2024 Basque regional election

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2024 Basque regional election
Flag of the Basque Country.svg
  2020 21 April 2024 Next  

All 75 seats in the Basque Parliament
38 seats needed for a majority
Opinion polls
Registered1,795,213 Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 0.0%
Turnout1,077,456 (60.0%)
Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 9.2 pp
 First partySecond partyThird party
  Imanol Pradales 2024 (cropped).jpg Pello Otxandiano 2024b (cropped).jpg Eneko Andueza 2024 (cropped).jpg
Leader Imanol Pradales Pello Otxandiano Eneko Andueza
Leader since27 January 202411 December 202330 October 2021
Leader's seat Biscay Álava Biscay
Last election31 seats, 38.7%21 seats, 27.6%10 seats, 13.5%
Seats won272712
Seat change Red Arrow Down.svg 4 Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 6 Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 2
Popular vote372,456343,609150,752
Swing Red Arrow Down.svg 3.9 pp Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 4.5 pp Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 0.6 pp

 Fourth partyFifth partySixth party
  Javier de Andres 2024b (cropped).jpg Alba Garcia 2024 (cropped).jpg Amaia Martinez 2024 (cropped).jpg
Leader Javier de Andrés Alba García Amaia Martínez
Party PP Sumar Vox
Leader since4 November 20239 January 20243 August 2020
Leader's seat Álava Biscay (lost) Álava
Last election6 seats, 6.7% [a] 2 seats (EP) [b] 1 seat, 1.9%
Seats won711
Seat change Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 1 Red Arrow Down.svg 1 Arrow Blue Right 001.svg 0
Popular vote98,14435,40221,696
Swing Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 2.5 pp n/a Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 0.1 pp


Lehendakari before election

Iñigo Urkullu

Elected Lehendakari

Imanol Pradales

The 2024 Basque regional election was held on Sunday, 21 April 2024, to elect the 13th Parliament of the Basque Autonomous Community. All 75 seats in the Parliament were up for election.


This election was the first since 2009 not to see Iñigo Urkullu as the leading candidate of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), after the party chose to replace the incumbent Lehendakari with a low profile politician at the provincial level, Imanol Pradales, following 12 years of uninterrupted government. The main opposition, EH Bildu, also ran under a new candidate, Pello Otxandiano, amid speculation that long-time leader Arnaldo Otegi could have led the candidacy following the end of his disqualification from running for public office. All other parliamentary parties but Podemos and Vox also ran under new candidates: Eneko Andueza by the Socialist Party of the Basque Country–Basque Country Left (PSE–EE), Javier de Andrés by the People's Party (PP)—with the PP+Cs alliance being discontinued and Citizens (CS) deciding not to contest the election—and Alba García by Sumar.

The results showed a close race between the PNV and EH Bildu, with the latter slightly underperforming opinion polls but securing a large increase in its popular support. The PSE–EE, which had been the junior partner to the PNV-led government since 2016, saw an unexpected increase in support to secure its best result since 2012. The PP increased its seat totals by one compared to the PP+Cs results in 2020, whereas the dissolution of the Elkarrekin Podemos alliance saw Sumar clinging on to one seat and Podemos losing all its representation. Vox was able to retain its seat for Álava.


Electoral system

The Basque Parliament was the devolved, unicameral legislature of the autonomous community of the Basque Country, having legislative power in regional matters as defined by the Spanish Constitution and the Basque Statute of Autonomy, as well as the ability to vote confidence in or withdraw it from a lehendakari. [1] Voting for the Parliament was on the basis of universal suffrage, which comprised all nationals over 18 years of age, registered in the Basque Country and in full enjoyment of their political rights. Amendments to the electoral law in 2022 abolished the "begged" or expat vote system (Spanish : Voto rogado), under which Spaniards abroad were required to apply for voting before being permitted to vote. [2] The expat vote system was attributed responsibility for a major decrease in the turnout of Spaniards abroad during the years it had been in force. [3]

The 75 members of the Basque Parliament were elected using the D'Hondt method and a closed list proportional representation, with an electoral threshold of three percent of valid votes—which included blank ballots—being applied in each constituency. Seats were allocated to constituencies, corresponding to the provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa, with each being allocated a fixed number of 25 seats in order to provide for an equal parliamentary representation of the three provinces, as required under the regional statute of autonomy. [1] [4]

