Political party strength in Mississippi

Last updated

The following table indicates the party of elected officials in the U.S. state of Mississippi:


The table also indicates the historical party composition in the:

For years in which a presidential election was held, the table indicates which party's nominees received the state's electoral votes.

Pre-statehood (1798–1817)

YearExecutive offices Territorial Legislature U.S. Congress
Governor Secretary of State Attorney General Senate House Delegate
1798 Winthrop Sargent (F) John Steele
1799 Lyman Harding
William C. C. Claiborne (DR) Narsworthy Hunter (DR)
1802 Thomas M. Green Jr. (DR)
1803 Cato West George Poindexter (DR) William Lattimore (DR)
1805 Thomas Hill Williams (DR)
Robert Williams (DR)
1806 Cowles Mead (DR)
1807 Thomas Hill Williams (DR) George Poindexter (DR)
David Holmes (DR)
1810 Henry Dangerfield
1813 William Lattimore (DR)
1815 Nathaniel A. Ware
Mississippi admitted to the Union on December 10, 1817


YearExecutive offices State Legislature United States Congress Electoral
Governor Lt. Governor Secretary of State Attorney General Auditor Treasurer Senate House Senator (Class I) Senator (Class II) House
1817 David Holmes (DR) [a] Duncan Stewart (DR) Daniel Williams Lyman Harding John R. Girault Samuel Brooks [ ? ] Walter Leake (DR) Thomas Hill Williams (DR) George
1818 Peter Schuyler
1819 Christopher
1820 George Poindexter (DR) James Patton (DR) Edward Turner Monroe/
Tompkins (DR)Green check.svg
David Holmes (DR)
1821 John A. Grimball Thomas Buck Reed (DR) John Richards Samuel C. Wooldridge
1822 Walter Leake (DR) [b] David Dickson (DR) Hiram Runnels (DR)
1824 Gerard Brandon (DR) Jackson (DR)Red x.svg /
Calhoun (DR)Green check.svg
1825 Richard Stockton David Holmes (J) Thomas Hill Williams (J) Christopher
Gerard Brandon (D) [c] vacant Hiram Runnels (D) Powhatan Ellis (J)
1826 David Holmes (D) [d] Gerard Brandon (D) Thomas Buck Reed (J)
Gerard Brandon (D)vacant William
1827 Powhatan Ellis (J)
1828 Abram M. Scott (NR) George Adams (D) James Phillips Jr. Jackson/
Calhoun (D)Green check.svg
1829 Robert H. Buckner (D) Thomas Buck Reed (J) Thomas
1830 R. M. Gaines (D) Thomas B. J. Hadley Robert H. Adams (J)
George Poindexter (J)
1831 George Poindexter (NR) Franklin E.
1832 Abram M. Scott (NR) [b] Fountain Winston (D) Jackson/
Buren (D)Green check.svg
1833no such office [e] David C. Dickson (NR) John H. Mallory John Black (J)2J
Charles Lynch (NR) [f] vacant
1834 Hiram Runnels (D) M. D. Patton (D) John Black (NR)
1835 Barry W. Benson (D) Robert J. Walker (J)1J, 1NR
John A. Quitman (W) [f]
1836 Charles Lynch (W) Charles C. Mayson 2J Buren/
Johnson (D)Green check.svg
1837 T. F. Collins (D) A. B. Saunders John Black (W) Robert J. Walker (D)2D
1838 Alexander McNutt (D) James Phillips Jr. 17D, 13W53D, 36W, 1? James F. Trotter (D)2W
J. A. Vanhoesen Thomas Hickman Williams (D)
1839 Thomas B. Woodward (D) Silas Brown John Henderson (W)2D
S. Craig
James G. Williams
1840 Joshua S. Curtis 18D, 12W54D, 36W, 1? Harrison/
Tyler (W)Green check.svg
1841 L. G. Galloway (W) John D. Freeman (D) Richard S. Graves
1842 Tilghman Tucker (D) J. E. Matthews 21D, 11W60D, 38W
1843 Wilson Hemingway William Clark 4D
1844 Albert G. Brown (D)20D, 12W66D, 32W, 1? Polk/
Dallas (D)Green check.svg
1845 Jesse Speight (D) Joseph W. Chalmers (D)
184623D, 9W70D, 29W
1847 Samuel Stamps (D) George T. Swann (D) Richard Griffith (D) Henry S. Foote (D)3D, 1W
Jefferson Davis (D)
1848 Joseph W. Matthews (D)25D, 7W73D, 25W, 1? Cass/
Butler (D)Red x.svg
1850 John A. Quitman (D) [g] Joseph Bell (D)20D, 10W, 2?62D, 36W, 1?
1851 John Isaac Guion (D) [h] Daniel R. Russell William Clark 3U, 1D
James Whitfield (D) [f]
1852 Henry S. Foote (UD) [i] James A. Horne (U) John D. Freeman (U)21SR, 11U63SR, 35U, 1? John J. McRae (D) Walker Brooke (W) Pierce/
King (D)Green check.svg
Stephen Adams (D)
1853 David C. Glenn (D)5D
1854 John J. Pettus (D) [f] William H. Muse (D) Shields L. Hussey 20D, 10W, 1U97D, 19W, 8U, 2? Albert G. Brown (D)
John J. McRae (D)
1855 A. B. Dilworth (D) Madison McAfee 4D, 1KN
1856[ ? ][ ? ] Buchanan/
Breckinridge (D)Green check.svg
1857 T. J. Wharton (D) Jefferson Davis (D)5D
William McWillie (D)
185885D, 19O
1859 Erasmus Burt (D)
John J. Pettus (D)
1860 B. R. Webb [b] M. D. Haynes 27D, 4O86D, 14O Breckinridge/
Lane (SD)Red x.svg
1861 C. A. Brougher A. B. Dilworth (D) Civil War/Reconstruction
1862 A. J. Gillespie [ ? ]
Charles Clark (D) [j]
1865 Alexander Warner (R) Charles E. Hooker (D) Thomas T. Swann W. B. Weaver
William L. Sharkey (NP) [k]
Benjamin G. Humphreys (D) [l] C. A. Brougher John H. Echols
186617W, 13D, 1?52W, 39D, 7 other
Adelbert Ames (M) [k] [m] Jasper Myers (D)
1869 Henry Musgrove (R) Henry Musgrove (R) William H. Vassar
1870 James D. Lynch (R) Joshua S. Morris (D)26R, 7D82R, 25D Adelbert Ames (R) Hiram R. Revels (R)5R
James L. Alcorn (R) [n] Ridgley C. Powers (R)
1872 Ridgley C. Powers (R) [c] Alexander Kelso Davis (R) Hiram R. Revels (R)23R, 14D65R, 50D James L. Alcorn (R) Grant/
Wilson (R)Green check.svg
1873 Hannibal C. Carter (R)5R, 1D
M. M. McLeod (R)


