Vicente Morales Duarez.jpg Vicente Morales Duárez Independent Viceroyalty of Peru March 24, 1812 –
April 2, 1812†
20th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José María Gutiérrez de Terán Independent New Spain April 2, 1812 –
April 23, 1812
April 24, 1812 –
May 23, 1812
21st Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José Miguel Guridi y Alcocer Independent New Spain


May 24, 1812 –
June 23, 1812
22nd Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Juan Polo y Catalina Independent Aragón June 24, 1812 –
July 23, 1812
23rd Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Felipe Vázquez Canga Independent Asturias July 24, 1812 –
August 23, 1812
24th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Andrés Ángel de la Vega Infanzón Independent Asturias August 24, 1812 –
September 23, 1812
25th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Andrés de Jáuregui de Aróstegui Independent Cuba

(La Habana)

September 24, 1812 –
October 23, 1812
26th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Francisco Morros y Cibila Independent Principality of Catalonia October 24, 1812 –
November 23, 1812
27th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Juan del Valle y Milans del Bosch Independent Principality of Catalonia November 24, 1812 –
December 23, 1812
28th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Francisco Ciscar y Ciscar Independent Valencia December 24, 1812 –
January 23, 1813
29th Museo Zumalakarregi Albumsigloxix Zumalakarregi MiguelAntonio Osuna1.jpg Miguel Antonio de Zumalacárregui e Imaz Independent Gipuzkoa
(Santiago de Compostela)
January 24, 1813 –
February 23, 1813
30th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Joaquín Maniau Torquemada Independent New Spain


February 24, 1813 –
March 23, 1813
31st Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Francisco de Calello Miranda Independent Asturias March 24, 1813 –
April 23, 1813
32nd Pedro Jose Gordillo y Ramos (cropped).jpg Pedro José Gordillo y Ramos Independent Canary Islands

(Gran Canaria)

April 24, 1813 –
May 23, 1813
33rd Florencio del Castillo-1832.JPG Florencio del Castillo Solano Independent Guatemala May 24, 1813 –
June 23, 1813
34th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José Antonio Sombiela y Mestre Independent Valencia June 24, 1813 –
July 23, 1813
35th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Andrés Morales de los Ríos y Gil Independent Cádiz July 24, 1813 –
August 23, 1813
36th Retrato de Jose Miguel Gordoa.jpg José Miguel Gordoa y Barrios Independent New Spain


August 24, 1813 –
September 25, 1813
37th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Francisco Rodríguez Ledesma Independent Extremadura October 1, 1813
October 31, 1813
38th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Francisco Tacón Rossique Independent Murcia November 1, 1813 –
January 15, 1814
39th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Jeronimo Antonio Díez Baras Independent Salamanca January 16, 1814 –
February 15, 1814
40th Antonio Joaquin Perez Martinez Robles.jpg Antonio Joaquín Pérez Martínez Robles Independent New Spain

(Puebla de los Ángeles)

February 16, 1814 –
February 25, 1814
41st Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Vicente Ruiz Albillos Independent Salamanca February 25, 1814 –
March 31, 1814
42nd Francisco Antonio de la Duena y Cisneros.jpg Francisco Antonio de la Dueña y Cisneros Independent Principality of Catalonia April 1, 1814 –
April 30, 1814
43rd Antonio Joaquin Perez Martinez Robles.jpg Antonio Joaquín Pérez Martínez Robles Independent New Spain

(Puebla de los Ángeles)