Election date

The term of the Basque Parliament expired four years after the date of its previous election, unless it was dissolved earlier. The election decree was required to be issued no later than the twenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of parliament and published on the following day in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country (BOPV), with election day taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication. The previous election was held on 12 July 2020, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 12 July 2024. The election decree was required to be published in the BOPV no later than 18 June 2024 with the election taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication, setting the latest possible election date for the Parliament on Sunday, 11 August 2024. [1] [4]

The lehendakari had the prerogative to dissolve the Basque Parliament at any given time and call a snap election, provided that no motion of no confidence was in process. In the event of an investiture process failing to elect a lehendakari within a sixty-day period from the Parliament re-assembly, the Parliament was to be dissolved and a fresh election called. [5]

Following the announcement by Galician president Alfonso Rueda of a snap election in Galicia for 18 February 2024, [6] Urkullu was asked whether he would follow suit and make both elections be held simultaneously—as it had been the case since 2009. [7] To this, he simply stated that "the Basque Country is not Galicia", distancing himself from Rueda's decision. [8] Instead, it was expected that the Basque election would most likely be held in March or April 2024, to allow for more time to approve a final set of bills in the Basque Parliament as well as to avoid a simultaneous call with the European Parliament election on 9 June. [9] [10]

The Basque Parliament was officially dissolved on 27 February 2024 after the publication of the dissolution decree in the BOPV, setting the election date for 21 April. [11]

Parliamentary composition

The table below shows the composition of the parliamentary groups in the Parliament at the time of dissolution. [12]

Parliamentary composition in February 2024 [13]
Basque Nationalists Parliamentary Group EAJ/PNV 3131
EH Bildu Parliamentary Group EH Bildu 2121
Basque Socialists Parliamentary Group PSE–EE (PSOE) 1010
Elkarrekin Podemos–IU Parliamentary Group Podemos 46
EzAn–IU 2
Basque People's Parliamentary Group [14] PP 5 [c] 5
Mixed Group Vox 12
CS 1

Parties and candidates

The electoral law allowed for parties and federations registered in the interior ministry, coalitions and groupings of electors to present lists of candidates. Parties and federations intending to form a coalition ahead of an election were required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election call, whereas groupings of electors needed to secure the signature of at least one percent of the electorate in the constituencies for which they sought election, disallowing electors from signing for more than one list of candidates. [4] [16]

Below is a list of the main parties and electoral alliances which contested the election:

CandidacyParties and
Leading candidateIdeologyPrevious resultGov.Ref.
Votes (%)Seats
Imanol Pradales 2024 (cropped).jpg Imanol Pradales Basque nationalism
Christian democracy
Social democracy
38.70%31Yes check.svg [17]
EH Bildu
Pello Otxandiano 2024b (cropped).jpg Pello Otxandiano Basque independence
Abertzale left
27.60%21X mark.svg [19]
Eneko Andueza 2024 (cropped).jpg Eneko Andueza Social democracy 13.52%10Yes check.svg [21]
Miren Gorrotxategi 2019 (cropped).jpg Miren Gorrotxategi Left-wing populism
Democratic socialism
9.27% [d] 6X mark.svg [22]
Sumar Alba Garcia 2024 (cropped).jpg Alba García Progressivism
Left-wing populism
Green politics
X mark.svg [22]
Javier de Andres 2024b (cropped).jpg Javier de Andrés Conservatism
Christian democracy
6.71% [a] 6X mark.svg [25]
Amaia Martinez 2024 (cropped).jpg Amaia Martínez Right-wing populism
National conservatism
1.94%1X mark.svg [26]


The key dates are listed below (all times are CET): [4] [16] [27]


Party slogans

Party or allianceOriginal sloganEnglish translationRef.
EAJ/PNV « Aukeratu Euskadi. Elige Bienestar »"Choose the Basque Country. Choose wellbeing" [28]
EH Bildu « Aldaketa da orain. El futuro en tus manos »"The change is now. The future in your hands"
PSE–EE (PSOE) « Vota al que decide. Erabakia zurea »"Vote for the one who decides. The decision is yours" [28]
PodemosAV « Elige izquierda »"Choose the left"
Sumar « Es tu tiempo. Euskadi berria »"It's your time. The new Basque Country" [29]
PP « Por una Euskadi abierta/Euskadi ireki baten alde »"For an open Basque Country" [30]
Vox « Sabes que es verdad »"You know it's true" [31]