YearExecutive offices State Legislature United States Congress Electoral
Governor Lt. Governor Secretary
of State
Attorney General Auditor Treasurer Comm. of Ag.
and Commerce
Comm. of Ins.Land Comm. Senate House Senator
(Class I)
(Class II)
1874 Adelbert Ames (R) [o] Alexander Kelso Davis (R) James Hill (R) George E. Harris (R) William H. Gibbs George H. Holland (R)no such officeno such officeno such office23R, 14D68R, 44D, 3 vac. Henry R. Pease (R) James L. Alcorn (R)5R, 1D
1875 M. L. Holland Blanche Bruce (R)4D, 2R
1876 William L. Hemingway 25D, 11R, 1IR97D, 19R Tilden/
Hendricks (D)Red x.svg
John Marshall Stone (D) [p] vacant
1877 John M. Smylie Lucius Q. C. Lamar (D)6D
1878 William H. Sims (D) Kinloch Falconer (D) Thomas C. Catchings (D) Sylvester Gwin (D)36D, 2R109D, 8R, 3Fus
D. P. Porter (D)
1879 Henry C. Myers (D)
188035D, 2G, 1R101D, 14G, 5R Hancock/
English (D)Red x.svg
1881 James Z. George (D)
1882 Robert Lowry (D) G. D. Shands (D)35D, 2R100D, 15R, 3ID, 2GB5D, 1R
18835D, 1R, 1I
1884 P. M. Doherty (D)33D, 3R, 1I100D, 13R, 4GB, 3I Cleveland/
Hendricks (D)Green check.svg
1885 Thomas S. Ford (D) Edward C. Walthall (D)7D
1886 George M. Govan (D) T. Marshall Miller (D) W. W. Stone (D) John R. Enochs (D)39D, 1R119D, 9R, 2I
1888 J. W. McMaster (D)40D111D, 7R, 2I Cleveland/
Thurman (D)Red x.svg
1890 John Marshall Stone (D) M. M. Evans (D) J. J. Evans (D) Edgar S. Wilson (D)113D, 7R
189245D129D, 3R, 1I Cleveland/
Stevenson (D)Green check.svg
1893 Frank Johnston (D)
1894 Anselm J. McLaurin (D)
1895 Edward C. Walthall (D)
1896 Anselm J. McLaurin (D) J. H. Jones (D) John Logan Power (D) William N. Nash (D) W. D. Holder (D) A. Q. May (D) John M. Simonton (D)131D, 2R Bryan/
Sewall (D)Green check.svg
1897 Hernando Money (D)
1898 Edwin H. Nall (D)
William V. Sullivan (D)
1900 Andrew H. Longino (D) James T. Harrison (D) Monroe McClurg (D) William Q. Cole (D) J. R. Stowers (D)131D, 2R Bryan/
Stevenson (D)Red x.svg
1901 Joseph Withers Power (D) George W. Carlisle (D) Anselm J. McLaurin (D)
1902 Thad B. Lampton (D) William Q. Cole (D)
1903 William Williams (D)8D
1904 James K. Vardaman (D) John Prentiss Carter (D) Thomas Monroe Henry (D) William J. Miller (D)133D Parker/
Davis (D)Red x.svg
1906 Henry E. Blakeslee (D)
1907 Robert Virgil Fletcher (D)
1908 Edmond Noel (D) Luther Manship (D) J. Bowman Sterling (D) Elias J. Smith (D) George R. Edwards (D) Thomas Monroe Henry (D) Bryan/
Kern (D)Red x.svg
1909 James L. Gillespie (D)
1910 Shepherd S. Hudson (D) James Gordon (D)
LeRoy Percy (D)
1911 John Sharp Williams (D)
1912 Earl L. Brewer (D) Theodore G. Bilbo (D) Ross A. Collins (D) Duncan L. Thompson (D) Peter Simpson Stovall (D) Mark A. Brown (D) Wilson/