May 1, 1814 –
May 10, 1814
Parliament dissolved between 1814 and 1820
44th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José de Espiga y Gadea Independent Principality of Catalonia July 6, 1820
August 9, 1820
45th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Ramón Giraldo y Arquellada Independent La Mancha August 9, 1820 –
September 8, 1820
46th Jose Maria Queipo de Llano, conde de Toreno (Museo del Prado).jpg José María Queipo de Llano Ruiz de Saravia Independent Asturias September 9, 1820 –
October 8, 1820
47th Jose Maria Calatrava.jpg José María Calatrava y Peinado Independent Extremadura October 9, 1820 –
November 9, 1820
48th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Vicente Cano Manuel y Ramírez de Arellano Independent Murcia February 25, 1821 –
March 31, 1821
49th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg José María Gutiérrez de Terán Independent New Spain April 1, 1821 –
April 30, 1821
50th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Antonio de la Cuesta y Torre Independent Ávila May 1, 1821 –
May 31, 1821
51st Jose Maria Moscoso de Altamira, conde de Fontao (Palacio del Senado de Espana).jpg Jose María Moscoso de Altamira Quiroga Independent Galicia June 1, 1821 –
June 30, 1821
52nd Retrato del obispo Pedro Gonzalez Vallejo (Vicente Lopez).jpg Pedro González Vallejo Independent Soria September 24, 1821 –
October 27, 1821
53rd Francisco Martinez de la Rosa (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Francisco Martínez de la Rosa Independent Granada October 28, 1821 –
November 27, 1821
54th Federico de madrazo-Retrato de Diego Clemencin.jpg Diego Clemencín Independent Murcia November 28, 1821 –
December 27, 1821
55th Joaquin Rey y Esteve.png Joaquín Rey Esteve Independent Principality of Catalonia December 28, 1821 –
January 27, 1822
56th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Ramón Giraldo y Arquellada Independent La Mancha January 28, 1822 –
February 14, 1822
57th Rafael Riego.jpg Rafael del Riego y Florez Valdes Independent Asturias February 15, 1822 –
March 31, 1822
58th CayetanoValdesYFloresJoseRoldanMartinez1847.jpg Cayetano Valdés y Flores Independent Seville April 1, 1822 –
April 30, 1822
59th Miguel Ricardo de Alava.jpg Miguel Ricardo de Álava y Esquivel Independent Álava*May 1, 1822 –
May 31, 1822
60th Alvaro Gomez Becerra (Palacio del Senado de Espana).jpg Álvaro Gómez Becerra Independent Cáceres June 1, 1822
June 30, 1822
61st Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Ramón Salvato de Esteve Independent Principality of Catalonia October 3, 1822 –
November 6, 1822
62nd Rufino casado-vicente maria de canas y portocarrero duque del parque.jpg Diego Vicente Cañas Portocarrero Independent Valladolid November 7, 1822 –
December 6, 1822
63rd Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Juan Oliver y García Independent Málaga December 7, 1822 –
January 6, 1823
64th Francisco Javier Isturiz.jpg Francisco Javier Istúriz y Montero Independent Cádiz January 7, 1823 –
February 6, 1823
65th Domingo Ruiz de la Vega.jpg Domingo María Ruiz de la Vega Méndez Independent Granada February 7, 1823 –
February 19, 1823
66th Gisbert-fusilamiento de torrijos-detalle.jpg Manuel Flores Calderón Independent Burgos February 25, 1823 –
March 22, 1823
March 23, 1823 –
May 1, 1823
67th Joaquin Maria de Ferrer y Cafranga.jpg Joaquín María Ferrer y Cafranga Independent Gipuzkoa
(Santiago de Compostela)
May 1, 1823 –
June 1, 1823
68th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Tomás Gener y Buigas Independent Cuba June 1, 1823 –
July 6, 1823
69th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Juan Pedro Zulueta y Ceballos Independent Cádiz July 7, 1823 –
August 5, 1823
70th Alvaro Gomez Becerra (Palacio del Senado de Espana).jpg Álvaro Gómez Becerra Independent Extremadura September 7, 1823 –
September 27, 1823
Parliament dissolved between 1823 and 1834
- Antonio Posada Rubin de Celis.jpg Antonio Posada Rubín de Celis Independent-Isabellinos Murcia July 20, 1834
July 28, 1834
71st Ildefonso Diez de Rivera2.jpg Ildefonso Díez de Rivera y Muro Progressive Valencia July 29, 1834 –
May 29, 1835
72nd Francisco Javier Isturiz.jpg Francisco Javier Istúriz y Montero Moderate Cádiz November 12, 1835 –
November 20, 1835
November 21, 1835 –
January 27, 1836
March 17, 1836 –
March 22, 1836
73rd Antonio Gonzalez Gonzalez.jpg Antonio González González Progressive Badajoz March 23, 1836 –
May 23, 1836
74th Alvaro Gomez Becerra (Palacio del Senado de Espana).jpg Álvaro Gómez Becerra Progressive Cáceres October 17, 1836
October 20, 1836
October 21, 1836 –
November 30, 1836
75th Antonio Gonzalez Gonzalez.jpg Antonio González González Progressive Badajoz December 1, 1836 –
January 1, 1837
76th Joaquin Maria de Ferrer y Cafranga.jpg Joaquín María Ferrer y Cafranga Progressive Gipuzkoa January 2, 1837 –
January 31, 1837
77th Museo Zumalakarregi Albumsigloxix Zumalakarregi MiguelAntonio Osuna1.jpg Miguel Antonio de Zumalacárregui e Imaz Progressive Gipuzkoa February 1, 1837 –
February 28, 1837
78th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Ramón Salvato de Esteve Moderate Barcelona March 1, 1837 –
March 31, 1837
79th Suarez llanos-pedro antonio de acuna.jpg Pedro Antonio Acuña y Cuadros Progressive Jaén April 1, 1837 –
April 30, 1837
80th Martin de los Heros.jpg Martín de los Heros y de las Bárcenas Progressive Biscay May 1, 1837 –
May 31, 1837
81st Agustin de Arguelles Alvarez (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Agustín Argüelles Álvarez González Progressive Madrid June 1, 1837 –
June 30, 1837
82nd Vicente Sancho redondeado.png Vicente Sancho y Cobertores Progressive Castellón July 1, 1837 –
July 31, 1837
83rd Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Miguel Calderón de la Barca Moderate Madrid August 1, 1837 –
August 31, 1837
84th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Antonio Seoane Hoyos Progressive Seville September 1, 1837 –
September 30, 1837
85th Juan Bautista de Muguiro por Goya.jpg Juan Bautista Muguiro e Iribarren Progressive Navarra October 1, 1837 –
October 31, 1837
86th Joaquin Maria Lopez.png Joaquín María López y López Progressive Madrid November 1, 1837 –
November 4, 1837
87th Joaquin Jose de Muro.jpg Joaquín José de Muro y Bidaurreta Moderate Soria November 13, 1837 –
November 17, 1837
November 18, 1837 –
January 1, 1838
88th Manuel Barrio Ayuso.jpg Manuel Barrio Ayuso Moderate Soria January 2, 1838 –
January 31, 1838
89th Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Manuel de la Rivaherrera y Vivanco Moderate Burgos February 1, 1838 –
February 15, 1838
90th Manuel Barrio Ayuso.jpg Manuel Barrio Ayuso Moderate Soria February 16, 1838 –
July 17, 1838
91st Francisco Javier Isturiz.jpg Francisco Javier Istúriz y Montero Moderate Cádiz November 9, 1838 –
June 1, 1839
- Museo Zumalakarregi Albumsigloxix Zumalakarregi MiguelAntonio Osuna1.jpg Miguel Antonio de Zumalacárregui e Imaz Progressive Gipuzkoa

