Democracy indices

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Democracy indices are quantitative and comparative assessments of the state of democracy [1] for different countries according to various definitions of democracy. [2]


The democracy indices differ in whether they are categorical, such as classifying countries into democracies, hybrid regimes, and autocracies, [3] [4] or continuous values. [5] The qualitative nature of democracy indices enables data analytical approaches for studying causal mechanisms of regime transformation processes.

Democracy indices vary in their scope and the weight assigned to different aspects of democracy. These aspects include the breadth and strength of core democratic institutions, the competitiveness and inclusiveness of polyarchy, freedom of expression, governance quality, adherence to democratic norms, co-option of opposition, and other related factors, such as electoral system manipulation, electoral fraud, and popular support of anti-democratic alternatives. [6] [7] [8]

Prominent democracy indices

Indices measuring aspects of democracy

Other measured aspects of democracy include voter turnout, efficiency gap, wasted vote, and political efficacy. [19] [20]


Maps of indices

Difficulties in measuring democracy

Democracy is a multifaceted concept encompassing the functioning of diverse institutions, many of which are challenging to measure. As a result, limitations arise in quantifying and econometrically analyzing democracy's potential effects or its relationships with other phenomena, such as inequality, poverty, and education. etc. [29] Given the challenges of obtaining reliable data on within-country variations in aspects of democracy, much of the academic focus has been on cross-country comparisons. However, significant variations in democratic institutions can exist within individual countries, highlighting the limitations of such an approach. Another dimension of the difficulty in measuring democracy lies in the ongoing debate between minimalist and maximalist definitions of democracy. A minimalist conception of democracy defines democracy by primarily considering the essence of democracy; such as electoral procedures. [30] A maximalist definition of democracy can include outcomes, such as economic or administrative efficiency, into measures of democracy. [31] Some aspects of democracy, such as responsiveness [32] or accountability, are generally not included in democracy indices due to the difficulty measuring these aspects. Other aspects, such as judicial independence or quality of the electoral system, are included in some democracy indices but not in others.

Some measures of democracy, such as Freedom House and Polity IV, adopt a maximalist understanding of democracy by analyzing indicators that extend beyond mere electoral procedures. These measures aim to capture broader dimensions of democratic governance, reflecting a more comprehensive view of political systems. [33] These measures attempt to gauge contestation and inclusion; two features Robert Dahl argued are essential in democracies that successfully promote accountable governments. [34] [35] The democratic rating given by these mainstream measures can vary greatly depending on the indicators and evidence they deploy. [36] The definition of democracy utilized by these measures is important because of the discouraging and alienating power such ratings can have, particularly when determined by indicators which are biased toward Western democracies. [37]

Dieter Fuchs and Edeltraud Roller argue that accurately measuring the quality of democracy requires complementing objective metrics with subjective measurements that reflect the perspectives and experiences of citizens. [38] Similarly, Quinton Mayne and Brigitte Geißel also defend that the quality of democracy does not depend exclusively on the performance of institutions, but also on the citizens' own dispositions and commitment. [39]

Critiques of measures of democracy

Data on democracy, and particularly global indices of democracy, and the data they rely on, have been the subject of scrutiny and criticized by various scholars. Gerardo L. Munck and Jay Verkuilen for instance, have raised concerns about the methodologies used by prominent democracy indices such as Freedom House and Polity, such as the concept of democracy they measured, the design of indicators, and the aggregation rule. [40] Political scientists Andrew T. Little and Anne Meng "highlight measurement concerns regarding time-varying bias in expert-coded data" such as Freedom House and V-Dem and encourage improving expert-coding practices. [41] Knutsen et al. [42] did not see evidence for time-varying bias in their expert-coded data and note the application of item response theory, factor analysis and estimates of uncertainties to limit expert biases while discussing concerns in operationalization of observer-invariant measures of democracy.

