List of goat breeds

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Goats - farm animals of domestic goat (Capra hircus) species, small ruminants - are widespread throughout the world and are used in almost any natural and climatic conditions, even those where other productive animals cannot live. Different breeds of goats are adapted to different livestock systems - from small herds of 3-5 heads on meager grazing to large intensive livestock farms, from year-round grazing to fully stable housing, with many intermediate variations between them. Goats are a source of several types of products, of which the main ones are milk, meat and wool. Among the goat breeds there are highly productive specialized, dual-triple-use and universal breeds. External differences between breeds are represented by many major and minor traits that vary in a very wide range. Goat breeds (especially dairy goats) are some of the oldest defined animal breeds for which breed standards and production records have been kept. Selective breeding of goats generally focuses on improving production of fiber, meat, dairy products or goatskin. Breeds are generally classified based on their primary use, though there are several breeds which are considered dual- or multi-purpose.



NameImageOther namesOriginPurposeReferences
Abaza Abkhasian, AbkhazskayaTurkey milk, meat
Abergelle [1]
AfarAbyssinian short-eared, Adal, Danakil
Agrupación de las MesetasSpain
Algarvia Portugal
Aljabal Alakhdar Oman
Alpine Chevres alpines au paturage en region Centre.jpg Alpine polychrome, American Alpine, French Alpine French Alps milk
Altai Mountain Altai Republic fiber
Adi KeçiTurkeyfiber, milk
Andaman local
Anglo-Nubian Anglo-Nubian goat & kid, Bristol, England arp.jpg NubianGreat Britainmeat, milk
Angora Quebec angora goat.jpg Central Anatolia Region fiber
Appenzell Appenzell Goat (552849728).jpg Chèvre d’Appenzell, AppenzellerziegeSwitzerlandmilk
Aradi Ardi12345.jpg Aardi, A'ardiyah [1]
Arapawa Arapawa dairy goat.jpg Arapawa Island Goat Arapaoa Island meat, milk
Argentata dell'Etna Sicily milk
Arsi-Bale Ethiopia
Asmari GujeriAfghanistanpack, meat, milk, fiber
Assam Hill India [2]
AswadSaudi Arabia [1]
Attappady blackIndia [3]
AttaouiaMorocco [1]
Auckland Island Auckland Island meat [4]
Australian brownAustralia [5]
Australian Cashmere Australian cashmere goat.png Australiafiber
Australian Heritage AngoraAustralia [6]
Australian MelaanAustralia [7]
Australian Miniature Australian Miniature Goat Bouncing Hooves Elle McPherson.jpg AustraliaPet, milk [8]
Azpi Gorri
AzulNE Brazil [1]
Bagot Bagot goat Staunton Park.JPG England
Banatian White Banat
Barbari Barbari Goat.JPG India, Pakistanmeat[ citation needed ]
Beetal Beetal Goat.JPG Punjab region meat, milk
Belgian Fawn Belgiummilk
BenadirSouthern Somaliameat, milk
BhujNortheastern Brazilmeat, milk
Bilberry Bilberry Goat resting (bad quality).JPG Waterford
Bionda dell'Adamello Bionda adamello3.JPG Lombardy milk
Black Bengal Black Bengal Goat 00812.JPG India, Bangladeshmeat, goatskin
Boer Boerbok.jpg Africander, AfrikanerSouth Africameat
British Alpine Goat at Offley - - 245154.jpg Englandmilk
Brown ShorthairCzech Republicmilk
Canary IslandAgrupación caprina canaria Canary Islands milk
Canindé Northeastern Brazilmeat
Carpathian Southeast Europemeat, milk
Chyangra Nepal (High mountains) Himalayas Wool, meat
Chamba Himalaya
Chamois Coloured Gamse mit Glocke.JPG ChamoiséeSwitzerlandmeat, milk
Changthangi Pashmina goats.jpg Bamar, Pashmina Tibet, Southwest China, Myanmarfiber, meat, milk
Chappar Sindh meat
Charnequeira Portugalmeat, milk
Chengde Polled Northern Hebei fiber, meat
Chengdu Brown Sichuan meat, milk
Chigu Indiafiber, meat
ChuéNortheastern Brazilmeat
Corsican Corsica milk
Dera Din Panah Pakistanmilk
Damascus Aleppo, Baladi, Chami, Damascene, Halep, ShamiSyriamilk
Danish Landrace Hjerl Hede - goat.jpg Denmarkmilk
Don Don River milk, goatskin, fiber
Drežnica Drezhnica goat (cropped).JPG Slovenia milk, meat [9]
Duan Guangxi meat