(Santiago de Compostela)

September 1, 1839 –
September 9, 1839
92nd Jose Maria Calatrava.jpg José María Calatrava y Peinado Progressive Madrid September 10, 1839 –
November 18, 1839
- Alvaro Florez Estrada.jpg Álvaro Flórez Estrada Progressive Oviedo February 18, 1840 –
March 17, 1840
93rd Francisco Javier Isturiz.jpg Francisco Javier Istúriz y Montero Moderate Cádiz March 18, 1840 –
October 11, 1840
- Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Román Martínez de Montaos Progressive Oviedo March 19, 1841 –
March 27, 1841
94th Agustin de Arguelles Alvarez (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Agustín Argüelles Álvarez González Progressive Madrid March 28, 1841 –
August 24, 1841
95th Suarez llanos-pedro antonio de acuna.jpg Pedro Antonio Acuña y Cuadros Progressive Soria December 27, 1841 –
December 28, 1841
December 29, 1841 –
July 16, 1842
96th Salustiano de Olozaga Armandoz 1872 Antonio Gisbert Perez.jpg Salustiano de Olózaga y Almandoz Progressive Logroño November 15, 1842 –
January 3, 1843
- Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Ramón Giraldo y Arquellada Progressive Albacete April 3, 1843 –
April 30, 1843
97th Manuel Cortina.jpg Manuel Cortina y Arenzana Progressive Seville April 30, 1843 –
May 26, 1843
98th Salustiano de Olozaga Armandoz 1872 Antonio Gisbert Perez.jpg Salustiano de Olózaga y Almandoz Progressive Logroño November 4, 1843 –
November 26, 1843
99th Pedro Jose Pidal Carniado 1877 Dioscoro Puebla.jpg Pedro José Pidal Moderate Oviedo November 27, 1843 –
July 4, 1844
100th Francisco de Paula Castro y Orozco. (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Francisco de Paula Castro y Orozco Moderate Jaén October 17, 1844 –
May 23, 1845
December 16, 1845 –
October 31, 1846
- Escudo del rey de Espana abreviado antes de 1868.svg Modesto Cortázar y Leal de Ibarra Progressive Zamora January 1, 1847 –
January 20, 1847
101st Francisco de Paula Castro y Orozco. (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Francisco de Paula Castro y Orozco Moderate Girona January 21, 1847 –
October 5, 1847
102nd Alejandro Mon.png Alejandro Mon y Menéndez Moderate Oviedo November 16, 1847 –
March 26, 1848
- Manuel Seijas.JPG Manuel Seijas Lozano Moderate Ourense December 16, 1848 –
December 19, 1848
103rd Luis Mayans Enriquez de Navarra por Vicente Palmaroli.jpg Luis Mayans y Enríquez de Navarra Moderate Valencia December 20, 1848 –
July 14, 1849
October 30, 1849 –
November 1, 1849
November 2, 1849 –
August 4, 1850
November 1, 1850 –
November 7, 1850
November 8, 1850 –
April 7, 1851
June 1, 1851 –
June 11, 1851
June 12, 1851 –
January 7, 1852
104th Francisco Martinez de la Rosa (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Francisco Martínez de la Rosa Moderate Granada December 1, 1852 –
December 2, 1852
March 1, 1853 –
March 16, 1853
March 17, 1853 –
April 9, 1853
November 19, 1853 –
December 10, 1853
- Evaristo Fernandez de San Miguel, duque de San Miguel.jpg Evaristo Fernández San Miguel y Valledor Progressive Oviedo November 10, 1854 –
November 27, 1854
105th Baldomero Espartero, Prince of Vergara.jpg Baldomero Espartero Progressive Logroño November 28, 1854 –
December 4, 1854
106th Pascual Madoz, de Jose Nin y Tudo (1873), Congreso de los Diputados (2).jpg Pascual Madoz Progressive Lleida December 5, 1854 –
January 24, 1855
107th Facundo Infante Chacon (Congreso de los Diputados).jpg Facundo Infante Chacón Progressive Badajoz January 25, 1855 –
September 15, 1856
108th Francisco Martinez de la Rosa (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Francisco Martínez de la Rosa Moderate Granada May 1, 1857 –
May 8, 1857
May 9, 1857 –
July 16, 1857
109th Juan Bravo Murillo.jpg Juan Bravo Murillo Moderate Badajoz January 11, 1858 –
May 13, 1858
110th Francisco Martinez de la Rosa (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Francisco Martínez de la Rosa Moderate Granada December 2, 1858 –
December 12, 1858
December 13, 1858 –
January 27, 1860
May 26, 1860 –
September 28, 1861
November 9, 1861 –
February 7, 1862†
- Modesto Lafuente.jpg Modesto Lafuente y Zamalloa
(Vice President of the Congress of Deputies)
Liberal Union León February 7, 1862 –
February 18, 1862
