Insular dwarfism

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Skeletons of the extinct Palaeoloxodon falconeri, native to Sicily and Malta, it is one of the smallest known species of dwarf elephant. Adult males measured about one meter in shoulder height and weighed about 250 kg (550 lb). Females were smaller. Elephas falconeri 4.JPG
Skeletons of the extinct Palaeoloxodon falconeri , native to Sicily and Malta, it is one of the smallest known species of dwarf elephant. Adult males measured about one meter in shoulder height and weighed about 250 kg (550 lb). Females were smaller.

Insular dwarfism, a form of phyletic dwarfism, [1] is the process and condition of large animals evolving or having a reduced body size [a] when their population's range is limited to a small environment, primarily islands. This natural process is distinct from the intentional creation of dwarf breeds, called dwarfing. This process has occurred many times throughout evolutionary history, with examples including various species of dwarf elephants that evolved during the Pleistocene epoch, as well as more ancient examples, such as the dinosaurs Europasaurus and Magyarosaurus . This process, and other "island genetics" artifacts, can occur not only on islands, but also in other situations where an ecosystem is isolated from external resources and breeding. This can include caves, desert oases, isolated valleys and isolated mountains ("sky islands").[ citation needed ] Insular dwarfism is one aspect of the more general "island effect" or "Foster's rule", which posits that when mainland animals colonize islands, small species tend to evolve larger bodies (island gigantism), and large species tend to evolve smaller bodies. This is itself one aspect of island syndrome, which describes the differences in morphology, ecology, physiology and behaviour of insular species compared to their continental counterparts.


Possible causes

There are several proposed explanations for the mechanism which produces such dwarfism. [3] [4]

One is a selective process where only smaller animals trapped on the island survive, as food periodically declines to a borderline level. The smaller animals need fewer resources and smaller territories, and so are more likely to get past the break-point where population decline allows food sources to replenish enough for the survivors to flourish. Smaller size is also advantageous from a reproductive standpoint, as it entails shorter gestation periods and generation times. [3]

In the tropics, small size should make thermoregulation easier. [3]

Among herbivores, large size confers advantages in coping with both competitors and predators, so a reduction or absence of either would facilitate dwarfing; competition appears to be the more important factor. [4]

Among carnivores, the main factor is thought to be the size and availability of prey resources, and competition is believed to be less important. [4] In tiger snakes, insular dwarfism occurs on islands where available prey is restricted to smaller sizes than are normally taken by mainland snakes. Since prey size preference in snakes is generally proportional to body size, small snakes may be better adapted to take small prey. [5]

Differences of Dwarfism & gigantism

The inverse process, wherein small animals breeding on isolated islands lacking the predators of large land masses may become much larger than normal, is called island gigantism. An excellent example is the dodo, the ancestors of which were normal-sized pigeons. There are also several species of giant rats, one still extant, that coexisted with both Homo floresiensis and the dwarf stegodonts on Flores.

The process of insular dwarfing can occur relatively rapidly by evolutionary standards. This is in contrast to increases in maximum body size, which are much more gradual. When normalized to generation length, the maximum rate of body mass decrease during insular dwarfing was found to be over 30 times greater than the maximum rate of body mass increase for a ten-fold change in mammals. [6] The disparity is thought to reflect the fact that pedomorphism offers a relatively easy route to evolve smaller adult body size; on the other hand, the evolution of larger maximum body size is likely to be interrupted by the emergence of a series of constraints that must be overcome by evolutionary innovations before the process can continue. [6]