Marshall (D)Green check.svg
1913 James K. Vardaman (D)
1916 Theodore G. Bilbo (D) Lee M. Russell (D) Robert E. Wilson (D) John Peroutt Taylor (D) Peter P. Garner (D)
1919 Pat Harrison (D)
1920 Lee M. Russell (D) Homer Casteel (D) Frank Roberson (D) W. J. Miller (D) Larkin S. Rodgers (D)49D140D Cox/
Roosevelt (D)Red x.svg
1921 William M. Murry (D) R. D. Moore (D)
1923 C. D. Potter (D) Hubert D. Stephens (D)
1924 Henry L. Whitfield (D) [b] Dennis Murphree (D) Rush H. Knox (D) George D. Riley (D) Ben S. Lowry (D) Davis/
Bryan (D)Red x.svg
1926 Walker Wood (D)
Dennis Murphree (D) [c] vacant
1928 Theodore G. Bilbo (D) Clayton B. Adams (D) George T. Mitchell (D) C. C. White (D) Webb Walley (D) J. C. Holton (D) Ben S. Lowry (D) Smith/
Robinson (D)Red x.svg
1932 Martin Sennet Conner (D) Dennis Murphree (D) Greek L. Rice (D) Joe S. Price (D) Lewis S. May (D) George D. Riley (D) Roosevelt/
Garner (D)Green check.svg
1935 Theodore G. Bilbo (D)
1936 Hugh L. White (D) Jacob Buehler Snider (D) Carl Craig (D) Newton James (D) J. S. Williams (D)
1940 Paul B. Johnson Sr. (D) [b] Dennis Murphree (D) James M. Causey (D) Lewis S. May (D) Si Corley (D) Roosevelt/
Wallace (D)Green check.svg
1941 Guy McCullen (D) James Eastland (D)
Wall Doxey (D)
1943 James Eastland (D)
Dennis Murphree (D) [c] vacant
1944 Thomas L. Bailey (D) [b] Fielding L. Wright (D) Bert J. Barnett (D) Newton James (D) Roosevelt/
Truman (D)Green check.svg
Fielding L. Wright (D) [q] vacant
1947 John C. Stennis (D)
1948 Sam Lumpkin (D) Heber Austin Ladner (D) Carl Craig (D) R. W. May (D) Jesse L. White (D) W. L. McGahey (D) Thurmond/
Wright (Dix)Red x.svg
1952 Hugh L. White (D) Carroll Gartin (D) James P. Coleman (D) William D. Neal (D) Newton James (D) Walter D. Davis (D) Stevenson/
Sparkman (D)Red x.svg
1956 James P. Coleman (D) Joseph Turner Patterson (D) E. Boyd Golding (D) Robert D. Morrow Sr. (D) Bob Graham (D) Stevenson/
Kefauver (D)Red x.svg
1960 Ross Barnett (D) Paul B. Johnson Jr. (D) William D. Neal (D) Evelyn Gandy (D) Byrd/
Thurmond (Dix)Red x.svg
1963139D, 1R [r] 5D
1964 Paul B. Johnson Jr. (D) Carroll Gartin (D) Hamp King (D) William F. Winter (D)51D, 1R [s] 120D, 2R Goldwater/
Miller (R)Red x.svg
19654D, 1R
1968 John Bell Williams (D) Charles L. Sullivan (D) Evelyn Gandy (D) Jim Buck Ross (D) Watt Carter (D)52D122D Wallace/
LeMay (AI)Red x.svg
1969 A. F. Summer (D)
1972 Bill Waller (D) William F. Winter (D) Brad Dye (D) Evelyn Gandy (D)50D, 2R119D, 3R Nixon/
Agnew (R)Green check.svg
19733D, 2R
1976 Cliff Finch (D) Evelyn Gandy (D) Edwin L. Pittman (D) George Dale (D) John Ed Ainsworth (D)118D, 4R Carter/
Mondale (D)Green check.svg
1978 Thad Cochran (R) [t]


