List of fishes of Tennessee

Last updated

The location of the State of Tennessee in the United States of America. Tennessee in United States.svg
The location of the State of Tennessee in the United States of America .
Topographic map of Tennessee USA Tennessee relief location map.svg
Topographic map of Tennessee

The U.S. state of Tennessee has a uniquely diverse array of fresh-water fish species, owing to its large network of rivers and creeks, with major waterways in the state including the Mississippi River which forms its western border, the Tennessee River, the Cumberland River, and the Duck River.


Tennessee has more than 300 species of fishes. [1]

The following tags note species in each of those categories:

Order Petromyzontiformes (Lampreys)

Family Petromyzontidae (Northern lampreys)

Least brook lamprey Lampetra aepyptera UMFS 1.JPG
Least brook lamprey

Order Acipenseriformes (Sturgeons & paddlefish)

Family Acipenseridae (Sturgeons)

Lake sturgeon Young lake sturgeon.jpg
Lake sturgeon

Family Polyodontidae (Paddlefish)

Order Lepisosteiformes (Gars)

Family Lepisosteidae (Gars)

Spotted gar Kaimanfische (Lepisosteus).jpg
Spotted gar

Order Amiiformes (Bowfins)

Family Amiidae (Bowfins)

Order Hiodontiformes (Mooneyes)

Goldeye Goldeye (Hiodon alosoides).jpg

Family Hiodontidae (Mooneyes)

Order Anguilliformes (Eels)

Family Anguillidae (Freshwater eels)

Order Clupeiformes (Herrings & relatives)

Family Alosidae (Shads & sardines)

American gizzard shad Gizzard Shad Dorosoma cepedianum.jpg
American gizzard shad

Family Dorosomatidae (Thread herrings & gizzard shads)

Order Cypriniformes (Carps, minnows, and relatives)

Blacktail Redhorse Blacktail Redhorse (Moxostoma poecilurum).jpg
Blacktail Redhorse

Family Catostomidae (Suckers)

Bigmouth Buffalo Bigmouth Buffalo.jpg
Bigmouth Buffalo

Family Cyprinidae (cyprinids)

Family Leuciscidae (True minnows)

Laurel dace is endemic to Tennessee Laurel dace 02-07-01a.jpg
Laurel dace is endemic to Tennessee
Mountain redbelly dace Chrosomus oreas 1.jpg
Mountain redbelly dace
Central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum 267442747.jpg
Central stoneroller
Rainbow shiner Notropis chrosomus - Wilhelma 01.jpg
Rainbow shiner
Warpaint shiner Warpaint shiner (Luxilus coccogenis).jpg
Warpaint shiner
Taillight shiner Notropis maculatus NC 0885.jpg
Taillight shiner

Family Xenocyprididae (xenocyprins)

Order Siluriformes (Catfishes)

Chucky madtom is endemic to Tennessee Noturus crypticus (Chucky madtom) FWS 13686.jpg
Chucky madtom is endemic to Tennessee
Flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris.jpg
Flathead catfish

Family Ictaluridae (North American freshwater catfishes)

Order Esociformes (Pikes and mudminnows)

Chain pickerel Esox niger (cropped).jpg
Chain pickerel

Family Esocidae (Pikes)

Family Umbridae (Mudminnows)

Order Salmoniformes (Salmon, trout, and whitefish)

Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis - marrabbio2.jpg
Brook trout

Family Salmonidae (Salmons, trouts, and whitefishes)

Order Percopsiformes (Trout-perches)

Family Amblyopsidae (Cavefishes)

Southern cavefish Typhlichthys subterraneus (10.3897-subtbiol.20.9693) Figure 1.jpg
Southern cavefish

Family Aphredoderidae (Pirate perches)

Family Percopsidae (Trout-perches)

Order Cyprinodontiformes (Toothcarps)

Family Fundulidae (Topminnows)

Northern studfish Fundulus catenatus.jpg
Northern studfish

Order Atheriniformes (Silversides)

Family Atherinopsidae (Neotropical silversides)

Inland silverside Menidia beryllina RR 07-29-20 0715 (50182700196).jpg
Inland silverside

Order Scorpaeniformes (Mail-cheeked fishes)

Family Cottidae (Sculpins)

Order Perciformes (Perch-like fish)

Yellow bass Yellow bass - Morone mississippiensis from Rend Lake, IL.jpg
Yellow bass

Family Moronidae (Temperate basses)

Family Centrarchidae (Sunfishes)

Green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus UMFS 2015.jpg
Green sunfish
The Smallmouth bass is the state fish of Tennessee Smallmouth bass 01.jpg
The Smallmouth bass is the state fish of Tennessee
White crappie White crappie 3 odfw (50090877712).jpg
White crappie

Family Percidae (perch & darters)

Slackwater darter Etheostoma boschungi.jpg
Slackwater darter
the Coppercheek darter is endemic to Tennessee Etheostoma aquali.jpg
the Coppercheek darter is endemic to Tennessee
Speckled darter Etheostoma stigmaeum.jpg
Speckled darter
Scaly sand darter Scaly sand darter (Ammocrypta vivax).jpg
Scaly sand darter
Blenny darter Blennius01.jpg
Blenny darter
Gulf darter Etheostoma swaini.jpg
Gulf darter
Slough darter Etheostoma gracile.jpg
Slough darter
The Barrens darter is endemic to Tennessee Etheostoma forbesi.jpg
The Barrens darter is endemic to Tennessee
Mobile logperch Percina kathae.jpg
Mobile logperch
Greenfin darter Etheostoma chlorobranchium 392231519 (cropped).jpg
Greenfin darter
Orangefin darter Etheostoma bellum.jpg
Orangefin darter
Goldline darter GoldlineDarter.jpg
Goldline darter
Walleye Sander vitreus.jpg

Family Sciaenidae (drums)

See also

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  1. Eddy, Stephen (2004). "Book Reviews of the "Southeastern Naturalist", Issue 3/2, 2004". Southeastern Naturalist. 3 (2): 378. JSTOR   3878114.