Factors influencing the extent of dwarfing

For both herbivores and carnivores, island size, the degree of island isolation and the size of the ancestral continental species appear not to be of major direct importance to the degree of dwarfing. [4] However, when considering only the body masses of recent top herbivores and carnivores, and including data from both continental and island land masses, the body masses of the largest species in a land mass were found to scale to the size of the land mass, with slopes of about 0.5 log(body mass/kg) per log(land area/km2). [7] There were separate regression lines for endothermic top predators, ectothermic top predators, endothermic top herbivores and (on the basis of limited data) ectothermic top herbivores, such that food intake was 7- to 24-fold higher for top herbivores than for top predators, and about the same for endotherms and ectotherms of the same trophic level (this leads to ectotherms being 5 to 16 times heavier than corresponding endotherms). [7]

It has been suggested that for dwarf elephants, competition was an important factor in body size, with islands with competing herbivores having significantly larger dwarf elephants than those where competing herbivores were absent. [8]


Non-avian dinosaurs

Recognition that insular dwarfism could apply to dinosaurs arose through the work of Ferenc Nopcsa, a Hungarian-born aristocrat, adventurer, scholar, and paleontologist. Nopcsa studied Transylvanian dinosaurs intensively, noticing that they were smaller than their cousins elsewhere in the world. For example, he unearthed six-meter-long sauropods, a group of dinosaurs which elsewhere commonly grew to 30 meters or more. Nopcsa deduced that the area where the remains were found was an island, Hațeg Island (now the Haţeg or Hatzeg basin in Romania) during the Mesozoic era. [9] [10] Nopcsa's proposal of dinosaur dwarfism on Hațeg Island is today widely accepted after further research confirmed that the remains found are not from juveniles. [11]


ExampleSpeciesRangeTime frameContinental relative
A. atacis Ibero-Armorican Island Late Cretaceous / Maastrichtian Tapuiasaurus NT.jpg
Europasaurus skull.JPG
E. holgeri Lower Saxony Late Jurassic / Middle Kimmeridgian Giraffatitan scale.png
Magyarosaurus- human size.JPG
M. dacus Hateg Island Late Cretaceous / Maastrichtian Rapetosaurus BW.jpg
Lirainosaurus [12]
L. astibiaeIbero-Armorican IslandLate Cretaceous
Paludititan nalatzsensis.jpg
P. nalatzensis Hateg Island Late Cretaceous / Maastrichtian Epachtosaurus sciuttoi.jpg


ExampleSpeciesRangeTime frameContinental relative
Langenburg theropod size.png
Langenberg Quarry
torvosaur (blue)
Unnamed Lower Saxony Late Jurassic / Middle Kimmeridgian Torvosaurus gurneyi.png
Struthiosaurus austriacus.jpg
Struthiosaurus [13]
S. austriacus

S. transylvanicus

S. languedocensis
Ibero-Armorican, Australoalpine, and Hateg islandsLate Cretaceous Edmontonia Scale.svg
Telmatosaurus Scale.svg
T. transsylvanicus Hateg Island Late Cretaceous Hadrosaurus Scale.svg
Thecodontosaurus Scale.svg
Thecodontosaurus [10]
T. antiquus Southern England Late Triassic / Rhaetian Human-plateosaurus size comparison.svg
Iguanodontian Sizes.svg
Zalmoxes [10] (purple)
Z. robustus

Z. shqiperorum
Hateg Island Late Cretaceous Perot Museum Tenontosaurus.jpg

In addition, the genus Balaur was initially described as a Velociraptor -sized dromaeosaurid (and in consequence a dubious example of insular dwarfism), but has been since reclassified as a secondarily flightless stem bird, closer to modern birds than Jeholornis (thus actually an example of insular gigantism).


ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relativeInsular / mainland
length or mass ratio
Apteribis sp. (5212794163).jpg
Hawaiian flightless ibises
Apteribis glenos Molokai Extinct (Late Quaternary) White Ibis in Florida.jpg
American ibises
Apteribis brevis Maui
Cozumel curassow [14] Crax rubra griscomi Cozumel Unknown Crax rubra (Great Curassow) - female.jpg
Great curassow
Baudin emus.jpg
Kangaroo Island emu [15]
Dromaius novaehollandiae baudinianus Kangaroo Island, South AustraliaExtinct (c. AD 1827) Emu RWD1.jpg
Emu size.png
King Island emu [16] (black)
Dromaius novaehollandiae minor King Island, TasmaniaExtinct (AD 1822)LR ≈ 0.48 [b]
Dwarf yellow eyed penguin [17] Megadyptes antipodes richdalei Chatham Islands, New ZealandExtinct (after 1300 AD) Megadyptes antipodes -Otago Peninsula, Dunedin, New Zealand -family-8.jpg
Yellow-eyed penguin
Naturalis Biodiversity Center - RMNH.AVES.128765 2 - Toxostoma guttatum (Ridgway, 1885) - Mimidae - bird skin specimen.jpeg
Cozumel thrasher [14]
Toxostoma gluttatum Cozumel Critically endangered Curve-billed Thrasher.jpg
Other thrashers


ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relativeInsular / mainland
length or mass ratio
20150510-IMG 0786.jpg
Madagascar dwarf chameleon
Brookesia minima Nosy Be island, MadagascarEndangered Brookesia species male female (Journal.pone.0031314.g010).png
Madagascar leaf chameleons
Brookesia micra on a match head.jpg
Nosy Hara chameleon [18]
Brookesia micra Nosy Hara island, MadagascarVulnerable
Roxby Island tiger snake [5] Notechis scutatusRoxby Island, South Australia Unknown Tiger snake 2.jpg
Tiger snake
Dwarf Burmese python Python bivittatus progschai Java, Bali, Sumbawa and Sulawesi, IndonesiaUnknown Burmese python (6887388927).jpg
Burmese python
LR ≈ 0.44 [c]
Tanahjampea reticulated python [21] Python reticulatus jampeanus Tanahjampea, between Sulawesi and FloresUnknown Python reticulatus setchatyi piton-2.jpg
Reticulated python
LR ≈ 0.41, males
LR ≈ 0.49, females [d]



ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relative
Bradypus pygmaeus.jpg
Pygmy three-toed sloth
Bradypus pygmaeus Isla Escudo de Veraguas, PanamaCritically endangered Bradypus variegatus, the Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth (12687597105).jpg
Brown-throated sloth
A. antillensis

A. odontrigonus

A. ye
Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico Extinct (c. 3000 BC) Megalonyx size.svg
Continental ground sloths
Imagocnus I. zazae Cuba Extinct (Early Miocene)
M. rodens

M. zile
Cuba and Hispaniola Extinct (c. 2700 BC)
Synocnus comes.jpg
Neocnus spp. Cuba and Hispaniola Extinct (c. 3000 BC)


ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relative
Sulawesi dwarf elephant Elephas celebensis Sulawesi Extinct (Early Pleistocene) Indian-Elephant-444.jpg
Asian elephant
Cabarruyan dwarf elephant Elephas beyeri Luzon Extinct
Cretan dwarf mammoth Mammuthus creticus Crete Extinct Mammuthus Size comparison.png
M. exilis skeletal.png
Channel Islands mammoth
Mammuthus exilis Santa Rosae islandExtinct (Late Pleistocene) M. columbi skeletals.png
Columbian mammoth
Mammuthus lamarmorai.png

Sardinian mammoth

Mammuthus lamarmorai Sardinia Extinct (Late Pleistocene) Steppe mammoth size 2.jpg
Steppe mammoth
Saint Paul Island woolly mammoth [24] [25] Mammuthus primigenius Saint Paul Island, AlaskaExtinct (c. 3750 BC) M. primigenius.png
Woolly mammoth
Elephas skeleton.JPG
Siculo-Maltese elephants
Palaeoloxodon antiquus leonardi

P. mnaidriensis

P. melitensis

P. falconeri
Sicily and Malta Extinct Palaeoloxodon-Species-Scale-Diagram-SVG-Steveoc86.svg
Straight-tusked elephant
Cretan elephants Palaeoloxodon chaniensis