Election debates

2024 Basque regional election debates
DateOrganisersModerator(s)   P Present [e]   S Surrogate [f]   NI Not invited  A Absent invitee 
PNV EH Bildu PSE–EE Podemos Sumar PP Vox AudienceRef.
9 AprilCoordinadora de
ONGD de Euskadi
Begoña BeristainS
NI [32]
9 April RTVE Xabier Fortes
Teresa Aguiló
De Uralde
De Andrés
(83,000) [g]
10 April Cadena SER Eva DomaikaS
De Eguilaz
NI [36]
10 April EITB [h] Nerea ReparazP
A4.0% [37]
12 AprilAMPEAEva SilvánS
NI [39]
12 April Cadena SER Eva DomaikaS
A [40]
15 April El Diario Vasco Estrella Vallejo
Javier Roldán
De Andrés
NI [41]
16 April EITB África Baeta
Xabier García Ramsden
De Andrés
17 AprilUN Etxea
Iratxe UriarteS
Del Valle
NI [43]
17 April Cadena SER Eva DomaikaS
A [45]
18 April El Correo Marta Madruga
Olatz Barriuso
De Andrés
19 April Cadena SER Jon EgañaP
De Andrés

Opinion polls

The tables below list opinion polling results in reverse chronological order, showing the most recent first and using the dates when the survey fieldwork was done, as opposed to the date of publication. Where the fieldwork dates are unknown, the date of publication is given instead. The highest percentage figure in each polling survey is displayed with its background shaded in the leading party's colour. If a tie ensues, this is applied to the figures with the highest percentages. The "Lead" column on the right shows the percentage-point difference between the parties with the highest percentages in a poll.

Graphical summary

Local regression trend line of poll results from 12 July 2020 to 21 April 2024, with each line corresponding to a political party.

Voting intention estimates

The table below lists weighted voting intention estimates. Refusals are generally excluded from the party vote percentages, while question wording and the treatment of "don't know" responses and those not intending to vote may vary between polling organisations. When available, seat projections determined by the polling organisations are displayed below (or in place of) the percentages in a smaller font; 38 seats were required for an absolute majority in the Basque Parliament.

Color key:

  Poll conducted after legal ban on opinion polls

Voting preferences

The table below lists raw, unweighted voting preferences.

Victory preferences

The table below lists opinion polling on the victory preferences for each party in the event of a regional election taking place.

Victory likelihood

The table below lists opinion polling on the perceived likelihood of victory for each party in the event of a regional election taking place.

Preferred Lehendakari

The table below lists opinion polling on leader preferences to become lehendakari.

Voter turnout

The table below shows registered vote turnout on election day without including voters from the Census of Absent-Residents (CERA). Compared to past elections, 2024 elections turnout data are to be gathered at 13:00 and 18:00 (instead of 12:00 and 17:00 at previous elections). [49]

13:00 [l] 18:00 [m] 20:00
Álava 13.51%25.93%+12.4233.21%48.73%+15.5250.31%61.11%+10.80
Biscay 13.49%27.43%+13.9436.40%51.87%+15.4752.52%63.41%+10.89
Gipuzkoa 15.48%30.02%+14.5436.67%50.73%+14.0654.57%61.71%+7.14
Sources [50]



Summary of the 21 April 2024 Basque Parliament election results
Parties and alliancesPopular voteSeats
Votes %±pp Total+/−
Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ/PNV)372,45634.82–3.8827–4
Basque Country Gather (EH Bildu)343,60932.13+4.5327+6
Socialist Party of the Basque Country–Basque Country Left (PSE–EE (PSOE))150,75214.09+0.5712+2
People's Party (PP)198,1449.18+2.477+1
Unite (Sumar)235,4023.31 n/a 1–1
United We CanGreen Alliance (Podemos/Ahal Dugu–AV)223,8882.23n/a0–4
Vox (Vox)21,6962.03+0.051±0
Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA)35,5850.52–0.020±0
Blank Seats to Leave Empty Seats (EB/AZ)3,1120.29+0.020±0
For a Fairer World (PUM+J)1,6830.16+0.040±0
To Be (Izan)1,4190.13New0±0
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE/ELAK)6660.06±0.000±0
Humanist Party (PH)4750.04+0.010±0
Welcome (OE)1870.02+0.010±0
Blank ballots10,5230.98+0.04
Valid votes1,069,59799.27+0.01
Invalid votes7,8590.73–0.01
Votes cast / turnout1,077,45660.02+9.24
Registered voters1,795,213
Sources [51]
Popular vote
EH Bildu
Blank ballots
EH Bildu