YearExecutive offices State Legislature United States Congress Electoral
Governor Lt. Governor Secretary
of State
Auditor Treasurer Comm. of Ag.
and Commerce
of Ins.
Senate House Senator (Class I) Senator (Class II) House
1980 William F. Winter (D) Brad Dye (D) Edwin L. Pittman (D) William Allain (D) Hamp King (D) John L. Dale (D) Jim Buck Ross (D) George Dale (D)48D, 4R116D, 6R John C. Stennis (D) Thad Cochran (R)3D, 2R Reagan/
Bush (R)Green check.svg
1981 William J. Cole (D)
4D, 1R
19833D, 2R
1984 William Allain (D) Dick Molpus (D) Edwin L. Pittman (D) Ray Mabus (D)49D, 3R
19874D, 1R
1988 Ray Mabus (D) Mike Moore (D) Pete Johnson (D) Marshall G.
45D, 7R113D, 9R Bush/
Quayle (R)Green check.svg
1989 Pete Johnson (R) [u] Trent Lott (R)
1992 Kirk Fordice (R) Eddie Briggs (R) Steve Patterson (D)43D, 9R98D, 24R Bush/
Quayle (R)Red x.svg
199339D, 13R [v] 93D, 29R [v]
19954D, 1R
1996 Ronnie Musgrove (D) Eric Clark (D) Lester Spell (D)34D, 18R86D, 33R, 3I3D, 2R Dole/
Kemp (R)Red x.svg
Phil Bryant (R) [w]
19973R, 2D
19993D, 2R
2000 Ronnie Musgrove (D) Amy Tuck (D) Bush/
Cheney (R)Green check.svg
Amy Tuck (R) [u]
2003 Peyton Prospere (D) [x] 29D, 23R [y] 81D, 38R, 3I [z] 2D, 2R
2004 Haley Barbour (R) Jim Hood (D) Tate Reeves (R)76D, 46R
200528D, 24R [aa] 75D, 47R [1]
Lester Spell (R) [u]
200727R, 25D [ab]
2008 Phil Bryant (R) Delbert
Stacey Pickering (R) Mike Chaney (R)27D, 25R [aa] Roger Wicker (R) [w] 3D, 1R McCain/
Palin (R)Red x.svg
74D, 48R [ac] [2]
200973D, 49R [ac]
201127R, 25D [ad] 68D, 54R [ae] 3R, 1D
2012 Phil Bryant (R) Tate Reeves (R) Lynn Fitch (R) Cindy
31R, 21D [aa] 64R, 58D [ac] Romney/
Ryan (R)Red x.svg
201332R, 20D [aa] 65R, 57D [ac]
201466R, 56D [ac]
201566R, 55D, 1 vac. [3]
67R, 55D
201674R, 48D [4] Trump/
Pence (R)Green check.svg
201733R, 19D
Andy Gipson (R) [x] Cindy
(R) [x]
Shad White (R) [x]
201974R, 45D, 2I, 1 vac. [af]
2020 Tate Reeves (R) Delbert
Michael Watson (R) Lynn Fitch (R) David McRae (R)36R, 16D75R, 44D, 3I [ag] Trump/
Pence (R)Red x.svg
202176R, 44D, 2I [ah]
202277R, 42D, 3I [ai]
202479R, 41D, 2I[ to be determined ]
Key to party colors and abbreviations for members of the U.S. Congress and other politicians or officials
Alaskan Independence (AKIP)
Know Nothing (KN)
American Labor (AL)
Anti-Jacksonian (Anti-J)
National Republican (NR)
Anti-Administration (AA)
Anti-Masonic (Anti-M)
Conservative (Con)
Covenant (Cov)
Democratic (D)
Democratic–Farmer–Labor (DFL)
Democratic–NPL (D-NPL)
Dixiecrat (Dix),
States' Rights (SR)
Democratic-Republican (DR)
Farmer–Labor (FL)
Federalist (F)
Pro-Administration (PA)
Free Soil (FS)
Fusion (Fus)
Greenback (GB)
Independence (IPM)
Independent Democrat (ID)
Independent Republican (IR)
Jacksonian (J)
Liberal (Lib)
Libertarian (L)
National Union (NU)
Nonpartisan League (NPL)
Nullifier (N)
Opposition Northern (O)
Opposition Southern (O)
Populist (Pop)
Progressive (Prog)
Prohibition (Proh)
Readjuster (Rea)
Republican (R)
Silver (Sv)
Silver Republican (SvR)
Socialist (Soc)
Union (U)
Unconditional Union (UU)
Vermont Progressive (VP)
Whig (W)
Independent (I)
Nonpartisan (NP)
  1. Inaugurated as the first state governor on October 7, 1817, but Mississippi did not officially become a state until December 10, 1817.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Died in office.
  3. 1 2 3 4 As lieutenant governor, filled unexpired term.
  4. Resigned due to illness.
  5. The office was abolished by the Constitution of 1832, and the duties of president of the Senate were incorporated into a separate office. The Constitution of 1869 re-established the office of lieutenant governor, which also re-assumed the duties of the presidency of the Senate.
  6. 1 2 3 4 As president of the state Senate, filled unexpired term.
  7. Resigned following an arrest for violating neutrality laws by assisting with the liberation of Cuba. He was found not guilty, but the political fallout led to his resignation.
