The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a land-mobile FM UHF radio service designed for short-range two-way voice communication and authorized under part 95 of the US FCC code. It requires a license in the United States, but some GMRS compatible equipment can be used license-free in Canada. The US GMRS license is issued for a period of 10 years. The United States permits use by adult individuals who possess a valid GMRS license, as well as their immediate family members. [a] Immediate relatives of the GMRS system licensee are entitled to communicate among themselves for personal or business [1] purposes, but employees of the licensee who are not family members are not covered by the license. Non-family members must be licensed separately.
GMRS radios are typically handheld portable (walkie-talkies) much like Family Radio Service (FRS) radios, and they share a frequency band with FRS near 462 and 467 MHz. Mobile and base station-style radios are available as well, but these are normally commercial UHF radios as often used in the public service and commercial land mobile bands. These are legal for use in this service as long as they are certified for GMRS under USC 47 Part 95. Older radios that are certified under USC 47 Part 90 are "grandfathered in", and can also be used legally for GMRS.[ citation needed ]
GMRS licensees are allowed to establish repeaters to extend their communications range. However repeaters cannot be linked together over the internet nor connected to the public switched telephone network. [2]
Any individual in the United States who is at least 18 years of age and not a representative of a foreign government may apply for a GMRS license by completing the application form, online through the FCC's Universal Licensing System. No exam is required. A GMRS license is issued for a 10–year term. [3] The fee was reduced to $35 for all applicants on April 19, 2022. [4]
A GMRS individual license extends to immediate family members and authorizes them to use the licensed system. [5] GMRS license holders are allowed to communicate with FRS users on those frequencies that are shared between the two services. [6] GMRS individual licenses do not extend to employees. [5]
New GMRS licenses are being issued only to individuals. Prior to July 31, 1987, the FCC issued GMRS licenses to non-individuals (corporations, partnerships, government entities, etc.). These licensees are grandfathered and may renew but not make major modifications to their existing licenses. [7]
In any case, each GMRS station must be identified by transmission of its FCC-assigned call sign at the end of a transmission or a series of transmissions, and at least once every 15 minutes for a series lasting more than 15 minutes. The call sign may be spoken or sent with audible tones using Morse code. A repeater station handling properly identified transmissions of others is not required to send its own station identification. [8]
As with other UHF radio services, reliable range is considered to be line-of-sight and the distance to the radio horizon can be estimated based on antenna height. Theoretically, the range between two hand-held units on flat ground would be about one or two miles (about 1.5–3 km). Mobile units might have a slightly farther range when mounted on a car roof. A GMRS repeater with an antenna mounted high above the surrounding terrain can extend the usable range to 20 miles or more (30+ km) depending on height. [9] Obstructions such as hills, trees, and buildings will reduce range. Higher power does not give much increase in range although it may improve the reliability of communication at the limits of line-of-sight distance.
GMRS is allotted 30 frequency channels in the vicinity of 462 MHz and 467 MHz. They are divided into 16 main channels and 14 interstitial channels. [10]
Licensees may use the eight main 462 MHz channels for simplex communication or repeater outputs. [11]
The eight main 467 MHz channels may only be used as repeater inputs, [12] in conjunction with the 462 MHz channels as outputs. The repeater input frequencies are exclusive to GMRS, and may be used only by licensed GMRS operators.
GMRS operators are permitted to transmit at up to 50 watts transmitter power output, on the 16 main channels, [13] but transmitting 1 to 5 watts is more common in practice.
The interstitial frequencies are in-between the main channels, and the 462 MHz interstitial frequencies may be used for simplex as long as the effective radiated power (ERP) does not exceed 5 watts. [14] The 467 MHz interstitial frequencies have a power limit of 500 milliwatts ERP, [15] and only hand-held portable units may transmit on these channels. [16]
All 22 Family Radio Service (FRS) frequencies are shared with GMRS, and users of the two services may communicate with each other. With the exception of FRS channels 8 through 14, GMRS licensees may use higher power radios with detachable or external antennas.
