Global Competitiveness Report

Last updated

The Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) [1] was a yearly report published by the World Economic Forum. Between 2004 and 2020, [2] the Global Competitiveness Report ranked countries based on the Global Competitiveness Index, [1] developed by Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Elsa V. Artadi. [3] Before that, the macroeconomic ranks were based on Jeffrey Sachs's Growth Development Index and the microeconomic ranks were based on Michael Porter's Business Competitiveness Index. The Global Competitiveness Index integrates the macroeconomic and the micro/business aspects of competitiveness into a single index.


The report "assesses the ability of countries to provide high levels of prosperity to their citizens". This in turn depends on how productively a country uses available resources. Therefore, the Global Competitiveness Index measures the set of institutions, policies, and factors that set the sustainable current and medium-term levels of economic prosperity." [4] [5]


Since 2004, the report ranks the world's nations according to the Global Competitiveness Index, [3] based on the latest theoretical and empirical research. [6] It is made up of over 110 variables, of which two thirds come from the Executive Opinion Survey, and one third comes from publicly available sources such as the United Nations. The variables are organized into twelve pillars, [7] with each pillar representing an area considered as an important determinant of competitiveness.

One part of the report is the Executive Opinion Survey, which is a survey of a representative sample of business leaders in their respective countries. Respondent numbers have increased every year and is currently just over 13,500 in 142 countries (2010). [8]

The report notes that as a nation develops, wages tend to increase, and that in order to sustain this higher income, labor productivity must improve for the nation to be competitive. In addition, what creates productivity in Sweden is necessarily different from what drives it in Ghana. Thus, the GCI separates countries into three specific stages: factor-driven, efficiency-driven, and innovation-driven, each implying a growing degree of complexity in the operation of the economy.

The report has twelve pillars of competitiveness. These are:

  1. Institutions
  2. Appropriate infrastructure
  3. Stable macroeconomic framework
  4. Good health and primary education
  5. Higher education and training
  6. Efficient goods markets
  7. Efficient labor markets
  8. Developed financial markets
  9. Ability to harness existing technology
  10. Market sizeboth domestic and international
  11. Production of new and different goods using the most sophisticated production processes
  12. Innovation

In the factor-driven stage countries compete based on their factor endowments, primarily unskilled labor and natural resources. Companies compete on the basis of prices and sell basic products or commodities, with their low productivity reflected in low wages. To maintain competitiveness at this stage of development, competitiveness hinges mainly on well-functioning public and private institutions (pillar 1), appropriate infrastructure (pillar 2), a stable macroeconomic framework (pillar 3), and good health and primary education (pillar 4).

As wages rise with advancing development, countries move into the efficiency-driven stage of development, when they must begin to develop more efficient production processes and increase product quality. At this point, competitiveness becomes increasingly driven by higher education and training (pillar 5), efficient goods markets (pillar 6), efficient labor markets (pillar 7), developed financial markets (pillar 8), the ability to harness the benefits of existing technologies (pillar 9), and its market size, both domestic and international (pillar 10).

Finally, as countries move into the innovation-driven stage, they are only able to sustain higher wages and a higher standard of living if their businesses are able to compete by providing new or unique products. At this stage, companies must compete by producing new and different goods using the most sophisticated production processes (pillar 11) and through innovation (pillar 12).

Thus, the impact of each pillar on competitiveness varies across countries, in function of their stages of economic development. Therefore, in the calculation of the GCI, pillars are given different weights depending on the per capita income of the nation. [9] The weights used are the values that best explain growth in recent years [10] For example, the sophistication and innovation factors contribute 10% to the final score in factor and efficiency-driven economies, but 30% in innovation-driven economies. Intermediate values are used for economies in transition between stages.

The Global Competitiveness Index's annual reports are somewhat similar to the Ease of Doing Business Index and the Indices of Economic Freedom, which also look at factors affecting economic growth (but not as many as the Global Competitiveness Report). Data from the Global Competitiveness Index relating to the strength of auditing and reporting standards, institutions and judicial independence is used in the Basel AML Index, a money laundering risk assessment tool developed by the Basel Institute on Governance.


In spite of the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report which is increasingly identifying environmental pressures as the dominant risks to humanity, none of the indicators used to determine this report's competitiveness ranking reflect any of the countries' environmental dimensions such as energy, water, climate risks, resource or food security, etc. The Global Competitiveness Report 2018 [11] and 2019 [12] used the ecological footprint as a context indicator, but the footprint was not included in the scoring algorithm that determines the ranking.