111th Alejandro Mon.png Alejandro Mon y Menéndez Moderate Oviedo February 19, 1862 –
October 31, 1862
112th Diego Lopez Ballesteros Perez Santamaria.jpg Diego López Ballesteros Pérez Santamaría Moderate Oviedo December 2, 1862 –
August 12, 1863
113th Antonio de los Rios Rosas (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Antonio de los Ríos Rosas Liberal Union Málaga/Cádiz November 5, 1863 –
November 24, 1863
November 25, 1863 –
June 23, 1864
114th Alejandro de Castro.jpg Alejandro de Castro y Casal Moderate Pontevedra December 23, 1864 –
January 4, 1865
January 5, 1865 –
February 20, 1865
- Martin Belda y Mencia del Barrio (Dioscoro Teofilo de la Puebla).jpg Martín Belda y Mencia del Barrio Liberal Union Córdoba February 21, 1865 –
March 7, 1865
115th Fernando alvarez martinez (recortado).jpg Fernando Álvarez Martínez Moderate Burgos March 8, 1865 –
July 12, 1865
116th Antonio de los Rios Rosas (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Antonio de los Ríos Rosas Liberal Union Málaga December 28, 1865 –
January 3, 1866
January 4, 1866 –
October 2, 1866
117th Martin Belda y Mencia del Barrio (Dioscoro Teofilo de la Puebla).jpg Martín Belda y Mencia del Barrio Liberal Union Córdoba March 30, 1867 –
April 3, 1867
April 4, 1867 –
December 3, 1867
118th Luis Jose Sartorius.jpg Luis José Sartorius y Tapia Moderate Cuenca December 28, 1867 –
December 3, 1868
119th Nicolas Maria Rivero.jpg Nicolás María Rivero Progressive Madrid February 12, 1869
February 19, 1869
February 20, 1869 –
January 17, 1870
120th RuizZorrilla.png Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla Radical-Democratic Madrid January 17, 1870 –
January 2, 1871
121st Salustiano de Olozaga Armandoz 1872 Antonio Gisbert Perez.jpg Salustiano de Olózaga y Almandoz Constitutionalist Logroño April 4, 1871
May 12, 1871
May 13, 1871 –
October 2, 1871
122nd Praxedes sagasta.jpg Práxedes Mateo Sagasta Constitutionalist Madrid October 3, 1871 –
January 6, 1872
123rd Antonio de los Rios Rosas (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Antonio de los Ríos Rosas Liberal Union Málaga April 25, 1872
May 9, 1872
May 10, 1872 –
June 28, 1872
124th Nicolas Maria Rivero.jpg Nicolás María Rivero Constitutionalist Madrid/Seville September 16, 1872
September 25, 1872
September 26, 1872 –
February 11, 1873
125th Cristino Martos Balbi, de Ignacio Suarez Llanos, 1874.jpg Cristino Martos y Balbí Radical-Democratic Madrid February 12, 1873 –
March 18, 1873
126th Francisco Salmeron y Alonso.jpg Francisco Salmerón y Alonso Federal Democratic Republican Almería March 19, 1873 –
March 22, 1873
127th Jose Maria Orense Mila de Aragon Herrero.jpg José María Orense Milá de Aragón Herrero Federal Democratic Republican Palencia June 1, 1873
June 6, 1873
June 7, 1873 –
June 12, 1873
128th F. de Madrazo - 1879, Nicolas Salmeron (Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid, 131 x 96 cm).jpg Nicolás Salmerón y Alonso Federal Democratic Republican Almería June 13, 1873 –
August 24, 1873
129th Emilio Castelar Ripoll 1901 Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida.jpg Emilio Castelar Federal Democratic Republican Huelva August 25, 1873 –
September 8, 1873
130th F. de Madrazo - 1879, Nicolas Salmeron (Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid, 131 x 96 cm).jpg Nicolás Salmerón y Alonso Federal Democratic Republican Almería September 9, 1873 –
January 8, 1874
131st Jose de Posada Herrera.jpg José Posada Herrera Liberal Oviedo February 16, 1876
February 25, 1876
February 26, 1876 –
January 5, 1877
April 26, 1877 –
July 11, 1877
January 10, 1878 –
January 28, 1878
132nd Adelardo Lopez de Ayala (Museo del Romanticismo de Madrid).jpg Adelardo López de Ayala y Herrera Conservative Badajoz/Madrid February 16, 1878 –
December 30, 1878
June 2, 1879
June 23, 1879
June 24, 1879 –
December 30, 1879†
- Retrato de don Jose Moreno Nieto. Pintado por Casado del Alisal en 1882.jpg José Moreno Nieto
(Vice President of the Congress of Deputies)
Liberal Badajoz December 30, 1879 –
January 21, 1880
133rd Anonimo-francisco de borja queipo.JPG Francisco de Borja Queipo de Llano Conservative Oviedo January 21, 1880 –
September 16, 1880
December 31, 1880 –
June 25, 1881