P. creutzburgi
Crete Extinct
Elephas cypriotes Tusk and Molar.jpg
Cyprus dwarf elephant
Palaeoloxodon cypriotes Cyprus Extinct (c. 9000 BC)
Naxos dwarf elephant Palaeoloxodon sp. Naxos Extinct
Tilos dwarf elephant Palaeoloxodon tiliensis Tilos Extinct
Rhodes dwarf elephant Palaeoloxodon sp. Rhodes Extinct
Bumiayu dwarf sinomastodont [26] Sinomastodon bumiajuensisBumiayu Island (now part of Java)Extinct (Early Pleistocene) Sinomastodon.png
nonhoipaku - akebonozou.jpg
Japanese stegodont [27] [28]
Stegodon miensis

Stegodon protoaurorae

Stegodon aurorae
Japan (Also Taiwan for S. aurorae) [29] Extinct (Early Pleistocene) Stegodon skeletal.png
Chinese Stegodon
Greater Flores dwarf stegodont [3] Stegodon florensis Flores Extinct (Late Pleistocene) Stegodon's ivory displayed at Philippine National Museum.jpg
Sundaland Stegodon
Javan dwarf stegodontsStegodon hypsilophus [26]

S. semedoensis [30]

S. sp. [26]
Java Extinct (Quaternary)
Mindanao pygmy stegodont [31] Stegodon mindanensis Mindanao and Sulawesi Extinct (Middle Pleistocene)
Sulawesi dwarf stegodont [26] Stegodon sompoensis Sulawesi Extinct
Lesser Flores dwarf stegodont [3] Stegodon sondaari Flores Extinct (Middle Pleistocene)
Sumba dwarf stegodont [32] Stegodon sumbaensis Sumba, IndonesiaExtinct (Middle Pleistocene)
Timor dwarf stegodont [26] Stegodon timorensis Timor Extinct
Dwarf stegolophodont [33] Stegolophodon pseudolatidens Japan Extinct (Miocene) Stegolophodon latidens.JPG


ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relative
Nosy Hara dwarf lemur [34] Cheirogaleus sp. Nosy Hara island off MadagascarUnknown Cheirogaleus-medius.jpg
Dwarf lemurs
Specimen LB1.jpg
Flores Man [35]
Homo floresiensis Flores Extinct (Late Pleistocene) Homme de Tautavel 01-08.jpg
Homo erectus
Callao Man
Homo luzonensis [36] [37] Luzon, PhilippinesExtinct (Late Pleistocene)
Modern pygmies of Flores [38] Homo sapiens Flores Extantother members of Homo sapiens
Early Palau modern humans (disputed) [39] Homo sapiens Palau Extinct (?)
Andamanese [40] Homo sapiens Andaman Islands Extant
Macaca majori.JPG
Sardinian macaque [41]
Macaca majori Sardinia Extinct (Pleistocene) Barbary macaques of Gibraltar in search of food.jpg
Barbary macaque
Red Colobus 7.jpg
Zanzibar red colobus
Piliocolobus kirkii Unguja Endangered Udzungwa Red Colobus Stevage.JPG
Udzungwa red colobus


ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relativeInsular / mainland
length or mass ratio
Canis lupus cristaldii subsp. nov.png
Sicilian wolf
Canis lupus cristaldii Sicily Extinct (AD 1970) Canis lupus Europe.jpg
Gray wolf
Japanese wolf
Canis lupus hodophilax Japan (excluding Hokkaido)Extinct (AD 1905)
Adaptations of the Pleistocene island canid Cynotherium sardous (2006) Fig. 1.png
Sardinian dhole
Cynotherium sardous Corsica and Sardinia Extinct (c. 8300 BC) Xenocyon lycanoides restoration.jpg
Trinil dog Mececyon trinilensis Java Extinct (Pleistocene)
Cozumel Island coati [14] Nasua narica nelsoni Cozumel Critically endangered White nosed Coati.jpg
Yucatan white-nosed coati
Zanzibar Leopard 2.JPG
Zanzibar leopard
Panthera pardus pardus Unguja Critically endangered or Extinct Male leopard samburu 2, crop.jpg
African leopard
Bali tiger zanveld.jpg
Bali tiger
Panthera tigris sondaica Bali Extinct (c. AD 1940) Panthera tigris sumatrae (Sumatran Tiger) close-up.jpg
Sumatran tiger
Panthera tigris sondaica 01.jpg
Javan tiger
Java Extinct (c. AD 1975)
Cozumel Raccoon2.jpg
Cozumel raccoon
Procyon pygmaeus Cozumel Critically endangered Raccoon-10.png
Common raccoon
Urocyon littoralis pair.jpg
Island fox
Urocyon littoralisSix of the Channel Islands of California Near Threatened Grey Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus).jpg
Gray fox
LR ≈ 0.84 [e]
LR ≈ 0.75 [f]
Cozumel fox Urocyon sp. Cozumel Critically endangered or Extinct

Non-ruminant ungulates

ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relative
Eumaiochoerus etruscus mandible.jpg
Eumaiochoerus etruscus Baccinello, Montebamboli Extinct (Miocene) Microstonyx skull.jpg
Hippo1 final.jpg
Malagasy dwarf hippopotamuses
Hippopotamus laloumena

H. lemerlei

H. madagascariensis
Madagascar Extinct (c. AD 1000) Nijlpaard.jpg
Common hippopotamus
Bumiayu dwarf hippopotamus [26] Hexaprotodon simplexBumiayu Island (now Java)Extinct (Early Pleistocene) Hexaprotodon sivalensis.jpg
Asian hippopotamuses
Hippopotamus cruetzburgi.JPG
Cretan dwarf hippopotamus
Hippopotamus creutzburgi Crete Extinct (Middle Pleistocene) Museo di paleologia, scheletro di hippopotamus antiquus, recuperato presso figline valdarno.JPG
Hippopotamus antiquus
Hippopotamus amphibius Linn at Ghar Dalam, Malta.png
Maltese dwarf hippopotamus
Hippopotamus melitensis Malta Extinct (Pleistocene) Nijlpaard.jpg
Common hippopotamus

(H. amphibius)

Hippopotamus pentlandi 3.JPG
Sicilian dwarf hippopotamus
Hippopotamus pentlandi Sicily Extinct (Pleistocene)
Cyprus dwarf hippopotamus
Hippopotamus minor Cyprus Extinct (c. 8000 BC)Unclear, either

H. amphibius or H. antiquus.

Cozumel collared peccary [14] Pecari tajacu nanus Cozumel Unknown Running Javelina.jpg
Collared peccary


ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relative
Sicilian bison [27] Bison priscus siciliae Sicily Extinct (Late Pleistocene) Prazubr rysunek 600.jpg
Steppe bison
Sicilian aurochs [44] Bos primigenius siciliae [27] Sicily Extinct (Late Pleistocene) Aurochs reconstruction.jpg
Eurasian aurochs
Cebu tamaraw Bubalus cebuensis Cebu, PhilippinesExtinct Indian Water Buffalo Bubalus arnee by Dr Raju Kasambe IMG 0347 (11) (cropped).jpg
Wild water buffalo
Lowland anoa.jpg
Lowland anoa
Bubalus depressicornis Sulawesi and Buton, IndonesiaEndangered
Bubalus grovesi Bubalus grovesi Sulawesi, IndonesiaExtinct
Bubalus mindorensis by Gregg Yan 01.jpg
Bubalus mindorensis Mindoro, PhilippinesCritically endangered
Buablus quarlesi2.jpg
Mountain anoa
Bubalus quarlesi Sulawesi and Buton, IndonesiaEndangered
Myotragus balearicus.JPG
Balearic Islands cave goat
Myotragus balearicus Majorca and Menorca Extinct (after 3000 BC)Gallogoral
Nesogoral [45] Nesogoral spp. Sardinia Extinct
Dahlak Kebir gazelle [46] Nanger soemmerringi ssp. Dahlak Kebir island, EritreaVulnerable The book of antelopes (1894) Gazella soemmerringi (white background).png
Soemmerring's gazelle
Tyrrhenotragus gracillimus mandible.jpg
Tyrrhenotragus gracillimus Baccinello Extinct Antilopinae sp.