Distribution by constituency

Constituency PNV EH Bildu PSE–EE PP Sumar Vox
 %S %S %S %S %S %S
Álava 26.7729.1816.2415.943.713.71
Biscay 39.11128.3813.949.023.31.9
Gipuzkoa 31.4939.81113.446.413.11.5
Sources [51]


The results were announced after polls in the region closed, with PNV securing the most votes, but finished with a tie with EH Bildu at 27 seats. [52]

Ballot →20 June 2024
Required majority →38 out of 75
39 / 75
Yes check.svg
27 / 75
X mark.svg
Blank ballots
9 / 75
0 / 75
Sources [53]


  1. 1 2 Results for PP+Cs in the 2020 election.
  2. Within the Elkarrekin Podemos alliance in the 2020 election.
  3. Luis Gordillo, former Cs legislator, joined the PP in October 2021. [15]
  4. Results for Elkarrekin Podemos–IU (7.97%, 6 seats) and Equo Berdeak (1.30%, 0 seats) in the 2020 election.
  5. Denotes a main invitee attending the event.
  6. Denotes a main invitee not attending the event, sending a surrogate in their place.
  7. In the Basque Country, the debate was broadcast on La 1 (62,000; 10.6%) and 24 Horas (21,000; 3.6%). Nationwide, the debate was broadcast on 24 Horas (82,000; 0.7%). [33] [34]
  8. Basque-spoken debate.
  9. Alternative projection based on raw CIS data.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Within Sumar.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Within PP+Cs.
  12. In 2020, turnout data were gathered at 12:00.
  13. In 2020, turnout data were gathered at 17:00.