2019 rankings

This is the full ranking of the 2019 report: [12]

Increase2.svg 1Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 84.8
Decrease2.svg 2Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 83.7
Increase2.svg 3Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 83.1
Increase2.svg 4Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 82.4
Decrease2.svg 5Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 82.3
Decrease2.svg 6Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 82.3
Decrease2.svg 7Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 81.8
Increase2.svg 8Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 81.2
Decrease2.svg 9Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 81.2
Steady2.svg 10Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 81.2
Steady2.svg 11Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 80.2
Increase2.svg 12Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 80.2
Increase2.svg 13Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 79.6
Decrease2.svg 14Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 79.6
Increase2.svg 15Flag of France.svg  France 78.8
Decrease2.svg 16Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 78.7
Decrease2.svg 17Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 78.1
Increase2.svg 18Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 77.0
Decrease2.svg 19Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 76.7
Steady2.svg 20Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 76.7
Increase2.svg 21Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 76.6
Decrease2.svg 22Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 76.4
Increase2.svg 23Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 75.3
Decrease2.svg 24Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 75.1
Increase2.svg 25Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 75.0
Decrease2.svg 26Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 74.7
Decrease2.svg 27Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 74.6
Steady2.svg 28Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 73.9
Increase2.svg 29Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 72.9
Increase2.svg 30Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 71.5
Increase2.svg 31Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 70.9
Decrease2.svg 32Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 70.9
Steady2.svg 33Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 70.5
Steady2.svg 34Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 70.4
Steady2.svg 35Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 70.2
Increase2.svg 36Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 70.0
Steady2.svg 37Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 68.9
Decrease2.svg 38Flag of Malta.svg  Malta 68.5
Increase2.svg 39Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 68.4
Decrease2.svg 40Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 68.1
Increase2.svg 41Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 67.0
Decrease2.svg 42Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 66.8
Steady2.svg 43Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 66.7
Steady2.svg 44Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 66.4
Increase2.svg 45Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain 65.4
Increase2.svg 46Flag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait 65.1
Increase2.svg 47Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 65.1
Decrease2.svg 48Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 64.9
Increase2.svg 49Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 64.9
Decrease2.svg 50Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 64.6
Increase2.svg 51Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 64.4
Decrease2.svg 52Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius 64.3
Decrease2.svg 53Flag of Oman.svg  Oman 63.6
Decrease2.svg 54Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 63.5
Increase2.svg 55Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 62.9
Increase2.svg 56Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei 62.8
Increase2.svg 57Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 62.7
Increase2.svg 58Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan 62.7
Decrease2.svg 59Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 62.6
Decrease2.svg 60Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 62.4
Steady2.svg 61Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 62.1
Steady2.svg 62Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica 62.0
Increase2.svg 63Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 61.9
Decrease2.svg 64Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 61.9
Decrease2.svg 65Flag of Peru.svg  Peru 61.7
Decrease2.svg 66Flag of Panama.svg  Panama 61.6
Increase2.svg 67Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 61.5
Decrease2.svg 68Flag of India.svg  India 61.4
Increase2.svg 69Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia 61.3
Increase2.svg 70Flag of Jordan.svg  Jordan 60.9
Increase2.svg 71Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 60.9
Decrease2.svg 72Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 60.9
Decrease2.svg 73Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro 60.9
Decrease2.svg 74Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia 60.9
Steady2.svg 75Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco 60.0
Decrease2.svg 76Flag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles 59.6
NEW 77Flag of Barbados.svg  Barbados 58.9
Decrease2.svg 78Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 58.3
Decrease2.svg 79Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago 58.3
Decrease2.svg 80Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica 58.3
Decrease2.svg 81Flag of Albania.svg  Albania 57.6
Increase2.svg 82Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia 57.3
Decrease2.svg 83Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 57.2
Increase2.svg 84Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka 57.1
Decrease2.svg 85Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 57.0
Increase2.svg 86Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova 56.7
Steady2.svg 87Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 56.4
Decrease2.svg 88Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon 56.3
Increase2.svg 89Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 56.3
Decrease2.svg 90Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 55.7
Decrease2.svg 91Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana 55.5
Decrease2.svg 92Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina 54.7
Increase2.svg 93Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 54.5
Increase2.svg 94Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia 54.5
Decrease2.svg 95Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya 54.1
Increase2.svg 96Flag of Kyrgyzstan (2023).svg  Kyrgyzstan 54.0
Decrease2.svg 97Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay 53.6
Decrease2.svg 98Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala 53.5
Decrease2.svg 99Flag of Iran.svg  Iran 53.0
Increase2.svg 100Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda 52.8
Steady2.svg 101Flag of Honduras.svg  Honduras 52.7
Decrease2.svg 102Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia 52.6
Decrease2.svg 103Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador 52.6
Decrease2.svg 104Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan 52.4
Decrease2.svg 105Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 52.1
Increase2.svg 106Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia 52.1
Decrease2.svg 107Bandera de Bolivia (Estado).svg  Bolivia 51.8
Increase2.svg 108Flag of Nepal.svg  Nepal 51.6
Decrease2.svg 109Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua 51.5
Decrease2.svg 110Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 51.4
Decrease2.svg 111Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana 51.2
Decrease2.svg 112Flag of Cape Verde.svg  Cape Verde 50.8
Decrease2.svg 113Flag of Laos.svg  Laos 50.1
Decrease2.svg 114Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal 49.7
Increase2.svg 115Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda 48.9
Decrease2.svg 116Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria 48.3
Decrease2.svg 117Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania 48.2
Decrease2.svg 118Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast 48.1
NEW 119Flag of Gabon.svg  Gabon 47.5
Decrease2.svg 120Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia 46.5
Decrease2.svg 121Flag of Eswatini.svg  Eswatini 46.4
Increase2.svg 122Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea 46.1
Decrease2.svg 123Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon 46.0
Decrease2.svg 124Flag of The Gambia.svg  Gambia 45.9
Decrease2.svg 125Flag of Benin.svg  Benin 45.8
Decrease2.svg 126Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia 44.4
Increase2.svg 127Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe 44.2
Increase2.svg 128Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi 43.7
Decrease2.svg 129Flag of Mali.svg  Mali 43.6
Decrease2.svg 130Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso 43.4
Decrease2.svg 131Flag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho 42.9
NEW 132Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar 42.9
Decrease2.svg 133Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 41.8
Decrease2.svg 134Flag of Mauritania.svg  Mauritania 40.9
Increase2.svg 135Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi 40.3
Increase2.svg 136Flag of Angola.svg  Angola 38.1
Decrease2.svg 137Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique 38.1
Steady2.svg 138Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti 36.3
Decrease2.svg 139Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  Democratic Republic of the Congo 36.1
Decrease2.svg 140Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen 35.5
Decrease2.svg 141Flag of Chad.svg  Chad 35.1