Cervids and relatives

ExampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relative
Candiacervus ropalophorus.jpg
Cretan deer [g]
Candiacervus spp. Crete Extinct (Pleistocene)Unknown
Praemegaceros cazioti A6 digital.jpg
Sardinian deer [10]
Praemegaceros cazioti Sardinia Extinct (c. 5500 BC) Praemegaceros
Cervus astylodon.jpg
Ryukyu dwarf deer [49]
Cervus astylodon Ryukyu Islands Extinct The deer of all lands (1898) Manchurian sika white background.png
Sika deer (?)

Cervus praenipponicus (?)
Jersey red deer population [50] Cervus elaphus jerseyensis Jersey Extinct (Pleistocene) Rothirsch.jpg
Red deer
Corsican red deer
Cervus elaphus corsicanus Corsica and Sardinia Near Threatened
Sicilian red deer [27] Cervus siciliae Sicily Extinct (Late Pleistocene)
Hoplitomeryx matthei.jpg
Hoplitomeryx [h]
Hoplitomeryx spp. Gargano Island Extinct (Early Pliocene) Antilocapra americana male (Wyoming, 2012).jpg
Sicilian fallow deerDama carburangelensis Sicily Extinct (Late Pleistocene) Fallow deer
Key deer male.jpg
Florida Key deer
Odocoileus virginianus clavium Florida Keys Endangered White-tailed deer.jpg
Virginia deer
Spitsbergen reindeer01.jpg
Svalbard reindeer
Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus Svalbard Vulnerable Fjellrein.jpg
Rusa marianna by Gregg Yan.jpg
Philippine deer
Rusa marianna Philippines Vulnerable Sambar (Rusa unicolor cambojensis) (7109798353).jpg
Sambar deer


Possible exampleBinomial nameNative rangeStatusContinental relative
El Tecolote.JPG
Insular elephant cacti [51] [52]
Pachycereus pringlei Remote islands in the Sea of Cortez
(e.g. Santa Cruz, San Pedro Mártir)
Not evaluated Pachycereus pringlei cardon sahueso.JPG
Mainland elephant cacti

See also


  1. An example of noninsular phyletic dwarfism is the evolution of the dwarfed marmosets and tamarins among New World monkeys, culminating in the appearance of the smallest example, Cebuella pygmaea . [2]
  2. Based on the heights in Fig. 1 of Heupink et al., 2011 [16]
  3. Based on maximum lengths of 2.5 m for the dwarf form [19] and 5.74 m for the mainland form [20]
  4. Based on maximum Tanahjampea python total lengths (TL) of 2.10 m for males and 3.35 m for females [21] and maximum southern Sumatra python snout to vent lengths (SVL) of 4.5 m for males and 6.1 m for females [22] with SVLs corrected to TLs by multiplying by a factor of 1.127, derived from the average relative tail length (0.113) of African and Indian rock pythons [23]
  5. For nearby mainland gray foxes [42]
  6. For mainland gray foxes in general [43]
  7. Like Hoplitomeryx, Candiacervus appears to be an unusual case in that members of this genus evolved into insular species of a wide range of sizes, not only dwarf forms but also some that might be considered giants. [47] [48]
  8. Hoplitomeryx is evidently quite an unusual case, because members of this genus apparently evolved into both dwarf and giant insular forms on the same island(s). [47]


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