Opinion poll sources
  1. "Empate técnico entre PNV y EH Bildu a 26-28 escaños con la formación jeltzale como más votada". EiTB (in Spanish). 21 April 2024.
  2. "Los sondeos dan al PNV la victoria en votos, pero empatado en escaños con EH Bildu". El Español (in Spanish). 21 April 2024.
  3. "EH Bildu gana en escaños y el PNV en votos, pero podría no sumar mayoría con el PSOE, según el sondeo de Sigma Dos para EL MUNDO". El Mundo (in Spanish). 21 April 2024.
  4. "El PNV podrá gobernar Euskadi con el PSE pese a que EH Bildu será el primer partido en escaños, según las encuestas". Público (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  5. "Bildu ganará las elecciones y el PSOE decidirá quién gobierna el País Vasco". OKDiario (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  6. "Bildu se acerca al 21-A con leve ventaja sobre el PNV pero la mayoría prefiere a Pradales de lehendakari". El Español (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  7. "Bildu ganaría en escaños, el PNV sería el más votado y Podemos y Sumar desaparecerían". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  8. "El PNV aguanta el tirón de Bildu y gana por la mínima en votos y escaños para alivio de Sánchez". El Debate (in Spanish). 14 April 2024.
  9. "Bildu alcanza al PNV en una disputada recta final de la campaña vasca, pero nacionalistas y PSE podrían reeditar Gobierno". 20 minutos (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  10. "Elecciones en País Vasco: la fuga de voto socialista y del PNV encumbra a Bildu". La Razón (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  11. "Bildu supera al PNV por la mínima y los socialistas decidirán el lendakari". ABC (in Spanish). 14 April 2024.
  12. "Bildu adelanta al PNV y entra en la recta final del 21-A empujado por la debacle de Podemos y Sumar". La Razón (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  13. "Bildu ganaría en el País Vasco por el desgaste del PNV, el fiasco del PSOE y la desaparición de Podemos". VozPópuli (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  14. "EH Bildu gana las elecciones autonómicas por primera vez, según EITB Focus". EiTB (in Spanish). 14 April 2024.
  15. "EH Bildu adelanta al PNV en la última semana de la campaña vasca". El País (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  16. 1 2 3 "Informe preelectoral para las elecciones vascas. Ola 2. Abril 2024" (PDF). 40dB (in Spanish). 15 April 2024.
  17. 1 2 "EH Bildu acaricia la victoria en Euskadi y pone en peligro la mayoría absoluta de PNV y PSOE". elDiario.es (in Spanish). 12 April 2024.
  18. "El PNV ganaría en votos, pero Bildu obtendría más escaños". Onda Cero (in Spanish). 11 April 2024.
  19. 1 2 3 4 "Campaña de las elecciones autonómicas del País Vasco 2024 (Estudio nº 3451. Abril 2024)". CIS (in Spanish). 10 April 2024.
  20. "Estimación de voto (Estudio nº 3451. Campaña de las elecciones autonómicas del País Vasco 2024)". CIS (in Spanish). 10 April 2024.
  21. "El PSOE tendrá que decidir entre dar el Gobierno vasco a Bildu o salvar al PNV con el apoyo de Sumar". OKDiario (in Spanish). 8 April 2024.
  22. 1 2 "Elecciones de País Vasco 2024: Bildu ganaría por la mínima, según el sondeo de GAD3 para Mediaset". Telecinco (in Spanish). 8 April 2024.
  23. "Barómetro Mediaset. Estimación elecciones vascas". GAD3 (in Spanish). 10 April 2024.
  24. "EH Bildu ganaría por la mínima en votos y escaños al PNV". El Diario Vasco (in Spanish). 14 April 2024.
  25. "Bildu roza el empate técnico con el PNV". La Razón (in Spanish). 8 April 2024.
  26. "El PSE tendría la llave del Gobierno entre Bildu y PNV en un Parlamento en el que Vox, Sumar y Podemos podrían quedarse fuera". Público (in Spanish). 7 April 2024.
  27. "Bildu blinda sus votos mientras en el PNV crecen la fuga y la indecisión". El Mundo (in Spanish). 8 April 2024.
  28. "Casi 45.000 indecisos del PNV decidirán una ajustada campaña con Bildu al alza". El Mundo (in Spanish). 28 March 2024.
  29. "El PNV y Bildu llegan empatados a la campaña del 21-A: ambos lograrían 28 escaños". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 2 April 2024.
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 "Preelectoral del País Vasco. Elecciones autonómicas 2024 (Estudio nº 3448. Marzo 2024)". CIS (in Spanish). 1 April 2024.
  31. "Estimación de voto (Estudio nº 3448. Preelectoral del País Vasco. Elecciones autonómicas 2024)". CIS (in Spanish). 1 April 2024.
  32. 1 2 "Elecciones Autonómicas: previsión de voto (Marzo 2024)" (PDF). Basque Government (in Spanish). 27 March 2024.