Dutch Landrace Nederlandse Landgeit Bok2.jpg Netherlandsmilk
Dutch Toggenburg Netherlandsmilk
Erzgebirge Erzgebirgsziege mit Kitz.JPG Saxony milk
Fainting Fainted.jpg MyotonicUnited Statesmeat
Flemish Belgiummilk, meatVlaamse geit | Steunpunt Levend Erfgoed (
Frisa Valtellinese Frisa.JPG Italymeat
Finnish Landrace Finnish Landrace goat in winter.jpg Finlandmilk
Garganica Agrigentina Gargano milk, goatskin
Girgentana GirgentanaZiegen 04.jpg Northern Afghanistan, Balochistan, and Kashmir milk
Golden Guernsey Golden Guernsey goats eat pumpkin.jpg Guernsey milk
Grisons Striped Alte Strahlenziege beim fressen.JPG Switzerlandmilk
Guddi Himalayas [10]
Hailun Heilongjiang milk
Haimen Zhejiang meat
Hasi Northeastern Albaniameat, milk
Hejazi Arabian Peninsula meat
Hexi Cashmere Northern Gansu fiber
Hongtong Hongdong County milk
Huaipi Henan meat
Huaitoutala Qinghai Animal fiber
Hungarian Improved Hungarymilk
Icelandic Icelandic goats.jpg SettlementIcelandfiber, meat
Irish Irish Goat.jpg Irelandmeat, milk
Jamnapari Jamnapari goat.jpg Jamunapari Indiamilk[ citation needed ]
Jining Grey Shandong fiber, goatskin
Jonica Province of Taranto milk
Kaghani Hazara meat
Kalahari Red Dikkes -Original Resolution-.jpg South Africameat
Kalbian Kalbian Charles (Charlie Goat).jpg Australiameat
Kamori Kamori (male).jpg Sindh milk
Kempic KempenseBelgiummilkKempense geit | Steunpunt Levend Erfgoed (
Kinder Kinder Goat Herd.jpg United Statesmeat, milk
Kiko Kiko goat with kid USA 2011.jpg New Zealandmeat
Korean Black Koreameat
Kri-kri Kri kri.jpg Cretan, Agrimi, or Cretan Ibex Eastern Mediterranean meat
American Lamancha Tortuga ADGA Natl Show 2006.jpg LamanchaUnited Statesmeat, milk
Laoshan Shandong milk
Majorera Goat - El Cofete - Jandia - Fuerteventura - 03.jpg Fuerteventura Canary Islands milk
Malabari Goat by Sans.jpg Tellicherry goat Malabar region Meat, milk [11]
Maltese Malta - Siggiewi - Triq Lapsi 08 ies.jpg Maltamilk
Massif Central Francemilk, Meat
Markhoz bz dr bG wHsh yrn-domestic goat in zoo iran.jpg Maraz Kurdistan Mohair, milk
Messinese MessineseGoatBuck.JPG Nebrodi Province of Messina milk [12]
Mini Oberhasli Aberdeen-door.jpg Oberian, Miniature OberhasliPacific Northwest USmilk
Moxotó Northeastern Brazilmeat
Murcia-Granada Cabra murciano-granadina - panoramio.jpg Murciano GranadinaSoutheastern Spainmilk
Murciana Murcian, Murcien, Murciene, Royal Murciana Murcia meat, milk
Nachi Punjab region meat
Nigerian Dwarf NigerianDwarfDairyGoat.jpg West Africamilk
Nigora EARLY ANGBA NIGORA GOATS.jpg United Statesfiber, milk [13]
Nera Verzasca Capra Nera di Verzasca.jpg Switzerlandmeat, milk
Norwegian Roadblock 03.jpg Norwaymeat, milk
Oberhasli Oberhasli Goat face.jpg Swiss Alpine Oberhasli milk
Orobica Razza orobica abc5.JPG Bergamo Alps milk
Peacock Pfauenziege.jpg Switzerlandmilk
Pinzgauer Pinzgauer Ziegen auf Bergweide in Rauris, Land Salzburg, Osterreich 08.JPG Austriameat
Philippine Philippinesmeat
Poitou Poitou.jpg Western Francemilk
Pridonskaya Russiamilk, Meat, Wool [14]
Pygmy Pygmy Goats Seattle Zoo.jpg African pygmy, American pygmyCameroonmeat, milk, Pet
Pygora Oregon Zoo White Goat.jpg Oregon City fiber
Pyrenean Chevre Pyreneenne.JPG France and Spainmeat, milk
Qinshan Jining goatskin
Red Boer Boer goat at Kalakamati Farm 6.jpg South Africameat, Pet
Red MediterraneanSyriamilk [15]
Sokoto Red Red Sokoto Goats by Buhari Habibu.jpg Maradi Red, Red SokotoNigeria and Niger RepublicMeat, Skin, milk [16] [17]
Repartida Northeastern Brazilmeat
Rove Chevres Rove BdRhone.jpg Francemeat
Russian White White goat at Rizopolozhensky Convent in Suzdal.jpg Russiamilk
Saanen Saanenziege.jpg Saanen milk
Sable Saanen United Statesmilk
Sahelian Sahel Goat By Buhari Habibu.jpg SahelSahel Belt of West AfricaMeat [18]
Valdostana Razza Valdostana abc2.JPG Italymeat, milk
Sahelian West Africa Goatskin, meat, milk
San Clemente Island San Clemente goat kids.jpg San Clemente Island
Sarda Sardinia milk
Short-eared Somali Abgal
Sirohi Spotted Sirohi.jpg Ajmeri, Devgarhi,ParvatsariSirohi