Frequency | Channel | FRS power | FRS bandwidth | GMRS power | GMRS bandwidth | Notes |
462.5625 MHz | 1 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 5 W | 20 kHz | (1)(4)(5) |
462.5875 MHz | 2 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 5 W | 20 kHz | (1)(4)(5) |
462.6125 MHz | 3 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 5 W | 20 kHz | (1)(4)(5) |
462.6375 MHz | 4 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 5 W | 20 kHz | (1)(4)(5) |
462.6625 MHz | 5 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 5 W | 20 kHz | (1)(4)(5) |
462.6875 MHz | 6 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 5 W | 20 kHz | (1)(4)(5) |
462.7125 MHz | 7 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 5 W | 20 kHz | (1)(4)(5) |
467.5625 MHz | 8 | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | (1)(4)(6) |
467.5875 MHz | 9 | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | (1)(4)(6) |
467.6125 MHz | 10 | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | (1)(4)(6) |
467.6375 MHz | 11 | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | (1)(4)(6) |
467.6625 MHz | 12 | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | (1)(4)(6) |
467.6875 MHz | 13 | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | (1)(4)(6) |
467.7125 MHz | 14 | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | 0.5 W | 12.5 kHz | (1)(4)(6) |
462.5500 MHz | 15 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5) |
462.5750 MHz | 16 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5) |
462.6000 MHz | 17 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5) |
462.6250 MHz | 18 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5) |
462.6500 MHz | 19 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5) |
462.6750 MHz | 20 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5)(7) |
462.7000 MHz | 21 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5) |
462.7250 MHz | 22 | 2 W | 12.5 kHz | 50 W | 20 kHz | (2)(5) |
467.5500 MHz | 15R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
467.5750 MHz | 16R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
467.6000 MHz | 17R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
467.6250 MHz | 18R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
467.6500 MHz | 19R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
467.6750 MHz | 20R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
467.7000 MHz | 21R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
467.7250 MHz | 22R | — | — | 50 W | 20 kHz | (3)(5) |
Note: Some inexpensive GMRS mobiles and portables do not fully comply with FCC permissible modulation bandwidth for GMRS and thus have weak transmitter audio and reduced range.
Conditions: Effective February 16, 1999, the GMRS rules have been amended and one may operate on any of the primary or interstitial channels shown in section 95.1763. Exception: Licensees who operate North of Line A and East of Line C may not operate on channels 462.650 MHz, 467.650 MHz, 462.700 MHz and 467.700 MHz (ch. 19 and 21), unless one's previous license authorized such operations.
The FCC stipulates a specific channel bandwidth for FRS and GMRS. The bandwidth is constrained by the modulation which is FM deviation (GMRS = +/- 5.0 kHz, FRS = +/- 2.5 kHz) plus the uncertainties of the filtering of the transmitter and receiver. Additionally receivers and transmitters may drift over time or temperature so the bandwidth is further constrained to prevent interference to the adjacent channel. Channel spacing is 25 kHz for GMRS and so a 20 kHz bandwidth fits into that channel with protection on each side. FRS channels are spaced within a 12.5 kHz space directly between two GMRS channels. FRS radios generally utilize an 11 kHz transmitter bandwidth and a power lower than GMRS so the interference to an adjacent GMRS channel is minimized.
The predecessor to GMRS was named Class A Citizens Radio Service when it was commissioned in the 1940s. Tube-type transceivers were used, and transmitter power was limited to 60 watts (plate input power to the final amplifier tube). The original service ran wideband FM with ±15 kHz transmitter deviation and 50 kHz channel spacing. At the time, this was the norm for all U.S. land mobile services. There was also a Class B Citizens Radio Service which used a different set of 461 MHz channels and was limited to five watts output. Business users were permitted to license in this radio service. Radios were built by consumer electronics firms and commercial two-way radio vendors.
In the 1960s, the UHF 450–470 MHz band was re-allocated to 25 kHz channels. This meant transmitter deviation was reduced to ±5 kHz. This doubled the number of channels available across the entire 450–470 MHz band. Class B Citizens Radio Service channels were re-allocated to other radio services.
In the 1970s, allowed power was again changed to 50 watts across the output terminals of the transmitter. In 1987, licensing of business users was discontinued and businesses were allowed to continue operating until their licenses expired. There was congestion on all channels in larger metropolitan statistical areas and moving businesses to Business Radio Service channels would provide some relief. The radio service was changed to its present name; General Mobile Radio Service or GMRS.
In 2010 the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed removing the individual licensing requirement. In 2015, the FCC ruled to keep the license requirement, but to remove the regulator fee for licensing. [17] Adopted on May 20, 2015, the ruling would be in effect after a 90–day notification period to Congress; the fee will not be eliminated before August 18, 2015. [18] The fee for a 5–year license was $90, with the regulatory fee portion of the license at $5 per year (or $25 for the 5–year life of the license). After the notification period, the fee for a 5–year license was to become $65. The change became effective on September 3, 2015.
Effective September 28, 2017, FCC revised the definition of the FRS service. FRS operation is now permitted with up to 2 watts on the shared FRS/GMRS channels. The FCC will not grant certification for hybrid radios that would exceed the limits for the FRS service on the FRS channels. Current "hybrid" FRS/GMRS radios will not require a GMRS license for power up to 2 watts, but FRS radios will still not be permitted to use the input frequencies of GMRS repeaters. Any radio exceeding the limits of the new FRS service will be classified as a GMRS radio. [19]
On September 30, 2019, it became unlawful in the United States to import, manufacture, sell, or offer to sell radio equipment capable of operating under both GMRS and FRS. [20]
The use of radio transmitters is regulated by national laws and international agreements. Often radio equipment accepted for use in one part of the world may not be operated in other parts due to conflicts with frequency assignments and technical standards. Some of the roles that the licensed GMRS service fills in the United States are, in other countries, filled by unlicensed or class-licensed services. Generally these services have strict technical standards for equipment to prevent interference with licensed transmitters and systems.