134th Jose de Posada Herrera.jpg José Posada Herrera Liberal Madrid/Oviedo September 21, 1881
October 19, 1881
October 20, 1881 –
November 16, 1882
December 4, 1882 –
July 26, 1883
135th Praxedes Mateo Sagasta. Pintado por Casado del Alisal en 1884.jpg Práxedes Mateo Sagasta Liberal Zamora December 17, 1883 –
March 31, 1884
136th Anonimo-francisco de borja queipo.JPG Francisco de Borja Queipo de Llano Conservative Oviedo May 21, 1884
June 8, 1884
June 9, 1884 –
July 11, 1885
137th Canovas2.jpg Antonio Cánovas del Castillo Conservative Madrid December 26, 1885 –
March 8, 1886
138th Cristino Martos Balbi, de Ignacio Suarez Llanos, 1874.jpg Cristino Martos y Balbí Liberal Valencia May 10, 1886
June 10, 1886
June 11, 1886 –
December 24, 1886
January 17, 1887 –
November 3, 1887
December 2, 1887 –
November 6, 1888
November 30, 1888 –
June 3, 1889
139th Manuel Alonso Martinez (Congreso de los Diputados).jpg Manuel Alonso Martínez Liberal Burgos June 14, 1889 –
December 29, 1890
140th Alejandro Pidal y Mon. (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Alejandro Pidal y Mon Conservative Oviedo March 3, 1891
April 19, 1891
April 20, 1891 –
January 5, 1893
141st Marques de Vega de Armijo.jpg Antonio Aguilar y Correa Liberal Córdoba April 6, 1893
May 7, 1893
May 8, 1893 –
October 16, 1894
November 12, 1894 –
July 1, 1895
142nd Alejandro Pidal y Mon. (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Alejandro Pidal y Mon Conservative Oviedo May 12, 1896
June 15, 1896
June 16, 1896 –
February 26, 1898
143rd Marques de Vega de Armijo.jpg Antonio Aguilar y Correa Liberal Córdoba April 21, 1898
April 24, 1898
April 25, 1898 –
March 16, 1899
144th Alejandro Pidal y Mon. (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Alejandro Pidal y Mon Conservative Oviedo June 3, 1899
June 15, 1899
June 16, 1899 –
October 18, 1900
145th Raimundo Fernandez Villaverde.jpg Raimundo Fernández Villaverde y García Rivero Conservative Pontevedra November 20, 1900 –
April 25, 1901
146th Marques de Vega de Armijo.jpg Antonio Aguilar y Correa Liberal Córdoba June 12, 1901
July 1, 1901
July 2, 1901 –
July 14, 1901
147th Segismundo Moret (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Segismundo Moret Liberal Zaragoza July 15, 1901 –
April 3, 1902
148th Marques de Vega de Armijo.jpg Antonio Aguilar y Correa Liberal Córdoba April 3, 1902 –
March 26, 1903
149th Raimundo Fernandez Villaverde.jpg Raimundo Fernández Villaverde y García Rivero Conservative Pontevedra May 19, 1903
June 17, 1903
June 18, 1903 –
July 18, 1903
150th Francisco Romero Robledo 1904 Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench.jpg Francisco Romero Robledo Conservative Málaga October 20, 1903 –
September 12, 1904
October 3, 1904 –
August 17, 1905
151st Marques de Vega de Armijo.jpg Antonio Aguilar y Correa Liberal Córdoba October 12, 1905
November 17, 1905
November 18, 1905 –
January 18, 1906
152nd Jose Canalejas Mendez 1906 Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida..JPG José Canalejas y Méndez Liberal Alicante/Ciudad Real January 19, 1906 –
March 3, 1907
153rd EDato.jpg Eduardo Dato Iradier Conservative León May 14, 1907
June 5, 1907
June 6, 1907 –
September 13, 1908
October 12, 1908 –
September 27, 1909
October 15, 1909 –
April 14, 1910
154th Comte Romanones. Agence Rol. BNF Gallica.jpg Álvaro de Figueroa y Torres Liberal Guadalajara June 16, 1910
June 29, 1910
June 30, 1910 –
February 17, 1911
March 6, 1911 –
November 18, 1912
155th Segismundo Moret (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg Segismundo Moret Liberal Granada November 19, 1912 –
January 28, 1913†
- Antonio Aura Boronat, de Christian Franzen.jpg Antonio Aura Boronat
(Vice President of the Congress of Deputies)
Liberal Huesca January 28, 1913 –
May 27, 1913
156th Miguel Villanueva y Gomez in 1915.jpg Miguel Villanueva y Gómez Liberal Logroño May 27, 1913 –
January 2, 1914
157th Augusto Gonzalez Besada y Mein (Congreso de los Diputados).jpg Augusto González Besada Conservative Alicante April 3, 1914
April 27, 1914
April 28, 1914 –
October 28, 1915
November 5, 1915 –
March 16, 1916
158th Miguel Villanueva y Gomez in 1915.jpg Miguel Villanueva y Gómez Liberal Logroño May 11, 1916