2018 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2018 report: [11]

  1. Flag of the United States.svg  United States 85.6 (+1)
  2. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 83.5 (+1)
  3. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 82.8 (+2)
  4. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 82.6 (−3)
  5. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 82.5 (+4)
  6. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 82.4 (−2)
  7. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 82.3 (−1)
  8. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 82 (—)
  9. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 81.7 (−2)
  10. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 80.6 (+2)
  11. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 80.3 (−1)
  12. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 79.9 (+2)
  13. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 79.3 (+2)
  14. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 78.9 (+7)
  15. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 78.8 (+11)
  16. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 78.2 (−5)
  17. Flag of France.svg  France 78 (+5)
  18. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 77.5 (−5)
  19. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 76.6 (—)
  20. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 76.6 (−4)
  21. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 76.6 (−1)
  22. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 76.3 (−4)
  23. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 75.7 (+1)
  24. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 74.5 (—)
  25. Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 74.4 (−2)
  26. Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 74.2 (+8)
  27. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 73.4 (−10)
  28. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 72.6(−1)
  29. Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 71.2 (+2)
  30. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 71 (−5)

2017–2018 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2017–2018 report: [13]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 5.86 (—)
  2. Flag of the United States.svg  United States 5.85 (+1)
  3. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.71 (−1)
  4. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.66 (—)
  5. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.65 (—)
  6. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.53 (+3)
  7. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.52 (−1)
  8. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.51 (−1)
  9. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.49 (−1)
  10. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.49 (—)
  11. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.40 (—)
  12. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.39 (—)
  13. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 5.37 (—)
  14. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.35 (+1)
  15. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.33 (−1)
  16. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 5.31 (+8)
  17. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 5.30 (−1)
  18. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.25 (+1)
  19. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.23 (+1)
  20. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.23 (−3)
  21. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.19 (+1)
  22. Flag of France.svg  France 5.18 (−1)
  23. Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 5.17 (+2)
  24. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 5.16 (−1)
  25. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.11 (−7)
  26. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.07 (—)
  27. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 5.00 (+1)
  28. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 4.99 (−1)
  29. Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 4.85 (+1)
  30. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 4.83 (−1)