  33. "Empate entre PNV y EH Bildu en Euskadi a un mes de las elecciones autonómicas". El País (in Spanish). 25 March 2024.
  34. 1 2 3 "Informe preelectoral para las elecciones vascas. Marzo 2024" (PDF). El País (in Spanish). 25 March 2024.
  35. "EH Bildu podría ganar la contienda más reñida de los últimos años". Naiz (in Spanish). 5 April 2024.
  36. "[A] PAÍS VASCO. Encuesta Aztiker 05/04/2024: EH BILDU 34,0% (28/30), EAJ-PNV 33,4% (26/28), PSE-EE 13,9% (11/12), PP 8,5% (6/7), SUMAR 3,1% (1/2), PODEMOS-AV 3,0% (0/1), VOX 2,2% (0/1)". Electográfica (in Spanish). 5 April 2024.
  37. "Empate técnico en escaños entre PNV y EH Bildu a un mes de las elecciones". EiTB (in Spanish). 21 March 2024.
  38. "El PNV y Bildu empatarían en las elecciones vascas del 21-A con Podemos y Sumar hundidos". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 18 March 2024.
  39. "Bildu sigue al alza y amenaza el poder de un PNV en decadencia con el PSOE de juez". El Mundo (in Spanish). 18 March 2024.
  40. "Bildu supera otra vez al PNV y ganaría las elecciones vascas en votos y escaños". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 4 March 2024.
  41. "El PNV se recupera, adelanta a Bildu y ganaría las elecciones vascas por la mínima". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 19 February 2024.
  42. 1 2 "Elecciones Autonómicas: previsión de voto (Febrero 2024)" (PDF). Basque Government (in Spanish). 9 February 2024.
  43. "El PSE subiría tres escaños mientras PNV y Bildu se disputarían la victoria en las elecciones". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 5 February 2024.
  44. "Ajustada victoria del PNV con EH Bildu a dos escaños". EiTB (in Spanish). 2 February 2024.
  45. 1 2 "EiTB Focus. Enero 2024. Elecciones Autonómicas. CAV" (PDF). Gizaker (in Spanish). 2 February 2024.
  46. "Ajustada victoria del PNV con EH Bildu a dos escaños". El Diario Vasco (in Spanish). 4 February 2024.
  47. "Bildu y PNV se mantienen en empate técnico a la espera de fecha para las elecciones vascas". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 21 January 2024.
  48. "El pacto con Otegi en Pamplona cambia el escenario vasco: crece el PNV por miedo a Bildu y el PSOE cae ya dos puntos". El Mundo (in Spanish). 16 January 2024.
  49. "Bildu adelanta al PNV y ganaría las elecciones vascas por un escaño". Crónica Vasca (in Spanish). 8 January 2024.
  50. "Un PNV y un PSOE a la baja podrían mantener su coalición de Gobierno en País Vasco con una raquítica mayoría". VozPópuli (in Spanish). 1 January 2024.
  51. "EH Bildu ganaría las elecciones en una pugna reñida a varias bandas". Naiz (in Spanish). 5 February 2024.
  52. "[A] PAÍS VASCO. Encuesta Aztiker 05/02/2024: EH BILDU 32,1% (24/27), EAJ-PNV 31,5% (24/25), PSE-EE 15,3% (11/12), PP 9,4% (6/8), ELKARREKIN 7,7% (6), VOX 2,8% (1)". Electográfica (in Spanish). 5 February 2024.
  53. 1 2 "Elecciones Autonómicas: previsión de voto (Noviembre 2023)" (PDF). Basque Government (in Spanish). 1 December 2023.
  54. "ElectoPanel Euskadi (26N): EH Bildu, primero en votos y escaños". Electomanía (in Spanish). 26 November 2023.
  55. "Otegi cerca de ser 'lehendakari': fuerte caída del PNV y Sánchez tendría que decidir". El Mundo (in Spanish). 17 September 2023.
  56. "ElectoPanel Euskadi (18J): subida de EH Bildu, que se acerca al PNV". Electomanía (in Spanish). 18 June 2023.
  57. "EuskoPanel (30A): subida de EH Bildu, que roza el 30%. Ligero descenso del PNV". Electomanía (in Spanish). 30 April 2022.
  58. 1 2 "Elecciones Autonómicas: previsión de voto (Marzo 2022)" (PDF). Basque Government (in Spanish). 4 March 2022.
  59. "PAÍS VASCO. Encuesta Ikerfel/Gobierno Vasco [Sociómetro] 04/03/2022: EH BILDU 27,3% (22), EAJ-PNV 39,3% (31), ELKARREKIN PODEMOS-IU 7,0% (4), PSE-EE 14,3% (12), PP+Cs 6,2% (5), VOX 2,7% (1)". Electograph (in Spanish). 4 March 2022.
  60. 1 2 "Elecciones Autonómicas: previsión de voto (Diciembre 2021)" (PDF). Basque Government (in Spanish). 16 December 2021.
  61. "PAÍS VASCO. Encuesta Ikerfel/Gobierno Vasco [Sociómetro] 16/12/2021: EH BILDU 27,5% (23), EAJ-PNV 39,6% (31), ELKARREKIN PODEMOS-IU 6,7% (4), PSE-EE 14,0% (10), PP+Cs 6,7% (6), VOX 2,2% (1)". Electograph (in Spanish). 16 December 2021.
  62. 1 2 "Elecciones Autonómicas: previsión de voto (Octubre 2021)" (PDF). Basque Government (in Spanish). 8 October 2021.
  63. "PAÍS VASCO. Encuesta Ikerfel/Gobierno Vasco [Sociómetro] 08/10/2021: EH BILDU 27,7% (23), EAJ-PNV 39,4% (31), ELKARREKIN PODEMOS-IU 6,8% (4), PSE-EE 13,9% (11), PP+Cs 6,9% (5), VOX 1,9% (1)". Electograph (in Spanish). 8 October 2021.
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