In Canada, hand-held GMRS radios up to 2 watts have been approved for use without a license since September 2004. [21] Typically these are dual FRS and GMRS units, with fixed antennas, and operating at 2 watts on some GMRS channels and 0.5 watts on the FRS-only channels. Mobile units (permanently mounted in vehicles), base stations and repeaters are not currently permitted on the GMRS channels in Canada.
Other countries have licensed and unlicensed personal radio services with somewhat similar characteristics, but technical details and operating conditions vary according to national rules. Many European countries use a similar 16–channel system near 446 MHz known as PMR446, as well as a 69–channel low-power LPD433 which is shared with the 433.92 MHz ISM band. GMRS equipment that is approved for use in the United States will not communicate with PMR446 radios due to using different frequency ranges.
Currently, the application fee for a GMRS license is $35. An FCC Report and Order released December 23, 2020, and in a subsequent notice issued by the FCC on March 23, 2022, the fee dropped from $70 to $35 starting on April 19, 2022. The license is still valid for 10 years and covers an entire family.
GMRS use to be regularly linked to other repeaters. The common practice for this linking was done via internet. This was commonly referred to GMRS Nodes.
Around January 24, 2024 the FCC changed the wording on GMRs operations page that said " You cannot directly interconnect a GMRS station with the telephone network." to now include (among other things) "or any other network". [22] As of November 1, 2024 it now has this added to the operations tab: "In other words, repeaters may not be linked via the internet—an example of an “other network” in the rules—to extend the range of the communications across a large geographic area. Linking multiple repeaters to enable a repeater outside the communications range of the handheld or mobile device to retransmit messages violates sections 95.1733(a)(8) and 95.1749 of the Commission's rules, and potentially other rules in 47 C.F.R. Repeaters may be connected to the telephone network or other networks only for purposes of remote control of a GMRS station, not for carrying communication signals. " [23] Wording changes did not affect local repeaters. This change did shut down several major nodes. [24] [25] [26] This change was not an official act; it was instead done through interpretation set forth by the Chevron Defense. The changes and shutdowns of nodes has drawn mixed reactions. [27] [28]
Citizens band radio is a land mobile radio system, a system allowing short-distance one-to-many bidirectional voice communication among individuals, using two-way radios operating near 27 MHz in the high frequency or shortwave band. Citizens band is distinct from other personal radio service allocations such as FRS, GMRS, MURS, UHF CB and the Amateur Radio Service. In many countries, CB operation does not require a license and may be used for business or personal communications.
A radiotelephone, abbreviated RT, is a radio communication system for conducting a conversation; radiotelephony means telephony by radio. It is in contrast to radiotelegraphy, which is radio transmission of telegrams (messages), or television, transmission of moving pictures and sound. The term is related to radio broadcasting, which transmit audio one way to listeners. Radiotelephony refers specifically to two-way radio systems for bidirectional person-to-person voice communication between separated users, such as CB radio or marine radio. In spite of the name, radiotelephony systems are not necessarily connected to or have anything to do with the telephone network, and in some radio services, including GMRS, interconnection is prohibited.
Low-power broadcasting is broadcasting by a broadcast station at a low transmitter power output to a smaller service area than "full power" stations within the same region. It is often distinguished from "micropower broadcasting" and broadcast translators. LPAM, LPFM and LPTV are in various levels of use across the world, varying widely based on the laws and their enforcement.
Narrowband signals are signals that occupy a narrow range of frequencies or that have a small fractional bandwidth. In the audio spectrum, narrowband sounds are sounds that occupy a narrow range of frequencies. In telephony, narrowband is usually considered to cover frequencies 300–3400 Hz, i.e. the voiceband.
The Family Radio Service (FRS) is an improved walkie-talkie radio system authorized in the United States since 1996. This personal radio service uses channelized frequencies around 462 and 467 MHz in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band. It does not suffer the interference effects found on citizens' band (CB) at 27 MHz, or the 49 MHz band also used by cordless telephones, toys, and baby monitors. FRS uses frequency modulation (FM) instead of amplitude modulation (AM). Since the UHF band has different radio propagation characteristics, short-range use of FRS may be more predictable than the more powerful license-free radios operating in the HF CB band.
In the United States, the business band is the colloquial name used by radio users who utilize and scanner hobbyists who listen to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Industrial/Business pool frequencies. The regulations listing frequencies in this pool are contained in Subpart C of Part 90, Title 47 of the CFR.