May 28, 1916
May 29, 1916 –
January 23, 1917
January 29, 1917 –
January 10, 1918
March 19, 1918
April 7, 1918
April 8, 1918 –
May 2, 1919
- Juan Armada y Losada, 1904.jpg Juan Armada y Losada Conservative A Coruña June 25, 1919
July 27, 1919
159th Jose Sanchez Guerra by Julio Romero de Torres.jpg José Sánchez-Guerra y Martínez Conservative Córdoba July 28, 1919 –
October 2, 1920
January 5, 1921
February 21, 1921
February 22, 1921 –
February 21, 1922
March 1, 1922 –
March 14, 1922
160th Gabino Bugallal.JPG Gabino Bugallal Araújo Conservative Ourense March 15, 1922 –
April 5, 1923
161st Melquiades Alvarez.jpg Melquíades Álvarez y González Posada Liberal Oviedo May 25, 1923
June 11, 1923
June 12, 1923 –
September 15, 1923
Parliament dissolved between 1923 and 1927
162nd Jose de Yanguas, 1939 1.1.jpg José María Yanguas y Messía Patriotic Union -October 10, 1927 –
July 6, 1929
Parliament dissolved between 1929 and 1931
163rd Julian Besteiro (cropped).jpg Julián Besteiro Socialist Madrid July 14, 1931
July 26, 1931
July 27, 1931 –
October 9, 1933
164th Santiago Alba Bonifaz.jpg Santiago Alba y Bonifaz Radical Republican Zamora December 8, 1933
December 27, 1933
December 28, 1933 –
January 7, 1936
165th Diego Martinez Barrio.jpg Diego Martínez Barrio Republican Union Madrid March 16, 1936
April 2, 1936
April 3, 1936 –
March 31, 1939
Parliament dissolved between 1939 and 1943
166th Bilbao blowup.JPG Esteban de Bilbao Eguía Falangist -March 16, 1943 –
September 29, 1965
167th Antonio Iturmendi.jpg Antonio Iturmendi Bañales Falangist -September 30, 1965 –
November 26, 1969
168th Alejandro Rodriguez de Valcarcel 1975.jpg Alejandro Rodríguez de Valcárcel Falangist -November 27, 1969 –
December 5, 1975
169th Torcuato Fernandez-Miranda in 1975.jpg Torcuato Fernández-Miranda Falangist -December 6, 1975 –
June 30, 1977
- Antonio Hernandez Gil 1986 (cropped).jpg Antonio Hernández Gil
President of the Realm's Council and Parliament
Independent -June 15, 1977 –
December 29, 1978
170th Alfonso Guerra conversa con el ex presidente del Congreso de los Diputados, Fernando Alvarez de Miranda (cropped).jpeg Fernando Álvarez de Miranda Democratic Centre Union Palencia July 13, 1977
October 17, 1977
October 18, 1977 –
March 22, 1979
171st Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo conversa con el presidente del Congreso, Landelino Lavilla (cropped).jpg Landelino Lavilla Democratic Centre Union Madrid March 23, 1979
May 2, 1979
May 3, 1979 –
November 17, 1982
172nd (Peces-Barba) Felipe Gonzalez junto al presidente del Senado y el presidente del Congreso (cropped).jpeg Gregorio Peces-Barba Socialist Valladolid November 18, 1982
July 14, 1986
173rd Felix Pons 1988 (cropped).jpg Félix Pons Socialist Balearic Islands July 15, 1986
November 20, 1989
November 21, 1989
June 28, 1993
June 29, 1993
March 26, 1996
174th Federico Trillo 2001 (cropped).jpg Federico Trillo Popular Alicante March 27, 1996
April 4, 2000
175th Luisa Fernanda Rudi.png Luisa Fernanda Rudi Ubeda Popular Zaragoza April 5, 2000
April 1, 2004
176th Immanuel Marin die 23 Novembris 2009.jpg Manuel Marín Socialist Ciudad Real April 2, 2004
March 31, 2008
177th Jose Bono 2005 (cropped a).jpg José Bono Socialist Toledo April 1, 2008
December 12, 2011
178th Jesus Posada 2015 (cropped).jpg Jesús Posada Popular Soria December 13, 2011
January 12, 2016
179th Patxi Lopez, lehendakari, en 2011 cropped.jpg Patxi López Socialist Biscay January 13, 2016
July 18, 2016
180th Ana Pastor 2014.jpg Ana Pastor Julián Popular Madrid July 19, 2016
May 20, 2019
181st (Meritxell Batet) Consejo de Ministros en Barcelona 06 (cropped).jpg Meritxell Batet Socialist Barcelona May 21, 2019
December 2, 2019
December 3, 2019
August 16, 2023
182nd Francina Armengol 2021 (crop2).jpg Francina Armengol Socialist Balearic Islands August 17, 2023
   Acting   Death in office     Independent (73)    Progressive (29)    Moderate (24)    Liberal Union (6)    Radical-Democratic (2)    Constitutionalist (3)    Federal Democratic Republican (5)    Liberal (19)    Conservative (15)    Patriotic Union (1)    Socialist (8)    Radical Republican (1)    Republican Union (1)    Falangist (4)    Democratic Centre Union (2)    Popular (4)