See also


  1. Geissel, Brigitte; Kneuer, Marianne; Lauth, Hans-Joachim (2016). "Measuring the quality of democracy: Introduction". International Political Science Review. 37 (5). Sage Publications: 571–579. doi:10.1177/0192512116669141. ISSN   0192-5121. JSTOR   26556872. S2CID   151808737 . Retrieved 2023-04-03.
  2. Greenwood, Shannon (2022-12-06). "Appendix A: Classifying democracies". Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project. Retrieved 2022-12-27.
  3. Dobratz, B. A. (2015). Power, Politics, and Society: An Introduction to Political Sociology. Taylor & Francis. p. 47. ISBN   978-1-317-34529-9 . Retrieved Apr 30, 2023.
  4. Michie, J. (2014). Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences. Taylor & Francis. pp. 95–97. ISBN   978-1-135-93226-8 . Retrieved 2023-04-03.
  5. "Democracy data: how do researchers measure democracy?". Our World in Data. Jun 17, 2022. Retrieved Apr 17, 2023.
  6. "The 'Varieties of Democracy' data: how do researchers measure democracy?". Our World in Data. 2022-11-30. Retrieved 2023-04-03.
  7. "Breaking Down Democracy". Freedom House. Retrieved 2023-04-03.
  8. "Democracy and Autocracy, Why do Democracies Develop and Decline", Vol. 21(1) June 2023, Democracy and Autocracy Section, American Political Science Association.
  9. Ide, William (11 January 2000). "Freedom House Report: Asia Sees Some Significant Progress". Voice of America. Archived from the original on 4 December 2013. Retrieved October 13, 2012.
  10. "Freedom in the World". Freedom House. 2021-02-01. Retrieved 2023-04-03.
  11. "Democracy Index 2021: the China challenge". Economist Intelligence Unit .
  12. "Democracy Report 2022: Autocratization Changing Nature?" (PDF), V-Dem Institute , University of Gothenburg .
  13. "Governance Report". BTI 2022. Retrieved Apr 17, 2023.
  14. "The Global State of Democracy Indices". International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Retrieved May 26, 2023.
  15. "Democracy Perception Index – Alliance of Democracies".
  16. Laakso, Markku; Taagepera, Rein (1979). "'Effective' Number of Parties: A Measure with Application to West Europe". Comparative Political Studies. 12 (1): 3–27. doi:10.1177/001041407901200101. ISSN   0010-4140. S2CID   143250203.
  17. "Failed States FAQ". Fund for Peace. Archived from the original on 2010-11-18. Retrieved 2007-08-25.
  18. "The Gallagher Index". Retrieved Apr 3, 2023.
  19. Karp, Jeffrey A.; Banducci, Susan A. (2008). "Political Efficacy and Participation in Twenty-Seven Democracies: How Electoral Systems Shape Political Behaviour". British Journal of Political Science. 38 (2). Cambridge University Press: 311–334. doi:10.1017/S0007123408000161. hdl: 10036/64393 . ISSN   0007-1234. JSTOR   27568347. S2CID   55486399 . Retrieved 2023-06-16.
  20. "Internal and external political efficacy – Government at a Glance 2021". OECD iLibrary. Retrieved 2023-06-16.
  21. "Democracy-Dictatorship_Index". Kaggle. Jul 17, 2020. Retrieved Apr 3, 2023.
  22. "Home". Democracy Ranking (in German). Feb 12, 2017. Retrieved Apr 3, 2023.
  23. "Polity IV Project". Table footnote. Archived from the original on 4 May 2020. Retrieved 11 Jan 2020.
  24. "Boix-Miller-Rosato dichotomous coding of democracy, 1800–2020, version 4.0 – bmr". Retrieved April 17, 2023.
  25. Skaaning, Svend-Erik; Gerring, John; Bartusevičius, Henrikas (Apr 26, 2015). "A Lexical Index of Electoral Democracy" (PDF). Comparative Political Studies. 48 (12). Sage Publications: 1491–1525. doi:10.1177/0010414015581050. ISSN   0010-4140. S2CID   16062427.
  26. Democracy Report 2023, Table 3, V-Dem Institute, 2023
  27. "Global Dashboard". BTI 2022. Retrieved Apr 17, 2023.
  28. Cheibub, José Antonio; Gandhi, Jennifer; Vreeland, James Raymond (April 2010). "Democracy and dictatorship revisited". Public Choice . 143 (1–2): 67–101. doi:10.1007/s11127-009-9491-2. JSTOR   40661005. S2CID   45234838.
  29. Krauss, Alexander (January 2, 2016). "The scientific limits of understanding the (potential) relationship between complex social phenomena: the case of democracy and inequality". Journal of Economic Methodology. 23 (1): 97–109. doi:10.1080/1350178X.2015.1069372. S2CID   51782149 via CrossRef.
  30. Dahl, Robert A.; Ian Shapiro; José Antônio Cheibub; and Adam Przeworski. “Minimalist Conception of Democracy: A Defense.” Essay. In The Democracy Sourcebook, pp. 12–17. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2003.
  31. Schmitter, Philippe C. and Terry Lynn Karl. 1991. "What Democracy is.. . and is Not." Journal of Democracy 2 (3): 75–88
  32. Esaiasson, Peter; Wlezien, Christopher (2017). "Advances in the Study of Democratic Responsiveness: An Introduction". Comparative Political Studies. 50 (6): 699–710. doi:10.1177/0010414016633226.
  33. The Journal of Politics. 70 (3): 632–647.
  34. Samuels, David. “Chapter 3: Democratic Political Regimes.” Essay. In Comparative Politics. New York: Pearson Education, 2013.
  35. Clark, William Roberts; Matt Golder; and Sona Nadenichek Golder. “Chapter 5: Economic Determinates of Democracy.” Chapter. In Foundations of Comparative Politics, pp. 351–392.
  36. Högström, John (2013). "Does the Choice of Democracy Measure Matter? Comparisons between the Two Leading Democracy Indices, Freedom House and Polity IV". Government and Opposition. 48 (2): 201–221. doi:10.1017/gov.2012.10.
  37. Piironen, Ossi. 2005. "Minimalist Democracy without Substance? an Evaluation of the Mainstream Measures of Democracy." Politiikka. 47 (3): 189–204.
  38. Fuchs, Dieter; Roller, Edeltraud (2018). "Conceptualizing and Measuring the Quality of Democracy: The Citizens' Perspective". Politics and Governance. 6 (1): 22. doi: 10.17645/pag.v6i1.1188 .
  39. Mayne, Quinton; Geißel, Brigitte (2018). "Don't Good Democracies Need 'Good' Citizens? Citizen Dispositions and the Study of Democratic Quality". Politics and Governance. 6 (1): 33. doi: 10.17645/pag.v6i1.1216 .
  40. Gerardo L. Munck and Jay Verkuilen, “Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: Evaluating Alternative Indices,” Comparative Political Studies. 35, 1 (2002): 5–34.
  41. Little, Andrew T.; Meng, Anne (2024-01-11). "Measuring Democratic Backsliding". PS: Political Science & Politics. 57 (2): 149–161. doi: 10.1017/S104909652300063X . ISSN   1049-0965.
  42. Knutsen, Carl Henrik; Marquardt, Kyle L.; Seim, Brigitte; Coppedge, Michael; Edgell, Amanda B.; Medzihorsky, Juraj; Pemstein, Daniel; Teorell, Jan; Gerring, John; Lindberg, Staffan I. (2024-01-11). "Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Assessing Democratic Backsliding". PS: Political Science & Politics. 57 (2): 162–177. doi: 10.1017/S104909652300077X . ISSN   1049-0965.

Further reading