Ajmer, Nagaur, Tonk, Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Chitorgarh, Udaipur, Rajasamand, Bhilwara, Jaipur and other districts of Rajasthan (India)

Meat and milk
Swedish Landrace Northern Swedenmilk
Somali Somgts1.jpg Somalia, Djibouti and northeastern Kenyamilk, meat, goatskin
Spanish U Wash - goats 04.jpg Brush, scrubSpainmeat
Stiefelgeiss Stiefelgeiss.jpg St. Gallen meat
Surati Maharashtra
Syrian Jabali Syrian Mountain
Tauernscheck Tauernschecken Stubing 062.jpg Austriamilk
Thuringian Thueringerwaldziege.jpg Thuringia milk
Toggenburg Toggenburger.jpg Toggenburg milk
Uzbek Black Uzbekistanfiber
Valais Blackneck Wallische bok.jpg Southern Switzerlandmeat, milk
Vatani Afghan native black
Verata Fegasur17verata.jpg Vera meat, milk
West African Dwarf Kabala goats.jpg African dwarf West and Central Africa
White Shorthaired Koza domaci (zoo Vyskov- czech republic).JPG Czech Republicmilk
Xinjiang Xinjiang, China (27637339303).jpg Xinjiang fiber, meat, milk [19] [20]
Xuhai Jiangsu meat
Yemen MountainYemen
Zalawadi Tara bakari Gujarat fiber, meat, milk
Zhiwulin Black Shaanxi fiber, meat [21] [20]
Zhongwei Chung-wei, Chaungway, Chzhun'veiskayaChinafiber, Pelt

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nigora</span> American breed of goat

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The Damascus goat, also known as Aleppo, Halep, Baladi, Damascene, Shami, or Chami, is a breed of goat. It originated in Syria and was imported by the Antoniades family and the British into Cyprus during the 1920s, where it has been selectively bred. It is a good producer of both milk and meat, so has been given a high priority by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Goat</span> Domesticated mammal (Capra hircus)

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Beetal</span> Breed of goat

The Beetal goat is a breed from the Punjab region of India and Pakistan is used for milk and meat production. It is similar to the Jamnapari goat and the Malabari goat.

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The Finnish Landrace, also called the Finngoat, is a landrace-derived breed of goat originating in western Finland. The breed can come in a variety of colors but is usually grey, pied, or white, and both horned and polled individuals occur. Finnish Landrace goats are typically used for milking, as there is not a strong tradition of goat meat in Finnish cuisine, unlike in southern Europe. Finngoats are the only breed of goat native to Finland, and originate from native goats crossed with other European imports, especially from Switzerland.

The Zhongwei (Chung-wei) is a breed of goat from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Gansu Province of China. It lives on arid desert steppes, and is adapted to a diet of salty and sandy plants and shrubs. It is used primarily for the production of kid pelts, and secondarily for cashmere fiber. The breed has low genetic variability, likely due to the historic selection of pelt production traits. It is closely related to the Funiu White, Hexi Cashmere, Luliang Black, and Taihang breeds.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Malabari goat</span> Indian breed of goat

The Malabari or Tellicherry is an Indian breed of domestic goat. It is bred in the Malabar district of Kerala, and are sometimes called '. They are bred mostly for meat, but it also produces milk. Females weigh an average of 30.68kg while males weigh 41.20kg, and their coats are white, black, or piebald. Although they are similar to the Beetal goat, Malabari goats weigh less, have shorter ears and legs, and have larger testicles. There was an effort to crossbreed the Malabari goats with Boer goats, but this practice is controversial.