2016–2017 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2016–2017 report: [14]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 5.81 (—)
  2. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.72 (—)
  3. Flag of the United States.svg  United States 5.7 (—)
  4. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.57 (+1)
  5. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.57 (−1)
  6. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.53 (+3)
  7. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.49 (+3)
  8. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.48 (−2)
  9. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.48 (−2)
  10. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.44 (−2)
  11. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.44 (—)
  12. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.35 (—)
  13. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 5.31 (+3)
  14. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.28 (+1)
  15. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.27 (−2)
  16. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 5.26 (+1)
  17. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.25 (+2)
  18. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.23 (−4)
  19. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.22 (+4)
  20. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.2 (—)
  21. Flag of France.svg  France 5.2 (+1)
  22. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.19 (−1)
  23. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 5.18 (+1)
  24. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 5.18 (+3)
  25. Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 5.16 (−7)
  26. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.03 (—)
  27. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 4.96 (+2)
  28. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.95 (—)
  29. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 4.84 (−4)
  30. Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 4.78 (—)

2015–2016 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2015–2016 report: [15]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.76 (—)
  2. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.68 (—)
  3. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.61 (—)
  4. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.53 (+1)
  5. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.50 (+3)
  6. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.47 (—)
  7. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.46 (—)
  8. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.45 (−4)
  9. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.43 (+1)
  10. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.43 (−1)
  11. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.41 (—)
  12. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.33 (+1)
  13. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.31 (+2)
  14. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.30 (+2)
  15. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.28 (−1)
  16. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 5.25 (+1)
  17. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 5.24 (−5)
  18. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 5.23 (+2)
  19. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.20 (−1)
  20. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.20 (−1)
  21. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.15 (+1)
  22. Flag of France.svg  France 5.13 (+1)
  23. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.12 (−2)
  24. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 5.11 (+1)
  25. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 5.07 (−1)
  26. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 4.98 (—)
  27. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 4.98 (—)
  28. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.89 (—)
  29. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 4.83 (+1)
  30. Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 4.71 (−1)

2014–2015 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2014–2015 report: [1]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.80 (—)
  2. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.65 (—)
  3. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.54 (+2)
  4. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.50 (−1)
  5. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.49 (−1)
  6. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.47 (+3)
  7. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.46 (—)
  8. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.45 (—)
  9. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.41 (+1)
  10. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.41 (−4)
  11. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.35 (—)
  12. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 5.33 (+7)
  13. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.29 (+2)
  14. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.25 (−2)
  15. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.24 (−1)
  16. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.26 (−3)
  17. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 5.20 (+1)
  18. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.18 (−1)
  19. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.17 (+3)
  20. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 5.16 (+4)
  21. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.16 (−5)
  22. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.08 (−1)
  23. Flag of France.svg  France 5.08 (—)
  24. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 5.06 (−4)
  25. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 4.98 (+3)
  26. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 4.96 (−1)
  27. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 4.95 (—)
  28. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.89 (+1)
  29. Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 4.71 (+3)
  30. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 4.71 (+1)

2013–2014 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2013–2014 report: [16]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.67 (—)
  2. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.61 (—)
  3. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.54 (—)
  4. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.51 (+2)
  5. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.48 (+2)
  6. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.48 (−2)
  7. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.47 (+2)
  8. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.42 (−3)
  9. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.40 (+1)
  10. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.37 (−2)
  11. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.33 (+4)
  12. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.29 (+1)
  13. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.24 (−2)
  14. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.20 (—)
  15. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.18 (−3)
  16. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.15 (—)
  17. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.13 (—)
  18. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 5.11 (+5)
  19. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 5.11 (+5)
  20. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 5.10 (−2)
  21. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.09 (−1)
  22. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.09 (—)
  23. Flag of France.svg  France 5.05 (−2)
  24. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 5.03 (+1)
  25. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.01 (−6)
  26. Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei 4.95 (+2)
  27. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 4.94 (−1)
  28. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 4.92 (−1)
  29. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.84 (—)
  30. Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 4.67 (+1)

2012–2013 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2012–2013 report: [17]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.72 (—)
  2. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.67 (—)
  3. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.55 (+1)
  4. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.53 (−1)
  5. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.50 (+2)
  6. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.48 (—)
  7. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.47 (−2)
  8. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.45 (+2)
  9. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.41 (+2)
  10. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.40 (−1)
  11. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.38 (+3)
  12. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.29 (−4)
  13. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.28 (—)
  14. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.27 (−2)
  15. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.27 (+1)
  16. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.22 (+3)
  17. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.21 (−2)
  18. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 5.19 (+1)
  19. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.12 (+5)
  20. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.12 (—)
  21. Flag of France.svg  France 5.11 (−3)
  22. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.09 (+1)
  23. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 5.09 (+2)
  24. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 5.07 (+3)
  25. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 5.06 (−4)
  26. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 5.02 (−4)
  27. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 4.91 (+2)
  28. Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei 4.87 (—)
  29. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.83 (−3)
  30. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 4.74 (—)