  8. As president of the Senate, filled term until his Senate term expired.
  9. Resigned due to political tension over secession.
  10. Term effectively ended when he was arrested by Union forces.
  11. 1 2 Appointed as provisional governor by President Andrew Johnson following the end of the American Civil War.
  12. Forced to resign and physically removed from office by federal forces after his government failed to comply with Reconstruction.
  13. Left office as Reconstruction ended.
  14. Resigned to take an elected seat in the United States Senate; Alcorn's senate term began March 4, 1871 but he delayed taking it, preferring to continue as governor.
  15. Impeached; made a deal with the state legislature to resign, and all charges were dropped.
  16. Since both the Governor and Lieutenant Governor had been impeached, the former resigning and the latter being removed from office, Stone, as president of the Senate, was next in line for the governorship. Filled unexpired term and was later elected in his own right.
  17. As lieutenant governor, filled unexpired term, and was later elected in his own right.
  18. Lewis McAllister won a special election became the first Republican to win a seat in the Mississippi House of Representatives in the 20th Century.
  19. Seelig Wise became the first Republican to win a seat in the Mississippi Senate in the 20th Century during the 1963 general election.
  20. Elected in November 1978 then appointed by Governor to vacancy caused by resignation of his predecessor.
  21. 1 2 3 Switched parties.
  22. 1 2 Due to pre-clearance issues with the Department of Justice over the Voting Rights Act with unconstitutional redistricting, federal courts forced a second election for the whole legislature in 1992 for a three-year term.
  23. 1 2 Initially appointed to fill vacancy; later elected.
  24. 1 2 3 4 Appointed to fill vacancy.
  25. Four senators, Terry Burton, Videt Carmichael, George "Tommy" Dickerson, and Travis Little, switched parties from Democratic to Republican before the 2003 session. A special election, brought on by the resignation of Democrat John White, flipped another seat when Republican Charles Walden won to succeed him before the session.
  26. Five representatives, Larry Baker, Jim Barnett, Herb Frierson, Frank Hamilton, and John Read, switched parties from Democratic to Republican.
  27. 1 2 3 4 One senator switched parties from Democratic to Republican.
  28. Senators James Walley and Tommy Gollott switched parties from Democratic to Republican, flipping control of the chamber.
  29. 1 2 3 4 5 One representative switched parties from Democratic to Republican.
  30. Senators Cindy Hyde-Smith and Ezell Lee switched parties from Democratic to Republican.
  31. Four representatives, C. Scott Bounds, Bobby Shows, Russ Nowell, and Margaret Rogers, switched parties from Democratic to Republican between the 2010 and 2011 sessions of the legislature. After the session, Rep. Jeff Smith switched parties from Democratic to Republican to run in the general election.
  32. At the filing deadline for the general election, Democratic Rep. Nick Bain (District 2) switched parties to the Republicans, and Democratic Reps. Steve Holland (District 16) and Angela Cockerham (District 96) switched to become Independents; [5] Rep. Cory T. Wilson (R-73) resigned after appointment to the Mississippi Court of Appeals. His seat remained vacant until the general election in November. [6]
  33. After the 2019 election, two Democratic representatives left the party and registered as Independents.
  34. Kevin Horan switched his affiliation from Independent to Republican.
  35. Jon Ray Lancaster switched parties from Democratic to Republican. Shanda Yates left the Democratic party and registered as an Independent.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1978 United States Senate elections</span>