Presidents by time in office

The length of time given below is based on the difference between dates. Many presidents were elected multiple times, and to terms that were, in several instances, not consecutive; the length of time given for each president measures their cumulative length of incumbency as president (even if they were elected as acting president). The time after adjournment of one Congress but before the convening of the next Congress is also counted.

Coat of Arms of the Spanish Congress of Deputies Escudo del Congreso de Espana.svg
Coat of Arms of the Spanish Congress of Deputies
Esteban de Bilbao Eguia, longest serving president of the Congress, 22 years, 193 days Bilbao blowup.JPG
Esteban de Bilbao Eguía, longest serving president of the Congress, 22 years, 193 days
Felix Pons, longest tenure of office in the current democratic period, 9 years, 350 days Felix Pons 1988 (cropped).jpg
Félix Pons, longest tenure of office in the current democratic period, 9 years, 350 days
Alejandro Pidal y Mon, longest tenure of office in the 19th century, 5 years, 5 days (non-consecutive) Alejandro Pidal y Mon. (Congreso de los Diputados de Espana).jpg
Alejandro Pidal y Mon, longest tenure of office in the 19th century, 5 years, 5 days (non-consecutive)
RankNameTime in officeYear(s) in which elected
1 Esteban de Bilbao Eguía 22 years, 197 days1943
2 Félix Pons 9 years, 255 days1986; 1989; 1993
3 Alejandro Rodríguez de Valcárcel 6 years, 8 days1969
4 Alejandro Pidal y Mon 5 years, 5 days1891; 1896; 1899
5 Francisco Martínez de la Rosa 4 years, 182 days1821; 1852; 1853; 1857; 1858
6 Meritxell Batet 4 years, 87 days2019
7 Antonio Aguilar y Correa 4 years, 74 days1893; 1894; 1898; 1901; 1902; 1905
8 Antonio Iturmendi Bañales 4 years, 57 days1965
9 Jesús Posada 4 years, 30 days2011
10 Federico Trillo 4 years, 8 days1996
11 Manuel Marín 3 years, 364 days2004
12 Luisa Fernanda Rudi Ubeda 3 years, 362 days2000
13 José Posada Herrera 3 years, 320 days1876; 1877; 1878; 1881; 1882
14 José Bono 3 years, 255 days2008
15 Landelino Lavilla 3 years, 239 days1979
16 Gregorio Peces-Barba 3 years, 238 days1982
17 Miguel Villanueva y Gómez 3 years, 211 days1913; 1916; 1917; 1918
18 Cristino Martos y Balbí 3 years, 58 days1873; 1886; 1887; 1888
19 Luis Mayans y Enríquez de Navarra 3 years, 18 days1848; 1848; 1850; 1851
20 Diego Martínez Barrio 3 years, 15 days1936
21 Eduardo Dato Iradier 2 years, 335 days1907; 1908; 1909
22 Ana Pastor Julián 2 years, 305 days2016
23 Francisco de Paula Castro y Orozco 2 years, 271 days1844; 1845; 1847
24 José Sánchez-Guerra y Martínez 2 years, 229 days1919; 1921; 1922
25 Francisco de Borja Queipo de Llano 2 years, 201 days1880; 1884
26 Álvaro de Figueroa y Torres 2 years, 155 days1910; 1911
27 Julián Besteiro 2 years, 87 days1931
28 Santiago Alba y Bonifaz 2 years, 30 days1933
29 Antonio de los Ríos Rosas 2 years, 17 days1863; 1865; 1866; 1872
30 Augusto González Besada 1 year, 348 days1914; 1915
31 Adelardo López de Ayala y Herrera 1 year, 317 days1878; 1879
32 Francisco Romero Robledo 1 year, 301 days1903; 1904
33 José María Yanguas y Messía 1 year, 269 days1927
34 Fernando Álvarez de Miranda 1 year, 252 days1977
35 Facundo Infante Chacón 1 year, 234 days1855
36 Francisco Javier Istúriz y Montero 1 year, 207 days1823; 1835; 1836; 1838; 1840
37 Torcuato Fernández-Miranda 1 year, 206 days1975
38 Manuel Alonso Martínez 1 year, 198 days1889
39 Nicolás María Rivero 1 year, 122 days1869; 1872
40 Francina Armengol 1 year, 121 days2023
41 José Canalejas y Méndez 1 year, 43 days1906
42 Gabino Bugallal Araújo 1 year, 21 days1922
13 Alejandro Mon y Menéndez 1 year, 20 days1847; 1862
44 Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla 349 days1870
45 Luis José Sartorius y Tapia 341 days1867
46 Segismundo Moret 332 days1901; 1912
47 Ildefonso Díez de Rivera y Muro 304 days1834
48 Martín Belda y Mencia del Barrio 262 days1865; 1867
49 Diego López Ballesteros Pérez Santamaría 253 days1862
50 Salustiano de Olózaga y Almandoz 252 days1842; 1843; 1871
51 Pedro Antonio Acuña y Cuadros 230 days1837; 1841
52 Pedro José Pidal 220 days1843
53 Raimundo Fernández Villaverde y García Rivero 216 days1900; 1903
54 Práxedes Mateo Sagasta 200 days1871; 1883
55 Nicolás Salmerón y Alonso 193 days1873 (twice)
56 Patxi López 187 days2016