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Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is a Gram-positive bacterium known to infect ruminants, horses, and – rarely – people. It is a facultative anaerobic organism that is catalase-positive and capable of beta-hemolysis. In small ruminants, C. pseudotuberculosis causes a disease called caseous lymphadenitis, which is characterized by pyogranulomatous abscess formation. In general, the bacterium causes lesions of the skin, lymph nodes, and internal organs. A disease known as ulcerative lymphagenitis can also result from infection with C. pseudotuberculosis in the distal limbs of horses. This bacterium uses the virulence factors phospholipase D and mycolic acid to damage eukaryotic cell walls and resist phagocytic lysosomal degradation, respectively. Infection with this bacterium is often confirmed by bacterial culture of the purulent exudate. Once the diagnosis has been made, treatment of the infection can begin, but this is difficult due to the nature of the organism and the lesions it forms. Specifically, C. pseudotuberculosis is intrinsically resistant to streptomycin, with varying resistance to penicillin and neomycin depending on the strain. It has been shown to be susceptible to ampicillin, gentamicin, tetracycline, lincomycin, and chloramphenicol. Vaccines have also been produced to develop acquired immunity to this infection.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Porter, Valerie (2002). Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties.
  2. "Breeds of Goat". Assam Small Farmers' Agri-Business Consortium. 2005. Archived from the original on 4 December 2017. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
  3. "Attappady Black Goats". Vechur Conservation Trust.
  4. "Auckland Island Goats: A Rare Breed of New Zealand Origin". New Zealand Rare Breeds. Retrieved December 23, 2012.
  5. "The Australian Brown". Dairy Goat Society of Australia. Archived from the original on 2019-01-07. Retrieved 2015-10-10.
  6. "Australian Heritage Angora Goats – PAIRS". Erinac.
  7. "The Australian Melaan". Dairy Goat Society of Australia. Archived from the original on 2019-01-12. Retrieved 2015-10-10.
  8. "MGBAA". Miniature Goat Breeders Association of Australia.
  9. "Drežniška koza / Slovenia (Goat)". Archived from the original on 2021-09-30. Retrieved 2021-11-10.
  10. Dr. Vijaya Salunke (2007). "Animal Resources". India: Human Environment. Geography Standard (Grade) IX. Pune: Secretary Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. p. 31.
  11. Verma, N; Dixit, S P; Dangi, P.s; Aggarwal, Rajeev; Kumar, Santhu; Joshi, B.K. (2009-08-01). "Malabari goats: Characterization, management, performance and genetic variability". Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 79: 813–818.
  12. "Messinese" (in Italian). Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia. Archived from the original on February 19, 2012. Retrieved December 23, 2012.
  13. "American Nigora Goat Breeders Association". American Nigora Goat Breeders Association. Retrieved December 23, 2012.
  14. "Pridonskaya goats". GeoMedia.Top. Retrieved 2 July 2017.
  15. "Rossa Mediterranea o Derivata di Siria" (in Spanish). Retrieved December 23, 2012.
  16. Habibu, B.; Kawu, M.U.; Makun, H.J.; Aluwong, T.; Yaqub, L.S. (December 2016). "Seasonal variation in body mass index, cardinal physiological variables and serum thyroid hormones profiles in relation to susceptibility to thermal stress in goat kids". Small Ruminant Research. 145: 20–27. doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2016.10.023. ISSN   0921-4488.
  17. Gall, C. (1996). Goat Breeds of the World. Margraf Publishing, Weikersheim,Germa.
  18. Habibu, B.; Kawu, M.U.; Makun, H.J.; Aluwong, T.; Yaqub, L.S. (December 2016). "Seasonal variation in body mass index, cardinal physiological variables and serum thyroid hormones profiles in relation to susceptibility to thermal stress in goat kids". Small Ruminant Research. 145: 20–27. doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2016.10.023. ISSN   0921-4488.
  19. Breed data sheet: Xinjiang/China. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed June 2014.
  20. 1 2 Porter, Valerie (ed.), Ian Lauder Mason (2002). Mason's world dictionary of livestock breeds, types, and varieties 5th edition. Wallingford: CABI ISBN   085199430X. p. 160.
  21. Breed data sheet: Ziwuling Black/China. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed June 2014.