In the United States, the Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) is a licensed by rule two-way radio service similar to the Citizens band (CB). Established by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission in the fall of 2000, MURS created a radio service allowing for licensed by rule operation in a narrow selection of the VHF band, with a power limit of 2 watts. The FCC formally defines MURS as "a private, two-way, short-distance voice or data communications service for personal or business activities of the general public." MURS stations may not be connected to the public telephone network, may not be used for store and forward operations, and radio repeaters are not permitted.
PMR446 is a licence-exempt service or UHF CB in the UHF radio frequency band, as personal radio service or citizens band radio, and is available for business and personal use in most countries throughout the European Union, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Radio-paging code No. 1 is an asynchronous protocol used to transmit data to pagers. Its usual designation is an acronym of the Post Office Code Standardisation Advisory Group, the name of the group that developed the code under the chairmanship of the British Post Office that used to operate most telecommunications in Britain before privatization.
The 10-meter band is a portion of the shortwave radio spectrum internationally allocated to amateur radio and amateur satellite use on a primary basis. The band consists of frequencies stretching from 28.000 to 29.700 MHz.
Amateur radio frequency allocation is done by national telecommunication authorities. Globally, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) oversees how much radio spectrum is set aside for amateur radio transmissions. Individual amateur stations are free to use any frequency within authorized frequency ranges; authorized bands may vary by the class of the station license.
An amateur radio repeater is an electronic device that receives a weak or low-level amateur radio signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. Many repeaters are located on hilltops or on tall buildings as the higher location increases their coverage area, sometimes referred to as the radio horizon, or "footprint". Amateur radio repeaters are similar in concept to those used by public safety entities, businesses, government, military, and more. Amateur radio repeaters may even use commercially packaged repeater systems that have been adjusted to operate within amateur radio frequency bands, but more often amateur repeaters are assembled from receivers, transmitters, controllers, power supplies, antennas, and other components, from various sources.
A radio repeater is a combination of a radio receiver and a radio transmitter that receives a signal and retransmits it, so that two-way radio signals can cover longer distances. A repeater sited at a high elevation can allow two mobile stations, otherwise out of line-of-sight propagation range of each other, to communicate. Repeaters are found in professional, commercial, and government mobile radio systems and also in amateur radio.
In the United States, the Citizens Band Radio Service (CBRS), commonly called citizens band radio, is one of several personal radio services defined under Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 95. It is intended to be a two-way voice communication service for use in personal and business activities of the general public, and has a reliable communications range of several miles, though the range is highly dependent on type of radio, antenna and propagation.
A broadcast relay station, also known as a satellite station, relay transmitter, broadcast translator (U.S.), re-broadcaster (Canada), repeater or complementary station (Mexico), is a broadcast transmitter which repeats the signal of a radio or television station to an area not covered by the originating station.
Land mobile service is – in line to ITU Radio Regulations – a mobile service between base stations and land mobile stations, or between land mobile stations.
An international distress frequency is a radio frequency that is designated for emergency communication by international agreement.
Automated Maritime Telecommunications System (AMTS) is a commercial mobile radio service used within the United States. It operates within the VHF frequency range, just above the North American Band III television range, and offers both voice and data communications to maritime customers. The system is operated by a network of private carriers across the country, with coverage primarily including coastal and inland waterways.
Heartland REACT was a chapter of REACT International based in Omaha, Nebraska. It was founded in 1967 as Douglas County REACT and incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1972 to provide communications as a public service in the event of emergency and non-emergency events around the Omaha metro area. The Omaha chapter of REACT International was dissolved in 2021 and the organization was reformed as Heartland READY.
A personal radio service is any system that allows individuals to operate radio transmitters and receivers for personal purposes with minimal or no special license or individual authorization. Personal radio services exist around the world and typically use light-weight walkie talkie portable radios. The power output, antenna size, and technical characteristics of the equipment are set by regulations in each country. Many regions have standardized personal radio service rules to allow travelers from one country to use their equipment in another country. Examples of standardized services include PMR446 and FM Citizens Band Radio (CB) in the EU and several other countries/regions. 26–27 MHz CB radio is the oldest personal radio service and is used in nearly every country worldwide, with many countries and regions copying the United States 40-channel frequency plan. In many countries, CB radio is less popular due to the availability of other personal radio services that offer shorter antennas and better protection from noise and interference.
Paragraphs 51 and 52 list the changes on the FRS / GMRS channels and power restrictions. These modifications are meant to affect previous FRS / GMRS hybrid radios in the United States that were commonly sold to redefine them as FRS radios, since many users that purchase these radios did not know the FCC license requirements. As a result, these users will not require a GMRS license. Radios transmitting higher than the new FRS power restrictions are re-defined as GMRS radios and users will require a GMRS license to use these devices. The changes (channels and power limitations) went into effect on September 28, 2017.