The 1978 United States Senate elections were held on November 7, in the middle of Democratic President Jimmy Carter's term. The 33 seats of Class 2 were contested in regular elections. Special elections were also held to fill vacancies.

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Washington ratified its constitution and held its first state elections in 1889, the year it was admitted to the union as a state. It established the positions of governor, lieutenant governor, Secretary of State, attorney general, state treasurer, state auditor, Commissioner of Public Lands, and Superintendent of Public Instruction. The position of insurance commissioner was legislatively established in 1907. All positions are elected to four-year terms, concurrent with presidential elections. Washington is one of three states that elects nine separate statewide officials, while six others elect ten.


  1. "2004 Mississippi House of Representatives". Archived from the original on 2011-10-07. Retrieved 2007-07-16.
  2. "Rep. Sid Bondurant (R - Grenada) Switches to Mississippi Republican Party". Mississippi Politics and News - Y'all Politics. 2008-05-12.
  3. "Longtime Rep. Malone, of Carthage, retiring from Miss. House". WAPT. 2015-02-13.
  4. Gates, Jimmie E. "House votes for Republican Tullos, unseats Eaton". The Clarion-Ledger.
  5. Harrison, Bobby (2019-03-06). "Analysis: Republicans in strong position to hold, maybe increase, legislative majorities". Mississippi Today.
  6. Phil Bryant [@PhilBryantMS] (December 19, 2018). "I have appointed Cory T. Wilson to the MS Court of Appeals. He replaces Chief Judge Kenny Griffis who was appointed to serve on the MS Supreme Court beginning in February 2019. Cory has been a superb legislator for the people of Madison County and will be a wonderful judge" (Tweet) via Twitter.

See also