2011–2012 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2011–2012 report: [18] [19]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.75 (—)
  2. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.63 (+1)
  3. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.61 (−1)
  4. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.47 (+3)
  5. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.43 (−1)
  6. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.41 (−1)
  7. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.41 (+1)
  8. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.40 (+1)
  9. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.40 (−3)
  10. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.39 (+2)
  11. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.36 (—)
  12. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.33 (−2)
  13. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.26 (—)
  14. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.24 (+3)
  15. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.20 (+4)
  16. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.18 (−2)
  17. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 5.17 (+4)
  18. Flag of France.svg  France 5.14 (−3)
  19. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.14 (−1)
  20. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.11 (−4)
  21. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 5.08 (+5)
  22. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 5.07 (+2)
  23. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.03 (−3)
  24. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.02 (−2)
  25. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 4.93 (−2)
  26. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.90 (+1)
  27. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 4.89 (−2)
  28. Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei 4.78 (—)
  29. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 4.77 (—)
  30. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 4.75 (+1)

2010–2011 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2010–2011 report: [20]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.63 (—)
  2. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.56 (+2)
  3. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.48 (—)
  4. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.43 (–2)
  5. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.39 (+2)
  6. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.37 (+2)
  7. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.37 (–1)
  8. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.33 (+2)
  9. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.32 (–4)
  10. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.30 (–1)
  11. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.27 (—)
  12. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.25 (+1)
  13. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.21 (–1)
  14. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.14 (—)
  15. Flag of France.svg  France 5.13 (+1)
  16. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.11 (–1)
  17. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 5.10 (—)
  18. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.09 (–1)
  19. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.07 (–1)
  20. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 5.05 (+1)
  21. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 4.95 (+6)
  22. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 4.93 (—)
  23. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 4.92 (–3)
  24. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 4.91 (+3)
  25. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 4.89 (–2)
  26. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 4.88 (–2)
  27. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.84 (+2)
  28. Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei 4.75 (+4)
  29. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 4.74 (–4)
  30. Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 4.69 (—)

2009–2010 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2009–2010 report: [21]

  1. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.60 (+1)
  2. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.59 (–1)
  3. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.55 (+2)
  4. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.51 (—)
  5. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.46 (–2)
  6. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.43 (—)
  7. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.37 (—)
  8. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.37 (+1)
  9. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.33 (+1)
  10. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.32 (–2)
  11. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.22 (—)
  12. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.20 (+5)
  13. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.19 (–1)
  14. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.17 (+1)
  15. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.15 (+3)
  16. Flag of France.svg  France 5.13 (—)
  17. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.13 (–3)
  18. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.09 (+1)
  19. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.00 (–6)
  20. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 4.98 (+4)
  21. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 4.96 (+4)
  22. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 4.95 (+4)
  23. Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 4.92 (+8)
  24. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 4.87 (–3)
  25. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 4.84 (–3)
  26. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 4.80 (–6)
  27. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 4.80 (–4)
  28. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 4.75 (–1)
  29. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.74 (+1)
  30. Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 4.70 (+2)

2008–2009 rankings

This is the top 30 of the 2008–2009 report: [22]

  1. Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States 5.74
  2. Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland 5.61
  3. Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5.58
  4. Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 5.53
  5. Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 5.53
  6. Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 5.50
  7. Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 5.46
  8. Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 5.41
  9. Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 5.38
  10. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5.37
  11. Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 5.33
  12. Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 5.30
  13. Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 5.28
  14. Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 5.23
  15. Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 5.22
  16. Flag of France.svg  France 5.22
  17. Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 5.22
  18. Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 5.20
  19. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 5.14
  20. Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland 5.05
  21. Flag of Malaysia 23px.svg  Malaysia 5.04
  22. Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland 4.99
  23. Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 4.97
  24. Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 4.93
  25. Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg 4.85
  26. Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 4.83
  27. Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia 4.72
  28. Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 4.72
  29. Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 4.72
  30. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 4.70

You can find the computation and structure of the GCI pp. 49–50 of the Global Competitiveness Report 2013–2014, Full Data Edition. [16]

See also

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