57 Manuel Barrio Ayuso 180 days1838 (twice)
58 Agustín Argüelles Álvarez González 178 days1837; 1841
59 Fernando Álvarez Martínez 126 days1865
60 Juan Bravo Murillo 122 days1858
61 Antonio Aura Boronat 119 days-
62 Melquíades Álvarez y González Posada 113 days1923
63 José María Calatrava y Peinado 100 days1820; 1839
64 Ramón Giraldo y Arquellada 104 days1811; 1820; 1822; 1843
65 Álvaro Gómez Becerra 93 days1822; 1823; 1836
66 Antonio González González 92 days1836 (twice)
67 José María Gutiérrez de Terán 80 days1812; 1821
68 Francisco Tacón Rossique 75 days1813
69 Antonio Cánovas del Castillo 72 days1885
Manuel Flores Calderón 65 days1823
Miguel Antonio de Zumalacárregui e Imaz 65 days1813; 1837; 1839
71 Ramón Salvato de Esteve 64 days1822; 1837
72 Vicente Cano Manuel y Ramírez de Arellano 63 days1811; 1821
73 Joaquín María Ferrer y Cafranga 60 days1823; 1837
74 Alejandro de Castro y Casal 59 days1864; 1865
75 Pascual Madoz 50 days1854
76 Joaquín José de Muro y Bidaurreta 49 days1837
77 Antonio Joaquín Pérez Martínez Robles 48 days1811; 1814
78 Rafael del Riego y Florez Valdes 44 days1822
79 Tomás Gener y Buigas 35 days1823
Vicente Ruiz Albillos 34 days1814
José de Espiga y Gadea 34 days1820
81 Pedro González Vallejo 33 days1821
José Miguel Gordoa y Barrios 32 days1813
Juan Armada y Losada 32 days1919
Luis Rodríguez del Monte y del Prado 30 days1810
Alonso Cañedo y Vigil 30 days1810
Diego Muñoz Torrero y Ramírez 30 days1811
José Pablo Valiente y Bravo 30 days1811
Juan José Guereña y Garayo 30 days1811
Antonio Larrazábal y Arrivillaga 30 days1811
Manuel de Villafañe y Andreu 30 days1811
Antonio Agustí Payán de Tejada y Figueroa 30 days1812
José Miguel Guridi y Alcocer 30 days1812
Felipe Vázquez Canga 30 days1812
Andrés Ángel de la Vega Infanzón 30 days1812
Francisco Morros y Cibila 30 days1812
Francisco Ciscar y Ciscar 30 days1812
Francisco de Calello Miranda 30 days1813
Florencio del Castillo Solano 30 days1813
Andrés Morales de los Ríos y Gil 30 days1813
Francisco Rodríguez Ledesma 30 days1813
Jeronimo Antonio Díez Baras 30 days1814
Antonio de la Cuesta y Torre 30 days1821
Joaquín Rey Esteve 30 days1821
Miguel Ricardo de Álava y Esquivel 30 days1822
Juan Oliver y García 30 days1822
Martín de los Heros y de las Bárcenas 30 days1837
Vicente Sancho y Cobertores 30 days1837
Miguel Calderón de la Barca 30 days1837
Juan Bautista Muguiro e Iribarren 30 days1837
Ramón Lázaro de Dou y de Bassols 29 days1810
José Luis Morales Gallego 29 days1810
Jaime Creus Martí 29 days1811
Bernardo Nadal y Crespí 29 days1811
José Casquete de Prado Bootello 29 days1811
Juan Polo y Catalina 29 days1812
Andrés de Jáuregui de Aróstegui 29 days1812
Juan del Valle y Milans del Bosch 29 days1812
Pedro José Gordillo y Ramos 29 days1813
José Antonio Sombiela y Mestre 29 days1813
Francisco Antonio de la Dueña y Cisneros 29 days1814
José María Queipo de Llano Ruiz de Saravia 29 days1820
Jose María Moscoso de Altamira Quiroga 29 days1821
Diego Clemencín 29 days1821
Cayetano Valdés y Flores 29 days1822
Diego Vicente Cañas Portocarrero 29 days1822
Juan Pedro Zulueta y Ceballos 29 days1823
Antonio Seoane Hoyos 29 days1837
Vicente Pascual y Esteban 28 days1812
Álvaro Flórez Estrada 28 days1840
Vicente Joaquín Noguera Climent 27 days1811
Joaquín Maniau Torquemada 27 days1813
87 Manuel Cortina y Arenzana 26 days1843
88 José Moreno Nieto 22 days-
89 Modesto Cortázar y Leal de Ibarra 19 days1847
90 Evaristo Fernández San Miguel y Valledor 17 days1854
Manuel de la Rivaherrera y Vivanco 14 days1838
Emilio Castelar 14 days1873
92 Domingo María Ruiz de la Vega Méndez 12 days1823
Modesto Lafuente y Zamalloa 11 days-
José María Orense Milá de Aragón Herrero 11 days1873
Antonio Posada Rubín de Celis 8 days1834
Román Martínez de Montaos 8 days1841
95 Baldomero Espartero 6 days1854
Joaquín María López y López 3 days1837
Manuel Seijas Lozano 3 days1848
Francisco Salmerón y Alonso 3 days1873
97 Benito Ramón Hermida Maldonado 1 day1810

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  1. Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel (2023-08-17). "Francina Armengol, elegida nueva presidenta del Congreso con los votos de ERC y Junts". elperiodico (in Spanish). Retrieved 2023-08-17.
  2. Congress of Deputies. "List of presidents listed in a chronological and alphabetical order". Retrieved 11 September 2020.