2023 in Georgia (country)

Last updated


Flag of Georgia.svg
Georgia (country)
See also: Other events of 2023
List of years in Georgia (country)

Events in the year 2023 in Georgia .



Georgia's ranking in international ratings
RankingOrganization2023 Rank2022 RankNote
Corruption Perceptions Index Transparency International 49/180
(score: 53/100) Decrease2.svg
(score: 56/100)
Lowest score in the index since 2015.
World Press Freedom Index Reporters Without Borders 77/180
(score: 61.69/100) Increase2.svg
(score: 59.3/100)




Orbeliani Palace illuminated in the colors of the Ukrainian flag to commemorate one year since Russia's invasion of Ukraine (24 February). Orbeliani Palace illuminated in Ukrainian flag to mark the first anniversary of Russian invasion.jpg
Orbeliani Palace illuminated in the colors of the Ukrainian flag to commemorate one year since Russia's invasion of Ukraine (24 February).




Prime Minister Gharibashvili addresses the Budapest CPAC (4 May). Irakli Garibashvili - keynote speech at CPAC Hungary 2023.jpg
Prime Minister Gharibashvili addresses the Budapest CPAC (4 May).




Resort in Shovi before the landslide. Shovi old hotel.jpg
Resort in Shovi before the landslide.


Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili meeting with EU officials in Brussels (September 25). Ilia Darchiashvili, 2023.jpg
Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili meeting with EU officials in Brussels (September 25).



Pro-EU march in Tbilisi. 2023-12-15 March in Tbilisi celebrating Georgia's official EU candidacy status 2.jpg
Pro-EU march in Tbilisi.


Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze addresses a crowd after Georgia becomes an EU candidate country (14 December). Tbilisi celebrates EU candidate status - Kakha Kaladze speeches.jpg
Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze addresses a crowd after Georgia becomes an EU candidate country (14 December).



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